WESSEX CAVE CLUB Journal No. 92, Vol. 7. November 1963 CLUB NEWS Committee Appointments The Committee held their first meeting of the present Club year on November 3rd, when the following appointments were made:- Hut Warden - George Pointing Asst. Hut Warden - Nick Hart Editor - Chris Hawkes Librarian - Jim Hanwell Hut Bookings - Peter Riches Journal Production - Nick Hart Activities Secretary - Rodney Hobbis All posts, with the exception of Hut Bookings and Activities Secretary (newly created) are filled by the same members as last year; the duties of the Activities Secretary have not yet been fully defined, but for a start Rodney will be responsible for arranging details and finding leaders for all Club Meets. Members should contact him with suggestions for meets, offers of help with leading parties and for general information regarding Club Events. Hut Bookings The general system remains unchanged. Bookings can be made by post with the Hut Bookings Officer, or can be made direct in the Diary provided at Hillgrove. As from January 1st 1964 all postal or telephone bookings will be dealt with by Peter Riches, The Priory Flat, Chewton Mendip, Bath, Somerset. Telephone: Chewton Mendip 357. Eb Hanwell has kindly consented to continue to operate bookings until Peter takes over in the new year. New Members We welcome the following new members to the Club. Elected 6.10.63: K. Abbey, 15 Gypsy Patch Lane, Little Stoke, Bristol. I.A. Appleyard, "Milestones”, 19 Park Lane, Bath. J.J. Bond, 8 Wilton Quarters, Nr. Liss, Hants. Mrs. K.J.E. Causer (Joint), 7 New St., Wells, Som.
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