Atlantic Pact to Push Missile

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Atlantic Pact to Push Missile V / ' V, TUESDAY, DECEMBElf 18, 1988 PAGE TWENTY Average Daily Met Press Run ^attrhratpr lEorttittg i^rralb For the Week Ciniiiig The WeRther Dec. isth, less . Foreeaat of O. B. Weather Banae • ♦ British American Club mem­ Manchester Orange will meet j bers are reminded to sign their tomorrow st 8 p.m. In Orange j 4“ • • .* • V4- 12,849 Clearing, cold tonight. Low IB- About Town children's names to the roster for Hall. During the lecturer's hour] Member of the Audit 20. Tlinraday fair early, chance of ■Sunday's Clirlstmaa party. Mead- grab bag gifts will be exchanged. ! Bureau of Circulation The Zipser Club will hold a line for signing to Friday .Some Members sre asked to bring s .Ml-, light snow late in day. High 2S-M. ChristmM party Saturday night tlckoLs are still left for New cent gift,, marked for a man or' Manche$ter~^A City of Village Charm for membera and thoir children Year's. Presldenl Boh BIssell re­ woman. atarting at 7 o’clock. Santa Claus ports. Dancing will la. from 9 to will be on hand to distribute gifts VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 66 3. Delta Chapter, Royal Arch Ma- (THIRTY-TWO PAGE^TW O SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1958 (ClaMltted AdverttMag ea Page 80) to all. .aons. will hold a business meeting j PRICE FIVE CENTS tomorrow night in the Masonic ] The execiitlve board of the Wad­ rtoherl Albert, son of Mr. and Mrs. David J. Albert, 19 Oakland | Temple st 7:30. Refreshments and' dell PTA will meel tonight at 7:30 a social hour will follow the Police Answer in the school lounge. Ter,, has been elected a member of the Student Council of Teach-; inecluig. 7‘Nation Unit Manchester I^cxige of Masons ers College. New Britain, He wnsj This Man^s Call graduated with the 10.18 Class of Willlaiii .M, Kelley, a psychology NDKCUIES will hold a special meeting to-' Set to Control .Manchester High School. ’ major at American International night. Lodge will open at 6:<5 and College. Kpriiigficld. Mass., will I indngton, N. J., Dec. 17 (/Pi will proceed to the Holmes Funeral spend the holidays with his par-1 —A man was moaning into hla Atlantic Pact to Push Home to conduct a Masonic me­ Tlie WBA Guard Club will have enls, .Mr. and Mrs Thomas F. Kel- | Ban on N-Tests telephone and the operator told morial service for .lames F.. Ven- a dinner and Christmas party Fri­ ley. 24 Drcscher Rd. He will return Bogota Fire police, who pounded up thre« nard at 7 o'clock. j day at 6:30 at Miller's Res- flights of stairs and burst In­ lo hla studies .Ian. .1. Geneva, Dec. 17 (/F)— The I taiirant at the Center. Each nieni- to his apartment. I her Is asked to bring a dollar gift The weekly meeting of the .Man- United States, Britain and the The man was lying down I for exchange and a comic gift for (healer SQuadron of Civil Air Pa- ' Bogota, Colombia, Dec. 17^Iween the curtain of Damea at the Soviet Union agreed today with the receiver on hts chest the grab bag. irol will be held at 7 o'clock it the I v r j— Fire bred panic in a center of the 28-foot wide estab­ —snoring. Be Sure to Visit HALE'S COOK DEPARTMENT lishment and the rear wall. that a nuclear test ban should Why? American I-eglon Home Wednes­ SLIPS Bogota department store be controlled by a 7-member Members of the Tpll Cedars of day This will be the last meeting and CARD SHOP in Our Oak Street Annex... Those in front of the store had He had made a call while Missile LECLERC , Lobsnon will meet tonight si the until .Jan. 7. | For the very crowded with Christmas shop- easy access to the street. commission on which each of l.ving in bed, he said, and fell “When those In the rear saw asleep waiting for an answ-er. FUNERAL HOME i Masonic Temple si 7 o'clock snd 'Junior Mi$i 'pers last night and sent scores the three powers would have : proceed to the Holmes Funeral of frightened- men, wom-^ they could not get out immediately a permanent seat. f’ aal Matrons of Temple Chap- , In lovely nylon; sizen they turned to the back, crushing FUNERAL I Home to psy respert.a lo .lames ter. Order of the F/Sstern Star, will a lo 8. en and children screaming to They approved the fourth article | Vennard. n former member STUFFED TOYS into the wall and jamming the of a draft treaty for the prohibi­ Ivdd s short business meeting and | death. atairt^-ay," the manager said. llieir snnnsi Christmas parly lo- i PRICED tion of atomic and hydrogen weap­ G>mbkt Team SERVICE .SI. Gersrd’a .Mothers Circle will By K a-K lar.... Officials said 82 persons were “ Everybody was screaming. Red Army’s morrow night at 8 o'clock st the ' killed and 50 injured. Most ons tests. The article provides for Walter N. meet tonight at 8:1.*) al the home When I saw there were too. many home of .Mrs Viols Trotter 1.1 Choose from: Dogs, Dolls, Lambs of them made a fatal wild scram­ establishment of the commission, Ix»rlcrc. of ,Mr.a .lames Welch. 2.1 Arrellla ^ Bigelow HI Hostesses will he Mrs, | ^ 2 . 9 8 people getting into the ofBce mez­ which would be the supreme au­ Launches Thor Dirprtor Dr The co-lioatcss \rlll be .Mrs and Teddy Bears. ble for a rear stairway that led zanine looking for an exit I started Tiotter. .Mrs. Evelyn Swords, Mrs. only to a blind mezzanine. thority of a worldwide organiza­ Might Cited Gerarrt Gnurlrenii .Meinhers sre re­ Kvclyn Tiirkinglon snd Mrs. ' breaking up the ceiling with tion to police a-test ban. Some died with toys in their chairs, assisted by two of my em­ Call Ml 9-5869 minded to bring frnlt for the friiil Bcinice Thrall Members are re­ ^3.98 To The United States, Britain, and On West Coast basket and a .lO-cent gift for ex-' 4 n 9 8 ^4.98 arms. Others kneeled as If In ployes. trying to make an exit." 23 Main Street, Manchester minded to bring a dollar fift for prsyer. the Soviet Union would be per­ I fhange. thr srrnb bujf. I Infant and IN FA N T and TOT SHOP 'They broke through the ceiling manent members of the commis­ By Norstad Tot Shop “ Unfortunately, the panic spread and were able/ to remove 10 wom­ Vandenberg Air Force, MAIN FLOOR, REAR. y »r y quickly,” said Alberto sion. The other four members Main Floor, en. Then were forced by the heat would be elected for fixed terms Calif., Dec. 17 (JPI—Out in the vast By OEOROF. MClARTHUR Mazuera, the manager. to Jump Into the street. Pacific Ocean lies a symbol of Rear. ICxpIosion of holiday lights had by a' conference of all the mem­ -Paris, D ec. 17 (/P) — S u p r e m e About half of the dead were em­ bers of the control organization. America's growing Space Age Why pay too much for a "too big" car? Get the Compact ’59 fired the clothing of salesgirls and ployes of the store. The remainder Allied Com m ander Gen. Lau- sent a curtain of flame across the Wide areas of disagreement re­ might the nose cone of the first were mostly women shoppers. It main to be resolved, however, be­ iri.s Nor.stad today won ap- center of the long, narrow store, ballistic missile launched at this ' was estimated 10 children died in fore a final treaty is agreed upon. proval from the Atlantic Pact r\ named Vida, on ‘Septima Carrera the fire, which raged for two hours West Coast base. i “CARTER’S SPANKY PANTS” -Avenue near the national capltol. The four treaty articles now ap­ ] powers to push forw ard nu- before being brought under con­ proved provide for a, prohibition of , Neither the Air Force nor the ’ Mazuera said customers started trol . tMt.s, an obligation to cooperate irlear m issile rearm am ent in ' i ’ A . All w hite and colors in cotton; choice of band or elastic bolting when they saw the sales­ Navy will make any attempt to 1 Rambler Rescue work and recovery of with the control organization, and recover the prize, hurled 1.500' i Europe in the face of Soviet girls' clothing afire. leg atylea. bodies continued for three hours a fiincUonal framework for the miles across the Pacific missile | t l i r e n t s . Only Buy in the Low-Priced Field "The Are went up to the celling amid .tremendous confu-sion. The I organization Itaelf. range yesterday. Yet it deserves i Norstad emphasized the need for in a burst of smoke,” he said. "The store Is located in the central part Soviet Drtegate Semyon Tsa- CHILDRE.VS .SIZE ^.^SSC store was full of people. I called to a place In some museum of sclen- i 1,.100-mile guided missiles based of Bogota, and the crowds of rapkin to d ^ formally proposed •the people to he Quiet and calm tlfic endeavor. in Europe and the foreign and de- Christmas shoppers both Inside and that the l^ree permanent mem- and asked for the Are extinguish­ For the cone of the medium I fense ministera of the 15 nation out added to the chaos.
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