1 Willard N. Harman
1 INTRODUCTION Willard N. Harman The Biological Field station (BFS) continued to work closely with both graduate and undergraduate students whose efforts were critical to this Annual Report and to the ongoing research on the Otsego Lake ecosystem. Matthew Albright, Mead McCoy and David Ramsey continued their graduate work, the former with the support of the Otsego County Conservation Association (OCCA) and the U.s. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). OCCA also funded three high school students: two via FHV Mecklenbury Conservation fellowships plus support for a Village of Cooperstown intern to monitor water quality in the upper Susquehanna. These positions were held by Darcy King, Cherry Valley Central, and Kristen France and Colleen Moriarty, Oneonta High School, respectively. The New York Academy of Sciences Research Training internships supported Anne Mary Meyers from Owen D. Young, Brooke Baker from Oneonta and Tavis Austin from Cooperstwon High. Dylan Sickles and James Hakala from SUNY Cobleskill were sponsored by Robert C. MacWatters Internships in the Aquatic Sciences, funded by the OCCA, SUNY Cobleskill, SUNY Oneonta and the Biological Field Station. Marcy Goldberg, from Rochester polytechnic Institute, received an OCCA Rufus J. Thayer Otsego Lake Research Assistantship. Tina Nelson, SUNY Oneonta, helped in the office with support from the Oneonta Alumni Association. Jodi Fiorella and Kaaren Illsley, both from SUNY Oneonta, completed undergraduate and graduate "directed study" problems, respectively. Linda Taylor, SUNY Oneonta, held a Peterson Family (Greenwoods Conservancy) Internship. The OCCA generously provided funding, joining the "Friends of Goodyear Swamp Sanctuary", to repair the walkways at Goodyear Swamp Sanctuary. Don Denmead, Ken Beckering and Philip DeBlasi, all from SUNY Oneonta, did the work.
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