!' I i' , il 11

1 r ,,° I II RACD

, 1 IServices Held In Oklahoma p 'Pastor, Victim of Crash Occurred On Highway in Church planning Oklahoma City Memoricl.l Service Ilr spite of djfricl1Jtips rC' ..,ulting Rq.:. Walter A. Brackcnsick, ~:? ~~~aUi1~r~{d 1r~f\Sdj~;~~~~~1 \~~~l~~~t: r~S~~y~~'~~~~('~~~i~~ertt~n~~~r~;~ what it hopes, is a fairly accurate' Me'n1Qrial Park femetery at Oldd- ~~hci~~n~i?I~~h~('av~I~?tb)~e ~~c~~C~~~ ;\~)~Hlp;~I\~~~r~~' ha~ldhl~ ~~~~~~:i .<'lck, his mother-in-Jaw and sislcr- srrvi('(' for hi) here aft(', Mrs.. in-law. ' Bnwlu'ns.ick is hie to relurn· to The Braekcnsicks w('re in Okla- Wayne. , hom a on a two-w('pk vaca!tlOn A trAgIC .lCClfi!"'nl on Ii hlg~\\d.7 They fIrst \\('nl 10 Chle:J.~o and In ()klahoma C ty On Weclne$;dBY then to Quincy. Illf, Ihe IMstor s ('\..(>nmg. Aug 4~ClalmCd the, Illr hirthplilce. From QUincy.. they of fhC' Wayne Jnister apd als!! drove to Oklahomal CIty 10 VI~'L fatally m!Ured rs Brackenc:ack '\ l-e~~~ivr~COff'~;;i'n~r~~k~~~~~~Sday, ~n~;I~;s ~.~~ll~I~ G~!~e~tc;\s7~i~ I 1 I Ailg'. 4, Rev, and Mrs Bl<~cken· of Mr" Bracken lck ' sick. daught('r, Dorotl"\y, and son nev Bratckrn ci{ and Mrs Gr.t- ' James, accomp'Ini('d hy Mr~ aml nnw \" .. cn klllr I Instantly, 1\1r"" ,', ouhty Mrs. Ca, rl Granow, Mrs Emma i, ... fl(:~ e~,:~r! ~~'ls~~I~)~lf1\ ~~ntJl~a) 1~~~IV!~·t~'.~ 19:25 Septl· -1 or S(!pt. 7 a~cording to Leland R. lIall, st{lte Times. Mig-hw(J.~ patrolmen sairi l~r. and then r(>-~urned to th0 h()~- 19~{) Sc~)tl. H or Sept. 9 d'1I'ec'tor of the savjngs honds di· Mrs. Dowdy. driving- H slolrn car. prtHI ror furth¢r 1reRtmcn1. 11 Hrn S(,~"'" 10 or Sept. 11, vision for Nebraska, "The success, ~~('r~e~lr~I~~Or~tr~V.;71~a~~~c%ff'~~i~rk ~~:~:~/;;f,~\~'~~;laty~;~t she would be n'· 19:;" of 1he s['curi1y loan 1n Nebraska Se 1.:]3 or SepL. 111 is abundunt [IIrDof that lhe people auto. Mrs. Dowdy and a pRssrn· lJorothy suffeITed a hroken~rm 19'29 :.~ Sc 1'" 1:) or Sept. 16 f 'r h hn t ger, Mrs. Bcssic Drown, werr in· 11m! h·g- and ,nternal inj 'ie~. 193U, b&f ~1'C Scp1. 19 . I ~f.~~di~}g~~{~~rfr~ io~ atl~~~~~~t jured. Accordjn~ to an unconfirm-' WetynC' Jl('opic wro returned es., After ~CI~ 1 a, 19:{(J set) . 17 or S('pt. 18 of personal and national secunty," cd report, two other occupants of day from th(' fury.eral said she. ow '" "Eiglhtccnth birlhday, Hall said. the ~tolcn cllr c~capc(l from the has rrg;~ineri ClonscioUsne<;s I hut I --~----".or wll hm -.---r-,------~ fi~'e days thereafte hHIXl'~··1\·INE Qf 93 counties in craJ..h.wreCk~go", and fled the scene of 1he ~U,st,'rndl'f1Olt(' n,m, ilinflrTIO(, it," ~he probablyh03pitai for~llQm an *:, * * I the state exceeded their goal Only Mr. Granow and James thrf'(' to :-,ix mon hs. : Says Riligislralion 101 DO~tri° t while six othcrs made 90 pcrccnt nr~c~cnslck escapf'd p.~ac:licallY TIf ..; RJTY."'; r Rc:v. Bracken. SQ I I C or better. This remarkable record, unlnJ~red .. They we.re ~tt tmg at sick wrrC' cand cted by Rev. II. Npl to Interfere ' made inj the face i rising living NSF . the rIght Side of the Irear scat. NI('rmann of La reI, who had b('f'll 0 S c(j)sts anq many ol adverse fac· ~me tate air nO~HIAL'TOl\ol~BII~E!,? w(':e visitmg 10 PetTY Ukla. An Okla- EI ectlon i et tcprs, is 3Plend!d .te timC!ny o~ the r"· demohsh¢d. Mrs: l' ~ank Slmomn homa Cily mmi ·ter officiated at With V:acalions : j' : ~ ~~~~o~'~'~u~~~~I~ll;o ~~~;;et~; r~~~ LOy t k T of Oklaijoma Clty~ formerly of the riles for 1'4rs. Kuenkel amI Edward McQ istan of go," J?e continuCd" Grace Lutheran bor Pen~et e~'l'dit m~st I es OC earn ~hhn~c~~~o~~ ~~c C!~~~d!~{jdth~~ M~l\x G~~~~'rs de RegiS!, ran, C)O for sdectivC' I scr~,1jcc and ~ern~rd Sp ittgpr: of. Pilger Hall addcd, "Nebraska people police tOlbe one o~ the w~rst"cvl'r congr('g!ftion !:>CaCd as pallbearC'I"'" i~~d p~O~n;~~t':~~~c r:~hi~h~c~~l~: arc c~ndldatcs for r(>('lectl'On 61' can take pride in thelfa~t that thqy G('~ Perry, Herbert I3iennann, t'O have Iiappened In the cIty. for theIr pasto s funeral. Tht.y a, aGcording 10 Brig. Gen. Guy N. sUperv.lsors .of ~ CI, Wayne sol~ con, nT" t onlyl exceeded thclr, quota ,In Norm n Willers and Larry Jordan pa;:;;r. 'pI1a '1 1,YsheOd kllnaholmh,£>an:"'tyn,ewr~: aar'led Eo',lmttoer HMee",tY 5d,Frealdnekrs"Lo~go'yC servatton dlstne lat an electuon. t t e grdatest peace· time bond will e Wayne county's 4·H club I~~ tfb c c c ~.- ennrnger, state selective service be h~ld Aug. 27.: I . ~ :"!~ ~tVC, b,Ht have maintaitlcd the livest ck judg.ingdeam at the Ne. pO! ted ,t hlghwa~ pa~r~lme.n Langt'meier. Lrc urcr; and Ro~ert irc('\ol' I . Al pers.ons. fI g. or- ,-cok,)~or:P , . &~d-"ofmaK:ing eve'ry bond quota braskjil Statl Fair in September, it said t!te~.were hamptlrL'd In tnelr Frahm and Fre~ Viet,o~, t,rUS,',tces. Provbion IS made in the rpgu!a­ h ph~r~ on election day luy·se-cure a hal· Ct.'dar .. --._. $310,OH8.53 H)~ rive e as;.;c~ o.f llVeslock---fat mar· Mrs. Dv\'.fdy. Claussen, Mr. I nd.. Mrs: _ il lot a.nd Form CD·12 at any of Cuming...... 436,399.31 119 ket h gs, JunIOr boar!-l, fat market #.! Utt'cht, Mr. i.lod.Mrs; Ed Eeh cn- the followin cf pl'.ccs and vole b)( Dixon . __ .. ' ...... 250.729.9:2 114 lambs and two c1as~es o\.stecrs. B 'B Af kamp, Mrs. Rolrt Frahm, Mr!'. scaled ballot Ph'rce ...... ~.'38,05:2.38 12(J Ge.nc ~p{'fry placed f~rst w~lh 525 arI11 UrllS ler HC-rman Stuve nd Mrs. Fran,k ' Stanton . 197,191.:25 184 po:nt~ out of a pOSSIble 5<)0, and W I Farmers 5t .te bank. Car· IWayne' ... _...... 28],467.31 120 Herbdrt Biermann was' second Longe, all of W yne; Rev. e 1r- r~l1; Stat~ Na 10naJ ban.k and -It .• with !D13. The other Wayne can. Bein ~ Struck hy man of ~cri.bner,,' Rev. H, M. lId. FIrst NatlOna bank, Wayne; ~ I testar1lts In the order of their plac- 5. . ~r~~~filt~~' Jr~v'~rK.ir?ul~ Commercial S ate bank, Hos- ing, we;e Norm"n Willers, Lllrry Lueders of Norlot , and Gene Hill kll:S;. Wmsld Stalc bank, Student at Wayne Jorda(;l, Milton Owens, Norvfll Bolt 0' f Ll!!htlll11gu k Wmslde. S - 'I L Y wallet and Gayle Wehrer. 'of Fremont. Nonrcsi'd('nt o'mer.'>, or those tate . ast 'ear HO'. SHOW r('sults l'-'riday A large :-.tock barn on ll1e Don REV, BRlA(:K~NSI(:K hnd bCf'n ~~[:;ai~ ~bn: Ji~: D ° '1" morni g were: Grand champiQn Quinn farm 11 miles $outhwc6t of !~ha'sU·~.rl\ ~~nf",c ~~ap ~m' bLrrUiJ;~,r:n~ rO\VIIS Ill' cxas boar, Hampshire, shown by Russell Wayne burned TUf':-,day nil.;ht att('r... ,'- ,»on Warner, MCGill: grand champion junior it was struck by lightning during on Sept. :.!1, 1947 was honored by Wayne, re1 1 ~ h' the severe electrical storm. hIS congregation and fellow pa~. MYFon Linn, 18, freshman stu· t~t'wi'J~t:~d ~~~a:~ ~r~~~ ~~~~~ . The Pilger fire :dcp:artment, tOl'S at services! commemorating dent at Wayne State college last pion ~urebred lit·ter. Duroc litter, flrst.summ~ned by the Qumn~, was the 25th annive ary of tHs entry term, dxtwncd in Amarillo, Tex., show by Laverne Meycr; grand hel~tng WIsner .0remcn flgh~. a into the ministr , . ~~~d~t~-<~i,;a~a;~~7~i~ ~~:~I~~ cham ion market barrow, Hamp· blaze north of WISnCt1, and a call W;;~ci~r~~tr~~k :: J'~ki3;~C~~~ shire, 'i shown by Vernon Schultz; I was sent to ",:?~ne. . and was cmployeQ in Pampa. I pion h" showman Alvi[! Duf' to a v.ashout PI""! a bridge Sick was born lay 13. 1896, in l'",uncrat services will be held in g~~kle,'. °b , awPJrreoauCnha' bllehCtoWr"eYanc~ f!rh~ tQrUuC"nknS QUincy, III., the s n of John E: Cj.nd Madison hursday afternoon at the "u"1. <:; Elizabeth Vahle rackensick. He Mpthodis church. ' Kcc~ eomp~tjtion marked the farm. However, AI Bame and Fritz attcnded the Qui y public schools, He is s~rvived by his father and sleer *nd heifer judging Friday af· Mildner, driving jeepsi took eight S( Paul's colic e in Concor,dia, steprnolh ~r, who is the former Mr~. tcrnoq,n. The Blue Rihbon Winners firemC'n to the farm. Mo.. and Concor ia college in Sl. .E. H. D0l;0n, one u~ Wayne res!- 4·H C~Ub' led by Walt Ehlef, won All of thc livestock Was removed Louis, Mo. , , de.nt: fo r sisters,. r.s~_ Kenneth sweep ·tukes in that both the grand from the barn and s()n).c baled hay On June 26, 1 24, he was mar. Reeve..., '0 Madison. Mts' l Kenneth cham ion and reserve champion was saved, ried [0 Minnie uenkel in Okla. at the Kouba r Newman Gr9}'e, Mrs. were n Ihis cluh. Grand champion " homa City. of Clyde R~'kOWS~i o~ J...-incoln and heiferjwas a Hereford bred by I ' <'",,,,,,, e,"" pre- Mrs. Art ur Butzow 10C Chica&o. Henry Quible of Merrimen, shown 58 at Annua ()~~~~~!'lr~~,a 9;2 n;~ss;9~:,r~.!~ were IHLs moth r died in an automobIle anti- f ttcd by Harry Ehlers. Re- Earl aC,Cident in 1937 when the family servc hampjon heifer was a Short· Nelson Reunion r~~~~~ ino~en~~ ~~~ .• f~~~h~9~~ an r! bved,. in Madison. horn red by J. Cole of Merrimen I of Whllc iattending collrg.c, Mr. and J own and fitted by Mary F!fty~cight attcnded the N~lsen ~~t~;~~'t~~d,~~ft ht~: ~J~~~~;. ~~ of Linn sta~cd with the Alfred Sy- Wcll . family' reunion. Acid ,'Sundat' ~t Oklahoma City j 1927. In 192a dows. H had plal1Iiled lo return 'fH~ STEER CLASS was a rc- Bressler park lt1 Wayne. PICnlC Rev. Brackcnsic re-entel'cd the to Wayn State thisl fall. ptat erformance for the breed· dinr:er Was sc~ved at nbon and the ministry, becomi g pastor of tho .,u. , • ers. E eanor Erickson showed Ille busmess meetmg followed. L1nd~ay Luthera. church (ncar 'd grand, champion steer. a Quib1e Frank Nelson was elected pre!;l· Newman Grove). where he serVwi Club Lea ers to HerCf[rd~ a Cole Angus shown by (knt; Ray Nelson. VICt!- preSIdent, until he was calle to Grace Luth- . AI H. Gcral Ehlers' tool< t,hC reserve and Rhoda Rof', sccrct'j{y.treasur. eran church here' 1936. Plan "I- Exhibits grw~ ~~a;"a\'1~~h:S~s reprcsented ~;ho ';~;~r~o~~~:f~darl~~ t~o:s~ Re~ur~:;,)t:n: !:h;;'y~~ ~~~: .Wayne couny 1·II club leaders by calves from the Plum Creek A N. DIxon, chtl1rman of the plan· gat IOn bu.lt a m ern neW chl,lrch WI\] mretrat lhe eOL].nty extensIon RUStl~S cluh led by GlIbert nmg committee. annournced th-c re· a.t the IntersectJ n of Ninth <:Ind off}Cc In he court liousc Wcdnes- Mulle, Fred Feldman showed the UniOn would be held agam next Logan slr!'ets. e new building day, Aug 18, to plam 4·H exhibits cham Jon Shorthorn heller, Russell YC'

Baptize Sheryl SCf';fl Roberts, daughter Announcing of Mr. and~Mrs. Eldin RobNts, \\1a~ bapiti~f' July 28 at Redeemer Lut~hcran C ull"ch. Rev; S. K. de NI.:I...... geratlion Service Freese perf rm~d. 1he ceremony. The College Inn Sponsors ~ ere Mrs. Frederic~ Janke, Win ide, and Mrs. Harvey li~e in top qu~!ity repair. of any make or Kammartn, oldrege. The baby wore her mqther's baptismal drC'ss nlodel in the r~frig~ration field fQr the s('r\'jcc. pomestk. Commercial .. Tavern 'Equipment will be, clo!sed R(>:tn~n" fro~ Jlospital Depenilable Service - Reasonable Rates Nelsc Grainquist returned Tuesday fr

those m~S~ll'out >- that may save yqur ag~~y~~ ~~p1~:~~d, "Your dr~'\'ers li- cense means thaI you I)a·"'.(' ~d certain minimu'll qualirjC<.l!IOn~ and that you··-aJ!ld othpr d~.. lv('r~ --have as!,;llOwd chlnin (:)bllgations • 10 opcTate YO\IJ' nars ;j('t'ordin~ to t hC' traffic laws. oiJ'lH' t "Mf!(' re.t:u­ lC\tion~ you haw' pledgr>rJ It') C6!U-' :-i('rvE' are dpsigncd to giVd' the sa~ fair break to ev('ryanC'. II" : "IMPLICIT m t hem arc the Be sure ••• shop rules of safety and courtesy that wi11 make our vC'hid('s a"nd our can't judge a book by its cover. Neither 'should you judge street.s of Uw greatE'~t uSf>fu]ness food savings bYJeek.end specials alone. Thrifty shoppers know that Slll'EWAY risk of lifp to all--a1!? at the ]easl the way to real vings is to shop at 8 store where every price is low­ all the time. It's the total that counts. And ... the total is less when f,~'~~~~~/?~('~:~~~= ~, price is low. Compare the prices listed here! We believe you'll r'&mpha"iz,'!d. "ProtC'(,1 this privl­ agree that you save more,on your total food bill by shopping regularly safely and cour1c­ Canning Supplies . your llccnSi'. This at Safeway . liemse 10 live" cor,p<.,·aTmg in the Au­ Qua rt Ja rs ~it~O~d' .. ... Doz. 75c snfply pro'gr,"1m on ;llld dl'l~·11"1\"(' dnYlng For Your Pantry Shelf. AUGUST FRUITS --VEGETABLES Pint Jars '!,~~·id''''''''DO<. 65c bv th(' ,State Saf('ty ~;2 opt Jars ':~;~id' . ...Do~ 63c -coordina1{' rl llY the SWift'n!ng ~~~~·ard ...... ~~· $1.15 1)('1', or Con)m('~·('('. Peaches ~~~~~~~~:ra:. C~~-t~b. $' .89 Grapes ~~~~~:~.nWhJte . . .Lb. 2Sc lH.; progr;n.ll I." ear­ ILa d '-Ib 26 Jar Caps Zioc. Ngul~.... 1>= 25c Pure 1 r ...... ,...... , .. crn: c ') ]t({nf'ously wHh a na­ Lh. " OraDges ~a1'=.'": .. ., ...... e Head LeHuee lcebee" ...... Lb. 12e Jar Lids ,s~II~:-'i''':. ... Do.. II c ~afetv cdUc;ltion p .. '()gr;Jm f:lou~ Kltc""nc,.a!t ...... _ .... l~ 83c , . ion ,safl·ty'· and t.GrapefruH C:~\~~r'~~RtE'd·· ..... ,Lb. Ie ~arrots California-Quality ...... Lb. Be • .. c. " Ii. Jar caps ~~i=,in,,: . D= 23c Ilw National .c;,·lfcty Bron ~ugar Bn .... J~: 29c Mixed Spice ~.c"~::~ng" ...... ii~ Puffed, heat QaRl

by-----' 1-+---Staff Correspondent B hy Gaskill of David City Spf' ti the past w(,pk at the Henry Schmitz home. Mr. and Mrs. Schrrlltz and famlh loo1~ her home Sun~ay. ' M~'. and Mrs. A .. H. Brinkman and I 'Mr~. Bertha Chichester of Om~ltjla \H'rp TUf'~rlAY aflf'rnOOn and 'Iundwon gu£'-.;ts ,I t 1 hp Art Dralf.;('lka home IVI , and ).lrs Elmf'r RaUf'rmpis­ ltzl' . hd fan~.dy \"jsl!l'd the \Vilnwr Dec s l,-l.c,! ~und<.JY aflt'T'!l(lon Mt and Mrs Carl !\'('l.'-,on Rnd ~~}~~~r~,,, s~~~~z;:~"th~~~i(?da~ at thp F. L Mos(>~ ami Lyle Gam- 1('5 hi/.ct a picnic laoS! SUW, \\!Th th(' C'harks Cru­ , You'll Find It Pays . Pilger. , ~f~?t~d ;~;'r;r;lt(' a:;~ i Keep Your Engine "Mobiloi~ Clean" homf' Jaq TUl'sday High·speed summer~ving is no GranqulJ.>!-, vjsil('d' \ ... ·lth 111(' lit'nr) time for dirty, trayel.worn oil. Drain now, and retill with clean, ~~~i~r~:;' I~/~'>lfl:~~,[~u~ I tough Mobiloil. Helps prevent ~~~nL~:n~riS!OPhf'r-1 wear ... helps keep'engine parts ShIrley of :'-:{,rf0Ik. free of deposits thlllt waste gas.' rs. elm! Troutman wen"' ~. cv('njn~ o-uppf'r guests Lpo .KeISl'lls. · and ':\hs AlonLO Soden vis­ the \\'altt"l' Flr('r. jr., home ins Jilc.l Sundi!Y 'Itlf.'rnOon for1:~~:J;-~'~Z-~~t~!~t~lil~~1 I · af,tf'r !-;pl'ndlflt; ttl(' p<-lSI 1\\01' With rela(J\{'c. hr're Meyer Oil and Mrs. Lyle Gamble and Co. · ViSltC'd at Harry Granqulst'~ Lon» II, MEYER ('vf'nmg I SlO i"!outh !\lain Johnson sP{'nt all day"



....~ ' Jean FOR THE LATEST L.eo I ARRIVALS IN mGB and I I A first National QUALITY CANNING \\(01'(' ('n',ertained, FRUITS AT POPULAR ,II Ihe Fred I LOW PRICES FOR BUSHELS. LUGS AND ful' . 1\1rs'l CRATES. , Ch~,'cking Account WASHINGTON MOORPARK !dives All the Answe~ APRICOTS PACKED IN 12-LB. LUGS I -I ' i ELBERTA PEACHES~_ ,2 '''' 25¢ ('alilornln._. ___ . _____ . __ ._ ...... ··· __ ·_·~ • WEALTHY APPLES. 3 2h ('r!sp and julQ' ...... _. ____ ._~_ Jb'. SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT, • k California .~ ~ lb. ~~~C!'~d~~ n!Rt!~! ... ~1.,25~ .' stalk . to PASCAL CELERY, J. •••.. 17.; 19c YELLOW GLOBE ONION~, 4 Ibl!. ..,..._.23c ISWEET POTATOES, 3 lif•. , ...... 251: ,!!~~~!~,~ n!Re!G~~_~ 7ilb'B~" 69~ RED TRIUMPH POTATqES 10 I" 39~ lJ. S. No. 1 IdahO _...... ___ ~ •

,HomeCOBBLER grown _... POTATQlS __. __ .. _. __ .. ______~10 I"" 32¢ I

. I . B~ildi .ri~ht,~orlbng SIFER'S CHOCOLATE SYRUP, Smooth as Velvet. nlJ' 10·050 lac __"",_iliiIIiilllll!llll~F-

["'ELLO-FIBRE OR WlBli FLY SWATTERS liHP One In Each _ ...., ___ • .,. __ ~ ... 25¢ The Itarly bird I\:~eps Warm! "s\!'~ WASHfN. POWDER How mUj'h coal ro you need: DJrt aa( Grim, IH,.ppe&rL Larp Paeae- .....~::-t~- to Je: YOI1.. thro~gh the win-I terl, In omfor~ and gOOd'i

heJ?th? : I . Ii Giv1Your TOdayi: ''* I I'"

I with h~r ~ Mrs. and cou-I Win . .Jean /~nnc , n1d her ill I! I ft.1 II. iVlarshall ('xP('('ts 10 I attend the Wcslt>y;tn Mf'lhod);;t: I [~~~~r~~~u~1.n~181'~~I.np J11I'Cllng U1 j Mr, ar:dl :'I1rs, Linn \Vy;,11 unnl, Donna of ('0;::1(: spent the \v{'ekend ,at tht' T{'x]('y SUnrIll'rm:l1l home, I G, L. (~amphpll a,nd lamlly ilt"$ , tC'ndcd \.ilr w(ddlng of l\ll's. Campb~'lj'j-; niece Sunday 10 MaT- i tinsbUl g ! All'" II A., ,"'(·kh ,Ind ;.;"dlJ(' ldt S~turd:~y j()["'('illr/()rn,{t wtJf.'lr ..!.ilf':V I wdl :-pend Ir lll,'y I plan In \'JSiI I ttl' iCO~~~, and .\'jl" \'; (' Sv.:nson I W(T(, JI1 O;d';:,lnd \\"cunesday for: i the [ulH'r;\l uf.r W f!r:rIn-,qUI~t. , I Mr. and I\lr;-. IJlck \\'ackC'r and' Mr. and Mrs, ill'l1l'y \\'ackcr, .ir., werle at till' Alt· ..... Klldo\\ home m Omaha {)\('r 111[' \\'('el:r'ml. Mr~ l/;[tl](' :'.11 :-';ult

to \\T ayne Aug, 22. ('011- SIl~:;i~Y'\\'dILlm L(J'\ ilnil !I -~~------l.-c------IJ('~ GI Dividends Not time in (l saidlshe wi] sloci< In Neal'l,luturc Charming hot: kltehCll! Carmelf'ftc ~hoC's, Lincoln---Distl'ihulion of 'til ('s- an x-rtlV mac! me to timafcd $11,6;,~,()OO in GI insurance i . The. ~torc al 0 WlllldiVi.dcndS to NchraSk.. a wo.rld War hosIery. 11 vC'tcrans is ex pee ted to begin II" .Jll~t let 1<1\(1 next year or early in ]950, the LOCALS v('~;;~l~~ a~~~~tl~~:~~~~~~ld,al(U~~~r~ Dis~rmingi regional office manager, said divi­ dcnds will be payahle on all nal ioo- Johnson's ~~n~~~~J ~:~;~ei~~s~rl~~C~la~;~-n~c~~ in tt In force for tlll'pe months or lung­ Bakery ('I', Thl' amount of the diVIdend fashionable war paym('nt, he added, will be deter­ mined hy til(' age of the Insured, ... arp our flatte~ing the type and amount of th£' polley, do it and the numher of months the in­ '" individual hair styles sur;~ne£' was 1/1 fOl,(,(' , for you The''''tlividcnds', he saW, which ':IrI.' SO-O-O to \)(' paid from an estImated two .11 get "set" here billion dollar nation for vetC'rans in Ne­

for Half-Dollar Day

Towels a~d On $ale Friday Boxed Was~ Clot~s o August: 13 Si:ati'9nery For Cannon iIL()\vel and w"eh ,lop'. Ao­ \) Deluxe ~ssortment I Budget-Wise sllrL~d Golors and desiglls·l!rowel Shoppers Hcgular ~l,OO \'aMuC':-<. Assorted tint:­ ~izl' 18XrG. I ill L'01u11'ul hOXl'.-;. • ! BOTH ; FOR 50 i Nr!Jl'il<;)<;\ \\ 111 h;I\'{" ~:\I),iO~) III 4 !ednal !\~IHi:-; aqulahlc for heClll h rid I\'i! Ie", ill'{'ordlng: 10-cjuart ~'~~tl'~'SU~~ ~b/~r~~r~~:"~t (;~;:() ~rHm Polo Shirts of rd-i('ar(~h, !raining of p(~rs()nrl('l Strip,d I ilnn (ipvelopTlwnt nt l(lcal ml'nlal Phonograph Galvani~~d Pail lWiilQl fa(:iilti(':-.. 11 wdl \)r dlsjnh- .. u!('d On ~ !)aP STICK : fundS ,two foderal dollars for, top ~acn . "'~ecords ibh rl n('ck. 1 Jut clipped gab !tn· • I,y Ihe i !!op lar \"'i1,h .i :~'~terOl:~~:;~' iLl'al :11 gallgp ;-.\cI,1 of all Friday Only ~oys pall \\ Illl \\])"(' 11;\1:. ares. : Mrs. Siella C;,hlclwstor and T. p:us mop :--[iti, Slizes R-ll. LATEST RECORDINGS-- FINEST IN • E, Lil'ldsa;y wore- Sumci,lY af'1e-rtloon ' t!Oe : gu('sts atl John Lindsay's. I Each dI BOTH D Mrs. Mary, Linp, rcturn('~l home dCH la:--t wC'r\{ alter I $pcnding 'some House of 'David Brand lime In Laurel n~c~\'cl"ing from an OLD FA VORlTES-- 5 for SPECIA~ SALE FOR SOc SOc SOc I ' Half 1j>ollar !Day I .-- SPARKLING PICNIC HAMS Minced Lunche~n Mysi:er~ Books i ) Full Size~l .. All Meat -1 able. Tumblers , I i ~~~nd ,50c :MYolerv books 1)\' D-oz tal,le tumblerH. Pillow o~tic ~ng authors. Fuil detiign. Pressed cry.stalglaH.s. ·ifovel. and iaciet, POM CHOPS End Cut

• , !

1':1''~.I: ' i'. I., It • chutch schoof 11 :00, r~~~~~\ :tans ~~lor , I promotion day ThursdU1 Aug.i 12:' 2:30 Pt" gram. Don't miss it. Women of .hf?cfi~rCh; 8 p.m., w. ion -choir. 7: thrran Bra tutrhoqd. I Cir.c1e i circle mlc.t A new Saturday. 'AUl14: 7 P m;~ Mrs. Iwarl'tn with I hc('n I ~lg~~I~J~dZ~~C~r a~th~cka;.r~W~t . Andn'w Johns n I san:g ".A lways" women .. the cO'"".c[' oC Thi '. and Main'l Back were gues s. ,,: •..~ .. --,.;",,":, Prdycr." Mynle lend _ Osburn was the lead­ organlst,,' Intmanuel ~LutHf'!.ra.n Church Ull' theme Vacat.lon gin.'n a1.\"ay by her I M' 'IS od I ,",cxl hostess wJJI br Damme. and worc a gray I . Gil,bert (Re/ T. ~~o~r~¢h~:r, pastoIh .. '-+: ...... h,'lci :~t~r~~ldk c~~= ¥.~~ ~~~~~r~:iIlM~~ct There will ,be no services hCfC A!nnounce Engagement Wednesday Ctt 8 p.m. since the' pastor wUl be

$ I ;:t(;~lItli,~la~?~~I~~(" c;Yll~n;~r ~ ;~'Sz.'~I~ ~~~'cd\\~~eh('~1 an~a~~~t:r °ln~c~~i~'~~d tlO lc¥e n?~~~~~~lcFe~iday at R:30. \(,'111 llC'C(III~IC' 1 he'. bride of Luthq' d-:0<1 worf' a dl'f'~s of blue Rt.d('emcr Luthf'ran ('ht.:reh t.:L(j:A j ('venmg at 8:30. 1\1r. and Mrs. thod!.st c urcn Jfl Fremont and :r..lrfi. BCf'k~ chose a blue bem- lRe\', S, K, deF:-::::-sc. pa~tor)! I' ..----::.--. I chargp of th(' pr.'Jna,g",pn, hl;'rg dress Both had cor- l\velfth Sunda} after SL 6 CathoUc Church ; f, ...... Large baskets p~mt Tl"!nl~Y' :\Ia~y Btidgett ftTns and palms sages 0 v.hlte gladlOh Aug. 15: Sunday school tit 10 R.m: I (rte\'. W!lham,K~arns, pastor) Bridge Ie m('muers mel Wit\1 Th(' D",antip A Ie eptlOn tor about 6CJ was Wor~hip sC'l"\'ices at 11 am, Sdr" J\ug. lJ. 13th Sunday a~ter I held lri the chun:h Thf' mon by Rev. L. 11. deFr('cse, Pcntecost and the of the as- NIr~" George Sheaff last \\'('c~ Ivory coloT"l'd tW(j) tbr('p-. ,Jlarl~rs a ~('_! 'f~ast 'tuesday. Guests W('fe Mrs. Bob I cpnterpJpc(' of the ma~ndta?le .... h ... ' dcemer Lutheran churchl Houstdrl, sumptJon df thl;' IBlessed Virgin tif'rp.rl candelabra, wit!l yellow I· NicLcHn.' I\'Iro;, Boh Mt'rchant, a ~malll cake decoralt' In I (' ITex ! ~1ary :vrass'at 9:00, Catechism and dahlm,s backed with' green I ff'rn. NiT's. E\A~n Williams and Mrs. The bnclc" gl\,er:t. In man'lIlgf' hy I I A·ug. 17, 18,. 19 at 7:30 Orville 1h(,lT.~, Priz(,s \\'t'l"l' \\'on ~~?t~l, .C~I~~S ~;p;~~d, ;·fte~n gaO~~ i b('~~')~lfe~~i~naSft~~t~r~:)' her father. \\01'C a I rnmk-colorE'd I gJadlOI'v . synodical comentlOn I Thursday the feast of St. Ciai~. ~i~~l(:~. 'ig~la~~~ta~('l~Il~~ ~.~n; .summpr .satm aflr:rnpon dr£'s:- and The pndf' ~ut and :-('r~('d h('r --,- , . I \londav, Aug'. Hi, the feast 'of The,other cake wa" St. Paul s L!--'tht'raq (hur('h 1 t. JoachIm, til!' father of the ~)(' In ::;q~tcmb('r \\ nil :Vlr;s \\',Ill weddin~ cake, S ~l~I:~h(~~;k {;~~~\'n.H~~~(' ~~~~,~;~r~~ se,:"C'd l~Y Mrs. OliVer Nelson. Mrs" ULCA Dlessed Vlrg'in Mary. nrC'''sler.' Jr. oll\'e wood T~:"t amen! and a broy,:n OiJver Larson poured. Assisting' (Re'\'. J, II ::'11. Shlf'l"!. pastor l I Thf' epistl(' for Sunday. Gala...... orchid. Yel).O\~' t Willmm... and ]\:Ial' 1:"5 Gr.a(~e Luthf'run ('hurdl 60 Nationally Advertised (Rcv. H. M. Hilpert. supply pastor) (lj Carroll \\'('~'(' abo th('rc. Services Sunday at 9.30 Sunday ...... school immediately following the Dresses services. $4.98 Values to $16.98 Print::) " , Sheen, . , J en;eYH . " BemhergH .. Gauardines ALL NEW LENGTHS

Gabardine Dress I ... in fail colors Cool enough for the warm days of early fall ... Dark enough for later;

BIRTH RECORQ Aug -1 Bo't-n Mr. and ;VT]'s Ja,;on Pr('<.;\on. a Dah,,' Alkn. 7 Ih~ 9 oz. Aug S . Born to Mr. ,Tohn Gn('r of Carroll, a son, DaVin, 7 lbs. :! oz. A complete Aug 7---Bom to Mr. and ::VIr". Howard Ellenhurg of St. Pelers­ burg, Fla .. a daughter. 1'.lrs. Elll'n­ beauty bur~ i!< thf' daughter of Mr:-. Jo­ hanna Lut t. Aug. R -Born I~ :'vir. and )lrs trea~ment ~~g~~~ t;~;h~C~ ~s~~a~'~ej a son, Aug. 10 Born' to Mr. anld !'vIr" Howard SmIdt of Hastl"l!lg5, il in the daughter. Lynne Marie. 7 nj", ::\lrs. Smidt is the former Mar)onlf' (;11, (irrsJ('e\"f'. daughter of the Harold Glld('rslccv('s. I NEW # I LOCALS


I I GO·EVERYWHERE. COAT. DRESS I! 11'. tho type of dress thal plays the star role in 1>"""1 wardrobe., and designed l1y Toni Todd. thls ~

'I .'1 1 ' "T·"· I

Clara Barton was founder of the National Red Cross 10 the United States. I I . Party ! o~Jehre y!~~S~~~k ~rrt~ t~eir families at the I h~me. Home made ice i lke were served. I # i ! OUTHWEST WAYNf. 'ca~fd :~~h~rM~l~~l'~~i~ s~~~~~ Mrs. Kenneth Dunklau and San­ , ~a, Mrs. Lloyd Dunklau arid Mrs. (Next to my husband and children) la~~~eFI;e~t)P~~~~ts ot ended the ~rvin Dunklau were Tilursday BaU~l'meisteX family t'.eunion in a ~~~~~n gllests of Mrs. I Eldin Sta~lon Su~day. About 66 were Sunday dinner guests at~he El- n Roberts home were r. and and Mes. Roy niels and th~~.: Dl' t rs. Alden Dunklau, Leona d and JCl'~ld, and Flora Her t arrived ay Roberts, jr., Mr. an Mrs. home Sunday from Ii w ek's vaca· My Bowl Tu S~eed Q"e'e" I J hn Dunklau called in thel after- 11 lion~1 spent around Dulu h and on i fish'ng trips. : E f'Jyn Splitlgcrbl'r ipent the L!a really gets clothes clean! wee enct with the Norm, n Wcndts of Wistwl" LOCALS !\tIl's. Irma Kraemt'r nd family Thursday evening guests iat the I r--- left fOJ' thpit· home ill TI)ixon Fri­ W. E. Lindsay home wer~ Rena '*"<""<---=.~-: day flfter having Spt~nll several AtweH of Wilton Juncti , la., w('d,s at the Ernest Sic.'~en home. Gladys and Arvilla Atwell f Chi­ , Mt". (lnd Mrs. Duanp reamer of cago. Mrs. Marie Sadler _0 Arn('S ~~~---.. Con¢ord and Waynp 3t aight of and Mrs. George Patterson.: Canlol! were Sunday dm.\1er guests Mrs. J. W. Sutherland ~rld chil­ f at II:lP T. A. Straight home. dren went to Rapid Ci.t Y' s~., last Mrs. GracC' Stark of St'lnton left week to make their home. r. Su­ the Bruno Splittgerbel' h me Man­ therland has been there fer some - • My entire week's I wash Dl d'1Y ter~('l1 fa~ilY were LaJunta, Colo., Wednesd y to spend 10 days visiting her j sister. ~:e:o~ t:~ryIO~dtoiS l~h~j;d ~~~:-1~.y \z~n~~re~~~"\~o~~ ,~ilger at Mrs. James Hampton anq Shir­ out,. sparkling clean.' The AJratha Pflueger was a Sunday ley and Mrs. Paul Peterson '"isited same tJb full of hot suds dinner guest of iVIary B lie Sam~ Mrs. Isrnacl Hughes Friday after­ is·,goodl through my entire ueison. I noon. wash ..,.. the doubl~-walJ The Don Pedersens \'is~ted at the (' C i 1.1 It i (' S ami their Qli~1;incl ivr< styling as well ap Mr. and Mrs. lsmacj HUg~S and tub keeps tbe water pip­ Jam~s Milliken home 1asr Tuesday I bnckgrJunrl \\'11l 1"<)1' the l'ichnf'~s. of q~clr delivery. family, Mr. and Mrs. James amp­ in~ Hot! Yes, I really lo!)e Four sJngstet"s, fA" tunf'smiths, th'eY' succeed in even~ng. ton and family. Me and Mr . Paul my SPtd Queen wt5her~ i , in Ow ]U\'i~h g !ting the maximum out of popLi­ M s. fern Straight Cedar Peterson and Mr. and Mrs.! Albin If. nei." \\"bieh i!" h r m;mlhrrs and in giving such Petef'son ~nd family of tarroll !~~l 'I\~~~. ~~~o~e~~o~~ e:;sle:~3 Iy in fronl or air,; rL"II'.shmgly n('\v interpreta­ had a picnic at the park in sons I of Glenwood Sprn g.s, Colo., at the Wayne tlor ...;. '1IICit' background musical Ponca Sunday. : _iiiiiiilJiifi !1 to lR., gh,!.. ~1('.{kd warmth to thf' spar­ Mr. and MrK Wes pflueger ~\~e~~~. ~':l~ir~~:~f'tt ~to~J~/· :~~~;~~~~ cnrMully :sel('C't('d l\:~lld; 'P!!;".dlH'tlOn .numbers of the called Sunday afternoon at the wpel'bJy, t!he cl.l1,\)r:,Lc r(VUl'S. And, l\1If. ~nd Mrs. E. P. Caauwe Four spotlightp{1 Herman Frevert home in Pilger. spent SUllday afternoon the WIl­ Songsteq gained 1"(,(~ol;nllli1n ot! ti)('ir ihclr dIstinctive styl- Anton Pflueger,; visited Sunday g OVt'r son Wen\ke home iA Nor olk. thr radiO and. in thclr" 1(':llurl' illg <~l~rl, '\:lrmth of Iheir har~ evening at the Wes Pflueger: home. • Mr. unCi Mrs. Bob Ada llspn and ~.~~~~(.>!~Jl.?p{'a~~I~·.~ ... ~~!inl ~f _~~~~I~_'''l'n,\,s solidlV. ~ daughter:!; of Kearn('y an spendmg Cen. Jan Christian Smu~s was this. f"eek at the Ernest .'.find Fred the chunjh parlors Saturcl;~y ;ifter- \\/110 1<; to be mdl ned m a couple a ramons general In thei war SiC'f~en ~ome. I noon. I '0 \\ ccks against England and later b~came Fa\lneil Palmer wag Cl Saturday :lvIl'. antl'Mrs. F;mi] Muller :'IT l' ,Inri MI<'; ;\1('l\m Kraemer a great colonial statesm~n for Ovcr21ght and Sunday 'guest of d~yuglhlltcl-rJ~r"mTarnC MdiIU'lnl~rr'sg.lH'?lS at£' ::;pco(iing a couple of weeks at ,England. ~g~J \Vert at ~the Ml'fin Wert d... Q " t t~f' C~rl Koch home while they I :# TI1(' KenJ;leth Bakers spent lat-.l aj'(, gon". A "lame duck" is .an office hold- Tile George Petrrs f'mily at- Monday €me in Wayne. (l.M Ly(),n~ 'fI]l('nt from Thursday un~ lelection, but whose term h~. s not I've 'pent doing my ironing Norf~IIotSunday. Lavonq Nlckol:-; IS spt'ndlng a 1i[ Salunlc'jy at Velmcr Ander~ I expired. by band. How my back and MI1 .and Mrs. Carl Fr~vert and frw d lyS ,It thl' hennrtll B,ll{t I' s{~n·s. ' ~ ~ feet used to ache. Hoo! ~~~!I!~~~:~~a;tev~~~~g plittger- hOIlle'.. i ::'111". lind :\1rs. Marvin Kill!on and Herbert Hoover h('aded ;}..meri- Now it's like a won­ Mr:. and Mrs. WaIteI' plittgcr- Mr. and Mrs. Mplvin J{nwrrH'r I f:.1,ndj vlsited at the P. H. Lauritzt can War Relic'f work in B(rlgium derful dream. I just ~ attended a family reunion S\lnday et'l 'l(,n:.. j{' at Hartington a wCl'k agel during the first \VO.rld War.' sit comfortably at ~~JIit'~~r~~~Sh~~~edS~\~II~ Bre~~~ at the Will Stallmg home HI COIl- W(dn .'.;clay. #- ' my Speed Queen l:y Ironer - and let ning.: Sunday caJler:,; y, (,1+ the Val em·d. :'~ . ."". Bernard Park, Mrs. Harry Seven towns claIm to bb th~ Daml'l1c famlly. Mrs. IH'rbprt ,10hnson "nil :\Ih:;. U J~lI",~('. Mrs. Daryl Huhbard went bi .. thday placr of Homer, thJ great tbe machine do the work in I~H than hall .~ U R.putwll J1ohnsoll wenl jo SlOl.lX I ('1 I Jmuli;) Friday having been 9th century B. C. poet. C'lty Tueslday eVdllng anrlrt'nlllin- i(':I.I'l~rl 1h<.'r(' by lhf' illnes~ of theit ~ she time.' No. it didn't f'd u~til $111 urday i! t I he 1 )OIH.del:'> !, ~'"" IW1' .. Artl(jlc~ Fransen came fro~ Gr(>('ce occupif's the sou hern- take me long to faH in love with my Speed Queen Ironer. ~~~~~;.ro;~rhorn~\lJ;n~y ~~tl~~~~~n~~ I~~~):: fr~kY, h·;~~·r. o~~.lt ~~~~~~~d ~st tip of the Balkan Pcnj sula. Stop II copy ------I .-.--._-, -~------.--~~ I \rh·,·I!J.,,..mr·nt) in lor Iru of • r~;.~EY most intercllin! afld ;,utrJlc­ I;IJ~ booklel, "A.tHIl'erJ 10 my by--*---' • KILL ATHLETES FOPT Home Laundry Probl~t::JJ." . Mrs. J. E. Bbrgerson "TE-OL BEST SELLEiR" SAYS FELBER PHARMACY I ' Mrr and Mrs. Jo(' Vdn Cure and SALES' BOOKS Dori~ of Big Spring!', \'is\~ed at the L. W. McNatt Hardware, Velmef Anderson hOme I\~onday at- ternobn. I ~FOR ALL BUSfNESSES 203 'lain I 1'110111: lOX Ml" and Ml's. Will C. Borg and Williqm att£ndcd tl1£' w€'dding of a cOL1Rin in Lincoln on l\1onaay. Mj and Mrs. Emil Eklherg left last Vednes~ay for Onlaha and ~ir;,; ;h~,f:i/7~~ ,~v~~rU~l(' t~f ~~c~~~ Th Elmer Fleetwuods Visited 8.t the harles Fleetw"ud home Fn· Seeing 'Is Believing day vening. Su day dinner and supper guests , at K¢nneth Bakf'rs were Mr. and Mrs. Will Tpq and Mrs. Leora NiCk1]S and family. In the evening, and wait 'til you Mr. nd Mrs. Wilhur Baker nnd Mr. nd Mrs. Burnnll Grose were there. Mr. ancr:\Ir,;. Rus~ell Wenstrand ORIGINAL, see II'f1 Sunday afternoon for J{r'd CARBON COATf:O Oak, la., to care for some bUslncss OUP~ICATa -~1\\l\ll'HiH~ matters. COVER, USED AS Mr. and lV[rs. Emil Ropg~rs and STOI>.CARD- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fi~cher and Paulette viSited Mr,;. Ben Chase 10 Wjsn~r Sunday afternoon., Ml'~. Charles Fleetwood. and Mrs. THE Frpd Muller attended a' ! for Vivian I The \V!ayne Herald 'NfW TC,lephone 130 i ' 'REMODELED Gem! Cafe

L You'll Be o Meeting YOu~ C Friends Startfng I tell us WI~at A , ill r plus' .Gl

"! Ge~ffl'

I I ····D·· .. ·r\.... , ,

1 I. Phone 130

LOST AND FOUlfD- WAN ED: Aug. 12 A good all arottnd man or a nemann. girls at'(> to first class mecl\i-anic. \Vork shoulder covers will COl1:--i:->t of setting up finished by this maC'hiner~' and delivering, . and Sewers are to ?r mechankal ,~nd repair­ ('omhlng cape-~ finished and USED Ing (depending' on the indi­ LI samplc' of outline stitch, vidual) . APPLIANCES RE..NT: Five-room house or three roonu apartment Bickert Farm Servic~ by August 15. Call 27-W. a5t1 Maytag Washer, square SALE: Five-room -.------al2 tub, eleetric .. $60.00 dwellip;; stoker furnace; . lated; barn, chicken house. ga­ rage ~Iid granary; aU in good W~~~P~ut~Co~ eotton m1ftil======~orge ;Washer, gas en­ condition; on five acres at 714 CARDS OF THANKS- L4----Mr'. Martin Madsen gine, pbrcelain tub $45.00 West F1~t stn:>et. Price, $8,000. Cavanaugh, phone 84. a5 Highest Prices Paid ('ard of Thanks Mrs. Gw~n~olyn Hiller. Mr. and ood V sed Bicycles, M~s. Frandis, Perrin and Tommy b FOR SALE: ]47-acrc well impl'O\"­ For Scrap Iron ofl;Carroll \\'rre Sa1urday ('vening girls and boy" ed fa~lTli, one mile west of Win­ guests at thr Maggie and J. L. Da~ models...... $10.00 up side. See Fred Erickson, owner. and Old Cars Y15i:homr. Winsit;k>. 812 ~1r. andJMrs. Isidor Kuhl and Double' DraJin Tube, Wayne Auto Salvage Card of Thanj{§ th}e youn est chIldren were Sun~ ~eavy, :with faucets and da' guests I an the F. J. Hopkins I wi<;h j(O thank all th0se who i('a~ters; in A~l FOR SALE: n20tf ------~---- visited me and sent: cards, flowers ho ~s~j~t~ra·ttingly and daugh~ condition .. " $11.50 Two Top Values in te , Pearl' artd Dorothy of Sioux .SINGER ~~pjf!~~~~~.r~~nr]~:!~.Y in the Cit were SUllday visitors at tho FOR SALE~ Wealthy apples. $1 a -Upright Home Freezer. Used Refrigerators Card of Tluwks V. 1;,.M~~1~ti~s~o~~·rtin Madspn bushel William Schnoor, 5 miles 16 cu. ft., nearly new, ·5- Sewing Machine Co. v'.e (' Sundaly ~ft.('rnoon VIsitors at south of Wa:t'ne on furm to ~'ear guarantee .... $190.00 One 4 I,~ eu. ft. Frigidaire For repairs and service - free le!It;~~~h a~od t~~~~.~~ ~~~i~~!dC~~t~ Robins home in -.em.:..a_r_kc_'_T_o_a_d·__ alL th~E\"ere!t Har~ lr_ One 6 cu. ft. Ward the work while I v.ias in the hos­ tin. ton. Ml's. EV('rf'1t .Robins and ---1- !Hiawaltha Outboard pital. Com aa Weier'Shauser. chI dreo came hOme WJth Mr. and F~~il~~L[9:41';~~ t;-o~~'n~'tr~~~ ~lotor.13 h.p" nearly ~:~e=~i~~S~~ Mr. Mads~n to spend thiS week: wilh l'6-ft foldiryg rark. J. E. !new, less than 30 hOUTS Both boxes completely over- - our represrntative wHl ~ Card of 1'lm1fks th,~e. Ifergcrson, Wak¢field. a12p R $83 50 $5500 hauled and in fin;t class oper- at your home MorftlayS. I Sincere thanks fot cards, letters r. Hnd n.lrs. Ray Craven and U.se. ego . ," . aUng eondition, Don't delay, and ,\;sits during mlY illness. Mrs. fan: i~y of Randolph were Saturday FOR SALE: Two q...~.;(' wagon and S 1 h they won't la!'t iong. Call Of' Writ€ Us at Gilbert Rau!'s. . eVi' mg vIsitors at t)1(' Thomas runnmg gear; t-ft. eJ('vator erera u~ed 1/4, 1/5 .p. 419 Norfolk Avenue Cr ~en,~~'1:;rs O'caT Carlson of wilh hoist. Don eyer. a12 plectric motors .... $7.00 up A & M Sales & Service Card of Thank~ Fr mont, Mr. and. Mrs. Mark B('n~ FOR SALE: Hanrl-,ICked Wealthy, Norfolk, Neb. I wL<;h to thank' relatives alld Shif and WiUm' of ~'insjde, Mr.' apple'S, ~1.50 :pc 1 bushel. W!ind- C;~ Company f12tf frif'nds for flowcrs. gifts a:nd cards of' an Mrs. Lcdnard SmlmOI1lS and: fa lis and No. ~ a pies, $1.00 per ~18 Main!;::======sent 10 mf' during my stay in the daUi;hlcr of Randolph Mnq FlJen hushel. Bl"Ing ('antainers. Farm Phone 368 \Vayoe a12 HELP WANTED- hospltal Mrs. George Tbompsoa Tell us Fredericks v.·cl·(' ..r::und~ly g~t'sts at; . half ·1 soU[th f Wayne on 12 and Carol Ann. a12p 1 i thE" Mrs. Anna C'ri\.]son homt'o g~:~way.~lh~ne FF~L Ro~edale ------+-- a ==:::::::::::======! _ ~~____ Farm. a12p FOR SALE: Brown S\\:phone lRFJO. FOR RE:NT: Sle€ping room ~or WANTED: Waitress and dish- # ~~;k~fl; ~t~c~~~~'~g~etp~I~~~.P~~= FO.n SA:LE: 1946 Mj~a~olis Mo.. ~o~ l:~~. or businf"Ss :;2!; washer. Ricks Cafe, ~ak~J~2 NO~THEAST WAYNE dcrson Bros. ImIPlcmc'nt, Wake- lInp smgle row cofJl"- pickel' in \~~:::===:;:::;:;::~ field. a121 good condition. Harold ElWin, ' fa~1~~"a1~g~!~S~n~ri\~J;;:~~I'haun: ------1------Omcord, Neb. a12p For Sale and Darlpne Echtf'.nkamp were F~.. ~s;('~!~~~c;~1df~o~:~·~p;~l~;~r;~ FOR.SALE: Clarinet in ~ cl(m~ din!~r and supper gUf'sts at the sell: $10 to $25. U!"ed coal rangt>s, dillOn. Mrs. Jay Drake, Carroll. AVOI'd Costly Delay"-. ,--' Ott :Mi!ler homo Sl.mday. full en:-J.mpl johs, in good shape: a12 ~ cr--- I ~ P. "nd }!cs !len Moyer priced 10 sell: ~lU to $:25. Mc· I \'-\'~- NOW. I Buy or Order N OWB--E-Y-O-U-R-O-WN-'~B-O-SS-:-Y-ou-c-an I Vo,'(' nf'~di1Y evening with ~ Nett Hardware. : al~j ~hine . ! M~~ ~~S~nd Mrs. Walter inn,er"n"",1 PICKERS: Used on hand: ~~~~ro~:i::-eYt~k guar- ) ('hilkircn. Albf'.rt , H(?hm F~~~~~:l\ ~~ ;~f~';o~~'Jo tg~n r ~a~'ti'e8SeS; GI l-ro\v pull, 2 :ttl and antee. B\g earnmgs ate possible. lof kallspdl, Mont., aU ~~~d5Z~.ith M « M. . An products delivecC:d by pre- i ~:~~. Ji{']r~o~~e~~~~ 614 ('l('ctric ('hum; ELEV ATORS: Galvanized, kkdKfr%g~bIc'I':~~~e J~~t~~~: f)l' ·1 call :\Ilr a12 alJd chair; f'lectric roaster and roller bearing. Jfeokuk.la. a121 Ia~ictPdit ~a~ager cabinet; el,,:ctric hand vacuum: \\-AGO!\S: Anthony, John- IWANTED·_ Pa;~tin1P ~ I I ~~~,1:~i~~t~~1~~ ~~~t~~e ~;;~ ~:' ~= ~~2':~. 5bl~~ ~on, and others. I' $.350 a month. \Vrite A. Ander-I clur~ng th~ir trip ",,"PSt a few' Jiring room set; light fixlure~; B~XEST: Johnson. Durabilt. _~n, Box 302, West Pdint. ~ I ~g~" hut had 10 cut their ... ~~'flOH'~TE~'-"'- ~1n~~~sk.:n~~1~d~~J·i(~~ El'GIN~S.and MOTOR MISCELLANEOUS- sho of the death of In lIlt· (""1111,· \YlJ)."l'IC l\IOV"TS F I K flS,~U$e mother the day Ute Buefi-·1 COlwty. X,·j)I" ... lm,1'~HlJ4 ,~,f fqre you 4\lu,y your oil burner ~ee 1\' ... "'.: or e eva to rs, 1______ner alrriv.e4. The visitors stayed 111 tlw mall"r of tllf-' "y>,tllt.,.,f 'fljle~f' at'lattra:ctive prices. we and one 30 h,p. Wiscon- ALCOHOUCS ANONYMOUS-) u.nt·l SU~da~! n~n and th(>~ ('"or:- ~~:.; :~l~ll J<~:~ri~~lIi~~.:~!:.'... t"(1\.tJov. n ,!i.~ willI tra~~your oI-d oil ~tove): sin. n ..tionaJ organization of problen ~~7 :1~,~~ to ClmtDn, Id, to Y1SJt l TI'·;r;~:~rl:q':.~~;;b~·tiJ'.~'s~::t,~,.. ll p.-.r- Et~t~~se~i:ttfe°~a:e~~~ GRINDERS: Skyline all- drinkers. as a group in Wake- JI. ". b•. r 'd~,.~rl·'o~~'~l~~'\I~lsUl/[lt~ !h;~:.ll-ii;:,~ f~erat~.7-f.t 42 Fri.Ridairf': pu.rpoHe, wit h knives; field and Pender. Strictly hu· ... • h d Si ele<:tric sewmg ma- Fairbanks-M orse; and manitarian. No money Involved W.AKEFIELD ,:.\\ ·~I;::~a~~~lI';L;(~I'~~:~I:·IItl~~~t (;/;~t~"'t~ c i~; 2 r utility cabinpts; 'Smalley~ Write P. O. Box 232, Pender. ~r. a\OIil Mrs. Clarence \V. !John- g:;Ii;::·II~,b~t·ult~·:I~dl~:~t' d~,j~·1' O~Il~'~;.~.~~ ~~~C:-d~Y~~l~!~in~i~ ~~f~~r~~ HARRO,\\TS: Spike tooth. f7eow sot:Jlandf~mIilYOfFonda l!1l~ 81'ld pIH:III:': lh~\ H,"I'h~'ll \\ dOOrwallcabinet~ \\layneMatt~ FARM BUREAU PICNlC: Dako- the week ,,!d at the J : ;),;.d~:i;~' ~;t/j;~~:.1"li~~·;·1n·:d:,m'lt~·~~~ NSS Shop. 8]2 DISCS: 12-ft. pull type. ta·D i x 0 n counties, Emerson, hQ~e. V ltOr.s from .on I"aid I'f'titl"ll b, rUIT ~'f' at th,' F1ELD CUTTERS Aug. 23. Charles Marshali, Statn to ~elp, frs Dahlgren f,uunt y COUll J:oom .111 \\·Hyn('. x,·+ . 'i" fwr hirtn y'$unday were ;~/:~I'~ll·t ';U)/~','"f;V~ ~fY be AUg1H4t, LAST'VEEI{! MILKERS: Surge. ~:rm~~Je~u~zsi~~~~, sra~-, ~,':~~(';'SOJ: .~~~ ~n;!. ~~~~~ ~~;~.\) J'L~;;!I~?~~~~J1~ I POST HOLE DIGGERS. dance. Remember the dat.e. a12t2 derson a.d daughter. Joan Bpy Your Radio Now DVMP RAKE: 24-ft. Bal'- I grandson,' Scott S!alpy. Edna Dahl- HI·~4.RI'\"(~ gain (used). WAN TED' i gr~r/~<;~/;1~~~Theron Culton and t, JI::lt~ll\"\'I~~~:'~ ( 'lil I (f 1"auH> at a Bilf Reduced Price SEPARATORS: Iowa. •

'I daUght('r~ and Mr. ~nd Mes. ";~n '~." ,':~.~\;·.".n~JD~;;a;;·,t'" nf ~l.om ItJi t"'27Ji Off MANURE SPREAD,ERS: Clean Cotton Rags Gf'Orgf' F} rg and Tommy vi.sit('d at T1H· ~tat" (Jf X.,·hrufll,,,. t" ull pE'I"' ~ U New and used. ) thE'. ,.Jor\ Dahlgren home !\.Iondayl 111Io-'l"O'sl' ,I In ."'l!,I. h'IUI~' "lI *1'· I" I,·h~ 1",tlf"·11 III t J.. \I' on '~ble 'nd console models STOV"~' Duotherm Without buttom, ('VE'!;'llng.,' r.r:l.l(.h,." 11a~ fiko a Pl'lilion In L-d. ., ~.. ~t I". ..1 . ~;~t~,.,~~:~.'~~,\ll~ld;tW~,. Jl:l~::~\n!;: ~vhich include G.E. and TRACTOR: Used Ford. hobks or snaps I J~h I '£'!"2am<;, s-ccond presIdent of abl'\l\ th"(' Z.t!l ,Iak ,01 Jlll~·. GIl kes 'V A TERERS.. I ~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~=~~=~==~!lt~h~e~L~l~'~:'!S~.,=~w:.a~s:f:at~h:e~r~O~f~J:o:hn 111!.d pr!.i..,·if1j..; tlial lJ;I('Il'~ £1":'.- rGs ey ,IDa \Ve pay 5c per pound ~ , ~~(' ~~am', .he sixih r~::;:.,:;fi)~~'~~1~\~;:;'~~~,~~J~W~!~,~~:~ ~~:~.D;:~: Service I The Wayne Herald "n ,'," ",'h .\"""l. a12tf III ",·1", k \ ri'"\1 ,,' J'f,,· ,,' MaJ'e~tl'c..i::'o Recol'dc_ u _ 90Cu ,~rayne, Nebraska a12 J 1~~'1I) J \! ('I{ r:11'i 1 ~ I I ~ \"11,[\ "dg \Vhile They Last!

Seven o('tu\.cs and a miOor third constltute the tone range ot a {)HlflO. Good Feeding That: Pays Dividends Is a stdndard Get Your RadIO at the Th~r(' are thr('e hours diffJrf'nce . Planned Process I; I!letween New York and Cali~ornja WAYNE MOTOR & tilnl". # IMPLEMENT CO. Let us show you our line of feeds . . E'verything the farmtlr From the carth milC's. Wa~ne, Nf'braska .12 needs to supplement his own grains. ·WE OFFlEk All Types TOP !~J~~~ of rt~g and Poul~ry Cattle and FEEDS. . : i Concentrates b.' ' Hog Complete lin., of O,th~r F'I"'ds ' SEE DORR'S' YOU But O. SELL Feeds GRllN FEEd -'LANT Get Our WECA ' ~ ~ ... - ... - T;"" i : !, I i II Ii I 'II I '"~~l''' I "

was tho former and family and Mr. ~d Mrs.. Eml . Hoskins. Brudigan and sons lIed, at the I Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pingle Hcnnan Gcewe home e~ay cvc- Ia., after I~arlt Ann" and Dickie spent . sr., day afternoon and evening at I ni~/a:~d~~~. Roy JicrSqn spent heK~~. andl Mrs, Emil Meycr were ~ii ii.iii~ Mr. Ralph William Broeckemeier, sr., home Tuesday evening last reek at the in Norfolk Sunday visiting at the .." ••• Record, books w~re 'completed. and Jimmy spent Sunday in Osmoncll. Lorraine Dorr, of Way~c MM~~. S~~w~~~ie~h",;~['r and Phil- ~a~eK~~:~d~~.daughter, Mrs. Nor, Mlrs. alt the . Mr. and Mrs. ,Hans Asmus and Mrs. Wright of Lincoln ~cre pres: ~~~~~r~~~fPhe~m~~ests family viSited a t the Herman Op· lip called at thl' Ralph Bccken- The Art. Ahcrns returned Satur' ent. They each gave a talk. Plans Mrs. Alfred H. Ulrich,IMrs. Ed- fer home Monday evening. "~'u('r l~ome Thursday aft(1rnoon. day from '8 two-wcC'k vacation in were made for achievement day'. MarcII~e Sampson was a Wed~ Pequot, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. John Lunch was served. The club will ~!~ ¥~~~~~~~~rYaf~~~n~Z~'re~ic ~~; ov~:~f;~t ~~~s~Sa~tl~e S. ~~~fifgUJ nesday VISitor at the Pa~l Lessman Ahern an~ daughters were there meet on Tuesday, Aug. ]7, at the Reuben Falk home. I home. I home. with them and plan to remain for Harry Strate hom~ with Erma Mr. an4 Mrs. Ernest E: reeit and Mrs. Hans Asmus, Arlene and Mr. and Mrs. Frccmont Lubber~ a while. Jean Strate. . Evelyn. lNIr. and Mrs. Herbert Gary spent Friday at the Harry st~dt wcre guests at t1;w Elder Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hansen call~ West Rand~lph Pfeil, a~ family, Mrs'l Minnie ,strate home. LUbberstedt home last wC'ck Sun· {'d Sunday afternoon at the Bur. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ruhlow and Ballro~m Trinity Lutheran AJd ~~~~Sim :~g~~~tsts a~~ i~!er~~~Ji 01 Chicago callcd daKr~.f:c:d~~~. Otto Koch and No. ~~~~ M~~~sc~(l~~m:nd i~ick;';iS~~~ Members of the Trinity Luther~ reunion eld at,Ta Ha Zo ka park at the £. el of Winside visited the Harry accompanied them n.maincd 'for a an aid met at the parocJ1iai scho@l in Norfolk Sunday. ' Becknqr's Sunday afternoon last few days. U"'here' t~c Good B~r¥~ Pia,)" bascOl(o.nt on Thudday aftj:!rnoO'n Mrs. ~Win Wittenbct of Ar- week. Mr. and Mrs, lIC'nry Borelman for thl..'l1· regular monthly meeting. linglon v sited on Tucsda at the are Mr. and Mrs. H?rman Geewc and. visited Mrs. Henry Frevert Sun. . Friday., , Aug, 1:1 Rt'\'. W. F. Sprcngeier led the d~- Mrs. Min ie Krause home .. Verna Ma.e had dinner last week day eVening. votions. Mrs. Ernest Fuhrman Mrs. Hprman Buss CalJe~ at the I Wilson visited on Sunday With the Fred Aevermanns M ..../Id I M d I opened the business m,eeting 'The Meierhenry "Fred Jochens home Thur 'day af~ I and Thursday at the of Winside. rs. a ena oore an Audrey Music by the afternoon was fipent 10 Quilting. Mr and Mrs ' ternoon, : Mrs. Wayne. Thomas an~ rvtrs. A~·t Leon~rd. Mr.' , . Mrs. Reuben Falk, Jimmy and, and Frank Ev~ns M~I~'n~~~~~~~' ~{Otr~~ef~sr~t" w~~~ ~~_~~~I!~I~tfrh~n~rZg~u~u~~~c~ I JIMMY BAR,NETT Behmer, WIll. pack thIS: month s IMarten jr Mrs. June and Mrs. Alfred H. Ulrich .of : 'went t:il~c~r~~d Z~kde~ Th~rsday e~~ni~g 'guqsts at the Mrs. Moorli' is Mr. Rlusers' sister. o,?xes fOI' rehef work. Mrs. Jack Cueile 'Br~ngardt Manitou, Minn., visited MOlnday af_ ., 01) business. Shirle,}' Sprague hom1.: Visit.ors at the John Ream home ORCHESTRA Pmgle, Mrs . .F~ed Marquardt and Iafternoon at the . Hel'man ternoon at the. TheOdorefCbcrer Mrs, Fred PettItt of Norfolk were Marten sr. home. home. SaturdayDonna nightMaye at Fairbanks the home otspent her WednesdayMr. and Mrs. afternoon Alvin ~sburnat the Elderspent ~u~n~d~a~Y~W~e~r~e:M~rs~.~J~O~e~M~a~"~in~g~IY~~~~~~~~~~~~~Iand daughters, Mrs. Jlin Blgg<; lind gu('s;~. HostesSCIs WCI'(' Mrs. Nora Mrs. ' He'rman Marttn, sr., re~ Mrs. l'1innie Krause a .d Mnr~ grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Her- Lubberstedt home. , 4nd I son, Mrs. Hans Asmus. Mrs. turned home Sunday' fter spend- gal'et \'.iSi~ed Wcdnesday \\ 11 h ]\11'S. Art Be~mer and Mrs. A. Brugga- mg several days at t tc home of Minnie Wittenberg and lrs. Er- lm~~r~:S~1ittelstaedt spent Satuf- cd ~~ ~~~ MI~~nGe~~~e~sl~~~n cI~~t 1.~.'n"",Wnhd.I,,. be next hostesses folr I hcr daughter, Mrs. Art Klug in nest HIlla in Norfolk. , . Lunch was S('fved. Norfolk. Mrs. Gus Marten visitedl Sundny ~'~1rg~~~\ ~~dNSo~~~t: ;~'i~~s~~o~~~ we~~n~~~d=rt'efnoon' and supper 1\lrs. Ed Wittl'nlH'l;g: and Mrs. ('vening at the Mrs. Minnid-Krause LoUIse Pape and Dorothy Prau gucsts last \\('(k .It the "Walter Emngelkal UI"'.Jr(·h Fred Klug and Childr~t;l. of Arling- home. ~ sa came from Nc,¥ Ulm and VISited Hnmm homc wore Harry McCune I COUNiTRY (Re\'. E. II, Sohl, pastor) !;unc~J~l'a~f~:gl:~d lk:~~dh6~t~~ SU~~~~'\O ~~~:~~ aF~~~~n:t \e~! ~~d~; :if~~~~nBUss home on Sat~ ~~~~r~l~ Kun~~;g~~~ ~~d ~~?~ i?~gg: ~"uonr~~rp S~~~~;~l'. IVu. and Mrs. Herb rt Klug vis~ Art Behmer home with he COusin, Marlm Sprengcler left SatutdllY of SIOUX City , cd Sunday evening at the Gus Yvonne Behmer. *' for Sleepy f .. ye Mm11, The Virgil Kar(h lis were Sunday Pt'RCI' R('fonn('d Chm·(''h Schmidt home Mr. and ~1rs. J. E. Ping-Ie, Mary WIll III employed hy a dmm'f guests lasl v.eek at thc FRESH (Re\ C H Rlf'descl pastor) I Mr and Mrs Anton Janssan of Ann and 'Dickie spent Mo day af- Jllackmg company until the fall s('s~ ] Rf'ubCn Carlson home in Carroll .lilOns <1t college begm The \\1,111('1 IIarnms took Derald 1U 00 Sund,lY slhool 11 00 \\or~ g~~f~~~~r;~~~~~~ Sunday at the l\~~~~i~ ~;rf~~. John (evcson LOUIse Pape and Uorothy Prau- !Hamm to th(' .Frank Hamm home ~hlJJ sen IC~ Ei wm UlIICh and Gene and Mr. and Mrs, E. E. PO tel' re~ sa spent several days \,1::'lting at In Osn:ond Fndaj. MAGIC ••• ~)n l'llday night the Youn~ PCO- (' v.ele Sunday dI~ml' guests turned home Monday a. tcrnoon the Rev. W. F. Sprengeler home Patricia KilY Anderson we,nt pl( s league of the E>eacc Rdorm- 1vernat the Sam UlrIch hon e from Omaha and .Counelr Bluffs over thc wcekend. ,Tuesday last wcek to ViSit a while t'd and Immanu'iU) churchC's will Mr and Mrs Alfr¢ UlrIch of where they had visited relatives. Ruth.. Sprengeler ~pent seveqd with her gl'andmotl1Cf, :\1rs. Nels meet at tile hjJrne of Chl:Jstmc l\!,IOltou Mmn, Mr ~np ~1rs Er Mr. G.aines who vblted \.vith r('la­ days vIsiting with friends at Va~M O. Anderson m Concord: wm Ulrich Pfc DWlg ~, Gene and tiv('s 10 Fremont r.clurned With entine the past week. Last w('ek Sunday dmner !'lnd Verne 1\1.r and Mrs quben Falk, them. MI:s. Martha Rohrke also Almost magically. the' famous flavor of ROB. Trinity Luth('ran L'hureh, J~mmy and June, M and Mrs accompar'llcd the.m horne. # ~~;~P;~~~U~~et:p ~~(~~~aft~~n~a!;:~~~ ERTS HOMOC-j';NIZED MILK i. kept for you {Rc\ W F Spq:ngek'I, {Jdstor) HaJOld Falk and Na qy and Mr Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lar>;cn, Gary Rev. and Mrs. John Gabrielson and children of Concord called from the time the farmer's milk arrives at the at ~~~(){)~56e:;~n t'~~vl1~~o.English ~~~o~r:'u~~~~o~u~~~f tI~elf. c~ I~~'~nz~~~k?efa~~~ r~~t~i~~e~lt t~~ NORTHEAST Tlll'sday ('\'('nin~ last week at the The YP~.c:...so_~jpl gathcrin~~ Falk home. ' Ha Zouka park on Sunday. , r Virgil Kardell homf'. ROBERTS DAIRV until you've savored th~ last Mr. and Mrs. . Gary Lflrsen spent Monday with WAYNE Bonnadel\(' Brammer spent from ;;j;;;;;~j;;;;S;~;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;j;~;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;.;;;.;;~;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~, Hcrmaln~OPfer, Bil~ d~licious sip. ROBERTS knows how to capture " ly and Nancy attende~ he Wheat. hiS grandpan:nts, Mr. and Mrs. by-----' Tuesday until :friday \-\'1111 her ley family reunion 1O! yans Sun- James Larsen m Randol'p~. grandparents, .!\II'. and Mrs. Simon and keep the original. country sweetness of fresh. day. Mrs. Jack WhcaUley is a sis- Mrs. A, Klembach vlslted ,Sun- Staff CorreSDOndent Lessman. ter of Mr. Opfcr. day aftornoon at the Willard Mrs Gcoq:W Wischhof and natural milk. ROBERTS DELICIOUS MILK Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bernhardt Fletcher home. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Kardell and daughters Visited Mrs. Melvin of Denver, Colo., and firs. Ray~ !vIr: and Mr>;. enrl ,Nieman family called on the Harold· Gun:­ Meyer Wednesday afternoon. is tested eighteen times for purity, richnessl and llIarsons Wcdnesday and Friday mond Bernhardt of No fOlk spent ~mslde Hnd Mrs. MattiC Voss VIS· flavor. You serve the best when yPt! s~rve Wednesday evcnillg at t e Herman lted Sunday aftl'rnoon and were evenings For Se",·nth HirtluJav Joann Powers I('ft for Lincoln I Opfer home. supper gue~ts at the Henry Voss Burton Echtenkamp's sevcnth ROBERTS. 1 I Friday mornmg to ~pend thp week~ ! Mr. and Mrs. Glenn [Frink and home. I birthday was celebrated Friday I daughters were Friday ('vening l\1T, and Mrs. Henry. yoss .a~d end with her sister, Mrs. Harold evening when guests at the Floyd All Makes and Models Stoehr. ~~%~.rs at the Hcrn:an Opfer ~a';;Jn~rSa~~~r~~~~nrm:t vl~ht~ Mr. and Mrs. ('peil Stallhaum, Ji~~tl'~i~a~~n~~orTe ~'~~fl~~~ fa~~ John Stallbaum and Darlene and REACH FOR Quality Workmanship Mr. and Mrs. Fred IJqchens and Walter Rethwisch and Lynn 1som George Wlschhof, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Alfred Ulrich\ Manitou, homes near CarrolL Alvill Roeber and s'On, Mr. and Minn., \vere among guosts at the Mrs. Martha Rohrke rNurned ~f~~rol'd S~~m~~~tif~~~r; orn~'a~l~t ::\1rs. Vlliliam Krallman, Mr. and Paut..Rathjen home ncar Pierce. home Monday afternoon from field were last WCl'k Sunday din­ )'1rs. Joe Patton and 1\1r. and Mrs. ner guC'sts at the Henry Bush Mrs. Rathjpn is a cO\~sln of MI·s. Omaha whel'e she spcnt the weck Herman Gl'cwe and daughter. Jochens and Mrs. Ulrich.1 at the home of her cousin, Mr~. home Mr. and Mrs. Albert Behmer vis- Minlllc £ro\,..·n. Bonnadcllc Brammer >;pent Wed!. I itcd Sunday ('\,ening at, the Frl'd Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pinge!. Dickie ~{~s~.~~ ,fternoon \.""Itll Harlan LOCALS Jochens home. and Mary were Friday night :\lr. and 1\1rs, Har\,C'y Echten- Mrs. Chrlrlcs Bal{[~r and Mr. and Mr. and 1\1rs. George Schmitt left vi:;itors at Hans Asmus home. kamp and Joyce werc \Vednesday 01r~. Bob. Baker attonded the Mc~ Phone 368 Thursday for an indcfinitc f'vcnmg Ci-tllers a t the Ed 1'l/le. yer QUlstan fan~liy reunion Sunday in 1 with their daughtcr. home. . Riverside, Sioux City. About 73 I Mr. and Mrs. Ed C ,:\11'. and :lvlrs., Frank Brudlgan I [1'001 South Dakota, Nebraska and • "August 13 Your Lucky Day! 39c 39c 50c WILL LAY AWAY Any Blanket of Our Many 78c Blanket Bargains SOc Ladies' White HandkerQhiefs IOnftmEL WATER PAIL Reg. Price 6 for 35c soc 12 FOR WHITE PURSES ··49c Sel(:ond Annual B,~r9ain Event: All styles. Up to 4.98. ···················20e ONLY EXHA~ST EXTENSION I KITCHEN TOWELS ....SOe I Chrome plated. Reflector jewel Colored border hand towel LADIES' WHITE GLOVES , Regular 85c Reg.25c Dark and Pastels Reg. $1.19 I 3FOR .. SOC , , RAZOR BLADES WORK STRAW HATS ANKLETS Double: edge. Gillette tl'pe. Reg. 69c and 89c Misses' and Children',! Regular 10c per packaJ.e Assorted Styles Relr. 35c per pair i' ····23c. e ' l3e NOW 2 FOR SiO lOe , . I ····35c MEN'S WORK SO~KS CHILDREN'S SUN SUI~· I Reg. price $1.10 , nell Cotton. White, gray, black, brown. I'" :•. :!~~~~~~--~~~~--- 3 PAIR 50f NOW...... : ... '1 ~,O e,

Reynold'. : I UNBLEACHIED MUSLIN P '; d . 1 I i Regular ":39c:! yar BALL RPe.gO,19NacT -.'1 : N

i 1,1 I 50 1¢ '. ~~~~~~~~_~~~~~~~~ __~~~~2_y_A_R~Ds~~~~~~.II~~~qN~L-y- ..._' ... _ .... _ .... _ .... _ .... ~ .. -:_.-i.p.~~~~

":".1- II' ! i


(j tiolkg-e ohtaincd the: :-:t()1'lIgl' tank fl'l"11 the c,urtdu..: lIan'ard, ba~e. It Was illstalled to mee1'('nlCrgt'IH";'" t(lnditj(nl~ Ihd\ nlig-ht inttTfi'r(' \\ fuel dll'\iYcl'ics during the wintur mOlllils. Th(' ()il t an' Ih(· larg(':..;l and \~'ill lll:l\'c to pru\'jde threc;full h~ad,- 1u fiJI th<' C\]!dli(le_d~-'t~-+~_ : A: : ' I. I Raaso.-s VAl Explaim;Ncw '1lRese~ve Officc~s, ICounselI rs Sihful~ Shop at La nlll~ng on Training V~~~~f~.~·I;,,~~,r.~I~e,~ :CHI . f<'or:,War II V('tioi .. ,M"",,', ,I, ''']:,,',', I", I,Wayne tuft , day th~ 13l: i Iturn 1(, nl Pl'r."IJ!1!lCI. willi rI.lrll I I Fancy • Whit~ tun.'. \ ·(J,lk('r: altl'liJuted the In'T(od"C' ,slalf nf 3') /;,('11.11 r:WI~lh' I", \ .. ' , I Lmculn l·j"g"j} Ill(" '\ldp--pnI" S(' lrdulPd f(1 ."\:!. YARD \'ctera s aft-c'r June 31), 1~4R \'('1- (,[I H.r M'nC." and ~illl{ 11;11 Ctll;;I-d I {by !" f()II()~'JOg 1l~"~S."11' I , ('rans -ho commf'nced or re-eom- t) orwnt all mrml!{.rs \'.It/r IUlIl) lui sluricnL 'at : .:.111 mence t I pnor to July 1 Irl )' 'qUln'men!!" i'J'lH''';f' ·jJ!;H"emf·nt nd i ter St.ltX'- Prm.lnl!" that F"rir!;lY th@- f'~ursc$ , hy tho n{'w law l:..'HI'l'r tnls tll()nlIl. G,'nero.! Hlllll);dll!f]" \\,jl be sore Ia d 1:\111 IS ~ lucky day at I wll~ lie complete their \' 'alkor ulpd til(' 1<;1("1.; (fj r('-,pun<.,e' I ;1\·'u)al,]1' II) !iJc-ulty cou Sci.' rs·.. or.· !I'·';t:•. 1 trami l~tlWdI'IH. tlJ':J,n:JI)flfll('('rS\\"hl{'hl)'\, ('01-1' rll.lnlH'd th"lr ,,; h 'c\uh' (t f: l , ~Ir"mnnf (,f ~f'!r.'t'(I\,(: S('f\·I(·(' ](';':1'-;- wlltl till' il'~)1 (,r :1:1 ;Id,l.~( , .. - BlIdkH l~a"{1nH'llt - Iilllon, II" ('-,1Imill('u ;11 that llmf' T P!II'JTld,·SHlI'jj ill Jt'l;l-.j~ ·r ': qldl th{IFlf1!l AI1T1\ '1l'a LHgt"tITw"rll) Sq.l! 7 I uP. the ct)Un1T) SllOUld b(' <.IIJIl.' tu I ()Pf nlnl, \"1I)1. (t Ih(> qull("~ I' \ prm'ld(' OUU \olunturs III lUll' l' flaJtl en! f.tndl ,( I v\hOr tnt lluml)(1 ofiJ.PP]){ -, on,; (\1111, uUlmg !h~ (\(nHbg 11 I One Lot rl(:(l\ld'aIISfdr<'h"llutJIQIJlrl Iln...:mmll'> lillIe pllnH> I,' !lenls h~ulh th' [l,IS! Sf\fr m-,(O,tlgC I(hl~!~.g I, ... bl!tJ('s.'

L" . j' - t D . r :. Th(, ('oll('~r T'Th ntainj its I· e lIcr(' art.' n pairs of Old i i , ICe lse () rl\C h'wl that ('xistc( ,rior ~o t C wa : Lihcol - -"A total of 3217 !\c- tHflcials f'sUr':tat that ,tot white' "hop". BrokC'n si:3es. You can hOI\'{' 'em, they're I i~~~~~;s ~~i~~~~f' I~~~~ (I~n~~(. ~_~~~ :~~ ~,~~~~s;~:ds S~ ~kf~r t~.rOUgh lhe ~iifcl)' r(,s.p'ln~lt)jlIIY ~()lal include's ho~~ng, f 100 old us Hurry. raj" aH o( 1.1.,), failure ((I rqJOrt their I,ulllon fp{,s, alt ,tS udcn mTId('nl: or III JUf"nlsh prllof of and athh... tlf.: {'\en I - ~ain "~lfI{)r - thf'ir rJll~n~iar rr'spOnSJ1i11Ily," ()w- ('m Ho.YI.(·;,.,.dlrf'C~o.r of the m'ltur \'l- LO d : t eours¢s a "\el- hjcle QilvlslUn, silld today -4 ' :1 an will not 1 'This IS th{ acl \\;lJch IS dC'-1 .:'.lrs Guald Fa. M~ ~COI" I - , aVQcatJOnal or rec~ I sijgnC'u to promolf' safll) {n I\("'h('r 'f I {'s and mgli- nCar Wakl:!fJeld ~ ndilY H' 1r.1 j courses of \O¢atlOn,tl gr nt dl Itmg" Mr and Mrs d Rot 0 P'-IJ ,­ nt a~)Jlro,,('d s(hools 8p- A~ 1<1 rc~ult uf tlW Fred T send or \ \! so hpf(' gor" ,our odd play : i hy InstitutIOns of Yihl! suff 1 thL lrl~~ (:Jf tl1(-:11 dll\trS York City arn' Tuesclay It as an mtf',::-ral part }if f1ns€'s "VI"lt her motht!. Mr$ IJenlll' shoes. Mo,,! l,y hr(Jwn~ and leadmg to an cduca- .IBOY. i('~, hO\H'H'r dJ{l stelle Hldt I Sehr,umpf ~lrs hrmpf ntt.", ) ? black", too. t~t' CH~ ~dso llfk('t~ (he dnv('r who! III SIOUX. City. , rs. F)"Jy '5 f(J. 'j ilY 1 c Ithe lil's! rind saf!'sl on the 11~o~, Ma.rI.lyn a~ BIll If E!!~';"~ hJ c:- hw ~. In ca!->I"uf aC('J(jcn1, wIlh ll~_~g, W<~sh_: Will come tu~(~y j - Maln !l·'loor - daughtC'f of 1\11'. Ip'. pc: 1)( damag~' of over. $:10, both IV:.''ilt ~rs. Schr pf ,;\ r (I~,-'~j Mel)'er, was lzi!p~ IPtirl~ wli nre requil cd to subnut an '" ho. h~ be~n te, 109 1 t~( C Lut~r- elJ.CidCl1l nport to the motor \c j\lcrslty of New k thl sllmnj , Yo crc Mr and I hJ (Ie ell IS'{ln of 11lf' df'{I Harvry vfrs t~lt fiJ.llUt ( 10 r1 1)01 t sl.cll ac- ?lIlncr gUlsts at t e Carl D (' ... e, L I~IIm~( (1 of Frcn h ~~cp~s, $~un m BUimark N hllr ~nd Mrs Delbert Alderson a bahy shower [J r Ron ld AI1f r,lyons ~ine cottons. v~'''~.~.;'"ln. went throdugh fa lily startE'd on lhelr vac:a.! at Ill(' George El khoff h me HI tnd and stoppe I,n larltdhan M ndav The) first p]dnned to Wakefield Sundabr. r Reg. 98c to $1t98 yet see Mrs Hamer S g() to udubon to VISIt Dale AI. F1Qljpm:e pete~ n of IOl '>. (' , I . SWihart, and "'Ike dqrson and f1amlly spr-nl,.he weeke WIth h r Pkll..., Payette, Ida On thel t:O-lr nd Mrs F E B£'yclf'r and cnL". the Oscar, ternon I called .at the Ar~ R bcrtjwtre' ~u1'sts Sunday at the Mrs p(sther Tm IpsQn a~d 11<1'- .10 North Platte! 1... E ,orgensefli home ill Wmslde Iy, Mn<; .John R k"\c-lI an I 1),> b SWIhart home m ~ir and Mrs Ray Kelley and fanH- Hannah Beck of m:oln IS ted] ,d Iy~1wetQ also thero_ the Eric Thornps ho 0 C1' i1~l.' lIousf( I 11 hrt dd MZ;al~~~n~~~r~tt ~~ w~I~~a~d Mrs, an lId ,.'I" Frank Heine ~.ml \\ Hat; Bl~e I home last week lted the Henry ltUer Uml:1J-' unhl 5 T c:sda' evenmg evenlOg I J III honor! tlghes and ('hIldren Mr. and Mrs. IS Rot n~r.\l- end in \Vahoo. M.r. \'in. ,Mr. and ~ s Cha l~ ;rii I anied them back to S~~dt~: fr~~r~ tin~Y ~ ~~tl~e OScar Pet~rson arid lvIJ:S. Lake C!.nd Luver e, Minn . . nclsay were a)non'g those Mr. and Mrs.~ ne Cur IpQd Mrs. Edna Pearson Judy, a.nd.Mr. a d! . O. e her birthday last \Ved- reY1 of < Plainvi ~V '!aftern1ooc. 1 - guests at the A .0

' .. - ," I I - -:1 " . : Ii" , .'. i . L'i,,::!!,".'!:!;!','!! I: , I I, I' '

ing the I:l~a:y mornfng, They had been vis­ You Think. Itmg Mr. and Mrs. James M.cIn­ The Heart I tosh. adventure for The Dean Detlcf,,ekcnd! guest By James C. Olson I" -- . Mrs. John Kyl. nnd j,~~ncne, Supt., $tatc Historical SOCiety L--Staff CorreSDond~nt!

Arlene Draghu spent l",X-·'"'¥;n L. Sears wa~ killed in ""~~~~""'~~~';'~'::""~::~'~~~j~"'''~~~~ Su~day been ca ring 'stories this summer her parents, the Mike according to a tC'legram rc­ ~~~~ Dragr Mrs. Nettie L. Scars. He is of threat ned crop damage hy ~Loren Dunklau visited from $un~ boy to be lost jn the war ... Jamie grasshoppers. So long as tNcbras- d y until Tuesday with the Fred kans rC'member their histdlry, any ckmans. pile of shingles, breaking two bones talk of grasshoPPf'rs will hring Mr. and Mrs. William JacolJ>serjI ... Ne'llie Baker, Beth Yaryan and to mind the plagu(' which spread and family and Mr. and Mrs. LeorjI Carroll and Jessie Prince of Win­ o,ver the plains in the middle ~ev- Thompson and family were Sunt na'.ID1,ott,>dfor nurse'S' training in anSWf'r to a cnties. day guests at the Leslie Phillips ... Mrs. B. D. EVans and For yt:!ars nature seemed to home. la., arl'ived to vi:-;it at the home of frown on 'Nebraska's pjoneer farm:' Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mau and . A. F. Gulliver ... RC'v. and Mrs. ers. Crops Withered in the blis~ ~ir~r 7he:~W~~e1€f£e;!~:th~g~;r made the trip to Omaha JIl four their son, Al!wrt. \vho was passing ~i:i;.,~~:~lfl~C:: ~~~;r~:Cd s~~~~: inli{ Mrs. Virgil Moseman and La- troop train .J ~~~~~ ~t~('ra~~= families of Don Lutt. Willard· be, en) apPOinted rcceiV!er of the I<,'iI'st National bank hoppers sweeping down out of the ~:~~heMO~~~~~h Dunklau, an~ at Carroll w ich closed its doors May 7. ElSIe Ler­ llf'avens s{'cmed Uke a plague for Mr. and Mrs. Russell Beckman ner and Fra k Heinf' ~V('r(' marr-ied at noon Tuesday which I hetre was no human answer. and family were at the Ed Gathje in Sioux City' ... J. N. Landanger s('\'('rly cut his The Yl'e·talotia°!1' Nelson home were Mr. and Mrs. Si- an injured krjlee, haVi~b('en kicked hy a hotse . . . LI u- mon Less an Eo n' L Mr. and Mrsl Detlef ai expect to leave thIS week ed with the' crawling hoppers. 1t Mr. and M::i. Dean ~O~~g, ~~~~~i for Chicago to visit M . and Mrs. EdWin Grubb. .. ~~~~~<:;:t~~J t~h~~t~f;ggb~t ~~?g~cteeda and Jimmy, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth' A new group, the' Nei hboring club, was organized lifeless stalks, Since cOfn was Ne~ Lel'iSman and Bobbie, Mr. and Mrs. at the home of Mrs. E '1 Steffens ir Ho~kins. Mrs. b k! .. 1;W, Orville Nelson. Fred Fenske Was elect(?d president. t~:~ i~ ~1fl~J~ha a ~~li~'ac~h~n f~h! Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mau and 15 Y... ear .... .J ~~~~t ~a~'~~ t~itee~~at~S~~~endom~ ~;~~~!~::~~~iia:.D~:::::~ n gO k ' ...... August ld, 1933--Tht Herbert Mittelstadt home t k:~~U~~!~~v~~~n~UdOIPh G~un-' : . : in Hoskins WIaS damaged Sunday night hy fire, Trinity Co~Jege at Durham, N, Mr. and Mrs.1Ke·nneth Johnson • ~~~,:!h:a~~ ~~~~:i~ ~~~ ~~~o~~~~I~nAe~~~~i~n\\;~~~ ~~'r~~~nr~do~~('~a~e r~~e?v~k~u~r;l; If:~Ch~~~d~~~t~e~r M~in~~~ ~d : Tuesday by car for Cltticago to attC'nd the fair }eft it by a wp,althy tobacco manlJ- J. K. Johnson Sunday. . , : Little 12-year-old Ruth Render [{'II and broke hf'r _~.~.!:u~~., ____ ,___ Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Bing and • collarbone while playing whpn she was in Wayne q : ~~~~ ~e~~h;i;~n:~~o~~:~~~no~~~~te~~r~f ~~r~~r~~~ Have An 5 family were all together at the Ivor MOITis home for 1=., • • the first time in 24 yc~s ... MJiton and Mervin, {'ld- Uperlenced : ~~~ ao~d ~oo~c~~~~\~~~~ ~e~rth~~~ 1~;;t~,hd~OY~P~O~~~~ Mach'ln,'st! last week, .. Mrs. Har y McMillan has been appoint- : td by the state Legion auxiliary preSIdent as chair~ = ~:;r~~:~e badge com lttee for thC' state meeting in DO YOUR : • « 1< MACHINE WORK I::· 10 Years Ago Fully Equipped (:;areful Workmanship August 18\ 1938- r. IsabC'l Rust is now on a I. trip to Cuba, Hawaii a d Honduras ... Finley Hel- Electric and Acetylene Welding : leberg Was judged W yne's best .jmitator of BQb- • by Breen at the Gay t· eater following the Uawaiian e : pafade in Which 40 ~ iIdren took part. The drum and 'bugle corp&, drille by Roderick Peck, led the Morr, IS M'ac henI e Sh 'Op ·: parade ... Dr. Mary oney plians td sail Aug. 24 • from New York for t gland where f:jhe will be an : exchange'teacher next year. Miss Kathlern Staines J.. oratf'd in MeYf'r'., Ford Garage aSH. 0f England will teach i the Wayne college ... Jean I~~~~;"~~~~~.... ~~~ .... ~~~~~~~~ .... ~ : Mines was given hono able mention in the Ameri- I' -- • $~~ :~:~r~n c~::c:~ ~~ s~o~l'~~~~i:no~t~ ,F:r~:: S_!HIIJ •••••,I······································: .5 Darrell Roe, Was born ug. 11 tm Mr. and Mrs. Paul .. ~th:u~~:a~~~!lOo~;i ~ C:~~. ~~~i~~e~~n;;~~:i~: = • :~::=::'".' Anything Can Happen! i to HAPPY LIVI~G .. e e • IS in your own handf when you hbJd hy- Play Safe i . Mrs. F. If, IIfildner Order Coal ~I_.,! i.· a passbook to a saving~ acoo*nt he~'e! 11"W Yes, this passbook can b~, yourlnass~p1rt 'I:!'\ : to future success. RegularII sa~ngsr ill ' provide the finances necessaJd at e3lch' The 194&-4~)leaf:in1l' .~,a_ is nO : time to tak~ chances.' Anythinc milestone of your life. ~n't p~t Gfqhe' E cail happen tl> curtail coal aIHp. • mento ..• Npw is the tiine to pro. happy tomorrows, .. Just start banking, i ~ teet F>Ur rigbl\ fo ~eep w.~ next = wint..... fill IflI/IWblas t() .,.q,.city today! ' • .: wlille otock.l a~e ...aila~le. " : : I' I I'D 0 IT N O'W ! 5! This Bank I~ at the Service of the: Entire O)Jl,lm~tyj , : i • I I I ~ I II State

= I.' I I f»f jaflle Nebr1ska I! ~I' i' Dave Theophdu",,.. I I (' . , I I I I or · ·~···············~···········~·r· ····i·········· ..J ••••••••••••••••••• ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••t.r .•,I. i I._ " ' . I I I ' , I ~ I I' 'IC ~ I .. ','" I' • I I I I' , !' I , • . -, . ~I' • - •

'I'Hrn,~n,AV Al'Gr~T 12, 1948 Wayne Dowrls Pioneer Nile Leagllft !West Point 'Notes IHere Thursday

:-;i~tan('('. TIJp ("na1 di...:tinctinll ill ~lln-"hine Or -"how{'r.


35 to 46 ... Regulars • Shorts • Longs

Use Our Lay-Away Plan •

FAMOUS NAMES. • Alpagora • Cloth Craft I • Don Richards ,B~y e Hampton Heath

l"f I year-Iround freshness

Covert ALPA&ORA (;abardine In season 01' out, frozen , COVERT Fleece fruits and yegetables Tweed retain their .. 100 ~,; wool Yenetion rond, Warmth "'ith?l1t Fr1leshness ,veight in it top coat ~tylf'd to pc·rf{'ction. Box I stvl'€s ''lith button frollt or the fanH-LIs new bold Goodness lo'(lk~the "wrap front." .:\ailed dO\Yll Pi'iec~ G~ (uls of Flavor that e\Tery man can afford. \\ e inl,-iie ~:our in~pection. I Good Meals, 50 501 $3.' 4.. 1:0,' $49. !. floods 34 t~ 46 •.. Regulars· Sh<;>rts • Longs i HTT II ,.. ····11·············· 'I I ,--7 I II II

Lou Flshl'f, who 11~{1 \)o('n Rt lilt" BIl('iIrc h()~H' 1/11'; sumlT1~'I1, ,II (Olll" • P;ll1ll'd tlwtn 10 hf>r honu' Iwt,C' LUl'{'tld .Mae FIsh!)'!' of N()llldk spcn! Thu('soay anel Fridai,y it 1 11H ~~I~~nF~r~·~~l~~I~ ~~tr;l~p I'~:!~:l:l~" surp"'r gugst J Mr, ~H1(~ M~ls (JUn 1\:nnl ~st DdcgalC's c\cckd to tho rOth an- cbraska towns on a bq,ostcr Itr'P hursday of last week. ~ G~~~ dI~1:~~~~ll~~L A~~~~~r ~o4n a~~ ~A·carnlval group will be in W'n­ 25, \\fcrc rCl1C'~!cr Wyltt" Alfred !'idc on Wednesday night 1< I1id Kurrrlnwyt'}' and lVLtgnulS Peter­ Thursday. Music will bo furni5J cid s('n, Alt('r'n(ttl'~ na01ctil 'WCl'C, by the Brownie Walters clown ~1~OW;;t'~\'S$, Don \Vac!{('1' and AI" hand and the Winside band ('un1ll1jlll~C'''' \\{'j {' dPpI~JJlted to lnclu(k{~ in the day's pro~r!m will be th(> holiday and cahillu t­ June Chdlge of the .JUtllQI' LeglOll I()ul'nanwnl held, plan t>aradc and the ('htldIjc l'S hasel)aJl nt Win- dUl'lng thC' w('clc Thclmc'mhC'rs ~trad{'; two baseball gan}('s, r l'- 1'\ldc dCCj(jl~d 10 Illj,(' 1),111 In Ihe Uld 111 ) ~~~l ~~n~J~.Si~ j~~~~n ,~M ',~~ 2f'ttlCr!l plCnlC' parade, ning with Dell Clayton and his rr­ N('\\ly ('1('{'INi OflJ('I'IS \I.C'I'C in­ dl('stra complete the di1Y'~ cnth- s/,!Ill'd hv .)C'dn 8o)d, lIlst.dlatIO/1 t.ainment. : (lflH'('1 'r'/H'Y, .11(', Pus! cortltnander, • It. (, Tldut\\'('lO, Jl', fir ... ! vice i ('(lmrn~\lldC'I-. ()llan l\:ocll, sf'C'ond \ H'I' {'urnnl

\\ ,,"ding' AUllolllH'I'd MI' and Mrs Adolr Mill!'! an­ lloum (' 111(' apl)! (),I('hIng Illdlll,lg(' 01 Ih('11 rlilllgllH'I. !\11:-'S L.d('drH', to \\';llTl'll ManH/, "'Il!l uf tl-ll' and Mrs 1';dg,Il' Mitro1/ or Jfnskm" TIl!' \\('ddln~ \\ III I

t· ur "illIllll \\') Ii" \Vilma \\ 'yilt' OhS!'l \'('d III I' <..;,:...1 h bJrlhdi-l)- SillunLl)'. In h()IlOl of llw o('casJ()in, Iw1' lllo!iH'l" 1\11'<" WIlI\Hnl \\":.1](', ('ntl'l'ldllwd 1:) gUt:-.1.s ,II dIM!'!)' fmm ~ :~O to 1 ;~(j SH!urdd\ alt('ll1()()Jl (~dm('s \'('l{' play('ri -!'I,1rs \\1.\ III' "'0rv{'(1 lunch­ lllat- eon \\'lln1

Allt'lld Birthtlay l'url) Mr and 1\11 ... ,John \-\l

\\S('S Mf'''ts The WSCS of Ill\' M(,thoUlfit chUtt'h llwt TU{'sday ;111('lnoon wllh Mr... q;, C i'~rancls and M!'~ ~ the Ptieedl. .. W J MI'ifoldl i!'i hoslL' ... .scs In I he church IMl'lol''' Tw('nly-olle nl('m­ hpI'S and !'IX gucsts \\('1'1.' pI ('~('nt The rl'gula~ UUSlnl'SS rlH'{'tl11l! \\(10, ~\\';ld ;rll,~' ~~,~treg'j~~('t('~~,:~Vt;~;l(\U~l\:~~ -~ wIuj • Cl1nl TIOUUl1lan 'Alii t'nil'llatn on Aug 17.

Lallit'" AI(l l\11'f'tllll!; SI l'duls Lul!J('I,11l LoIdll''' AId held .b rq..;uldl' ml'lllllg ,lIld blll'~1 d'l} Wl'dnddilY III t he church pa,r- MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLETS ;~_I(~en('hl(;ti~~.!;~{'\\ :~;~n~~:s (~\ ('~c L('WIS, Ell{. Bwhll'. MIS Fl',lnli Bronzyns]{I, lVII'S 1\11 [(' F'l'ilwr, Mr .... JIc!lly Von Sq;:gtrtl, Mrs. EV{'l'ctt WIlli', lVII'S W J Mls­ THAN ANY [chIt, Mrs Mrs OTHER CAR ~i{(, '1'ldnck, Sam HClcllC!'I, rs 1'.111.1 LeWIS, M~, Jacoh WHI( f', Mr:-. Dave LllC'kcr, Ml'o.;. R1Ci1.1 d MJllI'r, fvlrs. l\1f'l\ in COMPARE ~hp valueS: compare the pricesf . ,-. qUl1ily advantage still not available in any other • Mlilcr, My!', Vrnl{'rwk JdtliH' compare the values is to know that only Chev­ That is why more and more people in all parh Adoll :\11111'):', Mrs Alfn'd Mtller rolet! brings you the BigwCar riding-smoothness Qf of the country arc dceidmg, more and mor~

:lrviceJ <;0 I .1' I CORYELL AUTO COMP' W NEBR. ; . il I i ~"~('~Vilh ro: and I LOCALS :11",. Paul Borg' Paul [ i\lt· and Mrs. \Vanrcn (:'allahan Lester Lult and min- Manon, OhIO ('arne Fhday to !VIr. and Mrs , gtl;'sts at the Paul Broeker and . Mrs. Gallahan s parQnts, tht' Isons and 111"t'5. . wCl'nt It¢ Ultlahoma Clt) BUl,'nd I Strahans. cd rf'latl\'(>g' In an Mrs. Bus Jfnes and Jon runc~~li :el\'IC£'S for Hl'\', \\'aI1{'1' 'C. Coryell and Carl WIlght and Pender' . \V E. Jones werC' Sunday Bl·ac~('t!lS1Ck. \'lcllm of /in aUlO 'In !'Jorfolk Sunday, The i upper guest in the LeVI crash, as WE're two athl r rel ..itl\l'S I Hu!.';hes slJult the \\CCklnd I a I . orne, Triple funeral SL'r\'Jl'l'S \~('rc' ht.ld \Vl!h his grandpatcnb the Jam('~ ant I Mrs. Frank Cunningham MondlY He \\ as pastOl I)f th. Bamptons In Carroll honor of 1 VI"ltt'd Sunday e\'cI)ing ~t the GraC' Lutheran dlurch In \\(1\on[' ~lr and Mrs C E ROg'(rs and v.hlch \\as Mr Gl' lrgc Coul1er hGme~in Randolph. Mr flub). C:hnwlka Clnp daugh- ~nl' of Dalton came Wedn['sda}' ~ ~ _lr and Mrs Ed Fort< visIted tcr E aim of Chl(O Callf.:vtr and tspcnt untll Sunda} \\lth thic I ~ \\'ll:h Mrt; nor~ Bru g"eman Sun- Mrs En In CllnkpniJPtHu '1'1 fhuls-i Rog(r .... G L Rog-els alcorn .Offl('(' In Jlospital. da~ aJtl'rnoon. t,?n <\I.nd FIIJ\d Chmdka ~ r :::'!OUX l lld 1)1('111 honh drkr \ lSlllng Dr S A Lut 'n has his offlcfl ihar)('l' Petcrson arnvdl home Cll). iv.tl:rc \\ edncsda\- rhnl1' r \ 1;;11-1 I' t'\\o \, (I' "S 1fl l)al1on and \\ 11h 1m the \\ a).ot' hospital. PborH~ 61 lelSi :'.10 day after srknding some ors q~ Mrs. l\ldl:- lIam;po. ! ~\,... au~htpl and fd.mtl,:. th{ B1UU I ~ -t--:\d\ tilT (, cit \" A. LaRoe-lllOme In Chl- f',Ir~IMld Mr" Ar I and I ~~\ttem~;"I('1"~ I~ H~'mmhforc~ . _ . ..::;;;._::;;::;;;,;;;;..:I±::::::;;;;';;;::;;::;;;:;:~ CB~() I daughter W{'I"l' SUlKli1\ l..hl At. and .. 11'. } 1 (d RU:"f r dn,l, ~I!!lda~ dinnC'r and $upp<>r guests gueslS oj the Star,J/') -P,.lllgS JIll rll~l \\f'r(' -"'.u~cJrl':' 8fl~rtlOo.n ,lnct' Federal LEnd Bank, at. 'llw RIchard Jugt'l home In SJOU* allY. 'I~~Ph~~~uc"ts ell til(' A. t DJ dnscJ- , FARM 0 A NQ \\ :ly np It honor of IMrS. Jugel s t1n: and .:vlr<; lif.'rmOlq Baker I .:\{arv C;-Irhart and Gmger Hem: ... .lf1, ~ l h:1 t hday were Mr. and MTS AI- \\'(>re Tbur'sdClY dinner \ r5itors at IY.'l'T't" ia. L i ncaln Saturd y : Low 10t('tc .... t - Long Ter~ r~~;~~aJr~g\t' .and Mr, and Mrs. A, \'·r .?olph·s. ,CT • I I )..11"'. and :\lr~. Peter a Joq:::ensen ~ational Far, Loan ASsn. P . C'lg}c of Pamca. Mr l.-.aJnd :VIrs Clor H ,Bll"klrl~ y,'l?re among" thn<:L' who helped Rnd-' Wakefipld !\"ebr ska h15t! I .:'IIldlllYn Owens atrl\'ed home were I-"::IlJlncta). aflf'rnOOrJ \'15Itoro, at IQ('V Jor£f'n .... po celf brd\e hi'" "'f'("o!ld ~ , . . f FJ"lri;:l\ artC'r spendlO~ the summer the nJay A.gler. s1' honlf' ++--______~ ____ . __ . _~, m i){'I1\C'Ir. The P...ollrl' Lungl·... Eu- ' ::yJ.r, and Mrs. Walrt.er . Johnson dulph Longe:; Sunuh':' H a~d (I)('ryl Kay. of W~kefleJd were i';lc and ~Ils ,Jot' ofl SPRAY PAI .... ITI G \\('dn('srivy suppC'r gulcsts at the Big SJ1lrlng!:> \l~lled ltl( I '" Pf'rry Jornson homc.J tht, JOt' \\'ilsons :Vlund;.n: ." Mr an Mrs. Will ~('('s. Mr. and . All Work Guaranteed , :\lr" (h\ 'n Rees, GeorgC' and Ann. I Ann ",'of of New Y1rk C;ty. and ALL PAINT MIXED WITH OIL AND TU PENTINp :YIn; Da~·(' Rt'cs and Joliln WPrP Tuf, .... day dionf'r gu sts In the Last Coat Spray and Brushed by . and h"'nk home. ' INSPECT SO·.!E OF OUR WOnl.. :'.fr anRr"S I'vlrs Edward Stoehr of iVll ~ Yorjk \ lSI cd at thC' M. Rectz home Norma UI'akC' rC'turnpd \\'rdn"'~- last' \\C'(\k , day 1[(lm a 10 dll':' \ISII at the 0,lro, IJlUJ BrOCk~rand Marlene CHAS. JORGENSEN & SQN . John Douson ho e In Ceclar Jlap- \IS)~Crl al thc Joe Wu dmger home , "insidt". :Sl"bra!-oka I ~22t8 Ids~ l'hUro,da . ?l-lr. and I\1r<;' \'(TnOn HokClmp :\11'. Hod :\lrs Rob rt Johnson were Sunday d1nner.gu{'sts at the \\Clll' Thursday CHnmg dmner Eal'l Andcl"son hb'm(,. Uther gLlL'.~ts I gue~to, all the Perry hnson home. wen'Mr and Mrls. Desmond Korth Riuth (Jwem spe th(' weekC'nd "'''''''I'u',"1.. LOC LS and famliy of Randulph. l\lr and in g]()UX ('Ity \vith .:Vlajel Johnson, . I Mrs. Guy Andc1'$on alld Gayl('n. a cl~II('l'(' Incnd. ~lr. , ' (J\ {tl J01{ .... ('al~ LU1her Anclr-rsop, .;\11. ,llld ,:\lrs .sunda:-'I dinner gue .... ts <11 the '''''' ',1 I . I Hut s JlOnli FlldilY Elllfllt'l t And('r~_on. i\;Jncy and Fr,mk \'I'ao,ak home \~Tn' MI'. and t'\~7/, ;\J15 \Vdl lce" and .II G;~('.~~t~ (;i:ni)~'~, ~)~;ll(Jn ~lilnlt'Y i\\I)~l'I'i2··1l\1;lh'~·~d a~~~.l~JI~1 B~:~ \11' arId l)\\(,rjn JlVI'~ left [(~r han~llJ) d!11tlcr.ISundll) \\( 1"1' Mr. 1,,11 uf lluw('fls und Marlene \\'11- till'lr lonl(s i\lulnd,IY .:iflc'· ~p('nCli- and :\11" (' ~l \\I'illn{'\ lind lldn)o, 'Il~: Hi) lUI ,I H('( I~ \ .... ltrnL'; refalJ\'c::,1 family. 1\11" and ~Mrs :'>1 S. \Vlllt- _ Cbarlotte J('nkln~ returned home ,\till In,('n~s tw/"(' I lW.~ a i Chan l\~r. and l\lrs L('[)n- SatwrddY" e\l'nlO~ arlcr spr'ndlOg .\It" jln :\'lls. Mdl ncl' Ahero - of Lyle \ j~jl~'d hom Thur~da)' nIght to I day S,,tUlI"dClY morning 10 the Frank .1\1 :'vIr·s. nober-Is Hnd Will Hcr'S \ ISli{"d I Ikl's home. I I r·t m .f\:urlo1k I Llnll honlt' llac) I Mr and Mr$. Perry Johnson and l 'I L'rllOUtl' theIr 1Il13'~~~n I~'~~Jr~~~I~~tm~f~1~:u:('\. the 1 to ;'I,ll' dnd MIS. Cl:-.d(. Pernn \I~· llCU :vlt·s Etta PCITlffi In \Vinslde ThUl1sday eycnmc; MilS J. rJ. Spoon re~urned to her 1l1fJrtllllJ; home 10 Des 1\1olOes after Vi!-iltlng In the \\(":.. 1 IWf ,J. wt"L'k With her mother. Mr:;,. :'>1r'~ I lei man Th~lIl, \\"cl,l'f'n and C E. Jon{'s Donald \\(':11 10 Fremont :::-,unda). \'I~)la Thr.mas returned home 1\o1r .... Thun l"eturtwd )"Iunda\ ar- Fnd.:!y after \"aca~loll1ng fi\'c Now Is the Time for ... companlL'd hy her Illot IH'I·. ),.(rs L. \\ erk~ In Ow west. ' I \\". LoomiS who \\rr!l .... lwml ,1 week 1\11' andl Mrs. Lyle Cunningham he \\ ~"t'k('nd i.l t tile. III 1he G('orgt' Rohey home. and daughters spent, Sunday af- h0Jl1l1 I l\lr... \\'dltl'J" !l1'lh\\lsch and tl'moon at the Frank ICunmngham SEAT COVERS seN SHIELDS Wr~J H.r'r" called Charlcne \'\('rL' III \\ ayne Fnday home I at Ihl" hor 1\1or- Mr and l\lr-s lIenr) Wacker. JI".. 1\1Ir' and Mrs. II L. Hanner and F pr Saf~ty Sake . _ . ~~(~c:~~·:!)~.~1 t ~I~~'\\ ~'~~e~~r~'ls~t ll~~ ~~:tt~t~~rn~e~ ;:i~i~~1l\~~~'M~~~nl In Umaha. Roth In Walthill su~a,. HA VE YOUR BRAKES RELINED Sundn.y p.;uests alt the Julius ~len- i\lr. and! Mrs. Bill ueders and kc home \\ {'n..' I\lrs. Carl Db.ilt;unl children, Roberla \Va leI' and Ro­ and son~ o~ Baltdmorc. Md .. and land Stahi were Su day evening Clrl \'on Scggcrq oj Wlsnel. supper gUfslts at the Robert \Val­ Get Your ... }jarr~ DeI1l'SIa' and Bob. lIarry ler hpme I Mlldon and Jack Rubeck 'topped Saturday cvening lmner guests NEW GOODYEAR BATTERYI· Now at the Ed Kenn) hOllle Sunday hononng !vlrs. W. R beek In the I • rnorIung on thLI! \\d). to .:v1mntc- V\'eslb' Rub~ck home vere Mr, and , I '.

o,Ot3 "h('le thl).1 \\111 fish ft I a Mrs. Tony d:lrrotto a d Kay,y Edith _

Mr .... f:.cubenI1,)nTY M(')-,('r l:l'htenkamp W(,I(' ,Jl"tl'r- and Beldenitpd thc!JSum ay TaUer'after oon. an home at noon.l\1r~ guC .... b la .... t \\'(,drlesdilY 111 the IJorolhy~d tue}h~ was \Vednesday ~iiiiiiiiiii~~iii.iiiiiii.liilii.iiiiil.ii~ii~iiiii!i: A C. Sahs hume. ('\el1lr;rg dm cr guest at the Lloyd Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kenny and Ikt- Tr'xlqy hom. 1y \"Isllt'd at the Honald Kuhnhcnn 1'vlr. and rs. Fralk .Cunn~n.g- '/"~ home III Laurel Sl)lnday. hdm were Tuesday e 'cnmg V151t- .~. .1\11" and lvIrs I 1101115 Williams Ol"S at the' 1",l"t Lage orne. , ~~~ ~\ls~~'1~Sg \~~.t~L~~nE~\:,~gc~I~;~~J·~ fa~l~y ~~~ef~~n:a~u~i~~:nEu:~~ ~[,1...... Th~l'e 5 hO~~~: and ::\1rs Hl1'nry VOSS of lIos- ~{\m~~~p~lalh'i~h~!~\f~n~;~h~~ f{;P kins \"lsllL'd In the Walter Rcth- \ ISlted \\ Ith Mrs. Matt Hosch, jr., WIsch home \Nectl1c:.dd).' afternoon. sister of Mrr' Leitmg who IS ser­ Thi~:f Mr. and Mr!:>. 110m }{obcrts, and lousJy III al her hOfl1ic in Ran- ." ; .. ' Sneak I • Mrs. Jerry SWlha~t and Sally were dolph. I ft~u~dai' S~~~~~~i~~~e: guests at h(j~~C~~n~la~h~('r;;e;;~.y an~U~~: I Mrs. D. E. Jon~s returned Sa.t- Charles r~lV' Elaine rnd Ron En- urday evenjng fnom Licth, N. D., glc oIf Ya k~on. S~ D., and Mr. and 1 , where she had gonc tntl week be- Mts. Will am Heicr, Norma and seJ;tiel the fanners in tke fore WIth Mr. md .Mt"s. J. H. Leroy of inside. ~ Enteh and Mrs. iUiam Kamrath, Mr. and Mrs. Paul rocker and o~~~:~~h •• oc wuh ,oil ,hou.aod, of ~.~~~.:("m, cn t" . who vislted a few days at the Mrs. Marlenc, Mr. and Mr. Merle Sy­ o~ ... w.:l \•. IMaggie Evans h(') e. Mr. Enich IS dow and Paulette ViSltcd Sunday }Ct adopted soil dmservatio[l methods. A,e!you1permit. I a brother and M~s. Kamrath is a after!noon~at the Al Wurdmger llOg Ihu pair to ~eal YO~l" land ... your livelihood? .. BeldeR sister of Mrs. Jonc..<.;. Mr. JoneS h(}me at Santon. " There's oOlhlOg m}'sce\rious about cooserv3uqn farm­ and Mrs. Evans met her in Yank- MI'. and Mrs. Cla~l Texley of nt ton. While here, Mr. and Mrs. L1tle(~ln a rived home ast Monday ing Many farmers (;on.sider it easier than liprese Enich were overn~. hl guest.s of Mr. to spend a out a week 'in the Lloyd methods Irnponant. too, i, requires no s~c!I~1 tools •• and Mrs. F. R Cl rk, Texley ho e. PraqlCally aJl yo~r present John Dee~ E~uipment i.s A group of frie ds and relatives M~ and Mrs. John ohnson vis- adilptable 10 con$ervauon practic~s. Ib mr!I"ilt, the Per- Vac. onin i~ Col fa . ry Johnson homb. Gene Packer re- M: and Mrs. ar Stone 'and m.lned to visit! veek. family i" e ~ondilY dfner gaests , If n~~~~it;~b~~~~ ~~f,~~. ~o~= ~~\J~~ fiCIdJ f Mrs_ nna S oBe rna D('OWn in '1V' Ithi11 Sunday. Th~. i~forf1 Balker. WeN! Sun- ""'"7!hm*+b4;.+.tth~~_~~~~m:r+t+:t,.r-;-..,..-t"",-r+...,t-:-::'--t-..:.-":,,,,,jf I .Mr. u.ffd llrlrs. 11 arold. Wchcr of day ~linne1 v~it~1.'¥ at L,ol~jS l~an- jJ I I 'I .' I I I '1 " iii and Saturd,ay ':\'ith het cousins, week at the Koch hbme I Sound aprlrm"",a!," ,. HeTrtrYhe Galnedn'hLaGr.'lI.'J'eThfiZmlm~SOan,n· d the Mrs. Bernard . and daughter~ 1 100 I m r and their guests ~pent Thursday -'--, Obert Wricns ot W:~~er' ere Wed~ afternoon with Mrs. Joe Wilson in

day,~~~a'~~~ee~~H~e~~e;~~~~~rse b~~?\: f'W~a!k.e~fi~el~d~';r'~' ~~;~~~~i'~~~;~D~imi 1 visit Mr. and Mrs. Ed Granquist and \veekC'hrl. MyJa of Lake Andes, S! D., came ~u~·!!.~~\~g~f V~~~~i~~~m ~eur~re:OL~\~~~~e.V~~~~O~flj ~n~r~r~.· ~J~('<;l:r~o~~d vi~r~b~~J M~~h}~'ed' WittIer and ~g;it L~~n~n~~!Cr~ I ~e;r:v!~f~ ~!g'f~~ete !~e~~esg~= tjv(>s for two weeks. to Fleer home. Mr. and Mrs. Isan Anderson and M~. Erwin Fleer and Mardelle, I children, Mrs. AlbcM: Anderso;n and and James Hans¢n" we're-last week I Bo~bie Hassed returned to C11i- Beverly, Norman and Lillian AnL Sunday evening ,callers a.t the Ole

eago Saturday night. J-?is mother, gt~d~ya~?t~:~~ancel~~~~~~ng:'~~~ G·:r~l.so~~~m6~te calk>d at the i, Mrs. Mable Hassed will rf'tnain .., for a lOfl~cr visit. ~t~~~ o~a~:J~hn~:~{~~~~~t~~~2eO~h :f~~~~~~~laussen home Thursday I f.~~iit-f.iliin~i.-r.:~i.;i~~f,i~i~iii~~~~ii,~~~~~~~~~~iii;i]wi;i!1 Saturday evening visitors at the birthdays. Maxine Brudigan spent Wedn('s- Franklin McDonald honw to sec IMrs. Ivan Clark and VirginiA day afternoon at the Artflur Mann Don't bf' a hit ba(,kward about stopping ;a~ tht' ~'a)'n(' Rnll1t~y Mrs. Mcgonald anp., infant "on, Were caHer~ at thE' Robe"rt Erwin home. ! &: Egr:;- {'OInllany with your pr:;-gs. cream and poultry. 1h~y \\ ill ~~~~ea~d~~fg~, \~~;.~ a~d ~r~.u~~: h?~~.'O~n:rt7~:.y Rfc~:~'~ ~~~'son an~M~s~}~~\8at~~e~I~~tt~~dH~:~ i Kivl' you a hf'arty \\t'kflme and htghef;lt l1'Ul~ket prine-I>. land ,Johrison and family, Mr. and d w t R J h 'f Fl' W' 'd I t k I Don't bf' !'iE\tisfif'{l with· anything- but thp bpst. .A1'\\"a~'''' II~P Mrs. Milt?n Johnson and Gary, Mr. :4pp~~nSu~d~y~ 0,:/ 0 nson s or S~nda~e~f~~rno~~~1 e as wee I th(> original ('OOpN Crunchy FN'd ror your noc'k. and Mrs. iErwm Rastede a,nd Gary Mrs,. Mabll' Bassed and son, Rob- Gerald Mann was at the Adolph I and, Charles Johnson l . Willis and e~Of Whcuton III arrived here Claussen home Thursday after­ Me~dilh'l Sunduy afternoon, Mr. 0 Monday Sa,turday aftlernoon. r, Mrs. E. E. Fislwl'. Alden Johnson spent the \vcek­ Wayn~ Poul,try& (0. f'l1d fgg Hassed and Bobbit', in Oma11a. Clara Johnson ac­ ,. D, A. uI. Art Anderson and cOll1paniC'd ham ;to;; far as Fremont, Phone 250 David Hart \v(!rc dinher ~uests in where !'he \~isitl'd' 'at the Vern the William Ha~kelt home Tues­ day. JohnsonArthur home. Johnson arrived! -here t~~;'-~~~~h~~~;;;,~~;,:r.-iiii~~~~ii~~iiii~iiii~iiiiiiiia-~~i. Saiturday .night to spend two weekS I •••••• Ri~1:r~n~h~rM~u:~JinM~;~~~:ld~ before gomg, to Lebam, Wash. He - Johr:son and children W(>1'(, Sunday hal' Men in! Chicago for- several - . dinner gUIj'f;ts at the Thomas Er~ N : win home.1 \V~~i~~rs at the John Carlson t Ilt' ~. ~ : home last \'J'ef'k were Mrs. C. J. ' G,.. Mrs. Thbma,o; Erwin and Mrs. "OW...' .. Magnuson. NIr, and Mes. Edwin I e",,','. ) (' '. Waldo JollOson and children were at Glenn l\lagnuson's Thursday. Forsherg. Mrs. Gertrude Mdlvm and Myrtle, Mrs. I an~('f~'~iJJ1~ ~~s·M~l.mr:l~~'o~gl~~~~~ son were> dinner guests at the . George Magnuson home Monday. ~~~~:~~~:;E;;n~n~:I~~nd Mrs: ! FaFrnQrs' Hybrid· Seed Corn The GoldblCrgs were at Albin Pe­ rh~J~e~n~n~r~r~rs~p~i!leVo]ien~ terRon's fol. supper. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Sa~se of \vere dinner guests of Mrs. Kate i we e Wednesday afkrnoon RC'MnklC' Thursday. . at the Marland SclE-oeder ('harm Volller~ returned home Wednesday night after a viSit at the Carl VolJer~ home at Pender. Mr. and 1\1rs. Harvey Rastede and family were at Bernhard Kochs near Wayne Sunday eve­ nmg. Ivlr. and Mr.<;. Don Frederickson m# be ~~('~'~I;r~~Jstf~~~n~~7n~.isitors at ydlH' cHoiee The Oscar Nelson a.nd Cad Vol­ it's' pure--because leI'S· W('l'f' at George Vollers' Wed· ne~day evening to see the F'n>d is pasteurized ... De­ Vullers' who were guests there, your door. fa~Sy ~?~t~rs'a~a81a7el~~s~~'~ , Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Vollers and girls ahd l\1r:. • Butter - Eggs and Mrs. Carl Lindvall were there in the evC'ning. . ti\¢S g:~~feI~t~ 2~=)t ;~~nifar~~ R!~: : The familiar FARMERS sign is a timely reminder to you to be of M~·hef7~tJ.I[~~·., r-;~v~~:e ~~~~;{~~~ tede home Thursday . eve,mng to I visitors alt the '-nnon Nelson hC'lp l\Ilr. Rastede celebrate his sure to use FARMERS hybrids in your farming operations next home. hll'ihday. Rev. and Mt'!'>. JOt:'l Gabrielson Mrs, Merle Rubeck C'ntertained year. You can depend on FARMERS varieties to make you feel Tuesdaymadics C'vening.at a brush patty • on ~~~!$f~~~:;ii:~:~ii~~~~~~;.tlii:;~~~~=;~~~;aind~~'~~~w~eriO~'"~·'~it~o,.,,~,~at~th~e;118 bIr. and Mrs. Fritz Rieth vlsit~ good when you pick yOUI' corn next fall. Talk to your heighbor ~ cd in the Floyd Hupp home hear, \V;~yne Sunday evening. who uses FARMfERi;. The dealers listed at the bottom of this Mrs. Franklin McDonald an9. ba­ by boy came home from a Wayne ad will be happy to serve you. Remember-there is a Farmers hospital Saturday. I ::VIr. and Mrs. Fred voI1ers and familY bf Ne\oV1:on, la., were over­ Hybrid toiit every farm. night ~ests in the' George Vollers '?oulCan't home ednesday of last week, Donn Nelson was a Saturday overnight guest of Dorothy Stal­ H~re"s Something You Should Know Ab'out: l>~In:jnd; ol1 ling. ~ Such IT PAYS TO OWN A FARMERS HYBRID BOAR

~IGURE IT OUT FOR YOURSELF TWO WAYS-I. More gain. • 2. Better carcass. (Premium when sold.) 60m engine Fariii"ers· Hybrid Boar users tell us they get from 10 to 50 Ibs. mor'e' gain on pigs the: ~ired ~'y' a .~~nn'el"s, h'Oar. ' . : Many are getting u? to SOc above top markel price of '1i')ur ca:ti for-th'eir' finiShed !ii>gs sired by a Farmers HybrId Boar. . . EXAMPLE, Suppose you raise 2()() pigs annually-spring' and fall; 10 Ibs. extra gain on each pig ,,:ould be 2000 Ib$. extra K"'in. 2000 Ibs. extra.,gitin at 20c per lb. would be $400.00 extra income. 50c premil"n all finished 250-lb. hybrid hogs would amount to' $1.25 ea~n or $250.00 extra in¢ome on 200 hend. • $40'0'.1JO pius $250.00 i equals $G50.00 extra income. 200, pig i 250 lbs. aYe,rage weigh,t When, marke1cd you. 1tave it 10 Ibs. extra gain 200 pigs' I ;OO~ Ibs. extrn nin 50000 Ibs. total weigfht' wnen m'arkefQd' dhe~ked 'and Qve~1ftau;led: .20 per lb. : .50 extra premium when mhrketed' i ~,__ 1 1 ! • I: . hy' eX":_erf meeh~ios $400.00 extra income $250.00 extra mcome. i ; $400.00' extra income because'of extra gain' I' I' I ~~pwfSi' 250.O'oi extra income bec'ause ofextrit prelliifi'tn /,rlqe; ----"'-i ' ,. IDriifaf $650.00Itotal extra inc?me 1 'less"l?"IlfiEMii. by 541ft;, ' If you get 20 or 30 I~s: additional gain, d

• I, Fieldman I. 'r I, II

REA W~ING WaJne~lectric & Appn~nce CO. I Phone 287

'essl and essional -Veterinarians


011,' Ph. ,5 - l'd~ht I'h. 460 Physicians

'WAYNE HOSPITAL Pl:\one 61 YOUR DEALER Wayne, Nebr. "\l\t~ill he calling on ~·ou soon. Liberal discount fo~' cash.

Walter Benthacl<, M. D. OHA;lIPIO!,; Hyl\mm has df:ol1e a 'wonderful in lRusseli Rundquist, M. D. j~b ~Tour neighborhood, TRt IT, Physician$ ~nd Surgeons ~f . ~,~DY'I \~~ , • Carlson H'ybrid Corn Co. Offioes at j22t4 ~: Sealed-In FL.AJVOR!' BENTHACK ~ -, .; I HOSPITAL Nf'w, hAndy, celiophanE'-wrapped pound pack ~ears- ~ ~I;o-:r; ,~ frf>shnesR' Protf'cts all the plump, Jui~Y, meat g~odn~l. it Phone 106 Sen"e CtidHhY PUntaD Franks torught. Gu¥an~ -"- ALL MEAT! I· Optometrists ~ CUDAHY~Cb rt,.o '00

DR J. T. GILLESPIE Dr. firiffin "ill IH' in \Yaynf' at Dr. :\la1';ol1'., (~fficp. \y,'d­ V'lpt,;(}ay, .'\ugll"t Ht II nil r<;: !I:OO a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Optometri~t 1 DRS. GRI~FIN & GRIFFIN, Complete Visual ~on Toy Bank . Analysis

Phone 805·.J for l\ppointmt"nt ill "" ..... ( 1~(-'("'lId Str("(>t 112 ~OLtAR DAV

Funeral Service 'iSPECIAL I

MEMle~ OF August 13 4-10-oz. TUMBLERS

SERVING AT,ON-WICB '1,-J~"~~~ :~j:~ES llI'Ollern, :ret I~omt'like rUaR-Tal houle •.• Flnef'lW: equ1tnueot ~." . :nen~olUlble prlN~ ! The ~~~ sqc: BECK!:1NHAUER SERVICE

'WILL.l.nID WILTSE. Llcen:;J &n)ba1mer NEW.~.and Different!

Yes, the 1948 Servel is truly new ••• it has a1wava been differ<$l! Notice the bildro%en food compart­ ment, capablle of storing a bushel of frozen foods! N Btice the mr.ist cold and dry cold comp;trtments for fresh m<1ats, fruits arid veg.etabks! Add tl) this Servel'. new !beauty and completely silent opera' rion .•• no knoving parts in the freezing system. Buy the GAS Refrigerator! ~ ~ ~ ------I: - -: - ...... ···'·····-~···r····'··· . I ·r i' I

Jahde ~qn~c " , for Clarinda, 1<1., where they visit- ~~:Yb;~~tf~ b~d (~rthe last fi~~ ~rs,Mcrtsto 1~~ah~~e~O~~sjth~a~~~~~rci W~{1~~ -:~~h M~s~d ir~gB, Ware left ~o;~lmell'I,g, They returned Mon~ Monday ,for a Itwo to thl'e('-week Mr, and 1\1rs. l}..cal" Bjorklund vacation'in Washington and Ore- and Regina were at the Wayne gon, ' Johnson home ncar hUen (or sup~ Mr. nnli Mrs, Verne C.arlson and per Tuesday evening. Mr, and Mrs. IVan Johnson 10ft fo,r a week's: trip to Yellowstone na­ noon', , Gustafson. The table waS llccorat~ tlOnal park and through the Black , and !\Irs, ! Bud .iNl'bl)1I ,1:1'\ cd in the bride's chosen colors of Hills. ' LOCALS Go~lLsch ort Omalna, :\11' d):1 I. • Soci'ft~. orchid and white. The honoree re· .Mr. and Mrs. Benton' Nicholson Mr. und ;\Irs, \V. S, Swanson of 1 ,Vd'non $meC'kll){'PPl'l' ,lli'i Sociul Fo.... cast ceived. many gifts. Rodney were Sunday dinner Oaklc::nd ,wcrc here Thursday I of:Nmfol", iwd ~l;Il'I:lIl II,d, Saturday afternoon Miss Lun­ mOrnln!; WIth the \V, (" SWansons, senhRuer,of l\IihvHUI{(T \lslt('(1 ,I: EllG'. St. J-(Ihn's Lutheran Chur('\h at the G. C. NicihQlso.n hom£', The annual me~ingfof din was again honorc~ by her , and Mrs, Benton Nicholson Mr, and Mr,s, John Horstman the Jens ¢hrlste~om(' :-:;\lr~d ,,, Wakefield union of cr aunts, Mrs. Fred Lundin, Mrs. Al­ (Ricv. Robert Kruse, pastor) i were Sundny atternoon and supper ..,-.- I, t- held in the parlors olf th . Regular morning servicos wit'h Rodney were guests at the Al­ bert Anderson. Mrs. Fred MuHer Longe home Thursday evening gucst:; at the Art Hahne home 111 .., r il I Sunday school and Bibll' ('I<.1)'s at and Mrs. Pat Binkson. The Misslion ~r, Longe celebrate his ~~~c:~~nl;.~2u~C~o~~~~~li~c Covenant church parlors were the lO:uO; morning wOI'ship ut 1U"15, COi~~,ldt7~d iltl'S, RaymOhd' }-lorinc ,-"y 1 lealt-f" eon will be served. . "- seellc of a gayly decorated shower Anna KohlmC'icr, Clara and and family, Mr, and Mrs. Glenn ' the bride. Christian C'hUiTh n:nS~t t~~ll\T;t);oI~~r~~t~Ch. (Rev. Rohert E\'ans, pa>it()]') ~~~f~~et'uft~~, ~~'sD,~~~nd:~I~e~J covered dish luncheon wiH be pre­ Jlf'ydon Bible school at lU,U(), dl\'me pared. worsl}ip at 11 :00. Amba~>iad()l'~ \\ IJ'.1 ladles gathered at the MIl. Mrs A.' C. 81('h('J, Bah, ~~~,~~nf~(';h\~~ft~d t~~,C~~~~~ ~V~= Mrs, Byron Heydon on meet at 7 p,m, and the gO>iPl'l ~('r~ vice will be at S pm. Dick'and '~lortlund, a three-week vacatIOn in Califor- _ of her bIrthday Monday afiternoon. Lt'gioll Auxilhuy Therll will Iw 11,) lllol'nm,1-.'; \\'\lr~ COliVentiOn. A pot'luck luncheon was served. The Legion Auxiliary held,a rc~- ship serVIces fur the n('.'..[ and Mrs. Albert Salls of Car- weeks but therc \\ ill Ill' i~~'~~'H\\~~r~ot~~~;;'~'l\ll·~~~~,t~,\,~,l~in~~e nl~\Ir. I,jI.lll~iIII~~ , all the \Va1(c- -- ular me?ting Monday, evenmp: m Mrs W('re stopped the Henty Echten­ school at lO:u{) Dnd young lVII', and Al Borg in roll at at- Oclt~bn."tl.'! Bh1h(i:ly ~ the LegIOn hall. Routme bUSiness Sioux CIIY Sundi transacted and plans were W('stmin-;ter Fl'llo",sillP I 6;00 as usual. 1\1~lt!ng M 'S, Borg's motil(T, Mrs. I E, C. Shcllington and family and few friends Friday cvening: in hon- . for the 1epartment, c~nven- WIJ,lwlll Z Ircher, \.\hu has bcen Adelyn Johnson left Sunday for Phone 322 WaY!l0' or of iwr birthday, Ll!nche~m was to be hcl~ the lattel part of Sal~'m LntiH'ran ('hurdl serlOLisly I L, ':Vllt BOI'g says that a wcek's \'acatlon m tLle mack I >icrvcd at the close of a SOCial e\'e- month. I WE USE ONLY GENUINE nmg (i{['\'. C, \\' \.\.'!lll'l·g, pastlll) IhC~l~,j(~~~' 1I~~/l~t'i~,I~~lll:I~~~:";~' and lIllis, , r pr Anul\'eNlllry MAYTAG - BUILT PARTS celebrate the 25th \\'cdding Sunday f;('hnul dnu BIllie ('1;I-.o.('S" Dennis of nah('im, CalIf, and 1\11'. For '"ivll'u Lundin , of Mr, and Mrs. Oscar lO'i~~l. {~r~'~I(~;·:J(~~~J!'.""~;~)tl::~,tlll~~i~1~1 and Mrs, I 1-L CI(!m~wn d h'nder ;~"~h~"~.Marga,ret~.~~~_~~~ay;A~n~n.~"~K~Of~~ln~w~'~"r~.~C~I,~'r~"i"~n]d~.~:====:=::~~~ii=~iii:=:ii=~ furvnoun ( A bridal shower in honor of Vi\'- following relatives camp wlll hi' hl'Id:11 till' I\j()f)];ll~l ~~~~.;.,~~l!~ 1hul ..... day at ieTl Lundin whose marriage to My- Sunday afternoon at their state park on Aug. to El'V. M ( b 1:-~ ~L d ron Olson took place $unday, and served: co~operative H~rman Soderberg, at St, ,);tnH's, :1nd ~ll~nan wa>; given Friday night at the Scth , 1\11'. and Mrs, Henry Erick- Anderson home hYNera and Leona and John of Alta, ~/17~;'C'\I~~~, lil:~'I{!~~~~ct~~~~,(I[ ,'IJl'cld ~lt t<'ll(ll'r ~~j~i~~~~.i1~:;~J,A~n~:d~ciriS(di'mpcllcal Johnson and ElInicQ Marion andan~ __.NIarlyce ~oy~ and l\1ur~~a,M 1 M Ma~:v;l~d ' }<~~crs~ d FRIDAY the 13th ~- --••••••••••••••••••• Jess(' Bro'.\nell and Jlmmy Mr t • ~nd Mrs Walter Johnson, Morns : nd Bob Elnest Andcl'son Leon :'FfIIJ)AY 1 YOUR LUCKY DAY ~~~~M~r '. fill "'rI~: .,~.:: pa,oJyn.~~e'~~~:~~t¥~n~~y n~~lt~f~~n ~~d ~ :~ .. ~ "lnfall Heil\Y 1\11.1, FL1l';S \\ith two IW\\ f1~,­ - Runfa!! has becn f.-urly hCd\3 ~ II (. IdllillJ.t 1'1' ( d t s . ' • Hr, 1I('ss tal,cfu:'ld tillS v.eek On Aug 3, vantage of These thore was .36 ;nehaad 011 Aug. 4. IIO(:SE ~J'H'-\V lind HV .. t:R~ V2 DOLLAR SALE , L Friday's hc<.\"y downpour gave 10'0(. SJlra~'{'r, 1I0C",E 8PR"V he guag-C' a .41 'reading, I' <'untailll'! thh,(, fly hilling agf'nts. JIl.J.lI&·'&t'III,&a.~A. 1011-; Club :!\fl'('tis IUH! S(TPEft-FOG hrl'uk.. It U() MEN'S Chrome Chairs into a lillI' tni .... t. Thh rH'W spray­ Table Damask dIJ;;l~'v~~g~~~~ 1{1~~iJffy O~\~~l~i~~o~~ t'r i.... huilt ~o la ... t a lifdinH'. Oil£' sf't of four for hreak­ Dalc's cafe. Rcgjular busincs.s was fll\... t ~pt. Rt'gular $30,00 transacl("d .nceol"(Ung to Mel Hen- Griessl Rexall Store Felt Hats ~)~ inches wid{', Culf)rs: ]H.!t1ch .\1)(1 rbi, priSldent. a3t2 ~~~~:'AL at $20.00 Ncw [HII huls al a huge ~a\'ing to \\'hitl'. A regular 50 you. 1.(1) yd. "due. Yd. C Onf' )'reway Automatic' urrM£... rs lLBrokt'n G, Lehman (.,f'g broke her leg WAKEFIELDDinner guc"ts Sunday LOCAlS 81' Lct' ~••••••••••• ~ j Only Wklde'!s ~ hen she fell at her hl,)tl1c Friday lwnw WCrt, Mr 1\1 rs, 3.50 c ['('ning as she was trying to get IIohlet of Cumo\' UhlO I a [ the cot on tljte patch. She was and Mrs, Ah'JI1 - Gra'h~'nCi1Ol[~ Kerosene Range ~est Po~nt SLIP COVER and t ken to the h~spital wh:rc her and DIck, (l.lld ,\11', and ,viI'S Fred! MEN'S f7e;~~a:t $63.50 I (' ndilion is reported as fair. Kempt'r and Da\'Jd, all (If CHl('ln- I Cleaners and AKEFIELD LOCALS ~~,ti'J~:~o'il~~" ;\~~?, Ali';,' ~;~~\f'('~;~r~~ i Drapery Material Paper Napkins Roy L~'mpkp, :\11', and Mr", J lenl')' I Mr, and Mrs, Hay Jensen of Dal- Stauffer and Herman Scho\\iltter. La~tnderer8 Work Shoes 1 S, Tex,. were 'in Omaha', l\I tAd I OdJ;-\ and l'nd~ of hl'«utiful fabri(',-\, 2 for 25c last M d RI Are ND~ Giving Complete Vi}iconlinued Humber:; ill Incn':; all ekend where ~,hey Visited Mr. and ~'a~l?IY re~~'rn('~ )[l~om ,~ 1~1~~~~~ Some are shul t lcngth:-<. Formt'rI,\' a d Mrs. Ricl1~rd Schilling. week vacatIOn trip last S;llurday l leather work shoes, Somc are oil Dry ~leani'lIr and ±'Mr, and Mrs. Robert Hanson evening, The -0nd('rs~Jl1~ Wt'l'l' in I tanned uppers with arch :;uppor't:;., sold to 2. )!) yd. 50 Nationally w(-re callers at the Elmer Harrison C l'f d t del d Launidry Service l Yard C Organised m(' in Wayn(> last Sunday after- a'~dl ~~7;aL~I~C '2~i/ s~~' Yr~)~;~'t'7. Sizes 8·8 '/"-9-9 ,/,. . t! n on. Dam and rC'turned uy way uf S('-I id Wayne 50 MI', and Mrs. Henry Erickson, quoia and Yosl'mltc r:ational p;ll'k~, PaIr tJ. orman and J~hn of Alta, Ia., Mr, and Mr's WtliJam Hug{'Jrnal1l Please put ~he red card in your a d Mr. and MrI,s. O-",car Johnsun took their grandchlldren to Win.1 window f~r pick+U(:I service \V re Sunday dintlel" b"Ucsts at the net) S. D" last Tu('sday and rC" I ~ or I phone 482 MEN'S INITIAL Comf~rt Backing mil.lncd untIl \.\'Tt.h ~~;;;~~~~~i;~~*1~~~:~::~~;;:~;;:~~~~~~~J~SS~c~13~m~W~n~c~lI~h~O~m~c~'iiiiiiiiiiii~ }<~r.lday theil'1 Regular Pi4k~lIn and Delivery i ••••••••••••••••••••• sO~1~.n~n~ISl\~~~i1Z;~rs('y JIainf'S of AO\\' L" thc time lo huy and ~Hl.H' for Mondayl and Thursday , Sacramento, Calii., are viSiting, her Handkerchiefs YOUr fall sewing l1D·l'cl~. Culor~: tall sister and family, Mr, and Mrs. E MAr - RUOS and rose. Ie You will need Heveral for yourself, . ~:nnd~/ ;X~IS~~;II T,hOC,;;",~rr~~c~ LEAT ER GOODS FREEZIN FUR STORAUE 2 yds. V I two-week visit. and they also make very appropr·j- SOC Mr, and Mrs, George Bruns at- an REPAIR tended the funeral of Mrs. Petf' ate gifts. 50 • Topp in PJlger Wednesday after- TOWEL R)!:NTAL SERVI(JE 2 for C • noon. -Free Nlinor RepaIrs- : Mrs. Curtain Scrim • dinner guest MEN'S : ,olds in \\'ayne Giyc \,our winuo\\'s the "ne\\' look" .'Ill, Sweat Shirts ihis f;tll. Ideal fur kitchen Ll~C, F()r- gl'" ll1f'rly s()ld for Good quality, heavy fl{~ecc ~jlll'd 2 yds. SOC sweat IihirtH, Sizes, :36 tf) 4{), Only 1.25

BOYS' Prints CO PLETE LINE Strl'trh yonr dollars at BrUWI1-JI('­ Sweaters Donald',,,;, and buy your fall print...; '- !lO\\'. All are fai"it colur. Limit 10 OF EORD PARTS Just the thing for the litlle guys to yards to a ANr SERVICING wear.for ~cho(J!. Part wool in fallcy customer. 3 yd •. 1.00 patterns, 1 00 Sizes S-M-L. Only. I '.M,~'U'.i:I!r·!:i ,Garage Is Proud of Its WHITE Dish Cloths I Department ... l'HnlOUS CailllMl di:..;h doths, .A SIll> Outing Flannel (jal price for thio '" Dal- 50 C . the stock of Ford lar Day ('vent. 3 for 27" wide heavy while outing. Just the skilled wor].;:- the thing for making diapers for the little memiJer of the SOC family. 2 yd •. Curtain Bod$ "Gar~ge Will Carefully BOyS' Off-white color. Exte1d fron) ~W' . yoUr Car ... to 42". Complete with ·brackets for The new 6-cylinder t!77" with its six "'SY, installation. 41 5~c you kfair estimate of the cost of to be done ... you almost any ground travel speed Trousers 0r i1ination you want-at peiJk engine , before proceeding, if ~'t~.v'Vual work is Another luck~ purchase. Boys 42 '" Take the new direct drive power wool cordcd mat¢rial in blue or . . . arid have your car when prdmi~ed . what could save more time in the brown. Sizes 8 to 16. 3.49 I these advanced feature5 increase - Only. Habk~,s i' operating C08ta~ choice of GREAT,EST PRIDE satisfied, (2) for tractor fuel, and J~st the thing fQl" the k~~di.,s l!) use ~etered oil' system ••• for ochoo!: Prints th'II~I"'''!. who d~mand tcry ignition • • • choice of i=;'::~·~:,~:!':~::~; Towels dren will like. . .tamped s~eel wheels and batic il tool. ·with all other new Rpw Crop Good quality Terr;; cloth hand tow­ The new No. 22 Mow~r rid es on els. Colors: blue, pink, rose, green. wheels • • • is. protected i~rom damagje Limit 4 to a release. The sickle bar is close to the CU,atomer. ·2 for SOC making it easier to get ar9und squa~e l oil-bath: chain·drive, transmilsion Wlth runs the pitman. ' .. ALL ITE~S WILL GO ON 'SALE ! l Y & SCHROEDER'Sf: , .,. ft,~t1 !t~a~es ~ervice Op~n Wakefield, Nebr. !·J, .•:;·i·j',iL '('I'., . "" •. ~I.'!'~I"' •.:~ .' .,IiiI\IiI'.'~fJil~ ~1iiI.1iI"~"~."" •• "!'!i'~"~,"." •••••"!\."~j.~'~~''',~.ii .'.r,.,:. ''':r.l .. II , '\," , I 1