Magazine of culture and tourism information Year 10 – Nr. 11 2009 ardena MAGAZINE 2009 English Version Via Mëisules Str. 251, Selva / Wolkenstein – Tel. 0471 794 391 Via Rezia Str. 110, Ortisei / St. Ulrich – Tel. 0471 796 295 MAGAZINE 4 22 16 Pubblicazione di cultura ed informazione turistica Anno 10 – N° 11 2009 ardena CONTENTS MAGAZINE2 0 0 9 L’intenditore sceglie Psenner. Ve rs i o n e Italiana 4 karL uNTErkirCHEr Concedetevi un attimo di pace e abbandono, degustando la premiata Grappa Selezione. Lasciatevi sedurre dal suo intenso e aromatico carattere, che donerà intensi momenti di piacere a palato e anima. 7 GardENa Past aNd Present Cover: 8 iNfogARdENa Susanne Zuber, THE story of oNE Finalist Miss World 10 of our LOYAL Guests … Gennaio/Januar/January 2009 12 IcecluB vaL GardENa Nr. 11 - Year 10 PUBLISHER 15 SELva aNd its NEw CENTrE SNOW EVENTS 16 EDITORS-IN-CHIEF our TradiTioNS Alex Pitscheider Alex Flaim 17 vaL GardENa: ParTy afTEr SkiiNG EDITORS Leo Senoner, Filly Vilardi, Giovanni Di Vecchia, 18 NEwS & PEoPLE Fosca Fornai, Angela Roberts (english) 20 THE CHurCH of SaCuN PHOTOS iN vaL GardENa Andrea Chemelli, Consorzio Turistico Val Gardena, Foto Ghedina, Robert Perathoner, SNOWBOARD 22 Foto Planischek, Snow Events PassioN, MoTioN, frEEdoM! GRAPHIC & DESIGN & PRINT 24 radio GHErdEiNa doLoMiTES ARTPRINT, Brixen, Tel. 0472 200 183 26 HiGHLights 28 PriNCE aLBErT of MoNaCo ·
[email protected] GARDENA3 MAGAZINE GARDENA IN memory OF KARL UNTERKIRCHER (1970–2008) Leo Senoner Farewell Karl – the Karl we all knew so well, a little man with a great spirit, a fantastic mountain climber, re- sourceful, courageous, a sincere friend who died in Pa- kistan on 15th.