Isabel Allende Shares Soul with SJSU
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OPINION: Weather: Highs in Coffee is the wine Friday Highs the 80s of day Mostly sunny, pg. 2 September 27, 1996 warm Lows in the 50s artan Dail Set srrr San iise Slaw I. 1931 111 11): wsi.sistacelti Daily Isabel Allende shares soul with SJSU Plli /11/ its By Ed Oberweiser speaks Spanish fluen M.." she told the anthem e. Mic hi Wintery, another Montetey flay stu- SLAS LIAM \ Spartan Daily Staff Writer "I couldn't bear to lieu hint panting in English dent, said she came to hear Allende hen ruse' SM1. 'Sabel IlliXCd 1111111tirt/IIS Slot ieS while we were making love." she was influenced by her summei spent in D1111 being scut on a mission to Amsterdam in Allende told the audience that Ionian( e is Zac,Oec a Mexico, and she wanted to leiun mote semiIi of cloth devices Mr her daughtei, Paula, not alNitit busty, blonde, green eyed ail line about I atin Americans and their culture. Isabel with the sadness oil taking het daughter au of stewai dew, being swept away bv cit h business- Allende it the anthem e (il almost $00 that Allende the hospital :111(11/ringing her home to die, din- Mall. Slit. said marriage is the beginning of she thinks most ol het novels al t' %VIA autobio- signed ing her Ihursd.0 night lc( tine in the Barlett hal., runt the hippy end ot the story. Allende gt.mhical. 'Flies. contain something that moved copies of Ballroom in the Student Union. said lose is about a iclationship lasting Mr ought het in her life, she said. her books Allende said her daughter had been in the the piactical everyday experiences of life. Allende ended her ptesentation with a ques- for Josie hospital in a coma tor di year when the dm tius lanet Zekas, a global studies student limn tion and answer period in which site told the Covarrubiaz it her there was no hope of lee oven. Allende ("alit"' Ma State l'itiveisitv, Monterey has, said andicm e that she never asked herself why het after her then ttiok her daughter home, when c she (licit she heard about Allende's lei litre' on the inter - daughter had to die bet ause she knows that speech at Al let said she pitied [Lucius whose chil- net and came because AllenAllende is ride'n of her death is part of the life cycle.. SJSU dren died in the hospital. her ties. Allende said all the pt (weeds limn the lec- Thursday "I tell in hive with Willie lAllende's husbiuuD "I love women writers who ar making a MI - ture will gni to the Paula Scholarship she cleat- night. for a practical reason he c tioks well ,ind MI clue and she is," Zekas said. ed here at SISLI in menu)! y of Paula. know Spartafest '96 Everything I need to Festival to feature food, I learned in kindergarten wine and entertainment By John Louis and to bi mg together it cn'icie'r- Spartan Daily Staff Writer SJSU gi actuates who have not been here sin«. the t alliplIS I'M 1111/M1 wh, i enii iv deli- , wins Mod, last% wine, lively appl1:11.111( (1 11.IS i hanged so mush and the ambianc a mut h lot the better" Moir than 1.000 people arc asital atinosplier e., Spat cur( ted to attend this s t.11 '111i OM(' It/ hr. the' 5351.: third annual Spar latest. Chihli en ate also gourmet festival will he held welcome. I m Sunday between I According to Tanya )rniati. run c p.m.. at 'towel havvn. public affairs assistaiit, "It's .1 fun -filled claN and a Spartalest is an ext client oppi cn !unity lit get to know fulaxing nine, featuring a stir- ('is id Mods and drinks lot people who are levisiting t ;um mei %line. It bongs together pus, alumni in at friends iii the Sits'. the c minimum members, W1111 !italic(' by the sits (1/111111111111%. alld 11111 1,11111111S Adyant einem Deychipmilit slItiWt ases the campus itself Sands Mot am, a pi evious par Spartatest has been tic pant. said. around Mt du re V(1.11 s I lie Sp, imoied its SISI' and the V% C111 is all l'111/11 lir 1.11sti Alumni Littt n. the lesti- 1111 hit sn holm slops while Nisi al is a slitim ast It It cud and lea( lung out to ''s friends and the it ,ttttultuiiits it cii limn San lo se's finest iestaimints ,util renowned Free parking will be avail wineries. liu music and able in the Four th Street park- ing g.0 age. c'inter Liniment will also be iii ir vided Iti1.1..t11 's Swing World. Tic kits itVallilble fill $25. the Wall’s Swing World is a line' lee ("sets gourmet In and wine, live music and will -knit stir, Si'. pliit swing or( hesti that plais equerirly ci /1111/111111.111.115' (1/111111,1111, 1.11111' 1,11111. glass. in Santa Lou, the lias Arra and its 11111omichlig in nes Detail.% Dui, 0,1 i Alumni Mims, Foi tic kits, c all 1.10t4i 92.1- 1%eth A highest., said, he RSVP 177$71 or e-mail eyetitsusjidayin edit. Visit lestual is an attempt to broad- I .ststi taFest wet) site at en the base ol alumni support the Spat hnint iwww.sraredti Makin. Makin's Mazda then Crash by campus hit the car in front of her. Spartan 1.111, Stan Report Makin described Renews as A three-car thriving too fast, although occurred late Thursday after. Benetes said he was only dri- ving 15 to '20 mph. San Jose noon OD Sari Saki/1111111f Street, police arrived 10 minutes I Ilitilt itS I/11i 11, 1111,10 --Sushi 1 Vs 1h111 between 10th and 11th streets. later, &news said. He added Recreation and Recreation and Leisure Studies Department Chair Charles Whitcomb more on -campus events are scheduled by the Jose Benches said his broth- he had no car insurance, and pursues the Dike finish line during the Kumon-i-wanna-leia Beach Leisure students through Oct 2 er ()mar was driving when he the car belonged to his father. Relay on Wednesday afternoon at the seventh Street Plaza Three lost ilium)! of the brakes, Poll( e said it was a simple c ausing him in run into the real -end accident and there car of SJSI.' student Mindy were no injurk.s. SJSU doctor battled stereotypes to bring campus better health It u Wii111(111 III At the beginning cit her mimic at SIM ''s By John Louis 111111111111Cfl tci 1141 MD' a plum - SIP 111,1 11101%1111. ,ill AN a .111,111 ti If al St lnicccl, 111,1 [aim ccl hum "There was no birth cc Spartan Daily Starr Wnter 1,111 ihc,rt I VS', ill1,1 1.1111(11 11111 si itri,11 all get a mart Imo You're lust going the meth( al profession was about 30-ticl, health center. few pi oxtail's." Neel With A degree 1,11 III .1 W1111(111.111,i1s: N,e1 lit li.ue babies and miss isttr k .1111Wdk ''" ttrthnig to statistic s available at the and women's health DI F 11/alielti NiCI het Mlle 111, fit 1.1 nistitimental in the said N(111 Said Slue was asked us the 11111151111ntl A11111.11,111 Merlin al Assoc tation I his man- said. "I have been female plum( Ian hir rd at the SIM' student and mantic- She rei ailed an incident when she 'WI mini 10,, li 0401 111,111 111,111 tic! WA% (Nell I elk( fed in her ti,nss "()tit of development, mg:um/anon i health t entei tit I,47 %CAI% i /1 1111 S( 111/01," rianc ol the quality n "moil cut the applied it admission in ti, medic al 1.1 1110/1 11111,1,4e, I would gnu %gill 111IC lass about 2011 students in Asked how, she managed to %ennui into Welt W1,1111(111'S 11(1:11111 prow am at the universi- nt dIt 1'111%11SM ,i1 N111 Illgall 111(' 111.1111 %CI %DC.- Neel said he 11111111111111141 NCI] ( "tiler(' 1/111V 10 a male-dommated olession, Neel said lilt,/ VICWCI icked her a (megaton, whin h was, 1.11,.1111 Aar k be her keen answer, Neel W11171(111." ty." she attoblited 11(111 stilt CS% III 1111C(111.11 lilted by Two of Neil's patients were willing tu v., add «m idried pohlicall% inn nirren t, said Met gt damming. Neel was field Di hr.rinl its. ilk and it lin a sexist h., it 's standard. "'Win In the late I totiOs, when she was in me& MSI' as a fullanne physic lam Neel, Back page tic tin See Dr. Conference Davis gets death The Boss at SJSU SJSU Dateline Priority deadline to apply for May 1 Ile I V,1111(111.10,111(1(111(,’ W111 lice' death semen( e hearing of Student sour hers to Springsteen 1 Graduation: 1., Ildd inc WM1111110,11 Square Ric hard Allen Davis erupted into a benefit critic ert (ktober 26 are I997 Spartan Hall, Room I 04 Saturday, maelstrom itt emotion I hursdav. available at the Events Center Friday, October 4 -sn taerrifx r today. Tin kris go on sale Sunday. Read (v.t. It will /Pi licit. so than V. III ibIllk SPeed Page 3 Page 7 2 Thursday, September 25, 1996 University OPINION San Jose State Spartan Daily Radio is more about insults than entertainment Hair.