A Marsh Deer "Die-Off" in Louisiana Author(S): Leslie L
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A Marsh Deer "Die-off" in Louisiana Author(s): Leslie L. Glasgow and Allan Ensminger Source: The Journal of Wildlife Management, Vol. 21, No. 2 (Apr., 1957), pp. 245-247 Published by: Allen Press Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3797598 Accessed: 13/12/2010 18:13 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp. JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at http://www.jstor.org/action/showPublisher?publisherCode=acg. 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Glasgow and Allan Ensminger School of Forestry and Agricultural Experiment Station, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge; and Louisiana Wild Life and Fisheries Commission, Rockefeller Refuge, Grand Cheniere, Louisiana Although deer "die-offs" due to starvation have with a consequent reduction in the illegal killing of been recorded from many upland areas of North deer. These factors undoubtedly contributed to the America, to the writers' knowledge none has been increase of the deer population. reported from marsh habitats nor from the state of The land has always been trapped and hunted. It Louisiana. The following report is presented be- has at various times supported high muskrat (On- cause of the increasing interest in deer mortality in datra zibethica rivalicius) populations and more the Southeast and because of the unique circum- recently a high nutria (Myocastor coypus) popula- stances encountered in the present investigation. tion. Huge flocks of blue and snow geese (Chen A few reports of marsh deer (Odocoileus virgin- caerulescens and C. hyperborea) winter in the area ianus mcilhennyi) mortality were received in the annually. Severe "eat outs" have been caused in the fall of 1953, and many were received through the past by muskrats and geese, with less severe ones summer and fall of 1954 from the coastal marsh in recently by nutria. Scars from these "eat outs" still south-centralLouisiana. The critical deer range was remain in the form of dense stands of annual plants located between White Lake and Marsh Island and such as marsh fleabane (Pluchea purpurascens). comprised approximately400,000 acres adjacent to The elevation of the marsh floor with its associ- the Gulf of Mexico in Vermilionand Iberia parishes. ated ecological influences is one of the major fac- The part of this area that we investigated consisted tors controlling plant types. Often a difference of of approximately 100,000 acres south of Inter- two or three inches in elevation is sufficient to limit coastal City. types. The principal elevations and their major Most of this marsh was 1 to 2 feet above mean plants were as follows: Gulf level, with scattered ridges elevated to 3 feet. With normal tides, prior to the digging of canals, 1. Canal banks this area was a fresh-water marsh; however, an ex- (a) Pure roseau (Phragmites communis) tensive canal system has permitted the intrusion of (b) Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon), salt water and the conversion of some parts of the marsh-elder (Iva frutescens), and winter area to brackish-marshcommunities. The area has willow (Baccharis halimifolia) an average annual rainfall of about 58 inches, an av- (c) Brushand scattered trees-dewberry (Ru- erage January temperature of 540F., an average bus sp.), wax-myrtle (Myrica cerifera), July temperatureof 820F., and a growing season of yaupon (Ilex vomitoria), hackberry( Cel- 290 days. The normal tidal fluctuation is about 18 tis laevigata), honey-locust (Gleditsia tria- inches. canthos), rattlebox (Daubentonia tex- Widespread canal digging, which began in 1925, ana), and a variety of plants including has continued to the present time. Most early canals deer pea ( Vicia ludoviciana); were dug for drainage and transportation,with a few being constructed to confine cattle that had 2. Intermediate elevations grazed the marsh for many years. During the last (a) Pure hogcane (Spartina cynosuroides) few years, there has been much oil activity in the (b) Wiregrass (Spartina patens), Olney area. Since all wells have been drilled from floating three square (Scirpus olneyi) and coco- barges, canals were required for this work. After grass (Scirpus robustus); extensive canal digging, deer became more numer- 3. Lower elevations ous, probably a direct result of the increased acreage Cattail of elevated land and the of (a) (Typha spp.), bulltongue (Sagit- drainage adjacent taria spp.), and bullwhip (Scirpus cali- marshlandthat provided better deer range than the marsh fornicus) proper. (b) Olney three square. Before 1938, the ridges in the area were culti- vated and planted to cotton and corn. Since that Several other plants occurred on each area but time no farming has taken place, and the land has they usually made up a minor part of the plant reverted to natural marsh conditions, although community except on disturbed areas where an- drainage left these ridges drier than they formerly nuals such as millet (Echinochloa spp.) formed pure were. The incidence of anthrax,which periodically stands. Visits to this area in 1950 and 1951 revealed plagued cattle (and probably deer) in the marsh, that cattail and saw-grass (Cladium jamaicense) was reduced in seriousness by the vaccination of were widely distributed in dense stands over the cattle. Small, interspersedtracts of privately owned area, but at the time of this study both had prac- land were incorporated with large landholdings, tically disappeared. 245 246 JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT, VOL. 21, No. 2, APRIL 1957 FIELD INVESTIGATION TABLE 1. - AGE AND SEX OF DEER FOUND DEAD AND THOSECOLLECTED FOR AUTOPSY During the present investigation, conducted by personnel of the Louisiana AgriculturalExperiment Station and the Louisiana Wild Life and Fisheries Age Sex Total Commission, 24 deer were found dead. Nine ad- (Years) M F Unknown Animals ditional animals in late stages of starvationwere col- / 2 2 0 4 lected for autopsy by veterinariansin the Louisiana 11/2 7 3 1 11 State of Medi- 21/2 5 4 1 10 University Department Veterinary 3/ 2 1 0 3 cine. Many dead deer that could not be checked 4% 2 0 0 2 were reported by men employed in the marsh. 1 1 0 2 Characteristics of the die-off as 7? were follows: 8? 1 0 0 1 there was a marked deteriorationin the (1) physi- Totals 20 11 2 33 cal condition of the deer; (2) the animals became listless, permitting humans to approach them quite before a half-hearted to es- closely making attempt and that the above symptoms were probably of (3) of deer were attracted to small ing cape; groups a secondary nature. They suggested malnutrition areas containing palatable food; (4) weakened ani- mals that were soon became exhausted and as a possible cause of the trouble. pursued the field it was evident that were weak deer that concen- During investigations easily caught; (5) there was a lack of suitable Some trated along bodies of water were usually found forage plants. dead near the same location. plant species had been killed or reduced in vigor primarily by salt-water intrusion and drouth. Be- fore the constructionof canals, fresh water was re- Discussion tained over the marsh for prolonged periods follow- During the early stages of the "die-off" in 1953, ing rains. The canals now not only permit the rain workersin the marsh reported seeing weakened and water to run off rapidly but also allow salt water to dead bucks along canals, but rarely reported a weak enter the marsh, especially with a moderate to high doe or fawn. It was not until the summer of 1954 south wind, which has more influence on tides than that weak does and fawns were commonly seen and the position of the moon and sun. Therefore, inter- later found dead. The field studies, which sup- action between rainfall and wind govern the degree ported these reports, showed that the bucks died of salinity in the area. first, does second, and fawns last. This was in the The investigators were not present in the area reverse order of mortality for northern "die-offs" during 1952 when a drouth accompanied by occas- which were due to malnutrition (Dahlberg and ional high tides extended from the latter part of Au- Guettinger, 1956). At least 90 per cent of the marsh gust through October. It is probable that at this deer's diet was obtained by grazing; therefore, the time water containing 5,000 to 7,000 p.p.m. of necessity to reach high for food did not exist in the chloride was driven over the marsh by strong winds. marsh. Animal nutritionists ( Morrison,1948) have n 1953 a drouth extended from late August through shown that the males of several species require eptember.