OPINION: Weather: Coffee is the wine Friday Highs in the 80s of day Mostly sunny, pg. 2 September 27, 1996 warm Lows in the 50s artan Dail

Set srrr San iise Slaw I. 1931 111 11): wsi.sistacelti Daily Isabel Allende shares soul with SJSU

Plli /11/ its By Ed Oberweiser speaks Spanish fluen M.." she told the anthem e. Mic hi Wintery, another Montetey flay stu- SLAS LIAM \ Spartan Daily Staff Writer "I couldn't bear to lieu hint panting in English dent, said she came to hear Allende hen ruse'

SM1. 'Sabel IlliXCd 1111111tirt/IIS Slot ieS while we were making love." she was influenced by her summei spent in

D1111 being scut on a mission to Amsterdam in Allende told the audience that Ionian( e is Zac,Oec a Mexico, and she wanted to leiun mote semiIi of cloth devices Mr her daughtei, Paula, not alNitit busty, blonde, green eyed ail line about I atin Americans and their culture. Isabel with the sadness oil taking het daughter au of stewai dew, being swept away bv cit h business- Allende it the anthem e (il almost $00 that Allende the hospital :111(11/ringing her home to die, din- Mall. Slit. said marriage is the beginning of she thinks most ol het novels al t' %VIA autobio- signed ing her Ihursd.0 night lc( tine in the Barlett hal., runt the hippy end ot the story. Allende gt.mhical. 'Flies. contain something that moved copies of Ballroom in the Student Union. said lose is about a iclationship lasting Mr ought het in her life, she said. her books Allende said her daughter had been in the the piactical everyday experiences of life. Allende ended her ptesentation with a ques- for Josie hospital in a coma tor di year when the dm tius lanet Zekas, a global studies student limn tion and answer period in which site told the Covarrubiaz it her there was no hope of lee oven. Allende ("alit"' Ma State l'itiveisitv, Monterey has, said andicm e that she never asked herself why het after her then ttiok her daughter home, when c she (licit she heard about Allende's lei litre' on the inter - daughter had to die bet ause she knows that speech at Al let said she pitied [Lucius whose chil- net and came because AllendeAllen is ride'n of her death is part of the life cycle.. SJSU dren died in the hospital. her ties. Allende said all the pt (weeds limn the lec- Thursday "I tell in hive with Willie lAllende's husbiuuD "I love women writers who ar making a MI - ture will gni to the Paula Scholarship she cleat- night. for a practical reason he c tioks well ,ind MI clue and she is," Zekas said. ed here at SISLI in menu)! y of Paula. know Spartafest '96 Everything I need to Festival to feature food, I learned in kindergarten wine and entertainment By John Louis and to bi mg together it cn'icie'r- Spartan Daily Staff Writer SJSU gi actuates who have not been here sin«. the t alliplIS I'M 1111/M1 wh, i enii iv deli- , wins Mod, last% wine, lively appl1:11.111( (1 11.IS i hanged so mush and the ambianc a mut h lot the better" asital atinosplier e., Spat Moir than 1.000 people arc cur( ted to attend this s t.11 '111i OM(' It/ hr. the' 5351.: third annual Spar latest. Chihli en ate also gourmet festival will he held welcome. I m Sunday between I p.in. According to Tanya )rniati. run c p.m.. at 'towel havvn. public affairs assistaiit, "It's .1 fun -filled claN and a Spartalest is an ext client oppi cn !unity lit get to know fulaxing nine, featuring a stir- ('is id Mods and drinks lot people who are levisiting t ;um mei %line. It bongs together pus, alumni in at friends iii the Sits'. the c minimum members, W1111 !italic(' by the sits (1/111111111111%. alld 11111 1,11111111S Adyant einem Deychipmilit slItiWt ases the campus itself Sands Mot am, a pi evious par Spartatest has been tic pant. said. around Mt du re V(1.11 s I lie Sp, imoied its SISI' and the V% C111 is all l'111/11 lir 1.11sti Alumni Littt n. the lesti- 1111 hit sn holm slops while Nisi al is a slitim ast It It cud and lea( lung out to ''s friends and the it ,ttttultuiiits it cii limn San lo se's finest iestaimints ,util renowned Free parking will be avail wineries. liu music and able in the Four th Street park- ing g.0 age. c'inter Liniment will also be iii ir vided Iti1.1..t11 's Swing World. Tic kits itVallilble fill $25. the Wall’s Swing World is a line' lee ("sets gourmet In and wine, live music and will -knit stir, Si'. pliit swing or( hesti that plais equerirly ci /1111/111111.111.115' (1/111111,1111, 1.11111' 1,11111. glass. in Santa Lou, the lias Arra and its 11111omichlig in nes Detail.% Dui, 0,1 i Alumni Mims, Foi tic kits, c all 1.10t4i 92.1- 1%eth A highest., said, he RSVP 177$71 or e-mail eyetitsusjidayin edit. Visit lestual is an attempt to broad- I .ststi taFest wet) site at en the base ol alumni support the Spat hnint iwww.sraredti

Makin. Makin's Mazda then Crash by campus hit the car in front of her. Spartan 1.111, Stan Report Makin described Renews as A three-car thriving too fast, although occurred late Thursday after. Benetes said he was only dri- ving 15 to '20 mph. San Jose noon OD Sari Saki/1111111f Street, police arrived 10 minutes I Ilitilt itS I/11i 11, 1111,10 --Sushi 1 Vs 1h111 between 10th and 11th streets. later, &news said. He added Recreation and Recreation and Leisure Studies Department Chair Charles Whitcomb more on -campus events are scheduled by the Jose Benches said his broth- he had no car insurance, and pursues the Dike finish line during the Kumon-i-wanna-leia Beach Leisure students through Oct 2 er ()mar was driving when he the car belonged to his father. Relay on Wednesday afternoon at the seventh Street Plaza Three lost ilium)! of the brakes, Poll( e said it was a simple c ausing him in run into the real -end accident and there car of SJSI.' student Mindy were no injurk.s. SJSU doctor battled stereotypes to bring campus better health It u Wii111(111 III At the beginning cit her mimic at SIM ''s By John Louis 111111111111Cfl tci 1141 MD' a plum - SIP 111,1 11101%1111. ,ill AN a .111,111 ti If al St lnicccl, 111,1 [aim ccl hum "There was no birth cc Spartan Daily Starr Wnter 1,111 ihc,rt I VS', ill1,1 1.1111(11 11111 si itri,11 all get a mart Imo You're lust going the meth( al profession was about 30-ticl, health center. few pi oxtail's." Neel With A degree 1,11 III .1 W1111(111.111,i1s: N,e1 lit li.ue babies and miss isttr k .1111Wdk ''" ttrthnig to statistic s available at the and women's health DI F 11/alielti NiCI het Mlle 111, fit 1.1 nistitimental in the said N(111 Said Slue was asked us the 11111151111ntl A11111.11,111 Merlin al Assoc tation I his man- said. "I have been female plum( Ian hir rd at the SIM' student and mantic- She rei ailed an incident when she 'WI mini 10,, li 0401 111,111 111,111 tic! WA% (Nell I elk( fed in her ti,nss "()tit of development, mg:um/anon health t entei tit I,47 i n "moil cut the it 1.1 1110/1 11111,1,4e, I would gnu %gill 111IC %CAI% i /1 lass about 2011 students in 1111 S( 111/01," rianc ol the quality applied admission in ti, medic al Asked how, she managed to %ennui into Welt W1,1111(111'S 11(1:11111 prow am at the universi- nt dIt 1'111%11SM ,i1 N111 Illgall 111(' 111.1111 %CI %DC.- Neel said he 11111111111111141 NCI] ( "tiler(' 1/111V 10 a male-dommated olession, Neel said lilt,/ VICWCI icked her a (megaton, whin h was, 1.11,.1111 Aar k be her keen answer, Neel W11171(111." ty." she attoblited 11(111 stilt CS% III 1111C(111.11 v., add «m idried pohlicall% inn nirren t, said Met gt damming. Neel was lilted by Two of Neil's patients were willing tu field Di hr.rinl its. ilk and it lin a sexist h., it 's standard. "'Win In the late I totiOs, when she was in me& MSI' as a fullanne physic lam Neel, Back page tic tin See Dr.

Conference Davis gets death The Boss at SJSU SJSU Dateline Priority deadline to apply for May 1 Ile I V,1111(111.10,111(1(111(,’ W111 lice' death semen( e hearing of Student sour hers to Springsteen 1 benefit critic ert (ktober 26 are I997 Graduation: 1., Ildd inc WM1111110,11 Square Ric hard Allen Davis erupted into a Spartan Hall, Room I 04 Saturday, maelstrom itt emotion I hursdav. available at the Events Center Friday, October 4 -sn taerrifx r today. Tin kris go on sale Sunday. Read (v.t. It will /Pi licit. so than V. III ibIllk SPeed Page 3 Page 7 2 Thursday, September 25, 1996 University OPINION San Jose State Spartan Daily Radio is more about insults than entertainment Hair. Zecapais Neighborhood Disc jockeys disrespect listeners Teach children 15% Cassandr a Nash tilt of business! worst. Vliat happened to all [he- school education and just do not I must point out the loss 1/1 lm) and gailleS and Wend MUSIC know :lin. better. I 4 et me tell mil what is eSpel 1111.St. 51 l'( ailed disc jot keys the morning woups use to do? If DJ's nowadays forget it is the lis- about elections what kid the lias ea's have fin their listeliers. :Most of vim do want to hear the little bit of tener who makes or breaks the Dyer, a 12-year-old Mut Si Mons. Niel el11% musk the stations do play, just radio stations. I bet the DJ's would Kevils boy who lives in San Jose, . but is all knov, who ilirs make sure you do not listen in the not talk so much crap to their lis- I must point sits by his computer pon- EDDIE are. 1 ri shins a little bit of frijol I.I morning, bet ause the majority of tener if they were face to face. dering alanst how he call tell Will 11,4 }Milli 11111 all% 1.111 11111111141% the stations are too busy ranting And, I hate to burst your bubbles, President Bill Clinton that he iii 11,1111eS. out the loss of ihout each either in some sick sex DJ's, but you are ZACAPA not all that and a should fume to the 199fi %%11111 .1 lic1s sot ig is intiodin td %nine! t. I mean what kind of game bag of chips and dip. In fact, you Kids’ention. they try to %a,' 111r1 iii 111. 111%1 is riffling your spouse respect these and trying to are nothing but a wannabes hiding Even though he is miles away eelleS to In rig IL MIL So 5,11,i1 this «invince fuutui luei that you have behind the radio station walls, and realizes that the president is ate saving is that bringing out the turned so-called gay (it lesbian, hut yet you because most of you are fit to be a busy man. Dyer is writing a let- song film signifies that thes e disc still want them Do to be with your tied. ter because lie believes it is America's children, and their twin.; 1 hell 11111 011111 1,1(110 51.1- you win a CD or something of that We are soon entering a brand important for kids like him to parents, may better understand 1114111? 1 hen we heal the song loin jockeys have sort for thtowing a molikev-rench new year. Let's hope the big wheels become educated ;china the and appreciate the freedoms s within a half an him!, like we in your probably already screwed in radiohuid gets rid of these sorry issues pertaining to their coun- that we hold so dear," said 1996 11111 1101 Ill'ar 11 1111 fits! !lore for their lis- up relationship. Come on please, little excuses of DJ's, and brings in try. Pn esidential Candidate Lamar 111111's. W1111 k1101/.01 1S1.111S iii the is it worth it? smart, experienced and educated In his letter Dye! mites, 1 Alexander III tile program. song "Killing Me Sof !Is" by the teners. (:a11 you even understand some disc jockeys who care about their know that you liae a %et% bus\ l'he idea of kids Voting was Fug,.,,,? Or ISiusli -/."; I ix.1 Still of their lingo, their figure of listeners imd their opinions, and schedule and you di nil liae am sparked when three Arizona wit tired of it e en byline you these arrogant, lowlifes do no speech, sentence or word frag- who will stop the repetitious play- time to spare. The kids (if 11 alas. businessmen traveled to Costa bought the CD Vii bin the (.1), want to listen to anything the ments? Can we pleast. see some of ing of popular songs. will make the decisions for Rica on a fishing trip and when all son hase to do is listen to (.111(1 has to sai ilies unless are dieir t redential or ediu ation II morrow. If we (11 flu 'I start leat n- leai lied that the country had a the radio lot an Initir Minn stores, inaising the DItui theii iadio sta anis? Most of them liii t- liii gull- Castandra Nash ii a Spartan Daily ing alit nit our government now, 90 pelt ent voter turnout rate. %011 1)1.111.1 1.,,111 II 1.111 141.111Se the 11011. tell the radio's laws arid et s Or Stall Wnter. Wt' won't [le educated voters in They discovered the reason for radio indlisn is going to 11111 51111 The mottling shows ate the maybe they have lied about their the future. It's true that I'm too this was due III .1 youth voting young to vote 1111w, but it is 1/1111.' program in %chi/141s. The three 1W1) lllll re elections before 1 tall then returned to Arizt ma and VI 4e. founded Kids \Ailing in 19147. l'Ile 14.11 ply in San Jose are si 4 Arid, the con( ept has worked I'D LIKE. THIS fit away from W'ashington l).C. because of the fact that our MAN ARRESTED that we might be ionsideted sense (41 community is our chill- FoR 3TEAUNG unimpoi tam di en; they bring in F4YIDEF.. Ni/Il S1111111(1 together and show the pt-tt- Kids Voting is remind us alunit ple of San what we need to be Inst. that we illuminating doing or not are impor- doing. tant. Not 1111 IN kids and Their involve- will the kids ment puts the pres- apin et lair sure on us adults to vim s'iSii, 1411 adults across not screw things /41111IS Will up, so thus, they 1011. It's America in a not only remind us imp/ aunt of our coinmit- that kid+ practicable ment to sisciety but know that en( ourage us to be better informed. glow their manner to Thu aims jefferst in ii III %silt once said that the (1111111." take the Nile of learning, DWI Is Mit. "was to illuminate, ei1 301E0110 initiative to as far as practica- kids in San ble, the minds of lose will, .11, learn political the people at a pat till Kids large" so that "they Voting. may be enabled to non-motif issues and know ambition Ill gam/anon tinder all its (1444114.in-41 ii get out and shapes, and building .1 !flotilla them to 11114e vote. exert their natural 111101 Turd power to defeat its Son gets hassled to attend synagogue services gentiation purp4ACS." sow's. prowain begins with kids ting is illuminating tea1 her s hill 1111111111 ming the kids and (hilts across America Religion should never be forced hands-on kids Voting III .1 Vim tit able manner to take Ctirlioiltsin in the I lasso tom the initiative to learn political 1).sx Its 1%.111 1 guian 14 IS gill -s 1111 5%. 151.11%, hull Ill gels lull al -I X114111111 14,11,4111 I think that ins fitful goes and r idniniates ton Ely( non issues ant get 0111 41111 vote. .1 111 en'IN 111111 ning, so he 4 all Make 11 In Ii a in Ii IS bet mist( anendanu is the onls aira of when students gi to the 111111 Nitiety-nine per! ent Ili all teach- j14 hIIiIif4 site and list then stiles. ers belic veil the 'migrant EsIt%In, 1 1 .111 1 11111'111141. III% 1/.11tIlls 541%11 is !rill nen en11 .11111' .11 11 111 I Ile 1111, II the ieligion in whit li III . MI "1 14111411r with 11.1W 14 1 II (11 agging iii iii sstiagogue 1111, Ill 111111 WM'S 111 111 %II I'S ilti% night, tin, the tithet menthe! s Lithe! was !tonight tip 'her s lettet was t tint el ning teased hen students' knowl- esei% neeketill 1 he hinin thing is. I di, not i hiuttl iii dad is with it -Lintels little lot tital telignots naming, KidsVention (an e51-111 tot hes- edge and 71 percent of the stu- s. before 1 55.15 .1 teenager. III% 1/.11 11111. lied hut these sem. 1%11 s tone I go wher1-.15 .1 I1111111H1 111 1111' .1 lot 1111.111bel5 11,151 itated IA. kids Voting), whit 1155,1'. dents siii %eyed said they went 1511111 1111 1111 iii gui 1,1 duce '.11011'S etcts salt nub him, he manages I., sleep through at least 11,111 .1 11 It Inner lomat 'taming held Mart II III, 199),, Esen Ill me and asked then parents kith 1 olien had ni gto tst. pail Iii the Sit Sill' 1111 111111'..11 %VI% 1111114 111- 1 lie mit-smill 1 am 101 vsith is this 11115 4111 tin nigh the president was unable (plc.:tit ins II), 1111 111e election. '1,11(14) 111111 Non. 111.11 1 hail itI lt5 it plat r. Ills nil lIlt /,ills %11 I. III% dad fell into sou li a deep sleep that he 1111 patents feel an osetwhelming need to fin«. 10,11111141 1111. 1.51111, 1 %Lobe It Is time we learn it, im nu. lino in 11%1' 111111 1. .1 1 1...11111 .11111051 .1111.155 It'll 1 1111 111 1111 1 11.111, 11 11 011 1111' MN 11 .11111 11111 11111 me !ogle tu e Sel through twelfth gimlets limn Ilsei and kids kOling and tat by ht utls «in- 11 11 11 111, 1411% 1 111111 11 1 g,i ill 511511 I's 1 Ills %SAX lull 1111111 11/1111 11111111/11% 01 1111' ianagogne 1 111111k 11 111.111's 11,11k 11111111 ompention ele- Santa (Ina ( units st 11111 II 411141111 ing about neek. lid hail 4 .1111,1.41 111111 111141 11,11k 14140111 and %sell. ment 11111 111111k 111.11 li 11111 11111 gcb II/ 541%14 I'S, s tried and pat to paled in an lettei we air going to send it 1.I get 411414 1 1 111141 1111%4 11 Making itt,11111 1111.11 11111111% 15.111 lIx k III 155111111 them as bad par- lotetat tise politii al I .MO1111.111, lc al t !Mgt 1,0111,111 III 1.411.114 it ill III. ill' I151 list'. I, I 111% 11.111 Ills NIIN I 1 .111 1 i nine lei ents (111111111.1e 5,1111 1,1100.11e Spell Ii - simply lion we 1,111 get 111%1 Ili!, ,i1 111.11 1%!,ki iel %I 511 e 1 5, n 55111ii I 41. Is it better to go to 1t1.1 sou knot. %hat- 1 hat kind tut t oilmen I'S. (11.1).114.S fill iS5,111,4 .11111 i 11.10111- III 11111 111111101 Ian( nertimen spe 1111 Iht is, I 1. ti.1 .11 Ills ins 1 nne 11 .1%.1111 me attitude walls sit kens me 1 it ills behest in I% ,9ppr.11.111(1.1 11,1% 'CA1111.11 gning 5,1111 Ille ill In 1.1.11 his Lite 1..1 services, be bored tits telignum lint 1 Ir11154 fel yip nt sy nag. %tie ins! 1)111, 14111e 141111' tat atm II il Spar tan thatl Ilie 151 illieg se I %It I .111,1 Innis, Islet ping lit SI MI, 11.114111%e all 5.111 1.14 e W1111 1111.11 11111111, dionigh ilie Kids '511111114 pi 11114 Cuparthuting It ole, hhlte hat the 11111111111g se I %it r RIJN!' ills 16%415411i 1 should he about mole that 111S 511111 11111111'., IS Al 11%11% &art ,4 II kit!, but Unlike Kevin, he to death and feel lit- insiilxed in the tote I Its it I III Slip hugging 1111' .11N lilt than helping patents saw 1,111' III Inuit 411 111111 nving 141 get II ahl enusigh It. and he wilt /in going, lull iht.s Itose to nutlet stand 55115 1 do 1111-11(1% !Name al pout -Ss, something that to/1111111 41,1711% rverl I huruial 11.1111 111/111% 111111 I.1 11..1 1111 II Is Ills 141111,11% 11111% Ill 1111' tut go to 541 tle, if any, religious V11.111.1111 11111 11.01 1111 111111 1Se 111% S4111. 1%.1.11 111.111% .11111 III 11111.1111 %I, IS 111%! In 1111111e%5 111% 1111411111.s 1111.11551111111 Is 1/1 110 W1111 1111' 11111111W! 1.%1-11 1,111 11 1111 S.1% Ill, % 1,111 not ling mu feeling, or stay IS sit kit lie 11,1111 Ifni nife 5,11,111 dul inn phis tot pat tiopatmg iti the elei total Anse .114.111 going win n this feille linnet. 5,1111.111! ( aid Mt .1 I hild III 1111 11111 age Ilya hi nut pot( es. at a It ii is impel 1.111, the% gist mu du is looks Is 1.111111 home and try to Abraham', appi I n 1111''..- first Ie,lthi't stuf the that kids liegin ill lintl inn -test rut Iige%Iliv, till tun It his ssas jItsishi pel plc did is hut !hes did het anst dies and unplit tam I iiiindult s lot lbs leen in 1,1114 I .111e1 once In 1.11111115 toils lelt 111i -s sole doing I aid 's will. and it did the hitme mit-test. If mat 1 niti lit Asti t than Ii st Mug at nu lot ti, ( .1MM Mill reach some sort of mu owlet %hat anoint- else till night is hit kids Voting gc 114 1,1115 lu mg tiasts tow itul Itil if 1 ii si ol II the maser ill the %mid is ism-less 11 it is And that's 1111 11 11.11. 01111 I.. 1111. 111 11111 %,111 IV 1 it individual spiritual done tindet %Mt tIll leeling msolsed appeals to be doing at loss the no .151 oil winig 11,, 1M p.n ills litilise %seek What Is dit point- l'hiset is about trestablisit «emirs The 111 g.1111/.1111 III IS 111 OH 111(14,1114,w Ille connection? mg and tralhinitiN the IC1111111 i11111 IN1,1 1111 I mining in -In mates and IS 11.11 11,1 011111,111 stiIIhI'tltS Ill 11511 1111- uluil slit ii I .1111 Lit u-11 1%1111 light inn% is 11111'.1 11/111 .11111 (anti 11114 kills this Is II ill 111 it 141/ I. see sit CS, 11411411 111 Ssnagt gulls_i Mut 1111%, 1111 IS11111....1141 11'111111e% 15,000 1411 1111 IS ..1111, 5511111 in 111,1111 .11111 11 I 111111 11 MI% It ligieni% about ill I all Ill I 14.tei Slit ifs thought he had 5111111111 111 111,11 IS 111.4 114 115 1114 11)11',. 111111111 gel IlIum tul the inills do.% scum Owli patents along stas home and is tut it at Ii m tote mut t utl huts tI had .1 heat t anal Is 1111111 IMAM II 111,11 11111 111151' 1 1111% S111111111 11111 IN' ht. In agging 11141 S1,111%111% hiatt Me 14111 tie( - nal spit 1111,111 onto t min- It he sleeps in the sett 14 e. s+ ins 111 Des lit. g4 1 %el 111.11 lhilt pei ople an't ssait ill lease shim' Mal MI 1.111 III t-1u III% 11.111 Ills this IS 11111 I %I .1 (1111.S111111 "Pen - 11 Mal is how out feel. mashy It Is a good Idea Min l'l1 1% 1111111111 141H, 10 ,II 14%1,1 i Stt tu I till 1111 I think one t eason tti5 lathe' .11111 111411111.1 go Ill spend mote time waxing .11 111 '. .155.15 feat hers insulted full that tht Si 1,11 Is .11111 .11s, / 14 1 5 I.1 .1 1111111141 iii so 111114 11 is bee .11151 1.51.1%1111I 1111.1 1 111151111.1 11 11111 111.11 kind III 4.11114 tined woiship It sou do Kids Voting lilt teased !Normal 1111,11 1111 1,111111 5 il,lssus 11111 11114 if. ss, rk 111- 5511.1 1111'11 II 111111,41Si 1 gel Iii eilIl synagogue 1% mom mu, then like 1111', %1111 will only be (linen 1111 1115111%0111'111 III 11111 111’1 gogne Slit It an inti gi p.ti ,,1 tm ninth, and dad. along with these hounds III 1111115. Mei and Miami amas 1111111 (aid, liaiddlia ull 1411( 155 MO 111.01 .11 mines. ME 111.11 101 51,115 Ilit sNiiagogii. lc Irp114,114 his .4.11 11111 IIIIS 14%11/1g11g141 liN1111111. and thew 20 ot \Halt, niu Nought Ill ISI't "kids Voting is helping fami tilt Ill 1.1111 lull Mill III itult Iinils4 1.11111 lie nple 4.111 the sin people seem 111 141 1111' 0111% pt1111111 III% 1/.11- Ill's WADI titiss 1.1t11 totIct that soiagogne 2 1 -.est it I a el. I hale Mai phone) 1111s. cs1111 I/111% 111% :lad. 11,1 S11111 %%Ilk Nis pal - It Vill I% la *whin I huh 'Vail Mllet 14111 I'S% 55111 k, in \Is lailict,lasitli-s gentig ill do. vs, 1-kend slot iii'. ithitilt11%1'S Ill'ItI1C.II11111111 the stnagogue

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A 4 4 Spartan Daily San Jose State University Friday, September 27, 1996 3

SUNDAY PEOPLE Catholic Campus Ministry Sunday Mass; 8 p.m. at the St. Jordan smells like money Joseph Cathedral on the cor- ner of Market and San Eau de Michael II la puffing assas al a igat et te, ss (Ali( ials Fernando streeets; call Gin ny it.%It’Stit the 1 ase and eseninalls wanted the visa. 938-1610 Cl'1N'ER Calif. (..1’) Mit hatTjoidaii iatigelisla, %slier is II oin Canada, WAS till her is putting his nan)e on a new «fugue, iiii) no, it lust listlu I,iiss,tiu tot the laiiiit h ot the Chinese Weekly Calendar KSJS 90.5 FM Sound Bytes doe.sn't smell like slaeat sot ks and Bell4 editioll 4,1 VriglIt. Guest speaker Roman The Chi, ago Bulls super stat teamed up with Ormandy, CEO of Calitgari perfume magnate Bilan to ll Illik t the unit's It Corp.; 6-7 p.m.; Tune into 90.5 glint( e. 'Home Alone' no more SanJoae Folk Dance Club or www.ksJs.org; contact info Nlii had Jordan ((dove includes the giassv s.11 1t International folk dancing, line at 924-KSJS nh golf tuluutse, tpitt’tesulkt’ Ins NI..\’ NI IRK AP AI 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 11 :Macaulay Balkan and Israeli (requests) home in North Cal olinaind leathei 51 ent Ill Ciilkin is mei the hill. Friday Forum, Heather 8.10 p.m.; Women's gym, SPX Alpha Phi Omega recall Jordan's two-seat stint in iiiiiim-lragne I ssentieth Collin v-Fox is looking for a new Lammi; "Exciting Experiences rm. 89; Spartan Complex, 7th Chapter Meeting baseball. s ming sill for "I hone Alone III," which begins of Guatemala"; 12150 and San Carlos streets; call 5 p.m. at Walquist rm. 109; call Jordan, his wife, Itianitaind Own Duey hil- filming Der . 2 in Chicago. The makers of the San Jose Institute; 66 S. 7th St. Mildred 295-1302 Fletcher 9246626 dren helped design the , olugne his sampling "Iloilo. Alone- movies (lei uteri that the "slap-on- call 286.3313 scores of scents. the-altei shase-s8 team" that left them rolling in School of Music and Dance It goes un sale in Novendiet. A 3.7-uunt e bottle the aisles pis( III ildn't he that funny with a I 6- El Circulo Hispanic (a Friday's Dance has a suggested price of $23 !oat( lung lot dan's se,u-rild doing it. Spanish cultural club) Event is wheelchair accessible. Bulls numbet. I he [thole studio also announced Wednesday Encuentros culturales (tutoria, Individuals needing sign lan- that the 10851 seguel syill have ,ui entirely new cast. Spar ta Guide is hoe!!! Anti available Culkin's patents, Patricia Henn up and Kit charias, etc.); 12:30-2 p.m. guage interpreters, escorts or to students, faculty Sr staff assexia- Culkiii, have neat Is hankitipted themselves III .1 Council chambers, Student other acconnnodations should icons. Deadline is noon, three days Lena creates scholarship Union; call Antonio 298-9848 contact event facilitators as before pUhliC411011 ROMs available At wood% tight (uet NI.n aulav and five of his sib- ling5. early as possible; 2-3:20 p.m. DRII 209. Entries nue be edited to 1)1 RIIAYmI N.( -. (AP) jaV Le110 titillated I lue a, tot, mufti all SJSU Counseling Services WSQ 204; call 9245141 allow for space restrictions. $111,0011 10 a pflValt St 1100110 keep :dtt the mem- estimated $17 million, ha.s Gay-lesbian-bisexual student ttr.. 01 a 51100g Wnellall Ile Called his favorite said he is willing to dip into his lortime to bail out support iroup; 3-4:30 p.m. Chinese Campus Fellowship Southern belle. the lamils. Adm. B1 ., 'Rm. 269 Time Managemeiit; 2:30-5 The "I, might Sli,uw" host math. the clonal', /11 call 924,5.10 p.m.; Almaden Rm., Student WedlleSdaltuu(:11 esSe) ( 1111,11.111 At adelln I/ t Ir- Union; call Janetta 225-2224 ak' a s, holatship in the wunt. It Nbinit Duds( in, who died at 23 this month twin ("mph( anon.. it McCartney makes movie spina bifida. "So many people whine and ( mplain even NI' \\ VORIS 1 VI' 1%1111 NIt ..11111CS his when they just have a hangnail, but this %,,is a kid (111C1Icil .1 sli/ /I 1 111111 011 IIIS 'Ws 1 k sum - who went On ()ugh a lot. living %sith het (tills lists Glatt-1W Dead. made %lin lorget vont own it inibles," trim said. "The (Wateful 1)eat I: A Plum ifilm," is based on lAmo met I Indsmi at at haritv gulf tournament hunt tolls tit film Linda NI( Carnal' shot of the Women's conference in 197S, when she was :", and he was a snuggling band at its communal home in Simi Francisco and comic. lit. and his wife, Mavis, staved iu tom Ii at a con( ('It in (.:enn al Park during the 1960s, With family. buying , ((tintless , and% bats NI, ( :at tiles said in Finn s(1.10, New k (luring SI hoot I tin(11,6ser s, said I Itidson's mottle', It %,..isn't the must( bui his %vite's Diana Bat field. that got the ex-leatle Intel ested in the ptojec.t, comes to campus ".18iv knew that Muni( Ii 'soul this st Iniol." said Nit Lu 111(1 said. I le has never even seen the band Ito field, who tea( lies in ( esset's pies( boo! in ea pet ham. Spartan Daily Staff Repo. a national ,tgenda the St I III 11 SC( I ttaIS, 1)01111/1 giant. "And now this Is it help a lot ol either t Die nine inintitt film will have its U.S. pre-

Stahl...II women aml gills Sl'tt Mallen( Rein e11.1111/1111.. ill di en 1usdnn " iineie Satin das at the New \Mk Film Festival. The IN. \\*omen's ( inlet en( c tittle Mitanias, whit hi I eleased the I dm, will show it will be held in Wash inghun squaw At the San lose St.tte site, Santa the IN nut 111/111% .VII 111 ( l.ti.i ( coin's gi ass touts at mists these Sla'akels will he 1)181,1(11.01 natimmule before selet t viewings of Boom 11/9 Sal111(1/1S, " hanispuning- and "Nlicio, "sums.' Septet/INA 24. The tree pi(gi am is %sill 1(.5(e% 1111.11 1/1gi anis on nati, inall% It iihi 11.ishingh tiI/ ( Evangelista gets a visa issues situ It as aft inflame at lion, I ht. Illiluli is Hutted and thew front 111:00 &Ill. Ili 3:00 1)111. eliminating leinale genital mutila- is ,,,inplimentat% pal king at the I AIPI: I. 1.111c.111 \ 1.11Ida h/11111ellsla cli)- The 01 this seal's women's millet e is 'Ante! ii a's tion in Cahillr ilia and lite 1AV( .A's I 'nue' sits 's 7th Sheet (.alage It Make a guotl first imp essi, ult ii laiwan Miguel gets star Commitment: I he I. N. MY88men's I. (11,1 ated at 7th and San Salatlut "International Nbidel I Ind,' I las a Stye! liad will"liii s. ;is, 1(15\ LES (AP (:onfeienre, ()iie seal lawt." Vitli’Nrck " I Intik\ "del"( .1, ilia,' "lc " Su vets) I his plogiatii ma% also lie 'engirt," Haled the headline ii I Inn sdas's Nlexit an pop supel- slat I Ills Nliguel 15.11 wetted Its about 2,000 oiding to the \Vomen's Ian ails" Ilicine instilsed tit lin al lesed at ilium. sites 55101 II lel Nesss. Ill 'HIS( se learning 1,111S H1111\11.1 AS Ile .11 ( 11)1141 Ills Slat e Ilse', San lust. State g.1111/.1111111 11(1111.11rd 11/ 11111,111% 'S ation I he 30 seat ohl 5011(1 model shouted .ind 'imeisitl will be one if ,,set 'WO mg the list's ut ',omen and their Netlsllik plow anis ( hannel 2)4 stalked tip and dossil the ai i nal hall 8 if 1 ausait's 011 the 1110111\10nd \Valls 01 lilt. 211-Veal -Old 'aunties. I Ins cumi is %%heel , hall a« tssi 11c/1111111011 slapped 1 Ile slat as it was unveiled at sites in the United States ii, liiist (.1ming kal slick Init.' won mat 11 1,, a on ;mit 11111111%0nd 11101. F)lesisied In a gray suit and a the national telet (inter e. 111,11 Wen 'drill) how ( .NN, Is hi tile \ mune neciling sign lan- Iiitsda% alit' slue %,.is (1(.111, II a %Is.' luc, Anse het I he tot us of the tele, (interim( t hr Ohast dad% hut in Belling dui guage Hilt 1 la Oils, esti/11S, 01 passpoit %%as sI.illmiu sis months It (-spiting snipped lie, said he was po had of the stat Ii g the \comet'', ( isill ii lit'i .1/ 011111l/ dale 1115 SlItillId and that it 11.11 Ins gi.u1818 liddi tn shouldt8 I SCV. will tx. on the plow ess made snit t. inlet e. unl,,,,kvi sauth 1*.%.111Krils1.1 s1111111.,1 1.1114 1 .4 the Women's (..onteten«.. to slime modetaic the huuugl.iiii .\lso tea- t lanai 1 1/01111/1 /CII 101012/1- what has been %oil king ai the local ill cd Iii Si I ails !Mims RI dliani 2-/-04 as /11 as la level. and to look aluatt to deelop Ilealth and !Inman

'Frasier' on hold LEARN PLANET GRANITE Dogs brighten patients' days 11 VCA .1. I s Ui I II( The West's [mitt% winning \ Pt . mit (on TO Largest MANIA NI( )NI( A. ( \i', - lung, Inuspital Its, 1181. hem I 'tans I he wogsliii v%as the "has', " has been put on hold ,8,88,%isitt,1 1 %shile us slat. kelse% Rock Gym! Si - I" I. sl"'"1 s" 8188 k ill il.Iull',mem ite than III kaillir ole, a muse ill die 1.11 ROCK Until s in eating hit Lit sub Ins sleIlle.1111111)1111.111 1111, d i,,ul III .1 81, ./en times (Is soliiiiteers and 111/11 1.11e 111111 .11111 .1 11,,g I,,%er stain e abuse I lie at tor "%obi' dal i in the e .11 dila, 1,111' lino .11 I ( I.A then pets as pal' (it the l'euple " %%et c Wising It cillide with Invites SJSU to try Is A11111111111 111111...U11.. ii IIII BCH% CLIMB! .entei ssaiting 1881 a heal I ititii,i1 Owns, 111 pi( .11 1111e %SIM %WI(' Fuci ii rock climbing! tiatisiilai II UCLA. %salting for nansplants," saol Cole, 1.1.11111 .11111 his 1%1Ike1111 With $5 off I lour altei how, (Lis after Its. " I lies tIkell. his best friends," a Santa !Shinn (sicken '' I lies at test fen alleged drunken riming, (408) 171 7111 2901 Myatt Ave , Santa (laua the -82 51,11 old Its and listened as sant ( attire, %sin, Ill rised fits 11111 III 1III Ili 0.1)11.11 Ill long pen flit slioss said m a statement Beginner's Lesson VVeitticsalai (Regularly $2 411 Jhe.111 101 14.1r1v.atittn% ttl.1111111es flits .11 the that [minnow(' his ansidaill and %stilt Ii, itne tint, 11It'S 55111 thlif11111.111 1 /110 rap*, 1 1, 1 1-101 aitseta healI taw Isetped arid !minim 81 It ,,scrk " \Alp, 1,1,81181 111Ink 111 1(55 I di i Atli. ills 111 111...,11.. Awl to, 1/5.15 1011(.1% his1/111111% 1 11111,1 liii III 114111 I I ime ill hr hi' 111114i1 .11111 sui i lease do. hospital I he 01111 1/11 141.1k11111, 1111.11/11. If I 111,11.l heti Full Ill lkiii I felt +snip.' .1111.1)2,1 51.15 11 .1 11.1114/1.1111 111( 1)0 11111c 1.111111 111p 11,111 Ihls ft, MI [III -III 11111 W11141111,1 sit 1/.111I.111 is 1111.II1 1111/ 1111,11111s You want a new job, but don't have much NI, .ieno Valle% I. el% 11.1% 11111 r and look .11 Mt' .11111 !Hake 88111 iahls soine be, ame But (.1.111111 14.1511 'I alone lie me feel depressr81 hail !Sig la( k and 'iambi to 8 heel time to look. NOW WHAT?

10111 liii N8,14 .111f1 1111'11 1%, ill 141,18181 di; ql his. LS1S1,1111111.%Sle .11111 1111 .111111,111 ; *S 1/1.111 soil 111.11 1111. hg1 is 111.111.1 hest It lend 1 1.10111 111,1,1, the tom legged ii is , s he OW 111,1 1111.11c in, 1/181 itig he, Think JOBSAMERICA! Do you Lie.? your JOB? Think PIZZA HUNDREDS OF JOBS...ALL IN ONE PLACE AND ALL IN ONE DAY!! Do you HAVE o JOO7 11/ ii/1/0 the lediesi lor homy All sr.' I oilman., ...II hard I., 1111 11,10 ’1’1111,tueair 110111131 Season sit., If NOT Call VOLT .5/ PS, , &wour .N1..1 I/ /leA /11111. 11,1 %III ../. SAN., //11 era, air III //1/1///ailieli l// Iiii/1 fiett I.., Ilr. 100 1f1111 his 1I is ,1111. h000000rogth, ..mptri, or. Pt- .101,. 1,0 k,i1,11 III, Il .1 Oath' 1,11111. I 11, N1111111 .I I holinp 10111 It's loll 11011111, '11,11111 4,1111 le.r1. Irmpo V Think GRANDE PIZZERIA"' 111,01 coo tilt In 011. IS r..11sIll .,it %%hob. it,. ...en m41.04.41 1011.1.11,rdilne lur, bring you. 1,1 lllll 1. 111,11oltlirr,Irv. mod 1,11,0111r 1,dmAntr,141 a' 151 OF F Arty Entree $300 OFF Large or X-Large Pizza $150 OFF Medium Pizza $1.00 OFF Small Pizza 1111 MRS 5511 hIll 11)115 \ withis coupon!! 55I I S A, \1.1111 TUESDAY, 1,1 NI It ki ( I 11 IN SKI I ItS G \ I I 141 SI I I Int Hods err rrucl,11,1nIrrilrtr 4TH ST. 'S11..1015 15' IN 11 8505 11111111(11111.1 tor IIIINIPREDS SAN CARLOS AT OCTOBER 1st II IONS VOLT aide 11,r1e, I group tor entnlomrr. 1)1 POSI In: All OIIN 'Inc, I INANUF:, 88urr hug Im rank,. : 292-2840 Exr10-8-96, SANTA CLARA ION, 'deli frill, I ommarlel, rumps'. ADMINIS I RAI PHI U 'ESSING, Cr, preprint Is, Ilnanclal, CONVENTION CENTER DA IA IDNS, ',murmur and relell SALIN; MARKE I ING, OPFRAI 158151 .1 1 115551 IAL PLANNING; 2 SEPARATE EVENTS !CECHE GENERAL 011- I Ii F. DAL% Coll Our 24 Hour Hollne SAIES MGT.; 8171511,, RV, I I 511rsIERsEM IF, (800) 718-4404 HIS IAGRAN'T and GENERAL EXHIBIT HALL A EN I I F NIAFIKV I ING, tita So" //sta ,/,. Tec no ogy? MANAGENIEN I; RE,TA II. 51(1111 I vi.,Yr’ 3031 Ttris Wo, 9600 'YOU PI/ 917 DEPT. MANAGERS; and more! 2pm & 4pm to Ipm Ilam to 11.41081 1.511-NI. I AMID- Ilene (erre, rrn1 Is est for RS. What will your 1.1111%'ERS AND MDRE! future be like? SALES and MANAGE MEN I pro- FREE PARKING fessionals and trainers. Retest, grads ComputerWare and tinnier, s urlt /nue! FREE ADMISSION Whether It. Has The Bay Area's HIGH TECH COMPANIES temporary, or a generally look for qualified whole new career Largest Apple TECHNICIANS (MANY you're looking for Macintosh DISCIPLINES), FAR, SANTA a.ARA CONVENTION CENTER see our ad this Sunday, Clearance Center MANUFACTURING September 29th PRODUCTION OPERATORS, In the apple,' Sony. HP, And More ASSEMBLERS, 0A/OC SAN JOSE INSPECTORS, DESIGNERS, Factory fresh. Discontinued MERCURY NEWS DRAFTERS, MATERIAL Products HANDLERS AND PLANNERS, Classifieds. Owned Arid Previously BUYERS, PURCHASING AGENTS, Demonstrator Products TECHNICAL SUPPORT, Plan To Attend All Tested And Most Covered 84 TECHNICAL WRITERS, ComputerWare's Return Poky WAREHOUSE AND JOBSAMERICA! Top Dollar Offered For Trade in FACILITIES PERSONNEL Jobserner,a is not an employment Agency Against Purchase AND MORE( Arkrosslon Is hise WA there Is 110 04800000 required Exhibitors ale EEO Employer; and Sunnyvale minorities ens encouraged lo attend TEMPORARY, HOLIDAY SEASON 11 Disabled candidate; please call wees any $20 Lawrence Iliprianway ENTRY-LEVEL JOBS 7001 JobsAmerica queetione you may have concerning toe (400) 732-0200 bode!), ol this event Vt our website at: http.//wvwsjsuedu/depts/dot/dofhtmI COMPANIES INTERESTED IN PARTICIPATING OR FOR INFORMATION PLEASE CALL (408) 7487600 1111.11-

4 Friday, September 27, 1996 Spartan Daily san on state univrsity Nomaimaiiimmommommisiloo"


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Spartan Daily San Jose State University SPORTS Friday, September 27, 1996 5 amiaimmammomair Clash win first ever playoff game 1-0 By Matt Romig precision pass that Tayt larmi Spartan Wily Staff Writer headed past Campos for the After four futile regular-sea- decisive goal. son attempts, the San Jose It was lanni's first MIS Clash finally got the best of point of any kind and, he their Southern California said, his first game-winning rivals Thursday at Spartan goal since high school. Stadium. "It was an antaiiicg hall by Playing before a raucous Eric," humi said, "and I just crowd of 17,209, the Clash tried to head it right bac k defeated the L.A. Galaxy, 141, where it crune from." in the opener of their best- Wynalda said the play was of-three Western Conference originally designed ti i ream playoff series. a shot for John Dovle. who "Every game that we was guarded by two ( ',dam played with Los Angeles has defenders. been close," said Clash goal- "In the first two (at keeper Dave Salzwedel, who kicks), I tried tic go to John," made seven saves to record Wynalda said. "I ( hanged it his second consecutive up in the last second and just shutout. hoped someone was thole. "We knew we were com- "The last time WV suit CCI petitive with them and we against Los Angeles, we. did just got the job done the exact same thing." tonight." Campos made one more Salzwedel was rarely tested save in the first half, but in the first half as San Jose faced just two Clash shots in pressured Galaxy goalkeeper the second is momentum Jorge Campos with 10 shots. shifted to the (;alaxv. Campos, who led all MIS Salmedel was forced tel goalkeepers with a 1.20 make two dramatic stops late goals-against average in the in the gainc, one t tuning on regular season, turned away a headtt hr Campos, who numerous Clash scoring stripped off his neon yellow chances, including a one-on- goalkeeper's jersey to plav. one showdown with mid- forward for the game's final fielder Missile' Espinoza. six minutes. "We had the ripportunity "I'm so proud of him." to be up 3-0 ;it halftime, Wvnaltla said of the Clash Clash coach Laurie Calloway goalkeeper. "I just told him I said, "but we missed on a few didn't know what to SAN: scoring c hances." The. win sends the sei les One of those ppm tutu' back to Los Angeles. while ties calm- in the 30th the (lash will pl.'s. the NVcsict it C, inlet en( t ham - Millilte, (:.11111)0ti Wade a leaping save rill a blast pions Sunday from the foot of Jorge "It's going to be a tough game (1,,wit in the Rose Ri Ida',. 1.11C ball appealed is,, destined for the net when Bowl," Doi le said. -It big- a lot Campos tipped it over the ger field and there is iossbai foi a Clash corner mole I :alas% won kith eg- kit k. The On that corner kick, a Min season games Agaillst

likely hero teamed with an San Jose at the Rose Bois', unlikely one to give the most recently 'aiming a 4-2 victory on Sept. 15. (Usti a lead they would not lu ill) RN Its',, I ii II\ \,10 relinquish. "All the guvs battled Clash forward Missael Espinoza drives past Galaxy defender Greg Vanney during the first half of the Clash's 1-0 win over their arch rivals. The second tonight," coat h Lamle , who led the game of the playoffs will be in the in Pasdena, Sunday. Clash with 33 points in the (:allowav said. "'Filet' ilaVe .1 regular season, &livet ed a it)t lit he pi mad if.

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'ijI,I Pt the n ten h4.194. For Ilarriple the mieith %I, I'M Ihk1 en hther,1 Rib 101,.high an inn,* 11.n mit* PahI 9 9,..)! "1.1/W Iv..eii .( in ill * 15,11 ret, it 1996 p.m,' .h.e.,1 m Met/0d 1111I mg** tor tett sia* entree atm* Ihsreng iii, WI Iwoel weil he .LA4 it, the Imn.VVII o11111 II tevir *rent hhi,,14 he 1011 njeirlill tin the * **es, ikit ,11 the mintl k ,Inee like* 1111. pried / Wright, ferrinehl nth! IN' *on *rime, dike** f prim fiat a* rwe ire de, skk *owe 1**ij k *al kepi an** of $2 HIV If kihrli.a.i.....cepwthm.pn.q 11(150 1cflc/i Cl,. 4e/th heikinalkin k tumult!, Nei*/ 'el the rehne *Jr lock no d, on in nOts nlerrtti 90. dr 90 rron. hipionn. tairthleger Is. 4,0 mbpd baulk ktipe11ii,1 Ijoisdijy Arm,* pow ,tere A9ee,4'15 impale went pm* iikkd keer, ark.* 4,,kr a* timid kilo kawi and lkirwr in * tank*. inierrit rah. t 5f .....19551 i50vh hi Pi In* mire It 'I *I, 'ail wet hot, 'Wee 're ewol woe., ',Ade./ primer* Writ &WOW", Me Itheer 5,111111 Inkirroirk imneronrinin, is orn,Nor r, 11 *Lenart, Intrenational Ikon* 4411511e, rtirlherihni wird urklre enii *el** All Iiikeinkith an *limed

INIthithYel111111.m...... . 6 Friday, September 27,1996 SPORTS San Jose State University Spartan Daily

Sports Volleyball team gets reprieve from 'Pit' By Matt Romig rickety building. Coat h and cons to playing there. Spartan Doh Stall Writer Choate said he has a difficult 66 "The Event Center is a nice building," at a Spai I St/111'S hall plalrls get a look at what time luring big-time recruits Recruiting is, of course, Choate said, "but for a volleyball match, if the\ hope is then 1111111V I ull-time honie to play at the aging facility. you don't get a good crowd, it's like playing tonight, when the% phis (.enter "We need to move back (to the life-blood of any sport in a cave." glance 1.1 Ill(' Iii st bite this season. the Event Center) full time Only 125 fans attended SjSrs last voiles- because we are in the WAC, Event Genie', held on Nov. 1.ithi week. the Sp.111.111% 11-71 gilt a and any program, and the ball match at the glimpse of big-time iollegiate olleshall and we have to compete 4 against Cal State Fullerton, The Spartans White against big-time se hoots with alien thus esei e swept iii 11101 \VAC ii Event Center has got to played full-time at the Event Center from I/S No I byline a (1,ml of 7,281 at big arenas," Choate said. 1990293. the Spei i.t1 Arclia to Honolulu Spartan Gym has a greater seatitig c apaci- make a better impression Tonight the Spartans host a UTEP team Poflilt chir ming to the Lino-seat Sp.0 tan tv than only three of I ti WAC home volley- than Spartan Gym. that has the best whining percentage in the Gym, SISI will host the 1.111%11sIn ii leXaS ball arenas. With a capacity of 5,000, the Mountain Division of the WAG junior mid- Results at Event Center would rank in a tie for seventh dle blocker Cynthia Ruelas-Macias leads the tonight. and New !Shim,' Craig Choate among conference schools. 3.614 kills-per-game Saturdas at the and Luger F.ent sjsU volleyball coach Lady Miners (7-3) with a Center. Sophomore middle blocker Angie Sylvas average. Clash 'Rer iuiitoig is, tic( inn %I', 11Ie ille-hltital if t ante away from the Hawaii trip with tut The Miners are also led by senior outside

'n, (,fry,r, fin) am spot t and .ou if, ogi.un," Coat It hg tippet baton of the importance of a first 99 hitter Wendy White, whit was named WAC yr a! A tt r,,Jr,ft, Choate said, "and the Event Centel has got ( lam facility'. Mountain Division "Navel oh the Week" last lay to make a better impression than Spaitatt "Hawaii's gyIll was mud/Mg," Sylvas said. week. See story story on page 5. Gvni." "They had a screen for nistant replay's." "They have two middle blockers who are ( ptospee tile student athlete Ytill ix. on She said Spartan Gyrn is a good home there this year," Jones said, "but then things both hitting over .300," Choate said, "so we hand tonight and at least one 1111/IC ICC I tat ourt when it is fa, but "the Event (tenter is happened that made it so we couldn't. It's have to stop them." will %ISO 0( 1. 1./, Io.1101 Sp:Walls host more of a Division I facility." fun to play in the Event Center because it With a recruit and a conference oppo- Tealll captain Fresno State .11111t Inset ii Centel. Brooke Jones said she makes you feel more important." nent in town, the Spartan coach said he is Spat tall ( ill11 si ailed " I II( PIC Its thought the team was going to play the (dictate came to SJSU ill 1093, the last hoping for a good performance. entire 1996 a hedule iii the hunt Center. year the school played all its have a good Schedule plants and e met lie., w11., "Vet' home matches "It means a lot for us to "\A'e were all looking Wile, developed an Ale( Mai for the oze vet lomat(' to playing in in the larger lac ility. fie said there are pros match," Choate said.

Football '. , ' r, ],tdry., pH/ the r it, / IN ( ,ougars Giants delay , Fr lr / r, mon Cougars balanced attack awaits SJSU

By Marcus Walton in mg tit tee tifv the mistakes that Spartans' defense is equal to, or celebration LOS ANGELES (AP) The Spartan ltit Staff Write, 66 allowed Oregon to s4 ore 44-points. better than the (tougars. Los Angeles Dodgers missed Volleyball SJSI ( Oat II 101111 RaISInll has You see (the "E.yery pine we ’e had a lesson," The Cougars' defense gives up ' re el ,fr Is home tO faCe said W'S1' c oat hi Mike. price. 444.7 yards per game in total their first chance to clinch their been looking fin a balarn ed second straight NL playoff " )11 tilners, / p m ollerise all seat Satin rlay fie may statistics) and it "Agamst temple it was to never offense, while the Spartans give up the.I vent Center wide' estimate ,in oppi 445.5 vpg. But SIM' is giving up 3.t berth. find one %slum he leads the Mark Gardner pitched a also be in action 7 Spat tans makes you want to against Oregon we learned we points per t fattest while W'SU is rr, 'A/I'lrriay against New litu’e to play for 60 minutes. giving rip :114.3 ppg, int hiding 34 seven-hitter and rookies Bill l'ullman, %Vasil. to play a lot better. You Mueller and Wilson Delgado , ft If F vent e \Vashiliguni (arm lies ale pleased we won the points tit a lightl\ tegaided Temple kunr., but we are still looking to It', m. each had two hits and an RBI as State I '111%0 Sal. want respect and last San Francisco avoided a three' itiiift lilt'. "You see ii lit' statism. s) and it III, lit ti1/1011 hi game sweep by beating the Ralston is that bar or second to last An impt In. mg S1S1 defense makes you want to ph% a lin bet- Mils ills up to the task of finding a ter," Coughlan said. "You want Dodgers 6-1 Thursday night. Clash Ain eil doesn't get reSpeCt %say to stop the WSI offense. Eric' respet t and last in see rind to last The loss cut the Dodgers' It ',I, inn game of the .111.1i k itho not Cotighran Ill SISI linebat ker, doesn't gut !espy( lead to two games over second- 1011,e series with the Ralston belong to SISI Eric Coughran said the Stanford game was a turn- 11'hile the defense is imprit’ing, place San Diego in the NL West I A ( ,alaxy takes place \VS( is Ili, spit. linebacker ar nind fin the deletisie unit. it nuts be the SISV tillense race. The Padres were idle / p rn Sunday in t A of a halal', eit whit hi Sim r halftime of that game, it has ,u tic's the buiden Satin this, Thursday. attar k, Ralston said, mote like a Los Angeles needs just one Wester ii Athletic Conference main 99 gum' up tat, Itillt 11(11/WIIS in six Ralston has wanted a halanc ed gum ter., offensive attar k all seal, hut right win over the Padres in their sea- than the ifir 10 son-ending, three-game series at "Alien the Stanford game, even 111/W SISt is depending i ill all Men's soccer a liii 1,1111 Dodger Stadium to clinch their im tin nigh we lost, we knew that's the III( 011SIStelli t mining garne and a plays St Mary's that single I,a, k offense." Ralston second consecutive NI. West ii .Ii if .,,a-lrby ri was %tie had to play," ( ouighttiit passing atm( k whui Ii has the occ a- said sII iiiii and pass and ono, Ito, loloinlIS and Is,. 11110 tide. Sant. stoma fla.sh of in ilhant e the make no hones about of I gall/11S. The Dodgers could have sewn I lit `NISI defense has sI, 'wit final drive against 1 Ill' is itrue' 1V`sl balm], es its of tense oil the I%Iat k, e het Anil 2tin pounds, is up at least a wild-card berth with aim plat lc ilk 16,ait I cal miff aser aging 107 s aids 1.1 game ou 11%01 11011 OW 1/./11,1111 example. struggling find l)IVISi011 1 IttOthall I ankings. Last itself. a win over San Francisco or a tile legs of rimintig bac k Mit hail the ground 't he two make up .42 loss by Montreal on Thursday \ Women's soccer %seek the Spartans ranked nest to -Weld like to get to the balain Ill, I. ent of the ( otigais offense night, but the Giants didn t . ; t ; last in tim rlettlist. gus ilig pi ant," Ralston said "Against I if, a 0 t a .111.1 2 and hase made a (Mid of their cooperate and the Expos beat %aids per game I his neck the% air Vashington state, mu biggt...1 """i'. 1"1".11111 if let, iii Olt Ildt /Wits Philadelphia 5-2. ( (11 gis it tip 2ti1 %arils per game pt oblem will be keeping the ball us s 11111 1.11(11 passer, thiotsing V1.11111 55.141 IS on a isvci game. The Padres enter the week- It tijili Statistic ails speaking, the awaY !tom them." 1f 220 t.ils pet game %sinning sneak, c oat hit's .11., still end series with a one-game lead over Montreal in the NL wild- card race. The Expos finish the By Mike Traphagen st,11 It11111 Said II %sill 1.1kt 11.1141 H. ,1k season with three home games Spat tan Dols Stall Non, flit. gallic 1,, br I.1(1.11 against Atlanta, which has Cross Country Women's against the liotaits already clinched the NL East \111.1 il,tsiiug Iasi %seek, in ibut %scathei "It's not g.ang to lie vas\ ," film said "%Ve rovm. and high allittich s, die N1,111111 11. 1 VI intie Ina flat Vie haw lit pia% WIN Thursday night's loss was only will hike Is I I iii,, ui ,,Il 1"ml 11,1 a high soccer team st( sand (..el State Nfir t lir idge pi emu, ed game against them We chil a lot of the Dodgers' ninth in their last Iasi sstekettits m111'1.1111(111 in exit.' plo.sical fitness t training I this week to 33 games, and just the third in pi epic b a Ii and the held their last 17 home games I Ai mule. 55'st, 1,41,11,1 'Num it Sa \ age said she Women's golf ytas glad to he ba, k "I I he I toian'si lielcl is ii malls an old pia( Gardner (12-7) walked none , to i Ituld 101 thr fill/if/all learn if.. a %CI% bad and struck out seven in pitching , faces tough "It %as it...s.1...11..thing abut fourth com- Ilti 1110 t.," S.nage said -It ssas also her ling tirld and ICS %Mallet than /St . Ii Itil..111% his team-leading 1114,1t u }Milt c 1,11 a high pressured plete game and equaling his sin- I is Itt-it ita ',breed it e.,,rs about II fi'gtll's " game " gle-season high in victones. 1411111pr lOut s.itth 111. ,,1111.1I III Sundae the Spar tans meet Cal State The Giants took a 3-0 lead oft' challenges; it IIIS "t"" a team shoe keel the lb IA Torn Candiotti (9-111 in the Irani I. Ai Itt"M ii" that Bruins earlier 1111s SCalloll by beating them I It third on consecutive singles by -It s going to be a lot c.iSict 111.1111,1.1%11114 III Mc %stud, the c old and thc .11111101r III, JON' Its "I hese peciple .1Il. %els olganued," Delgado, Gardner, Marvin nice weather Renard and Mueller, followed III St P11111t III .1111.4111a: ISM] said by a sacrifice fly by Bany Bonds, Men'sgolf 'lira mashy after a. a king him class in the high 31(1 """i Rugerior I think andS'"Ar% I te lest(Mu in hell'. the. gillsV". g.".will altittichiii team ts ill he able to phis .1 high rise to the it« .011ili" San Francisco got another run in the fourth on a double on L.A. trip 1,11...S111i .1 u.11.1f It 'In minutes `St Alt a(I1 kn..i ktt1 off 11.11101.III% by lay Canizaro and an RBI tin- gle by Delgado. tanked \Nashingtott c min t this sea

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a Spartan Daily &anima State University Friday, September 27, 1996 7 Shocking scene as Davis sentenced to death

Awatiered Pfau minutes with a litany of complaints against im cstiga- Spra (Mors gasped and a long-drawn out moan of heard his mother gro,ur and "something snapped. A shocking allegation leveled in a murderer's tors and his lamer s. )11111111!" filled the courtroom. Prosecutor Ca eg .1.o ohs, who said he was "nauseat- monotone, a shout, a brief scuffle, then silence, The Rheas famih, sitting in the but tow. listened "Burn in hell, Davis!" Yelled Mai k Klairs, who had ed" bv the i harge, said no mu Ii allegation had eYer except for the loud, harsh wails of a grandmother with rapt attention. smiling incredulously at some of sat through most of the pt it eedings with a ferocious been locled din it the ease, Mil w.Ls thou e aims v%:1- beset by grief. Davis' complanits. look dieected at Davis, sluing at the defense table dellre to support it. That was the scene in San Jose Thursday as the Then, he started talking about the one charge he about 15 feet away. After his futile hinge. Maas was hustled out of the death sentence hearing of Richard Allen Davis erupt- had always steadfastly dented - that he had tried to A few inomentS later, Wax: shouted out im obsceni- courtroom and Hastings brought Davis' statement to ed into a maelstrom of emotion. sexually molest Polly. ty, then another. Then he leaped to his feet and an abrupt halt. There was a stunned mien( e. broken The outburst came as Davis was addressing Santa "The 111,611 reason I know I did not attempt any lunged trrward DaYis, a flight that was checked imme- otilv by the sobs of Polly's grandmother, li.l. Klaas. Clara County Superior Court Judge Thomas Hastings lewd act that night," Davis said, "was bee riuse of a diately by a flurry of deputies. Davis' defense attorney. Lot ena Chandler slumped prior to his sentencing. statement the young girl made to me while walking ()inside the tour ihouse, Klaas said he didn't really down in her c hair, obviiimly distraught, her Iii ed The 42-year-old career criminal rambled for some up the embardunent: 'Just don't do me like my dad."' know what he was thinking at that point. lie said he buried in one hand.

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Daly conga of aid adnetlake program. Excellent salary. Los Calla apply in person, Mon Sun 7-7 cassette transcription. All formats. Serving SJSU for 20 years Professional movers & packing mid alba. am not approved or Gatos/Saratoga Recreation Dept. OPERATIONS ASST: Assist w/ 408286.5880. 555 D Madan Are. BRIGHT, MOTIVATED selfetarter Fax available. Experienced, 'Great Rates for Good Drivers" Free wardrobes with move sealed by the ramps/par. Call Janet at 354-8700x23. scheduling & planning of major Between San Cards and Parishoo, for entry level intern position dependable, quick return. "Good Rates for Non-Good Drivers" Free insurance events and conferences in the tend the Cad arid Party Stare, Si. with comm. real estate co. Almaden/Branham area. Call SPECIAL DISCOUNTS Low cost boxes/pecking material RECEPTIONIST NEEDED Student Union. Requires strong Administrative skills required. Linda 408-264-4504. "Good Student" "Family Mulecar" Local & Long Distance VOLUNTEERS Mon. 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Call Bret 2609'78 lkikeeialiVWVFC 1 10Jr2(194'if- EARN EXTRA CASH Your OM1 probe or disposable. 48 $9/hr to start. 7339446, ask Cali mike, 800-825 3871. CLASSROOM COMPUTER CO. (expires 10/15/961 335 S Basw000 Ave San Jose. for Wendy or Meer. PARALEGAL TRAINEE, PT, laimi NEED SOME FINANCIAL AID? ir,49 Haver. Ave NH For info, calf 408-732 4676 247-7486. MORTGAGE BROKER TRAINEE. gration law Word Process reed W!!!!!!g 10 Work tlexibie hours arid Menlo Park, CA 94025 or write: III Ann: Joy/Rhea EVENT STAFF NEEDED entry level Any mixor Learn various &Ling Fremont nr hone con Up make great money? American Ph 180018005115 669 Johanna Ave. #2 Energetic, goal-oriented arid sleds of Firriec,a1 Industry to $74v Ars Nail ,1051.,745107 Rada, s arc, needs FM (415) 306-1120 Sunnyvale, CA 94086 outgoing to promote Si. credit Contact Jennifer V 371 9911. you now' (Sm f sI’n ii M1Ige .11 RetUrbIShed Computers card. Part-time. Great pay. Class of 1995. THREE AFTERNOON TEACHERS .40fri SCHOOL SPECIALS Call Beth 5164267738, needed! Atterschooi crogran Mac SE & REAL ESTATE TEACHER 6 30am 9 00am & Almaden Valley Excellent saw\ 7% SHERATON SAN JOSE LC II. LC Ill Daily WARMS WANTED LUNCH MAE 2:30pm 6 00pre. Assist Director benefits 12 ECE reeu red Cai, ,14.1,11f1..11,11aLltl, flerforIliil 40, GOVT FORECLOSED homes for 11:00am-2.00pm. Good tips FT. One block from SJSU 12 ECE Katie 4082686331 n'4.100(Ming p(),110 frowerMacs Perimes on $1. Delinquent Tar, CRossw()Ri) Knowledge of Japanese foods required Excellent salary & bene FRONT DESK: inket Printers Repo's. REO's. Your Area Toil preferred. Okayama Restaurant. Ms Cali Karyn 408/2790858 IlidsPark TEACHER. PT/FT ,irst Service Agrad Lesef Printers Free 1800898.9778 Ext. H2236 565A No. 6th St. Ph 2849508. at a high quality. licensed Moor, Ills Operator Dot Matrix Printers for current listings TUTORS NEEDED Earn $10815 play center for 2 12 year oafs Is- Person ACROSS SAN JOSE LIVE! per hour We get students ro Cdii Minimum 6 ECE ,Joits required HOUSEKEEPING: 1 "Remember PREVIOUS PUZZLE SOLVED Three Fantastic Clubs you Call rack 227-6685 Flexible day, evening & weekend West Room Atter dant SCHOLARSHIPS ENTERTAINMENT the Naos Benefits alai Come by or Call Ruler of and one Great Restaurant House Person 6 DUMU MOUMO MOUO IS NOW HIRING! GREAT JOB! GREAT PEOPLE! Saute San Jose FAX ReSill,,t, to 94117(170i ACCOUNTING SCHOLARSHIPS!! NAME AN ACTUAL STAR for Olympus UMMUM MIMEO Cocktail Servers, FooaServers. Crimr A leading telecom', ur cariers Near Oakridge Mai Appry ir Person Amer ii ,in Society of Au soineorie special A units., ge for 10 As well MUUM Hosts.Bartenders& Kftchen Staff. company located in north San 281 8880 11101 Barber Lou. Milpitas Ar.courit ant s will be awarding any occasion $39 95 1,2 50 14 Kind of duty MMOM MM.= MCIMM Apply in person after 6 an Jose is seeking 11 customer .Wed Mc Jot, Her ne 9410600. ext 151 $2.500 to accounting students T /S&H (800) 5508117 ad SJSU IS Actress Chase mimairmrsim IBIBIDIBIBMIII Valid I.D & Social Security Card service representatives and 2; Near Vance/ Fair [qua, (ippon ihify 1,, tamer Deadiaie Oct 11.96 Cali 15 Creek 1E100 CIIIIII required. San Jose Live! sales people Many postions 9852599 Brenda 408/ 9726131 for ape 17 Din 11111111E11 IBMS IBIES11:111 150S 1st in the open. Hours 10am-4per, or 39pai Freriair,1 CRUISE SHIPS HIRING f arr Bit by Mt St. Located ig MMMM MMMOMM MMM Pavilion downtown San Jose 20. hours weekly $6 howl At the HUB ci $7.001),,,i0,tri World Mae FREE FINANCIAL AUDI Osei $6 20 Stationery item Commissions Must be ye- 10 7429447 Sineirriai & fi, lime positions No HilliOn in public and private sector ourmmumainammsouoini Cal 40112111-2234. advertisements In 22 African country motivated No caper ence ow iiip er essary For info grants & scholarships is now Certain MOO MMIAMOIM MUMU thew camels mey refer the 21 VISCOUS Will train Baingual preferred TEACHER'S AIDE, work w,i. 1 201-'111 d' SOb0 13,0411, available All students are eligible MCOMMM WORK AROUND SCHOOL HOURS reads, to specific Osisphon 24 Appearance UMMMM MMM Retail Sales & Customer Service Call for David H 408/4418600 wen, age; £ 22 w2 behav /or, regardless of grades, income. 26 Slender BUIE DUMB Experience w/spec HOT SHOTS or parent's income Let us help numbers or addr for Part-Time or Full-Time or Fax 408/441 9988 Probrems 29 Frankly ed /behav mod preferred Small Get paid writ you're worth' Cali Student Financial Services additional Information. 1111BIBBIBIE11:1 raintopullim Internships/Academic credit pass. should be 33 Spacious HIRING classes Long term temp, 30 Seeking 3 individuals to increase 18002616495 ext. F60416 Omaha readers MEMO 0121WMID DUDE 100 Corporate Scholarships YMCA NOW whim made& 34 Drip-dry fabric Directors and Teachers hrs/wk B A pref $8 50/hr No co 's 200 minion dollar volume mauled that, UMUM MMUMU MOMM awarded this school year! Nether contacts, they 36 Type of code for School age and Preschool benefits Send resume to PT/FT Cali 4082609r 78 Neal SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE for these MMMM MUMMA MMOM should require complete 37 Actor Howard Child Care. Full Time & Part Time PCC/Zonta, 4300 Buckner Rd Coilege 1P, Grad Students Grades, STARTING PAY $12.10 information before sending 38 Put in one's - 6-15 ECE or related units For San Jose, CA 95130 OAD NID WORK Make SAT Scores and Age riot always a meddle 2983888 up to $25 $45/hr teaching basic Iii for Recorded niessirge gives money for goods or services. No experience necessary more info call Mary 39 Writer Fleming player 29 range, DAY CARE TEACHERS conversational English in Japan (54,os 4014(32940:111, Pees 3,0176. In addition, readers should Complete training provided Investigate a ms 40 Toward shelter 3 Tel 30 Wined with a TELEMARKETING PT/FT. We Small World Schools is hiring P/1 Taiwan, or S Korea No teaching carefully Call 1408) 2805195. offering employment &slags 42 Long blouse 4 Tight i loth sell discount subcriptions to Bay and F/T teachers for our school background of Asian languages FREE MONEY For Yaw Education! 44 Classroom r au yOtl, share Irl MINIMS of arcoupons for discount 5 Wiirti ,jf II I OrlilId A/R CLERK: Sident Wish, Inc Area newspapers Auto dialers age day care programs ri San required For information Apply 41, furniture hr I', private sector aid Call vacation, or remand I se. 6 lima. ill'. hard is seeking a P/T. /1/R clerk with 6 Flexible firs 9am.9pm Downtown Jose and Santa Clara Units in 1 201.J971 4570 tie 160414 45 Pestering VI ( ilii,pring Scholarship Resource Services 7 Writer Wlf!'.0i mos to 1 year cap in acctng or near leered 4 becks from SJSU ECE. Rec, Psych. Soc. or Ed.( 47 Slays 41 Heart 10 mo. old 40426143676 8 f 'Oarlike business setting. Job entails Hourly $8 plus bonus Media required. These may be completed SITTER NEEDED for 49 Tweet 42 (-in material Call ,,-, my ...min iyar Jose borne Tues inclement inputting A/R data & general Promotions 494-0200. Or you tie currently enrolled 50 Small group 41 1 oiliffish. e g & Thur 711.in 40Jof,24 5903 9 Pouch office duties. Pay rate 85.50. Flea 3793200 x20 51 Far parts 10 Yerevan s 44 M11.4.11M ible hours: prefer M-F 1 to 5pm 54 Go different country MitiltIlt Call 408/ 924 6310 for appiic ways 11 Claim on 46 Roster Deadline to araky a Sea 27. at 50'n! 58 i IMP some twins property 48 Prepirficed 61 Cut 12 Kill 50 I iivoioes FILE CLERK DAILY CLASSIRED - LOCAL RATES FOR NATIONAL /AGENCY RATES CALL 408-9243277 62 Metal 13 Mexican pot 51 forms., Enterprise is seeking a PART TIME 63 Shout 19 out barely Mainelli File Clerk to work in Our Regional 64 Correct (a dot by 52 Nine god -Fri. Office in SAN JOSE Hass Mon manuscript) 21 Unlocked 53 Stooped For including letters, numbers punctuation & spaces between words 8am 12 noon preferred. Print your ad hero. Line is 30 spaces. 6.5 Poker stake 24 A Polynesian Sa Markdown immediate consideration, please 66 Woolly animals 25 Tavern Sri I died will, call Human Resources at 408- OOEMiL1111-1FIELTIL_ILEJLikiLE JEJLLIL1IJEL1D0 67 Pop 26 Singer reverence 467 1300 Vaughan fifi I ,irik after

ENTERPRISE DOWN 27 Stringed 5/ Whirlpool CAR RENT-A DOODOODOODLICHILIELIDEEMODECOLODEJ 1 Teen woe instrument 59 frost Opportunity Employer Equal 2 Detroit football 28 Sea eagles 60 Crow's soonit MAINTENANCE ASST. The stu DOODOODOEDEMIDIDDEDEDUDOMIffillE1O dent Union is looking for a P/T Maintenance Asst. to provide gen- DOODEEDELJETILITIMDEIEM1111_1(1[11-11-1F1FPF17 eral maintenance help. No caper nec. WiN Oen. Cal 408/924-6310 Millillii 11111M11 1111E111 for application Ad Rates: 3-I4e minimum Please check / dUUUU IUUU dUNU PAID OFFICIALS South Valley One Twee Three Five , one classification: II li NI YMCA, Youth Basketball. Flag Ders Dorm ii ii Football, Roller hockey Sets. 93. 3 lines $5 $7 Se 113 ill $7/hr Oct 5 Nov 23 $5 50 lines SI SS 110 114 Call 226-9622 11=1 Eli $ Rohn ET El 511 115 " iiiiii im HUNTER 4 Nome $S $10 $12 $15 MILPITAS HUNGRY ',wird( tier k ur,riey i vier k, UUUl Posrare, self-motivated. $1 for each additional line d ,1 ,reae/heauty service wonted people are Spartan Daily ClaseMede _Vhiurarer’. 'vary-eras. II Ili NIUUU needed to fill positions as AN the 11/16 day. rat* Inereseee by $t per Art Simko, State Univ Servers. III III id Lunch Servers. Dinner First line (25 spaces) set iri add lor rv, ertra charge $an Joe% CA 9519211144 "’’’ IPA,:tcs FSaie; .ele AM LEM Hostesses, and Bustlers. lip to S additional VeiriC amilable in, bold for 53 oath riUUil il Please sods 01 r laSSitlf1r1 (ie.* ir, 1,, ai I miqrit Ihnn,t 41,11 Hoorn 29 Computers Etc ’,:ivr -- Calaveras Blvd. 10 00 a nn. TWO weekday,. before publication 1181 E. SEMESTER RATES miXtadlInp _Warlea* dUUUU between 2:00pm 4:00pre All ads are prepaid No refunds on carceleal ads ._EmPioyment _.Wora Process, g ii- 10-14 knell: $90 3-9 lines: $70 Hates for conserutive publications dates only _Scholarships lia -Students --PP7.lo"’t’es ALASNA IIMPLOWAINT 15-19 lines $110 II QUESTIONS? CALL (404) 954.3277 Needed! Frshirig Industry. Earn up iiiiiii month. &JUU ill to 83.00048.000+ per Special student rates available for these classitications.$5.00 for .3 line ad for 3 days. Ads must be placed in person in Room and Board! Transportation! ilUUUUdiUU Male or Female. No experience DI3H209, between 10am and 2pm. Student ID required. necessary. Call 1-206971-3510 **Lost & Found ads are offered free, 3 lines for 3 days, as a service to the campus community. ii al ilUUUU ext 400415. II iiiUUU di

A 4.11

8 Friday, September 27, 1996 Spartan Daily San Jose State University


l'114 4144 14% Rossi 1S1,s ( .sk/ s-S1 ski iisii Elizabeth E. Neel. MD., was the first woman physician hired at the SJSU Health Services department in 1973. Dr. Neel: Care giver

From page 1 111,41 X-Ial 15.11 114/1 "It wax a Milady," Neel said, 31144111 111161 I alt1011S1111/ Asked %%11(AI/if [midi( al dot tots W1111 1111 4/11 C ondition that (IRA be still lia%/i ilie pourt it. !Ica], "ptivsi- out identified. Chins do Own hest Ian healing is "Site .111(1 4 in 4 :tick hand." she said Sill' IS 111I 1)4,1 1411% Sk 1.111 1 As lin he: Iting-tei in goal. Neel 11.1%e eSel ii,iil,44111 S111411.111 .1141. said that she entuned her witrk at ,k114/111(1 S11111(.111 %% III/ .1.1tiding Ilie ',Indent health I enter Mt' I eat In. alter he: in with apple( Lite% the 4/1/1/01 1111111s Ole Neel, I littistlas Just in 'tided he: ht% been gnen to set'.:'. I he stu- apint Aal and walked .115.15 dents ale %CI% .iJ)picu Litive of her ( .t (1111(1r:it sutler t matte!. sersit es. And she intends tit stay Neel is a 511111 mini Atiu in Int there until ll'111 U1111111 "1 W.1111 14/ tithe! %Innen vslitu 11.111I 144 Ville! 41I(' WI111 IIIS 1/1101-s 011: if)k- 1111' medn al field -flung,. flint. ingh t hanged hit the better I' i %Innen 111.1,1(111ton to being a lull -time %ill 1 1,1111 to 1/1.4 I/111e 111(111(.11 (1(I( - plissit km, \ Is .1114, .1 wile .11111 .1 !Ms SI.111101 (1 Nir(11( .11 S4 110111 11.1S 1110111(1 of .1 21 %eal-01/1-0,11 She .11/1 /111 10 pelt tilt vn mien,- Neel 11,i1(1% membelslup iii nt its said 441g.1111/.1111,111, int hiding the Santa Altlitingh dist t against 1.1, " ( (Amin Stu A view from the second story of the Business building. I'iii' in hi linen v..ts rampant in the calibti ma !sferlit A.441411 1.1t11/11, PINK. Neel said she tilt 114/ 4111 aiud Cill11O1-11144 Academy of riminAtion III/T negatisits while attending !twilit tv I1111,1 liii IS Ned us, is .1 SO1- kairl dim wit king her 11111tel WI111 Hs tug !slerlit al !twilight initleigi Admit, and 44 4 Possible Tahoe fees V44111111rels, a wimp id !twilit al eisef0',":011` lii inigh mettii al st litittl is ii. it cam ioo144i fleet 0 BLit \Mill I N., \I'. 414/I 1,41 14 4114 I 1.114/VIdt lit-.' 1111.1114 .11 ftoc...,0i lit:' 14.1S t,. Mil I (,- Nord 111111n 00001144404ilitt.tetttlilt I ake gull .1% It 54.1 ill (.5 iii 111.1411% II heign c1i11(11 $0seettieteifeieleeeeritiflo ..11 1441144% gi tat. k She mitts ii eeefieffee ****** fo**40044# 111. 111111' 144 4 41I1411 I 1..41 kIllg 11 .t ru. '111111(41 with retvvisstos4641stett144tfl .11111 14 011 t k.141 114144 Ille 1.1114Pl Fling ISIetlit al \'nliiiiteeis 'vbrisor \s ii pi il %sin ktlas 1111,1,1, qop,i0iiik4iPt - IS.1,111 144 1111.1114 Ill 114.111111111.11 utl 1)1111 111i,, and with Sea WW1 ? kii p Id 1 .MS1111111)4 is 1111 1111.n thin 20 iiiiititttt+foi, ii, t 441111441`. RCS( lit And ( .101111 \ .1111/11 h./gram 44,144fts4i*ir., patients isc and tre.t1 41 II 4 - 447. .11 the ISItinituitus hat. Aquarium .. III ,tlssl, iiI 14111111..11s !Angling (I Ill Ip It, telltale and 1111114/1th 1.11141(111S t 41'4 eff4tt " , Ii1.1111 111111 11 11111 .4 IS .11111 is 114, %.1111 II/ 14111111A III het Intuit- titia::44.(..04. 1.11 11.1111.11S, 11k1 1111.1. I IntIgkin's 6 6 tt6; Ala .1etus. Neel tillvied the litlItnsing life WM. disease pin 11111.'111a .111d t irth.tt ... t .141114 i .trui'sI, \eel s.tid il 11,ritvi 4 Illi, ugh ilitu MAI ,.. f : . I ht. twist 111111%11A I slit 11.1,1 tiuunting a (Mb, tilt task, thtn innsi "WttlattlItt 11,11 .11 11Ie 4, Ohl 1S.14, .1 S111411111 I; keel, then ce dit gu ial ,04,144 if N11,4 1 Ill 4 4114141.1111ilig .11/1., i 4 1 i irti404044.01.,,, TEQUILA believilly, 1111'111,11i, i 1,411g1I1 I ..1114111 ..11. 111 I In t #44444114...~W 111111.11111. 1 lie's 'II get their' WtOte III, X 1.1S sit.44,4, 41 mold' 1111110.01,111 14 I III 11 111051 I 44114 1.1111.111 1.11 P1.111 1 V114444 A1411 1/11. 111110 I I 54 11114 .1 1114 1.1,114 Itg**3! oi, 4$4 .11,1. Si'! 1.1.111 K is 111 .1114'1 11.II1St 4: ;44144 .1 11 1.11111.1 . 1 111 i..1111 111 es Vs FRIDAYS gu ual It Lill. ttir-ii ii,, 0 0 401441 'wok 1. 1.11111 11 111 n101 %s,,1..`. ant', 1111 Otif lOptiv2ans 1.1.111 " I, 16 4{. ititiffttit rkrivor tiIll011 IIIII ' 11 I .011.1111 .1 nil dit tttl Ive :Mt 41. ;' Is lif at Ott, 1/ Mush ,'NO (knrr es/x*4004041 0 Meg ti iiii144tttfirtfrptip 44, 4tIllitlttlItt' t, Prorwitinnx I.i khri; l 21$.4 /vet- Ttilirt:1:a#1! COLLEGE 5TUDENT5! 1'15 E. Taylor Siegel 111:411:1..411 1,,444Xtt::::tf!;li tv 11 A WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY HA5JU5T OPENED WIDE! 0411441g 44 'itirt r.A 95112 1 111 I AND PART TIME SAlES ASSOCIATiS 4. 444 'till, If ;pi :4 3 DAY fit IND5. the nation's largest manufacturer and retailer of cuittom window 111114 1 1 illi' h:v4t:::::;::iiirtir 14010 995.3447 te4t,41W+ ii 1,4#44,,I,t,777/57 , covering has excellent entry level opportunItie for Port -Time and Full -flme college w 4 P P 44101#0,POPS'et. ttOtili t flit 0 t 'students. If you are ObElf motivated with excellent customer-OerViCe *kills looking tili!ifit: i .4tItttt4I4M114;;;:;:t At I,,, work experwrice ri ntenor design or retail management tall our JOBIINE now. I !Illiiiirr 1 li We have immediate openings with the following compensation: 2"4111116qt:t4:11:7PhInttItTttf 444 444444444.4 * **** 114 Ae. Wage* & Incentives (Excellent $ potential) Paid On -The -Job Training 1 latellt1 00 oaralcal/DentaVVithordirfe insurance (FT Only) Advancement Opport.unitie . 4044444 t44"444 44 ; 7 ,." .Employee Disc aunts Flexible Hour* (DayelflightIWeekendif) r kieerr,'" w, 1,v r For mow information, flu I.iflfl * 44.4ivtikit$1444/i N. on (.11,,,, P 4%1 INE I A00 A00 'WAY. net 504 6.11.1 04 .0.1.44111.4 RES'RURAMBAR' Pro are An IT.' opportunity tryiployirr -moon. 1111

/SP 2)ea4 Man and 2oad, aelhAut The Best Job Opportunities are at '146444 actain jai the 9,1eat vacation Ihe 444sgsge4 hoeah. 91's Gee*: Walt -t Paramount's Great Ansorica. Kiong a4e liavin a 94ea1 lime. We've 4een Pasl-Iscold ,staout And Nowhere Ina& oi the latto/ziccil !widow/4s d /lead I ooking for a part time lob,) Well look no further' Paramount s (,,eat Arnehr.a has the best lob opportunities in the area' To: We offer excellent management opportunities lots of evperience and valuable resume building shills We currently offer toe GZ0441 4a lomf. Bit Ilse wait, following seasonal opportunities c4heS, the plane tichet4 and Mr. & Mrs. Smith Park Operations Finance opted to Save inAlead Ge the 1234 E. Downtown Street Admissions Supervisor Accounts Payable Clerk adventii4e4n see). age ~mei/ toss Prevention Officer Accounts Receivable Clerk Anywhere, St. 12345 Cash Control Section Manager sewed, 9 pclici4eid Marketing Department Assistant in14444, and 4.4dane44 attiallcowe Market Research Interviewer Payroll Clerk Purchasing Clerk a.unea4.1444449dii the yol one Resale oat oi a fUetelt ,San /me Slate Food Service Supervisor Facilities. Maintenance & Construction Resale Training Supervisor `,,gn Design Maintenance the 4ch001 yea4, 4o whit not? For more information on the Student Merchandise Assistant Buyer kad a 4elle4 lime at mat oacatias Sickness & Injury Plan underwritten Paramount s Great Arne,, ,a us an r qua! Opportunity Affirmative Action I- nvioyer 1:01: rMrF A/ !anew 9 was cov44ed and 9 by the Mid-West National Life had mate spenda9. summit to Paramount s Great America is also hiring for Seasonal coots Insurance Company of Tennesse, Entry Level Positions in h. See not all out 44oga414 contact the Associated Students Admissions, Food Service, Games, Merchandise ivait Gooila4...dosie cosieit itost and Rides. ~AZ /mi powinq old Business Office at 408-924-6200, or call toll-free 1-800-237-0903. (eA, 44/2). aee y044 4oat. For more information please call our Job Hotline at (408) 986-5836 Walk-in interviews conducted daily On employment Please send resumes to PO Box 1 776 Santa Clara. CA 200e, S44e 95052