Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Publications Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering


Rainfall simulations to evaluate pathogen and nutrients runoff loss under controlled conditions

María Isabel Delgado National University of La Plata

Rameshwar S. Kanwar Iowa State University and Lovely Professional University, [email protected]

Carl H. Pederson Iowa State University, [email protected]

Chi Hoang Iowa State University

Huy Nguyen Iowa State University

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Abstract fertilizing the old-fashioned way, with raw manure, is a well-known procedure to increase land productivity. However, the fertilization value of organic amendment to the soil depends among others, on the composition of manure and manure application rates, timing and placement. When a rainfall event occurs soon after organic application, it might help increase nutrient and pathogen concentrations in superficial runoff, carrying out negative consequences on water quality. The aim of this research was to study the effect of variable rates of poultry manure application and landscape slope on bacterial pathogens, nutrients and sediment transport with . Experimental assays were performed with an indoor rainfall simulator; a constant 25 mm. h-1 intensity was applied for 2.5 hours. We evaluated interactions between slopes (2%, 4% and 9%) and application rates of poultry manure. Trial conditions tested tend to reproduce the typical farming practices applied in the central area of Iowa State, which is part of the productive area known as the Corn Belt (USA). Nutrient present in surface runoff showed a positive correlation with manure application rates. Also, when manure application rate was doubled, E. coli FCU increased correspondingly. This study emphasized the need for proper manure management (rate and timings of application) in order to optimize fertilization efficiency ando t avoid negative impacts on downstream water quality of productive areas and on the ecological systems surrounding them.

Keywords Rainfall simulator, Runoff, Pathogens, Total suspended solids, Poultry manure

Disciplines Agriculture | Bioresource and Agricultural Engineering | Water Resource Management

Comments This article is published as Delgado, María Isabel, Ramesh Kanwar, Carl Pederson, Chi Hoang, and Huy Nguyen. "Rainfall simulations to evaluate pathogen and nutrients runoff loss under controlled conditions." Pollution Research 37 (2018): 145-151. Posted with permission.

This article is available at Iowa State University Digital Repository: 11/Bb/^tl^l l^:3a ubii/b^yyyu I 1U KUNUtNbfcKVlUt. b. u^/uo

Poll Res. 37 (May Suppl.) : S153-S159 (2018) Copyright ©EM Intemational ISSN0257-S050

RAINFALL SIMULATIONS TO EVALUATE PATHOGEN AND NUTRIENTS RUNOFF LOSS UNDER CONTROtLED CONDITIONS MARtA ISABEL DEtGADO', RAMESH KANWAR", CARL PEDERSON', CHI HOANG' AND HUY NGUYEN' 'Nationai Scimlific and Technual Research Councft (COWCET), Nationai Unioersity qfLa Piata, AgmtJnfl. 'Ioiaa State Umxeratty, Ames, lawa 50014, USA. 'Lovely Profassiomil Uniaersity, Imiia. (lieceievd 1 Febiuary, 2018; accepted 20 March, 2018) ABSTRACT Snil fttdlteing the old-(a»Monedway, wlth nw manure, ia a well-known proceduw to increaae land productivily. Howevei, thc ferttlization value of o^anic amcndment (o the soil dcpenda among ottiets,, on

KEYWORDS: Rainfall simulator, Runoff, Pathogens, Total suspended sollds, Poultry manure

INTRODUCHON and pestiddes excess, known as none point soince pollutanta (Davie, 2008). In cultivated flelds, the TIie effects of rainfall characterislics on runoff and interactlon of natural landscape and rainfall soil loss are considered highly complex and adfifected inten»ityand length can drastically shape the by inaiiy fiiictors, but even nowradays fhey are not transport of nuttients and pathogens carried by completdy underatood (Qihua et al., 2012). Soil loas surface runoff (Delgado et al., 2010). One of the can teduce cultivable soU deptti and soil fertility. At soinues affecting water quality in ttie Umted Statea, ttie same Ume, sediment may affectwaterbodies due mainly in the upper basin of the Mississippl River to eutrophication, by increasing nitrogen (N) atid and in the region known aa the Corn Belt, is phosphorous (P) levels (Diinoyiamus et al., 2002). represented by runoff losses of P derived from Defidency In planning and deslgning of culfivated fldds (Baker, 2004). P ddivery rate to water managemenl strategies inlght carry negative bodles nught be influenced by various factors, consequences to the ecosysteai, such aa ferttlizers including P applicatlon Bource, rate and method, •Coneaponding authur'a ematl: iaabddel^ li/Ub/^U^l JL^:Jy U3ii/b^yyyy IJLB l<,UMLit-NS»t-KViL;L.


soil P levels< field slope, soil erosion, surface runoff, high water table (Chinkuyu et al; 2000). Elevation subsurface drainage, and proximity to surface water varies from 244 to 479 m asl and slopes go from O to 5 (Allenetal.,2006). %. The USDA (2011) classified it as a mesic Aquic Considerlng Ihat crop yield results from Hapludoll, with a fine-loamy texture. multifaceted processes such as nutrient uptake and Soil samplee were collected from 0-15 cm soil availability, ecological functioning of soil, input iise depth and taken to Ifte laboratoty (imUaI gravimetric and management practices (van Noordivijk and moishire was 12.69 %). Soil was dried and passed Brussaard, 2014)^ and that several studies have through a testing sleve. After mixlr.g it with the separately investigated the effect of and proper quantity of poultry n'lanure/ the inixture was soil slope, there is still scarce information on the compacted into the trays (reaching 1.4 g.cnr' combined effects af inanure application rates and density); then, it was sprayed with water in order to soil slope on pathogen, nutrient and sedlment reach 10 % ol moisture content. transport within runoff water. In this context, the Chatacteristlcs ofapplled manure aiin of this work was to study under controlled conditions/ the coinbined effect of nianure Sparboe Farm in Eagle Grove (lowa) provided the application rates together with soil slopes, on the poultry nnanure. Moisture and nutriCTit contente (N, R movement of patfiogens^ sediments and nutrientB in and K) were analyzed at the Minnesota Valley surface runoff. Testing Laboratories Inc. (Nevada, lowa). Three manure samples were selected for previous MATERIALS AND METHODS determmations: mean levels of N, P, K and moishire were 3.4 % (±0.7), 3.3 % (±0.3), 2.0 % (±0.1) and 20.6 A laboratory rainfall simulator was used to aeate a % (* 5.8), respectively. sxmilar scenario to that of plots exposed to natural The average N fcrtilization rate used in the area is rain. The experiment combined three poultry 168 kg N.ha-1 (Pappas et ai., 2008). Soil was mixed manure application rates and three artificial slopes/ along with poultry manure to obtain three diffeient N resulting in nirie treatcnents. It was carried out by the concentrations; Control, Ma and Mb (0,168, and 366 end of fhe sununer of 2010. kg N.ha'1, respectlvely), in order to reflect field conditioning by fariners. Soil sampling Raimfall siinulator Samples were brought faom ISU Agricultural and Agmnomy Fann, Boone County (Fig. 1). This site had Applied rainfall represented a precipitation of 2.5 received herbicidea treatanente in the past years, but hours with an intenslty of 25 mm.h''; which no tillage 01 manure tteatment; it 1s cunently used as according to ISU (2009) corresponds to a six months a bulk area for production of field com and soybean. return period for the area. The rainfall simulator It is located on Nicollet loam soil fonned in glacial till used in this study belongs to tihe Porous Media with organic matter content of about 4%; modeiately Laboratory of Davidson Hall, Department of permeable, somewhat poorly dramed, wlth surface Agriciiltural and Biosysteins Engineering, lowa State runoff, high availabte water capadty, and seasonal University. It provides uniform rauifall, covering a surface ofl.5 x 3 m, with 12 spraying nozzles. •was ,'" KUFIKWI Pressure in water pump kept at 10 p.s.i., height ftom trays to nozzles was 2.1 m. Calibrations were done in order to verify the intensity and spatial 'y'".fK'SiKiiSSttsvS39, distribution drops. Tap water was used for •!,~,:. /' sunulations. Experimental design and Sampling details Treatments included four replications of three different N applicaUon rates from poultry manure (ControL Ma and Mb) and three landscape slopes (2%,4%,and9%). Fig. 1, Locatlon map of the Agricultural and Agronomy We used a randomly coinpleted block design Farm State Univereity), in the US Com Belt. (lowa in order to remove the source of systemaUc Representative map taken fi-om USDA webpage (RCBD) ±±fUD/ ZtJZl U3ii/oza^^a 1 itf XUNULNbLKViUt- s. B4/BU


variation from the estimate of reatdual natural LaboralorydettnnlnaUons variation (Sokal and Rohlf, 2001). Each block Pathogens, nutrients and sedinients were analyzed at corresponded to one replication containing the nine the National Swine Research and Information treatments, block components were arranged Center Building, at the lowa State randomly. (NSRIC) placed University campus: The free version of the software InfoStat®(Di Pathogens: Escherichia coli was tested with Rienzo et »;„2011) was used for statistical analysis. the Membrane Flltration Method, providing direct Significance of differences between the means was counting of E. coU based on colonies development established by the analysis of variance (ANOVA). on the surface of the membrane filter. After We used nine steel trays cm by 29.2 cm) wlth growing (5B.2 filtering, the membrane was placed on modified a depth of 5 cm. RunoH was directly collected into mTEC Agar, and fhen incubated for 24 h at 44.5 ± plastic botUes placed at the tray's outlet sink. Splash 0.2°C 2002). E. coij colonies were idenUfled in effect of waler drops among tiays was avoided by (EPA, magenta color affcer incubation period, installing divisions between them. Indlvidual Four dilutlons were both in check prepared, phosphate pluviometera were attached to trays in order to buffered water and tap water, and incubated for 24 rainfall intensity while nnming the experiment. hours; this allowed us to calculate the correct At the b^imung of the expemnent a 500 ml bottte dflutton tobe used in the counting ofFaecal Collform was positioned at the outlet of the tray, being Units(FCU). fhe replaced by a 125 ml bottle after 10 min. By time Nutrients: they were evaluated by fhe content of this last ane was fUled up to 100 ml, another 500 ml NO,-N and POfP, expressed as mg.L-'. Detection bottle was placed at the sink; thia practice persisted limifs were 0.25 xng/L for NO,-N and 0.005 mg/L for untU the end of the experiment. Thus, we collected PO,-P. samples for of and nutrients analysis pathogens Sediments: foi Tbtal Suspended Solids fTSS) 100 every 10 min/ at least seven &les getting per Bll of nmoff sample were ffltered, then the fUter was treatnient. After rainfall ended runoff was coUected dried in an oven for twelve hours (up to consta^nt for 10 additional minutes, in order to include the weight), to estimate the dried weight TSS were delayeffect. expressed as mg.L"'.

•2»<|0|» •4%dBpB «B%Nop»

Cen(n>l Manuwa Mwiiwb Ttranrnt

•2%1B(» •4%»toir •aSatopt

Fig. 2. Runoff and sediment yidd at different glopes. a) Mean nmoff volume per treatment (in Litere); b) Mean sediment yield (TSS) per treatmenl (in graians) 11/B6/2BZ1 12:39 B5117628998 TIB KUNDENSERVICE s. 05/BB

3156 DELGADOETAL RESULTS be less influenced by slope. Lineal curve flt showed an excellent correlaUon (R2> 0.9, except for Mb at Runoff and Soil loss under diffarent treafanenta early runoff). transported thiough runoff varied between Total runoff collected treatment and sediment N0, per for Ma, N0 - concentration was doubled are shown cxn Figure 2 a^ b). treatments: yield compared with early runoff Mb Total runoff obtained ftnm each treatment showed at late nmoff (t2) (tl). Wgher ttian that observed for no significant differences in the collected at runoff was signiflcandy volume late runoff; also NOg'values different wete liters for Ma, bofh at early and for field eSopes, mean values 5.10 than thoae obtained 2 % slope, and for 9 Mb late nmoff were larger at 5.12 Uters for 4 % slope 5.38 Uters of the % slope. early collection. fa Conh-ol treatments, most values below the calibration standard Wifli regard to sediment soU showed NOg- were yldd, mg/L). an overall increment with slope for all treatanents. value (0.25 for PO ~ nmoff are shown an Pigure 4, for Manure a, Manureb and Control saniples doubled Results two runoff &acttons considered. TSS value at 9 % compared to 2 % slope. Also, the PO ' runoff did not a linear curve except sediment was higher for uianure treated show fit^ yield for Mb at late runoff. For Ma treatment the PO," samples compared to controls. amounts released remained fairly constant (< Img/ Nutrlents and Fathogena L) both with runoff collectlon time and slope. PO, The nutrient dynamic during the raaifaB experiment concentration released after Mb application were approxunately doubled compared with Ma; a slight was analyzed dividing runoff data in eariy (tl) and Increment was observed with increasing dopes. late runoff (12); tl included samples collected at 10, 20,30 and 40 mmutes, t2 comprised the rest of the Conceming pattiogens presence, E. cott FCU values collected samples. in the nmoff showed high variability, Mghest point NO," runoff data is shown in Figure 3. values were above 300 FCU/mL, lowest values - remained about 20-30 FCU As a geneiBJl observatlon, the N0 concentration for 2% slope for all conditions. As expected PCU values were for the most dfluted inanure (Ma) showed a positive higher for correlatlon with »lope;when concentration of Mb conipared to Ma inanure appliGation at the higher slopes manure was doubled (Mb) the NO," runoff seems to <4% and 9%).

uo •» N03. tl


d^O NOS-d ua <.»» * N0i.t3 •Unm)(»> l^ sso •Un»)(K03.a) >w «,«1 j ajro u« Utt 2fl0 tf9 UO ^ >

Slnpnit Sluiw» Fig. 3. N0, (mg/L) at eariy and late nmoff (tl and t2), for Ma and Mb manure concentraUon and different slopes 11/06/2B21 12:33 05117E2899B IIU KUNULNabKViUt b. Ub/uu


21 + TOA.CL l.S l .Unwffl>OA.U) 1S z,o * P0<- tl j *» •Unw) 0,5

w 0/0 MBpBlt ~1 a»f* --J poa-n 3E,S • 2,5 • Foa-d •UnwtM< 04-tI) M 2 1 —» N^ jr 5 o,s *,5 o 4 il»P«« »ta»*%

- Fig. 4. PO (mg/L) at early and late runoflf (tl and tZ), for Ma and Mb manure concentrations and dlfferent skipes

Por Ma, eariy and late runoff showed similar excessive loading of N in lakes, indirect soil's and crops. behavior with slope, wifh FCU values growing at the acidlfication damage of sensitive 9 % slope. Mb breatment showed larger PCU values Furdiermore, N contaaunatton might also carry on F compated to Ma at 4 % slope and 9 % slqpe; also late contamination in runoff. In tMs research, for the runoff showed higher FCU compared with eariier usually applied concentration of manure in runcrff. agricultural fields (Ma) NOgloss increased aorording to slope; in additicun N0 "loss Increased thioughout DISCUSSION the experiment (as previously mentioned, t2 concentration doubled tl ccincentration). at reach Sediment yidd mcreased according to slope for each Fettilizers are usually applied doses to manure application rate. Significant diffeiences in crop's N requirements, ending up in P excessive TSS were observed at 9% skape between control and applicaUon (Baker et at., 2007). However, some P loss manure treated , but cnanure appUcatton did not cannot be avoided, such as during large storm seem to affect TSS at lower slopes compared to events (Sharpley, 2016). Hoang et d(. (2010) found that control. phosphoius concentrations in subsurface drainage Sediment yield not only might cause damage to waterwese highly variable and not always consistent from quality of surface water by carrying pathogens, with the ainount pf phosphorus applied nutrients and a wide varlety of other chemical manure and/or conunercial fertUizer. In ihis study - released by substances such as pesticides; when soil erosion we found that PO concentration Ma occurs it tends to degrade productive lands witti the application was almost doubled at highet manure well-teiown consequent decrease of crop yield. application (Mb). highly EPA (2017) estimated N and P produced from £.coli FCU counting in runoff were The animal inanure per farm land area in the State of variable, thus preventing condusive discussion. lowa 3,198 (kg of N/kma) and 1,163 (kg ofP/km2). As E. coli concentration showed posltive conelation xnentioned by Doydora et dl. (2011) aminonia IOBS with the initlal concentrations in manure, in frcim fertilizjng with poultry litter is envirorunentally agreement with reports by Muirhead et al. (2006) important, stace deposition ot aounoma can lead to describing high variability wifh a range of aeveral 11/Bb/^U^l I'^'.d'd U3ii^b^yyyy 1 1U K-UNUt.N^t-KVlL.L


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