Scott Wright, KØMD /
[email protected] NCJ Reviews: W2IHY 8 Band Audio Equalizer and Noise Gate and EQplus I went to the 2011 Dayton Hamvention® Dan worked with me via telephone, and it not intending to purchase anything for the took me all of five minutes to get everything shack. I spent my time looking at new an- set up. tenna options, ring rotators, the new Elecraft I had one hiccup when I first hooked and TEN-TEC radios and attending semi- things up. I could hear hum in my signal’s nars. My friend Dan, W5DNT, suggested I audio that was not there without the sys- check out the W2IHY audio enhancement tem in line. It turned out that setting the products, as he was impressed with the W2IHY system boxes on top of my amplifier performance demos at W2IHY’s Hamven- caused the problem; relocating them about tion booth. Following Hamvention, Dan pur- 15 inches away made the hum disappear. chased a W2IHY system, and soon we were on the air between his ranch location and Technical Features Figure 1 — W2IHY 8 Band Audio my station testing it. The audio I was hearing The 8 Band Audio equalizer and Noise Equalizer and Noise Gate was remarkable, and I felt that the W2IHY Gate serves several purposes, but it’s pri- system might improve my SSB contesting. marily an equalizer. According to the W2IHY I called W2IHY in late June, and Julius Web site (, it can provide immediately amazed me with his knowl- pileup-penetrating audio with substantial edge, his communication skills and his high frequency content, or fine-tune your ability to tell about his products without microphone for more natural reproduction.