Extensions of Remarks
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3448 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS February 17, 1976 SENATE RESOLUTION 391-TO PER The resolution, with its preamble, is as 1961 and the Foreign Military Sales Act, MIT RELEASE OF DOCUMENTS TO follows: and for other purposes. DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINIS S. RES. 391 Rollcall votes will occur during the day TRATION Whereas, the Drug Enforcement Admin on amendments and motions with rela Mr. NUNN. Mr. President, I call up a istration (DEA) of the Department of Justice tion thereto, with a vote on final passage is carrying out an investigation of alleged thereof at no later than 5 p.m. tomorrow. resolution which I have at the desk and activities of certain of its employees; and ask for its immediate consideration. Whereas, the DEA has requested that the Upon disposition of S. 2662, the Senate The PRESIDING OFFICER. The reso Subcommittee transmit to it any documents, will resume the consideration of the lution will be stated by title. papers or other information which 1t might copyright bill, which is S. 22, a bill for The assistant legislative clerk read as have with regard to the alleged activities of the general revision of the copyright law. follows: such individuals; and Whereas, in the course of their duties as A resolution (S. Res. 391) to permit With employees of the Senate certain staff mem ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 10 A.M. drawal and release of certain documents, papers, or other information with regard to bers of the Permanent Subcommittee on In Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, Drug Enforcement Administration employees. vestigations received information on alleged activities of such employees of the DEA if there be no further business to come The PRESIDING OFFICER. With which information is relevant to their integ before the Senate, I move, in accordance out objection, the Senate will proceed to rity and to the integrity of the Agency; and with the previous order, that the Senate its immediate consideration. Whereas, by the privileges of the Senate stand in adjournment until the hour of Mr. NUNN. Mr. President, the Per of the United States and by Rule X:XX of 10 a.m. tomorrow morning. the Standing Rules of the Senate, informa The motion was agreed to; and at 5:25 manent Subcommittee on Investigations tion secured by staff employees of the Senate has conducted an extensive investigation pursuant to their official duties may not be p.m. the Senate adjourned until tomor into the effectiveness of the Drug En revealed without the consent of the Senate, row, Wednesday, February 18, 1976, at forcement Administration. During that therefore, be it 10 a.m. investigation, staff obtained information Resolved that the Permanent Subcommit on alleged activities of DEA agents with tee on Investigations is authorized, at the regard to the :flow of narcotics from Mex discretion of and at the direction of its Chairman, to provide the Drug Enforcement NOMINATIONS ico to the United States. Administration with any information in its Executive nominations received by the DEA is conducting its own investiga possession relevant to alleged illegal activi Secretary of the Senate on February 10, tion of certain of these same agents and, ties of certain agents of the Drug Enforce 1976, pursuant to the provisions of sec by letter dated December 24, 1975, has ment Administration. requested that we supply them with in SEc. 2. The Secretary of the Senate shall tion 3 of Senate Concurrent Resolution formation bearing on potential criminal transmit a copy of this resolution to the 92, as amended: activity which may assist them in their Attorney General. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY efforts. COMMISSION Pursuant to rule XX:X of the Standing Daniel Ed ward Leach, of Virginia., to be PROGRAM a member of the Equal Employment Oppor Rules of the Senate, and the privileges of tunity Commission for the term expiring the Senate, information secured by staff Mr. ROBERT c. BYRD. Mr. President, July 1, 1979, vice Luther Hplcomb, term members pursuant to their official duties the Senate will convene tomorrow morn expired. as employees of the Senate may not be ing at 10 o'clock. U.S. COURT OF MILITARY APPEALS revealed without a Resolution of the After the two leaders or their desig William Holmes Cook, of Illinois, to be a Senate. nees have been recognized under the Judge of the U.S. Court of Military Appeals Accordingly, Mr. President, I offer the standing order, the Senator from Con for the term of 15 years expiring May 1, 1991 following resolution, unanimously ap necticut (Mr. WEICKER) will be recog (reappointment). proved by the members of the Committee nized for not to exceed 15 minutes, after on Government Operations, authorizing Executive nominations received by the which there will be a period for the trans Senate February l7, 1976: the release of this infromation, and ask action of routine morning business of that it be adopted. DEPARTMENT OF STATE The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ques not to exceed 15 minutes, with statements Edward W. Mulcahy, of Arizona, a Foreign tion is on agreeing to the resolution. therein limited to 5 minutes each, at the Service officer of class 1, to be Ambassador The resolution (S. Res. 391) was agreed conclusion of which the Senate will re Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the to. sume the consideration of S. 2662, a bill United States of America to the Republic The preamble was agreed to. to amend the Foreign Assistance Act of of Tunisia.. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS LITHUANIAN INDEPENDENCE DAY gation of Lithuania's steadfast courage- u .. s. Congress to continue the U.S. its determination to achieve the 1rights policy of nonrecognition of the forcible of freedom-and the privileges of self annexation of Lithuania and its neigh HON. JOE MOAKLEY determination. bors-Estonia and Latvia. We in the OF MASSACHUSETTS It gives me great honor to be able to Congress must strive to preserve and pro IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES commemorate this anniversary of inde tect, in our country for certain, and shall Tuesday, February 17, 1976 pendence with Americans of Lithuanian seek to continue one of the 'basic tenets descent. However, I am saddened that of American foreign policy abroad, the Mr. MOAKLEY. Mr. Speaker, Febru those who still live in Lithuania are un right of all peoples to self-government ary 16, 1976, marks tha 58th anniversary able to JOm Lithuanian-Americans in a free and open society, the very of the Declaration of Independence of across this Nation in pausing to mark cornerstone upon which our society is the proud and peace-loving nation of this day. I know that the determined founded, and upon which the Declaration Lithuania. Fifty-eight years ago, Lithu spirit of the Lithuanian people is un of Lithuanian Independence was based. ania was created. Although Lithuania broken, but I also know that their con We must never give in to the policy pre enjoyed true and total independence for tinuing daily struggle for religious free sented at the European Security Con only 22 years, they were years of progress dom and human rights is frustrating in ference which would recognize the forci and commitment to the future. Tragi view of the less than passing notice and ble annexation of the Baltic Nations. cally, the Soviet Union abrogated all per sometimes invisible support that many Well over a million people of Lithua sonal liberties, civil and religious, when nations in the free world exhibit for nian ancestry live in the United States it forcefully and brutally annexed Lithu their brothers in captive Lithuania. and proudly call the United States home. ania and incorporated the Lithuanian For this reason, I have joined my good Several hundred thousand Lithuanians peoples into the Union of Soviet Social friend and colleague, DAN FLOOD of have settled in the Northeast, many of ist Republics. Although Lithuania has Pennsylvania, and my equally good those in the Boston region. I have known since been held captive by the Russian friend and colleague, ED DERWINSKI of many Lithuanians, and I must say that Empire, there can never occur an abro- Illinois, in sponsoring legislation in the I have long admired their fierce deter- February 17, 1976 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 3449 mination for the preservation of indi will have to increase if we are going to Congress resumes consideration of the en vidual human liberties and their concern come to grips with the energy problems ergy bill3 that were left pending in Decem and commitment to the restoration of that face us in the future. ber. But in light of the continuing decline those liberties in the homeland In order to encourage this debate, and in domestic oil production and the diffi culties currently facing development of nu Lithuania. hopefully plant some seeds in the minds clear power and of coal and outer conti We all hear so much about the Bicen of my colleagues, I would like to bring nental shelf oil resources, there is now no tennial in the United States-we take an article from the February 13 issue of assurance-perhaps not even a likely pros pride in our progress over the last 200 Science magazine to your attention. The pect-that the Administration's goal of "en years and we look forward to the future, article discusses the concept of a Btu, ergy independence" by 1985 will be attained. a future of peace and prosperity. How or energy tax. As Denis Hayes, the For oil imports to be reduced to a level ever, we must not let our good fortune author of the Worldwatch paper on low enough to eliminate the possibility of blind us to the fact that others around an effective Arab oil embargo, overall en energy conservation, says, a sure way to ergy demand probably will have to be re the world do not share in our good for induce energy conservation across the duced well below the levels now projected tune.