The South Mrican Communist Party and the Collapse of the Soviet Union
144 MARXISM'S RETREAT FROM AFRICA II lit 51. Angop Document, No.72 (19 Nov. 1990), p.5; Projectos de Teses, p.15. ;\; The South Mrican Communist Party and the jl' H• 52. Africa Economic Digest, Vol.12 (12 Aug. 1991), p.8; Vicki Finkel, 'Angola's Rough Road to Revival', Africa South, No.14 (Sept. 1991), p.12; Financial Times, 26 Sept. Collapse of the Soviet Union ! ·~ 1991. 53. Emanual Carneiro, reported on Radio Nacional de Angola, 16 Nov. 1991, in BBC j , .. ..,.;.> I SWB ME/W0207 A2/1-2 (26 Nov. 1991). STEPHEN ELLIS r·1 54. Angola, Siio Tome and Principe: Country Profile, 1990191 (London: Economist iff! Intelligence Unit, 1990), p.37; Financial Times, 26 Sept, 1991. 11!1 55. Author's interview with Angolan commercial attache, London, Nov. 1989. I!" i.l 56. Angop News Bulletin, No.150 (22 Oct. 1990), p.3, and No.160 (25 April1991), p.17; Facts and Reports, Voi.21(M), 28 June 1991, p.23; Financial Times, 26 Sept. 1991; Angola Economic Notes, Vol.l, No.3 (Oct. 1991), p.l. For 40 years (1950-90) the South African Communist Party (SACP) was banned 57. Jose Eduardo DosSantos, 'There Will be Peace in Southern Africa', World Marxist by a government that represented international communism as the source of all Review, 1989, No.10, p.14. political evil. The conditions of exile go some way to explaining the SACP's 58. Information on Angola's relationship with the communist countries is derived from continuing attachment to Marxist-Leninist orthodoxy. The practical conse Webber, op.
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