!' I i' , il 11 1 r ,,° I II RACD , 1 IServices Held In Oklahoma p 'Pastor, Victim of Crash Occurred On Highway in Church planning Oklahoma City Memoricl.l Service Ilr spite of djfricl1Jtips rC' ..,ulting Rq.:. Walter A. Brackcnsick, ~:? ~~~aUi1~r~{d 1r~f\Sdj~;~~~~~1 \~~~l~~~t: r~S~~y~~'~~~~('~~~i~~ertt~n~~~r~;~ what it hopes, is a fairly accurate' Me'n1Qrial Park femetery at Oldd- ~~hci~~n~i?I~~h~('av~I~?tb)~e ~~c~~C~~~ ;\~)~Hlp;~I\~~~r~~' ha~ldhl~ ~~~~~~:i .<'lck, his mother-in-Jaw and sislcr- srrvi('(' for hi) here aft(', Mrs.. in-law. ' Bnwlu'ns.ick is hie to relurn· to The Braekcnsicks w('re in Okla- Wayne. , hom a on a two-w('pk vaca!tlOn A trAgIC .lCClfi!"'nl on Ii hlg~\\d.7 They fIrst \\('nl 10 Chle:J.~o and In ()klahoma C ty On Weclne$;dBY then to Quincy. Illf, Ihe IMstor s ('\..(>nmg. Aug 4~ClalmCd the, Illr hirthplilce. From QUincy.. they of fhC' Wayne Jnister apd als!! drove to Oklahomal CIty 10 VI~'L fatally m!Ured rs Brackenc:ack '\ l-e~~~ivr~COff'~;;i'n~r~~k~~~~~~Sday, ~n~;I~;s ~.~~ll~I~ G~!~e~tc;\s7~i~ I 1 I Ailg'. 4, Rev, and Mrs Bl<~cken· of Mr" Bracken lck ' sick. daught('r, Dorotl"\y, and son nev Bratckrn ci{ and Mrs Gr.t- ' James, accomp'Ini('d hy Mr~ aml nnw \" .. cn klllr I Instantly, 1\1r"" ,', ouhty Mrs. Ca, rl Granow, Mrs Emma i<uf'nk( I d!f'd 11 hours later m dn t ..... KUCnk,('1 A~d MH.rj(~ie Ran:H'iC'yer Oklahoma CIty 10sPItal ~I h, u'ota lof Bonds ,~~revi~?ttr:~n~ci~~l~¢sor:~ ~ll~fi~~ IN..nTntiIJ i':l the crash W('T'(' Ac ~ \l I ncar the city. ~~:~t,~;,a7~~~~Ck~e~~in~~~g~:t;r~ , ~ THE BnA(~KE]'I,'"SI(;K auto, a cal condil!iot1; h1 son, JamE's Roh- n",wqu,,,""" has i5SUC ,Waynd co.un!y rdidcr:tts bought new car with only ~,9~O miles rrf, 9: Mar~arrl.-I"Kuenkel, 39" MAr_ men subjcc "",81.167.34 m U. S. savIn1?s bonds rC'gistprcd on the specdomL'lrr. jorie Ralmwyrr.1 19, of MeciH't .. provisions of th (!jUrlr,i.~,g "~~nc'our~~ecsnt Wsc,'cUc~ltCYorlyo"alnl, was driv'('n by R~\·. Brackcnsick. Okll'l.: amI lh!"' ioccupants of lhr (]I '- ...,.. "..... - '- Traveling in lh(' proper ];J.ne of ,a car Whi,eh crni'htd into the Brark-, Chairma} for ,this county. 'four·lanc highway. the Braci<C'n- ('nsick flul0. Mi.s Kuenkel is Mr~ will r('brish'r on: The fi 'ure .was ~Cl perce;nl over sick c.<'lr was slruck almost head~ Brackrnsicl{'s . ister and MI:O;~ AUF' :~o ' 1re county's liecurity loan qUota. on by a CHr driven \)y Mrs. Rf'<;~!1~ Ramsf'yC'r is hC'r nl(lce. H)2,<~ ~ ,I Nl'bra.kans investf'd ~46.2Ul.00IJ Dowdy, Negro, :21, at obout Ifl:~31 Mrs. Bracken.,ick W<'lS abJe to 19~1 10 <'('curi,y bonds, 01" whlCh $:J7,- P'1cconlin" to the Ok'lahoma CII,' ~(~P' ~tl. :~1 oO:'SS:I';~\-)l ~90.Rl1J.1(j wtJ.s series "E" bon:d!>, ... fl(:~ e~,:~r! ~~'ls~~I~)~lf1\ ~~ntJl~a) 1~~~IV!~·t~'.~ 19:25 Septl· -1 or S(!pt. 7 a~cording to Leland R. lIall, st{lte Times. Mig-hw(J.~ patrolmen sairi l~r. and then r(>-~urned to th0 h()~- 19~{) Sc~)tl. H or Sept. 9 d'1I'ec'tor of the savjngs honds di· Mrs. Dowdy. driving- H slolrn car. prtHI ror furth¢r 1reRtmcn1. 11 Hrn S(,~"'" 10 or Sept. 11, vision for Nebraska, "The success, ~~('r~e~lr~I~~Or~tr~V.;71~a~~~c%ff'~~i~rk ~~:~:~/;;f,~\~'~~;laty~;~t she would be n'· 19:;" of 1he s['curi1y loan 1n Nebraska Se 1.:]3 or SepL. 111 is abundunt [IIrDof that lhe people auto. Mrs. Dowdy and a pRssrn· lJorothy suffeITed a hroken~rm 19'29 :.~ Sc 1'" 1:) or Sept. 16 f 'r h hn t ger, Mrs. Bcssic Drown, werr in· 11m! h·g- and ,nternal inj 'ie~. 193U, b&f ~1'C Scp1. 19 . I ~f.~~di~}g~~{~~rfr~ io~ atl~~~~~~t jured. Accordjn~ to an unconfirm-' WetynC' Jl('opic wro returned es., After ~CI~ 1 a, 19:{(J set) . 17 or S('pt. 18 of personal and national secunty," cd report, two other occupants of day from th(' fury.eral said she. ow '" "Eiglhtccnth birlhday, Hall said. the ~tolcn cllr c~capc(l from the has rrg;~ineri ClonscioUsne<;s I hut I --~----".or wll hm -.---r-,--------~ fi~'e days thereafte hHIXl'~··1\·INE Qf 93 counties in craJ..h.wreCk~go", and fled the scene of 1he ~U,st,'rndl'f1Olt(' n,m, ilinflrTIO(, it," ~he probablyh03pitai for~llQm an *:, * * I the state exceeded their goal Only Mr. Granow and James thrf'(' to :-,ix mon hs. : Says Riligislralion 101 DO~tri° t while six othcrs made 90 pcrccnt nr~c~cnslck escapf'd p.~ac:licallY TIf ..; RJTY."'; r Rc:v. Bracken. SQ I I C or better. This remarkable record, unlnJ~red .. They we.re ~tt tmg at sick wrrC' cand cted by Rev. II. Npl to Interfere ' made inj the face i rising living NSF . the rIght Side of the Irear scat. NI('rmann of La reI, who had b('f'll 0 S c(j)sts anq many ol adverse fac· ~me tate air nO~HIAL'TOl\ol~BII~E!,? w(':e visitmg 10 PetTY Ukla. An Okla- EI ectlon i et tcprs, is 3Plend!d .te timC!ny o~ the r"· demohsh¢d. Mrs: l' ~ank Slmomn homa Cily mmi ·ter officiated at With V:acalions : j' : ~ ~~~~o~'~'~u~~~~I~ll;o ~~~;;et~; r~~~ LOy t k T of Oklaijoma Clty~ formerly of the riles for 1'4rs. Kuenkel amI Edward McQ istan of go," J?e continuCd" Grace Lutheran bor Pen~et e~'l'dit m~st I es OC earn ~hhn~c~~~o~~ ~~c C!~~~d!~{jdth~~ M~l\x G~~~~'rs de RegiS!, ran, C)O for sdectivC' I scr~,1jcc and ~ern~rd Sp ittgpr: of. Pilger Hall addcd, "Nebraska people police tOlbe one o~ the w~rst"cvl'r congr('g!ftion !:>CaCd as pallbearC'I"'" i~~d p~O~n;~~t':~~~c r:~hi~h~c~~l~: arc c~ndldatcs for r(>('lectl'On 61' can take pride in thelfa~t that thqy G('~ Perry, Herbert I3iennann, t'O have Iiappened In the cIty. for theIr pasto s funeral. Tht.y a, aGcording 10 Brig. Gen. Guy N. sUperv.lsors .of ~ CI, Wayne sol~ con, nT" t onlyl exceeded thclr, quota ,In Norm n Willers and Larry Jordan pa;:;;r. 'pI1a '1 1,YsheOd kllnaholmh,£>an:"'tyn,ewr~: aar'led Eo',lmttoer HMee",tY 5d,Frealdnekrs"Lo~go'yC servatton dlstne lat an electuon. t t e grdatest peace· time bond will e Wayne county's 4·H club I~~ tfb c c c ~.- ennrnger, state selective service be h~ld Aug. 27.: I . ~ :"!~ ~tVC, b,Ht have maintaitlcd the livest ck judg.ingdeam at the Ne. pO! ted ,t hlghwa~ pa~r~lme.n Langt'meier. Lrc urcr; and Ro~ert irc('\ol' I . Al pers.ons. fI g. or- ,-cok,)~or:P , . &~d-"ofmaK:ing eve'ry bond quota braskjil Statl Fair in September, it said t!te~.were hamptlrL'd In tnelr Frahm and Fre~ Viet,o~, t,rUS,',tces. Provbion IS made in the rpgu!a­ h<!n owmn~ ~a WIthin t11c' dls- assigned to them.' wafa'Pnoun~ed last week after the Inveshga IOn of t~e era,sh hy more Among those f m thiS area 'Who ~~ion~; [or the ah.scncc of an indivi-; t,letl arc ellglb c, to yote, Votes . 1f'l\R1TIVE f" f boys ind competed 01) Thursday in thRn 1~ 0 motorIsts Who blockC'd attended the ri es were WilHam ~ua! from hil) home. eomaY~be acastg ab r~ offl~e Qf thd no~t~~alstcrJ~ NObras~~ur~~unt?e~ the j nior livestock show. at Wis- the high ay for nearlt half a~ mile Beckenhauer, Mr a~ Mrs-'.CiFO '-",,"- 5, pU,nmY, A nycn':'Sl' e"lnCteonwnear,mw'ho"n,.<! {ollow; ncr., on eitherlSide of the eene. Meyer, Mrs. A t olters, . S't~ I; 1 H t d d It WR rC'porlcd that po.lIce Otto Heithold, C rl ictQr, unabl0 to rcach.c. the polling place Total Quota . Wa~ ne. c?unty. s.· lOyS JU ~e would re ommcnd char~es ag-al.11st nest Muh~, Mr. nd Mrs.:14.':jr.> ph~r~ on election day luy·se-cure a hal· Ct.'dar .. --._. $310,OH8.53 H)~ rive e as;.;c~ o.f llVeslock---fat mar· Mrs. Dv\'.fdy. Claussen, Mr. I nd.. Mrs: _ il lot a.nd Form CD·12 at any of Cuming. ...... 436,399.31 119 ket h gs, JunIOr boar!-l, fat market #.! Utt'cht, Mr. i.lod.Mrs; Ed Eeh cn- the followin cf pl'.ccs and vole b)( Dixon . __ .. ' ... ... 250.729.9:2 114 lambs and two c1as~es o\.stecrs. B 'B Af kamp, Mrs. Rolrt Frahm, Mr!'. scaled ballot Ph'rce ...... ~.'38,05:2.38 12(J Ge.nc ~p{'fry placed f~rst w~lh 525 arI11 UrllS ler HC-rman Stuve nd Mrs. Fran,k ' Stanton . 197,191.:25 184 po:nt~ out of a pOSSIble 5<)0, and W I Farmers 5t .te bank.
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