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Anthroposophic for whole person healing and wellness

On the home front

What a year! Has anyone NOT been surprised, or challenged? Have you also met remarkable people and gifts in your life?

I have a NEW DAUGHTER-IN-LAW - Stacy Sutton - next to my elder son, Sean, with the big smile.

Here's the wedding party being silly.

Read more about THE WEDDING! below. the nitty gritty office info

We are closed Thursday and Friday, December 24-25, and Friday, January 1. Other days our hours are: 9 am - 3 pm M, W, Th, Fri. Tues hours are 12 noon - 3 pm.

Faith Moore answers the phone occasionally when we are busy. We welcome her help to respond to the need for Personal Belief Exemptions before the end of 2015. (see VACCINES below)

Our website online sales is not working. Our apologies for any inconvenience.Please call or email Denise for any help you need. (916) 671 1780. [email protected]. Alaskan halibut frozen vacuum sealed in approxLike 2#Shar pkgs,e $10Tweet per pound whileShare this it lasts. Page:

Our fees have increased: new patient 15 min base charge is $70 and established patient 15 min base charge is $60. If you have questions or hardship, please speak with Denise.


Special free holiday teleseminar event: Wednesday, Dec 2. at either 2:30 or 6pm (PST).

Peace on Earth: Transforming the Quality of Family Conversations, with Olivia and Talib Huff

.In this tele-seminar you will learn practical information on:

--The 3 ways you can prepare yourself inwardly before you even leave your house or hear the knock on the door.

--How to use the true Spirit of the Season to meet your loved ones when challenges arise.

--The Key to opening doors for deeper conversations.

Click here to register for this free, informative and valuable teleseminar.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015 2:30pm or 6:00pm (PST) Looking forward to this holiday season being the best one ever!

Saturdays at Raphael Medicine & Therapies: Dec 5 10 am - noon Senior Care Resources + POLST at Bristol Hospice, 2140 Professional Drive, Roseville, CA Suite #210. RSVP to Ellen Springwind (916) 944 3822 (no event at RMT)

Dec 12 Please come at 9:45 Saturday December 12th, for tea and advent cookies and Molly McIntyre will share her first children's book "What are they doing?" and sign your copy! The book is based on the evolutionary sequence of sounds given by Steiner for young children. It is ideal for children from age 2 to be read to, and for older children as an early reader, or to learn English. From 10 am - noon the study group continues with Chapter 9 of Nutrition, Food, Health, and Spiritual Development, lectures by .

Dec 19 10 am - noon Nutrition Study group continues

Dec 26 Blessings for Christmas, Hannukkah, Qwanza, and each sacred day (no event at RMT).


October 11, 2015, two young people married their best friends: each other. I got to be there!

This is one of the times when something happens in life that is just what is meant to be for everyone involved.

The wedding was perfect in every detail, from the wide-eyed two-year-old ring bearer Stacy once took care of in the neonatal ICU -- where she gives her whole being -- to the soles of the bride's high heels saying "I" on the right, and "do" on the left.

Rhode Island autumn gave its best -- sunshine, sea color to complement the bridesmaids, and the drama of fall flowers and leaves.

I met my new consuegra y consuegro (co-in-laws) -- Robin and Jerry. Their wedding photo from decades before sounded an echo of the stream of life unfolding.

Montvilo and Sutton clans gathered, met, and unanimously approved the merger.

Friends of the couple were as colorful as nature's show, with humor and an amazing background of skills.

Here they are cutting their Wedding Cupcake. You get the idea they're going to do life creatively. The fall of each year will confirm this fondest of hopes realized.

I am sending them a love song or poem on each Sunday for their weekly anniversary, during the first year of married life. Let me know if you'd like me to include you each Sunday! pleased-as-punch new mother-in-law, Kelly Sutton

Parenting Resources:

This resource for parenting is rich with information on the broad range of topics parents must consider. Be sure to click on the link to see the gorgeous pictures of children. Dr. Sutton's podcast on California's new vaccine law is on the site: need-to-know-about-californias-new-vaccine-law/ Like Share Tweet Share this Page:

Breast Survivors Resources

We loved having Patricia Dean-Escoto with us for the Revive and Restore detox workshop.

Now, you can access her newsletter through the link below.hp://

Vaccines and mandates

12 school days are left (as of Dec 1,2015) for California parents to file their Personal Belief Exemptions with the school to protect their vaccine choice rights. Most schools close for Winter Break December 18. (No PBEs are accepted after December 31, 2015.

However, Camellia Waldorf School (Sacramento) has VacationCare until December 30 For those transitional kindergarten or first year kindergarten children whose PBEs did NOT get filed before the formal school days ended, consider enrolling in the Camellia Vacationcare program and file the PBE. As a first-year (or transitional) kindergartener in 2015, the child is officially a second-year kindergartener in the school year beginning fall, 2016. The personal belief exemption for second year kindergarten extends until 7th grade. The PBE must be filed with a California school before the end of 2015.

Please read my article and e-book if you want details: On Facebook, join my group CA Vaccine Truth for scientific articles, news, and important questions.

Nurse Jeanne on FEVER

Become empowered during Cold/Flu Season

The colder months of the year are often referred to as cold and flu season. With a bit of extra daily care one becomes strengthened and is not as susceptible to all the things in the air at this time of the year. However if one does succumb to an acute inflammatory illness , complications are not as likely if we keep our healthy. The previous article gave guidelines for care of ourselves and our loved ones at this time of year stressing attention to warmth as the most important.

Is Acute illness an Infection or Inflammation

Modern medicine calls episodes of acute illness infections, whereas Anthroposophical medicine refers to them as inflammations. The difference is that if seen as an infection it will be attacked aggressively with suppressive medications such as antibiotics. An acute inflammation however is perceived by Anthroposophical physicians as a detoxifying, healing process that allows for a transformation on the physical, soul and spiritual level if supported. Examples of significant changes would be a growth spirt or a noticable change in the personality. Children are the most susceptible to inflammatory illness also due to the immaturity of the their immune system and warmth organism. With the developing child colds and flus with fever are much more likely during the cooler months especially if they are not kept warm enough.

Start with understanding warmth to support a fever

The importance of fever during an acute inflammation will now be addressed. A review of warmth is essential to understand and work with fever. Warmth works in the body in a differentiated manner. The head and nervous system need to be cool and quiet to have our thinking and perceptions. Think back when you had a headache or were exposed to too much sun without a hat. Your head aches and thinking becomes near impossible. The lower area, the abdomen and limbs are in polarity to the head. To support all the life processes in this area requires tremendous warmth. If this area gets cool, one can experience stomach cramps or digestive upsets) The middle area, the rhythmic system( and lungs) strives to keep a balance between above and below in regard to warmth and functionality. We must strive to keep these polarities during a fever episode. Of course,when we are healthy our body can regulate its overall temperature and the temperature of its organs without our assistance and strives to maintain normal temperature which should be between 98 to 98.6.

Fever becomes a friend and a helper with active support

In ancient times fever was seen as the body’s innate healing power. This concept has been forgotten in our times. First and foremost fever can be a friend and a helper. It is best not to “fear the fever’and give it time to do its needed work. A fever is rarely an emergency. It is actually the very thing that fully activates the immune system during an acute inflammatory illness. It also aids in bringing an illness to a close and discharging the toxins. With fever, there is excessive metabolic activity, and breakdown of urea which requires the following support:

Keep sense impressions to a minimum. A sick person’s senses are often more susceptible to outside impressions. Try to create a calm, quiet mood in the room which in turn allows more attention and life force to go toward the healing process. Remember that human sounds are much more soothing than electronic ones.

Give only warm liquids frequently. For young children offer it on a spoon if they are not so receptive. Dehydration can develop very quickly with fever. This can lead to prolongation of the fever, and inhibit the healing process. Signs of this are weakness and paleness, sunken eyes and dry mouth and decreased urine production. Warm teas and broths( vegetable or chicken) are nourishing and can prevent dehydration. Assist the detoxification process by encouraging the elimination process. It is best to do this at the onset of any inflammation especially fever. The following is Like Share Tweet Share this Page: suggested: Give infants a glycerin suppository rectally. Children 1 year or more and adults can be given a dulcolax suppository or enema if there is stomach or colon sensitivity. Keep the cleansing process going until the fever breaks and the loved one is significantly better, a period of generally at least several days. Doseage according to age of Milk of Magnesia should be given at bedtime. This all supports the release of toxins from the body.

There are individual differences in tolerating a fever. It is helpful to compare the body and limbs for warmth quality. Calves and feet will only become warm when the temperature has stopped rising. Watch for any unusual behavior during a fever which could indicate something more serious.

Wrap the child warmly in bed. Stay by the bedside. Put a hat on the head to keep heat from escaping. Keep the feet and abdomen warm with a hot water bottle

Give a lemon calf wrap if the loved one becomes lethargic, exhausted or very uncomfortable with the fever. An alternative to the lemon calf wrap is to rub the lower arms and lower legs and neck several times with a rough washcloth moistened with tepid lemon water or diluted Arnica essence. Expose one limb at a time; then quickly cover. Prepare arnica as for a compress; 1 teaspoon per cup oif water, and lemon as for fever wrap.

Some of the following conditions require medical attention: Febrile seizures which are associated with lack of consciousness, temperature above 104 with altered mental status, while skin remains cool, and symptoms of meningitis with severe headache that persists after temperature has risen and can be accompanied by vomiting. However, seek medical attention any time there is any question in regard to the progression of the fever.

Miyoung Schoen on organ and

In Octoberr, I spent over two weeks studying and practicing Rhythmical Massage Course at Rudolf Steiner College. John Miller, a doctor in occupational therapy, runs a therapy for autistic children in India and joined the training this year. His clinic has 15 therapists including a therapeutic eurythmist. After he finished his 10-year-IPMT(International Postgraduate Medical Training) in India, he decided to take the next step, rhythmical massage. It was our delight to study this course with him. He shared his progress and application of this therapy to the children in his program. What difference they made through the rhythmical massage-"It's been helping the autistic children to speak." he said.

This time the focus was on heart, organ treatments, and breathing. We continued the plant study, anthroposophical medicine, eurythmy, painting and much enjoyed herbal compresses on each organs. A master teacher from Ireland showed an eye-opening treatment, with qualitative movements and pathological insights necessary for working with clients. Our humble gifts of to the farmers and staff was well received. Last term our favorite was the liver treatment which restores the vital force and the wisdom more accessible to the human instrument. This time we loved everything and weren't sure which one to choose. Kidney treatment was amazing though I'd like to focus on the spleen on this issue. The calm and gentle movement around the spleen deepens our ability to reflect and discern. Steiner referred spleen as the organ of inspiration and enthusiasm and he recommended gentle massage to awaken its higher consciousness. “because the spleen is connected with all those activities of the human being that go beyond the ego, that already approach the Spirit-Self. The spleen is precisely the organ of the Spirit-Self. … The spleen is thereby also effective in bringing about a balance. (Spiritual Relations in the Human Organism, October, 1922)

Nevertheless the activity of the spleen becomes more remarkable, if raised out of the subconscious sphere into some degree of awareness. Note that this method of local massage has strict and close limitations. In the moment that the massage becomes too vigorous it becomes apt to undermine completely the life of instinct. So that we must be most careful to observe the zero point. The gentle massage must not go too far.

However strange the statement may appear, there is a powerful interaction between the unconscious activities of reason of which the splenetic functions rather than the spleen itself are the mediators, and the actual conscious functions of the human organism.

If we stimulate the spleen and imbue it with a certain awareness, by means of massage, we take action against the powerful toxic effects caused by our higher consciousness. And this massage may be applied not only externally but from within as well. (Spiritual Science and Medicine, April, 1920)

Of course a therapist can't reach inside human skin to massage the spleen. The internal massage is done through therapeutic eurythmy. In 1921 at the second course for physicians Steiner mentioned the special form of therapeutical eurythmy movements that stands for each organs. Therefore rhythmical massage is viewed as external and passive while therapeutic eurythmy is regarded as an internal and active movement out of one's own will. When both therapies are applied they create synergetic effects and encourage the healing process. They are widely and regularly used for both mobile and immobile residents in camphills and medical . Like Share Tweet Share this Page: Now, for example,it should be a case of a suppressed heart-lung function which in turn take affects in the kidneys, one will make progress in the initial stages with the movements for 'B' or 'P'. ... One thing will promote the other in a complementary matter. That is something which opens up the great vistas, which can have an extraordinarily great future. Just think of the effect of massage, in some instances. I acknowledge its importance. ...this outward stroking on the human being is inconsequential compared to the massage you apply when inducing entire system of organs that work together to move inwardly in a different manner, through the elements of eurythmy therapy. That is the most inward kneading of the whole organism, affecting the etheric, the astral, and the ego organism. (Stuttgart, October, 1922)

This autumn truly brought me new impulses and inspirations to both teaching eurythmy at school and setting up the therapy business. The work out of independence brought more creativity and responsibility from me, so it's been quite satisfying.

Children's lively and pure spirit has been uplifting my joy and motivation to deepen the research for health and healing. That's why I continue to teach.

In the mean time the newly established business has been slow due to remodeling the therapy room and traveling for block teaching. Time it takes to make warm connections with the clients who will receive the therapies.

Schoen Education and Therapy opened in November 2015. Come to experience your wisdom grow through special liver treatment or ask for a spleen package! Schoen Education and Therapy provides various services in Fair Oaks- Eurythmy Therapy, Therapeutic Massage including rhythmical massage and cranial sacral therapy, and waldorf tutoring for children. Affordable gift packages of therapy sessions are available by 12/31/2015. Miyoung Schoen is an active Eurythmy Teacher with MA in Education, Therapeutic Eurythmist, and CMT(Certified Massage Therapist). Email [email protected] or call (916)716-3394 to make an appointment.

For the New Year: Resolved: Truth, Beauty, and Goodness fill the world and our lives

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