No 6, 29 January 1962, 93
No. 6 93 SUPPLEMENT TO THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE OF THURSDAY, 25 JANUARY 1962 Published by Authority WELLINGTON: MONDAY, 29 JANUARY 1962 NEW ZEALAND MEDICAL REGISTER 1961 94 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 6 MEDICAL COUNCIL E. G. SAYERS, Esq., C.M.G., M.D., CH.B.(N.Z.), F.R.C.P.(LOND.), HON.F.R.C.P.(EDIN.), F.R.A.C.P., HON.F.A.C.P., D.T.M. and H.{LOND.), Chairman. H. B. TURBOTT, Esq., I.S.O., M.B., CH.B.(N.Z.), D.P.H.(N.Z.). Sir DOUGLAS ROBB, C.M.G., M.D., CH.M.(N.Z.), F.R.C.S.(ENG.), L.R.C.P.(LOND.), F.R.A.C.S. J. 0. MERCER, Esq., C.B.E., M.B., CH.B.(N.z.), F.R.C.P.(LOND.), F.R.A.C.P. J. A. D. IVERACH, Esq., M.C., M.B., CH.B.(N.Z.), F.R.C.P.(EDIN.), F.R.A.C.P. C. L. E. L. SHEPPARD, Esq., E.D., B.A., M.B., CH.B.(N.Z.), F.R.C.S.(EDIN.). A. J. MASON, Esq., M.B., CH.M.(N.Z.), F.R.C.S.(ENG.), F.R.A.C.S. SECRETARY K. A. G. HINDES, Esq., P.O. Box 5013, State Fire Insurance Building, Wellington, N.Z., Tel. 47 053 29 JANUARY THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 95 Medical Register THE following provisions of the Medical Practitioners Act 1950 are published for general information: Subsections (1) and (2) of section 29: Subsection (1)- "The Secretary to the Council shall, as at the thirtieth day of June in the year nineteen hundred and fifty-one and in each year thereafter, prepare a copy of the register of persons who are registered as medical practitioners or conditionally registered under this Act, and shall certify it to be a true copy, and shall cause it to be published in the Gazette as soon as practicable after the thirtieth day of June in the year to which
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