Pub- Our Annual Jog-A-Thon Will Be on February 17Th, Fat Tuesday

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Pub- Our Annual Jog-A-Thon Will Be on February 17Th, Fat Tuesday FIRST FRIDAY 5:30PM begins the Holy Hour with Rosary, Confessions, and Benediction, followed by of the month the Mass at 6:30PM FIRST SATURDAY Meditation on the Rosary at 7:30AM, 7:45AM begins Rosary, Confessions and of the month Benediction, followed by 8:30AM Mass Confessions at 8:00AM SUNDAY Rosary at 8:30AM High Mass at 9:00AM Devotions to Our Lady of Per- petual Help Saturdays along with Rosary Prayer Crusade for Priests Holy 1st Thursday of each Month at 5:00 Hour PM before the Mass at 6:00PM For further details on additional Masses and their times, please see Weekly Schedule inside of this bulletin Blessing of Religious Articles . Please bring your objects to be blessed to the communion rail at the end of Mass. The date for the blessing will be announced each month in the Bulletin. Cell Phones & Pagers are Not Permitted in the Church. They are unsuitable for the Holy Place. Proper Church Attire: Out of respect for Our Lord and for the edification of our neigh- bor, we beg all to appear in Church modestly dressed. For men and boys, shorts and T- shirts do not meet the norms of modesty. For women and girls, they are not met by slacks, shorts, sleeveless and low-cut dresses. According to apostolic custom and Church law, women and girls are further requested to cover their heads in Church. However, no one has the right to question dress, especially that of visitors. It belongs to the Pastor alone to in- struct others when their dress is below expectations. January 11TH, 2015 The Feast of the Holy Family Prior: Fr. Marc Vernoy Fr. Louis Alessio Fr. Leo Haynos The Postcommunion and Ite Missa Est The Christmas issue of the 1513 is available in the vestibule: Issue N. 9 Having completed the purification of the chalice, the Priest says Dominus - Mgr. Lefebvre: "The Apostolic Life is not exclusively a combat against error". vobiscum and recites the final Prayer, which is now called the Postcom- - "For God loveth a cheerful giver", the duty to support my parish. Fr. Vernoy munion, but which in the Sacramentary of Saint Gregory was designated - "The sign of the King", the virtue of poverty. Fr. Haynos as the “Oratio ad complendum” – the completing prayer. No mention is made † “The Epiphany of the Lord", its liturgy. Fr. Alessio there of the Communion Antiphon being said by the Priest, as this was one of the sung parts it had no place in the Sacramentary. It was but the Holy Name Society will meet today immediately after mass in the first Antiphon of a Psalm which was sung during the Communion. We have portable for a brief meeting to elect officers. Coffee will be available at the a vestige of this custom in the Mass of the Dead. It was the same also meeting. with the Introit, the chanting of which used to accompany the Priest This morning at 11:00AM our students will present a Christmas Play. It from the moment of his leaving the Sacristy until he reached the Altar. will be presented in the court yard between the portables. You will see a St. Thomas More interpretation of Charles Dickens’ “Christmas Carol”. This Prayer called the Postcommunion is an important one: in it men- Please come and enjoy our thespians . Donations are appreciated. tion is always made of the Communion just received. It is immediately followed by the ordinary good wish of the Priest to the people: Dominus Fr. David Baquerizo will be visiting our chapels in Florida as part of a tour Vobiscum. Then the Deacon, turning towards the assembly of the faith- to raise funds for the school he is stationed at in La Reja, Aargentina. He ful, intones the following words: Ite Missa Est. will give the sermon and a presentation after the first mass in Sanford on Sunday, January 18th. The second collection will be given for his school. These words are usually translated as: “Go, the Mass is said.” However, Checks written for this purpose should be made out to “SSPX”, and the we must here observe that this is not their proper sense. This formula, money will be forwarded to the school. adopted by the Church, was in general use amongst the Romans in pub- Our annual Jog-A-Thon will be on February 17th, Fat Tuesday. It is lic assemblies to announce the termination of the meeting. So, these words: Ite, concio missa est meant “go, the assembly is dismissed.” always a fun day for all. If you can’t participate or cheer on the runners, please encourage them by your sponsorship. In the early ages, the Holy Sacrifice was never called by our word Missa, If you have not turned in your Baby Bottles for Life Choices Women’s the Mass. When the Sacrifice was finished the assembled faithful were Center please do it this week. For information please see Mr. Vic Prezio- dismissed by the Deacon in the form usual at all public meetings. Later, so. Thank you. the word missa was adopted, and the confusion of ideas became com- plete when a capital “M” was put to this formula, being thus rendered Ite Next Cleaning week will begin on Monday, January 12th. Help is al- Missa est and being translated amiss: Go, the Mass is said. In Masses at ways needed. If you have any time to donate, please contact Teresa Wright penitential times, in Lent for example, instead of the Ite Missa est the at 407-422-0102. Deacon says Benedicamus Domino: the faithful are not dismissed because it Children’s catechism resumes on January 18.. is supposed that they would like to remain longer in prayer during these days of expiation. The Ite Missa est is consequently a sign of joy, and as To watch the Mass live: URL: such it is excluded from Requiem masses: a Song of joy would be out of LiveMass.html keeping with a Mass breathing only sadness and supplication. Tuesday Evenings - Men of the Parish gather at the Priory from 7 p.m. discuss current issues and enjoy brotherly charity. The meeting will re- Dom Prosper Guéranger (1865–1865), Abbot of Solesmes. Translated from French sume on January 13 2015. into English by Reverend Dom Laurence Shepherd, monk of the Benedictine Congre- gation. Compline - On Mondays, Compline is at 7 p.m. - On Tuesday compline is at 9 O L G S P: p.m. Father Vernoy will lead a 12 day pil- Church Contacts Updated—If you have never filled out a census card or grimage (January 27th 2015 to February have changed your phone number since 2012, please call Theresa Wright at 7th , 2015) to Ecuador and Colombia. It’s 407-422-0102 to update your contact phone number and information. not too late, we still have space available. Come experience what it must have been St. Thomas More Academy - For information, please contact Mr. Justin Sauer like to live in a Catholic country. Garcia at [email protected]. Sponsors for STM Academy Students Moreno wrote a Catholic constitution for are needed. If you would like to contribute toward a student’s tuition, please the New Republic of Ecuador and then contact Mr. Justin Sauer at [email protected]. consecrated his Country to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Daily Tridentine Mass, Visits to the Sick and Homebound - We are seeking volunteers who would ground transportation, lodging and two like to visit sick and homebound persons, who frequently call our Parish request- meals a day are included. Miraculous Im- ing that someone come to visit. This volunteer work is for both ladies and gen- ages and Statues: Our Lady of Good tlemen. Success, Miraculous image of La Dolorosa, Rosary Apostolate will meet today at 1:15PM at The Atria chapel to recite a 5 Our Lady of Las Lajas, Our Lady of de La decade Rosary with the assisted living residents. Are you interested in joining? Paz, Our Lady of Quinche, Our Lady of Please see Bernadette Campbell or Peter Paonessa for further information. the Clouds, Panecillo Mountain and home of the famous Apocalyptic Virgin. Churches and Monasteries: Church of El Sagrario, the 17th Century Jesuit complex of La Compania one of the most impressive in Latin America, Mon- Please remember to pray for our Florida prisoners. We all hope that God will enlighten and encourage them in the future. astery of La Merced Monastery of San Francisco, Monastery Carmen Alto (Carmelites). Village of Guapulo and the Franciscan Monastery, Monastery Please pray for the eternal repose of the souls of: Daryl Rhea, Robert Hen- and Church of Santo Daomingo, the Cathedral, Monastery of Santa Catalina, drixson, Harold E. Graham, Sarah Leon, Evald Kazlauskas, Aliena Coulter’s sis- Saints and People: Venerable Madre Mariana de Jesus Torres, Saint Mariana ter, Stanley Koprevik, Robert Romer, Susan Middleton’s mother, Lloyd Thomp- de Jesus Flores, San Hermano Miguel, history of Garcia Moreno. Costs: son, Delores Hucks, Ramona Salgado, Catherine Neinabar, Anne-Marie St. Lau- $1,575. per person for a double occupancy. Additional charge of $350.00 for rent, Rhonda Gail Edwards, Earl John Ritterbeck, the mother of Mr. Alvaro a private room. Airfare not included. Contact for details: Janie Alf 321-432- Alves, Pamela Soha, Michael Will, the father of Mr. Steve LoPresti, Berdine 5430 [email protected]. Dettar (Mrs. Bellows’ Mother), Mr. Annunziato Piperno, Alfred Gonzalez, Dr. C.F. Brooke Smith, Patricia Winter, R.I.P. Please pray for all of our sick and homebound parishioners: especially for Fatima Perez, Jonas Sauer, Fr.
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