Chapter 7. Induction and Recursion
Chapter 7. Induction and Recursion Part 1. Mathematical Induction The principle of mathematical induction is this: to establish an infinite sequence of propositions P1,P2,P3,...,Pn,... (or, simply put, Pn (n 1)), it is enough to verify the following two things ≥ (1) P1, and (2) Pk Pk ; (that is, assuming Pk vaild, we can rpove the validity of Pk ). ⇒ + 1 + 1 These two things will give a “domino effect” for the validity of all Pn (n 1). Indeed, ≥ step (1) tells us that P1 is true. Applying (2) to the case n = 1, we know that P2 is true. Knowing that P2 is true and applying (2) to the case n = 2 we know that P3 is true. Continue in this manner, we see that P4 is true, P5 is true, etc. This argument can go on and on. Now you should be convinced that Pn is true, no matter how big is n. We give some examples to show how this induction principle works. Example 1. Use mathematical induction to show 1 + 3 + 5 + + (2n 1) = n2. ··· − (Remember: in mathematics, “show” means “prove”.) Answer: For n = 1, the identity becomes 1 = 12, which is obviously true. Now assume the validity of the identity for n = k: 1 + 3 + 5 + + (2k 1) = k2. ··· − For n = k + 1, the left hand side of the identity is 1 + 3 + 5 + + (2k 1) + (2(k + 1) 1) = k2 + (2k + 1) = (k + 1)2 ··· − − which is the right hand side for n = k + 1. The proof is complete. 1 Example 2. Use mathematical induction to show the following formula for a geometric series: 1 xn+ 1 1 + x + x2 + + xn = − .
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