What areas of public policy are you personally passionate about? Why?

Passing anti-corruption legislation and electoral reforms because we need a transparent government, accountable to the people rather than corporate lobbyists and unelected party leadership. Also economic policy in general because has all the foundations for a booming, high-wage, job producing economy, we just haven't had the leadership to make it happen.

What will be your first priority should you be elected on Nov. 3?

My first priority will be forming a cohesive COVID-19 response and economic recovery plan. From top to bottom we've had a failure of leadership, a failure to communicate, and a failure to account for the millions of Ohioans hit hardest by this pandemic and recession. The legislature is full of out of touch, anti-science, feckless bureaucrats who have been pushing partisan agendas meant to divide and hurt Ohioans. And a lot of them are going to be reelected so I'm going to be calling them on this BS on the house floor on day one. On the house floor on day one I will call a brainwormed snake oil salesman, I will call Larry Householder a corrupt fat cat, I will call a bootlicking Householder lackey (if he even gets reelected). And then I'm going to tell them to do their damn jobs until we can vote them out in 2022.

Any additional information you'd like the voters to know about you?

I’m not running to be a career politician. I clearly have no interest or inclination to play these petty intra-party political games. Anyone could have predicted 4 years ago that would be the Republican nominee to replace Romanchuk. Our state elections are nothing more than political theater now, the process has been more of a coronation by the state party establishment for Marilyn John than a real election. She ran without a platform, without serious scrutiny, just with the backing of the entire state party establishment and a lot of Householder money. And I’m not going to just let it go unchallenged. If you go on her website, you get a short bio and a donation link. My website is packed with policy. I am beholden to no special interests. I’ve been attacked by both major parties. I didn’t take $1,000 from FirstEnergy. I didn’t take $13,292.35 from Larry Householder’s campaign committee like my opponent Marilyn John did.

Thanks again. In the future, you can reach me at [email protected]


What areas of public policy are you personally passionate about? Why?

Education - The greatest investment we can make is our children and ensuring they are equipped with a quality education as they become adults. Workforce - Business is one of the cornerstones of our community and having a strong workforce is essential to their success, as well as, critical to attracting new business.

What will be your first priority should you be elected on Nov. 3?

COVID has brought great challenges to our communities and businesses and I hope to work on how the General Assembly can be of assistance during this time. Also, one of the first priorities for the General Assembly will be the state budget. COVID has brought many challenges to state and local governments also and I feel my experience with County budgets over the past six years will be beneficial.

Any additional information you'd like the voters to know about you?

I’m grateful for the opportunity to serve the residents of Richland County and look forward to representing District 2 in Columbus.