U.S.- CENTERS FOR ADVANCED STUDIES IN ENERGY ENERGIZER IN THIS ISSUE PAGE 6 USPCAS-E DATA UPDATE The USPCAS-E project by the numbers. PAGE 8 USPCAS-E SCHOLARS ARE PUTTING KNOWLEDGE TO WORK Meet USPCAS-E scholars Sara Sultan, Samia Subhan Qureshi and Zeeshan Saeed Shah and learn how they are putting their energy engineering degrees to work.

PAGE 2 USPCAS-E: THE POWER OF COLLABORATION REALIZED As we close out the USAID-funded portion of the project, we reflect on the project's many successes. USPCAS-E: THE POWER OF COLLABORATION REALIZED developed, competitive bids were submitted, winners were chosen, and in 2015, the project launched.

The U.S.-Pakistan Centers for Advanced Studies In the intervening five years, partnership members have in Energy (USPCAS-E) project launched in 2014 worked tirelessly to establish two centers of learning with an $60 million investment from USAID. It was capable of making significant, long-term contributions to conceived as a five-year partnership between Arizona solving Pakistan’s energy challenges. The results of their State University (ASU) and two leading Pakistani efforts are nothing short of astounding. universities—the National University of Sciences and “In just five years, we have established two credible Technology (NUST) and the University of Engineering institutions for energy education in Pakistan, with and Technology Peshawar (UET Peshawar)—together healthy intakes of students, competent faculty and state- with supporting partner Oregon State University (OSU). of-the-art facilities,” observes NUST Deputy Director Its charge: develop innovative solutions to Pakistan’s Ahmad Saeed. “I believe this is particularly impressive energy challenges through a host of initiatives, from because when we started, NUST’s Center of Energy modernizing curriculum and infrastructure within Systems had no building, only rudimentary labs, and a NUST and UET Peshawar to facilitating enhanced single master’s program in Energy Systems Engineering, learning opportunities for faculty and students through and UET Peshawar had nothing.” academic exchange programs and joint research projects at ASU and OSU. Additionally, the project Curriculum development was a major component in sought to foster partnerships between public and the undertaking, Saeed notes. A needs assessment private energy stakeholders in Pakistan, thereby was done, and courses were created based on the ensuring that the initiative would continue to yield country’s greatest challenges. Faculty from ASU, results long after its conclusion in 2019. NUST and UET Peshawar worked jointly to develop the curriculum, with help from OSU Professors A STORY OF CONNECTIONS MADE Kendra Sharp and Brian Fronk. The origins of USPCAS-E stretch back to 2010, when ASU faculty also engaged Pakistani energy stakeholders representatives from Pakistan’s Higher Education in the process, Saeed continues, and faculty from Commission and USAID first began discussing an NUST and UET Peshawar were encouraged to query energy-related education initiative. Over the next stakeholders as to how the centers could help in solving four years, risk assessments were done, RFPs were real-world problems through applied research projects.

2 ENERGIZER NEWSLETTER | SPECIAL ISSUE “These relationships will help the centers continue to move forward after the project ends,” he notes. “By working closely with stakeholders, we can identify research projects, cultivate funding sources, and help our graduates find work.”

A SERIES OF GOALS SURPASSED Initial results show the project is working just as the partners had hoped. “It rarely happens that projects such as these achieve their stated goals, but with the USPCAS-E program, NUST and ASU not only achieved their goals, they overshot them,” notes Saeed proudly. For example, he says, NUST was charged with awarding 250 merit-based scholarships but gave over 300. Its center was challenged to start three new programs but launched seven, and when asked to identify 100 students to participate in the exchange program, NUST tapped 110. ASU’s dedication to the project was equally important, He also hosted exchange scholars in his ASU laboratory. Saeed asserts. “From the outset, ASU faculty and “I was perhaps most surprised by what my Pakistani administration were committed not just to do something, exchange students found valuable,” says Holman. “It turns but to do something great.” out that the hands-on learning component of working The support provided by USAID throughout the five- in my lab was critical. To be trusted to use extremely year project was crucial as well, Saeed continues. expensive equipment on their own, anytime, was “Anytime there was a problem, USAID staff was there incredibly important to the students, and quite different to help. Their oversight and support throughout the from their experiences in Pakistan,” he explains. project were exceptional.” Empowering the exchange students with intellectual Dr. Sayfe Kiaei, USPCAS-E Project Director at ASU, is responsibility was another important step, says Holman. also pleased. “Within five years, we have developed 13 In Pakistan, faculty typically remain more distant from new master's and Ph.D. degree programs and more than students, dispensing wisdom in a one-way relationship, 150 new courses; graduated more than 300 master’s whereas at ASU, faculty and graduate students students, nearly one-quarter of whom were females or interacted with the Pakistani exchange students on a underrepresented minorities; and enrolled more than first-name basis and expected them to carry their weight 1,000 students in degree programs at NUST and UET on research projects. “This level of responsibility was new Peshawar,” he observes. to them and transformative,” says Holman. “Many left with a new attitude: ‘I can do more than I realized, I just need These impressive gains were realized in part due to the to be trusted and trust myself.’” technical expertise and research capabilities available through ASU’s multidisciplinary energy centers, says Holman also benefited. The professor gained a new Kiaei. ASU faculty also brought their expertise to bear doctoral student—after spending a semester in Holman’s on issues of energy policy and governance. “Here at lab, Warda Mushtaq elected to return to ASU to pursue ASU, we’re working to transform energy systems by her Ph.D.—and his graduate students and post-docs tackling issues from research and regulation to strategy, learned more about themselves. “Several members of my entrepreneurship, policy and pedagogy,” Kiaei says, “and lab mentored our exchange students,” he explains. “Some through the USPCAS-E project, we were able to share realized they liked teaching, and others discovered it that knowledge with our partners in Pakistan.” wasn’t their calling. In both cases, they got a better sense of what they’d like to do in their own careers.” AN EXPERIENCE OF LEARNING SHARED In short, says Holman, the USPCAS-E project was ASU Professor Zachary Holman was among those who tremendously valuable to everyone involved. “The travelled to Pakistan to lead technical training workshops research relationships that have been formed will persist for faculty, staff and stakeholders. long after the project is completed,” he observes.

USPCASE.ASU.EDU 3 A PATH FORWARD SET an exchange scholar in Professor Holman’s lab and has now returned to complete her Ph.D. under his tutelage. “Research is an ongoing effort that links faculty on both “The main challenge I faced during my research work in ends of the project,” agrees ASU Professor A.M. Kannan, Pakistan was limited availability of resources—I wasn’t the research component lead and joint research project even sure I wanted to participate in the exchange principal investigator for the initiative. “Sustainability was program when the opportunity arose—but my experience a major component of this initiative, so we wanted to with the faculty, equipment and lab facilities at ASU ensure that we helped NUST and UET Peshawar faculty helped me to focus and determine next steps,” says master the elements of a successful research program.” Mushtaq. After completing her doctorate, she plans to For example, says Kannan, Pakistani faculty wanted return to Pakistan and pursue a faculty position at NUST. training in writing a successful research proposal, so Faculty members in Pakistan have also benefited from ASU held a proposal writing workshop at NUST. ASU the exchange program. Dr. Affaq Qamar, an assistant also assessed the universities’ research facilities and professor under an electrical energy system engineering made recommendations as to the equipment they program at UET Peshawar, spent four and a half should procure. And when exchange students came to months at ASU, conducting a joint research project with work in ASU’s labs, faculty members guided them in ASU Professor Bertan Bakkaloglu, participating in the proper protocols. “Our students returned with a sense of Technology Entrepreneurship Lab under the guidance of confidence and a determination to pursue research more Start-Up Program Faculty Associate Kenneth Mulligan, aggressively,” observes NUST Deputy Director Saeed. and bolstering his teaching skills through completion of Pakistani exchange scholar Maria Kanwal puts it more the Advancing Instructional Methods (AIM) certification bluntly. “Spending a semester working in the lab of program with Professor Peter Rillero. “I learned how to Professor Zachary Holman was life-changing,” she organize lectures, introduce concepts and more actively asserts. “Working with Ph.D. students and post-docs, engage my students in the learning process.” I learned how research is conducted in a focused Back in Pakistan, Qamar says, the change in his environment, helping me become immersed in my work classroom was profound. “Before the AIM training, and improving my ability to approach problems in the lab.” my interactions with students were pretty basic—I Now back in Pakistan, Kanwal has permanently asked questions and they answered. But when I began altered her plans for the future. She has applied for a applying the concepts I learned while at ASU, the whole scholarship and hopes to begin working on her Ph.D. in dynamic changed. My students began to participate a U.S. or European graduate program in September of actively in the learning process, challenging me and 2020. After completing her doctorate, she plans to return gaining confidence in their knowledge.” And that to Pakistan and implement what she has learned. “My confidence has translated into higher post-graduate job degree won’t just be hanging on my wall,” she insists. placements, Qamar says. “Electrical engineers here are going through tough times in terms of job placement, ASU graduate student Warda Mushtaq is similarly but my students are getting jobs because they know enthusiastic. She, too, spent a semester in the states as their field and believe in their abilities.”

4 ENERGIZER NEWSLETTER | SPECIAL ISSUE A FUTURE OF ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES “Through the USPCAS-E program, we’ve given individual students in Pakistan opportunities that they never would have had,” observes ASU Project Director Kiaei. “We’ve established two centers that deliver state-of-the-art, 21st century energy education, and as graduates begin their careers, this knowledge will propagate throughout the country.” Initiatives within the program have also helped to lay the groundwork to develop hybrid energy sources in Pakistan’s rural areas and decrease the number of regularly scheduled power outages, work that Kiaei is confident will continue. Faculty and administrators at ASU have profited from the experience as well, says Kiaei. “The USPCAS-E project gave us the opportunity to execute an international project and we learned a lot. Our success underscores the fact that ASU’s outreach is global.” Clark Miller, a professor in the School for the Future of Innovation in Society and director of ASU’s Center for Energy and Society, served as the USPCAS-E program’s joint research project principal investigator and witnessed firsthand the positive impact of the project on all parties. Miller hosted three Pakistani faculty and 30 students in his lab over the course of the five years, held video conferences with Pakistani faculty every other week throughout the project, and travelled to Pakistan twice. The program has allowed structures to be put in place in Pakistan that can drive long-term change in the country’s energy systems, Miller observes.

“NUST and UET Peshawar are institutions with durability. Now they have an integrated perspective on energy, together with the knowledge and tools, that will allow them to advance the energy goals of the nation.”

USPCASE.ASU.EDU 5 Project Accomplishments USPCAS-E Project Progress: Fiscal Year 2019 The USAID-funded U.S.-Pakistan Centers for Advanced Studies in Energy, USPCAS-E, created a partnership between Arizona State University (ASU) and two leading Pakistani universities: National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) and University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar (UET Peshawar) along with partner Oregon State University (OSU).

PROJECT GOALS BUILD NEW CENTERS OF ADVANCED STUDIES CURRICULUM RESEARCH IN ENERGY New buildings at the National CREATE A MODERN, FOCUS ON HIGH-IMPACT University of Sciences and RELEVANT CURRICULUM APPLIED RESEARCH Technology (NUST) and the ASU supported NUST and UET University of Engineering and The USPCAS-E project focused Peshawar in developing new Technology Peshawar (UET on energy research that directly master's and Ph.D. programs Peshawar) have created a catalyst relates to ongoing and future and new courses. These new for change in energy education in energy challenges that affect the degree programs translate work Pakistan. These modern facilities lives of all Pakistanis and impede in the classroom and lab into feature new labs and libraries plus economic growth. These efforts the public and private sector in the tools, environment and mindset include 36 applied research a pragmatic and applied manner needed for transformative change. projects and 12 joint research with a focus on immediate real- projects with U.S.-based faculty at world applications. ASU and OSU.

EXCHANGE & SUSTAINABILITY GOVERNANCE SCHOLARSHIPS ENSURE LONG-TERM FACILITATE INDUSTRY FACILITATE LEARNING SUSTAINABILITY OF COLLABORATION AND THROUGH EXCHANGE THE CENTERS STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT PROGRAMS USPCAS-E worked to USPCAS-E is focused on the USPCAS-E supported the ensure the sustainability of collaboration needed to develop academic and research initiatives at NUST and UET world-class centers of energy advancement of Pakistani Peshawar through fundraising engineering that will serve as students and faculty by hosting strategies and the cultivation Pakistan’s go-to think tanks with more than 200 exchange of public-private partnerships the technical expertise to close the students and faculty at ASU by raising more than $2M in energy gap. As part of this effort, and OSU to conduct cutting- funding, creating new labs USPCAS-E worked to actively edge energy research in state- and two libraries, and securing engage stakeholders throughout the of-the-art labs. internships. life of the project.

6 ENERGIZER NEWSLETTER | SPECIAL ISSUE Nearly 13 + 36 New 300 Applied Research 9 Master’s Graduates Projects Virtual seminars & Ph.D. degree M.S./Ph.D. programs students 1000+ enrolled to date 12 Joint Research 14 New Projects with Technical + Courses U.S. & Pakistani workshops and 150 Offered researchers visiting experts

Exchange Visitors Cultural and 555 academic 217 excursions Scholarships awarded

Semester-long female Entrepreneurial research 25% training experience

Meetings to build engagement + with the Public/ 121 472 70 Private Energy Sector Internships Stakeholders engaged

Million raised in $2.2 external funding

Technology Public- Centers private 2 formed 21 partnerships

USPCASE.ASU.EDU 7 Sara knew she wanted to be an engineer from a very young age. It turns out that she had a passion for an engineering discipline without knowing what it was called: mechanical engineering. “I hail from a small village in province, where females are not supposed to pursue higher education—especially for STEM degrees. There was always a misconception that engineering is not for girls.” Many girls face limited educational resources and a non-supportive family environment, but Sara’s family was different. “I feel proud to have supportive parents who let me break all these stereotypes.” BUILDING A NETWORK OF Sara is trying to raise awareness about renewable energy and ENERGY ENGINEERS FOR encourage everyone to do what they can on a personal level to PAKISTAN’S FUTURE adopt behaviors that increase energy conservation and efficiency Sara Sultan has come a long way university and also founder and in homes. from Haripur, Pakistan: 11,865 president of the Pakistan Students kilometers or 7,372 miles to be Association.” “I delivered some awareness- exact. The former USPCAS-E raising seminars to promote scholar from NUST is currently Sara is also committed to helping renewable energy research at pursuing a Ph.D. in Energy other students seeking to study in universities in Pakistan, especially Science and Engineering (with the United States. the ones in underdeveloped areas. an entrepreneurship minor) at the “I’m a mentor with an organization I served as a volunteer instructor University of Tennessee, Knoxville. based in Pakistan that helps at two universities in my city to As part of her studies, she works students with the U.S. admissions promote energy engineering and at Oak Ridge National Laboratory process and applying for Fulbright to encourage students to pursue (ORNL) in the Building Science scholarships.” research in energy.” Division. She’s also enrolled in Sara loves to share her journey to a concurrent master’s degree She’s also connecting USPCAS-E energy engineering. program in the Mechanical students and alumni from NUST. Engineering Department. “I also founded the USPCAS-E “During my bachelor’s program, I used to ponder my research career Something immediately apparent NUST Society to bring all the and would say to myself, ‘It should is that Sara is busy. She is on a students and alumni together be something that will solve one of mission to improve energy efficiency and guide each other for both Pakistan’s biggest issues.’” and to create opportunity and professional growth and personal connection for students in Pakistan. skill development. I have been But the specifics were unclear to leading some advisory sessions her until she took an energy course “I’m an executive member of the on research, technical writing, online via edX offered by Delft Environment and Sustainability communication skills, and higher University of Technology (TU Delft). Committee of the Student education and scholarships.” Government Association at my

8 ENERGIZER NEWSLETTER | SPECIAL ISSUE “It inspired me to search all of the Incorporating small-scale renewable by a stereotype that says women graduate programs in energy at energy systems to replace fossil can’t do great things like men. I think NUST, which was my dream school fuels and shifting the energy load there’s much more to women and in Pakistan. I wrote a statement from peak hours provides a solution especially to me. I don’t go by ‘this of interest, did the interview, and with economic and environmental is not possible’ instead of by ‘if no got into the Energy Systems benefits.” one has been able to do this, this is Engineering program.” definitely my chance to become a Sara is also working on developing pioneer.’” Sara visited Oregon State University an energy consumption policy for as a USPCAS-E exchange scholar residential buildings in the U.S. Sara wants to inspire people and in fall 2016 and worked on a help them find ways to utilize their “I want people to adopt energy- true potential. hydropower project. The project efficient behaviors and incorporate had two parts: data analysis to renewables in their homes, not assess the hydropower potential in just for the environment, but for Pakistan and an evaluation of the themselves. Start with saving energy “I believe that efficiency of a pico hydropower and reducing utility costs,” she says. system (for power generation of individual and under 5 kW) with an AC generator Where does Sara see herself in the personal growth is and an impulse turbine. In addition future? to contributing to the group’s efforts, critical to creating a “I see myself as an influential energy Sara also designed the system for a strong society, and cross-flow turbine. entrepreneur, a well-known energy researcher, and an ambassador of that’s my strength.” “I took many research design U.S.-Pakistan cultural exchange. I and methodology seminars, hope to conduct some innovative research and take a lead role in communication skills development Sara applied to the Fulbright ORNL’s innovation crossroads sessions and interdisciplinary program, but she felt that the local program by converting my research workshops at the library and in interview panel had concerns about into a successful entrepreneurial different departments at OSU, all her hijab and she later received a venture. I also see our USPCAS-E of which helped me a lot during rejection letter. It was a demoralizing NUST Society growing into a big my thesis phase,” she explains. “I’m and disappointing experience. Sara collaborative effort between our an explorer, a dreamer, and always thought that she would need a alumni and students in Pakistan.” open to learning and improving Fulbright to pursue a Ph.D. in the myself, taking any criticism positively. Sara hopes that in the near future, United States and couldn’t see The experience with the USPCAS-E the USPCAS-E scholars will be another path forward. But then exchange program was significant able to create more awareness she applied to an interdisciplinary in all aspects, from research to about energy and higher education program offered through the personal development.” in Pakistan, an awareness that Bredesen Center at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. She was Sara says that she explored a new will eventually lead to more accepted and received a DOE culture, but most importantly, she energy enthusiasts, researchers, fellowship and a chance to work at says she realized her true potential entrepreneurs and policymakers. one of the most prestigious energy and discovered her ability to make In addition to researcher and mentor, labs in the United States. Her independent decisions, even Sara is also an artist, a traveler, and message to fellow students who are under society’s influence and with a writer. Sara wants people to look navigating the application process: financial pressures. beyond stereotypes to see women persevere and believe in yourself. Sara has worked in the areas of as multifaceted, complex individuals, “I never give up and never stop water desalination, solar power, and who are ready to make things believing in myself. I think it helps hydropower and wanted to combine happen. She also wants people to me dealing with stress and moving aspects of all three in her work. know that she is prepared to tackle anything, even the impossible. on from failures. So, I believe, what “I decided to work on energy- happens, happens for the best.” efficient buildings with sustainable “I’m always misinterpreted as a thermal energy storage. delicate emotional girl and judged

USPCASE.ASU.EDU 9 THIS START-UP FOUNDER WANTS TO HELP HER FELLOW She learned about USPCAS-E offers a cost effective outdoor AOI PAKISTANIS while pursuing her bachelor’s measurement. This new method degree at UET Peshawar after combines attributes of older models attending a workshop organized through an AOI correction model REALIZE by USPCAS-E. that accounts for direct as well as diffuse light. THEIR FULL Samia was part of the last cohort of USPCAS-E exchange scholars Samia is also one of the founders to visit the U.S. in spring 2019. of a solar startup, the GreenWend POTENTIAL She conducted her research at Company. ASU’s Photovoltaic Reliability Lab “I want to promote clean energy (PRL-ASU). Samia Subhan Qureshi is solutions in my country. On the committed to finding efficient When asked to describe the way back to Pakistan from the energy solutions for her country importance of her research, U.S., I realized that my passion so that everyone can realize their Samia explained: “According to for contributing some benefit to full potential. Dr. Govindasamy Tamizhmani society and playing a positive (founder of PRL-ASU), if the role had increased. Because Samia is from in the concept that I used in my research of my exchange experience, I in southern is implemented in real-time realized that if you don’t get Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. She calculations, it will change the solar your basic needs met, you might currently lives in Peshawar photovoltaic industry.” survive, but will not live your where she is pursuing a master’s life in a meaningful way. Many degree in the USPCAS-E She says that by eliminating the use people are suffering from power Electrical Energy Systems of pyranometers, pyrheliometers outages and load shedding Engineering program at the and two-axis trackers for and they can neither run their University of Engineering and outdoor angle of incidence (AOI) businesses in a proper way nor Technology (UET) Peshawar. measurement, their proposed model light up their homes.”

10 ENERGIZER NEWSLETTER | SPECIAL ISSUE During her exchange Growing up, she realized that experience, Samia participated many people didn’t consider in entrepreneurship training. women for technical or field work. Entrepreneurship instructor Ken Mulligan tells the exchange “I wanted to break this stereotype. scholars that Pakistan needs to My family gave me an open choice move beyond being a nation of for selecting any field and luckily, I job seekers to become a nation am the first female engineer of my of job creators, advice that family. I always find it fun working Samia took to heart. in the field.” Samia noticed many small differences between Pakistan “After my arrival and the U.S. during her exchange back to Pakistan in experience but she also realized the potential in her home country. May 2019, I thought “I just felt that if they can be so that if I just sat and much ahead in technologies, then why can’t we? There is no waited for a job then difference between people when I would become a they are born. It’s just that how they utilize their energy. Without part of a problem. proper management, nothing can Instead I decided be successful.” that I should take During her exchange visit in the U.S., Samia lost her mom. Samia the initiative and beautifully describes mothers as become a part of a “the precious gem in every human being’s life.” solution!” She said her father was her biggest supporter during this difficult time. She started GreenWend with other energy engineers. She “It was really a hard time for me says that her USPCAS-E being away from my family. But my experiences played an important father was my greatest supporter, role in enabling her to think like as always. He encouraged me an entrepreneur. to complete my research at ASU and guided me to make every Samia also completed an decision calmly. I learned that if internship at PTCL Peshawar, a God gives us hard times, He also telecommunications company, gives us power to get through the Five years from now, Samia hopes where she worked in the situation.” to see her start-up among the switching center. top companies of Pakistan. She Samia also expressed gratitude From a very young age, Samia says acknowledges that there are for the support from her says that she “loved to play with initial challenges with startups and fiancé, Zeeshan Saeed Shah, equations.” She explains, “My sometimes big risks, but she is a USPCAS-E scholar from the favorite subject was mathematics ready for the challenge. spring 2018 cohort who offered and I always succeeded in getting guidance on selecting a lab and “I strongly believe that hard work the highest grade.” strategies for their startup. will always pay off,” she explains.


As a child, Zeeshan Saeed Shah says that he was by USPCAS-E. After attending that workshop, he always curious and interested in math and science. He wanted to join the center. represented his school in exam competitions. He is now pursuing a master’s in the USPCAS-E “I used to think a lot about electric circuits and Electrical Energy Systems Engineering program electron motions which drew me towards engineering. at UET Peshawar. As I got older, I was drawn to electronics and other electric stuff.” At USPCAS-E, Zeeshan Saeed learned about renewable energy, specifically solar power, a clean But electricity is in short supply in his hometown source of energy that is environmentally friendly. of Bannu in the Bannu District in southern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Zeeshan Saeed visited Arizona State University as part of the fifth cohort of exchange scholars in “I completed my higher secondary education in Bannu, spring 2018. During his exchange training, Zeeshan where we were barely able to light our homes for an Saeed conducted research in the power electronics hour in a day. Places like my hometown are considered lab under the supervision of ASU Professor Bertan to be off-grid areas, and the lack of energy access Bakkaloglu. He was the team leader and worked on directly impacts education and business.” analyzing fundamental characteristics of inverters for a photovoltaic system. He also interned with the “Defend This first-hand experience with severe energy Our Future” club which arranged workshops on shortages and an overall lack of energy availability recycling and exploring different ideas on how to clean shaped Zeeshan Saeed’s future. As an undergraduate up the environment. student at the University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Peshawar, Zeeshan Saeed saw Zeeshan Saeed says he considers himself lucky to some posters about an upcoming workshop arranged have been a USPCAS-E student.

12 ENERGIZER NEWSLETTER | SPECIAL ISSUE “The most important experience was my exchange visit to Arizona State University. I spent my time in a research laboratory where I learned research skills and technical skills. During my internship at the Defend Our Future club, I learned management and marketing skills.”

As an exchange scholar, Zeeshan Saeed also took classes in energy policy and entrepreneurship, experiences that changed his trajectory. “We had a lot of fun in the energy policy class where we worked on designing policy for the energy sector of Pakistan. I met some great entrepreneurs through our entrepreneurship class, and we learned how to articulate an idea and how to present it. This class drew me towards entrepreneurship.” His research became a building block of his future work in GreenWend, a startup he launched with 20MW solar power in the private and public sectors colleagues that will provide solar services in both and provide employment for more than 100 engineers the private and government sectors. Its mission is to and technicians in all districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa decrease electricity costs, eliminate load shedding, and and newly merged areas. provide employment and training opportunities. “I want to train people through seminars and “We hired around 15 employees, including engineers, workshops and steer them towards green energy. After managers and technicians. In 2020, we are arranging two years, I plan to launch another startup, currently seminars and workshops in schools, colleges and in the feasibility planning stage, which will bring more universities to promote solar energy in Khyber employment all over Pakistan.” Pakhtunkhwa including newly merged areas.” When asked what most people don’t know about “At ASU, I was working in a group project where him, Zeeshan Saeed said simply, “My capabilities.” He we analyzed the fundamental characteristics of an explained that opportunity is created not granted and inverter for a photovoltaic system. We also studied that your success doesn’t depend on your location or practical approaches for a Maximum Power Point environment. Tracking (MPPT) system and the modeling and “A person living in Bannu can become the next Bill characterization of MPPT-based boost converters. Gates or Mark Zuckerberg if he or she utilizes time and I used the same MPPT techniques in my final year energy the way they do.” project which was about photovoltaic efficiency improvement. Now, we are using practically the same Zeeshan Saeed encourages others not to take the approach in our startup.” easy route with a job and instead to become a value creator as an entrepreneur. When Zeeshan Saeed thinks about the future, he starts with the present, working on the GreenWend “Together we can contribute to society, and we startup. In two years, his goal is to provide at least together can bring happiness.”


The U.S.-Pakistan Centers for Advanced Studies in Energy (USPCAS-E) was a five-year program implemented by partners National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Peshawar and Arizona State University (ASU) from 2014-2019. The USAID funded portion of the project concluded November 20, 2019.

The USPCAS-E closing ceremony on November 14, 2019 marked the successful completion of project life (2014-2019) with ASU support to NUST and UET Peshawar. The centers are offering 13 new energy engineering programs, 1000+ students are enrolled and over 300 graduates with diverse research experience in world class energy labs.