National survey of limestone pavement and associated habitats in Ireland Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 73 National survey of limestone pavement and associated habitats in Ireland Sue Wilson & Fernando Fernández Ecologic Environmental & Ecological Consultants Ltd. Citation: Wilson, S. & Fernández, F. (2013) National survey of limestone pavement and associated habitats in Ireland. Irish Wildlife Manual s, No. 73. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland. Cover photo: Black Head-Poulsallagh Complex SAC © NPWS Keywords: grassland, heath, scrub, conservation status, assessment, invasive species, structure and functions The NPWS Project Officers for this report were: John Cross;
[email protected] and Deirdre Lynn,
[email protected] Irish Wildlife Manuals Series Editors: F. Marnell & R. Jeffrey © National Parks and Wildlife Service 2013 ISSN 1393 – 6670 Limestone Pavement in Ireland __________________________ Limestone Pavement in Ireland __________________________ Contents Executive Summary....................................................................................................................................... 5 Acknowledgements....................................................................................................................................... 6 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 7 Limestone pavement in Ireland...............................................................................................................