Assessment of Environmental Effects Figures



B1: Regional hydrological monitoring sites. i

B2: Geology, springs and wetlands of the CHWF area. ii

B3: Geological cross section. iii

B4: Particle size classification across the CHWF area. iv

B5: Landscape Character areas of the wider environment. v

B6: Catchments of the CHWF area. vi

B7: Annual suspended sediment loads across the CHWF Site. vii

B8: Location of lizards within the CHWF Site. viii

B9: Location of bat recordings within the CHWF Site. ix

B10: Te Hoe Stream water take and storage site. x

B11: Tiraumea Stream at Haunui Road water take and storage site. xi

B12: Tiraumea River (Ihuraua River confluence) water take and storage site. xii

B13: Tinui River at Taipo Quarry water take and storage site. xiii

B14: CHWF noise contours – northern section of the CHWF Site. xiv

B15: CHWF noise contours – central section of the CHWF Site. xv

B16: CHWF noise contours – south-western section of the CHWF Site. xvi

B17: CHWF noise contours – south-eastern section of the CHWF Site. xvii

B18: Turbine layout comparisons from - Road, and Route 52 Tiraumea looking northeast. xviii

B19: Turbine layout comparisons from Castle Hill Road, and Alfredton- Tinui Road looking southeast. xix

B20: Turbine layout comparisons from near Bideford School, and Route 52 Tiraumea School. xx

B21: Zone of theoretical visibility Turbine Cluster A. xxi

B22: Zone of theoretical visibility Turbine Clusters B and C. xxii

B23: Zone of theoretical visibility Turbine Clusters D and E. xxiii

B24: Zone of theoretical visibility Turbine Cluster F and G. xxiv

B25: Combined zone of theoretical visibility. xxv

B26: Public viewpoint locations. xxvi

B27: Viewpoint simulation Gladstone Road (32 km). xxvii

B28: Viewpoint simulation Mangamahoe Central Road (11 km). xxviii

B29: Viewpoint simulation Castle Hill Road (5.2 km). xxix

B30: Viewpoint simulation Alfredon – Tinui Road looking east (2.9 km). xxx

B31: Viewpoint simulation Bideford (4.5 km). xxxi

B32: Viewpoint simulation Pongaroa Domain (8 km). xxxii

B33: Viewpoint simulation Waitawhiti Road looking south. xxxiii

B34: Viewpoint simulation Waitawhiti Road looking east. xxxiv

B35: Viewpoint simulation Satellite Substation from Waihoki Valley Road looking east. xxxv

B36: Viewpoint simulation Internal Roads from Pahiatua – Pongaroa Road. xxxvi

B37: Total Dwellings Visual Effects Assessment. xxxvii

B38: Viewpoint simulation of the CHWF from Maunsell Trig (North of Anzac Memorial Cross). xxxviii

B39: Viewpoint simulation of the CHWF from Rangitumau. xxxix

B40: Material movement plan for the CHWF. xl

B41: CHWF maximum average daily and total heavy commercial vehicle movements. xli

B42: Daily profile and total heavy commercial vehicle movements. xlii

B43: Shadow flicker zone of influence. xliii

B44: Shadow flicker on External Dwelling 265. xliv


Figure B1: Regional hydrological monitoring sites. Coonoor Mangamutu Makomako GF WAEWAEP Horo Tiraumea at Onehua Repeater Wa

KAITAWA ROAD Ngaturi PUKETOI RANGE *#)" Tiraumea River at Ngaturi N Nikau

Kaitawa Marima Konini Korora

Mangamaire Puketoi Kopikopiko Mangaone Makuri Stream Makuri at Tuscan Hills Pongaroa River Mangahao River *# Makuri Pongaroa Waiwera Makakahi River Mangatiti MangatainokaHamua River Makuri River

Hukanui Pongaroa River )" Makakahi River at Hamua Kakariki MANGAONE VALLEY ROAD Mangaone River

Mangatiti Stream Tane PUKETOI FOREST Kohiku

SH 2 A Pa Creek G Rongomai Pori CH05 Rakaunui Nireaha K$ Newman Haunui Rakaunui ROUTE 52 Tiraumea River Owahanga River Waihoki Tawataia

Mangaone River Tawataia Creek Waipori Stream Tiraumea PA VALLEY ROAD K$ Waihoki Valley ROUTE 52 Waterfall Farm Rongokokako Tiraumea River

Parkville ALFREDTON ROAD SH 2 G Mangaoranga Stream B Waiwaka Pleckville CH06 Ihuraua River Alfredton Ma GFGF Waitawhiti Stream Tiraumea at Alfredton Mangaoranga Alfredton Climate Station

Te Hoe StreamCASTLE HILL ROAD Kaiparoro K$ Neds Hill Pakowhai River

Hastwell D Castlehill C K$ Mataikona River Waitawhiti Ihuraua G CH01

Mauriceville West Punga Stream Tauweru River Catchment on Castle Hill Road GF Whangaehu River *#GF NGAUMU FOREST GF Kopuaranga River at Mauriceville G Tanawa Hut, Tinui River Catchment Mauriceville CH07 Dreyers Rock K$ K$ GF Tintock Green Hill G E Whangaehu River at Tokitapu Wainuiomapu Stream CH04 F G

Kopuaranga River Mangareia Stream G Tauweru River

Whareama River CH03 )" Kopuaranga River at Palmers Bridge Tinui River

Kopuaranga GF)" Whangaehu Valley at Waihi Rangitumau TIVIDALE FOREST

MANAWA ROAD K$ Tinui River Whakataki River Whangaehu River Bideford Bideford

Kopuaranga River Whakataki Tinui )" Kopuaranga River at Stuart Opaki NGAUMU FOREST Mangapakeha Castlepoint

WHANGAEHU VALLEY ROAD Whangaehu Mangapakeha Stream Castle Point Akura Carswell TE ORE ORE BIDEFORD ROAD CASTLEPOINT ROAD Awatoitoi Langdale MASTERTONTe Ore Ore

Whareama Tauweru Blairlogie )" Whareama River at Waiteko Homebush

)" Tauweru River at Te Weraiti NGAUMU FOREST

)" Ruamahanga River at Wardells

Key : Client : *# Water Quality Monitoring Site CHWF Site

GF Rainfall Monitoring Site Council Boundary Source: 1. Regional hydrological monitoring site locations derived from Project : )" Riverflow Monitoring Site NIWA, Greater Wellington Regional Council and Horizons Regional Council websites. K$ Rainfall Variability Analysis Site 2. CHWF data supplied by Genesis Energy, updated 11/04/11. Castle Hill Wind Farm 3. Topographical information supplied by Corax Topo 2008. Wind Monitoring Mast Hydrology Effects Assessment G (Includes Rainfall Gauge) EJulFinal 11 Scale:1:200,000 (A3) D Consent Draft May 11 012345670.5 Indicative Internal Road Extent (R5-100m Dia) C Consent Draft Apr 11 Title : Kilometres B Second Draft Jan 11 Turbine Corridor Regional Hydrological Project No. : Figure No. : Revision : A First Draft Nov 10 A02337300 5 E Turbine Cluster (A-G) No. Revision Date App. Monitoring Sites COPYRIGHT ON THIS DRAWING IS RESERVED Filed: A02337300M019_monitoring_sites_RevE.mxd ii

Figure B2: Geology, springs and wetlands of the CHWF area. Ms Q1al Pept MsQ2al Per Puketoi Q2al Q2al Mangaone Pea Pea lMi Kiw Q2al Q2al Makuri N uQal

Old Q2alPa Valley Fault Makuri-Waewaepa Fault uQal lMi Pea Pea Q2al Pea lMi uQal uQalMangatiti lMi mMi Ogw

Pet lMi uQal uQal uQal lMi

Q2al uQluQl Tane mMi Kiw PUKETOI FOREST lMi Q2al Q2al Pea 31 lMi Pea eMi Ko Q2al Q1al Pea eMi Q1al Ms Miw eMi Pea 30 A uQal Q2al MANGAONE VALLEY ROAD Saunders Road Fault Rongomai Pea Rakaunui eMi Pea Pori Pea

Haunui eMi ROUTE 52 lMi Pa Valley Fault uQal Q2al 29 $! Pea Tawataia Kam 16 Pea 17 Tiraumea Q2al Pea Q2al PA VALLEY ROADPea $! Waiho 12 Q2al Q2alPea Pea Q2al Pea Pea Q2al 13 Pea Q2al 5 ROUTE 52 Waitawhiti Fault uQal $! Ms B Q2al Q2al Q2al Pea 14 Pea Ms 11 ALFREDTON ROAD Q2al Waitawhiti Fault Ms Alfredton MsQ2al Pea Ms

Q2al lMi Ms Alfredton Fault 10 uQal

Ms CASTLE HILL ROAD uQal $!6 Pea Q2al $!$! Q1al 44 $!$! Q2al $! Ms 8 Pea 8

Pea D Q2al Kam Castlehill C Pea 7 Q2al Pea Q2al Ihuraua mMi

lMi Pea $! 4 $! mMi $! ALFREDTON TINUI ROAD Pea 5 NGAUMU FOREST uQal mMi $! $! 35 uQal 4 $! 3 34 25 $! 43 3 2 Miw mMi $! 1 $!$! Mit Ogw E Egw F $! 37 $! uQal Egw KiaKns Mitl 36 G uQal 24 $! mMi uQal 26 $! Kat Q4al Mit uQal $! Mitl Kiw Miw Kam 2 Kam Q1al Kat$! Q4al mMi Mit Miw Kat Q4alQ2al Kns Egw Q4al 39 Mitl Q1al Kb mMi Q1alQ1al Mitl 1 Kns Miw Q4al Q4al Miw Q1al Miw Kb mMi Egw uQal Kng Kng Mitl Q2al mMi Kiw Kat Kat Q1al Mit uQl Q1al mMi uQl Q4alQ1al mMi uQl Q4al uQal mMi Kb Q1al Q1al Kns Q4al mMi Kiw mMi Q1al

MANAWA ROAD MANAWA Q1al TIVIDALE FOREST Q1al Kb Q2al Q1alKia Kia Kiw lMi Kb Miw Kiw Q1al Q4al mMi Kns Kns Kiw Q4al Kns Q1al mMi Kiw Mit Kat lMi mMi Q1al Q4al Q1al Bideford Kia Ogw Q1al Kiw Q1al Q1al Q1al Miw Miw Miw Q4al mMi Kns Egw Kam Q1al Q1al Miw

Geological units in CHWF area Note: Client : 1. For complete geological legend see Figure 3a. lMi PALLISER GROUP (Late Miocene) - Massive mudstone with minor sandstone Source: Kns SPRINGHILL FORMATION - Fossiliferous mudstone with some sandstone and conglomerate 1. Spring locations identified by landowners. 2. Geological map supplied by GNS as vector data. Kam MANGATARATA FORMATION - Alternating sandstone and mudstone with argillite (highly deformed) Geological reference: Lee, J.M., Begg, J. (compilers) 2002. Project : Geology of the Wairapa area. Institute of Geological and Kat TAIPO FORMATION - Sandstone with some mudstone and conglomerate Nuclear Sciences 1:250,000 geological map 11. Castle Hill Wind Farm Key : 3. CHWF data supplied by Genesis Energy, updated 11/04/11. 4. Topographical information supplied by Corax Topo 2008. Groundwater Effects $! Spring (Used for Water Supply) Turbine Corridor E Final Jul 11 $! Spring Assessment Scale:1:125,000 (A3) Turbine Cluster (A-G) D Fourth Draft May 11 0123450.5 1 $! Wetland Area C Third Draft Apr 11 Title : Springs Kilometres B Second Draft Dec 10 Indicative Internal Road Project No. : Figure No. : Revision : Extent (R5-100m Dia) A First Draft Sep 10 (Landowner Identified) A02337700 5 E CHWF Landowner Property No. Revision Date App. 5 and Wetland Areas and Number (LO ID) COPYRIGHT ON THIS DRAWING IS RESERVED Filed: A02337700M037_Geology&Springs_RevE.mxd CASTLE HILL WIND FARM GROUNDWATER EFFECTS ASSESSMENT - GENESIS ENERGY

ALLUVIAL DEPOSITS Q1al Gravel, sand, silt and clay (modern valley alluvium) Q2al Gravel with minor sand and silt Q4al Gravel with loess, sand and silt Q5b Gravel and sand (beach deposits) with overlying loess uQl Silt, sand, boulder (landslide debris) uQal Gravel (undifferentiated) eQam MANGATARATA FORMATION - Gravel (alluvium)

Pea MANGAOPARI MUDSTONE - Mudstone with minor alternating sandstone Per RONGOMAI LIMESTONE - Coquina with minor limestone and sandstone Pepc CASTLEPOINT LIMESTONE - Shelly limestone and calcareous sandstone Pept TOTARANUI LIMESTONE - Limestone (coquina) Pepw LIMESTONE - Limestone (coquina) Ms MANGAORANGA FORMATION - Conglomerate with sandstone, mudstone and limestone eMi PALLISER GROUP (Early Miocene) - Alternating sandstone and mudstone with conglomerate mMi PALLISER GROUP (Middle Miocene) - Mudstone (sandy) with mudstone and sandstone interbeds lMi PALLISER GROUP (Late Miocene) - Massive mudstone with minor sandstone Mit TAKIRITINI FORMATION - Sandstone with algal limestone and fossiliferous mudstone Mitl TAKIRITINI FORMATION - Limestone (algal) with sandstone and mudstone Miw WHAKATAKI FORMATION - Alternating sandstone and mudstone with conglomerate, limestone and breccia mel WHANGAI FORMATION, MANGATU GROUP - Melange Ogw WEBER FORMATION - Calcareous mudstone Egw WANSTEAD FORMATION - Claystone with greensand, sandstone and marl Kiw WHANGAI FORMATION - Mudstone with minor greensand and glauconitic sandstone Kia TANGARUHE FORMATION - Glauconitic sandstone Kb GLENBURN FORMATION - Alternating sandstone, mudstone and argillite Kns SPRINGHILL FORMATION - Fossiliferous mudstone with some sandstone and conglomerate Kng GENTLE ANNIE FORMATION - Breccia (sedimentary) Kam MANGATARATA FORMATION - Alternating sandstone and mudstone with argillite (highly deformed)

Kat TAIPO FORMATION - Sandstone with some mudstone and conglomerate Ktw WAIOEKA FORMATION - Alternating sandstone and mudstone (Greywacke) Te ESK HEAD BELT - Sandstone and mudstone in a sheared argillite matrix

Landslides Horizons

Peal ONOKE GROUP - limestone

Per RONGOMAI LIMESTONE - Coquina with minor limestone and sandstone

lMis PALLISER GROUP - Mudstone (sandy) with mudstone and sandstone interbeds

ACTIVE FAULT Accurate Approximate Concealed Inferred

Fault (tick on downthrown side) g Thrust (tick on overthrust side) ####### g


FOLD g Anticline (active) Ò Ò Ò Ò Syncline (active) Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ g Anticline Ò Ò Ò Ò g Syncline Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ g


PATTLE DELAMORE PARTNERS LTD A02337700M035_Geological_legend.mxd Final Jul 11 iii

Figure B3: Geological cross section. A02337700M0036_Section_RevD.mxd W

Change of cross section line direction l APPROXIMATE EXTENT OF CHWF OF APPROXIMATE EXTENT l l 05 Kilometres (approx. horizontal scale) horizontal Kilometres (approx. 2.5 l m l E

-4 -3 -5 -1 -2

level) 0 (Sea 2 1 Kilometres Title : : Project Client : No. Geological units in area CHWF Project No. : Figure No. : No. Figure : No. Project Key : Key A02337700

B C D Nuclear Sciences 1:250,000 geological 11. map and Geological of Institute area. Wairapa the of Geology Geological reference: Lee, J.M., Begg, J. (compilers) 2002. data. vector as GNS by supplied map 1. Geological Source: 3a. Figure see legend geological complete 2. For section. of line for 3 Figure to Refer 1. Note: E

A Kns lMi Kam Kat COPYRIGHT ON THIS DRAWING IS RESERVED IS DRAWING THIS ON COPYRIGHT Castle Hill Wind Farm Wind Hill Castle Groundwater Effects Effects Groundwater

Second Draft Second Third Draft Fourth Draft Final First Draft Revision withsandstone some conglomerate and mudstone - Fossiliferous FORMATION SPRINGHILL sandstone minor with mudstone -Massive Miocene) (Late PALLISER GROUP and conglomerate and mudstone some with -Sandstone FORMATION TAIPO deformed) (highly argillite with mudstone and sandstone -Alternating MANGATARATA FORMATION Cross Section Assessment Geological AS SHOWN AS 4 May 11 May

Dec 10 Sep 10 Apr 11 Jul 11 Jul aeApp. Date Revision : Revision E iv

Figure B4: Particle size classification across the CHWF area. Z/S L/S Z/S L Z Z Z L/S L/S Z/S L Z Z/S L/S Z/S Z/S L/S Po Z L L L L Z/S L Z Z L/S Z Z/S Z Z/S L Z/S L/S Z/S L Z/S L/S L/S Z Makuri L L L/S Z/S Z L L/S Z/S L L/S L/S L L/S L L L Z/S N L/S Z/S L L Makuri River L/S L/S Z L L Mangatiti L L L L Mangaone River Z/S Z Z/S L L MANGAONE VALLEY ROAD L/S L/S Z/S Z/S Z/S Z L/C L Z Z Z/S Z/S L/S L Z/S L L/S L L/S L/K L L Z Z L L/S Z/S L/S Z Tane Z/S L L Z/S L/S Z/S L/S L/S PUKETOI FOREST L Mangatiti Stream L/C Z L L/C Z L/S L L L L Z L Z/S Z/S L/C L L Z/S Z/S L *#*#R3.1 Z/S L/C L L L/S Z R3.2 R3.3 Z/S L/S Z L/S A H1 Z Z L L L *#Z/S Z L/C Pa Creek L Z/S # * Z/S Z L/S L L L/C Rongomai L/S H2 Rakaunui Pori L L Z Z Z L L L/C L L/S Z Z L L/C L/C Z Z/S L/C L/S Z Haunui Tiraumea River Z L Z Z L/C ROUTE 52 L L Z L L/C L/C L L Z L Z L/C L/C L L/C L Z L/C Z L TawataiaL/C L/C Z L/C L Z Z L/C L L L/C L L L Z L/C L L/C Tawataia Creek Waipori Stream Z Tiraumea L L/S L L/C L Z L/C Z L L/C L/C L Z L/C L/C L/C L *# PA VALLEY ROAD Z Z L W Z L/C R2 L/C L L/C L/S L L Z L/S Z *# L/C Z L *# L/C L/C R1.1&R1.2 Z Z B1 B4 L/C Z Z Tiraumea River Z L/S L S L L *#B2 L Z L/S L L B B3 L Z Z Ihuraua River Z Z L/C L/S L L/C Z Z L L/C S Z S L L L/C L S L/C Alfredton L L/S Z Z L/C Z Waitawhiti Stream L/S Z Z L/C L L S Z L L/C Z L/C L L Z *# L/S L/C L/S Z L Z L L/C SM1 Te Hoe Stream L/C *# Z L Z L SM3*# Z L L Z L/C Z L L CASTLE HILL ROAD L SM2 Z Z S L Z Z L Z L L/S Z L/C *#F1 L/C L/C L/C L Z Z L L Z L/C L Z Z L L L Z L/C L L Z L L/S Z Z L L L Z L/C L C Z Z Z D Castlehill L/S L L L Z L Z Z L/S Z Z Z Z *# L Z L Z Ihuraua L L/S Z RICH1 Z Z L/S Z L/C L Z *# Z L M1 L L L/S Z L/S L L Z Z Z ROUTE 52 L Z Z *#M2 L L Z Z L/S L Z L/S Z L L Z Z Z L Z L L/S NGAUMU FOREST L L/S L L/S *#D1 L L L L L/S L L L/S Z L Z L/C L L L/S ALFREDTON TINUI ROAD Z L L L L L/S L/S *# Z L L *#MAR2 L L/C L L L L L L/S MAR1 L Z L Z Wainuiomapu Stream *# E L Z Z L F L/S DAN1 Z Z Z L L L G Z Z L L Z L *# L Z Tauweru River *# Z

Mangareia Stream L/C L Z L Whareama River C2 L C1 Z L L/C L Z Z L L Z L L L/S L/C Z L L L/S Z L Tinui River L/S L Z L L L L Z L L/C L Z L L Z L L L L Z L L L/C L Z L L/S L Z L L L/S L L Z L L Z L L Z L L L L L Z Z L/S L Z L L L Z L/C L L L TIVIDALE FOREST L L Z L L L L L L Z L/S L L Z Z Z L/S Z L L/S L/S L MANAWA ROAD L L Z Z Z Z Z Z L Z L L Tinui RiverL L/S L L Z L L/S Z BidefordZ Z L L L Z Z Z Z Z Z Z L L L/K L L Z Z

Key : Client : Particle Size Classification *# Particle size analysis Sand *# Soil sample Sand (S) Silt Indicative Internal Road Source: Project : Extent (R5-100m Dia) 1. Particle size classification data supplied by Landcare Silt (Z) Research NZ Ltd. Castle Hill Wind Farm Turbine Corridor 2. CHWF data supplied by Genesis Energy, updated 11/04/11. Silt over Sand (Z/S) 3. Topographical information supplied by Corax Topo 2008. Loam Hydrology Effects Assessment Turbine Cluster (A-G) EJulFinal 11 Scale:1:120,000 (A3) Loam (L) D Consent Draft May 11 012340.5 CHWF Site Loam over Sand (L/S) C Consent Draft Apr 11 Title : Kilometres Loam over Clay (L/C) B Second Draft Jan 11 Project No. : Figure No. : Revision : A First Draft Nov 10 Particle Size Classification A02337300 9 E No. Revision Date App. COPYRIGHT ON THIS DRAWING IS RESERVED Filed: A02337300M015_Particle_size_RevE.mxd v

Figure B5: Landscape Character areas of the wider environment. File Ref: W10016_Sims_v5.indd

Palmerston North N



Source: Landscape Study Boffa Miskell, August 2010

Masterton Inland Ranges

Coastal Hills

Inland Hill Country

Lowland Valleys

These visualisations have been produced as a result of CASTLE HILL WIND FARM VISUAL ASSESSMENT information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the FIGURE purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken Landscape Character Areas by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action arising from any incomplete or inaccurate information provided | July 2011 | Revision: 5 | to Boffa Miskell Limited (whether from the client or a third party). These visualisations are provided to the client Plan prepared for Genesis Energy by Boffa Miskell Limited 2 for the benefit and use by the client and for the purpose for which it is intended. © Boffa Miskell Limited 2011 Author: [email protected] | Checked: [email protected] vi

Figure B6: Catchments of the CHWF area. N


A Owahanga

Upper Tiraumea B

D C Mataikona




Key : Client :

Regional Catchment

Turbine Corridor Project : Turbine Cluster (A-G) Castle Hill Wind Farm CHWF Site Source: 1. CHWF data supplied by Genesis Energy, updated 11/04/11. Hydrology Effects Assessment 2. Topographical information supplied by Corax Topo 2008. Council Boundary Scale:1:300,000 (A3) 02468101

Title : Kilometres

Catchments at Project No. : Figure No. : Revision : AJul Final 11 A02337300 4 A No. Revision Date App. Regional Scale COPYRIGHT ON THIS DRAWING IS RESERVED Filed: A02337300M503_regional_catchments_RevA.mxd vii

Figure B7: Annual suspended sediment loads across the CHWF Site. Po

Makuri N Makuri River Mangatiti

Mangaone River


Tane PUKETOI FOREST Mangatiti Stream


Pa Creek Rongomai Pori Rakaunui

Tiraumea River Haunui ROUTE 52


Tawataia Creek Waipori Stream Tiraumea


Tiraumea River B

Ihuraua River

ALFREDTON ROAD Alfredton Waitawhiti Stream

Te Hoe Stream


D Castlehill C





Wainuiomapu Stream E F

G Tauweru River

Mangareia Stream Whareama River

Tinui River



Tinui River Bideford

Note: Client : Key : Components making up the disturbed area are: 48m diameter around the 100m diameter indicative turbines 2 Suspended Sediment Yield (t/km /y) Disturbed Area was used for turbine footprint, indicative internal road extent rev5-100m diameter, electrical substations and access roads, 0 - 10 quarry extents and excess fill areas. Turbine Cluster (A-G) Project : 10 - 50 Source: Turbine Corridor 1. Suspended sediment yield supplied by NIWA. 50 - 200 2. CHWF data supplied by Genesis Energy, updated 11/04/11. Castle Hill Wind Farm CHWF Site 3. Topographical information supplied by Corax Topo 2008. 200 - 500 Hydrology Effects Assessment EJulFinal 11 Scale:1:120,000 (A3) 500 - 2,000 D Consent Draft May 11 012340.5 2,000 - 5,000 C Consent Draft Apr 11 Title : Kilometres B Second Draft Jan 11 >5,000 Suspended Sediment Project No. : Figure No. : Revision : A First Draft Nov 10 A02337300 12 E No. Revision Date App. Yields COPYRIGHT ON THIS DRAWING IS RESERVED Filed: A02337300M005_Sed_load_RevE.mxd viii

Figure B8: Location of lizards within the CHWF Site. Legend Lizard search effort CLH1 Lizard Artificial Cover Objects - lizard or lizard sign recorded CLH2.1 Lizard Artificial Cover Objects - no lizard or lizard sign recorded CHLS6 Lizard search area - lizards or lizard sign recorded CHL5 Lizard search area - no lizards or lizard signs recorded Wind Farm Layout Tu r b i n e C o r r i d o r Turbine Cluster (A-G)
















Data Acknowledgment © 2009 Aerials supplied by Genesis Energy Figure 4.1. Location of Artificial Cover Objects (ACOs), 0508 WILDNZ and lizards found within the Castle Hill Wind Farm Site Scale: 1:110,000 Report: 2260 Client: Genesis Date: 24/07/11 ³ 052.5 Ref: 05 0108 Cartographer: FM Path: ...\2260d AEE Ecology Report\2260d Version 4\ File: Figures - up to date\Vol 2\Appendix 4_1.mxd Km Format: A3 ix

Figure B9: Location of bat recordings within the CHWF Site. Legend Bat search effort "" CHB1 Bat box location – bats recorded "" CHB9 Bat box location – no bats recorded Wind Farm Layout Turbine Corridor Turbine Cluster (A-G)

A "" CHB30

CHB12 CHB5 "" ""

CHB8 ""


CHB15 "" " " CHB16


CHB11 "" " D " CHB9 CHB7 "" CHB32 CHB31 CHB3 """ CHB29 CHB6 C """" CHB27 CHB28 CHB24 "" CHB14 CHB21 "" CHB23 "" """" "" "" CHB20 CHB22 "" " CHB19 CHB25 " CHB18 " CHB1 CHB4 """ CHB26 "" CHB17 "" CHB2 E F "" G

Data Acknowledgment © 2009 Aerials supplied by Genesis Energy Figure 3.1. Locations of Automated Digital Bat Recorders, 0508 WILDNZ Scale: 1:110,000 Report: 2260 and bat detections at the Castle Hill Wind Farm Site Client: Genesis Date: 25/07/11 ³ 052.5 Ref: 05 0108 Cartographer: FM Path: ...\2260d AEE Ecology Report\2260d Version 4\ File: Figures - up to date\Appendix 3_1.mxd Km Format: A3 x

Figure B10: Te Hoe Stream water take and storage site. CASTLE HILL WIND FARM, WATER SUPPLY ASSESSMENT - GENESIS ENERGY ±

# $!













Figure B11: Tiraumea Stream at Haunui Road water take and storage site. CASTLE HILL WIND FARM, WATER SUPPLY ASSESSMENT - GENESIS ENERGY

220 195 ± 225



205 APPROX. 5,000m3 STORAGE 215

195 210






190 220







Figure B12: Tiraumea River (Ihuraua River confluence) water take and storage site. CASTLE HILL WIND FARM, WATER SUPPLY ASSESSMENT - GENESIS ENERGY

200 180

180 ±



200 APPROX. 5,000m STORAGE










220 160










Figure B13: Tinui River at Taipo Quarry water take and storage site. CASTLE HILL WIND FARM, WATER SUPPLY ASSESSMENT - GENESIS ENERGY ±







Figure B14: CHWF noise contours – northern section of the CHWF Site.

Note: This document may be reproduced in full but not in part without the written consent of Marshall Day Acoustics Limited Rp001 R07 2010129 Noise Effects Assessment 21July2011.doc Page 126 of 130


Figure B15: CHWF noise contours – central section of the CHWF Site.

Note: This document may be reproduced in full but not in part without the written consent of Marshall Day Acoustics Limited Rp001 R07 2010129 Noise Effects Assessment 21July2011.doc Page 127 of 130


Figure B16: CHWF noise contours – south-western section of the CHWF Site.

Note: This document may be reproduced in full but not in part without the written consent of Marshall Day Acoustics Limited Rp001 R07 2010129 Noise Effects Assessment 21July2011.doc Page 128 of 130


Figure B17: CHWF noise contours – south-eastern section of the CHWF Site.

Note: This document may be reproduced in full but not in part without the written consent of Marshall Day Acoustics Limited Rp001 R07 2010129 Noise Effects Assessment 21July2011.doc Page 129 of 130


Figure B18: Turbine layout comparisons from Pahiatua-Pongaroa Road, and Route 52 Tiraumea looking northeast. File Ref: W10016_Sims_v5.indd

!" !#$ "" VP 14

!" !#$ "" VP 17

These visualisations have been produced as a result of CASTLE HILL WIND FARM VISUAL ASSESSMENT information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the FIGURE purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken Turbine Layout Comparisons by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action arising from any incomplete or inaccurate information provided | July 2011 | Revision: 5 | to Boffa Miskell Limited (whether from the client or a third party). These visualisations are provided to the client Plan prepared for Genesis Energy by Boffa Miskell Limited 10 for the benefit and use by the client and for the purpose for which it is intended. © Boffa Miskell Limited 2011 Author: [email protected] | Checked: [email protected] xix

Figure B19: Turbine layout comparisons from Castle Hill Road, and Alfredton- Tinui Road looking southeast. File Ref: W10016_Sims_v5.indd

!" !#$ "" VP 21

!" !#$ "" VP 30

These visualisations have been produced as a result of CASTLE HILL WIND FARM VISUAL ASSESSMENT information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the FIGURE purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken Turbine Layout Comparisons by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action arising from any incomplete or inaccurate information provided | July 2011 | Revision: 5 | to Boffa Miskell Limited (whether from the client or a third party). These visualisations are provided to the client Plan prepared for Genesis Energy by Boffa Miskell Limited 11 for the benefit and use by the client and for the purpose for which it is intended. © Boffa Miskell Limited 2011 Author: [email protected] | Checked: [email protected] xx

Figure B20: Turbine layout comparisons from near Bideford School, and Route 52 Tiraumea School. File Ref: W10016_Sims_v5.indd

!" !#$ 3 "" VP 32

!" !#$ "" VP 40

These visualisations have been produced as a result of CASTLE HILL WIND FARM VISUAL ASSESSMENT information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the FIGURE purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken Turbine Layout Comparisons by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action arising from any incomplete or inaccurate information provided | July 2011 | Revision: 5 | to Boffa Miskell Limited (whether from the client or a third party). These visualisations are provided to the client Plan prepared for Genesis Energy by Boffa Miskell Limited 12 for the benefit and use by the client and for the purpose for which it is intended. © Boffa Miskell Limited 2011 Author: [email protected] | Checked: [email protected] xxi

Figure B21: Zone of theoretical visibility Turbine Cluster A. File Ref: W10016_Sims_v5.indd


Cluster A (32 Turbines)

Percentage of turbines visible

%&' ()(*+-'

Areas of theoretical visibility of all or part of Cluster A (32 turbines / tip of rotor 155m) Based on 2m, 5m and 20m contour data - does not take into account vegetation or structures

These visualisations have been produced as a result of CASTLE HILL WIND FARM VISUAL ASSESSMENT information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the FIGURE purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken Zone of Theoretical Visibility - Cluster A by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action arising from any incomplete or inaccurate information provided | July 2011 | Revision: 5 | to Boffa Miskell Limited (whether from the client or a third party). These visualisations are provided to the client Plan prepared for Genesis Energy by Boffa Miskell Limited 5 for the benefit and use by the client and for the purpose for which it is intended. © Boffa Miskell Limited 2011 Author: [email protected] | Checked: [email protected] xxii

Figure B22: Zone of theoretical visibility Turbine Clusters B and C. File Ref: W10016_Sims_v5.indd


Cluster B (38 Turbines) Cluster C (19 Turbines)

Percentage of turbines visible Percentage of turbines visible

Areas of theoretical visibility of all or part of Cluster B (38 turbines / tip of rotor 155m) Areas of theoretical visibility of all or part of Cluster C (19 turbines / tip of rotor 155m) Based on 2m, 5m and 20m contour data - does not take into account vegetation or structures Based on 2m, 5m and 20m contour data - does not take into account vegetation or structures

These visualisations have been produced as a result of CASTLE HILL WIND FARM VISUAL ASSESSMENT information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the FIGURE purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken Zones of Theoretical Visibility - Clusters B & C by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action arising from any incomplete or inaccurate information provided | July 2011 | Revision: 5 | to Boffa Miskell Limited (whether from the client or a third party). These visualisations are provided to the client Plan prepared for Genesis Energy by Boffa Miskell Limited 6 for the benefit and use by the client and for the purpose for which it is intended. © Boffa Miskell Limited 2011 Author: [email protected] | Checked: [email protected] xxiii

Figure B23: Zone of theoretical visibility Turbine Clusters D and E. File Ref: W10016_Sims_v5.indd


Cluster D (54 Turbines) Cluster E (25 Turbines)

Percentage of turbines visible Percentage of turbines visible

Areas of theoretical visibility of all or part of Cluster D (54 turbines / tip of rotor 155m) Areas of theoretical visibility of all or part of Cluster E (25 turbines / tip of rotor 155m) Based on 2m, 5m and 20m contour data - does not take into account vegetation or structures Based on 2m, 5m and 20m contour data - does not take into account vegetation or structures

These visualisations have been produced as a result of CASTLE HILL WIND FARM VISUAL ASSESSMENT information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the FIGURE purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken Zones of Theoretical Visibility - Clusters D & E by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action arising from any incomplete or inaccurate information provided | July 2011 | Revision: 5 | to Boffa Miskell Limited (whether from the client or a third party). These visualisations are provided to the client Plan prepared for Genesis Energy by Boffa Miskell Limited 7 for the benefit and use by the client and for the purpose for which it is intended. © Boffa Miskell Limited 2011 Author: [email protected] | Checked: [email protected] xxiv

Figure B24: Zone of theoretical visibility Turbine Cluster F and G. File Ref: W10016_Sims_v5.indd


Cluster F (29 Turbines) Cluster G (45 Turbines)

Percentage of turbines visible Percentage of turbines visible

Areas of theoretical visibility of all or part of Cluster F (29 turbines / tip of rotor 155m) Areas of theoretical visibility of all or part of Cluster G (45 turbines / tip of rotor 155m) Based on 2m, 5m and 20m contour data - does not take into account vegetation or structures Based on 2m, 5m and 20m contour data - does not take into account vegetation or structures

These visualisations have been produced as a result of CASTLE HILL WIND FARM VISUAL ASSESSMENT information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the FIGURE purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken Zones of Theoretical Visibility - Clusters F & G by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action arising from any incomplete or inaccurate information provided | July 2011 | Revision: 5 | to Boffa Miskell Limited (whether from the client or a third party). These visualisations are provided to the client Plan prepared for Genesis Energy by Boffa Miskell Limited 8 for the benefit and use by the client and for the purpose for which it is intended. © Boffa Miskell Limited 2011 Author: [email protected] | Checked: [email protected] xxv

Figure B25: Combined zone of theoretical visibility. File Ref: W10016_Sims_v5.indd



These visualisations have been produced as a result of CASTLE HILL WIND FARM VISUAL ASSESSMENT information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the FIGURE purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken Zone of Theoretical Visibility - Combined by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action arising from any incomplete or inaccurate information provided | July 2011 | Revision: 5 | to Boffa Miskell Limited (whether from the client or a third party). These visualisations are provided to the client Plan prepared for Genesis Energy by Boffa Miskell Limited 9 for the benefit and use by the client and for the purpose for which it is intended. © Boffa Miskell Limited 2011 Author: [email protected] | Checked: [email protected] xxvi

Figure B26: Public viewpoint locations. File Ref: W10016_Sims_v5.indd 1 SIMULATION VIEWPOINTS 1 : Saddle Road 2 2 : Troup Road, Woodville 3 : Gladstone Road 4 : Masterton Golf Course 26 5 : Whangaehu 6 : Te Ore Ore (Masterton-Castlepoint Rd) 7 : Whareama 8 : 4 Km North of Tinui 9 : Tinui 10 : Pongaroa Domain 11 : Route 52 - 300m south of Rimu Rd 12 : Route 52 - 1 Km North of Gandys Rd 13 : Route 52 - Junction with Gandys Rd 27 28 10 14 : Pahiatua-Pongaroa Rd (Puketoi Range Summit) 14 15 : Waihoki Valley Rd looking Northwest 16 : Waihoki Valley Rd looking East 11 17 : Route 52 - Tiraumea looking Northeast 121 13 18 : Route 52 - Tiraumea looking South 25 42 17 1818 16 19 : Waitawhiti Rd looking South 15 20 : Waitawhiti Rd looking Northeast 20 21 : Castle Hill Road 21 19 22 : Flat Bush Road looking East 41 23 : Flat Bush Road looking South 24 37 24 : Mangamahoe Central Road 22 23 36 29 30 25 : West of Eketahuna 38 39 26 : Pahiatua Track 35 404 27 : Pahiatua - Pongaroa Rd 28 : Pahiatua - Pongaroa Rd (near Mangatiti) 34 29 : Alfredton-Tinui Rd looking Northeast 31 30 : Alfredton-Tinui Rd looking Southeast 8 31 : North of Bideford School Masterton District 32 32 : Near Bideford School 5 33 9 33 ; Bideford 34 : Tanawa Road 35 : Wairiri Road 4 36 : Settlement Rd 37 : Alfredton-Tinui Rd looking East to Summit 6 7 38 : Alfredton-Tinui Rd looking West to Summit 39 : Alfredton-Tinui Rd - Plateau 40 : Alfredton-Tinui Rd looking East 41 : Waitawhiti Rd looking East 42 : Route 52 - Tiraumea School 3

These visualisations have been produced as a result of CASTLE HILL WIND FARM VISUAL ASSESSMENT information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the FIGURE purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken Public Viewpoint Locations by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action arising from any incomplete or inaccurate information provided | July 2011 | Revision: 5 | to Boffa Miskell Limited (whether from the client or a third party). These visualisations are provided to the client Plan prepared for Genesis Energy by Boffa Miskell Limited 15 for the benefit and use by the client and for the purpose for which it is intended. © Boffa Miskell Limited 2011 Author: [email protected] | Checked: [email protected] xxvii

Figure B27: Viewpoint simulation Gladstone Road (32 km). VP 3 - GLADSTONE ROAD Zones of Theoretical Visibility for (%*./34*(5(6(-6/*+/78*(9;8(6<*+=>)/7/*?/3@ Clusters visible from this Viewpoint N

POTENTIAL VISIBILITY FROM VIEWPOINT -7/3(;C-;34(*?/=/)-)+(;7.*//;+;=

Cluster Turbines Towers/rotors visible Rotors only

A320 0

B380 0

C190 2

D542 7

E250 8

F290 0


Gladstone 39 18 Road

Areas of theoretical visibility of all or part of Clusters visible from this viewpoint TOTAL 242 57 Based on 2m, 5m and 20m contour data - does not take into account vegetation or structures

These visualisations have been produced as a result of CASTLE HILL WIND FARM VISUAL ASSESSMENT information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken Gladstone Road - Viewpoint by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action arising from any incomplete or inaccurate information provided | July 2011 | Revision: 5 | to Boffa Miskell Limited (whether from the client or a 3A third party). These visualisations are provided to the client Plan prepared for Genesis Energy by Boffa Miskell Limited for the benefit and use by the client and for the purpose for which it is intended. © Boffa Miskell Limited 2011 Author: [email protected] | Checked: [email protected] File Ref: W10016_Pans_A1_v2.indd

Cluster G (Light Blue) Cluster D (Green) Cluster C (Blue) Cluster E (Orange)


NZTM Easting : 1 818 387 mE NZTM Northing : 5 452 499 mN APPROX DISTANCES TO TURBINES Elevation : 95 m Cluster G - 32 Km Date of Photography : 9 Sept 2009 12:50pm Horizontal Field of View : 850 Cluster D - 40 Km Cluster C - 48 Km Height of Nacelle / Rotor Diameter : 100m / 110m Source : Large Turbine Con guration Cluster E - 42 Km

These visualisations have been produced as a result of CASTLE HILL WIND FARM VISUAL ASSESSMENT information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the Optimum Reading Distance is 55 cm at Full Scale purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken Gladstone Road - Simulation by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action arising Turbines coloured white and facing towards viewpoint for clarity from any incomplete or inaccurate information provided | July 2011 | Revision: 5 | to Boffa Miskell Limited (whether from the client or a THESE A3 PRINTS HAVE BEEN REDUCED 50% FROM FULL SCALE 3B third party). These visualisations are provided to the client Plan prepared for Genesis Energy by Boffa Miskell Limited for the benefi t and use by the client and for the purpose for which it is intended. © Boffa Miskell Limited 2011 Author: [email protected] | Checked: [email protected] xxviii

Figure B28: Viewpoint simulation Mangamahoe Central Road (11 km). VP 24 - MANGAMAHOE CENTRAL ROAD Zones of Theoretical Visibility for (%*./34*(5(6(-6/*+/78*(9;8(6<*+=>)/7/*?/3@ Clusters visible from this Viewpoint N

Mangamahoe Central Rd

POTENTIAL VISIBILITY FROM VIEWPOINT -7/3(;C-;34(*?/=/)-)+(;7.*//;+;=

Cluster Turbines Towers/rotors visible Rotors only

A320 0

B380 0

C197 12


E255 3

F290 0

G451 0

49 17

Areas of theoretical visibility of all or part of Clusters visible from this viewpoint TOTAL 242 66 Based on 2m, 5m and 20m contour data - does not take into account vegetation or structures

These visualisations have been produced as a result of CASTLE HILL WIND FARM VISUAL ASSESSMENT information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action arising Mangamahoe Central Road - Viewpoint from any incomplete or inaccurate information provided | July 2011 | Revision: 5 | to Boffa Miskell Limited (whether from the client or a 24A third party). These visualisations are provided to the client Plan prepared for Genesis Energy by Boffa Miskell Limited for the benefit and use by the client and for the purpose for which it is intended. © Boffa Miskell Limited 2011 Author: [email protected] | Checked: [email protected] File Ref: W10016_Pans_A1_v2.indd

Cluster C (Blue) Cluster D (Green) Cluster E (Orange) Cluster G (Light Blue)


NZTM Easting : 1 834 684 mE NZTM Northing : 5 488 170 mN APPROX DISTANCES TO TURBINES Elevation : 270 m Cluster C - 19 Km Date of Photography : 21 Sept 2009 2:55pm Horizontal Field of View : 850 Cluster D - 13 Km Cluster E - 16 Km Height of Nacelle / Rotor Diameter : 100m / 110m Source : Large Turbine Con guration Cluster G - 11 Km

These visualisations have been produced as a result of CASTLE HILL WIND FARM VISUAL ASSESSMENT information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the Optimum Reading Distance is 55 cm at Full Scale purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken Mangamahoe Central Road - Simulation by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action arising Turbines coloured white and facing towards viewpoint for clarity from any incomplete or inaccurate information provided | July 2011 | Revision: 5 | to Boffa Miskell Limited (whether from the client or a THESE A3 PRINTS HAVE BEEN REDUCED 50% FROM FULL SCALE 24B third party). These visualisations are provided to the client Plan prepared for Genesis Energy by Boffa Miskell Limited for the benefi t and use by the client and for the purpose for which it is intended. © Boffa Miskell Limited 2011 Author: [email protected] | Checked: [email protected] xxix

Figure B29: Viewpoint simulation Castle Hill Road (5.2 km). VP 21 - CASTLE HILL ROAD Zones of Theoretical Visibility for (%*./34*(5(6(-6/*+/78*(9;8(6<*+=>)/7/*?/3@ Clusters visible from this Viewpoint N

Castle Hill Rd

POTENTIAL VISIBILITY FROM VIEWPOINT -7/3(;C-;34(*?/=/)-)+(;7.*//;+;=

Cluster Turbines Towers/rotors visible Rotors only

A320 0

B380 0

C190 0


E250 0

F290 0

G450 0

24 5

Areas of theoretical visibility of all or part of Clusters visible from this viewpoint TOTAL 242 29 Based on 2m, 5m and 20m contour data - does not take into account vegetation or structures

These visualisations have been produced as a result of CASTLE HILL WIND FARM VISUAL ASSESSMENT information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken Castle Hill Road - Viewpoint by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action arising from any incomplete or inaccurate information provided | July 2011 | Revision: 5 | to Boffa Miskell Limited (whether from the client or a 21A third party). These visualisations are provided to the client Plan prepared for Genesis Energy by Boffa Miskell Limited for the benefit and use by the client and for the purpose for which it is intended. © Boffa Miskell Limited 2011 Author: [email protected] | Checked: [email protected] File Ref: W10016_Pans_A1_v2.indd

Cluster D (Green)


NZTM Easting : 1 844 714 mE NZTM Northing : 5 491 845 mN Elevation : 165 m

Date of Photography : 21 Sept 2009 2:10pm Horizontal Field of View : 850 APPROX DISTANCE TO TURBINES Height of Nacelle / Rotor Diameter : 100m / 110m Cluster D - 5.2 Km Source : Large Turbine Con guration

These visualisations have been produced as a result of CASTLE HILL WIND FARM VISUAL ASSESSMENT information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the Optimum Reading Distance is 55 cm at Full Scale purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken Castle Hill Road - Simulation by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action arising Turbines coloured white and facing towards viewpoint for clarity from any incomplete or inaccurate information provided | July 2011 | Revision: 5 | to Boffa Miskell Limited (whether from the client or a THESE A3 PRINTS HAVE BEEN REDUCED 50% FROM FULL SCALE 21B third party). These visualisations are provided to the client Plan prepared for Genesis Energy by Boffa Miskell Limited for the benefi t and use by the client and for the purpose for which it is intended. © Boffa Miskell Limited 2011 Author: [email protected] | Checked: [email protected] xxx

Figure B30: Viewpoint simulation Alfredon – Tinui Road looking east (2.9 km). VP 40 - ALFREDTON-TINUI RD LOOKING EAST Zones of Theoretical Visibility for (%*./34*(5(6(-6/*+/78*(9;8(6<*+=>)/7/*?/3@ Clusters visible from this Viewpoint N

Alfredton-Tinui Rd looking East

POTENTIAL VISIBILITY FROM VIEWPOINT -7/3(;C-;34(*?/=/)-)+(;7.*//;+;=

Cluster Turbines Towers/rotors visible Rotors only

A320 0

B380 0

C190 0

D540 0

E250 0


G450 0

26 1

Areas of theoretical visibility of all or part of Clusters visible from this viewpoint TOTAL 242 27 Based on 2m, 5m and 20m contour data - does not take into account vegetation or structures

These visualisations have been produced as a result of CASTLE HILL WIND FARM VISUAL ASSESSMENT information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken Alfredton-Tinui Rd looking East - Viewpoint by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action arising from any incomplete or inaccurate information provided | July 2011 | Revision: 5 | to Boffa Miskell Limited (whether from the client or a 40A third party). These visualisations are provided to the client Plan prepared for Genesis Energy by Boffa Miskell Limited for the benefit and use by the client and for the purpose for which it is intended. © Boffa Miskell Limited 2011 Author: [email protected] | Checked: [email protected] File Ref: W10016_Pans_A1_v2.indd

Cluster F (Red)


NZTM Easting : 1 856 525 mE NZTM Northing : 5 481 966 mN Elevation : 122 m

Date of Photography : 13 Jan 2011 11:40am Horizontal Field of View : 850 APPROX DISTANCES TO TURBINES Height of Nacelle / Rotor Diameter : 100m / 110m Source : Large Turbine Con guration Cluster F - 2.9 Km

These visualisations have been produced as a result of CASTLE HILL WIND FARM VISUAL ASSESSMENT information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the Optimum Reading Distance is 55 cm at Full Scale purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken Alfredton-Tinui Rd looking East - Simulation by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action arising Turbines coloured white and facing towards viewpoint for clarity from any incomplete or inaccurate information provided | July 2011 | Revision: 5 | to Boffa Miskell Limited (whether from the client or a THESE A3 PRINTS HAVE BEEN REDUCED 50% FROM FULL SCALE 40B third party). These visualisations are provided to the client Plan prepared for Genesis Energy by Boffa Miskell Limited for the benefi t and use by the client and for the purpose for which it is intended. © Boffa Miskell Limited 2011 Author: [email protected] | Checked: [email protected] xxxi

Figure B31: Viewpoint simulation Bideford (4.5 km). VP 33 - BIDEFORD Zones of Theoretical Visibility for (%*./34*(5(6(-6/*+/78*(9;8(6<*+=>)/7/*?/3@ Clusters visible from this Viewpoint N

POTENTIAL VISIBILITY FROM VIEWPOINT -7/3(;C-;34(*?/=/)-)+(;7.*//;+;=

Cluster Turbines Towers/rotors visible Rotors only

A320 0

Bideford B380 0

C190 0

D543 5

E250 0

F290 0


17 13

Areas of theoretical visibility of all or part of Clusters visible from this viewpoint TOTAL 242 30 Based on 2m, 5m and 20m contour data - does not take into account vegetation or structures

These visualisations have been produced as a result of CASTLE HILL WIND FARM VISUAL ASSESSMENT information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken Bideford - Viewpoint by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action arising from any incomplete or inaccurate information provided | July 2011 | Revision: 5 | to Boffa Miskell Limited (whether from the client or a 33A third party). These visualisations are provided to the client Plan prepared for Genesis Energy by Boffa Miskell Limited for the benefit and use by the client and for the purpose for which it is intended. © Boffa Miskell Limited 2011 Author: [email protected] | Checked: [email protected] File Ref: W10016_Pans_A1_v2.indd

Cluster G (Light Blue) Cluster D (Green)


NZTM Easting : 1 841 575 mE NZTM Northing : 5 472 304 mN Elevation : 150 m

Date of Photography : 18 June 2010 10:45am Horizontal Field of View : 850 APPROX DISTANCES TO TURBINES Cluster G - 4.5 Km Height of Nacelle / Rotor Diameter : 100m / 110m Source : Large Turbine Con guration Cluster D - 10 Km

These visualisations have been produced as a result of CASTLE HILL WIND FARM VISUAL ASSESSMENT information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the Optimum Reading Distance is 55 cm at Full Scale purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken Bideford - Simulation by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action arising Turbines coloured white and facing towards viewpoint for clarity from any incomplete or inaccurate information provided | July 2011 | Revision: 5 | to Boffa Miskell Limited (whether from the client or a THESE A3 PRINTS HAVE BEEN REDUCED 50% FROM FULL SCALE 33B third party). These visualisations are provided to the client Plan prepared for Genesis Energy by Boffa Miskell Limited for the benefi t and use by the client and for the purpose for which it is intended. © Boffa Miskell Limited 2011 Author: [email protected] | Checked: [email protected] xxxii

Figure B32: Viewpoint simulation Pongaroa Domain (8 km). VP 10 - PONGAROA DOMAIN Zones of Theoretical Visibility for (%*./34*(5(6(-6/*+/78*(9;8(6<*+=>)/7/*?/3@ Clusters visible from this Viewpoint N Pongaroa Domain

POTENTIAL VISIBILITY FROM VIEWPOINT -7/3(;C-;34(*?/=/)-)+(;7.*//;+;=

Cluster Turbines Towers/rotors visible Rotors only

A325 5

B380 0

C190 0

D540 0

E250 0

F290 0

G450 0


Areas of theoretical visibility of all or part of Clusters visible from this viewpoint TOTAL 242 10 Based on 2m, 5m and 20m contour data - does not take into account vegetation or structures

These visualisations have been produced as a result of CASTLE HILL WIND FARM VISUAL ASSESSMENT information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken Pongaroa Domain - Viewpoint by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action arising from any incomplete or inaccurate information provided | July 2011 | Revision: 5 | to Boffa Miskell Limited (whether from the client or a 10A third party). These visualisations are provided to the client Plan prepared for Genesis Energy by Boffa Miskell Limited for the benefit and use by the client and for the purpose for which it is intended. © Boffa Miskell Limited 2011 Author: [email protected] | Checked: [email protected] File Ref: W10016_Pans_A1_v2.indd

Cluster A (Purple)


NZTM Easting : 1 870 486 mE NZTM Northing : 5 507 389 mN Elevation : 145 m

Date of Photography : 21 Sept 2009 11:00am Horizontal Field of View : 850 APPROX DISTANCES TO TURBINES Height of Nacelle / Rotor Diameter : 100m / 110m Cluster A - 8 Km Source : Large Turbine Con guration

All clusters (except A) obscured by intervening landforms

These visualisations have been produced as a result of CASTLE HILL WIND FARM VISUAL ASSESSMENT information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the Optimum Reading Distance is 55 cm at Full Scale purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken Pongaroa Domain - Simulation by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action arising Turbines coloured white and facing towards viewpoint for clarity from any incomplete or inaccurate information provided | July 2011 | Revision: 5 | to Boffa Miskell Limited (whether from the client or a THESE A3 PRINTS HAVE BEEN REDUCED 50% FROM FULL SCALE 10B third party). These visualisations are provided to the client Plan prepared for Genesis Energy by Boffa Miskell Limited for the benefi t and use by the client and for the purpose for which it is intended. © Boffa Miskell Limited 2011 Author: [email protected] | Checked: [email protected] xxxiii

Figure B33: Viewpoint simulation Waitawhiti Road looking south. VP 19 - WAITAWHITI RD LOOKING SOUTH Zones of Theoretical Visibility for (%*./34*(5(6(-6/*+/78*(9;8(6<*+=>)/7/*?/3@ Clusters visible from this Viewpoint N

Waitawhiti Rd

POTENTIAL VISIBILITY FROM VIEWPOINT -7/3(;C-;34(*?/=/)-)+(;7.*//;+;=

Cluster Turbines Towers/rotors visible Rotors only

A320 0

B380 0


D540 0

E250 0

F290 0

G450 0

18 0

Areas of theoretical visibility of all or part of Clusters visible from this viewpoint TOTAL 242 18 Based on 2m, 5m and 20m contour data - does not take into account vegetation or structures

These visualisations have been produced as a result of CASTLE HILL WIND FARM VISUAL ASSESSMENT information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken Waitawhiti Rd looking South - Viewpoint by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action arising from any incomplete or inaccurate information provided | July 2011 | Revision: 5 | to Boffa Miskell Limited (whether from the client or a 19A third party). These visualisations are provided to the client Plan prepared for Genesis Energy by Boffa Miskell Limited for the benefit and use by the client and for the purpose for which it is intended. © Boffa Miskell Limited 2011 Author: [email protected] | Checked: [email protected] File Ref: W10016_Pans_A1_v2.indd

Cluster C (Blue) Cluster C (Blue)


NZTM Easting : 1 857 184 mE NZTM Northing : 5 491 889 mN Elevation : 290 m

Date of Photography : 21 Sept 2009 1:20pm Horizontal Field of View : 850 APPROX DISTANCES TO TURBINES

Height of Nacelle / Rotor Diameter : 100m / 110m Cluster C - 3.3 Km Source : Large Turbine Con guration

These visualisations have been produced as a result of CASTLE HILL WIND FARM VISUAL ASSESSMENT information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the Optimum Reading Distance is 55 cm at Full Scale purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken Waitawhiti Rd looking South - Simulation by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action arising Turbines coloured white and facing towards viewpoint for clarity from any incomplete or inaccurate information provided | July 2011 | Revision: 5 | to Boffa Miskell Limited (whether from the client or a THESE A3 PRINTS HAVE BEEN REDUCED 50% FROM FULL SCALE 19B third party). These visualisations are provided to the client Plan prepared for Genesis Energy by Boffa Miskell Limited for the benefi t and use by the client and for the purpose for which it is intended. © Boffa Miskell Limited 2011 Author: [email protected] | Checked: [email protected] xxxiv

Figure B34: Viewpoint simulation Waitawhiti Road looking east. VP 41 - WAITAWHITI RD LOOKING EAST Zones of Theoretical Visibility for (%*./34*(5(6(-6/*+/78*(9;8(6<*+=>)/7/*?/3@ Clusters visible from this Viewpoint N

Waitawhiti Rd

POTENTIAL VISIBILITY FROM VIEWPOINT -7/3(;C-;34(*?/=/)-)+(;7.*//;+;=

Cluster Turbines Towers/rotors visible Rotors only

A320 0

B387 0

C190 0

D540 0

E250 0

F290 0

G450 0


Areas of theoretical visibility of all or part of Clusters visible from this viewpoint TOTAL 242 7 Based on 2m, 5m and 20m contour data - does not take into account vegetation or structures

These visualisations have been produced as a result of CASTLE HILL WIND FARM VISUAL ASSESSMENT information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken Waitawhiti Rd looking East - Viewpoint by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action arising from any incomplete or inaccurate information provided | July 2011 | Revision: 5 | to Boffa Miskell Limited (whether from the client or a 41A third party). These visualisations are provided to the client Plan prepared for Genesis Energy by Boffa Miskell Limited for the benefit and use by the client and for the purpose for which it is intended. © Boffa Miskell Limited 2011 Author: [email protected] | Checked: [email protected] File Ref: W10016_Pans_A1_v2.indd

Cluster B (Yellow)


NZTM Easting : 1 857 710 mE NZTM Northing : 5 491 395 mN Elevation : 246 m

Date of Photography : 9 Feb 2011 2:30pm Horizontal Field of View : 850 APPROX DISTANCES TO TURBINES Height of Nacelle / Rotor Diameter : 100m / 110m Source : Large Turbine Con guration Cluster B - 2.7 Km

These visualisations have been produced as a result of CASTLE HILL WIND FARM VISUAL ASSESSMENT information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the Optimum Reading Distance is 55 cm at Full Scale purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken Waitawhiti Rd looking East - Simulation by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action arising Turbines coloured white and facing towards viewpoint for clarity from any incomplete or inaccurate information provided | July 2011 | Revision: 5 | to Boffa Miskell Limited (whether from the client or a THESE A3 PRINTS HAVE BEEN REDUCED 50% FROM FULL SCALE 41B third party). These visualisations are provided to the client Plan prepared for Genesis Energy by Boffa Miskell Limited for the benefi t and use by the client and for the purpose for which it is intended. © Boffa Miskell Limited 2011 Author: [email protected] | Checked: [email protected] xxxv

Figure B35: Viewpoint simulation Satellite Substation from Waihoki Valley Road looking east. VP 16 - WAIHOKI VALLEY ROAD LOOKING EAST Zones of Theoretical Visibility for (%*./34*(5(6(-6/*+/78*(9;8(6<*+=>)/7/*?/3@ Clusters visible from this Viewpoint N

Waihoki Valley Rd

POTENTIAL VISIBILITY FROM VIEWPOINT -7/3(;C-;34(*?/=/)-)+(;7.*//;+;=

Cluster Turbines Towers/rotors visible Rotors only

A320 0

B389 3

C190 0

D540 0

E250 0

F290 0

G450 0


Areas of theoretical visibility of all or part of Clusters visible from this viewpoint TOTAL 242 12 Based on 2m, 5m and 20m contour data - does not take into account vegetation or structures

These visualisations have been produced as a result of CASTLE HILL WIND FARM VISUAL ASSESSMENT information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken Waihoki Valley Road looking East - Viewpoint by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action arising from any incomplete or inaccurate information provided | July 2011 | Revision: 5 | to Boffa Miskell Limited (whether from the client or a 16A third party). These visualisations are provided to the client Plan prepared for Genesis Energy by Boffa Miskell Limited for the benefit and use by the client and for the purpose for which it is intended. © Boffa Miskell Limited 2011 Author: [email protected] | Checked: [email protected] File Ref: W10016_Pans_A1_v2.indd Cluster B (Yellow) Proposed Substation Site Cluster B (Yellow) (Indicative only)


NZTM Easting : 1 860 217 mE NZTM Northing : 5 497 346 mN Elevation : 255 m Date of Photography : 21 Sept 2009 12:35pm APPROX DISTANCES TO TURBINES Horizontal Field of View : 850 Cluster B (left) - 1.2 Km Height of Nacelle / Rotor Diameter : 100m / 110m Cluster B (right) - 2.5 Km Source : Large Turbine Con guration

These visualisations have been produced as a result of CASTLE HILL WIND FARM VISUAL ASSESSMENT information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the Optimum Reading Distance is 55 cm at Full Scale purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken Waihoki Valley Road looking East - Simulation by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action arising Turbines coloured white and facing towards viewpoint for clarity from any incomplete or inaccurate information provided | July 2011 | Revision: 5 | to Boffa Miskell Limited (whether from the client or a THESE A3 PRINTS HAVE BEEN REDUCED 50% FROM FULL SCALE 16B third party). These visualisations are provided to the client Plan prepared for Genesis Energy by Boffa Miskell Limited for the benefi t and use by the client and for the purpose for which it is intended. © Boffa Miskell Limited 2011 Author: [email protected] | Checked: [email protected] xxxvi

Figure B36: Viewpoint simulation Internal Roads from Pahiatua – Pongaroa Road. VP 14 - PAHIATUA - PONGAROA ROAD (PUKETOI RANGE SUMMIT) Zones of Theoretical Visibility for (%*./34*(5(6(-6/*+/78*(9;8(6<*+=>)/7/*?/3@ Clusters visible from this Viewpoint N

Puketoi Range Summit

POTENTIAL VISIBILITY FROM VIEWPOINT -7/3(;C-;34(*?/=/)-)+(;7.*//;+;=

Cluster Turbines Towers/rotors visible Rotors only




D545 0



G450 0

110 21

Areas of theoretical visibility of all or part of Clusters visible from this viewpoint TOTAL 242 131 Based on 2m, 5m and 20m contour data - does not take into account vegetation or structures

These visualisations have been produced as a result of CASTLE HILL WIND FARM VISUAL ASSESSMENT information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action arising from any incomplete or inaccurate information provided | July 2011 | Revision: 5 | to Boffa Miskell Limited (whether from the client or a 14A third party). These visualisations are provided to the client Plan prepared for Genesis Energy by Boffa Miskell Limited for the benefit and use by the client and for the purpose for which it is intended. © Boffa Miskell Limited 2011 Author: [email protected] | Checked: [email protected] File Ref: W10016_Pans_A1_v2.indd Cluster D

Cluster B (Yellow - background) Cluster A (Purple - foreground) Cluster F (Red) Cluster C (Blue) Cluster E Cluster D (Orange) (Green)

APPROX DISTANCES TO TURBINES VIEWPOINT & TURBINE DETAILS Cluster A - 2.6 Km NZTM Easting : 1 858 796 mE NZTM Northing : 5 505 378 mN Cluster B - 8.2 Km Elevation : 450 m Cluster C - 16 Km Date of Photography : 21 Sept 2009 10:25am Horizontal Field of View : 850 Cluster D - 16 Km Cluster E - 22 Km Height of Nacelle / Rotor Diameter : 100m / 110m Source : Large Turbine Con guration Cluster F - 23 Km

These visualisations have been produced as a result of CASTLE HILL WIND FARM VISUAL ASSESSMENT information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the Optimum Reading Distance is 55 cm at Full Scale purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken Pahiatua-Pongaroa Rd (Puketoi Range Summit) - Simulation by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action arising Turbines coloured white and facing towards viewpoint for clarity from any incomplete or inaccurate information provided | July 2011 | Revision: 5 | to Boffa Miskell Limited (whether from the client or a THESE A3 PRINTS HAVE BEEN REDUCED 50% FROM FULL SCALE 14B third party). These visualisations are provided to the client Plan prepared for Genesis Energy by Boffa Miskell Limited for the benefi t and use by the client and for the purpose for which it is intended. © Boffa Miskell Limited 2011 Author: [email protected] | Checked: [email protected] File Ref: W10016_Single_Frames_A3.indd

APPROX DISTANCES TO TURBINES VIEWPOINT & TURBINE DETAILS Cluster A - 2.6 Km NZTM Easting : 1 858 796 mE NZTM Northing : 5 505 378 mN Cluster B - 8.2 Km Elevation : 450 m Cluster C - 16 Km Date of Photography : 21 Sept 2009 10:25am Horizontal Field of View : 400 Cluster D - 16 Km Optimum Reading Distance is 55 cm at Full Scale Cluster E - 22 Km Height of Nacelle / Rotor Diameter : 100m / 110m Cluster F - 23 Km Turbines coloured off-white and facing towards prevailing wind

N CASTLE HILL WIND FARM VISUAL ASSESSMENT Pahiatua-Pongaroa Rd (Puketoi Range Summit) - Simulation W E | July 2011 | Revision: 2 | 14C Plan prepared for Genesis Energy by Boffa Miskell Limited Author: [email protected] | Checked: [email protected] S xxxvii

Figure B37: Total Dwellings Visual Effects Assessment. VISIBILITY VISUAL EFFECT






61 FULLY SCREENED 61 0 0 0





These visualisations have been produced as a result of CASTLE HILL WIND FARM VISUAL ASSESSMENT information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken Total Dwellings Visual Effects Assessment by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action arising from any incomplete or inaccurate information provided | July 2011 | Revision 4 | to Boffa Miskell Limited (whether from the client or a 7 third party). These visualisations are provided to the client Plan prepared for Genesis Energy by Boffa Miskell Limited for the benefit and use by the client and for the purpose for which it is intended. © Boffa Miskell Limited 2011 Author: [email protected] | Checked: PCM xxxviii

Figure B38: Viewpoint simulation of the CHWF from Maunsell Trig (North of Anzac Memorial Cross). VP 51 - MAUNSELL TRIG Zones of Theoretical Visibility for (%*./34*(5(6(-6/*+/78*(9;8(6<*+=>)/7/*?/3@ Clusters visible from this Viewpoint N

50 Km

40 Km

30 Km

20 Km POTENTIAL VISIBILITY FROM VIEWPOINT -7/3(;C-;34(*?/=/)-)+(;7.*//;+;=

Distance to No of Cluster Towers/rotors visible Rotors only 10 Km Cluster (km) Turbines F 7.1 24 24 0

E 10.8 24 24 0

C 14.6 19 19 0 Maunsell Trig D 16.2 49 49 0

G 18.5 45 32 6

B 18.7 38 37 1

A 26.9 32 2 24

187 31

Areas of theoretical visibility of all or part of Clusters visible from this viewpoint TOTAL 242 218 Based on 2m, 5m and 20m contour data - does not take into account vegetation or structures

These visualisations have been produced as a result of CASTLE HILL WIND FARM VISUAL ASSESSMENT information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken !"# by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action arising from any incomplete or inaccurate information provided | July 2011 | Revision: 5 | to Boffa Miskell Limited (whether from the client or a 51A third party). These visualisations are provided to the client Plan prepared for Genesis Energy by Boffa Miskell Limited for the benefit and use by the client and for the purpose for which it is intended. © Boffa Miskell Limited 2011 Author: [email protected] | Checked: [email protected] File Ref: W10016_Pans_A1_v2.indd

Cluster F (Red)


NZTM Easting : 1 859 920 mE NZTM Northing : 5 472 122 mN Elevation : 351 m ASSESSED VISIBILITY AND POTENTIAL VISUAL EFFECTS

Date of Photography : 9 Feb 2011 9:05am 0 Distance to Towers or Horizontal Field of View : 85 Cluster VISIBILITY VISUAL EFFECT Height of Nacelle / Rotor Diameter : 100m / 110m Cluster (km) rotors visible Source : Large Turbine Con guration F 7.1 24 of 29

E 10.8 24 of 25 Visible C 14.6 19 of 19

D 16.2 49 of 54 Low

G 18.5 32 of 45 Apparent B 18.7 38 of 38

View South to Anzac Memorial Cross View of Maunsell Trig View North to Tinui Taipos A 26.9 26 of 32 Insigni cant Negligible

TOTAL 218 of 242

These visualisations have been produced as a result of CASTLE HILL WIND FARM VISUAL ASSESSMENT information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the Optimum Reading Distance is 55 cm at Full Scale purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken Maunsell Trig (North of Anzac Memorial Cross) - Simulation by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action arising Turbines coloured white and facing towards viewpoint for clarity from any incomplete or inaccurate information provided | July 2011 | Revision: 5 | to Boffa Miskell Limited (whether from the client or a THESE A3 PRINTS HAVE BEEN REDUCED 50% FROM FULL SCALE 51B third party). These visualisations are provided to the client Plan prepared for Genesis Energy by Boffa Miskell Limited for the benefi t and use by the client and for the purpose for which it is intended. © Boffa Miskell Limited 2011 Author: [email protected] | Checked: [email protected] xxxix

Figure B39: Viewpoint simulation of the CHWF from Rangitumau. VP 52 - RANGITUMAU Zones of Theoretical Visibility for (%*./34*(5(6(-6/*+/78*(9;8(6<*+=>)/7/*?/3@ Clusters visible from this Viewpoint N

50 Km

40 Km

30 Km

20 Km POTENTIAL VISIBILITY FROM VIEWPOINT -7/3(;C-;34(*?/=/)-)+(;7.*//;+;=

10 Km Distance to No of Rotors Cluster Towers/rotors visible Cluster (km) Turbines only G 8.5 45 45 0

D 17.1 54 44 10 Rangitumau E 19.8 25 23 2

C 26.1 19 19 0

F 29.2 29 28 1

B 34.1 38 34 4

A 38.9 32 32 0

225 17

Areas of theoretical visibility of all or part of Clusters visible from this viewpoint TOTAL 242 242 Based on 2m, 5m and 20m contour data - does not take into account vegetation or structures

These visualisations have been produced as a result of CASTLE HILL WIND FARM VISUAL ASSESSMENT information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken Rangitumau - Viewpoint by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action arising from any incomplete or inaccurate information provided | July 2011 | Revision: 5 | to Boffa Miskell Limited (whether from the client or a 52A third party). These visualisations are provided to the client Plan prepared for Genesis Energy by Boffa Miskell Limited for the benefit and use by the client and for the purpose for which it is intended. © Boffa Miskell Limited 2011 Author: [email protected] | Checked: [email protected] File Ref: W10016_Pans_A1_v2.indd

ASSESSED VISIBILITY AND POTENTIAL VISUAL EFFECTS Distance to Towers or Cluster VISIBILITY VISUAL EFFECT Cluster (km) rotors visible G 8.5 45 of 45 Prominent Moderate

D 17.1 54 of 54 Visible

E 19.8 25 of 25 Low

VIEWPOINT & TURBINE DETAILS C 26.1 19 of 19 NZTM Easting : 1 830 613 mE Apparent NZTM Northing : 5 473 962 mN Elevation : 604 m F 29.2 29 of 29 Date of Photography : 24 May 2011 2:00pm Horizontal Field of View : 850 B 34.1 38 of 38 Insigni cant Negligible Height of Nacelle / Rotor Diameter : 100m / 110m Layout : Large Turbine Con guration A 38.9 32 of 32

TOTAL 242 of 242

These visualisations have been produced as a result of CASTLE HILL WIND FARM VISUAL ASSESSMENT information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the Optimum Reading Distance is 55 cm at Full Scale purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken Rangitumau - Simulation by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action arising Turbines coloured white and facing towards viewpoint for clarity from any incomplete or inaccurate information provided | July 2011 | Revision: 5 | to Boffa Miskell Limited (whether from the client or a THESE A3 PRINTS HAVE BEEN REDUCED 50% FROM FULL SCALE 52B third party). These visualisations are provided to the client Plan prepared for Genesis Energy by Boffa Miskell Limited for the benefi t and use by the client and for the purpose for which it is intended. © Boffa Miskell Limited 2011 Author: [email protected] | Checked: [email protected] xl

Figure B40: Material movement plan for the CHWF. 24

10311-T8C FIG 24 xli

Figure B41: CHWF maximum average daily and total heavy commercial vehicle movements. Pahiatua Pongaroa Rd EBOP Bridge Rd EBOP 1,790 3,3,4 1,790 Pahiatua Pongaroa Rd 3,3,4 Cluster A Cluster A 34,220 43,100,105 Pahiatua Pongaroa Rd Pongaroa 34,220 Pahiatua Rd 45,100,105 Cluster B Hamua Rongomai Rd Cluster B 20,770 Route 52 30,55,75 47,630 Mangaone Valley Rd Rimu Rd 70,120,160 2 A Cluster A Puketoi Rd 59,720 Pori Rd Cluster A Pa Valley Rd Rd 80,180,185

10,790 Tawataia Rd 59,720 15,35,35 Huia Rd

Haunui Rd Cluster B Mangaone Valley Rd Route 52 12,810 Eketahuna Waihoki Valley Rd 20,35,45 Alfredton Rd 56,790 83,650 Mangaoranga Rd Cluster C B 52,570 EBOP 81,540 Cluster B 6,410 Route 52 3,480 Alfredton Route 52 52,570 15,20,25 75,130,170 5,5,9 64,700 Waitawhiti 26,860Rd Cluster D Cluster C Castle Hill Rd 18,200 24,900 25,30,70 Opaki 45,65,80 Rd Mangamahoe C Cluster E Kaiparoro 24,940 Flat Bush Rd Cluster D Central Rd 8,430 23,540 15,30,25 D Cluster B 30,40,90 Ihuraua Route 52 Cluster F 26,860 Cluster E 2 40,65,90 9,780 Daggs Rd 6,990 22,520 Alfredton Tinui Rd 15,35,25 Dreyers Rock Rd 10,25,20 Route 52 Cluster G 24,940 Cluster F E Annedale Rd Te Mai Rd 15,165 4,860 25,25,50 10,15,10 F Cluster E Wairiri Rd 12,140 G 29,170 10,390 Tanawa Rd 20,35,30

Maringi Rd Cluster G Opaki Kaiparoro Rd 27,390 Cluster F Tanglewood Rd Springhill Rd 24,940 12,130 40,40,80 20,40,30 Mangarei Manawa Rd

Rd Tinui Valley Rd Cluster G 24,940 40,40,80 Whangaehu Valley Rd Te Ori Ori Bideford Rd Cluster F Tinui Castlepoint Rd 29,170 40,95,65 2

Masterton Castlepoint

Cluster F Te Ori Ori Bideford Rd Masterton Castlepoint RdBlairlogie Langdale Rd 12,140 Masterton 20,40,30 Masterton

Langdale Rd Cluster E Castlepoint Rd Tauerau Key:

27,390 Manaia Rd XX,XXX Total Heavy Commercial Vehicle Movements 40,90,80 Masterton X,Y,Z ADT Low intensity, ADT Medium intensity, ADT High intensity 2 East Stronv

Tuesday, 21 June 2011 (Note: Totals shown have been rounded).

T d ar R



G:\Tauranga Jobs\10000 - 10499\10311 - Genesis Castle Hill And Hau Nui Feasibility\drawing\10311-8\10311-T8F FIG 25.dwg xlii

Figure B42: Daily profile and total heavy commercial vehicle movements. Pahiatua Pongaroa Rd Bridge Rd

Pahiatua Pongaroa Rd

Pahiatua Pongaroa Rd Pongaroa Pahiatua Rd

Hamua Rongomai Rd

Route 52

Mangaone Valley Rd Rimu Rd 2 A Puketoi Rd

Pori Rd Pa Valley Rd Huia Rd

Tawataia Rd 59,720 Huia Rd

Haunui Rd

Mangaone Valley Rd Route 52 Eketahuna Waihoki Valley Rd Alfredton Rd 56,790 83,650 Mangaoranga Rd 81,540 B 52,570 Route 52 Alfredton Route 52 64,700 Waitawhiti 26,860Rd

Castle Hill Rd

Opaki Rd Mangamahoe C Kaiparoro 24,940 Flat Bush Rd Central Rd D Ihuraua Route 52 2 Daggs Rd 22,520 Dreyers Rock Rd Alfredton Tinui Rd

Route 52 24,940 E Annedale Rd Te Mai Rd F Wairiri Rd 12,140 G 29,170 Tanawa Rd

Maringi Rd Opaki Kaiparoro Rd 27,390 Tanglewood Rd Springhill Rd

Mangarei Manawa Rd

Rd Tinui Valley Rd

Whangaehu Valley Rd

Te Ori Ori Bideford Rd p Tinui Castlepoint Rd


Masterton Castlepoint

Blairlogie Langdale Rd Masterton Te Ori Ori Bideford Rd Masterton Castlepoint Rd

11111111111111111111 Masterton Key:

Langdale Rd 201

eeeeeeeeee 201eeeeeeeee20 e20 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 Castlepoint Rd Tauerau XX,XXX Total Heavy Commercial Vehicle Movements (Note: Referenced months indicative only).

1111 Jun11Ju 11111111111Ju 1Ju 1Ju 1Ju 1Ju Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Manaia Rd Masterton Castle Hill Wind Farm ayayayayayayayayay,ay, 2ayayayayayayayayayayay 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 dddddddddddddddddd Turbine Corridor ast T Stronvar R Tuesday, 21 June 2011Tuesd



G:\Tauranga Jobs\10000 - 10499\10311 - Genesis Castle Hill And Hau Nui Feasibility\drawing\10311-8\10311-T8E FIG 26.dwg xliii

Figure B43: Shadow flicker zone of influence. 397


396 265 407



171 409 408

Hub = 100m Rotor Dia = 110m External Dwellings

CASTLE HILL WIND FARM SHADOW FLICKER ASSESSMENT FIGURE #$\"'"*+#[ | July 2011 | Revision: 5 | Plan prepared for Genesis Energy by Boffa Miskell Limited 3 Author: [email protected] -*=/%*&+;/8(;=%*-)+(; xliv

Figure B44: Shadow flicker on External Dwelling 265. N


0 150m




DataData shown in NZ Standard Time ((addadd 1 hour for NZDT - 1 Oct to 1 April )

TOTAL HOURS PER YEAR : 28.1 TOTAL DAYS PER YEAR : 75 MAXIMUM HOURS PER DAY : 0.51 (30 minutes per day)

CASTLE HILL WIND FARM SHADOW FLICKER ASSESSMENT =J[**$\ '";<*+*;=>?@ | July 2011 | Revision: 5 | Plan prepared for Genesis Energy by Boffa Miskell Limited >?@ Author: [email protected]