[email protected] [email protected] CONTACTS CURRENT ADDRESS PERMANENT ADDRESS Department of Dairy Technology, House No. 44-D, Millat Faculty of Animal Products & Technology, Town, Millat Road, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Faisalabad. Ravi Campus, Pattoki. Mobile No: +92-0301-8467001 Office No: +92-042-99211374, 99211449-50 Ext. 5024. ACADEMIC RECORD Ph.D Scholar (Dairy Technology) 2011 to date University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Lahore. M.Sc (Hons.) Food Technology 1999 - 2001 University of Agriculture, Faisalabad B.Sc (Hons.) Food Technology 1995 - 1999 University of Agriculture, Faisalabad PUBLICATIONS 1. Ahmad I, M Gulzar, F Shahzad, M Yaqub, T Zhoor. 2013. Quality assessment of yoghurt produced at large (industrial) and small scale. The Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences. 23(1 Suppl.): 58-61. (IF. 0.638) 2. Qudus, M A, N Ahmad, K Javed, M Abdullah, M A Jabbar, M O Omer, Z M Iqbal, I Ahmad. 2013. Effect of recombinant bovine somatotropin on milk production and composition of lactating beetal goats. The Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences. 23(1 Suppl.): 26-30. (IF. 0.638) ABSTRACTS / POSTER / ORAL PRESENTATIONS 1. H M Arslan Amin, Usman Mir Khan, Saima Inayat, Saqib Manzoor, Ishtiaque Ahmad, M Asim Ikram. 2017. Effect of Coating on Cheddar Cheese Ripening with Different Combinations of Palm oil, Chitosan and Round Scad Protein based Films. Oral Presentation and Abstract was published in the Abstract book of “International Conference on Foods of Animal Origin” held at National Institute of Food Science & Technology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan: ICFAO-O-45, p.