JUNE 12, 2013

A Regular Public Meeting of the Board of Education of the Township of Teaneck, County of Bergen, , was held in the 3rd Floor Cheryl Miller-Porter Student Center at , 100 Elizabeth Avenue, Teaneck, New Jersey, on Wednesday, June 12, 2013, at 8:00 p.m. Dr. Ardie D. Walser, President of the Board, presided.


“I hereby call to order the Regular Public Meeting of the Teaneck Board of Education, held on Wednesday, June 12, 2013, in the 3rd Floor Cheryl Miller-Porter Student Center at Teaneck High School, 100 Elizabeth Avenue, Teaneck, New Jersey. Adequate notice of this meeting has been sent to The Record, The Suburbanite, filed with the Municipal Clerk of the Township of Teaneck and posted inside the Teaneck Board of Education, One Merrison Street, on Friday, June 7, 2013.”


Board Members Present: Mrs. Margot Fisher Dr. David Gruber arrived @ 8:36 p.m. Mrs. Sarah Rappoport Mrs. Gervonn Rice Mr. Sebastian Rodriguez Mr. Howard Rose Dr. Ardie Walser Mrs. Clara Williams Ms. Shelley Worrell


Others Present: Ms. Barbara Pinsak, Superintendent of Schools Mr. Robert Finger, Business Administrator/Board Secretary Mr. Vincent McHale, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction

Teaneck Public Schools Superintendent’s Report 6/12/13

On Thursday, June 6th the ACE (Architecture, Construction and Engineering) Mentor Program of New Jersey held its 14th Annual New Jersey Scholarship Breakfast at the Newark Club. Darnell Bullock, THS senior, received a $500 scholarship award and plans to attend William Paterson University in the fall majoring in mechanical engineering. The Teaneck High School group is one of eleven teams in New Jersey in the program. The Teaneck Public Schools received the Education Award at the event. The District and Board of Education were commended for their leadership and support of this effective mentoring program.

The Community Scholarship Awards were held last evening (June 11th) in the Teaneck High School auditorium. Twenty-seven THS seniors received a total of almost $50,000 from various individuals and groups. Student recipients wrote essays and participated in interviews as part of the selection process. The scholarship money will be deposited into the students’ school tuition accounts to be applied against their balances. More scholarships and awards will be presented at the annual Honors Convocation, which will take place on Thursday evening (June 13th). We are grateful for the generosity of Teaneck alumni, community members and other supporters who invest in our students’ futures.

Eighth graders at Middle School had the opportunity to explore possible career choices, meet several professionals, and learn about current trends in the job market on June 3rd at the Eighth Grade Career Expo. Students had already identified their own strengths, interests, and employability skills and have begun to identify their values as related to potential careers. They participated in small group sessions with professionals whose careers captured their interest.

As the school year ends, the District is preparing for a working summer. Facilities projects to be completed during this summer include installation of wireless internet access in all schools. A number of curriculum writing projects are planned for various grade levels and content areas. The District is pleased to offer a Summer Reading Book Club for students entering grade nine who are enrolled in English 9 or English 9 Honors. Students entering Teaneck High Schools will be provided with support in analyzing text and completing tasks associated with their summer reading assignment. If you are interested in having your child participate, please contact your middle school or eighth grade language arts teacher. We are also happy to offer a preview opportunity to Global History 9 Honors. This pilot is intended to prepare students for the rigor of an Honors level course by providing them with specific strategies to be successful.


JUNE 12, 2013

STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES REPORT – New student representatives for 2013-2014 were introduced.


Student Awards presented by the Superintendent, Dr. Walser and Mrs. Rice.


The public hearing on matters appearing on this meeting’s business agenda commenced at 8:18 p.m. No one wished to address the Board on any agenda matters and the hearing was closed.


The Board of Education took the following indicated actions on the business agenda items for this meeting.


Motion made by Mr. Rodriguez seconded by Mr. Rose ;

15. the Board approved SECOND READING of the following Board Policies:

8600 – Transportation (Revised) MANDATED

16. the Board waived Board Policy #2436 – Activity Participation Fee Program for the 2013-2014 school year only.

Roll call on Board Policy Motion #15 - 16; Motion approved 8-0.


Motion made by Mr. Rodriguez seconded by Mr. Rose ;

43. the Board approved the Minutes for the May 1, 2013 Workshop Meeting, May 8, 2013 Regular Public Meeting and May 22, 2013 Special Public Meeting.

Roll call on Board Operations Motion #43; Motion approved 8-0.


Motion made by Mr. Rodriguez seconded by Mr. Rose;

104. the Board affirmed the decisions of the Superintendent of Schools regarding Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB) incidents reported to the Board in Executive Session at the May 1, 2013 meeting.

105. the Board approved Montclair State University graduate counseling intern, Marissa Fleming, be placed in the FORUM as a graduate intern assistant, working under the supervision of Nicholas Campestre, FORUM coordinator, beginning June 17, 2013 through August 5, 2013.

106. the Board approved a contract between Teaneck Public Schools and the Essex Regional Educational Services Commission to provide non-public nursing services to eligible students enrolled in non-public schools during the 2013-2014 school year.

107. the Board approved a renewal contract with Teachscape, Inc., San Francisco, California, to provide software, licensing and support for the Danielson framework for teacher evaluations in the amount of $44,865 for the 2013-2014 school year. Account # 20-296-200-500-85-50-I-D; Account #20-454-200-500-57-50-I-D

108. the Board approved remuneration to The Danielson Group, to provide training to district administrators, in an amount not to exceed $4,500. EE4NJ funds this program. Account # 20-296-200-300-85-50-I-D

109. the Board approved compensation to Spectrum Diversity, LLC. to administer 2013 School Climate and Bullying Prevention survey to students, staff and parents, in an amount not to exceed $1,250.

110. the Board approved compensation to Plethora Media Group to provide additional workshop dates for the “Picture of Success” program to middle and high school students enrolled in the PASS (Police/Parents And School Students) Partnership Program, in an amount not to exceed $700. The FORUM Juvenile Justice grant funds this program. Account # 20-009-100-300-73-50-G-H

Additional Workshop Dates March 25, 2013 April 3, 2013 April 17, 2013 April 24, 2013

111. the Board accepted with grateful appreciation the donation of an electronic scoreboard/sign for the football field at Teaneck High School derived from senior class gifts and athletic teams fund-raising efforts. The electronic scoreboard/sign has an estimated value of $40,000.


112. the Board accepted with grateful appreciation the donation of an electronic scoreboard for the Middle School field from the Teaneck Junior Soccer League and Teaneck Southern Baseball League. The electronic scoreboard has an estimated value of $20,000. Furthermore, in recognition of this substantial donation, the Board shall waive the outstanding building use fees in the amount of $3,100.16 for the use of the Teaneck High School gymnasium for the months of February and March 2013 by the Teaneck Junior Soccer League.

113. the Board accepted with grateful appreciation the donation of 100 ft. of red carpet runner from the Hackensack Home Depot for the May 29th Prom Show-Off event, in an estimated value of $928.63.

114. the Board approved compensation to Pitt Bull Secure Technologies, Inc. to provide HIBster Software Program training for administrators and HIB specialists during the 2013-2014 school year, in an amount not to exceed $1,000.

Roll call on School Operations and Curriculum Motion #104 - 114; Motion approved 8-0.


Motion made by Mr. Rodriguez seconded by Mr. Rose;

224. the Board approved payment of the following 2012-13 bills and payroll, as detailed in lists attached to the Minutes of this meeting, including adjustments to previously approved bill payments, and that the Business Administrator/Board Secretary be hereby authorized to release the warrants in payments of these bills per the list appended to and made a part of the Minutes.

APRIL 1, 2013 through APRIL 30, 2013

Fund 10 $8,395,957.89 Fund 20 281,118.00 Fund 30 298,866.02 Fund 60 64,221.17 Fund 61 142,690.09 Total of Approved Payments $9,182,853.17

225. the Board approved 2012-2013 budget appropriation transfers, previously approved by a member of the Finance Committee, which are attached and a part of the official record.

226. the Board approved the following resolution:

WHEREAS, the Board of Education has received the Report of the Board Secretary and the Report of the Treasurer of School Monies for the month of APRIL 2013 and determined that both reports are in agreement, and

WHEREAS, in compliance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)3 the secretary has certified that, as of the date of the reports, no budgetary line item account has obligations and payments (contractual orders) which in total exceed the amount appropriated by the district Board of Education except as noted now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that in compliance with N.J.A.C.6A:23A-16.10(c)4, the Board of Education certifies that, after review of the secretary’s monthly financial reports (appropriate section) and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, to the best of its knowledge, no major account or fund has been overexpended in violation of N.J.A.C.6A:23A-16.10(c)4, and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the year (which would become a part of the Minutes of this meeting) be it further,

RESOLVED, that pursuant to P.L. 2004 Ch. 73 (S-1701), the Board certifies that after a review of the Secretary’s Monthly Financial Report and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, that there are no budgetary transfers that cumulatively exceed 10% that would require the approval of the Commissioner of Education.


227. the Board approved the attached list of Travel and Conferences for the staff indicated for professional improvement or development, as approved and recommended by the Superintendent.

228. the Board approved the attached list of Student Field Trips, as approved and recommended by the Superintendent.

229. the Board acknowledged the receipt and opening of bids for the Roof Replacement Projects for Benjamin Franklin Middle School and Teaneck High School on Tuesday, April 16, 2013 at 11:00am.

The bid tabulation sheets are appended to and made a part of the minutes.

Furthermore, that the Board award a contract to the lowest responsible bidder for the roof replacement at Teaneck High School as follows:

E. R. Barrett, Inc. $757,970 (Base Bid and Alternate #1)

A total of eight (8) vendors requested bids of which six (6) vendors submitted bids.

230. the Board authorized the district’s continued participation in Educational Data Services, Inc., a purchasing cooperative for the 2013-2014 school year, in an amount not to exceed $15,200, and that the Board Secretary is hereby authorized to sign a contract entering into such agreement and, further, authorize participation in the Time and Materials/Ancillary Bids and Electronic Ordering System.

231. the Board approved participation in the Middlesex Regional Educational Services Commission cooperative bid for the 2013-2014 school year.

232. the Board approved the district’s continued participation in the Bergen County Cooperative Pricing System for the 2013-2014 school year.

233. the Board approved a contract with Dr. Barry Weissman, Designated Chief School Physician, and Dr. Joseph Fruchter, of All Bergen Pediatrics, as physicians and medical inspectors for the 2013-2014 school year at a total annual fee not to exceed $83,500.

234. the Board acknowledged the receipt of proposals for Health Insurance Broker of Record for the period July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014 which were opened on Tuesday, November 20, 2012 at 10:30am.

Furthermore, that the Board approve the award of a contract and the appointment of the Broker of Record as follows:

Brown & Brown Benefit Advisors (Total commissions and fees not to exceed $24,000)

The Tabulation of Bids is appended to and made a part of the minutes. A total of five (5) vendors submitted proposals. 9 FINANCE & BUDGET JUNE 12, 2013

235. the Board approved the district’s continued participation in the Bergen County Banking Consortium (BCBANC) from July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014 and authorize the School Business Administrator/Board Secretary to serve as a trustee.

236. the Board approved the following resolution:

WHEREAS, N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-14.3 permits a Board of Education to supplement a Capital Reserve Account at year end, and

WHEREAS, the aforementioned administrative code citation authorizes procedures, under the authority of the Commissioner of Education, which permit a Board of Education to transfer unanticipated excess current revenue and/or unexpended appropriations into reserve accounts during the month of June by resolution, and

WHEREAS, the Teaneck Board of Education wishes to transfer unanticipated excess current year revenue and/or unexpended appropriations from the General Fund into the Capital Reserve account at year end, and

WHEREAS, the Teaneck Board of Education has determined that an amount not to exceed $2,580,000 is available for such purpose to transfer;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Teaneck Board of Education that it hereby authorizes the district’s School Business Administrator to make this transfer consistent with all applicable laws and regulations.

237. the Board transferred the unused balance of completed capital projects to the Capital Reserve Account as follows:

Benjamin Franklin MS Asbestos Project $10,651.80 Teaneck HS Wireless Project $ 3,003.50 Total $13,655.30

238. the Board authorized Margot Fisher, David Gruber, Sarah Rappoport, Sebastian Rodriguez, Howard Rose, Clara Williams, Shelley Worrell, Gervonn Rice and Ardie Walser, members of the Board of Education, to attend the annual New Jersey School Boards Association Workshop in Atlantic City, New Jersey from October 22, 2013 to October 24, 2013 and receive reimbursement in accordance with Board Policy #6471, NJ Office of Management and Budget Circular Notices and N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-7 et seq. A maximum of fourteen (14) reservations will be made for the workshop.

239. the Board authorized Barbara Pinsak, Superintendent of Schools, Robert S. Finger, School Business Administrator, Vincent McHale, Assistant Superintendent, Anthony D’Angelo, Director of Facilities and Clifford Jacobs, Director of Information Technology to attend the annual New Jersey School Boards Association Workshop in Atlantic City, New Jersey from October 22, 2013 to October 24, 2013 and receive reimbursement in accordance with Board Policy #6471, NJ Office of Management and Budget Circular Notices and N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-7 et seq. A maximum of fourteen (14) reservations will be made for the workshop. 10 FINANCE & BUDGET JUNE 12, 2013

240. the Board approved the annual request to the Bergen Executive County Superintendent of Schools for approval of a Kindergarten Toilet Waiver for the 2013- 2014 school year.

241. the Board authorized a renewal of general insurance coverage from August 1, 2013 through July 31, 2014 through the Northeast Bergen County School Boards Insurance Group (NESBIG) as follows:

Package Policy $ 368,606 Workers Compensation $ 449,505 Student Accident $ 46,262 Surety Bonds $ 1,400 TOTAL $ 865,773

242. the Board authorized the Business Administrator/Board Secretary to enter into and sign the necessary agreements for the renewal of the following Health/Disability Benefit programs at the rates noted for the 2013-2014 school year:

Dental Insurance - Delta Dental Plan of New Jersey

Single Premium - $ 40.15 Monthly Family Premium - $127.85 Monthly

Represents a 0% increase from the 2012-2013 school year

Prescription Insurance - Caremark/CVS

The district is self-insured for actual drug costs, plus a Third Party Administrator Fee of $1.50 for pharmacy claims and $1.50 for prescriptions paid directly to subscriber.

COBRA monthly rate for Prescription Coverage is $279.23 per employee.

Represents an 8.7% increase from the 2012-2013 school year

Short/Long Term Disability Insurance – Standard Insurance Company

Short Term $36.20 Monthly (Teamsters) Short Term $19.89 Monthly (TTEA, CWA) Long Term .51% of Salary Monthly (TTEA, CWA, TAAS, Non-Guide)

Represents a 0% increase from the 2012-2013 school year

Short Term disability is not provided for Administrators or Non-Guide staff. Long Term disability is not provided for Teamsters.


243. the Board approved the annual renewal of membership with the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association (NJSIAA) for the 2013-2014 school year in the amount of $2,150.

244. the Board authorized participation by the Teaneck Public Schools in the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs for the 2013-2014 school year under the terms and conditions of the “Agreement for Child Nutrition Programs”, approve the 2013-2014 Price List and authorize an agreement with Sodexo Management Inc. as the Food Service Management Company responsible for the operation of the school food service program for the 2013-2014 school year.

2013-2014 Price List Breakfast – Elementary School (Paid) $1.25 Breakfast – Middle/High School (Paid) $1.50 Breakfast – All Schools (Reduced) $ .30 Lunch – Elementary School (Paid) $2.45 Lunch – Middle School (Paid) $2.50 Lunch – High School (Paid) $3.00 Lunch – All Schools (Reduced) $ .40 Lunch – Elementary School (Adult) $3.50 Lunch – Middle School (Adult) $3.75 Lunch – High School (Adult) $4.00 Milk – All Schools $ .50

245. the Board acknowledged the receipt and opening of bids for Printing Services for the 2013-2014 school year on Thursday, May 2, 2013 at 2:00pm.

The bid tabulation sheet is appended to and made a part of the minutes.

Furthermore, that the Board reject the bids received and authorize purchasing through the Middlesex Regional Educational Services Commission (MRESC) cooperative bid for Printing Services (#MRESC 12/13-09) as per the fee schedule appended to and made a part of the minutes.

Furthermore, that the Board authorize the School Business Administrator to obtain quotes from other vendors for those items not available through the MRESC cooperative bid for Printing Services.

A total of thirteen (13) vendors requested bids and three (3) submitted bids.

246. the Board approved Scholarship Funds for the 2013-2014 school year as per the list appended to and made a part of the Minutes.

247. the Board accepted funds from The Puffin Foundation for the Teaneck Community Education Center’s “Super Strides” programs in the amount of $20,000.

Account #60-602-100-300-56-72-P-0 Comm Ed/Purch Svrs $20,000


248. the Board approved the SECOND READING of the following ordinance after a Public Hearing:


BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF TEANECK IN THE COUNTY OF BERGEN, NEW JERSEY (not less than two-thirds of all members thereof affirmatively concurring) AS FOLLOWS:

Section 1. The Board of Education of the Township of Teaneck in the County of Bergen, New Jersey (the "School District") is hereby authorized to refund all or a portion of the outstanding School Refunding Bonds (Pension Series 2003) (Federally Taxable) of the School District issued in the original principal amount of $6,450,000 and dated February 15, 2003 (the "2003 Bonds"). The 2003 Bonds maturing on or after July 1, 2014 may be redeemed at the option of the School District in whole or in part on any date on or after July 1, 2013 (the "Redemption Date") at a redemption price equal to the par amount of the 2003 Bonds to be redeemed plus accrued interest, if any, to the Redemption Date.

Section 2. In order to finance the cost of the purpose described in Section 1 hereof, negotiable refunding bonds (the "Refunding Bonds") are hereby authorized to be issued in the aggregate principal amount not to exceed $3,500,000 pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:24-61 et seq.

Section 3. An aggregate amount not exceeding $90,000 for items of expense listed in and permitted under N.J.S.A. 18A:24-61.4 has been included in the aggregate principal amount of Refunding Bonds authorized herein.

Section 4. The purpose of the refunding is to incur an interest cost savings for the School District.

Section 5. A supplemental debt statement has been prepared and filed in the offices of the Township Clerk and the Business Administrator/Board Secretary and in the office of the Director of the Division of Local Government Services in the Department of Community Affairs of the State of New Jersey as required by law. Such statement shows that the gross debt of the Township as defined in the Local Bond Law and the school debt of the School District is increased by the amount the Refunding Bond authorization exceeds the amount of the proposed refunded bonds. 13 FINANCE & BUDGET JUNE 12, 2013 #248 (cont’d.)

Section 6. No Local Finance Board approval is required as the issuance of the Refunding Bonds will comply with the requirements of N.J.A.C. 5:30-2.5.

Section 7. The Board President, the Superintendent, the Business Administrator/ Board Secretary and other appropriate representatives of the School District are hereby authorized to prepare such documents, to publish such notices and to take such other actions as are necessary or desirable to enable the School District to prepare for the sale and the issuance of the Refunding Bonds authorized herein and to provide for the redemption of the 2003 Bonds referred to in Section 1 hereof.

Section 8. This bond ordinance shall take effect immediately after final adoption.

Approved 9-0 at the June 5, 2013 Workshop Meeting

249. the Board accepted grant funds from the New Jersey Department of Children and Families, Division of Prevention and Community Partnerships under the School- Based Youth Services Grant, for the FORUM in the amount of $307,892, for the period July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014 to be disbursed as indicated below:

ACCOUNT ITEM AMOUNT 20-440-200-100-73-12-0-H FORUM GRANT Administrative Salary $ 65,564 20-440-200-100-73-11-0-H FORUM GRANT Instructional Salary $209,124 20-440-200-100-73-13-0-H FORUM GRANT Secretary Salary $ 33,204 TOTAL $307,892

250. the Board approved compensation to those clinicians and agencies on the attached list who would provide related services and / or independent evaluations during the 2012-2013 school year. The total amount for this motion is $165,000.

251. the Board approved compensation to those clinicians and agencies on the attached list who would provide related services and / or independent evaluations during the 2013-2014 school year. The total amount for this motion is $2,403,050.

252. the Board authorized tuition payment for 2012-2013 out-of-district special education programs, as per the attached list. These tuitions would be pro-rated based on effective dates of attendance. The total amount of current invoices for this motion is $71,492.

253. the Board approved payment of tuition for out-of-district students who would require an extended year program during the summer of 2013, as indicated in their respective IEPs, as per the attached list. The total amount of current invoices for this motion is $143,462.

254. the Board authorized tuition payment for 2013-2014 out-of-district special education programs, as per the attached list. These tuitions would be pro-rated based on effective dates of attendance. The total amount of current invoices for this motion is $443,131.60.


255. the Board approved an agreement with Bergen County Special Services school district for the 2013-2014 school year to provide Chapter 192/193 services, (Compensatory Education, English as a Second Language, Home Instruction, Examination & Classification Annual Review, Speech Correction and Supplemental Instruction) in accordance with the fees approved by the New Jersey State Department of Education.

256. the Board approved remuneration for therapy services during the 2013 Special Services Extended School Year program, not to exceed the hours and rates listed below:

Occupational Therapist Hours Maximum Remuneration School Based Therapy 240 $22,560

Physical Therapist Hours Maximum Remuneration Thera-pede 138 $13,110

257. the Board approved a Shared Services Agreement with the Township of Teaneck for the period July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014.

258. the Board appointed PNC Capital Markets as underwriter for the Early Retirement Incentive Program (ERIP) Refunding bonds. Furthermore, the fee for underwriting services shall not exceed $20,000.

259. the Board approved the submission of an application to the NJ Department of Education, Office of School Facilities, for the scoreboard projects at Thomas Jefferson Middle School and Teaneck High School.

260. the Board accepted grant funds from the New Jersey Department of Children and Families, Division of Prevention and Community Partnerships under the School- Based Youth Services Grant, for the FORUM in the amount of $2,300.

Account #20-440-100-600-70-40-G-H FORUM GRANT/Supplies $2300

261. the Board approved the following resolution:


Motion made by Mr. Rodriguez seconded by Mr. Rose, to Table Motions 258 and 261. Roll call to Table Finance & Budget Motion #258 and 261; Motion approved 8-0.

Roll call on Finance & Budget Motion #224 – 257 and #259 – 260 except motions 258 and 261; Motion approved 8-0.

NOTE: Motion #248 was approved at the June 5, 2013 Workshop meeting. 15 PERSONNEL JUNE 12, 2013

Motion made by Mr. Rodriguez seconded Mr. Rose;

203. the Board accepted the following leave of absence request for the reason and as of the effective dates listed: ASSIGNMENT/ REASON NAME LOCATION EFFECTIVE DATE Bette Medina Gifted/Enrichment Family Medical Leave TJ 5/13/13 - 6/25/13 Florence Morgenstein Physical Education Family Medical Leave Bryant/Lowell 6/3/13 - 6/25/13 Susan Haase LLD Family Medical Leave BF 5/30/13 - 6/25/13 Jovana Vlajic-Murisic Mathematics Family Medical Leave THS 9/1/13 - 11/30/13 Chiara Levy Guidance Service Family Medical Leave THS 10/10/13 - 1/1/14 Jenna McCormack Child Rearing Leave Personal (Unpaid) Leave BF 9/1/13 - 6/30/14 Breanne Millet Business Education Family Medical Leave THS 6/5/13 - 6/25/13

204. the Board accepted the following resignations for the reasons and as of the effective dates listed: ASSIGNMENT/ REASON NAME LOCATION EFFECTIVE DATE Duane Burrell In School Suspension Para Resignation Bryant 5/7/13 Carolyn Arkenau Kindergarten Retirement Bryant 6/30/13 Seif Hicks Lunch Para Resignation BF 5/30/13 Donna Davis Lunch Para Resignation Lowell 5/24/13 Tara Sinclair Special Education Relocation TJ 6/30/2013

16 PERSONNEL JUNE 12, 2013

205. the Board reimbursed the following employees that are retiring from the district on or after June 30, 2013, for unused accumulated illness/personal days and/or vacation days with the maximum number of days indicated:

Amorosi-Maas, Lucille 252 illness/personal days @ $81.00 per diem = $ 20,000.00 (maximum)

Arkenau, Carolyn 26 illness/personal days @ $59.00 per diem = 1,534.00

Bourne-Busby, Elise (retiring 7/1/2013) 153 illness/personal days @ $100.00 per diem = 15,300.00 50 vacation days = 26,819.04

Gundy, Marsha 260 illness/personal days @$100.00 per diem = 20,000.00 (maximum)

Laval-Burwell, Julia 174.5 illness/personal days @ $55.00 per diem = 9,597.50 39 vacation days @ $231.38 per diem = 9,023.82

McCutcheon, Beverly 80 illness/personal days @ $100.00 per diem = 8,000.00

Ngo, Manda 201.5 illness/personal days @ $100.00 per diem = 20,000.00 (maximum)

Peleg, Toni 223 illness/personal days @ $100.00 per diem = 20,000.00 (maximum)

Ponchick, Roseanne 525.5 illness/personal days @ $100.00 per diem = 20,000.00 (maximum)

Richardson, Deborah (retiring 7/1/2013) 63.5 illness/personal days @ $59.00 per diem = 3,746.50

Sherman, Denise 264.5 illness/personal days @ $100.00 per diem = 20,000.00 (maximum)

Shorey, Diane 169 illness/personal days @ $75.00 per diem = 12,675.00

Thurmond, Donnie 163 illness/personal days @ $81.00 per diem = 13,203.00

17 PERSONNEL JUNE 12, 2013 (#205 cont’d.)

Canada, Joann 190 illness/personal days @ $22.00 per diem = 4,180.00

Ford, Albert 93.5 illness/personal days @ $22.00 per diem = 2,057.00

Joy, Annette 137 illness/personal days @ $22.00 per diem = 3,014.00

Lawton, Ruby 198 illness/personal days @ $22.00 per diem = 4,356.00

TOTAL $233,505.86

206. the Board amended Personnel Motion #179 of the May 8, 2013 Minutes to adjust remuneration to Vinod Thomas for assuming an additional section of science, and adjusting remuneration to reflect an increase in full-time equivalent from 1.0 to 1.20, effective January 28, 2013 and prorated through May 3, 2013:

From To FTE 1.0 $104,732.00 $104,734.00 FTE 1.2 $125,678.40 $125,680.80

*2010-2011 TTEA salary guide rate pending completion of negotiations for a successor agreement.

207. the Board amended Personnel Motion # 180 of the May 8, 2013 Minutes to adjust remuneration to Marc Monroe for assuming an additional section of business education, and adjusting remuneration to reflect an increase in full-time equivalent from 1.0 to 1.20, effective February 25, 2013 and prorated through the end of the school year:

From To FTE 1.0 $ 31,587.00 $ 52,645.00 FTE 1.2 $ 37,904.40 $ 63,174.00

*2010-2011 TTEA salary guide rate pending completion of negotiations for a successor agreement.

18 PERSONNEL JUNE 12, 2013

208. the Board approved remuneration to the following high school teacher for assuming additional classes, on a temporary basis, at their daily contractual per class rate, effective June 3rd, through the return of the regular classroom teacher:

Teacher Per Class Rate* Sharon Bellin $183.99

*2010-2011 TTEA salary guide rate pending completion of negotiations for a successor agreement.

209. the Board approved the following staff members receive remuneration in the amount indicated for mentoring services provided to provisional teacher candidates during the 2012- 2013 school year:

Provisional Teacher Mentors Remuneration Michael Micelli $ 550 James Nonas 275 Eric Akselrad 184 Patricia Monaco 550 Iris Hernandez 275 Enoch Nyamekye 550 Jamie Hrinuk 550 Meredith Laino 550 Angelina Cusack 550 Hallie Wannamaker 550 Stacey Corsale 495 Stephanie Baer 350 TOTAL $5,429

210. the Board amended Personnel Motion # 39 of the September 19, 2012 Minutes to authorize payment to personnel assigned to district “Extra Work/Extra Pay” services for the 2012 -2013 school year with remuneration pursuant to the terms of Schedule C* as indicated:

*2010-2011 TTEA Schedule C rate pending completion of negotiations for a successor agreement.

Thomas Jefferson: Account #11-401-100-100-29-15-H-J TJ Achievers Duane Burrell $546 Roger Davis 819 Brian Styles 819

19 PERSONNEL JUNE 12, 2013

211. the Board approved the following school nurses be remunerated for assisting with athletic physicals, during the period from June through August, 2013, at the contractual rate of $62/hr. (working w/students) and $58/hr. (working w/o students), not to exceed the number of hours indicated:

Kathryn King Dyker 20 hrs. with students 1,240 54 hrs. without students 3,132 Sandy Broady 20 hrs. with students 1,240

TOTAL $5,612

Substitute nurses, as needed: Jacqueline Johnson, Denice Miller

212. the Board approved remuneration to the following personnel at the contractual rate of $62/hr. (working w/students), for a maximum of six hours, for assisting with high school graduation activities on May 29 and June 25, 2013, in an amount not to exceed $372 each, for a total of $1,116:

Edward Klimek Andrew Bellin Jason McDonald

213. the Board approved an increase of the maximum remuneration from $2,500 to $3,420 for the following individual for services provided to the Teaneck Women Train and Work Program:

MAXIMUM NAME TITLE ACCOUNT NUMBER REMUNERATION Theresa Danese Clerical 20-043-200-100-56-13-P-W $920

214. the Board approved the following 2013 - 2014 salary guide for substitutes:

SECRETARIAL PERSONNEL Up to 2 years exp. with Teaneck Bd. of Ed $11.00 per hour Over 2 years exp. with Teaneck Bd. of Ed $12.00 per hour

PARAPROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL Lunchroom Paras (up to 2 hours) $20.00 per assignment All Other Paras $10.00 per hour

CUSTODIANS and LABORERS Up to 2 years exp. with Teaneck Bd. of Ed $10.50 per hour 2 to 4 years exp. with Teaneck Bd. of Ed $11.00 per hour Over 4 years exp. with Teaneck Bd. of Ed $11.50 per hour

MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL Use substitute custodians scale above, plus $.50 per hour for mechanics.

20 PERSONNEL JUNE 12, 2013 #214 (cont’d.)

ELECTRICAL TECHNICIANS Based upon need and recommended rate at the discretion of the Superintendent.

TEACHERS AND OTHER INSTRUCTIONAL PERSONNEL Teaching Personnel 1 - 45 days during school year $100 per diem 46 - 80 days during school year 105 per diem 81 + days during school year 110 per diem

The substitute rate for consecutive teaching in one assignment will increase after ten consecutive days to $120 per day on the eleventh day. Twenty consecutive days in one assignment will qualify the substitute to be compensated as a beginning teacher on the BA level of the teachers' guide starting with the 21st day.

Notes: 1. Substitute personnel filling individual positions not covered by a salary guide, will be paid according to the salary guide which applies most closely to the type of work to be done in the position. 2. Substitute personnel for summer school or other special programs will be paid according to the salary guide established and used for the duration of the program. 3. The salary amounts of such guides shall be determined in a manner consistent with the method used in determining the salary amounts for similar established guides. 4. Deviation from the above salary guides may be made at the discretion of the Superintendent of Schools based on applicant pool, experience and content area.

21 PERSONNEL JUNE 12, 2013

215. the Board approved the following certificated staff be remunerated at the contractual rate of $62/hr. (working w/ students) and $58/hr. (working w/o students); and paraprofessionals working with students at the rate of $15/hr. for participation in the district’s Extended School Year Program, from July 1, 2013 through August 9, 2013, in an amount not to exceed those listed:

2 Lead Teachers @ 120 hrs. $7,200 each ($14,400) Mary Joyce Laqui, Iris Hernandez 60 hrs. @ $62/hr. (working with students) 60 hrs. @ $58/ hr. (working without students)

30 Teachers @ 120 hrs. $7,440 each ($223,200) Sean Aumack Lisa Azria James Belluzzi Rashon Briggs Brittany Butler Angie Cusack Debra DellaMonica Francine DePaolo Stacie DiBona Maryann Doris Gina Hickey Gillian Iappelli Rose Johnson Meredith Laino Mei Linh La-Mui Mark Martinez Nancy Marton William Mazerolle Shellian Mirander Colleen Pagan Krysten Perez Alyce Quinlan Elizabeth Rieder Lisa Rosen Meryl Rosen LisaMarie Sgambati Matthew Ramagli Tawana Smith Emily Smith Danielle Spano

1 Secretary and 53 Paraprofessionals @ 120 hrs. $1,800 each ($97,200) Sanam Abbasi Neelam Aslam Shahida Bano Claudette Barnes Patricia Bednarski William Bryant Kelly Cambridge Debra Costanzo Marcus Cushnie Antoinette Daly Rachel Ferraro Rebecca Jarvis Patrick Hart Spencer Jones Winsome Jones Frazana Kousar Florence Lassiter Ellen Levy Hind Mahmoud Zaheda Malek Fureeha Malik Jessica Marshall Kelly McMillon Mary Michelotti Aytyzaz Mohammad Sarfraz Moin Vanessa Morales Jonathan Moses Stephanie Nelson Amy Permut Farzana Qayyum Mary Rasor Allen Rice Marva Robinson Karelia Rodriguez Dolores Rottner Richard Scherer Guerline Semexant Karen Simmons Margaret Simpson Richina Smith Samantha Stave Vanessa Tavares Matthew Tuzzeo Valorie Wacha Tracey Walston Natalie Wassner Anita Williams Nicole Wilkins Jannas Zalesky Damien Miles David Cole Anneris Marmolejos Charles Thompson

Nurses @ 240 Hrs. ($14,880) HOURS REMUNERATION Ellen DiChiara 40 $2,480 Denice Miller 40 2,480 Sandy Broady 80 4,960 Jane McClean 20 1,240 Monique Frazier-Ellington 60 3,720

22 PERSONNEL JUNE 12, 2013 (#215 cont’d)

3 Speech Language Specialists @ 60 hrs. $3,720 each ($11,160) Jennifer Irish, Leann Barbosa, Shamara Guidry

2 Transportation Paraprofessionals @ 60 hrs. $900 each ($1,800) Bryant: Anita Williams Substitutes: Allen Rice, Nicole Wilkins, Hind Mahmoud

THS: Marcus Cushnie Substitutes: Karelia Rodriguez, Richina Smith

ESY Program TOTAL: $359,040

Substitutes: Teachers, Speech Specialists, Nurses, Paraprofessionals Sandy Broady Juanita Cole Lauren Silver Monique Frazier-Ellington Vatrell Graves Anneris Marmolejos Jamie Hrinuk Keith Orapello Louise Van Horn Eric Gilchrist

216. the Board approved remuneration to Jennifer Noel, THS Art Teacher, for preparation and art work to create ten commemorative basketballs, in an amount not to exceed $500.

217. the Board approved remuneration to the following Bryant School teachers to observe students and set up classes at the Pre-K and Kindergarten levels. Teachers would receive 3 hours of professional development at the rate of $58/hr. (working w/o students) and 9 hours at the rate of $62/hr. (working w/students):

MAXIMUM NAME HOURS REMUNERATION Iris Hernandez (add’l 2 hrs w/o students) 15 $882 Peter Antonakis 12 708 Kristen Panagiotou 12 708 Marilyn Ram 12 708 Teri Wilcox 12 708 TOTAL $3,714

23 PERSONNEL JUNE 12, 2013

218. the Board approved remuneration to the following teachers (pending student enrollment) for teaching in the Summer Literacy & Mathematics Program from July 2, 2013 through July 26, 2013. Teachers would receive 8 hours of professional development at the rate of $58/hr. (working w/o students) in order to analyze student work and develop strategies for instruction and conduct the program for 63 hours at the rate of $62/hr. (working w/ students). Program Coordinators would be compensated at the rate of $58/hr. for a total of 101 hours. Student Information Coordinator would be compensated at the rate $58/hr. for a total of 76.5 hrs. Title I, Title IIA, Title III and Title III Immigrant would fund this program.

Account # 20-234-100-101-22-15-I-4; Account #20-233-100-101-22-15-I-4 Account # 20-234-100-101-22-15-I-5; Account #20-233-100-101-22-15-I-5 Account # 20-234-100-101-22-15-I-7; Account #20-233-100-101-22-15-I-7 Account # 20-234-100-101-22-15-I-F; Account #20-233-100-101-22-15-I-F Account # 20-234-100-101-22-15-I-J; Account #20-233-100-101-22-15-I-J Account # 20-234-200-100-22-15-I-4; Account #20-233-200-100-22-15-I-4 Account # 20-234-200-100-22-15-I-5; Account #20-233-200-100-22-15-I-5 Account # 20-234-200-100-22-15-I-7: Account #20-233-200-100-22-15-I-7 Account # 20-234-200-100-22-15-I-F; Account #20-233-200-100-22-15-I-F Account # 20-234-200-100-22-15-I-J; Account #20-233-200-100-22-15-I-J Account # 20-243-100-101-21-10-I-0; Account #20-243-200-100-21-10-I-0 Account # 20-244-100-101-21-10-I-0; Account #20-244-200-100-21-10-I-0 Account # 20-293-100-101-21-10-I-0; Account #20-293-200-101-21-10-I-0 Account # 20-272-200-100-19-10-I-0

2 Program Coordinators @ $5,858 Garcia, Antonio McGee, Ivory $ 11,716

1 Student Information Coordinator Patrisso, Horatio 4,437


34 Teachers @ $4,370

Adjekum, Mimi Davis, Ashley Beavers, Valerie Delany, Ann Benitez, Debra Florczyk, Dena Blake-Arroyo, Aretha Friedman, Jay Blount, Jemara Gonzalez, Concetta Brown, Jessica Guzy, Fran Brown, Lisa Hiel, Dennis Charaf, Suada Joseph, Sandy Conteh, Zain Kim, Jae Cortez, Jennifer Koehler, Holly 24 PERSONNEL JUNE 12, 2013 (#218 cont’d)

Lawson, Monica Richards, LeeAnn Martinez, Maria San George, Rena McKee, Stephanie Stripling, Tatiana Mezzatesta, Glen Styles, Brian Occhiogrosso, John Thomas, Anitha Ogletree, Frederica Tolliver, Kelly Zahn, Joanne Zeigler, Shane

148,580 2 ESL Teachers @ $4,370 Lagomarsino, Adriana Wilcox, Teri 8,740 1 Secretary and 3 Paraprofessionals @ 1,282.50 Collado, Angel Dockery, Jasmine O’Dood, Nina Wester, Sheena 5,130 Nurses-Shared with ESY Program Broady, Sandy DiChiara, Ellen Frazier-Ellington, Monique 3,906 Substitutes Bishara, Sonia Collado, Angel Hernandez, Victor Drakeford, Danielle Morris-George, Barbara TOTAL $182,509

219. the Board approved the following FORUM staff who would serve as chaperones on trips that would take place during regular working hours sponsored by the Teaneck Recreation Department during summer July 2013, utilizing substitutes on an as- needed basis.

TRIP LOCATION DATE Mountain Creek Vernon, NJ July 9, 2013 Medieval Times Lyndhurst, NJ July 11, 2013 Great Adventure Jackson, NJ July 18, 2013 Hurricane Harbor Jackson, NJ July 23, 2013 NY Mets vs. Atlanta Braves Queens, NY July 25, 2013 Great Adventure Jackson, NJ July 30, 2013

Chaperones: Nick Campestre, Javalda Powell Substitutes: Renee Forte-Clarke, Suzanne Dandie, Yvonne Witter, Ophelia Ellis 25


220. the Board approved compensation to Teaneck High School teachers Ken Chung and Paul Sheppard to conduct a summer SAT Preparation Class, June 27 through July 25, 2013 in an amount not to exceed $2,122 each. Account #20-010-100-100-73-10-G-H

Name Class Hours Remuneration Ken Chung Mathematics (working w/students, $62/hr.) 24 $1,426 (working w/o students, $58/hr) 12 696

Paul Sheppard Critical Reading/Writing (working w/students, $62/hr.) 24 1,426 (working w/o students, $58/hr) 12 696

TOTAL $4,244

221. the Board approved the following Home Programming / Parent Training Therapists be employed on an as-needed basis, at the rate of $50/hr. for the period July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014.

IN HOME THERAPIST Lisa Azria Genieve Holder Carlyle Myrie Patricia Bednarski Jamie Hriunk Colleen Pagan Collette Brantley Sheena Wester Amy Permut Marcus Cushnie Rose Johnson Karelia Rodriguez Akil Davis Spencer Jones Kelvin Reese Rudy DeVries Daniel Limone Stacey Rivera Debra DellaMonica Hind Mahmoud Anita Williams Stacie DiBona Bonnie Meneely LisaMarie Sgambati Jeanmarie Gallagher Mary Michelotti Karen Simmons Amy Gentile Shellian Mirander Emily Smith Veronica Gilliard Vanessa Morales Tawana Smith Iris Hernandez Stephanie Nelson

222. the Board approved the following Home Programming / Parent Training Coordinators be employed on an as-needed basis, at the rate of $75/hr. for the period July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014.

COORDINATORS Lisa Azria Stacie DiBona Iris Hernandez Jamie Hrinuk Colleen Pagan LisaMarie Sgambati Emily Smith Tawana Smith

26 PERSONNEL JUNE 12, 2013

223. the Board approved remuneration to guidance counselors for services that would be rendered during summer 2013, for the number of days indicated below:

*2010-2011 TTEA Schedule C rate pending completion of negotiations for a successor agreement.

Teaneck High School # of Days Maximum Account #11-000-218-104-73-15-G-H Schedule C Remuneration Coston, Dannette 5 $ 2,382.25 Friedman, Laurel 5 2,382.25 Taylor, Jennifer 5 2,382.25 Levy, Chiara 5 2,382.25 TBA 5 2,382.25 TBA 5 2,382.25 $14,293.50

Benjamin Franklin Middle School # of Days Maximum Account #11-000-218-104-73-15-G-F Schedule C Remuneration Clyburn, Brian 2.5 $1,191.13 Klein, Eve 2.5 1,191.13 $2,382.26

Thomas Jefferson Middle School # of Days Maximum Account #11-000-218-104-73-15-G-J Schedule C Remuneration Baskin, Joel 2.5 $1,191.13 Caesar-Waller, Tanya 2.5 1,191.13 Garcia, Lillian 2.5 1,191.13 $3,573.39

TOTAL $20,249.15

27 PERSONNEL JUNE 12, 2013

224. the Board approved the following Home Instructors be employed on an as-needed basis, at the rate of $45/hr., for the period commencing July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014:

Eric Akselrad Faith Allen Hilary Almeida Fredy Arevalo Katierose Augustine Nicole Avitable Andrew Bellin James Belluzzi Damien Betances Rashon Briggs Ken Chung Caridad Clavelo Delores Connors Rita Constantine Venessa Cormas Patti Cosgrove Angelina Cusack Catherine Dalal AnnMarie Daly Lydia Damasco Roger Davis John Dean Debra DellaMonica Stacie DiBona Nina Gitkin Eileen Glassey Sheree Green Marc Gruber Saah Hali Gina Higgins Genieve Holder Anila Hoxha Volodymyr Hunko Jennifer Irish Rose Johnson Jae Kim Joseph Laborde James Lagomarsino MeiLinh Lamui Venessa Lospalluto Janelle Malone Michael Malone Philip Martino William Mazerolle Ivory McGee Michelle McMillan Diane McNeil Barbara Metzler Michael Miceli Yevgeniya Miller Shellian Mirander Kelly Misol Marc Monroe Barbara Morris-George John Occhiogrosso Yvette Ortega William Zarro Belkis Petrus Alyce Quinlan Matthew Ramagli Alicia Rodman Maurice Rosales Meryl Rosen Charlotte Rubertone Rena SanGeorge Rufi Santos Paul Sheppard Deborah Simmons Jerome Smart David Smith Emily Smith Jennifer Smith Danielle Spano Victor Stanic Yi Sun Angela Taylor Vinod Thomas Jean Uwisavye Michael Valentino Monica Yepes

225. the Board approved the courses and/or individuals be remunerated for work in the Teaneck Community Education Center for the Summer 2013 semester, in an amount not to exceed those listed: Maximum Account # 60-602-100-300-56-72-P-W Remuneration AAA Two Point Reduction Course $750 Creative Voice Dev. Grp Prof. Voice-Overs $108

28 PERSONNEL JUNE 12, 2013

226. the Board approved the following individuals be remunerated for work in the Teaneck Community Education Center’s summer programs (Camp Kookooskoos -K-4/Junior Traveler/Teen Travel and Musical Words) for the 2013- 2014 school year, in an amount not to exceed those listed: MAXIMUM ACCOUNT # 60-802-100-101-56-72-P-W REMUNERATION Rodman, Aaron Camp Kookooskoos $ 1,200 Anderson, Gary Camp Kookooskoos 5,500 Azly, Muhammad-Hakim Camp Kookooskoos 2,400 Barrau, Jarred Camp Kookooskoos 1,100 Blitz, Lauren Camp Kookooskoos 3,000 Bomzer, Kelly Camp Kookooskoos 2,700 Bowes, Kathleen Camp Kookooskoos 1,100 Brown, Denaisa Camp Kookooskoos 1,100 Burnside, Ryan Camp Kookooskoos 1,000 Costa, Allison Camp Kookooskoos 1,900 Davidson, Kemoy Camp Kookooskoos 1,100 DeRosa, Gregory Camp Kookooskoos 2,700 Dimitrion, Debra Camp Kookooskoos 3,200 Gordon, Keirsten Camp Kookooskoos 1,500 Gottschall, Kelly Camp Kookooskoos 1,500 Green, Barbara Camp Kookooskoos 5,900 Laloo, Dana Camp Kookooskoos 1,200 Ladutke, Rachel Camp Kookooskoos 2,500 Jefferson, Kera Camp Kookooskoos 1,000 Leibowitz, Carol Camp Kookooskoos 3,200 Limone, Daniel Camp Kookooskoos 2,600 Locke, Michelle Camp Kookooskoos 1,500 Maclin, Melvin Camp Kookooskoos 2,700 Martin, Mark Camp Kookooskoos 1,100 Megerman, Rochelle Camp Kookooskoos 2,750 Murphy, Ajare Camp Kookooskoos 1,300 Newman, Christian Camp Kookooskoos 1,100 O’Dood, Nina Camp Kookooskoos 1,700 O’Reilly, Philip Camp Kookooskoos 1,000 Payano, Stephanie Camp Kookooskoos 1,100 Perch, Norris Camp Kookooskoos 1,600 Rodriguez, Regina Camp Kookooskoos 2,800 Rodriguez, Rikki Camp Kookooskoos 1,400 Rothman, Jodie Camp Kookooskoos 4,400 Rubock, Stephanie Camp Kookooskoos 1,000 Sacks, Karen Camp Kookooskoos 2,400 Santostefano, Heather Camp Kookooskoos 1,400 Schwartz, Ben Camp Kookooskoos 4,100 Scott, Robert Camp Kookooskoos 1,000 Sevano, Eileen Camp Kookooskoos Dir. 8,500

29 PERSONNEL JUNE 12, 2013 (#226 cont’d.)

Simms, Stephanie Camp Kookooskoos 1,100 Soto, Melissa Camp Kookooskoos 1,500 Stanic, Victor Camp Kookooskoos 2,300 Tenn, Gabrielle Camp Kookooskoos 1,200 Urevitch, Rita Camp Kookooskoos 3,200 Voreacos, Max Camp Kookooskoos 1,400 Williams, Jamal Camp Kookooskoos 1,400 Brandon, Herbert Musical Words Program 2,500 Dunn, David Musical Words Program 2,000 Hayes, Linda Musical Words Program 2,200 TBA Musical Words Program 2,000 Van Duyne, Caitlan Musical Words Program 2,000 Locke, Gizele Musical Words Program 2,000

TOTAL $115,050

227. the Board approved compensation to Child Study Team members Sandra Beckford, Social Worker, and Leslie Fishbein, Learning Disabilities Teacher Specialist, for IEP paper work and meetings for approximately 20 classified students for the month of June, 2013 at the contractual rate of $58/hr. (working w/o students) in an amount not to exceed $3,000.

228. the Board approved remuneration to Summer Child Study Team clinicians, as listed below, for the period June 26 through August 31, 2013, at the following rates, in an amount not to exceed those listed:

$300 per evaluation (Speech, Psychological, and Educational Evaluations, Functional Behavioral Assessments (FBAs) and Social Histories not to exceed $6,000 each clinician) $62/hr. working w/students $58/hr. working w/o students, including completion of paperwork and attendance at meetings; (not to exceed $2,030 (35 hrs.) each)

Psychologist LDT/C Social Workers Maura Tuite Leslie Fishbein Sandra Beckford Anna Ayzenberg Nicole Hampton

Speech / Language Specialist Behaviorist Edna Payne Emily Smith Shamara Guidry

General / Special Ed Teachers Deborah Simmons Barbara Metzler Mary Joyce Laqui Iris Hernandez

TOTAL: $75,200 30 PERSONNEL JUNE 12, 2013

229. the Board approved remuneration to Nicole Silvent, MSW, LSW to provide services in the FORUM at the grant approved rate of $179 per day, from July 1, 2013 through November 30, 2013, on an as-needed basis, in an amount not to exceed $5,700. Account # 20-440-200-100-73-11-G-H (FORUM Grant/Instruct Sal)

230. the Board approved a stipend to the following teachers for their participation in a summer mathematics project, in an amount not to exceed $300 each per three day workshop. Title IIA would partially fund this project. Account # 20-270-200-100-19-10-I-0;

Adina Lefkowitz Higgins, Gina Ahearn, Jennifer Hillman, Eileen Bellin, Sharon Hoxha, Anila Cinnella, Josephine Robbins, Elizabeth Collado, Angel Robinson, Elaine Damasco, Lydia Roseen, Robert DeBlasio, Ron Spain, Diana Tewey, Margaret

231. the Board approved the recommendation of the Superintendent to replace the unfilled position of Director of Counseling and Student Assessment P-12 with the position of Supervisor of Guidance and Counseling 5-12, represented by the Teaneck Association of Administrators and Supervisors, with the qualifications and responsibilities as set forth in the appended position description.

232. the Board approved the following individual to be employed in the capacity and at the annual salary listed:

NAME ASSIGNMENT/ EMPLOYMENT PERIOD LOCATION ANNUAL SALARY Frank Andrisani Supervisor Guidance & Counseling 5-12 Replacement 7/1/13 – 6/30/14 THS F - 2 $117,950*

*2012-2015 - Teaneck Association of Administrators and Supervisors salary guide

Roll call on Personnel Motion #203 - 232; Motion approved 9-0.

31 JUNE 12, 2013


The public hearing on matters other than those appearing on this meeting’s business agenda commenced at 8:40 p.m. The following persons were recognized and addressed the Board on the indicated agenda matter.

Dr. Diuguid, resident – spoke about the FORUM, NJSDA aid program and graduate surveys.




Discussion regarding Township request for an easement to place a police department emergency generator on our property.

Ms. Worrell attended the PTO Council meeting tonight, asked that parents get more involved with the PTO’s and events.

Mrs. Fisher spoke about the NJSBA Public Relations Forum that she and Mrs. Rappoport recently attended.

Mrs. Williams attended the NJSBA Legislative Day on June 6th in Trenton. Legislators spoke about issues affecting schools.





32 JUNE 12, 2013

Resolution to enter into Executive Session

Motion made by Mr. Rodriguez seconded by Mr. Rose;

BE IT RESOLVED by the Teaneck Board of Education that:

1. It does hereby determine that it is necessary to meet in Executive Session on Wednesday, June 12, 2013, to discuss matters regarding alleged cases of Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying and Negotiations. 2. These matters will be made public when the need for confidentiality no longer exists. 3. The time that the Board anticipates to be in Executive Session is 40 minutes.

Roll call approved 9-0

Move Into Executive Session: 9:51 p.m. Reconvene into Regular Public Meeting: 11:15 p.m.

School Operations & Curriculum #116

On a motion made by Mr. Rodriguez seconded by Mr. Rose, the Board, by roll call vote of the members present, approved the following resolution:

The Board acknowledges the receipt of the findings and determinations of the Superintendent of Schools regarding Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB) incidents reported to the Board in Executive Session during the June 12, 2013 Board meeting.

Roll call on School Operations & Curriculum Motion #116 Motion approved 9-0.


On a motion made by Mr. Rodriguez and seconded by Mr. Rose, the meeting adjourned at 11:18 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Robert S. Finger, CFE, CGFM Business Administrator/Board Secretary


FINANCE & BUDGET MOTION #225 JUNE 12, 2013 Teaneck Board of Education - Transfer List Transfers made April 18, 2013 through May 21, 2013 AMOUNT TRANSFERRED ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION From To

T181 11-190-100-640-05-41-R-H TXBKS/LANG ARTS/HS (21,000.00) 11-190-100-610-05-41-R-S L.S. SUPPLIES/MS 21,000.00


T182 11-190-100-640-15-44-L-D SOC STUD/TXBKS/DIST (2,000.00) 11-190-100-610-15-44-L-D SOC STUD INST SUPP/DIST 2,000.00


T183 11-190-100-640-06-40-T-H TXBKS/FR LANG/HIGH SCH (5,000.00) 11-190-100-610-23-58-T-D STDNT RELTNS ACTIV/HS (5,000.00) (10,000.00) 11-000-270-512-29-52-T-H TRANS/EXTRA CURRIC ACTIVITIES 10,000.00


T184 11-000-262-622-89-51-1-E UTILITIES/ELECTRIC (10,000.00) 11-000-262-610-89-49-1-0 SUPPLIES O&M (363.22) (10,363.22) 11-000-261-420-89-53-1-D CONTRACTS BLDG MAINTENANCE 7,000.00 11-000-261-610-89-49-1-D MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 3,363.22 10,363.22 EXPLANATION: SERVICES & SUPPLIES DISTRICT WIDE BUILDINGS

T185 11-000-251-590-84-50-H-R PRCH SERV/RECRUITMENT/HRM (300.00) 11-000-230-890-84-50-H-0 OTHR EXP/MEMBERSHIP & DUES/HRM 300.00


T186 11-000-223-580-19-50-J-J TRAVEL.CONF. WORKSHOPS/TJ (800.00) 11-190-100-610-18-40-J-J GENERAL INSTRUCTL SUPPLIES/TJ 800.00


T187 11-190-100-610-05-41-T-H SUPPLIES/ENG LNG ARTS/HS (5,000.00) 11-190-100-610-18-40-T-H GENERAL INSTRUCT'L SUPPLIES ((,1,825.00) (6,825.00) 12-000-240-730-71-32-T-H EQUIP/THS/ADMIN 6,825.00


T188 20-271-200-580-92-50-I-S TITLE II/CO/NPTRAVEL/SIN (180.00) 20-271-200-600-92-49-I-S TITLE IIA C/O/NP NONINST SUP/SI 180.00


T189 11-000-223-320-19-58-C-C SP'L ED/CONSULS SERV (2,000.00) 11-000-219-600-72-49-C-C SUPPLIES/SPEC.SERV 2,000.00


T190 11-000-262-622-89-51-1-E UTILITIES/ELECTRIC (5,530.00) 11-000-261-610-89-49-1-D MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 2,660.00 11-000-262-890-89-50-1-D OTHER MISC EXPENSES 2,870.00 5,530.00 EXPLANATION: BUILDING SUPPLIES , FEES DISTRICT WIDE

T191 11-190-100-610-61-49-6-6 INSTR. SUPPLIES/#6 (700.00) 11-000-223-320-61-50-6-6 PURCHASE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 700.00


T192 11-000-100-562-49-61-C-C TUITN/PUB SCH SP'L ED (50,000.00) 11-000-100-565-49-64-C-C TUITN/BERGEN BOSS 50,000.00


T193 11-190-100-610-05-41-R-S L.A. SUPPLIES M.S. (21,000.00) 11-190-100-640-05-41-R-D TXBKS/LANG ARTS/DIST WIDE 21,000.00


T194 11-000-262-622-89-51-1-E UTILITIES/ELECTRIC (9,500.00) 11-000-261-420-89-53-1-H CONTRACT BLDG MAINT HS 9,500.00



T196 11-000-230-610-82-49-S-D SUPPLIES/SUPT (1,700.00) 11-190-100-890-18-40-S-D OTHER INSTRUCT'L EXPENSES (5,300.00) (7,000.00) 11-000-223-590-19-58-S-D OTHER PRCH SERV/STAFF DEVEL 6,500.00 11-000-230-100-82-19-S-8 SUBS/OT/SUPT OFF/SECY 500.00 7,000.00 EXPLANATION: CONSULTANT FEES, SECRETARIAL OT

T197 11-140-100-101-71-10-0-H CONTR SAL/TCHR DEAN/HS (3,257.40) 11-190-100-106-18-19-H-D SUBS/INSTRUCTIONAL AIDES/DWIDE 3,257.40


T198 11-216-100-101-36-10-0-6 CONTR SAL/TCHR/PSD (24,817.50) 11-215-100-101-36-10-0-6 CONTR SAL/TCHR SE/PRE-K6 18,566.80 11-213-100-101-34-10-0-J CONTR SAL/TCHR SE/RR TJ 6,250.70 24,817.50 EXPLANATION:SPECIAL ED INSTRUCTIONAL SALARY

T199 11-000-262-621-89-51-1-N UTILITIES/GAS (15,941.53) 11-000-262-100-89-18-H-1 CUSTODIAL/COMM EVENTS/OT 10,782.63 11-000-262-100-89-19-H-1 CUSTODIAN SUBSTITUTES 5,158.90 15,941.53 EXPLANATION: CUSTODIAL O.T.

T200 11-000-262-621-89-51-1-N UTILITIES/GAS (7,718.02) 11-000-261-100-89-10-0-M CONT SAL/MAINT.MECH 3,211.53 11-000-261-100-89-18-H-1 MAINTENANCE/OVERTIME 4,506.49 7,718.02 EXPLANATION: CUSTODIAL O.T.

T201 11-000-211-390-86-51-3-D STUDENT INFORMATION (1,905.00) 11-000-252-610-86-49-2-D SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS TECH 1,905.00


T202 11-000-223-590-85-50-Z-D STF DEVELOPMENT/CONF,TRAVEL (1,905.00) 11-000-252-610-86-49-2-D SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS TECH 1,905.00


T203 11-000-262-622-89-51-1-E UTILITIES/ELECTRIC (29,900.00) 11-000-261-420-89-53-1-D CONTRACTS BLDG MAINTENANCE 14,250.00 11-000-261-610-89-49-1-D MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 14,200.00 11-000-262-890-89-50-1-D OTHER MISC EXPENSES 550.00 11-000-262-420-89-53-1-D CONTARCTS OPERATIONS 900.00 29,900.00 EXPLANATION: EMERGENCY REPAIRS DISTRICT WIDE, STATE FEES

T204 20-440-100-600-73-40-G-H FORUM SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS (763.21) 20-440-200-590-73-50-G-H FORUM OTHER PURCH. SERVICES 763.21


T205 11-190-100-610-18-40-T-H GENERAL INSTRUCT'L SUPPLIES (950.00) 11-190-100-610-23-58-T-D STDNT RELTNS ACTIV/HS 950.00


T206 11-000-222-340-75-56-W-E PURCH SERV/ELEC LIBR/ELEM (8,500.00) 11-000-222-340-75-56-W-S PURCH SERV/ELEC LIBR/MS (6,985.00) 11-000-222-340-75-56-W-H PURCH SERV/ELEC LIBR/HS (14,200.00) (29,685.00) 11-000-222-600-75-40-W-D MEDIA CTR SUPPLIES/DW 29,685.00


T207 11-000-262-622-89-51-1-E UTILITIES ELECTRIC (16,710.00) 11-000-261-610-89-49-1-D MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 11,710.00 11-000-261-420-89-53-1-D CONTRACTS BLDG MAINT 5,000.00 16,710.00 EXPLANATION: SCHOOL WATER COOLERS, REPAIRS DISTRICTS KITCHENS

T208 11-190-100-640-05-41-R-H TXBKS/LANG ARTS/HS (10,000.00) 11-190-100-610-63-40-R-D SUPP/LITERATURE-BASE 10,000.00



T210 20-296-200-300-85-50-I-D EE4NJ STATE/PUCH PROF&TECH SV (704.00) 20-296-200-500-85-50-I-D EE4NJ STATE/PURCH SERVICES 704.00


T211 11-000-100-562-49-61-C-C TUITN/PUB SCH/SP'L ED (150,000.00) 11-000-216-300-72-57-C-C PRCH'D PROF'L SERV/OT 129,000.00 11-213-100-610-34-40-C-6 SUPPLIES/SPECIAL ED #6 1,000.00 11-219-100-320-38-58-C-D HOME INSTR/SE/OTHR PROF 20,000.00 150,000.00 EXPLANATION: OT, BEDSIDE INSTRUCTION SERVICES,SUPPLIES YEAR END

T212 11-190-100-640-15-44-T-H TXTBOOKS/SOC STUD/HS (700.00) 11-190-100-610-15-44-T-H SUPPLIES/SOC STUD/HS 700.00


T213 11-190-100-640-15-44-L-D SOC STUD/TEXTBOOKS/DIST (4,597.00) 11-190-100-640-03-40-T-H TXBKS/BUS ED/HS 1,978.00 11-190-100-610-15-44-L-D SOC STUD/INTRR SUPPLIES/DIST 2,619.00 4,597.00 EXPLANATION:BUSINESS/SOCIAL STUDIES SUPPLIES

T214 11-190-100-610-63-42-Z-S SUPP/MATH/ELEM (500.00) 11-100-100-640-11-42-Z-H TXBKS/MATH/SEC (600.00) 11-000-223-590-85-50-Z-D STF DEVELPMT/CONF,TRAVEL (1,595.00) (2,695.00) 11-190-100-610-11-42-Z-S SUPP/MATH/MS/HS 2,695.00


T215 11-190-100-610-11-42-Z-S SUPP/MATH/MS/HS (1,000.00) 11-190-100-610-66-42-Z-S SUPPLIES/MATH/MS (1,300.00) 11-190-100-640-66-42-Z-S TXTBKS/MATH/MS (1,900.00) (4,200.00) 11-190-100-610-63-42-Z-S SUPP/MATH/ELEM 4,200.00


T216 11-000-213-600-74-40-C-6 SUPPLIES/MEDICAL BRYANT (135.93) 11-000-223-320-61-50-6-6 PURCHASE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (700.07) 11-000-240-600-71-49-6-6 ADMIN SUPPLIES/BRYANT (174.00) 11-190-100-610-61-49-6-6 INSTR SUPPLIES#6 (238.00) (1,248.00) 11-190-100-610-14-40-6-6 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 1,248.00


T217 11-190-100-610-18-40-T-H GENERAL INSTRUCT'L SUPPLIES (200.00) 11-000-240-600-71-49-T-H ADMIN SUPPLIES/THS 200.00


T218 11-000-240-890-71-56-J-J OTHER EXP./MEMBERSHIP DUES (70.00) 11-213-100-610-34-40-J-J SUPPLIES/RES RM/TJ (400.00) 11-190-100-590-18-50-J-J MISC PUR SVCS/INST REPAIRS/TJ (963.00) (1,433.00) 11-190-100-610-18-40-J-J GENERAL INSTRUCT'L SUPPLIES/TJ 1,433.00


T219 11-190-100-610-10-40-J-J SUPPLIES/VOC MUSIC TJ (400.00) 11-190-100-610-15-44-J-J SUPPLIES/SOC STDS/TJ (421.00) 11-190-100-640-13-43-J-J TXBKS/SCIENCE/TJ (188.00) 11-190-100-640-15-44-J-J TXBKS/SOC STUD/TJ (1,000.00) 11-190-100-890-18-40-J-J OTHR INSTRUC EX[/TJ (100.00) (2,109.00) 11-190-100-610-66-40-J-J INSTRUCT SUPPLIES/TJ 2,109.00


T220 11-000-218-600-73-49-J-J GUIDANCE SUPPLIES/TJMS (300.00) 11-000-240-500-66-50-J-J PURCH SERV/TJ ADMIN (668.00) 11-000-270-512-18-52-J-J TRANSP FIELD TRIPS/TJ (142.00) 11-190-100-320-18-50-J-J PURCH'D EDUC SERV/TJ (800.00) 11-190-100-610-08-40-J-J SUPPLIES/HLTH, PH ED/TJ (555.00) (2,465.00) 11-190-100-610-66-31-J-J INSTRUCTIONAL EQUIP/TJ 1,700.00 11-000-240-600-71-49-J-J ADMIN SUPPLIES/TJ 765.00 2,465.00 EXPLANATION: EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES

T221 11-000-218-600-73-40-G-S GUIDANCE MATERIAL/MIDDLE SCH (205.07) 11-000-218-580-73-50-G-0 STAFF DEVEL/GUIDANCE/DISTRICT 205.07

EXPLANATION: CONFERENCE REGISTRATION T222 61-910-310-500-81-50-0-D FOOD SERVICE/PURCH SERV (400.00) 61-910-310-890-81-50-0-D FD SVCE/MISC EXPENSES 400.00


T223 11-000-291-260-99-20-0-D WORKERS COMPENSATION (125,000.00) 11-000-291-290-99-20-H-D SICK/VA/PD REIMBURSEMENT 125,000.00


T224 11-000-291-241-99-24-0-D PERS CONTRIBUTION (141,105.61) 11-000-291-220-99-22-0-D FICA-NON TPAF (145,000.00) (286,105.61) 11-000-291-270-99-21-0-P INS EMPL/PRESCRIPTIONS 286,105.61


T225 11-000-216-100-39-10-0-D CONTR SAL/SPCH THERPST (23,200.00) 11-000-216-320-46-56-C-C COMMISSION FOR BLIND & VISION 23,200.00




Professional Development Name: Jennifer Joyce, Luigi Venezia School or Department: Teaneck HS Conference/Seminar/Workshop: Celebrating Food Location: New York, NY Dates: August 27, 2013 Estimated Cost: $550 – Substitute Not Required (District Funded)

Name: Daisy Diaz-Granados School or Department: Teaneck HS Conference/Seminar/Workshop: AP Summer Institute (Gov’t & Politics) Location: Madison, NJ Dates: August 5 – 9, 2013 Estimated Cost: $923.80 – Substitute Not Required (District Funded)

Name: John Occhiogrosso School or Department: Teaneck HS Conference/Seminar/Workshop: AP Summer Institute (Statistics) Location: Edison, NJ Dates: August 5 – 9, 2013 Estimated Cost: $1035 – Substitute Not Required (District Funded)

AMENDED Name: Antoine Green, Tanya Caesar-Waller, Michael Freedman, Renier Cruz, Brian Clyburn, Colette Brantley School or Department: District, TJ, BF, Hawthorne, Lowell, Whittier Conference/Seminar/Workshop: NJ ASK DTC Training Location: Parsippany, NJ Date(s): March 18, 2013 Estimated Cost(s): $17.67 - Substitutes Not Required - (District Funded)

Name: Lillian Garcia School or Department: TJMS - Guidance Conference/Seminar/Workshop: American School Counselors Association Annual Conference Location: Philadelphia, PA Date(s): July 1 - 3, 2013 Estimated Cost(s): $1,158.69 - Substitutes Not Required - (District Funded)

Name: Lillian Garcia School or Department: TJMS - Guidance Conference/Seminar/Workshop: Understanding and Treating the Complex Puzzle of Non-Suicidal Self-Injury Location: Paramus, NJ Date(s): June 10, 2013 Estimated Cost(s): $60 - Substitutes Not Required - (District Funded)



Professional Development Name: Angela Davis School or Department: Thomas Jefferson MS Conference/Seminar/Workshop: Understanding and Treating the Complex Puzzle of Non- Suicidal Self Injury Location: Paramus, NJ Dates: June 10, 2013 Estimated Cost: $60 – Substitute Not required (District Funded)

Name: Clara Williams School or Department: Board Conference/Seminar/Workshop: Legislative Day in Trenton (NJSBA) Location: Trenton, NJ Dates: June 6, 2013 Estimated Cost: $60 – Substitute Not required (District Funded)

Name: Denise Schachter School or Department: THS - College Career Center Conference/Seminar/Workshop: Mid-Hudson River Valley College Consortium Location: Poughkeepsie, NY Date(s): April 23, 2013 Estimated Cost(s): $95.49 - Substitute Not Required - (District Funded)

Name: Jennifer Ahearn, Josephine Cinnella, Angel Collado, Elaine Robinson, Elizabeth Robbins, Lydia Damasco, Margaret Tewey, Gina Higgins, Diana Spain School or Department: Benjamin Franklin & Thomas Jefferson Middle Schools, Grades 7 & 8, Math Teachers Conference/Seminar/Workshop: CCSSM Grade 7 & 8 Unit Building Project Location: Fairfield, NJ Dates: July 1, 2 and 3, 2013 Estimated Cost: $2400 – Substitutes Not Required (Grant Funded)

Name: Ron DeBlasio, Margaret Tewey, Elizabeth Robbins, Sharon Bellin, Robert Roseen, Eileen Hillman, Adina Lefkowitz, Anila Hoxha School or Department: Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson MS & Teaneck HS, Math Teachers Conference/Seminar/Workshop: CCSSM Algebra I Unit Building Project Location: Fairfield, NJ Dates: June 26, 27 and 28, 2013 Estimated Cost: $1200 – Substitutes Not Required (Grant Funded)

Name: Jill Shapiro School or Department: Torah Academy of Bergen County Conference/Seminar/Workshop: Teaching the Academic Paper Location: Annandale on Hudson, NY Dates: July 7 – 12, 2013 Estimated Cost: $750 – Substitute Not Required (Grant Funded)



Professional Development Name: Antoine Green School or Department: Eugene Field – C & I Conference/Seminar/Workshop: Bergen County Anti-Bullying Coordinators Association Workshop Location: Lodi, NJ Dates: June 6 2013 Estimated Cost: $0 – Substitute Not Required (No Funding Required)

Name: Patricia Dent, Marisa King School or Department: Eugene Field – C & I Conference/Seminar/Workshop: Student Growth Objectives and Assessments Location: Monroe Township, NJ Dates: July 30 and August 1, 2013 Estimated Cost: $560 – Substitute Not Required (District Funded)

Name: Adrienne Williams School or Department: THS - SACC Conference/Seminar/Workshop: Bergen County Anti-Bullying Coordinators Association Location: Lodi, NJ Date(s): June 6, 2013 Estimated Cost(s): $0 - Substitute Not Required - (No Funding Required)



Field Trips Name: Karen Butler, Glen Mezzatesta, Dena Florczyk, Meredith Laino, Debra Benitiz, Frederica Ogletree, Jennifer Oriolo, Nancy Marton, Julie Volmar, Michael Faherty, David Wofford, Jada Passamore, Mark Martinez, 18 parent chaperones School or Department: Thomas Jefferson MS Trip Planned: Bronx Zoo Location: Bronx, NY 135 Students Date(s): June 19, 2013 Depart: 9:00 AM Return: 4:00 PM Estimated Cost: $1406.88 – Substitutes Not Required (Funded by PTO) EXPLANATION: This relates to the grade 5 environment curriculum and our association with the Teaneck Creek Conservancy. To describe the human impact of other species in the world.

Name: Parker Winston, Lea Ann Richards, Shane Ziegler, Jennifer Cortez, Ellen DiChiara, 12 parent chaperones School or Department: Lowell School Trip Planned: Powerhouse Studios Location: Paramus, NJ 88 Students Date(s): June 19, 2013 Depart: 10:30 AM Return: 2:30 PM Estimated Cost: $2664.78 – Substitutes Not Required (Funded by Parents) EXPLANATION: This is the annual grade 4 “Moving Up” trip.

Name: Nina O’Dood, 3 parent chaperones School or Department: Thomas Jefferson MS Trip Planned: Benjamin Franklin MS Location: Teaneck, NJ 23 Students Date(s): June 14, 2013 Depart: 11:30 AM Return: 3:00 PM Estimated Cost: $120.04 – Substitute Not Required (District Funded) EXPLANATION: Students are preparing performance pieces to share on stage. Students would have the opportunity to view and critique each performance.

Name: Charles Clark, Jerome Smart, James Belluzzi School or Department: Teaneck HS Trip Planned: Benjamin Franklin & Thomas Jefferson Middle Schools Location: Teaneck, NJ 40 Students Date(s): June 12, 2013 Depart: 8:30 AM Return: 11:00 AM Estimated Cost: $250 – Substitute Not Required (District Funded) EXPLANATION: Heroes and Cool Kids mentoring the 6th grade students at each middle school.



Field Trips Name: Lisa Azria, Spencer Jones, Bergenfield 1:1, Colleen Pagan, Mary Rasor, Marcus Cushnie, Nurse 1:1 School or Department: THS ESY (15 Students) Trip Planned: Bowler City Location: Hackensack, NJ Date(s): July 29, 2013 Depart: 9:30AM - Return: 11:30AM Estimated Cost: $288 – Substitutes Not Required - (District Funded) EXPLANATION: The students in the Autism/MD class would participate in structured community outings and activities as part of the curriculum. This activity would provide an opportunity for students to practice skills needed for daily living and be rewarded for positive group participation.

WALKING TRIP Name: Lisa Azria, Spencer Jones, Bergenfield 1:1, Colleen Pagan, Mary Rasor, Marcus Cushnie, Nurse 1:1 School or Department: THS ESY (15 Students) Trip Planned: Votee Park Location: Teaneck, NJ Date(s): August 6, 2013 Depart: 9:30AM - Return: 11:00AM Estimated Cost: $0 – Substitutes Not Required - (Funding Not Required) EXPLANATION: The students in the Autism/MD class would participate in structured community outings and activities as part of the curriculum. This activity would provide an opportunity for students to practice skills needed for daily living and be rewarded for positive group participation.

WALKING TRIP Name: Lisa Azria, Spencer Jones, Bergenfield 1:1, Colleen Pagan, Mary Rasor, Marcus Cushnie, Nurse 1:1 School or Department: THS ESY (15 Students) Trip Planned: Deco Daves Location: Teaneck, NJ Date(s): July 3, 11, 18, 25, 2013 Depart: 9:30AM - Return: 11:30AM Estimated Cost: $0 – Substitutes Not Required - (Funding Not Required) EXPLANATION: The students in the Autism/MD class would participate in structured community outings and activities as part of the curriculum. This activity would provide an opportunity for students to practice skills needed for daily living and be rewarded for positive group participation.



Field Trips Name: Lisa Azria, Spencer Jones, Bergenfield 1:1, Colleen Pagan, Mary Rasor, Marcus Cushnie, Nurse 1:1 School or Department: THS ESY (15 Students) Trip Planned: CVS Location: Hackensack, NJ Date(s): July 15, 2013 Depart: 9:30AM - Return: 11:30AM Estimated Cost: $288 – Substitutes Not Required - (District Funded) EXPLANATION: The students in the Autism/MD class would participate in structured community outings and activities as part of the curriculum. This activity would provide an opportunity for students to practice skills needed for daily living and be rewarded for positive group participation.

Name: Lisa Azria, Spencer Jones, Bergenfield 1:1, Colleen Pagan, Mary Rasor, Marcus Cushnie, Nurse 1:1 School or Department: THS ESY (15 Students) Trip Planned: Pathmark Location: Bergenfield, NJ Date(s): July 9, 23, 2013 Depart: 9:30AM - Return: 11:30AM Estimated Cost: $576 – Substitutes Not Required - (District Funded) EXPLANATION: The students in the Autism/MD class would participate in structured community outings and activities as part of the curriculum. This activity would provide an opportunity for students to practice skills needed for daily living and be rewarded for positive group participation.

OVERNIGHT TRIP Name: Enoch Nyamekye, Margot Mack, Katierose Augustine, Jared Meli, Derek Zoppi School or Department: Teaneck High School Trip Planned: Peer Leadership Summer retreat Location: Mont Lawn Camp and Retreat Center, Bushkill, PA 22 Students Date(s): August 25 – 27, 2013 Depart: August 25, 2013 @ 12:00 PM Return: August 27, 2013 @ 2:30 PM Estimated Cost: $6273 – Substitutes Not Required (District Funded) EXPLANATION: Peer leaders are immersed in three days of intense leadership training which prepares them for the first three months of outreach with the incoming freshman class.

Name: Cheryl Miller Porter School or Department: Teaneck High School – Girls Track Team Trip Planned: New Balance Outdoor National Track & Field Championships Location: Greensboro, NC 4 Students Date(s): June 13 – 16, 2013 Depart: June 13 @ 10:00 AM Return: June 16 @12:00 PM Estimated Cost: $5590 – Substitute Not Required (District Funded $3900 for transportation, Funded by Parents/Coaches $1690 for hotel and entry fees) EXPLANATION: Student athletes have qualified for championship competition; they have an opportunity to be recognized for All-American honors. There would be a high level of exposure to college coaches from across the country.



Field Trips AMENDED – Date Change Name: Stephanie McKee, Tawana Smith, Debbie Costanzo, Lucille Amorosi Maas, Jemara Blount, Paula Zanchelli, Jennifer Smith, 12 parent chaperones School or Department: Hawthorne School Trip Planned: IMAX Theatre – Movie: Space Junk 3D & Under the Sea – Rated G Location: Palisades, NY 82 Students Original Date: June 4, 2013 New Date(s): June 14, 2013 Depart: 9:45 AM Return: 3:00 PM Estimated Cost: $1745.04 – Substitute Not Required (Funded by Parents) EXPLANATION: Students would make connections with illustrations, text, content, clues and meaning that would allow them to associate the film to the science c and shared/guided reading programs.

Name: Ed Wilson, Lance Parham, Joel Baskin School or Department: Thomas Jefferson Middle School Trip Planned: Heroes & Cool Kids Mentoring – Grade 8 Mentors Location: Lowell and Hawthorne Schools Students: 30 students Date: June 14, 2013 Depart: 8:45 AM Return: 11:50 AM Estimated Cost: $120.04 Substitute Not Required (District Funded Transportation) EXPLANATION: Grade 8 student mentors would meet with Grade 4 students at Lowell and Hawthorne Schools. Mentoring focuses on bully prevention, conflict resolution and making positive choices.

4 Project Name: Teaneck High School Spec Date: January 2, 2013 (12063-A) Bid Due Date / Time: April 16, 2013 @ 11:00 AM Contractor CONTRACT #1 Alternate #1 Alternate #2 Unit Price #1 Unit Price #2 Unit Price #3 CONTRACT #2 CONTRACT #3 CONTRACT #4 Unit Price #2 Roof Areas A, (Add) Add or Deduct (Add) (Add / Deduct) (Add/Deduct) Roof Areas A, Roof Areas E, Roof Areas F, (Add / Deduct) A1, A2, D, D1, Remove and Eliminate Remove/replace Remove/replace Remove/replace A1, A2, E, E1, E1, E2, E3, E4, F1 and F2 Remove/replace D2, E, E1, E2, replacement designated new perimeter wood tectum planks tongue and E2, E3, E4, E5, E5, F, F1 and NOTE: UNIT tectum planks E3, E4, E5, F, of shingle metal copings; blocking per per 320 sq. ft. groove wood F, F1 and F2 F2 PRICE #3 per 320 sq. ft. F1 and F2 roof @ Field rake out & linear foot of 2" for more than / decking; per sq. (UNIT PRICES (UNIT PRICE DOES NOT for more than / House recaulk existing x 6" less than 1,600 ft. of 1" x 6" for #2 and #3 shall #2 shall remain APPLY - NO less than 960 cast stone sq. ft. more than / less remain as as indicated in ROTTED DECK sq. ft. coping than 2,000 sq. ft. indicated under Contract #1; Contract #1) NOTE: UNIT PRICE #3 DOES NOT APPLY Integrity Roofing +$15,000.00 -$2,700.00 Add: +$2,500.00 Add: +$5.00 Add: +$2,500.00 1385 Witherspoon $843,200.00 +$15.00 Rahway, NJ =$858,000.00 =$840,500.00 Deduct: -$2,300.00 Deduct: -$4.00 $798,000.00 $448,000.00 $248,000.00 Deduct: -$2,300.00

RVT Constr Inc. Add: Add: Add: 90 Dayton Ave Deduct: Deduct: Deduct: Suite 210 No bid Passaic, NJ submitted

USA General +$48,000.00 -$500.00 Add: +$5,760.00 Add: +$12.20 Add: +$5,760.00 Contractor Corp. $894,000.00 980 DeHart Pl bids withdrawn $8.00 $394,000.00 $50,000.00 $345,000.00 Deduct: $5,472.00 Elizabeth, NJ @ request of =$942,000.00 =$893,500.00 Deduct: $5,472.00 Deduct: -$11.59 USA HEALTH INSURANCE BROKER OF RECORD Bid Opening: Tuesday, October 30, 2012 (moved to November 20, 2012 due to Hurricane Sandy) Time: 2:00PM (moved to 10:30am)

Compensation Background Resumes Client List References Relationships Requirements Total Brown & Brown 33333318 Wells Fargo Insurance Services 33223013 G R Murray 33222012 BGIA 23222011 UHY Advisors 2311209 Alamo Insurance (No Bid) 0 Balken Risk Management (No Bid) 0 Corporate Risk Consultants (No Bid) 0 FBMC Benefits Management (No Bid) 0 Frenkel Benefits (No Bid) 0 Nelson Patterson Agency (No Bid) 0 RHM Benefits (No Bid) 0

Scoring: 1 to 3, 3 being the highest. Maximum score of 18. For Compensation Requirements, if none other than commissions from insurers score as 3, if there are requirements score as 0.

H:\MK-Coleman\12-13 Packets\5-31-13\F&B Motion #234 - Health Insur. Broker of Record PRINTING SERVICES BID THURSDAY, MAY 2, 2013 @ 2:00PM UNIT PRICE UNIT PRICE UNIT PRICE UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE TOTAL PRICE TOTAL PRICE TOTAL PRICE Centurion Concept Premier/School MRESC Co-op Centurion Concept Premier/School MRESC Co-op ITEM Quantity Printing Printing Specialty Bid Printing Printing Specialty Bid 1 TCEC Spring and Fall Brochures 15,000 $ 2.92 $ 0.36 $ 5,400 2 Calendar/Directory 6,500 $ 2.25 3 TPS Connections 18,000 $ 0.28 4 THS Faculty Manual Label 200 $ 0.95 $ 0.40 $ 80 5 Whittier School Vision Statement Folder 600 $ 1.25 $ 1.55 $ 1.10 $ 660 6 Hawthorne School Vision Statement Folder 500 $ 1.25 $ 1.56 $ 1.10 $ 550 7 Lowell School Vision Statement Folder 400 $ 1.25 $ 1.95 $ 1.10 $ 440 8 Profile Sheet - Elementary Report Card 2,500 $ 0.16 $ 0.13 $ 325 9 Constitution Booklet 600 $ 4.85 $ - 10 Admit/Excuse Slip 25 $ 2.95 $ 2.15 $ 54 11 Guidance Department Pass 25 $ 2.95 $ 2.15 $ 54 12 Nurse's Office Pass 25 $ 2.95 $ 2.40 $ 60 13 Class Registration Form 50 $ 2.95 $ 1.60 $ 80 14 Library Permit 25 $ 2.95 $ 2.40 $ 60 15 TPS Guidance Interview Permit 25 $ 2.95 $ 2.40 $ 60 16 Record of Material Loaned to Pupil 25 $ 2.95 $ 2.40 $ 60 17 TPS Excuse Slip 25 $ 2.95 $ 2.15 $ 54 18 Daily Class Absence Report 25 $ 2.95 $ 2.15 $ 54 19 THS Disciplinary Report 2,000 $ 0.16 $ 0.08 $ 160 20 Maintenance Attention Required 25 $ 13.65 $ 2.15 $ 54 21 Work Performed Without Work Order 25 $ 9.95 $ 2.15 $ 54 22 Guidance Services Profile Folder 2,000 $ 0.95 $ 0.96 $ 1,900 23 Human Resource Folder 300 $ 2.35 $ 2.64 $ 705 24 Homeroom Student Information Card 2,000 $ 0.78 $ 0.09 $ 180 25 Student Organization Invitations & Envelopes 300 $ 0.25 $ 0.65 $ 75 26 Conference Card 1,000 $ 0.60 $ 0.05 $ 50 27 Record of Material Loaned to Pupil - THS 500 $ 0.50 $ 0.96 $ 250 28 Emergency Procedure Card 500 $ 0.38 $ 0.96 $ 190 29 Label with Blue Lettering - THS 1,000 $ 0.32 $ 0.90 $ 320 30 Tardiness Record 2,000 $ 0.32 $ 0.09 $ 180 31 TPS Medical Department 1,000 $ 0.42 $ 0.06 $ 60 32 Athletic Registration Card - THS 2,000 $ 0.65 $ 0.10 $ 195 33 Athletic Sports Schedule 2,000 $ 0.32 $ 0.15 $ 300 34 Senior Athletic Awards Recognition Program 250 $ 0.35 $ 0.38 $ 88 35 Athletic Pre-Participation Physical Exam Form 2,000 $ 0.85 $ 0.17 $ 340 36 Transportation Pickup and Arrival Card 3,000 $ 0.85 $ 0.08 $ 240 37 Substitutes Register 250 $ 0.85 $ 0.40 $ 100 38 Daily Attendance Card 500 $ 0.108 $ 54 39 Payroll Folder 100 $ 2.85 $ 1.85 $ 185 40 Fire Drill Exiting Instructions 250 $ 1.35 $ 0.48 $ 120 41 Library Notice 250 $ 0.65 $ 0.40 $ 100 42 Individual Student Health Log 500 $ 0.45 $ 0.25 $ 125 43 Student Organization Invitation Card 500 $ 0.23 $ 0.11 $ 55

Page 1 of 2 PRINTING SERVICES BID THURSDAY, MAY 2, 2013 @ 2:00PM UNIT PRICE UNIT PRICE UNIT PRICE UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE TOTAL PRICE TOTAL PRICE TOTAL PRICE Centurion Concept Premier/School MRESC Co-op Centurion Concept Premier/School MRESC Co-op ITEM Quantity Printing Printing Specialty Bid Printing Printing Specialty Bid 44 Commencement Admission by Ticket Only - Blue 1,300 $ 0.21 $ 0.13 $ 169 45 Commencement Admission by Ticket Only - White 2,200 $ 0.18 $ 0.13 $ 286 46 Student Aide Pass 250 $ 0.35 $ 0.14 $ 35 47 Time Cards 1 $ 69.00 $ 120.00 $ 120 48 Community Banner 300 $ 1.30 $ 390 49 BOE Letterhead 1 $ 70.00 $ 105.00 $ 103.86 $ 70 50 TPS Letterhead 1 $ 70.00 $ 105.00 $ 103.86 $ 70 51 Superintendent Letterhead 1 $ 70.00 $ 105.00 $ 103.86 $ 70 52 THS Guidance Center Letterhead 1 $ 70.00 $ 45.00 $ 41.00 $ 41 53 THS Letterhead 1 $ 70.00 $ 45.00 $ 41.00 $ 41 54 THS Instructional Leaders Letterhead 1 $ 70.00 $ 45.00 $ 41.00 $ 41 55 C&I Envelopes 10 $ 38.50 $ 20.00 $ 44.00 $ 200 56 HS Envelopes 10 $ 38.50 $ 20.00 $ 44.00 $ 200 57 Progress Report Envelopes - Elementary 1 $ 135.00 $ 105.00 $ 44.00 $ 44 58 HS Large Envelopes 5 $ 125.00 $ 70.00 $ 71.00 $ 350 59 Business Cards 1 $ 165.00 $ 65.00 $ 46.00 $ 46 60 From the Desk Of Notepads 10 $ 5.65 $ 4.00 $ 40 61 Yellow Lined Post-It From the Desk Of Pads 10 $ 9.00 $ 90 62 Locker Number Forms 1,000 $ 0.165 $ 0.17 $ 0.143 $ 143 63 BFMS Tardy Pass 5,000 $ 0.145 $ 0.06 $ 0.058 $ 292 64 Pupil Transfer Card 1,000 $ 0.135 $ 0.14 $ 0.099 $ 99 65 Detention Notice 2,000 $ 0.18 $ 0.11 $ 0.099 $ 197 66 Tardy to School Report 500 $ 0.24 $ 0.26 $ 0.166 $ 83 67 Off Campus Pass 500 $ 0.24 $ 0.17 $ 0.134 $ 67 68 Expenditure Authorization 5 $ 20.00 $ 28.00 $ 33.50 $ 100 69 Doctor's Certificate 500 $ 0.22 $ 0.17 $ 0.134 $ 67 70 Medical Inspection and Supervision 1,000 $ 0.38 $ 0.14 $ 0.134 $ 134 71 Progress Reports 500 $ 0.32 $ 0.29 $ 0.192 $ 96 72 Visitor Badges 1 $ 149.90 $ 150 73 TPS Requisition Books 250 $ 0.78 $ 195 74 THS Handbook/Planner 1,650 $ 3.44 $ 5,676 75 THS Handbook/Planner - Different Color 165 $ 3.44 $ 568 76 THS Course Selection Guide 1,900 $ 1.11 $ 0.71 $ 1,349 77 Student Planners 400 $ 2.26 $ 904 78 Commencement Exercise Pamphlet 100 $ 0.32 $ 32 $ 3,838 $ 11,148 $ 10,147 $ 1,391 Total Bid Items (< Bid Threshold $36,000)$ 26,524 Notes: Item 2 - Calendar/Directory currently prepared by Composition Printing for $4,500 Item 3 - No longer used by the district Item 9 - No longer used by the district

Page 2 of 2 MIDDLESEX REGIONAL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES COMMISSION NEW JERSEY STATE APPROVED COOPERATIVE PRICING SYSTEM #65MCESCCPS PRINTING SERVICES BID #MRESC 12/13-09 BID TERM: 9/1/12 - 8/31/13 (with an option to extend for an additional year) Bid Date: 8/8/12 7 Bid Packages Requested 5 Bid Packages Received

That the Executive Committee award the Printing Services Bid #MRESC 12/13-09 as follows: Atlantic Dean's Premier Vendor Apex Urner Barry Envelope Graphics Printing ENVELOPES # 10 ‐ 24 lb. White Wove, 1‐500 $44.00 1/0 BlackInk, Standard Corner Copy, 500/Box 1‐1000 $54.00 1‐2,500 $99.67 1‐5,000 $164.83 1‐10,000 $291.04 1‐15,000 $409.81 1‐20,000 $511.23 1‐25,000 $580.17 1‐30,000 $671.93 1‐50,000 $1,025.68 # 10 ‐ 24 lb. White Window Envelopes, 2‐500 $46.00 1/0, Black Ink, Standard Corner Copy, 500/Box 2‐1,000 $58.00 2‐2,500 $106.91 2‐5,000 $179.27 2‐10,000 $319.91 2‐15,000 $453.11 2‐20,000 $568.97 2‐25,000 $658.31 2‐30,000 $772.05 2‐50,000 $1,167.95 6 x 9, 24 lb., White Open End Envelopes, 3‐500 $66.43 1/0, Black Ink, Standard Corner Copy; 500 per box 3‐1,000 $94.06 3‐2,500 $177.00 3‐5,000 $287.84 3‐10,000 $468.61 3‐15,000 $650.15 3‐20,000 $817.26 3‐25,000 $955.73 3‐30,000 $1,132.57 3‐50,000 $1,767.66 6 x 9, 28 lb., White Open End Envelopes, (Peel‐n‐Seal), 4‐500 $101.00 1/0, Black Ink, Standard Corner Copy; 500 per box 4‐1,000 $137.29 4‐2,500 $281.40 4‐5,000 $484.83 4‐10,000 $821.03 4‐15,000 $1,190.67 4‐20,000 $1,548.98 4‐25,000 $1,527.71 4‐30,000 $1,824.22 4‐50,000 $2,584.81 9 x 12, 24 lb., White Open End Envelopes, 5‐500 $71.00 1/0, Black Ink, Standard Corner Copy; 500 per box 5‐1,000 $109.00 5‐2,500 $223.00 5‐5,000 $407.00 5‐10,000 $716.20 5‐15,000 $980.31 5‐20,000 $1,262.31 5‐25,000 $1,480.52 5‐30,000 $1,757.40 Page 2 Printing Services Bid #MRESC 12/13‐09 Atlantic Dean's Premier Vendor Apex Urner Barry Envelope Graphics Printing ENVELOPES (contd) 9 x 12, 28 lb., White Open End Envelopes, (Peel‐n‐Seal), 5‐50,000 $2,789.26 1/0, Black Ink, Standard Corner Copy; 500 per box 6‐500 $121.00 6‐1,000 $170.22 6‐2,500 $343.47 6‐5,000 $545.71 6‐10,000 $940.98 6‐15,000 $1,370.58 6‐20,000 $1,800.19 6‐25,000 $1,958.81 6‐30,000 $2,228.00 6‐50,000 $3,356.30 10 x 13, 24 lb., White Open End Envelopes, 7‐500 $117.53 1/0, Black Ink, Standard Corner Copy; 500 per box 7‐1,000 $154.59 7‐2,500 $295.00 7‐5,000 $508.00 7‐10,000 $920.00 7‐15,000 $1,296.52 7‐20,000 $1,670.13 7‐25,000 $1,772.58 7‐30,000 $2,125.03 7‐50,000 $3,377.80 10 x 13, 28 lb., White Open End Envelopes, (Peel-n-Seal), 8‐500 $145.12 1/0, Black Ink, Standard Corner Copy; 500 per box 8‐1,000 $185.10 8‐2,500 $397.74 8‐5,000 $654.24 8‐10,000 $1,158.05 8‐15,000 $1,695.45 8‐20,000 $2,220.14 8‐25,000 $2,300.48 8‐30,000 $2,755.91 8‐50,000 $4,149.89 LETTERHEAD 8 ½ x 11, #60 White Opaque, 9‐500 $41.00 1/0, Black Ink (Laser Safe Ink), no bleeds, 500/Wrap 9‐1,000 $54.00 9‐2,500 $76.00 9‐5,000 $117.00 9‐10,000 $195.00 9‐15,000 $268.00 9‐20,000 $369.00 9‐25,000 $368.44 9‐30,000 $505.00 9‐50,000 $820.00 8 ½ x 11, #60 White Opaque, 10‐500 $103.86 2/0, PMS & Black Ink (Laser Safe Ink), no bleeds, 500/Wrap 10‐1,000 $116.74 10‐2,500 $173.40 10‐5,000 $177.00 10‐10,000 $264.00 10‐15,000 $345.00 10‐20,000 $425.00 10‐25,000 $500.00 10‐30,000 $575.00 10‐50,000 $940.00 Page 3 Printing Services Bid #MRESC 12/13‐09 Atlantic Dean's Premier Vendor Apex Urner Barry Envelope Graphics Printing LETTERHEAD (contd) 8 ½ x 11, #60 White Opaque, 11‐500 $134.00 2/0, 2 PMS (Laser Safe Ink), no bleeds, 500/Wrap 11‐1,000 $142.00 11‐2,500 $154.00 11‐5,000 $200.00 11‐10,000 $290.00 11‐15,000 $380.00 11‐20,000 $465.00 11‐25,000 $550.00 11‐30,000 $630.00 11‐50,000 $990.00 BUSINESS CARDS 3.5 x 2; Bright White Cardstock, 12‐500 $26.00 1/0, Black Ink, Raised 12‐1,000 $29.00 12‐2,500 $61.40 12‐5,000 $115.00 12‐10,000 12‐15,000 12‐20,000 12‐25,000 12‐30,000 12‐50,000 3.5 x 2; Bright White Cardstock, 13‐500 $46.00 2/0, Standard Color & Black Ink, Raised 13‐1,000 $51.00 13‐2,500 $102.00 13‐5,000 $189.00 13‐10,000 13‐15,000 13‐20,000 13‐25,000 13‐30,000 13‐50,000 3.5 x 2; 14pt C2S, 4/0, Four Color Process w/UV, Bleeds OK 14‐500 $35.00 14‐1,000 $38.00 14‐2,500 $58.61 14‐5,000 $92.25 14‐10,000 $95.91 14‐15,000 $169.61 14‐20,000 $339.21 14‐25,000 $422.82 14‐30,000 $510.48 14‐50,000 $838.35 POST CARDS 5” x 7”, 14pt, C2S, 4/4, Four Color Proscess, w/UV , Bleeds OK 15‐500 $92.25 15‐1,000 $107.00 15‐2,500 $183.00 15‐5,000 $297.85 15‐10,000 $477.27 15‐15,000 $638.75 15‐20,000 $840.00 15‐25,000 $975.00 15‐30,000 $1,075.00 15‐50,000 $1,640.00 NCR FORMS 2 Part NCR Forms 16‐500 $67.00 16‐1,000 $99.00 16‐2,500 $179.51 16‐5,000 $291.70 16‐10,000 $488.40 16‐15,000 $656.22 16‐20,000 $842.92 16‐25,000 $961.69 16‐30,000 $1,109.40 16‐50,000 $1,643.00 Page 4 Printing Services Bid #MRESC 12/13‐09 Atlantic Dean's Premier Vendor Apex Urner Barry Envelope Graphics Printing NCR FORMS (contd) 3 Part NCR Forms 17‐500 $83.00 17‐1,000 $143.00 17‐2,500 $246.78 17‐5,000 $391.30 17‐10,000 $675.63 17‐15,000 $968.94 17‐20,000 $1,208.88 17‐25,000 $1,391.50 17‐30,000 $1,537.10 17‐50,000 $2,340.00 4 Part NCR Forms 18‐500 $96.00 18‐1,000 $195.00 18‐2,500 $284.00 18‐5,000 $429.00 18‐10,000 $755.00 18‐15,000 $1,095.00 18‐20,000 $1,412.00 18‐25,000 $1,704.00 1,830,000 $2,017.00 18‐50,000 $3,275.00 5 Part NCR Forms 19‐500 $134.00 19‐1,000 $228.00 19‐2500 $377.63 19‐5,000 $597.30 19‐10,000 $1,063.01 19‐15,000 $1,615.62 19‐20,000 $1,885.77 19‐25,000 $2,219.01 19‐30000 $2,685.40 19‐50,000 $3,924.00 BROCHURES 20‐500 $150.00 20‐1,000 $157.00 20‐2,500 $268.00 20‐5,000 $373.00 20‐10,000 $665.32 20‐15,000 $960.68 20‐20,000 $1,246.84 20‐25,000 $1,778.28 20‐30000 $1,880.48 20‐50,000 $2,892.26 FINANCE & BUDGET MOTION # 246 JUNE 12, 2013


Scholarship Amount Criteria for Award Selection Committee African American Up to $500 Student must maintain Principal, Director of Studies Scholarship a B average or above in Student Activities and the African American the BYO Advisor history course. Student must also complete 30‐ 60 hours of community service in the African American Resource Center Director of Guidance $500 A business experience Guidance Department Award internship (BEI) student working in the Guidance Office. Donyale Morton $500 A student must Director of Student Memorial Scholarship demonstrate excellence Activities, Principal, and in the performing or Teaneck High School fine arts, role model in Fine Arts Department both school and community, and future educational plans. Edna Marx Fund Plaque Award Excellence in English Teaneck High School English Department Floyd Schmid Memorial $200 A student must Teaneck High School Fund demonstrate excellence Social Studies in Social Studies. Department Marion Shelby Fund $200 A student must Teaneck High School demonstrate excellence English Department in Creative Writing. Milton M. and Rose $2,500‐1st place Seniors are required to Principal, Director of Gold Rosenbloom Prize $1500‐2nd place submit two writing Student Activities, and samples (Exposition and the Teaneck High Original piece). Top School English two students are Department chosen. Muriel Rosemarin $500 A student must Principal, Director of Memorial Scholarship demonstrate a desire Student Activities and Special Education for learning; the Teaneck High Scholarship compassion and respect School Special for their peers, school Education Department. and teachers; disciplined study and work habits; ambition and self‐motivation to work to potential.


Paul J. Nonas $500 A student must Athletic Director, Head Scholarship demonstrate Wrestling Coach and involvement in school the Director of Student and community Activities activities, leadership accomplishments and future employment plans. Stephen J. Kingslow $1000 A member of the boys E.R. Hauptman and girls basketball team who is community oriented and demonstrates academic excellence. Stuart L. Sharenow $500 A student must Director of Student Memorial Scholarship demonstrate ideals of Activities and the good citizenship. Guidance Department Susan and Arthur $100 A student of the varsity Athletic Director, Head Gardner Memorial Fund baseball team who Baseball Coach and the demonstrates athletic Director of Student and academic Activities excellence. Tolerance Scholarship $2,500 A student must have a Teaneck High School GPA of 2.75 or better, English, Guidance, pursue a higher Social Studies education at a four year Department, and college or university, Principal. must indicate financial need, and write a 300 word essay on the subject of Tolerance. Community Scholarship Trustee, and the Excellence in music and Volunteer Committee. Wells Jenny $200 a plan to major in music HS Liaison: Principal and in college. Director of Student Activities.

Agnes Halajian Award $50 Hawthorne School students who exhibit 4th Grade Teachers. good citizenship.


CLINICIANS - 2012-2013



Day Top Village of New Jersey $114 / per day $15,000 OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY $94 hr individual $35 hr group $300 / evaluation School Based Therapy Services includes reports and clean up 150,000

TOTAL $165,000


CLINICIANS - 2013-2014


OCCUPATIONAL THERAPISTS $65 / individual $63 / group session Rickard Rehabilitation Services, inc. $350 / evaluation $10,000 Ridgefield Bd. of Ed. $100 / 30 min session 15,000 $35/ 30 min Adrienne Solomon individual session 5,000 $85.50 / session (30-45 min) $84 / 30 min session $99.50 / 60 min session Occupational Therapy Consultants $375 / evaluation 25,000 $46.25 / 15 min session $92.50 / 30 min session $140 / 45 min $185 / 60 min Pediatric Occupational Therapy Services $250 - $350 hr / per evaluation 50,000 $94 hr individual $35 hr group $300 / evaluation School Based Therapy Services includes reports and clean up 500,000 Northern Valley Regional High $60 / hour 12,000 Leonia Board of Ed. $63 / session 8,000 $67 / hr Region V $310 / evaluation 50,000 $90 / hr $67.50 / 45 min session Caldwell Pediatrics $45 / 30 min session 10,000 Salem County $300 / evaluation Special Services School Services $90 / hr 5,000 $60 / 30 min session 10,000 Fitness / Energy Fitness, LLC $350 / evaluation 5,000

TOTAL $705,000

PHYSICAL THERAPISTS $95 / hr includes clean up and reports, travel time same as hourly rate Thera-Pede, LLC $350 / evaluation $225,000 $65 individual $63 group session Rickard Rehabilitation Services, inc. $350 / evaluation 10,000 Ridgefield Board of Ed. $100 / 30 min session 12,000 $90 / hr $67.50 / 45 min session Caldwell Pediatrics $45 /30 min session 10,000 $80 / 30 min $110 / 45 min $160 / 60 min Novogrow, LLC $300 / evaluation 25,000 Leonia Board of Ed. $63 / session 8,000 $42.50 / 30 min session Christie Rutherford $85 / hr 5,000 Cresskill Public Schools $60 / 30 min session 10,000 Northern Valley Regional High $60 / hr 5,000 Salem County $300 / evaluation Special Services School Services $90 / hr 8,000 $67 / hr Region V $310 / evaluation 10,000

Fitness / Energy Fitness, LLC $350 / evaluation $5,000

TOTAL $333,000

SPEECH THERAPISTS $95 / 30 min individual $142 / 45 min individual Communication Therapy Ctr. $190 / 60 min individual $5,000 $90 / 30 min individual $130 / 45 min individual $160 / hr individual $75 / hr social skills group $300 - $700 / evaluation $1500 / comprehensive speech Good Talking People evaluation 25,000 $90 / 30 min $135 / 45 min $180 / 60 min session $600 / evaluation $70 / hr social skills group Teaneck Speech & Language $950 / diagnostic evaluation 25,000 $145 / session Miracles in Communication of Northern NJ $60 and up progress reports 25,000 $67 / hr Region V $310 / evaluation 150,000 Cresskill Public Schools $60 / 30 min session 10,000

$130 / 45 min session individual Robyn Merkel-Walsh $400 / annual review report 20,000 $235 - $750 / Audiological / Speech & Hearing Associates speech evaluation 7,000 Salem County $300 / evaluation Special Services School Services $86 / hr 5,000 $75 / 30 min session Speech Therapy Center $350 / evaluation 5,000

TOTAL $277,000

TUTORS Four Winds Lng. Center/Four Winds Hospital $51 / hr $5,000 Professional Ed. Services, Inc. $45 / hr 10,000 Bergen Regional Medical Center $58 / hr 1,000 Conklin Youth Shelter $58 / hr 1,000 Tomorrow's Children $58 / hr 1,000 Touchstone Hall $58 / hr 1,000 Somerset Medical Center $47 / hr 2,500 Newark Renaissance House $40 / hr 10,000 Straight & Narrow, Inc. $98 / day 10,000 Education Inc. $44 / hr 10,000

Hoboken University Medical Center $90 / hr 5,000 Essex County $290 - $310 / Educational Services Comm. psychological evaluation 3,500 DayTop Village of NJ, Inc. $114 / day 10,000 CURA, Inc. $42 / hr 3,000 Barbara Moses-University Med. Ctr at Princeton $65 / hr 6,500 Mt. Pleasant Blythedale Union Free School $270 / day 5,000

TOTAL $84,500

VISION $150 / Gerald Miller includes training of new staff $8,000 Patricia Deitmer $105 / hr 50,000 $350 / evaluation - Neuro- Vincent Vicci optometrist 2,500 $250 / evaluation Marianne Cidis, O.D. $150 / follow-up 2,500

TOTAL $63,000

PSYCHOLOGISTS $400 / neuro-developmental / St. Joseph's Children's Hospital neurological evaluation $2,000 Anthony Musco / Princeton Psychological Assoc. $350 / psychological assessment 2,000

Psychological Group of Northern NJ, PC $400 / evaluation 2,000 $3,500 / Russell Kormann functional behavior analysis 7,000 $450 initial evaluation Cliff Malat $350 / re-evaluation 900

TOTAL $13,900

NEUROLOGISTS $400 / neuro-developmental / Aparna Mallik neurological evaluation $3,000 $400 / neuro-developmental / Joseph Holahan neurological evaluation 800 $400 / neuro-developmental / Nancy Holahan neurological evaluation 800 $400 / neuro-developmental / Dr. Poorvi Patel neurological evaluation 800 Neurodevelopmental Pediatrics, LLC, $400 / evaluation Dr. Ladak $200/ cancelation 15,000 Martin Weiner $450 / evaluation 900 $550 / evaluation Katlyne Lubin $250 / cancelation 10,000 $2000 / neuro-psychological Jane Healey evaluation 2,000

Northeast Regional Epilepsy Group $2,800 - $3,500 / evaluation 3,500 Compassionate Pediatrics $400 / evaluation 1,200

TOTAL $38,000

CONSULTANTS $65 / hr Region V $300 / evaluation $150,000 Learning Network Assoc. LLC $350 / evaluation Helen Roscoe $56 / hr meetings 3,000 Supreme Consultants, Bi-Lingual Evaluations $750 / evaluation 1,500 Learning Tree Multicultural / Multilingual Evaluations $700 / evaluation 1,400 Ellen Presley $350 / evaluation 3,000 $325 / psychological, learning, Salem County behavior and reading specialist Special Services School District evaluation 10,000

TOTAL $168,900

NURSING LPN $45 / hr RN $55 / hr Loving Care Agency CHHA $21 / hr $250,000 LPN $35 / hr RN $48 / hr CNA $18.34 / hr Phoenix Healthcare CNA $24 / hr 2 or more students $150,000 LPN $38 / hr RN $46 / hr Emerald Healthcare Services, Inc. CHHA $21 / hr 25,000

TOTAL $425,000

PSYCHIATRIST $600 / evaluation Leslie Nagy $300 / cancellation/no show $25,000 $525 / evaluation Morton Fridman $275 / cancellation/no show 5,000 $525 / evaluation Esther Fridman $275 / cancellation/no show 5,000

TOTAL 35,000

ABA THERAPISTS $67 / hr Region V $310 / evaluation $10,000 Manny Diaz $50 / hr 20,000 Abigail Hall $50 / hr 12,000 Angelique Savino $50 / hr 30,000 It's a New Day $110 / hr coordination Debra Auslander $55 / hr therapy 45,000 Volt Fitness / Energy Fitness, LLC / BCBA $120 / hr $5,000

TOTAL $122,000

ABA COORDINATORS Gianna Apicella $90 / hr $20,000 Jennifer Goodell $90 / hr 5,000

TOTAL $25,000

BEHAVIORIST $500 / hr NYU Child Study Center Functional Behavior Analysis $1,000 Behavior Therapy Associates $280 / hr plus travel time 5,000 Volt Fitness / Energy Fitness, LLC $65 / hr 5,000

TOTAL $11,000

TEACHER OF THE DEAF Elisa Hendel $65 / hr $10,000 Educational Enterprises Division $185 / hr $1,850 Barbara Thumann-Calderaro $65 / hr $5,000 Region V $65 / hr $10,000

TOTAL $26,850

ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY Speech & Hearing Associates $750 / evaluation $1,500 Adam Krass $600 / evaluation $1,200 Christine Besko-Maughan $600 / evaluation $1,200 $600 - $1000 / Tracy Agate / evaluation augmentative Cerebral Palsy of North Jersey communication evaluation $6,000

TOTAL $9,900

HOME INSTRUCTORS/HOME PROGRAMMING Regular Ed $29.50 / hr Special Ed $32 / hr Non-Degree $20 / hr BA $26 / hr Delta-T Group MA $28 / hr $40,000

$425 / Diem ABA, LDTC services, Art, Music, PE & Teacher of the Salem County Handicapped, Psychological, Special Services School District Social Worker & Ed. Interpreter $10,000

TOTAL $50,000


Volt Fitness/Energy Fitness, LLC $22 / student /session $10,000

TOTAL $10,000

PSYCHOEDUCATIONAL Abrah Bessler, MD $2,400 / evaluation $5,000 TOTAL $5,000

TOTAL $2,403,050



STUDENT SCHOOL START TUITION ID# DATE 93547 River Edge Board of Education 7/1/12 -7/31/12 $4,532.00 100688 BCSS-HIP Midland Park 4/29/2013 $66,960.00

TOTAL $71,492.00




STUDENT ID# SCHOOL START DATE TUITION JCC on the Palisades 95415 Neil Klatskin Day Camp 7/8/13 - 8/16/13 $6,090 95241 H.A.S.C. 7/1/13 - 8/9/13 $6,209 95182 H.A.S.C. 7/1/13 - 8/9/13 $6,209 91422 H.A.S.C. 7/1/13 - 8/9/13 $6,209 12153 H.A.S.C. 7/1/13 - 8/9/13 $6,209 99576 H.A.S.C. 7/1/13 - 8/9/13 $6,209 93811 H.A.S.C. 7/1/13 - 8/9/13 $6,209 96129 H.A.S.C. 7/1/13 - 8/9/13 $6,209 94422 H.A.S.C. 7/1/13 - 8/9/13 $6,209 Behavior Therapy Associates / 96311 Hi-Step Summer Program 7/1/13 - 8/9/13 $4,250 99278 Brownstone School 7/8/13 - 7/31/13 $4,300 95368 Brownstone School 7/8/13 - 7/31/13 $4,300 94141 Brownstone School 7/8/13 - 7/31/13 $4,300 99568 HIP-MP Godwin 7/8/13 - 7/31/13 $4,300 100347 HIP-MP Godwin 7/8/13 - 7/31/13 $4,300 95184 HIP-MP Highland 7/8/13 - 7/31/13 $4,300 98869 HIP-MP Godwin 7/8/13 - 7/31/13 $4,300 91589 Gateway 7/8/13 - 7/31/13 $4,300 99650 Gateway 7/8/13 - 7/31/13 $4,300 98504 Washington South 7/8/13 - 7/31/13 $4,300 91647 Springboard 7/8/13 - 7/31/13 $4,300 80245 Transition Center at Wood-Ridge 7/8/13 - 7/31/13 $4,300 100591 Transition Center at Wood-Ridge 7/8/13 - 7/31/13 $4,300 95147 Transition Center at Wood-Ridge 7/8/13 - 7/31/13 $4,300 95193 Transition Center at Wood-Ridge 7/8/13 - 7/31/13 $4,300 100652 Transition Center at Wood-Ridge 7/8/13 - 7/31/13 $4,300 93706 Washington Ridgewood 7/8/13 - 7/31/13 $4,300 N.A. Bleshman 96244 Regional Day School 7/8/13 - 7/31/13 $4,700 91434 Camp Lee Mar 6/22-8/9/13 $5,650

TOTAL $143,462



STUDENT SCHOOL START TUITION ID# DATE 94402 The Forum School 9/4/2013 $46,765.80 93545 The Forum School 9/4/2013 $46,765.80 91995 Sage Day 9/6/2013 $50,220.00 91798 Sage Day 9/6/2013 $50,220.00 95729 Sage Day 9/6/2013 $50,220.00 97655 Sage Day 9/6/2013 $50,220.00 90633 Cornerstone Day School 7/1/2013 $74,360.00 100257 Cornerstone Day School 7/1/2013 $74,360.00

TOTAL $443,131.60



This Agreement made this ___ day of ____, 2013, between

TOWNSHIP OF TEANECK 818 Teaneck Road Teaneck, New Jersey 07666


TEANECK BOARD OF EDUCATION 1 Merrison Street Teaneck, New Jersey 07666

WHEREAS, the Township of Teaneck (hereinafter the “Township”) and the Teaneck Board of Education (hereinafter the “Board”), collectively referred to as the “parties” wish to encourage cooperation in the provision of certain shared services; and

WHEREAS, both parties are desirous of obtaining services through a shared service agreement; and

WHEREAS, both parties recognize that shared service agreements may yield certain economies and efficiencies to the residents of Teaneck in the provision of such services; and

WHEREAS, the Township and the Board are prepared to enter into such an Agreement at the current time; and

WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 40A:65‐1 et seq., the Uniform Shared Services and Consolidation Act, provides a mechanism for making such shared service agreements between municipalities and boards of education; and

WHEREAS, the parties have each duly authorized their proper officials to enter into and execute this Agreement;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE AND IT IS HEREBY AGREED, by and between the Teaneck Board of Education and the Township of Teaneck, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:65‐ 1 et seq., as follows:

Section 1. The parties agree to the services to be provided to each as follows:

Schedule of Services

The Township of Teaneck shall supply, at cost, to the Teaneck Board of Education the following: Bulk rock salt, liquid calcium chloride and diesel fuel.

The Township of Teaneck shall pick up recycling on a weekly basis from the Teaneck Board of Education schools, at no cost. The Township of Teaneck shall repair and provide preventative maintenance services to Teaneck Board of Education vehicles and grounds equipment at cost. Total hours for repairs will be limited to those based on book time or actual time.

All services and/or supplies provided by either party shall be evidenced by a monthly invoice including sufficient detail to document that said supplies and/or services were provided at cost.

Section 2. This Agreement shall commence on July 1, 2013 and shall continue until June 30, 2014.

Section 3. The parties hereby agree that each party shall release, indemnify, defend and hold harmless the other and their respective agents, officers and employees from any and all claims, demands losses, expenses, attorneys fees, causes of action, judgments, lawsuits, proceedings, damages, and liability resulting and arising from the alleged or asserted negligent, reckless or intentional act of itself, its agents, officers and employees.

Section 4. Both parties shall obtain and/or maintain appropriate insurance coverage for the services provided under this Agreement.

Section 5. This Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with the rights of the parties hereto and shall be governed by the laws of the State of New Jersey.

Section 6. This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement between the parties concerning the subject matter hereof and shall not be modified or amended except by an instrument in writing signed by the parties.

Section 7. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties and their legal representatives, successors and assigns.

Section 8. Both parties agree that in the event that the services are not provided that it will terminate the relationship for each party.

Section 9. Both parties agree that services can be terminated by either party by providing sixty (60) days notice. Such notice to be evidenced by a signed and sealed resolution approved by the governing body or board and hand delivered to the Municipal Clerk or Board Secretary.

Page 2 of 3

Section 10. A copy of the within Agreement shall be filed, for information purposes, with the Division of Local Government Services in the Department of Community Affairs, pursuant to rules and regulation promulgated by the director. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be signed by their respective officers duly authorized, and to be duly attested, and to have their respective corporate seals affixed hereunto, and have caused this Agreement to be dated as of the day and year written above.


______Jaime L. Evelina, RMC Mohammed Hameeduddin Municipal Clerk Mayor

Date: ______


______Robert S. Finger, CFE, CGFM, QPA Dr. Ardie D. Walser Board Secretary Board President

Date: ______

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