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Hawaii’S Honolulu City Hall Educational Foundation Residents Religious Orders Page 2 Page 3 Page 8 Page 14 St. Elizabeth’s youth You’re in good hands Officials told post office There are plenty of new ministry shines at with the Augustine is vital for Kalaupapa faces among Hawaii’s Honolulu city hall Educational Foundation residents religious orders page 2 page 3 page 8 page 14 HawaiiVOLUME 74, NUMBER 20 CatholicFRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 Herald$1 Pope Benedict in Germany, a test case for the ‘new evangelization’ page 12 Pope Benedict XVI holds a monstrance as he leads a prayer service at the Marian sanctu- ary of Etzelsbach in Germany Sept. 23. The German-born pontiff was on a four-day visit to his homeland. CNS photo/Kai Pfaffenbach, Reuters 2 HAWAII HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD • SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 St. Elizabeth’s youth ministry shines at city hall Hawaii By Celia K. Downes Catholic Special to the Herald Herald Newspaper of the Diocese of Honolulu When Capuchin Franciscan Founded in 1936 Father Bob Phelps brought Young Published every other Friday Christian Life to St. Elizabeth PUBLISHER Church in Aiea in 1989, few Bishop Larry Silva would have guessed that the small (808) 585-3356 group from Guam would establish bishop@rcchawaii.org a youth ministry that is now an EDITOR Patrick Downes integral part of not just the parish, (808) 585-3317 but the island community as well. pdownes@rcchawaii.org YCL has touched the lives REPORTER/PHOTOGRAPHER of more than 1,000 teenagers Darlene J.M. Dela Cruz through its retreats and other out- (808) 585-3320 reach, providing a community in ddelacruz@rcchawaii.org which young people can strength- ADVERTISING Shaina Caporoz en their faith among peers and (808) 585-3328 learn how their time and talent scaporoz@rcchawaii.org can be used to serve others. Over CIRCULATION the past 22 years, YCL’s teens and Donna Aquino young adults have worked with (808) 585-3321 daquino@rcchawaii.org other parishes; diocesan, national Photo courtesy of Celia K. Downes Lisa Gomes, diocesan director of youth and young adult ministry, was on hand to see Young Christian Life receive HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD and international Catholic groups; (ISSN-10453636) Periodical postage schools; community awareness recognition by the Honolulu City Council. Gomes, center, joined YCL members after the brief ceremony. paid at Honolulu, Hawaii. Published initiatives; and health care organi- every other week, 26 issues a year, by zations, to name just a few. “It’s really important for the YCL family. Franciscan Father Mike Dalton, the Roman Catholic Church in the State spiritual growth of our youth” Father Phelps, who left St. is on vacation. Churches were of Hawaii, 1184 Bishop Street, Honolulu, YCL’s dedication to nurturing HI 96813. teens and serving the community that groups like YCL receive such Elizabeth in the 1990s and is now geared toward older people, not ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION RATES drew the attention of Honolulu public recognition, Harimoto retired in New York, said he is teens and young adults, Father Hawaii: $24 City Councilman Breene Hari- said. “This is the way to promote “pleasantly surprised” to see that Phelps said; young people were Mainland: $26 moto, who chose the youth group our future through our youth.” YCL has not only endured, but “not considered a part of the life Mainland 1st class: $40 to be recognized by the City Coun- Current YCL youth ministers thrived since he introduced the of the church.” Foreign: $30 cil before its monthly meeting Rose Javier, her husband Dino ministry to Oahu. Father Phelps sought to POSTMASTER Send address changes to: on Sept. 16. Harimoto (District Javier and Matt Kubota were When he founded YCL in change that perspective through Hawaii Catholic Herald, 1184 Bishop 8) and the other eight Council on hand for the recognition cer- Guam in 1985, his goal was to YCL. Street, Honolulu, HI 96813. members are free to select persons emony along with several previ- help teens feel they were a part “Teenagers can really love OFFICE or organizations from their dis- ous youth leaders and Lifers. of the church, said Father Phelps, Christ,” said Father Phelps. YCL Hawaii Catholic Herald trict for recognition each month; Rose Javier said she feels “really who has been in Hawaii for a gave them the opportunity to do 1184 Bishop St. Harimoto learned of YCL through humbled that someone even con- month to minister at Immaculate so, and to feel that they are vital Honolulu, HI 96813 Brandon Elefante, his legislative sidered us,” and emphasized that Conception Parish in Ewa while church members, in a Christian PHONE (808) 585-3300 aide and a YCL “Lifer.” the honor belongs to the entire the church’s pastor, Capuchin community specifically for them. FAX (808) 585-3381 WEBSITE Official Notices www.hawaiicatholicherald.com E-MAIL Bishop’s schedule Diocesan Center (SSDC), Kaneohe; Installation of Rev. Jack Ryan as October 12, 11:30 am, Mass for herald@rcchawaii.org 10:00 am, Presbyteral Council, Pastor, Newman Center/Holy Spirit International Priests and Religious, September 30-October 2, Annual NEWS DEADLINES SSDC; 1:00 pm, Clergy Personnel SSDC. Nine days before publication date. Meeting of the Equestrian Order of Parish, Manoa; 5:00 pm, Adult Board, SSDC; 2:00 pm, College Confirmation Mass, St. Jude Parish, October 13, 7:00 am, Mass at St. ADvertising DEADLINES the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem Nine days before publication date. (EOHSJ), Las Vegas, Nevada. of Consultors, SSDC; 7:00 pm, Makakilo. Ann Parish, Kaneohe; 10:00 am, De- Catechetical Tour of the Cathedral partment Heads, SSDC; 12:00 pm, ADVERTISING INFORMATION October 4, 9:30 am, Bishop’s October 10, 9:30 am, Interna- For a rate card or other information, call for Young Adults, Cathedral of Our tional Priests and Religious Orien- 17th Annual Men’s Rally and March Shaina Caporoz, 585-3328. A rate card is Administrative Advisory Council, Against Violence, Kekaulike Plaza in Lady of Peace. tation, SSDC; 11:30 am, Mass for also available at www.hawaiicatholich- Chancery, downtown Honolulu; Chinatown, downtown Honolulu; erald.com. Click on “Advertising.” October 7, 8:00 am, St. Francis International Priests and Religious, 12:00 pm, Mass at the Cathedral 2:30 pm, Public Rosary, Thomas “PASS IT ON” POLICY Healthcare System of Hawaii Board, of Our Lady of Peace, downtown SSDC. Square, downtown Honolulu; 6:00 To share an issue of the Hawaii Catholic Liliha. Honolulu. Herald with a friend, write or call us and October 11, 9:30 am, Bishop’s pm, White Mass for Members of the we will send him or her a free copy. Or October 5, 6:15 pm, Holy Hour October 8, 5:00 pm, Mass and Administrative Advisory Council, Medical Professions, Cathedral of give them yours and we will send you for Vocations, Co-Cathedral of St. Blessing of Saint Damien Statue, St. Chancery; 12:00 pm, Mass for the Our Lady of Peace. another one while supplies last. Theresa, Kalihi. John Apostle & Evangelist Parish, 2nd Anniversary of Saint Damien’s October 14, 5:00 pm, West Ha- LETTERS TO THE HERALD Mililani. Letters are welcome. Letters should October 6, 9:00 am, Aloha Canonization, Cathedral of Our waii Vicariate Island Treasures Cele- pertain to a story or issue in the Hawaii United Way Brunch, St. Stephen October 9, 11:00 am, Mass and Lady of Peace. bration, Sacred Heart Parish, Hawi. Catholic Herald, be courteous, and not exceed 250 words. Letters must be signed and include an address and phone number for verification. Letters Heralding back may be edited for length and clarity. NOMews FR PAGES PAST Send them to Letters to the Herald, 1184 Bishop Street, Honolulu, HI 96813 or to 25 years ago – Sept. 26, 1986 herald@rcchawaii.org. MEMBER Priest completes dissertation on Mother Marianne Catholic Press Association A former Army chaplain at Tripler Army Hospital and internation- ally-recognized expert on the life of Mother Marianne Cope, OSF, was recently awarded a doctorate degree in modern American history from Syracuse University in Syracuse, New York. ADDRESS CORRECTIONS To make corrections to The Reverend Edward A. Lenk, of Whitesboro, New York, was your subscription name awarded the degree in August after completing a dissertation entitled or address, cut out the ad- “Mother Marianne Cope: The Syracuse Franciscan Community and dress label from the front Molokai Lepers.” Father Lenk, who was appointed by Bishop Joseph page (reverse side). A. Ferrario to the Historical Commission for Mother Marianne’s Cause Please correct my name. for beatification, has published articles on Mother Marianne, one of Please correct my ad- Hawaii’s foremost heroines, in a number of international publications, dress. including the official Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano. We are receiving two copies. Please cancel this 10 years ago – Sept. 28, 2001 one. Please cancel this sub- Neal Blaisdell Center Arena rocked with a joyful noise scription. The Neal Blaisdell Center Arena rocked with a joyful noise for four MAIL TO Donna Aquino 50 years ago – Sept. 29, 1961 hours Saturday night, Sept. 22, as the third annual Bishop’s Concert Hawaii Catholic Herald of Choirs brought together a multi-ethnic blend of music, dance and Glenn Gottwald (left), Edwin Taylor (center), and Arthur Lindo 1184 Bishop Street praise from Hawaii’s Catholic parishes. Honolulu, HI 96813 display some of the rosaries collected by St. Ann’s parish, Kaneohe, for Ten choirs from Oahu parishes and schools, including some of the QUESTIONS? Father Patrick Peyton, C.S.C., who is collecting them for distribution to diocese’s most talented musicians and singers, performed music ar- Call Donna, 585-3321 the poor in Venezuela. Because of the worthiness of the cause and the ranged to lift the spirit and get the toes tapping … success of the drive, the search for rosaries is being extended through- The evening was also a competition.
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