U.S. Hosts International Mathematical Olympiad
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comm-olympiad.qxp 5/30/01 10:13 AM Page 593 U.S. Hosts International Mathematical Olympiad For the first time in twenty years the United States observers to IMO 2001. In many countries the per- is serving as host for the International Mathemat- formance of the IMO teams is closely watched. ical Olympiad (IMO), the premier international John Kenelly of Clemson University, who serves as mathematics competition for young people. In July president of IMO 2001, noted that “it’s on the front 2001 about 500 high-school-age students from 83 page of the newspapers who is number one.” countries will gather in Washington, DC, for the This year’s IMO is under the supervision of a two-week event, which includes a full schedule nonprofit corporation called IMO 2001 USA, Inc., of entertainment and cultural activities for the formed by twenty-one professional organizations students. The IMO competition itself, consisting of (including the AMS). The host country for the IMO six challenging questions requiring essay-format must pay the local expenses of the student con- answers with proofs, will take place over two days, testants, the team leaders, and the deputy team July 8 and 9, at George Mason University. leaders—a total of more than 650 individuals for IMO 2001. The budget for this year’s Olympiad A Major International Event comes to around $3 million. Walter Mientka of the First held in Romania in 1959, the IMO was University of Nebraska, director of IMO 2001, noted originally a regional competition for countries in that in most countries the minister of education Eastern Europe. The United States first took part covers the tab and sometimes a science funding in 1974 and served as host for the competition in agency kicks in a portion. For IMO 2001, around 1981, when the IMO was also held in Washington, half the funding was provided by the U.S. govern- DC. For many countries the IMO is the capstone of ment, and the rest had to be raised through pri- a series of national mathematics contests. In the vate sources. “We’re the richest country in the U.S. these contests are known as the American world, so you’d think it would be easy to raise the Mathematics Competitions (AMC). About 400,000 $3 million,” Mientka said. But it wasn’t. In fact, plan- students participate in the first round of the AMC. ning for IMO 2001 reached a crisis last year when Subsequent rounds, including the U.S.A. Mathe- fundraising efforts fell short. Kenelly, who has matical Olympiad (USAMO), yield a group of 24 to had experience in fundraising, was brought in to 30 students who participate in the four-week help. On a plane trip he happened to be seated next Mathematical Olympiad Summer Program, which to the wife of Trent Lott, majority leader of the Sen- prepares students for the IMO. Over the course of ate. This chance encounter led to a meeting with the summer program, 6 students are chosen for Senator Lott, who provided much needed help at the IMO team. This year the summer program will a crucial time. Funding for IMO 2001 is now secure, be held at Georgetown University and will run with major corporate sponsorship from Texas In- from June 5 until the start of the IMO on July 3. struments, Wolfram Research, and the Akamai Titu Andreescu, director of the AMC, will run the Foundation. The Clay Mathematics Institute is host- summer program and serve as team leader. ing the closing ceremonies and banquet. Some countries have less extensive preparation of their IMO teams; others have more. China, for A Logistical Nightmare example, trains its IMO team year-round. There is The IMO is something of a logistical nightmare. One a long tradition of mathematics contests in certain source of complications is the international nature countries, such as Romania and Hungary, and their of the event. Some of the teams scheduled to teams tend to do very well in the IMO. About half participate in IMO 2001 come from countries, such of the 83 participating countries are in Europe or as Cuba, with which the U.S. has no diplomatic the former Soviet Union. Participation is also strong relations, so obtaining visas for the team members in Asia and in South America, but not in Africa and and leaders is not an easy task. “It would be very the Middle East, which together have just six teams embarrassing if there were countries that deserved participating: Iran, Israel, Kuwait, Morocco, South to be here and some glitch [concerning visas] Africa, and Tunisia. Egypt and Zimbabwe are turned them back,” Mientka noted. IMO 2001 has interested in future participation and may send engaged a visa attorney in Washington, DC, to JUNE/JULY 2001 NOTICES OF THE AMS 593 comm-olympiad.qxp 5/30/01 10:13 AM Page 594 handle such matters. To get around language speak one of these languages then translate the barriers, as well as to ensure the safety and well- problems into their own languages; altogether, the being of the teen-age contestants, the IMO has problems appear in abut forty different languages. assembled a group of 83 language guides, one All of the translations are posted for inspection by for each IMO team. Each guide is fluent jury members. During the problem selection phase in the language of the team to which he or she is and throughout the examination itself, the team assigned. The guides will be housed together with leaders are carefully sequestered from the con- the students in dormitories on the campus of testants. While the students are housed at George George Mason University. Mason University, the team leaders stay in a Wash- Another reason the IMO is so complex is that ington, DC, hotel whose location is not disclosed the preparation, proctoring, and grading of the to the students. During the IMO opening cere- examination all take place during the two-week monies, which will take place in a performance hall event. The examination is prepared by the IMO at George Mason on the Fourth of July, the team jury, which consists of the team leaders from all leaders must remain on a balcony separate from 83 participating countries. The process began last the students. In years past it was possible to iso- November, when each team leader was invited to late the two groups, but today, with the availabil- propose up to six problems (the host country is not ity of e-mail and cell phones, it’s harder to prevent allowed to propose problems in order to avoid a communication between the teams and their “home-team advantage”). This initial list contains leaders. on the order of one hundred problems. By the time the jury arrives in Washington on June 30, the Mathematics in a Basketball Arena Problem Selection Committee, chaired by Cecil The examination itself will take place in two 1 Rousseau of the University of Memphis, will have 42 -hour sessions on July 8 and 9 in the Patriot produced a “short list” of thirty problems. Center, the basketball arena of George Mason Over the next five days in sessions moderated University. The entire floor of the arena, as well as by Ronald Graham of the University of California, the entrance forums, will be taken up with tables San Diego, the jury will narrow the list to six prob- where the students will sit and forty volunteer lems to be included on the examination. There “invigilators” will administer the examination. will also be break-out sessions organized by Each student will be given an envelope containing language to ensure that all the team leaders the problems in up to two languages of the stu- understand the problems precisely. With 83 indi- dent’s choice. During the first half hour students viduals using parliamentary procedure to prepare can ask questions about the problems. The invig- a six-problem examination, there is a certain ilators fax the questions to the team leaders, who amount of chaos. “It’s a difficult and awkward remain at the hotel and who can fax back replies. process,” acknowledged Daniel Ullman of George Sometimes mistranslations surface during the ex- Washington University, who serves as the Wash- amination, and corrected translations must be dis- ington, DC, coordinator for the IMO. “But the goal tributed to all students who had requested the is not just to write a good exam but to make every problems in that language. country feel it is included in the process.” The The papers are graded in a two-step process that problems must be new and original and must not stretches over two days. First the team leaders have been solved by the students, and the team and deputy team leaders grade the papers of their leaders are supposed to speak up when they know own teams. They then defend their scoring before their students have seen a problem. The prestige two IMO “coordinators”, mathematicians who accorded to the winning team, as well as more volunteered for the task and have undergone a tangible rewards like college scholarships, can two-day orientation on the grading rubric for the create overwhelming pressure on the leaders to examination. There are a total of forty-eight coor- give their team an advantage. At a past IMO a dinators, eight for each problem: four pairs work team was disqualified after it was discovered that in parallel to coordinate the grading of one before the examination the team knew the solution problem. “Some leaders can be very aggressive” to one of the problems.