Our File Reference: 191620 Gavin S. Fitch, Q.C. <contact information removed> Radha Singh, Assistant <contact information removed> Fax: (403) 303-1668 September 21, 2020 PLEASE REPLY TO CALGARY OFFICE SENT VIA EMAIL –
[email protected] Grassy Mountain Coal Project Joint Review Panel c/o Impact Assessment Agency of Canada 160 Elgin Street, 22nd Floor Place Bell Canada Ottawa, ON K1A 0H3 Attention: Tracy Utting, Acting Panel Manager Dear Madam: Re: Benga Mining Limited/Riversdale Resources - Grassy Mountain Coal Project Application Nos. 1844520 and 1902073 Pursuant to the Panel’s June 29, 2020 Notice of Hearing (Ref #365) and updates of September 4, 2020 (Ref #519) and September 14, 2020 (Ref #529), this is to advise of the evidence which the LLG intends to present at the public hearing. Attached hereto are four reports prepared by expert witnesses retained by LLG: 1. “Engineering review of the EIA design, operation, and reclamation plans for the proposed Grassy Mountain Project” by McKenna Geotechnical Inc., dated September 21, 2020; 2. “Comments on Air Quality and Meteorology concerning the Grassy Mountain Coal Project” by Jim Young Atmospheric Services Inc., dated September 21, 2020; 3. “Review of Human Health Risk Assessment, Benga Mining Grassy Mountain Coal Project” by John Dennis, PhD, SolAero Ltd., dated September 21, 2020; and 4. “Review of Grassy Mountain Coal Mine Economic Impact Assessment” by Chris Joseph MRM PhD, Swift Creek Consulting, dated September 21, 2020. Edmonton Office Calgary Office Yellowknife Office 600 McLennan Ross Building 1900 Eau Claire Tower 301 Nunasi Building 12220 Stony Plain Road 600 – 3rd Avenue SW 5109 – 48th Street Edmonton, AB T5N 3Y4 Calgary, AB T2P 0G5 Yellowknife, NT X1A 1N5 p.