~a6re of @ontents:

~fje ~iuer Michael LaRocque, 1998.

g,euen-fofb ~a~: ~raining anb ~rabes ONA, 198geh. ~fje ~af~ Of f~e g,inisfer ~n ~nitiates ~esvedive - or ~ij'l ~ am a g,inister g,atanist Lyceus, ONA. @rowfe~, g,afan anb ffje g,inisfer ~a~ Extracted from Hostia Volume I, ONA, 1992eh. §)fonen ONA ~fje ~a~, ffje glTeans, f~e Jtnb. ONA ~aganism: ~n ~r~an g,cience Peter Georgacarakos, White Order ofThule. glTaftrocosmos ONA, 1997eh.

~~e J[ogic of ~o-1'a~ Ragnar Redbeard, 1896. ~~e g,inisfer ~orft Lyceus, ONA.

Jtsoferic ~rabifion - aMifionaf nofes ONA Jtsoferic ~rabifion in &itorf~ ~merica Thomian, ONA.

~e~onb ~ffusion Christos Beest, ONA. 1998eh. life unto my heart, had agreed upon from the first eve of my jour­ ~ije ~iver ney.7" This the magickian spoke to the river as he stood, motionless Michael LaRocque, 1998. but with great urgency, facing the wall of tears. Great suffering had Cftr he figure stood with pride did the magickian construct an al­ befallen him in previous times, but ~ along the mouth of the river, tar, it's purpose rendered through through the trials set forth by na­ a solitary witness to the precious the permits of his only Will, the ture, and more importantly him­ gift which nature had bestowed attainment of true being, through self, had he improved and honed upon his soul. Of what conse­ the perfection of body, mind, and many skills, skills which would be quence this may have upon not soul. needed for this and future genera­ only his being, but of all who had Creatures of the forest, tions to sow the seeds for rebirth crossed before him, there was no long since accustomed to the ways and ascension to the stars and be­ telling. Upon his arrival, the river of this man, proved their trust yond. Answers were expected from had erupted forth, billowing for­ through protection and neutrality this plea, but the river did not ward that of liquid fire, brilliance when needed, for without this speak. born of life; a life filled with the friendship failure was assured. Disheartened by the rivers power to shape mountains and the Three months since the arrival of ignorance toward his many accom­ lives of men, yet tranquil enough in the magickian had it been, and plishments, the mage slowly it's motion to induce sleep upon throughout this time lessons were turned, making steps weighted the same. This embodiment of taught, not only unto the mage and with anger toward his Temple. Mother had been born from the his counterparts who crawled on There he would rest throughout tears of Gods, to be presenced by four and swam the depths, but the night; concentration given to only those of rightful choosing. unto the entire world which pol­ that of questions aimed at loyalty From the wind there came luted his home from all points, and his wanted gift of placement voices, ofwhich each uttered gentle near and far. amongst the Gods. The river whispers of welcome in their pass­ This was only a beginning, flowed throughout, but with the ing, as well as details of natures ef­ an infant in the manhood of the motion and reaction that of silt forts toward the coming winter, evolutionary puzzle, and as he and clay, forever slowing with every and the darkness that would fol­ stood facing the trident of the link broken by this mans ego. low. Within this, wind and water river, thoughts toward the future Sleep invaded the dawn, coupled to form the backdrop of swarmed throughout his mind. the mage undertaking a breathless what is now one mans sanctuary, to Was not he truly evolved, nightmare of visions hammered be used in times of need when the empowered with previous action down by what seemed to be the moon eclipses even the brightest of and well spent time toward the wrath of the Twin Rivers. hopes, and the faintest of memory. tests of self, that he could justify his Awakened by the shrill To this the lone magickian rightful place amongst the stars and laughter of a child, the figure again was given strength through action, call forth the names of all who took placement along the river, from which did he erect a Temple, tread before him? If not now, if not again questioning its judgement undying in it's grandeur and scal­ him, then who? When? Who be­ and purpose as authority. Again, able only through the limitlessness fore him hath shown truer pur­ no answers were handed to the per­ of imagination, its uses for that of pose, stronger limbs, or sharpness plexed and now angered Adept. workings known only to him. Of of mind? "Have I not suffered unto Throughout the day, needed tasks wood gathered throughout the you, Mother, for the period of time went unnoticed; self-pity and the darkest of forests and stones which I, through the breathe that villain of righteousness took hold shaped through timeless assaults, feeds my blood, which in turn gives with a firm grasp. Weeks passed by, with no an­ swer to the questions posed by the ~a~: ~rainin~ now disheveled mage given, the river g,even-forb anb lay silent. With a hatred did the ~rabe5 magickian take to dismantling the Temple, with great thrusts of livid per­ Order ofNine Angles, 198geh. secution did the foundation fall, and to it went the spirit of Will. 9l n many ways the seven-fold certain time and place and instead With all but the altar remain­ d' way can be regarded as a proc­ of meeting there the expected Mas­ ing did the mage cease his attack, to ess, by the individual, of discovery ter of Mistress meets a person of once again lay upon the earth, allow­ and experience. The goal of this odd appearance who propounds ing the soil to cradle his beaten body process is the production of indi­ various view which the individual in as in times past. With his last vision of viduals skilled and knowledgeable question may find not only unusual conscious awareness did the man spit in the magickal arts who have de­ but distasteful, Such tests and en­ upon the river, renouncing that which veloped their latent, occult faculties counters are not games but merely before he held sacred. Thoughts ech­ and who possess the beginnings of devices which enable the candidate oed throughout his mind, with the wisdom. to begin to understand their own lasting image of his true wish this This process can result, motives and expectations and as night, for the river to open once again sometimes by accident over ex­ such are an important preparation and flow like the liquid beauty he had tended periods of time (for exam­ to Initiation. It is to be understood loved and caressed with every motion ple, three decades or more) but It is that it is not the order, which tests of every deed. "It is then," he spoke most usually undertaken as a result the candidate - but the candidates unto himself, "that I will receive the of a conscious decision by an indi­ themselves. Initiation is the begin­ answers I so justly deserve!" Then the vidual to seek esoteric and/or ning of the breaking of the illusion darkness of sleep took hold. Forever. magickal groups/Order/Adepts. In of roles, and to be successful this Throughout the night, the this later case - and provided the breaking must be done by the indi­ great river churned under the hard­ guidance received is good - the goal vidual, from within. ened mass created from inactivity, can be achieved in a much shorter Once this breaking down with every flow harbored a hateful de­ time. begins, then Initiation is already un­ cree bellowed from the mage. Slowly, The first part of the process derway, and no 'Rite of Initiation' the river edged upon its side, closer to is in many ways the easiest that of however complex or well meaning its prey, until the compacted soil seeking some form of Initiation is a substitute for this change in the could hold the power from within no (qv. the Order MS 'A Novices individual. Such a rite, as a ceremo­ more. The river erupted, flowing as Guide to Initiation.,). Before and nial ritual, is only the representation blood onto all that lay within its wake, after Initiation the novice is re­ of this process in a dramatic form consuming the life it had given so gen­ quired to undertake various tasks by and in many cases is not necessary erously in times past, gripping and suf­ the Master or Mistress who has if some other form of Initiation is focating innocence as well as the agreed to guide the individual along . more suited to the candidate. guilty. All that had lived were now the seven-fold way. The pre­ Besides this breaking of dead, to be used again toward the new Initiation tasks are the performance self-delusion, Initiation is an awak­ life the river would surely bestow, to by the individual of a simple her­ ening of the occult faculties - that make the land again fertile. metic ritual (usually on the night of is, the experience by the candidate The river allowed the mark of the full moon), the construction of of the reality of magickal forces. a lone altar to stand in place amongst the simplified version of the Star This experience can be brought its new children, to be a remembrance Game and the successful comple­ about in several ways - first, by of her generosity and power, to not be tion of the various tests aimed at means of a powerful ritual of Initia­ mistaken for rightful dues by any man. proving the serious intent and com­ tion which produces magickal mitment of the candidate. The im­ forces through invokation; second, portant about these tests of through the candidate experiencing

000 intent is that the candidate is un­ the charisma of a Master or Mis­ aware of them - for example, the tress; and third, as a consequence of candidate is asked to be present at a the individual undergoing a particu­ lar experience where magickal this, the novice is expected to infil­ mgmanner. forces are present. An example of trate another magickal group/Order This stage generally takes this third type is when a candidate, with the intent of attending a ritual from six months to two years and is expecting perhaps (as a result of and during that ritual either redi­ concluded when the novice finds their own imagination) a ceremonial recting the magickal power ~f any) changes of perspective arising as a ritual of Initiation, is led to an iso­ or invoking by their own effort dur­ consequence of the self­ lated spot where magickal energies ing the ritual a powerful force of understanding brought through fol­ are present either naturally (as for their own choosing to disrupt or lowing the goals and tasks. This example in most stone circles) or otherwise alter the original ritual. In change should arise naturally and it have been created beforehand by an some cases, the novice may organ­ is made conscious to the novice to­ Adept in readiness for the candi­ ize their own group (recruiting peo­ ward the end of the stage through date. The candidate is then left ple for it) for just this purpose. the grade ritual of External Adept alone. What the candidate then ex­ This magickal task develops This ritual is a prelude to the goals periences (sometimes for many not only the use of magickal forces and tasks of the next stage and sig­ hours) is an Initiation - although in an interesting way but also pro­ nifies the beginning ofAdeptship. this is seldom understood by the vides the novice with a goal the at­ The Grade Ritual involves candidate at the time because out­ tainment ofwhich is invigorating. It the individual constructing a sep­ wards form is lacking. In many re­ also provides an opportunity for the tenary Star game and the perform­ spects, this third type is the most novice to develop various skills per­ ance by the individual of a certain valuable of all the forms of Initia­ taining to the manipulation of other ritual on a night of the new moon. tion since it does not rely on the il­ individuals chiefly through the de­ This ritual involves the invoking of lusion of ceremonial, or the dogma liberate development of a a certain force, female in aspect normally associated with such ritual 'charismatic' personality or role. Its The External Adept may forms. Initiation is complete when the fundamental task of the novice choose to continue with the group the candidate realises that a process to learn from those experiences ­ or temple begun in the previous ofinner change has begun. that is, not to allow the role to be­ stage (or create one if this was not The next stage of the seven­ come dominant done before) for the purpose of fold way, following Initiation, is This is achieved by the nov­ conducting ceremonial and her­ when the novice begins to under­ ice remembering that they are in­ metic rituals of the type associated take in a systematic way workings volved in a seven-fold quest and with, for example, the 'Book of with the various magickal forces accepting the advice given by the ' as well as for the perform­ through such forms as Path Work­ Master or Mistress who assigned ance ofthe cthonic Nine Angles rite ings, hermetic and ceremonial ritu­ the task. Both of these things some if desired. Alternatively, the individ­ als. Such workings in themselves novices find difficult to do. The be­ ual may opt to concentrate on take several months and during this haviour of the novice during this magickal working with the Star time the novice will be given several task is governed by specific guide­ Game - and for this (as the task tasks - some practical, some lines - failure to observe the guide­ above) a companion is required. It magickal - to perform. These tasks lines by an individual means the end is a task of the External Adept to may themselves take several months of their noviciate as far as the Or­ find such a companion, as well as to to complete. The most usual der is concerned. teach them all they themselves have magickal task involved the novice The practical tasks associ­ learned during the previous stages ­ assuming the 'role' of a dark sor­ ated with this stage usually involve guiding them as they themselves cerer/sorceress for example, dress­ the novice developing certain physi­ have been guided. This in itself gen­ ing in black and cultivating a satanic cal abilities suited to their character. erally takes from one to two years, appearance - and in this guise at­ Such physical goals (for example, and because of this most External tending various Occult functions cycling 100 miles in under 5 hours Adepts prefer, during this time, to and generally trying to provoke ar­ or running 20 miles in 2 hours 30 organize a magickal group/Temple gument and dissent The novice in minutes - fitter individuals will be since it provides a structure and a this is advised to cultivate an atti­ given a more demanding goal) are a focus. tude of arrogance and pride and necessary balance to the magickal During this stage the Exter­ must be prepared to defend force­ tasks as well as enabling those tasks nal Adept will experience many fully their Satanic views. Following to be achieved in a more invigorat­ things, particularly of a magickal , '-.

kind if rituals are undertaken by a the Ritual of the fifth stage, the new In the past, in anyone dec­ group, and contact with the Master Master or Mistress assumes a teach­ ade, the Order had many hundreds or Mistress will be limited and oc­ ing role via an Order or an individ­ of candidates seeking Initiation. cur for the most part if the External ual basis, and usually those who at­ About four or five a year, some­ Adept wishes. It is important during tain this stage take over at some times less, may become Initiates the long period associated with this time their Order, guiding individu­ through their own choice. Of these, particular stage, that the individual als along ·the seven-fold way. They perhaps two will complete the novi­ does not become prey top the illu­ may also create their own Order or ciate and only two or three from sion of being a Master or Mistress. group should they so wish - or re­ twenty a decade become Internal Most will of course suc­ activate the Temple they organized Adepts, the others drifting away for cumb at some time to this as a con­ during their time as an External various reasons. Every twenty years, sequence of the varied magickal ex­ Adept, since the Grade Ritual of a new Master or Mistress may take periences and. contacts with those Internal Adept by its nature, means office. There may be one or two less experienced in magick, many the individual must disband such a Magi a century. So it has been - and individual sever their links with the Temple or leave it in care of one so it will probably unfortunately re­ Order as a consequence of this illu­ less experienced. main until the New Aeon begins to SIon. After some years teaching, emerge on the practical level three II In some ways this stage is the Master or Mistress may with­ to four centuries in the future. the most difficult, involving as it draw to seek the next stage - pro­ The seven-fold way pos­ does confrontation with various vided they have trained at least one sesses the potential to create (given roles and what had been called the person to continue the tradition of good guidance) in ten years what it 'animalanimus', this latter occur­ the seven-fold way. has taken seven civilizations, five ring naturally through the training Thus it will be seen that the Aeons or nearly ten thousand years of a companion. Provided the indi­ seven-fold way is not easy. It is a to achieve. Every individual is free vidual maintains during the stage way of life, which any individual to choose between this path to the their resolve to follow to its end the may follow. Those who only follow divine and a continuation of the seven-fold way (and here the advice its early stages gain something of sleep that keeps the potentiality of from the Master or Mistress is often benefit - those who go further may life at bay. All magick is .a glimpse crucial at some point during this achieve the goal that awaits us all: of this path - it is up to the individ­ stage) then, with the completion of the next stage of human evolution. ual to walk along it. - ONA, 198geh. ~fje ~atfj of tfje ~inister ~n ~nitiates ~ersveciiue - or ~ij~ ~ am a g,inister g,atanist

91 am Becoming, Again, I am Be­ sites themselves, of the creations of or the Sinister Tradition at least, is d-' coming. Perhaps this time I other Sinister Satanists, of the not part of the sickness of the can maintain my resolve. I am part works, the musick and the art of West, rather it remains one of the of something larger than myself, the Sinister Tradition in general I genuine expressions of the pre­ thus I am not simply my ego any have come to know a little more of Nazarene West. An expression, in more. I am becoming something the Tradition directly and of what essence of that which is Beyond the greater. Sinister Satanism means practically Nazarene societies in which we live. I am learning that Honour, is to me. Such insight comes not Hence the Sinister Arthurian Tra­ not an easy path. Often it means from reading the various Order dition, hence the continuation of going against the psychic grain. texts and manuscripts, nor from the head-cult and the 'worship' of Fighting against oneself. Holding studying Occult journals, rather it the War Goddess Baphomet, hence ones tongue. Not being drawn into comes through a practical interac­ the continued use of certain loca­ (dishonourable) slagging matches, tion with the Dark Gods of the Sin­ tions by Sinister Initiates and Ad­ or agreeing with someone who is ister Tradition by following the epts alike. Sinister Satanism is an putting someone else down. Not Seven-Fold Way. In short the Sinis­ advancement of Paganism itself, it judging people by what is heard, ter is being born anew, re-created is Paganism renewed, reborn in a but from what one knows. This, I In myself as a Sinister Initiate, I am new form. Furthermore it has not understand to be honour. Add to now becoming a part of the Sinis­ solely evolved as a response to the this the qualities of fairness and of ter and no words can take this away Nazarene influence, but rather as balance. from me. an aspect of the natural evolution Where does talk lead? Does it Eventually I shall be at one of the energies (from one perspec­ lead to Destiny? Does it lead to the with Satan, a form that is not dead tive symbolised by the sacred words Gods? Is it not through practical whatever others (outside of the Tra­ 'Ga Wath Am') as they are in es­ action - as the Seven-Fold Way con­ dition) may say. Practically Satan is sence. tinually states - that the Sinister Sa­ a fundamental archetype of the The Sinister Tradition is built tanist may become more than he or West re-expressed, reborn, revital­ upon what has existed before and she is. As an Initiate I already am ised. Who can really know the es­ continues to add to this whilst si­ more than I was prior to Initiation. sence of Satan unless he or she fol­ multaneously influencing/infecting Each step enhances and strength­ lows a Sinister or Satanic Path? areas outside of itself (1) , be these ens my bond with my Tradition, And furthermore who within the Sociological, Political, Religious or with my Gods, my Folk. And what Sinister Tradition can really know 'Occult'. Sinister Satanism has is this Tradition? Is it something Satan unless he or she has personally brought freshness to the Occult that can be idly explained away, attained the title of Priest or Priest­ scene, such is its influence and few done away with, because it has ess? How then can a judgement be other Traditions can make such a 'served its purpose'? Is it something made when the reality of Satan is claim. that can be understood and there­ not experienced? Are such judge­ fore judged from the past writings ments made only from what has of Initiates and Adepts rather than been read? Perhaps such judge­ 1. Such is the method of evolution and from personal and direct experi­ ments only come from imitation, such also is one manner of gaining ence? from a desire to be perceived as a Sinister Initiates. In my personal experience of the new adversary, a new Satan... - Lyceus, ONA. 1998eh. Sinister Tradition, of the Sinister I for one know that Satanism, , is following a planned and practical ! ~rowret}, magickal way gains both cultural g,afan anb fije and Aeonic perspective. This en­ ables an understanding of the rela­ g,inisfer ~at} tionship existing between the indi.­ vidual and their unique Destiny and those forces which are symbol­ ized by a magickal formula or Extracted from Hostia, Volume One. ONA, 1992eh. 'word' and which represent a par­ ticular Aeon. 9l n one sense, the work of Crow­ is often lacking. Such an understanding d' ley may be said to be a restora­ Yet such a participation is (associated with the fourth stage ­ tion of various chthonic mysteries only a beginning - and the ritual the sphere of the Sun - and the of mainly Sumerian origin. Thus forms of such a participation are fifth stage, Mars) derives or has its the importance in the cult of The­ only a means. They are means to foundation in, a rational approach lema attached to Set/Shaitan/ experience and if correctly under­ and usually involves the individual Satan - an attempt to re-integrate taken should provide the individ­ studying Aeons, civilizations and into the consciousness of the indi­ ual with an understanding of that the relations between them. vidual the duality represented by aspect of their personality which However, the system of the formula LAShTAL. has been symbolized as Satan (for Crowley, as well as the many sys­ However, despite the men) and Lilitu/Darkat (for tems deriving in whole or in part many claims, Crowley did not inau­ women) - the darker, sensual side, tram his work, never arrives at this gurate a new Aeon. His restoration Such an understanding is personal stage because it has (a) set the for­ is simply a restoring of something in the sense that the personality of mulae of sexual magick above eve­ long dead - a kind of necromancy, the individual is involved, and the rything, and (b) negates with its ap­ and as a magickal force the cult of perspective achieved is usually that proach the rational analysis re­ Thelema might as well not exist. of the life, or Destiny, of the indi­ quired. The same is true of other In the exoteric sense, vidual in relation to his circum­ magickal systems involved in the 'Shaitan' represents those instinc­ stances and other individuals. That 'darker' side and which try in some tive levels that are often, in our is, there is little concern with or ap­ way to let the individuals following modern society, repressed in the preciation of, the forces of an them experience their own shadow I individual - and Satanic rituals of Aeon - other than perhaps some nature. An integration and thus either the traditional kind or the vague 'intellectual' understanding: understanding of this nature - ena­ kind based on the use of sexual for­ or what is thought of as under­ bling the individual to build upon mulae, are a means of catharsis: a standing. the foundations thus achieved - of beginning where consciousness is This re-integration of the necessity implies the development prepared and liberated from the darker aspects - whether it occurs of those qualities such as reason, restrictions implicit in ordinary life. through participation in rituals or logic and scientific understanding, In practical terms - and for the civi­ via other techniques of magick - is which Crowley et al have aban­ lization of the West whose domi­ represented, in the septenary sys­ doned. Yet this development does nant religion and ethos has hin­ tem, by the three lower spheres of not imply a mish-mash of Occult dered by its distortion all that is the Tree of Wyrd (Moon, Mercury and pseudo-scientific concepts such natural in terms of sex - this often and Venus) and these spheres sym­ as 'quantum mechanics' and means participation in rituals such bolize the three stages of that re­ 'relativity' - an unstable amalgam as those given in 'Codex Saerus' or integration - that is, Calcination, currently fashionable in certain cir­ Crowley's Gnostic Mass or some Seperation and Coagulation to use cles. Rather, it implies the develop­ form of sexual working. Such par­ alchemical terms. It is during the ment of the mind and a certain ticipation restores the balance that next stage that the individual who way of thinking. ,I

On both the esoteric and that Crowley and his followers be­ figured in traditional Alchemy. An­ exoteric levels, the most significant lieved - such a 'patriarchal' ethos other facet of the new Aeon will be step so far in the evolution of our representing the distortion im­ the emergence of a new type of in­ consciousness has been the devel­ posed upon the original ethos by dividual: a type outlined by opment of rational analysis and its the Nazarenes. That Crowley and Nietzsche. This new individual will extension as the scientific method. others were unaware of this is in­ be fierce, free (of both external and The acceptance of this method dicative of how far removed The­ internaVpsychic influences), exult (which does not preclude an accep­ lema is from genuine esoteric tradi­ in exploration and discovery and tance of the forces with which tion. Esoterically, the genuine possess an essentially pagan atti­ magick deals) implies a certain Western ethos is symbolized by that tude to life. It is and has been one 'view of the world' and a personal force which has become known as of the aims of genuine sinister Or­ approach to living: a way, which is 'Satan' or Lucifer. Exoterically, this ders to produce such individuals ­ at once cautious, generally optimis­ represents the desire to know by having their Initiates follow the tic and open and enquiring. This which has attained its greatest seven-fold sinister way. 'view of the world' or way of think­ manifestation in modern science What has happened over ing derives from the ancient and exploration. the past fifty or more years is that Greeks - it is expressed in their An analysis of Aeonic the distortion of the Western early philosophy (i.e before the de­ forces indicates that the present ethos - and thus the genuine Ae­ cline represented by Plato), in their Aeon has, on the practical level- i. onic current - has increased. Part of religious attitude and in their way e. in terms of its effects on the vast this increase is, in fact, due to of living. It is essentially the same majority of individuals who be­ Crowley and those who have fol­ attitude exemplified by Western cause they have not been liberated lowed him and his system without paganism, and it is the antithesis of by Occult Initiation are sway to ex­ really understanding what they that view and way represented by ternal influences - about three cen­ were doing. The genuine Western the religion of the Nazarene. The turies more to run. During this esoteric tradition - as distinct from religion of the Nazarene inverts all time, the distortion of the current what most Occultists wish to be­ natural values - as Nietzsche under­ caused by the Nazarenes and their lieve is the 'secret tradition' - has stood. Thelema, and similar beliefs, allies mayor may not conti~ue ­ no connection whatever with the negate, as Nazarene philosophy and depending on how certain Initiates qabalah, or Egyptian mysteries and life does, that natural spontaneity use certain powerful magickal symbolism, and neither does it em­ which is the essence of this pagan forces. Whatever, the 'New ploy in any way the sorcery of 'view of the world' - because The­ Aeon' (the sixth out of the seven 'grimoire magic' and the forms lema ties the mind in knots of ob­ that mark our evolution) will have once appropriate to now dead Ae­ scurity and metaphysical specula­ its beginnings on the magickallevel ons be such forms Sumerian, Baby­ . tion (as the qabala in general does) within the next few decades - al­ lonian, Egyptian or whatever. it briefly frees the spirit only to though on the practical level it will The basis of the Western weigh down the spirit with the be about another three centuries tradition was and always has been chains of its own metaphysics. until the effects are apparent. This rational in the sense that those who The true ethos of the West ­ new Aeon will have no 'word' and carried on its tradition sought to which the religion of the Nazarene its magick will be the magick of understand themselves, the world distorted and supplanted - may be 'Thought', that is spontaneous em­ and the cosmos in a detached man­ signified by the word .Azif and the pathy. One of the moat fundamen­ ner - free from religious/political symbol of the sunwheel; it is pagan tal facets of this new Aeon will be dogma. That is, to understand in essence. The ethos of the West the development of a symbolic lan­ things as those things are in them­ (which derives from the present Ae­ guage, which extends the frontiers selves: without the projection of onic force or 'current' first estab­ of thought. Such a language is al­ beliefs and ideas... To this end, the lished c. 500 AD) is not and never ready prefigured in the Star Game­ septenary system was evolved, and has been patriarchal in the sense just as the Star Game itself was pre­ the 'mysteries' expressed in abstract symbolism (of which Alchemy was tween two forces - those represent­ ion and politics, or a return to one form). The essence of the ing (whether consciously or not is those essentially patriarchal dualis­ Western tradition was not some immaterial) this Babylonian/ tic values where impersonal ideals/ 'great secret' or 'hidden knowledge' Nazarene ethos, and those repre­ ideology have precedence over the to be revealed to Initiates only ­ senting the genuine Western (and individual. Every act of genuine sin­ rather, it was the belief that every­ thus 'sinister') tradition. On the ister magick is a step toward the thing in the cosmos could be un­ outcome of this conflict the next new Aeon. Thelema is a step back derstood if one probed, investi­ Aeon depends - there will be either into the past - as are other systems gated or thought enough about it. the new Aeon with the blossoming which lack the empathy, that expe­ That is, the cosmos was seen as a of the individual and the develop­ rience and then transcendence of natural order into which individu­ ment of consciousness giving thus a the sinister brings. als could gain insight. From this liberation from the tyranny of relig­ insight, a new individual would emerge: a more conscious, evolved, ,...------­ person. The tradition thus encour­ ~fje 2t g,atanic ~oint5 aged the development in the indi­ vidual of empathy via personal ex­ perience: an experiencing of all as­ 1. Respect not pity or weakness, for they are a disease which makes sick pects of our own nature as well as the strong. the worlds within and without. 2. Test always your strength, for therein lies success. Thus were the 'magickaVOccult' 3. Seek hapiness in victory - but never in peace. faculties themselves developed. The 4. Enjoy a short rest, better than a long. way of this tradition was essentially 5. Come as a reaper, for thus you will sow. practical - exemplified by the Grade 6. Never love anything so much you cannot see it die. Rituals, tasks and so on of the 7. Build not upon sand but upon rock. And build not for today or yes­ seven-fold way. There was no specu­ terday but for all time. lative metaphysical system, no ac­ 8. Strive ever for more, for conquest is never done. ceptance of irrational fears and be­ 9. And die rather than submit. liefs, no subservience to someone 10. Forge not works of art but swords of death, for therein lies great art. else's personal mythology. 11. Learn to raise yourself above yourself so you can triumph over all. The new Aeon should be a con­ 12. The blood of the living makes good fertilizer for the seeds of the tinuation of the process which the new. genuine Western tradition began. 13. He who stands atop the highest pyramid of skulls can see the fur­ Yet it is possible that this new thest. Aeon may never emerge. The dis­ 14. Discard not love but treat it as an imposter, but ever be just. tortion of the Western current 15. All that is great is built upon sorrow. does and has represented a desire 16. Strive not only forwards, but upwards for greatness lies in the high­ by some to return to whatl)lay be est. described as an aspect of the Baby­ 17. Come as a fresh strong wind that breaks yet also creates. lonian ethos. This aspect gave rise 18. Let love of life be a goal but let your highest goal be greatness. eventually to not only the poison of 19. Nothing is beautiful except man: but most beautiful of all is Nazarene philosophy and religion, woman. but also to the many political and 20. Reject all illusion and lies, for they hinder the strong. social systems and ideas founded in 21. What does not kill, makes stronger. the 'view of the world'. There is, at 000 this moment in time, a very real magickal conflict occurring be­

Christos Beest, ONA. 1998eh.

Cfrr he Aim of the Seven-Fold the Change which is necessary at age the weak and encourage the ~ Way is Enlightenment. This is any moment in our evolution - and strong. For it is strong who are a wisdom, an understanding, and a this change is both personal, of the needed, the strong who survive in new way of being. It is an appre­ Self of he/she who is following the that most difficult quest of all- that hension of what IS, as against what Way, and of others in the world, of genuine Enlightenment. The Appears-To-Be, and it is also a prac­ and thus of societies themselves. rest would just waste the time of tical living in the world in a man­ This change is for the most part those who have gone that Way be­ ner which changes the world. positive - that is, it encourages evo­ fore - so they are filtered out be­ lution: the transformation of indi.­ fore. They are thus the first test, Enlightenment is beyond viduals. For it is this transforma­ the first Ordeal, which awaits those the duality of Good and Evil - be­ tion of individuals, toward and be­ who wish to venture along this yond the Light and the Dark. It is yond the Self (and thus toward En­ most difficult of Ways. beyond the conventional words lightenment) which is evolution, used to express understanding. The for us. Is this change 'good'? The And yet the Darkness, the apprehension of Enlightenment is question, as usually asked, is irrele­ Sinister, must of itself be under­ the apprehension of that from vant - for what is good is what en­ stood, in a practical and theoretical which all life proceeds, and thus of courages evolution and what way, for without this understand.­ that which is both the Light and changes things in a positive way: ing we believe there can be no true the Dark, and the creative change that is, which changes individuals unification - no travel to the Be­ which is evolution. As such, En­ and makes them more yond which is Enlightenment and lightenment is beyond the Sinister. 'enlightened'. This is the whole pur­ the true unification of the oppo­ pose of the Seven-Fold Way and of sites. This is where the Seven-Fold The Seven-Fold Way is but the Sinister Dialectic (or the Dialec­ Way is unique. What is Dark must one practical means where this aim tic of Enlightenment to be exact!). be known, for only then can the Self can be achieved by individuals. It be born and create that which is works. There are other ways, some Each who travels the Way beyond even the Self. of which may work. The academic discovers things for themselves ­ learning which forms part of the they alone by their own efforts Nothing else needs to be Seven-Fold Way is also a means - it solve the problems which arise, as written - or will be written by us, is but a step toward something be­ they work things out for them­ since enough has been written al­ yond. Such a learning is a learning selves: rejecting what they do not ready to enable those, who possess experience of itself - a means of ap­ need, and using what is helpful in the desire, to follow the Way to its prehending some of the essence be­ their quest. For only thus does the end of Enlightenment. hind and beyond the words, the true experience which is the foun­ ideas, the theories. It is the practi­ dation of wisdom arise. Those who 000 cal work, in the world, and in re­ cannot or will not do this, get lost, gard to the transformation of the and fail. The means of Darkness, of Self, which is important. the Sinister - the images, the lan­ guage, the ideals, the practice, are Christos Beest, DNA. 1998 The Sinister Dialectic is but mostly but a means - but a Gate­ a means to promote and encourage way, a portal, a nexion, to discour­ '3Pa~ani5m: ~n ~r~an ~cience

By Peter Georgacarakos, White Order of Thule r;) u" s a pagan skeptical by nature, Jungian psychology, a European conscious. The collective uncon­ &\.- and from a scientific rather science which acknowledges race, scious is a psychic realm which we than religious background, I tend and attributes to man a Soul, albeit share with others, and it has been to raise an eyebrow when most peo­ a Soul on strictly scientific terms. I developed layer upon layer for ae­ ple speak of "God," or "the Gods," do not aver to the Jewish psychol­ ons, so that the most accessible especially as anthropomorphic be­ ogy of Freud, which essentially ren­ "layers" would be common to one's ings. In following with this, I am of ders everyone a sexual pervert, and family, then the tribe, race, and so course also very skeptical of possi­ upon which most modem "new on. bilities such as that the gods of old age" pop-psychology is founded. were aliens from another planet. The collective unconscious has a Nevertheless, Joseph Kerrick's asser­ dual aspect-it consists of instincts tions [q.v. "Calling the White and archetypes. Instincts are rudi­ Gods," issue #2 of Crossing the mentary survival responses which Abyss] are based on actual occur­ have been preserved in psychic rences and reports, and his logic is memory throughout generations of sound; also, I agree with the species. Archetypes are Max Frith, that despite primordial images which skepticism-which I feel is have evolved out of the not only healthy but neces­ instinctual content because we sary-the phenomena sur­ have attained a certain level of rounding the issues raised in being. These primordial images the "alien" articles should not are nothing less than primitive be flatly dismissed or ignored. ideas and symbols, or series of symbols, which formulate our Falling back on my scientific perceptions of the world and our knowledge, I feel I can give a psy­ place in it. By strict scientific termi­ chological explanation of what nology, the collective unconscious man's gods are according to sci­ is our "soul," and its archetypes, our ence, which, although on the most "gods." materialistic level, at least lends in­ sists of the conscious, which is our What are usually understood to be sight into the significance of pagan­ "I am" state; the personal uncon­ our instincts are in fact the expres­ ism as an Aryan religion. This ex­ scious, which contains images and sions of our instincts. For in reality, planation may actually tie in with thoughts which were conscious but no one knows exactly what an "alien" sightings, but whether it forgotten, sensations which did not "instinct' is, but only the reaction it does or not, perhaps it will open meet the threshold of conscious­ causes. Thus, when our hand new channels of thought concern­ ness, or which were wholly sup­ touches a hot object, it automati­ ing modem Aryan spirituality in pressed from consciousness; and cally withdraws before we are able toto. the collective unconscious, which is to self-consciously realize that the a mysterious realm not personal at object is hot and we should with­ Let me start off by making it clear all, but which is accessible, on un­ draw to avoid injury; The with­ that when I say "psychology" I mean known terms, by the personal un­ drawing of the hand is commonly referred to as an "instinct." But probably, that overconcentration ments of the god-forms are overlap­ deeper consideration reveals that it on forms or traditions, in lieu of ping, redundant, and inconsistent. is only a reflex created by the in­ paganism based on essence, is very It should be clear that many gods stinct, which is a life-preserving likely preventative of a true spiri­ do not even truly belong in the force we know little about. So all tual experience. pantheon they reside in. Is it not we have is a mental conception of a obvious that the iEsir and the force we are truly unable to con­ To merely revert back to 1066 is an were the sole pantheons of ceive of rationally. This situation is attempt to revive dead god-forms. two tribes which came together? identical to what we commonly re­ Only the P~choids themselves can That the fact that , and fer to as an "archetype." What is truly do this. What we need today Tyr are all gods of war also substan­ usually referred to as an "archetype" is not a revival, but a re-presendng: tiates the claim that they were not is truly our mental conception-in we need a living paganism. Form part of a single pantheon originally? human terms-of a force or exis­ cannot give us this. But nearly AB tribes are assimilated into a cul­ tence we cannot rationally compre­ 1000 years of Western Will-to­ ture, the conscious effort to assimi­ hend. Just as with the instinct ex­ Power, in the form of abstract late their gods into a pantheon ren­ ample above, the archetype is actu­ thought, has taught us alot. This ders the subconscious significance ally a reflex (mental) created by our century, Carl Jung gave us the of each god a little less meaningful. p~che to convey to our lwes the deepest, most comprehensive un­ Lest these forms become meaning­ energies, matrices, and Will which derstanding of the Aryan Soul less idols, we must understand lie behind life. To clarify this, Carl (psyche) our people have had in them ever-anew. Jung used the term 'psychoid' when historical times. With this knowl­ referring to the existence behind an edge, we can have a living pagan­ To help accomplish this, WOT archetypal image. ism-the gods to today's Aryan Man. utilizes the Thulean Pantheon. This Jung said: is a four-image configuration based The reality of the Psychoid/ on the core principles-the Psy­ archetype relationship is explana­ "Only the man who has outgrown the choids-of all Aryan pagan panthe­ tory of the obvious thread of unity stages of consdousness belonging to the ons. It is called a "quarternity."l If woven through all Aryan panthe­ past, and has amply fulfilled the duties we trace back the original pagan ons. All the gods, though unique to appointed for him by this world, can religions of any Aryan people, we their people and time, are neverthe­ achieve full consdousness of the pres­ observe that there was a point in less an expression of the very same ent To do this he must be sound and time when our ancestors knew that P~choids. Thus, the same Psychoid profident in the best sense-a man who there is a God the Father, God the which was conceived in the ­ has achieved as much as other people, Mother, God the Son and God the lenic p~che as Prometheus was and even a little more. It is these quali­ Daughter. This substrate of pri­ conceived in the Norse p~che as ties which enable him to gain the next mary religious knowledge underlies Odin. There seems adequate evi­ highest level of consciousness." obvious theological distortions like dence that Zeus and Thor were the all-male Christian Trinity. The likewise localized expressions of the This is what the White Order of traditions of the ancient mysteries self-same Aryan Psychoid. .When Thule (W.O.T.) seeks to do spiritu­ also identified these four P~choids we understand this, we come to un­ ally-achieve as much as other pa­ as aspects of a single, unified God. derstand some other very impor­ gans, and "even a little more." We To this concept was usually given a tant things: that all the gods of the don't have to forget old god-forms, name created using syllables using past were merely forms of a deeper for they were expressions of the Psy­ names from the four gods. This essence which is alive in us still to­ choids. But we must fully under­ name can be referred to as the daYi that the Psychoids, as the true stand the true principles which lie "Quadrigrammaton," and was of­ spiritual principles of paganism, behind them. Due to tribal migra­ ten known as the "Holy Name of express themselves according to tions and assimilations, many ele­ God." each people and each erai and .1

WOT calls these Psychoids It is not the purpose of this article it is possible that the alien beings Thu1eos the Father, Thu1ea the to fully explain Psychodynamics or experienced by many people (all of Mother, So/arius the Son, and Sha, the Psychoids-nor does space per­ them White) are a modem-day con­ rya the Daughter. The Quadri­ mit-but rather to introduce the ception of "gods." This idea, though grammaton is Damarasha. This concept, in the hope that our pa­ strange, is nevertheless intriguing word has psychoacoustical quali­ ganism may begin to evolve. Only because it conforms with certain ties, due to its potential influence thus can a new spiritual experience psychological principles. Psychic on the psychic state of receptivity. accompany the dawning of a New activity is never dormant-it has ac­ Every one of us responded instinc­ Aeon. tively recorded every single intui­ tively to the first two elements of tion, sensation, thought and feeling the name before we were one year Archetypes are images of only a you have experienced since the old: the very first thing we learned, fundamental nature-they are never time your fetus experienced conceptually and linguistically, was explanatory or directive; they tran~ "mind," quite possibly, earlier. the identity of "Da and "Ma." "Ra" mit general "ideas" and Thus, it stores and utilizes vast is an appropriate name for a son! "suggestions" to the personal un­ amounts of information. What sun god, and "Sha" is from the conscious, and our intellect and Max was theorizing was that after Indo-Aryan "Shakti," the essence of character form concrete concepts, many generations of ever-increasing feminine entity before the attain­ philosophies, and world-views, on materialism and technological de' ment of motherhood. the conscious level. pendency, our Aryan psyche is pre­ senting us with archetypal images While we in WOT use these Images of Odin, Freya, Zeus, Aph­ exactly conformed to that mold. Thulean Psychoids as our psycho­ rodite, etc., were the primordial This is not only possible, but very spiritual primordial images (among material from whence the ideation probable. As Jung said: others), this is not mandatory in of our ancestors originated. Fur­ order to achieve the purposes of thermore, archetypes are not lim­ ''Man has only to realize that he is shut this science, or this article. Your ited in form to personages-the up inside his mind and cannot step be­ representation of the Thuleos Psy­ swastika, the , and other.sym­ yond it, even in insanity; and that the choid can be Odin, just as it was bology originated on the collective appearance of his world or of its gods for the Norse. What is important is unconscious plane of existence. very much depends upon his own men­ the essence which lies behind, and This is the hermetic significance tal condition. " which expresses itself through, the seldom understood about the use image. In like manner, Thor can of such symbols-by our forefathers, As a matter of fact, it seems scien­ represent the Solarius Psychoid, by secret orders, by the Third tifically more likely that alien "gods" Frigga and Hela combined could Reich, and by our Movement, to­ would be transmitted by our own represent Thulea, and Freya can day. These symbols, when com­ collective unconscious, than those represent the Sharya Psychoid. This bined with other positive psychic of the Odinist pantheon which was science, called Psychodynamics by influences, help tap into latent psy­ overthrown 1000 years ago. A tre­ WOT, is a link between true psy' chic energies which all Aryans po~ mendous amount of psychic im­ chology and paganism. "Psyche," sess. This is science, not religious pression has been added to our psy­ was, after all, originally the Greek speculation, but it is best titled che since Christianity conquered word for "soul." Psychodynamics "occult science," because it is the the last pagan vestiges of Europe. need not replace Odinism or any synthesis of science, philosophy, other form of paganism, but with and spirituality; and because it is It is this very fact that interests me proper attention, it could greatly known and/or understood by very most about "alien" sightings and empower them, and make them few. abductions, and the underlying transcend mere knowledge (or spiritual questions they pose. If the faith), into the realm of experience. In the last issue of this magazine, "alien" sightings are due to primor­ Max Frith correctly speculated that dial images from the collective un-­ r ! conscious-a subject even Jung America, where ancestry is seldom Aryan weltanschauung. It is the es­ broached-that means those little certain, this is important, for the sence of Aryan spirituality our de-primalized "greys" are effecting Thulean images lie at the core of Movement needs- not mere tradi­ my perception of the world also­ every single European pantheon. tion and empty forms. I am not say­ and yours. But Psychodynamics· in­ ing we need aliens for gods (haven't cludes processes which are magi­ Contrary to popular American doc­ we had enough of that?), but I am cal-by the most scientific defini­ trine, "Odinism" (a name almost saying we need very specific arche­ tion of the term-and which are ex­ non-existent in Europe) was not types which represent concepts nec­ actly the type ritualistic method our the shared religion of "all northern essary for psychic harmony and ancestors used from time immemo­ Europeans." In fact, almost every growth. This includes a quaternity rial to tap into latent psychic ener­ area had its own gods, and when specifically akin to the Thulean gies and knowledge. It supplies us listed collectively, they number in one. The Father: wisdom, culture, with a deeper understanding of im­ the hundreds. Odinism, or prop­ and experience; Mother: genetrix ages and actions which can help us erly labeled, Norse paganism, is of life, cosmic goddess, family; Son: dig through 1000 years of alien popular today because, thanks to a ambitions, youth, conquering creed and materialism to reach the couple of thoughtful spirit, life-force; Daughter: fertility, primordial forces which can help Christians, formation wildlife, future of the race; and also us today. This alone can return our about it best pre­ Damarasha: a spiritual representa­ psychic content, and thereby only, served. tion of becoming and renewal (of our genetic content, to the ascend­ Now, I archetypal images) of the gods, and ing path of evolution. These ele­ concomitantly, man; Uris an extra, ments which we can conceive as a chthonic deity representing man archetypes are what make us Aryan as animal, harmony of higher and (noble), and the further we move lower attributes, evolution. These from them, the less Aryan we be­ archetypes, which are fundamental come. For if we understand that Odinism, to meaningful spirituality and psy­ behind the instinct lies a deeper means classify chological well-being, are not ade­ essence, and behind the archetype ligion," but we must admit it quately represented in the Odinism lies a deeper essence, we must un­ is simple as compared with modem the Christians have passed down to derstand that behind the blood lies thought-patterns, its mythological us. a deeper essence also. significance is shot-through with mere folk-tale, and all our informa­ However, we also recognize the Moreover, Thule is the historical tion has been passed down by spiritual and philosophical attach­ land of origination of the Aryan Christians, which historically de­ ment to Odinism of many in the race, a land which even preceded mands that we question what is, Movement, as a way to give practi­ the Lemurian and Atlantean, and and what is not, original, and cal expression to what one feels in which shall be a subject of our therefore genuine (compare the leg­ his blood, or as perhaps a healthier "Oceanic Kingdom" series. So, in­ ends of King Arthur!). Our spiritu­ alternative to either Christianity or stead of a "hit or miss" attempt to ality should be consistent with con­ Satanism. Whatever the case, we're activate psychic energies, using im­ temporary thought. Science has not trying to replace your gods, but ages (visual and vocal) which may taught us a lot in the last 500 years, only trying to effectively stimulate have no results on the layers of and has become a cornerstone (one the Aryan psyche, which must be a your psyche, like Thor for those of them) of the Aryan mind-all prerequisite to true Warriorhood. not of Scandinavian descent, or this is wholly absent in Odinism. Whatever the nature of your own Apollo for those not of Greek de­ In view of all this, it becomes obvi­ personal religion, Psychodynamics scent, etc., the Thulean images, al­ ous that Odinism is simply not a is properly labeled science, and has though corresponding to a deeper system at the level of-never mind a proper place beside that part of layer, are common to all Aryans. In being able to elevate-the modem your activism. When we understand the princi­ ples behind the images and names, gUaJirocosmos not only are we more likely to acti­ vate collective energies, but we'll ONA, 1997eh. also begin depositing positive im­ ages into our psyche, for ourselves and our posterity. Moreover, be­

C7ri he two individuals passed cumference completed they made as a mighty man; he shall stir up ~ through the Cathedral Main their way inwards, entering the jealousy like a man of war; he Gate. There was little difficulty in sanctuary of the Nazarene. Here, shall cry, yea, he shall shout aloud: passing the ticket boxes, installed a there had been many phases of he shall do mightily against his ene­ year or so ago with the intention of building, the fire of 1174 had left mies. collecting payment from the mass half of the building in need of re­ Standing at the Lectern, the of tourists that passed through the pair and there could still be seen Priest carefully selected the verses Cathedral each year. The first indi­ many symbols and signs left by the from the Bible which lay open at vidual showed his pass, he didn't Masonic workers. Over the follow­ the Book of Daniel, he smiled as speak or smile. His partner ing eight-hundred years building his words formed images that quickly spoke to the woman seated work had continued right up until filled the Cathedral with Chaos. in the little office before continu­ modern times when the Nave had Turning to the High Altar he felt ing his journey. been refloored. And though the the cold current of Chaos energy It was an overcast day, a Nazarenes had ensured that no his­ pass through his body and into the light rain gently fell towards the torical proof of the Old Ways was foremost place of Nazarene wor­ dampening earth, Without speak.­ to be found during the recent ship and it was destroyed. ing to one another the two figures phase of excavation and building When they entered the followed the path that provided work, whispered rumours of an­ Crypt all was silent. Here they had tourists and pilgrims alike with a cient mounds and sacred wells come many times, in preparation, route around the Cathedral. AJ... found within the Cathedral walls communing silently with the an­ ready the walls were becoming remained. cient images of the beasts: black, a sign that their power was Walking around the upper Wyverns, Dragons, Griffins, Green growing stronger. Only the two part of the Cathedral the compan­ Men all apparent to the discerning individuals, both dressed in black, ions remained in a state of inner eye. Their existence proving that noticed the gargoyles and Green calm and meditation, the shorter of the apparition of the Nazarene re­ Men that smiled grimly down on the two speaking Latin in a ligion was but a thin veil through the passers-by. Every now and again hushed voice. Reaching the pulpit which the Old Ones look. Here, one of them would stop outside a the figures separated, as one fo­ the minds eye, the Eye of Satan, doorway and speak a few words in cused his energies upon the Pulpit could watch Them sleep, frozen in Latin, a language that few used in itself, watching as its body became stone and yet, with the right modern times, but one that sus­ blackened until it collapsed in Magick, They could be awoken and tained within its grammar and upon itself as decay set in. return as a cold wind that blows syntax an emotive feelin~ that liTo open the blind eyes, to the stench of death upon a recent could concentrate the mind upon bring the prisoners from the dun­ field of battle. the Magickal Powers the individual geons, and Them that sit in dark.­ At the far end of the Crypt, was invoking. As their journey con­ ness out ofthe prison house...' known as Eastern Crypt there lay tinued they passed the statue. "...ye that go down to the the Jesus Chapel, the Chapel of the known as the .Son of Man" they sea, and all that is therein, the isles, impostor. Here the two Sinister ignored it, knowing that soon it and the inhabitants thereof..." Priests were left alone, a brief re­ would become host to one of their "Let them give glory unto prise from the constant throng of own. the Lord and declare his praise in tourists and pilgrims that uncon­ With their walk of the cir- the islands. The Lord shall go forth sciously invaded the silence of their Black Meditation. Concentrating intently upon the energies they were invok­ Jtsoteric ~rabition: ing they began the slow unearthly chant of their Tradition: Dies irae, dies illa, solvet saeclum in favilla, dfurfijer ~otes teste Satan cum sybilla, quantos tremor est futurus, quando Vindex est venturus, cuncta stricte discus­ and organic - and in its beginnings surus, dies irae dies illa." The words l' n the light of recent archaeo­ until the time of Albion "primitive" resonated throughout the Crypt, as cY logical discoveries, it is possible and largely intuitive, not necessarily though the Crypt itself had sud­ that the origins of Albion/ implying the urge to order that is denly awoken from a sleep and was Hyberborean culture are in fact characteristic of a civilization. now replying or uniting with the much older than dates previously Sinister Chant. With the second documented in Order teachings. This spiritual legacy, which chant came the birthing and the According to these recent discov­ evolved to inspire the building of preparation of the host who would eries, it may be suggested that the several ancient structures across the become the new channel for the ethos which gave birth to the civili­ globe, flourished throughout Al­ Chaos. zation of Albion was in existence at bion up until 5,500 yrs BP, after Looking at one another, least 12 - 10,000 yrs BP. Recent which time there was a slow de­ on completion of their third chant, findings have included the dating cline/loss. The height of this flour­ they moved to the Chapel of the of the very early phases of Stone­ ishing is identified by Tradition as Lady of the Undercroft, the central henge to 10,500 yrs BP, and what the Hyperborean Aeon. After chapel in the crypt where they could prove to be almost irrefuta­ 3,000 yrs BP - at this time there oc­ would light the three candles in ble evidence that this early Aryan curred significant social change honour of the work. civilization had visited/colonised (possibly in part connected to the With their Black Medita­ what is now America [ie. the re­ influx of the Celts, and the gradual tion completed, in silence they left mains of 'Kennewick Man' - dated ordering/emergence of the the Crypt, passing members of the approx. 9,200 yrs BP]. "Druids") - the "Tradition" (or Nazarene clergy as they left. Out­ rather, the remnants of its teach­ side it remained overcast... It may yet be discovered that ings) was preserved solely in an area this ethos and associated civiliza­ of the Welsh Marches [and from Epilogue tion(s?)/culture is indeed much thence to 1,50Oyrs BP - inaugura­ older than the dates quoted tion of the Western Aeon - and Late that evening, high upon one above - that there did exist a civili­ from there to present day]. of the ancient hills that formed zation or culture which expressed part of a ridgeway that passed in practice the genuine Western, or It must be remembered that the through the countryside of South­ Aryan, esoteric Tradition at least "Tradition", this legacy of Albion, is Fast England, two individuals gath­ 20,000 yrs BP. Whether or not this much more than an inherited set ered to prepare the way for They culture was an advanced expression of (now fragmentary) teachings. It Who Are Never Named. To at­ of this ethos - ie. whether or not was, and is, a certain attitude to life tempt to open a Gate to the Land one or more of its various phases (qv. Exeat, Eira, and "Aeonics" Beyond and so return to Earth the could be regarded as an aeon with MSS). Blackest powers in the Universe... an associated Higher civilization ­ Essentially, the "Tradition" was will remain for the present un­ and is a way of Being - beyond even Aperiatur terra etgerminet Chaos known.1 However, the present the structures/histories/images/ writer is inclined to believe that the words associated over the aeons Lyceus, ONA. evolution of this ethos was slow with "the Sinister". It is ethos: a way still exemplified, as pure as it was in its origins, in the lives and the living of present-day genuine Initi­ Jtsoteric ~rabition ates. ~n ~orf~ ~merica /\/\/\

~ U" ccording to Esoteric Tradi­ upon. Though if we are ever to There has been some confusion ~"tion, the culture which ex­ look at history accurately, this is a in recent years concerning the na­ isted in Albion extended and ex­ notion which needs be explored. ture of the "worship" that character­ plored a good bit further than its It is believed that the flow ised the culture of Albion. Knowl­ epicenter - and its origins may be of Aryan population stretches from edge of the stars played a deeply es­ much older than previously be­ Europe, through Northern Asia, sential role in the social structure lieved (qv. Esoteric Tradition - addi­ across the Bering 'land bridge' and for various reasons (some of which tional notes MS). It is related that into Alaska/North America. Re­ are unknown), but this did not the peoples of Albion1 may have cent Scientists have given support make the people of Albion "stellar settled as far as North America! to the notion that European Man worshippers". Here, one has to be Canada. Recent controversial ar­ occupied the entire northern re­ clear about the meaning of chaeological finds may be establish­ gion of Asia at one point, enabling "worship". ing a good deal of evidence for this. such a movement into North The culture of Albion was com­ The best known of these America. Esoteric Tradition has prised of solar cults for some very recent discoveries is 'Kennewick also stated that the hyperborean simple and fairly 'non-esoteric' rea­ Man' - whose remains were found civilization was sea-faring, and may sons. The main reason, and thus in a small town in Washington have explored as far as Iceland and the true nature of "worship", is re­ state. Though initially assumed to North America via the waters. vealed to anyone who has spent be the 9,200 year old remains of a While it seems more likely that time living a simple and genuine Native American, further examina­ Kennewick Man came to North rural existence of self-sufficiency, or tion has suggested that these re­ America via the Bering land bridge, has spent time living thus, alone, in mains resemble European Man the possibility still holds that other a real natural wilderness. What is more so than a Native American. hyperboreans may have visited by revealed should be obvious: our The remains have been placed at sea. The seafaring nature of Al­ fundamental relationship, as living being between 9,200 and 9,600 bion, and travel to North America beings who require life, with the years old, which would suggest that would have been made much easier Sun. the origins of the civilization of Al­ then, due to the lower sea levels. bion extended as far as even the Some scientists have gone even as ONA, 1998eh. northern United States. far in this theory as to hypothesize Much controversy has en­ that early Europeans may have vis­ sued over the notion that ited North America on 'skin boats'. ~ythos 1 According to the Dark Gods Kennewick Man may be European, The controversy surround­ (see various MSS), this culture could or a direct relative thereof. Natu­ ing Kennewick Man, may eventu­ be said to be a legacy from contact rally, given the current state of hu­ ally result in the cease of scientific with either or both the "Dark Gods" man interaction in North America, examination of the remains, and and the "Elder Gods" - or a direct con­ reburial by the Native Americans. tinuation or derivative of one of those such a notion - since it might "extra-terrestrial" civilizations/ethos. benefit European Americans at the While this outcome is not likely, 'expense' of the Native Americans since the evidence suggests he is 000 who believe him to be one of their not of Native American descent, it descent - is strongly looked down remains a possibility. At the time of writing, the issue is at a stand still, while the remains are given time to adjust to the environment they ~e~on6 ~rru5ion have recently been moved to for further study. It is anticipated that the outcome of the studies will Christos Beest, ONA. 1998eh spark much further exploration of the notion that hyperborean (or ~ll' II authentic occult Ways previous stage of Initiate, and to pre-hYPeTborean) man traveled and C.J \.- bring enlightenment - that is, thus allow a process of understand­ I settled as far as the Unites States. they bring a living apprehension of ing to occur unhindered. This un­ I the cosmos as a unified Being, and derstanding, produced by the con­ Suggested further reading and ref­ the purpose of individual existence ditions of the rite and derived from erences: in accord with that Being. In the the experiences which have led up Dark Tradition, this apprehension to it, is the quintessence of each • Various Notes on Esoteric Tra­ is but a beginning. Grade ritual. dition, including those con­ The Sinister Path aims to bring By allowing this consolidation, I tained in Hostia - Regarding this apprehension via its various via a method which fulfils Satanic the dating of esoteric tradition, Grade rituals, ordeals and tasks. criteria, character and creativity is the possibility of hyperborean These experiences, as has been writ­ deepened and further evolved, and civilization traveling, via the ten many times, gradually expand thus the next stage of the Way is sea, to North America and so individual consciousness into acau­ made possible. This next stage sig­ on. sality. The Initiate, if they are hon­ nifies the practical implementing of • Tri-city Herald (Kennewick, est with themselves, will know what this "further evolving" in the real Washington) news story ar­ experiences are necessary in order world. chives. Available via the inter­ to bring an internal balance, and so This process is particularly dem­ net at: enable progress along the Way. onstrated by the Grade Ritual of http://www.tri-cityherald.com/bones/ However, these various ordeals Internal Adept. The conditions of • Northern Clans, Northern Traces. do not in themselves produce en­ long isolation and silence enable, http://www.nmnh.si.edu/arctic/htmll lightenment. In understanding really for the first time, genuine un­ ancient.html this, an Initiate of the Way must derstanding of the Way as previ­ cease to view the ordeals as forms ously and uniquely experienced by Thornian,ONA.199geh. of conventional "Occultism"; that the prospective Adept. This under­ is, as isolated rituals which suppos­ standing occurs of itself, because edly provide "quick fix" results, and the prospective Adept has ceased an instant attainment of some the practical, dynamic life of experi­ grand occult title. The ordeals must 1 The Hyperborean civilization of Al­ ence that was previously required. bion being dated approximately be understood as ways and means Thus, the rite of Internal Adept 7,000 - 5,500 years BP (5,000 ­ to enlightenment only within the only produces enlightenment when 3,5000 BCE). However, originally Tra­ context of the whole journey, from a sufficient amount of sinister expe­ dition stated that the hyperborean "novice" to "immortal". riencing has occurred (usually over civilization existed around 7,000 to In particular, each Grade ritual a period of three to seven years fol­ 6,000 BCE. This was revised after a is a rite of consolidation, a method lowing Initiation). The ritual may thorough examination of the dating of to distill the wisdom from the pre­ be undertaken at any time, but may the Tradition (qv. The Dating of Eso­ vious tasks and ordeals (such as an not produce what it is designed to teric Tradition MS), as it is believed "Insight Role"). For example, the produce if the time is not ready for the original Tradition may be off by at Grade ritual of External Adept, by its undertaking: this is to say that least a thousand years. its very nature, provides the condi­ enlightenment does not merely re­ tions necessary to reflect upon the sult from spending a minimum •

amount of three months living iso­ implement their Destiny, of which alchemy of other tasks, that such a lated in the wilderness. It is easy to they are now conscious. The tasks time will arrive, to thus be acted become enchanted with the then required are devised by the upon, using their own initiative. "glamour" and challenge of the im­ Adept themselves, in accord with This time does not stay, but is as a age of that particular rite: but the that Destiny. Only when (and it) gate that will open and then begin outward form is only surface and the primary goals of that Destiny to slowly close, until the opportu­ meaningless if undertaken simply are achieved, can the next stage of nity is lost. In this - as in all for its own sake. Master/Mistress occur. other aspects - self-honesty is the The prospective Adept there­ fundamental requirement of any­ fore will come to an intuitive un­ Essentially, the undertaking of a one who seriously aspires towards derstanding of the essence of that Grade ritual should not occur as a the ultimate goal ofwisdom. ritual beyond its appearence, consequence of allowing uncon­ within a time-frame unique to their scious and personal motivations to To conclude: an Intitiate should own development. When that in­ dominate (which are then obscured ask themselves the following ques­ tuitive understanding occurs - and in fine-sounding ideas or excuses). tions. What really is the purpose, the individual will know when it Personal dilemmas are there to be for the individual and beyond, of does - then all the conditions, eso­ resolved in other ways, and the each Grade ritual? Is such an or­ teric and exoteric, are present for a Grade rituals there to be allowed ­ deal undertaken because of the genuine, successful undertaking. no matter what the desire of the glamour and promise of its Any attempts prior to that point of Initiate - to occur of themselves. In "image"? Is the ritual to be manipu­ intuitive understanding implies allowing this, the Initiate needs to lated for personal ends, or are there that the ritual is being undertaken develope a certain detatchment larger forces involved to which the for the wrong reasons, and will end from the personal - a combination individual must learn to listen? If in failure. of the intuitive and the objective. there is a larger force, what is it and One such reason is to see the Where the various other tasks how is the individual to listen? In rite of Internal Adept as an escape are concerned, such as those listed so answering, there is no point in froml solution to personal prob­ in Hostia, the Initiate is occ~~ simply regurgitating the expected lems or circumstances - and for ally led into these by the indi~d~~~ONA theory; one must answer ac­ those subjected to the pressures who is acting as their guide. Some­ cording to how one feels. and sicknesses of modern urban times such tasks are not under­ A real Adept knows the an­ life (or the culture of the "real taken altogether willingly, but are swers. world" in general), the allure of liv­ experienced because the advice of ing as the archetypal Hermit is un­ the guide - someone who has trav­ CB,()~i\. 1998eh derstandably very strong. But the elled further along the Way - is ritual does not in itself constitute a trusted and accepted. Such tasks new way of life - although it does harden personal character, provide [See also Creating Falcifer MSj give, perhaps incidentally, a greater insight into oneself and the glimpse of the beginnings of such a world, and further refine a sinister way; and if such a new war is de­ focus and understanding. Such a sired, then it must be discovered focus/purpose/sense of Destiny, and created prior to or following enables judgement and the endur­ the ritual itself. (Conversely, an es­ ance to see that judgement 000 tablished, productive and "happy" through. life can produce excuses not to un­ As for the Grade rituals - at least dertake the ritual.) beyond the Grade of External Following completion of the In­ Adept - the Initiate must them­ ternal Adept rite, the new Adept selves learn to wait and watch for returns to the world and begins to the right time and trust, amidst the