Microcytic Anemia

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Microcytic Anemia The new england journal of medicine review article Edward W. Campion, M.D., Editor Microcytic Anemia Thomas G. DeLoughery, M.D. From the Hematology Section, Knight Can- he microcytic anemias are those characterized by the produc- cer Institute; and the Departments of Med- tion of red cells that are smaller than normal. The small size of these cells is icine, Pathology, and Pediatrics, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland. Tdue to decreased production of hemoglobin, the predominant constituent of Address reprint requests to Dr. DeLough- red cells (Fig. 1). The causes of microcytic anemia are a lack of globin product (thal- ery at the Division of Hematology–Medi- assemia), restricted iron delivery to the heme group of hemoglobin (anemia of in- cal Oncology, Oregon Health and Science University, 3181 S.W. Sam Jackson Park Rd., flammation), a lack of iron delivery to the heme group (iron-deficiency anemia), Portland, OR 97239, or at delought@ and defects in the synthesis of the heme group (sideroblastic anemias). This review ohsu.edu. highlights new aspects of the most common microcytic anemias: thalassemia, N Engl J Med 2014;371:1324-31. anemia of inflammation, and iron-deficiency anemia. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra1215361 Copyright © 2014 Massachusetts Medical Society. Thalassemia Thalassemias are diseases of hemoglobin synthesis, with subtypes named after the hemoglobin chain involved (Table 1). Given that each chromosome 16 carries two copies of the gene encoding the α chain, there are four types of α-thalassemia: trait 1, trait 2, hemoglobin H disease, and hemoglobin Bart’s. Patients with the trait thalassemias present with no or very mild anemia and variable microcytosis — both more pronounced in patients with the trait-2 form. Deletion of or mutations in three α-chain genes lead to hemoglobin H disease, which is marked by more prominent anemia, often with a hemolytic component. Hemoglobin Bart’s is char- acterized by a lack of α-chain production, resulting in hydrops fetalis due to the lack of fetal and adult hemoglobin production. The main geographic locations where α-thalassemia is found are Africa, the Mediterranean area, and Southeast Asia, but the more severe forms — hemoglobin H disease and hemoglobin Bart’s — are seen only in the Mediterranean area and Southeast Asia.1 The reason for this geographic association with severity concerns the two molecular forms of α-thalassemia trait 2 — one in which one copy of the gene is mutated on each chromosome (trans) and the other in which one chromo- some has both genes mutated (cis). The predominant genotype of thalassemia trait in Africa is trans, but the cis form is found in other areas, which can lead to he- moglobin H disease and hemoglobin Bart’s. β-Thalassemia is common in the Mediterranean area and Southeast Asia. Be- cause there is one copy of the hemoglobin β chain on chromosome 11, patients can be either heterozygous (thalassemia minor) or homozygous (thalassemia major) for the defective hemoglobin chain. Some patients are homozygous for β-chain mutations but still have residual β-chain synthesis, resulting in an intermediate phenotype (thalassemia intermedia). Patients with thalassemia minor present with mild microcytic anemia. Thalassemia major is manifested soon after birth as se- vere transfusion-dependent anemia. As the name implies, thalassemia intermedia can range in presentation from transfusion-dependent anemia to anemia that is slightly more severe than that in patients with thalassemia minor. Also common in Southeast Asia is hemoglobin E disease, in which lysine is substituted for glutamine at position 26 of the β chain. This mutation also activates 1324 n engl j med 371;14 nejm.org october 2, 2014 The New England Journal of Medicine Downloaded from nejm.org on October 2, 2014. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2014 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved. Microcytic Anemia Iron deficiency Anemia of inflammation Iron Heme Hemoglobin Protoporphyrin Globin Sideroblastic anemia Thalassemia Figure 1. Disorders Characterized by Microcytosis. Red cells become microcytic because of a lack of hemoglobin. This can result from a lack of iron (deficiency or in- flammation), defects in heme synthesis (sideroblastic anemias), or defects in the production of hemoglobinCOLOR FIGURE protein (thalassemia). Draft 1 8/5/14 Author DeLoughery Fig # 1 Title Microcytic Anemia ME an alternative messenger RNA (mRNA) splice site, Iron DeficiencyDE Campion leading to a marked reduction in protein synthesis. Artist N Koscal AUTHOR PLEASE NOTE: People who are heterozygous for hemoglobin E The most common anemiaFigure is hasiron-deficiency been redrawn and type has been ane- reset Please check carefully have microcytosis with target cells, and those who mia. Besides playing a crucialIssue date role10/2/2014 as an oxygen are homozygous have only mild anemia. However, carrier in the heme group of hemoglobin, iron is children with one copy each of the β-thalassemia found in many key proteins in the cells, such as gene and the hemoglobin E gene will have a se- cytochromes and myoglobin, so it is not unexpect- vere phenotype, resulting in a transfusion-depen- ed that a lack of iron has effects other than ane- dent anemia. mia. Three studies have focused on nonanemic iron deficiency leading to fatigue. Two studies Anemia of Inflammation showed that oral iron supplementation reduces fatigue, with no significant change in hemoglobin Inflammatory states are often accompanied by levels, in women with a ferritin level of less than microcytic anemia. The cause of this anemia is 50 ng per milliliter,4,5 and a third study showed a twofold.2 First, renal production of erythropoietin lessening of fatigue with parenteral iron admin- is suppressed by inflammatory cytokines, resulting istration in women with a ferritin level of 15 ng in decreased red-cell production. Second, lack of per milliliter or less or an iron saturation of 20% iron availability for developing red cells can lead or less.6 to microcytosis. The lack of iron is largely due to Owing to obligate iron loss through menses, the protein hepcidin,3 an acute-phase reactant that women are at greater risk for iron deficiency than leads to both reduced iron absorption and re- men. Iron loss in all women averages 1 to 3 mg duced release of iron from body stores. The pro- per day, and dietary intake is often inadequate to tein ferroportin mediates cellular efflux of iron. maintain a positive iron balance.7,8 A 1967 study Hepcidin binds to and down-regulates ferropor- showed that 25% of healthy, college-age women tin, thereby blocking iron absorbed by enterocytes had no bone marrow iron stores and that another from entering the circulation and also preventing 33% had low stores.9 Pregnancy adds to demands the release of iron from its body stores to develop- for iron, with requirements increasing to 6 mg per ing red cells (Fig. 2). day by the end of pregnancy.10 n engl j med 371;14 nejm.org october 2, 2014 1325 The New England Journal of Medicine Downloaded from nejm.org on October 2, 2014. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2014 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved. The new england journal of medicine Table 1. Features of the Thalassemias.* Mean Corpuscular Findings on Type Volume Hemoglobin Electrophoresis Other Features fl g/dl β-Thalassemia Major 50–75 <7 Increased hemoglobin A2 Severe anemia Intermedia 50–75 <9 Increased hemoglobin A2 Target cells on smear Minor 65–75 9–10 Increased hemoglobin A2 Target cells on smear α-Thalassemia Trait 1 (α α/α−) 80–85 12–14 Normal Trait 2 (α−/α−) or (α α/−) 65–75 12–13 Normal Hemoglobin H disease (α−/−) 60–69 9–8 Hemoglobin H Hemolysis, splenomegaly Hemoglobin Bart’s (− −/−) Hemoglobin H, hemoglobin Hydrops fetalis Bart’s Hemoglobin E disease Heterozygous 80–85 12 Hemoglobin E present Rare target cells on smear Homozygous 70–79 11–12 Hemoglobin E predominant Target cells on smear * The normal range for mean corpuscular volume is 80 to 100 fl. The normal range for hemoglobin level is 13.5 to 17.5 g per deciliter in men and 12 to 16 g per deciliter in women. Athletes are another group at risk for iron defi- reduced can be a clue to etiologic factors, because ciency.11 Gastrointestinal tract blood is the a value of less than 70 fl is rare in patients with source of iron loss, and exercise-induced hemoly- anemia of inflammation. There have been a vari- sis leads to urinary iron losses.12 Decreased ab- ety of proposed prediction rules with the use of sorption of iron has also been implicated as a blood indexes to differentiate between thalassemia cause of iron deficiency, because levels of hepci- and iron deficiency, but these have limited pre- din are often elevated in athletes owing to dictive power; therefore, specific testing is required. training-induced inflammation.11 Although it is On the blood smear, microcytic cells can be clear that frank anemia can affect exercise per- recognized because they are smaller than a lym- formance, evidence is increasing that nonanemic phocyte nucleus. Hypochromia — an increase in iron deficiency may also be detrimental.13 the size of the central pallor of red cells — can An interactive Obesity and its surgical treatment are also risk also be observed. In iron-deficiency anemia and graphic showing blood smears factors for iron deficiency. Obese patients are of- anemia of inflammation, microcytic cells pre- is available ten iron-deficient, with increased hepcidin levels dominate, but in β-thalassemia and hemoglobin at NEJM.org being implicated in decreased absorption.14 After bariatric surgery, the incidence of iron deficiency can be as high as 50%.15 Because the main site Figure 2 (facing page).
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