Biscayne National Park from Proposed South Miami-Dade County Development, and Derivation of Numeric Nutrient Criteria for South Florida Estuaries and Coastal Waters
Ecological Impacts on Biscayne Bay and Biscayne National Park from Proposed South Miami-Dade County Development, and Derivation of Numeric Nutrient Criteria for South Florida Estuaries and Coastal Waters Final Report A report prepared by the Southeast Environmental Research Center of Florida International University for the National Park Service, South Florida Natural Resources Center and the South Florida/Caribbean Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit by Henry O. Briceño, Joseph N. Boyer and Peter Harlem December, 2011 Department of the Interior National Park Service South Florida Natural Resources Center and South Florida/Caribbean Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit Host: University - H5000 – 06- 5040 TASK AGREEMENT NO: COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT NO: EFFECTIVE DATES: J5297-08-0085 H5000-06-0104 3/20/08- 12/31/11 Florida International University Henry O. Briceno, Ph.D. Research Scholar, Principal Investigator Southeast Environmental Research Center 11200 SW 8th St, OE #148, Miami, Florida 33199 Phone: (305) 348-1269; Fax: (305) 348-4096 Email: Joseph N. Boyer, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Dept. Earth & Environment Director of SERC Southeast Environmental Research Center 11200 SW 8th St, OE #148, Miami, Florida 33199 Phone: (305) 348-3095; Fax: 305-348-4096 Email: National Park Service Joffre Castro, Ph.D. P.E. South Florida Ecosystem Office Everglades National Park 950 N Krome Ave.; 3rd Floor Homestead, Florida 33030, Miami, Florida 33199 Phone: (305) 224-4247 Email: DISCLAIMER: Views, statements, findings, conclusions, recommendations and data in this report are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect views and policies of the U.S.
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