SASC NEWS The Newsletter of the Sydney Amateur Sailing Club October 2014 SASC NEWS SYDNEY AMATEUR SAILING CLUB ABN 30 000 409 727 Green Street, Cremorne, NSW 2090 Telephone (Office) (02) 9953 1433 Facsimile (02) 9953 0898 Boatshed (02) 9909 2185 Racing (Monday & Friday only) (02) 9953 6597 Email: Office and enquiries
[email protected] Racing
[email protected] Commodore Liam Timms Vice Commodore Bruce Dover Rear Commodore Sean Kelly Captain Christopher Sligar Honorary Treasurer Greg Sproule Honorary Secretary Peter Scott Executive Secretary Megan Keogh/Judy Wogowitsch Cover: Racing Secretary Alice Murphy Kelpie after the start of the Clas- CONTENTS sic Non-spinnaker Coming Events 3 race on Sunday Signals from the Commodore 4 28 September Rangers at it Again 5 (Photo John Jeremy) Sheer Lunacy at Lion Island 11 Rod Phillips Clocks up 20 Years 14 A New Face on the Captain 16 Gale & Farewell 18 The Last Great Green Street Gent 20 Life Members Lunch 22 Flag Officers’ Dinner 23 Vale John Jackson 25 Vale Laurie Schneider 26 Arctic Wreck Found after 169 Years 27 Forty Years Between Beachings at LHI 29 They Still do Build Them Like That 32 Bermugaff or Gaffudian? 33 Search for AE1 Discovers Contact of Interest 34 World’s Largest Fast Crew Boat 36 New Members 38 From the Archives 39 The SASC News is published six times per year. Editor: John Jeremy email:
[email protected] Print Post Approved PP 255003/01708 Printed by B. E. E. Printmail (02) 9437 6917 2 COMING EVENTS October 2014 FRIDAY 10 OCTOBER 2014 First Friday Twilight race NEED THE SATURDAY