August 2020 2 DISCLAIMER


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Neither DP World Limited ("DP World") nor any other person or party is under any obligation to update or keep current the information contained herein. Whilst DP World has taken reasonable care to ensure that the information contained in this presentation is accurate at the time of last revision, no reliance may be placed for any purpose whatsoever on the information contained in this presentation, or any other material discussed verbally, or on its completeness, accuracy or fairness. Accordingly, DP World and each of its subsidiaries, associates, affiliates and each of their respective directors, officers, employees, agents and representatives (together, the "Relevant Entities") expressly disclaims any liability for any loss howsoever arising out of or in connection with a recipient's use of, or reliance on, or otherwise arising in connection with, this presentation. No representation or warranty or undertaking, express or implied, is given by or on behalf of any Relevant Entity or any other person in respect of the completeness, accuracy or fairness of the information contained in this presentation.

Certain information in this presentation is of a historical nature and may now be out of date. All historical information should be understood as speaking from the date of its first publication. In addition, this presentation contains statements about future events and expectations that are forward-looking statements that reflect DP World's current intentions, beliefs or expectations. No forward-looking statements should be taken as forecasts or promises nor should they be taken as implying any indication, assurance or guarantee that the assumptions on which such forward-looking statements have been prepared are correct or exhaustive or, in the case of assumptions, fully-stated in this presentation. Neither DP World nor any other person assumes any obligation to update the forward-looking statements contained herein to reflect actual results, changes in assumptions or changes in factors affecting these statements.

This presentation should not be construed as the giving of advice or the making of a recommendation and should not be relied on as the basis for any decision or action. In particular, actual results and developments may be materially different from any opinion or expectation expressed in this presentation. This presentation and its contents are restricted and are being provided to you solely for your information and may not be taken away, re-transmitted, further distributed to any other person, published or reproduced, in whole or in part, by any medium or in any form for any purpose without the prior written consent of DP World. If handed out at a physical investor meeting or presentation, this presentation should be returned promptly at the end of such meeting or presentation. If this presentation has been received in error it must be returned immediately to DP World.

The opinions and information presented herein are based on general information gathered at the time of writing and are subject to change without notice at any time. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. For industry-related information, DP World relies on information obtained from sources believed to be reliable but does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness and no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made with respect thereto.

This presentation is not intended to provide the basis for any credit or any third party evaluation of DP World and should not be relied upon for investment decision purposes. 3 OUR JOURNEY FROM LOCAL PORT Supply Chain Solution OPERATOR TO SUPPLY CHAIN SOLUTION Global 2005 - 2017 Provider PROVIDER 2018 - Present

2005/6. CSX World Terminals and The Maritime City and Drydocks World Local Port Operator Regional Port Operator Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation acquisitions (UAE). Company (P&O) acquired. Global network and 1972 - 1998 1999 - 2004 market position increased. Created investment platform with NIIF to invest up to US$ 3bn in ports, logistics and 2007. DP World lists on Nasdaq Dubai. related sectors in . 1972. Development of Port Rashid (UAE). 1999. Dubai Ports International FZE (DPI) formed. 2013. Opening of (UK) deep Acquisition of Cosmos Agencia Maritima, a 1979. Opening of Port (UAE). sea port and logistics park. fully integrated logistics services provider 2000. Concession won in (KSA) and (). 1991. Port Rashid and Jebel Ali combine Doraleh (). 2014. Opening of Jebel Ali Terminal 3 (UAE), creating Dubai ports Authority (DPA). one of the largest semi-automated facilities in Acquisition of Continental Warehousing 2002 – 2004. Concessions won in the world. Corporation (India) an integrated multimodal Visakhpatnam (India), Constanta () logistics company. and Cochin (India). 2015. Economics Zones World FZE (EZW) acquired. Acquisition of Unifeeder, an integrated logistics company with the largest and best 2016. Consolidated stake in Pusan Newport connected feeder and growing shortsea () with 66% ownership. network in Northern Europe.

2017. Consolidate DP World Santos Acquisition of Topaz Energy and Marine () with 100% ownership. Limited, a leading international marine logistics services and solutions company to the global energy industry.

De-listed from .

DP World Overview ESG Container Industry Overview Throughput and Financials Business Development 4 SUPPLY CHAIN SOLUTION PROVIDER – FULLY INTEGRATED ACROSS THE SUPPLY CHAIN

Extending the core Connecting directly Providing technology Improve business to play a wider with cargo owners & led solutions to remove quality of earnings role in the supply chain aggregators of demand inefficiencies and drive returns

DP World Overview ESG Container Industry Overview Throughput and Financials Business Development 5 DP WORLD PORTS OVERVIEW

Global network of 9 new 55% of total revenue 127 business units 9% market developments generated by port 51 countries across share and major expansions operations DP World manages 95 million TEU capacity 6 continents

Approximately 75% of our volumes Strong presence in generated from emerging or Diversified key East- West trade frontier markets in 2019 portfolio DP World focuses on the faster growing route markets and key trade routes

Over 70% of our gross volumes Shipping lines do not dictate our were O&D in 2019 and have to go volumes – imports and exports do DP World focuses on origin and destination through our ports cargo which has pricing power

Average life of port Very high concessions is DP World operates container terminals through barriers to entry approximately 36 years long term concession agreements

DP World Overview ESG Container Industry Overview Throughput and Financials Business Development Innovation 6

❑ Intelligent yard system storing containers 11 stories high. ❑ Each container individually ❑ Delivering goods at accessible: significant the speed of air improvements in efficiency, transport and the capacity and safety. cost of land ❑ Proof of Concept under transport. construction in Jebel Ali, commercial roll out from 2020 to DPW & other port operators.

Mawani Portal CFS Freight Transport Blockchain Initiative Operators Forwarders Companies

❑ Blockchain is an open source technology that can support supply chain solutions. ❑ DPW to develop a suite of Exporters & Customs Government solutions for BCOs addressing Importers pain points and offering a range of value propositions. ❑ DPW to integrate port and other logistics infrastructure Shipping Terminal Port into solutions for BCOs. Lines Operators Authority

DP World Overview ESG Container Industry Overview Throughput and Financials Business Development20 7 REVENUE DIVERSIFICATION*


80% 20% Containerized 80%

20% Non-containerized 1H2020

45% Containerized 55% 45%

2017 55% 30% Non-containerized 70% Containerized 70% 30% Non-containerized

* Rounded Figures

DP World Overview ESG Container Industry Overview Throughput and Financials Business Development 8 REVENUE AND EBITDA MIX*

1H2020 REVENUE 1H2020 EBITDA 20% 40% 52.5% 65% Ports & Terminals Ports & Terminals 52.5% 15% 65%

7.5% 15% Parks & Economic Zones 7.5% Parks & Economic Zones

40% 20% Logistics & Maritime Logistics & Maritime

* Rounded Figures

DP World Overview ESG Container Industry Overview Throughput and Financials Business Development 9 CLIENT MIX CHANGE

Beneficial Cargo Owners

Traditional Container Customers

▪ Shipping Lines

▪ Automotive ▪ Logistics and Transportation ▪ Oil & Gas ▪ FMCG ▪ Manufacturers ▪ Consumer Staples

DP World Overview ESG Container Industry Overview Throughput and Financials Business Development 10 OUR GLOBAL FOOTPRINT 127 BUSINESS UNITS IN 51 COUNTRIES ACROSS 6 CONTINENTS IMF World Economic Outlook Real GDP Growth 2021 Projections





EM & Frontier 5.9% Advanced Economies 4.8% World 5.4% 8.2% India 6.0%

Ports & Terminals Parks & Economic Zones Logistics & Maritime Services IMF World Economic Outlook | June 2020

DP World Overview ESG Container Industry Overview Throughput and Financials Business Development 11 KEY ENVIRONMENTAL & SUSTAINABILITY INITIATIVES

In 2017, DP World joined the United DP World is rated ‘Low’ ESG Risk by First international marine and inland trade In 2019, DP World scored 54 points in the Nations IMPACT 2030 initiative and Sustainalytics with a score of 14.8 as of services provider to join the renowned DJSI Index, which qualified us for the became Regional Voice Lead for the September 2019. CDP. Emerging Markets Index. The industry UAE. average is 36 and the industry best score is ESG Risk Rating improvement: Achieved overall score of Leadership/ A- in 85. DP World continues to play an active 2019, placing DP World in the top 24% in part in the Transport Taskforce, which o Ranking improved from 4th to 1st in our activity group. DP World is the only company in the region brings together 40 of the world’s the ‘Marine Ports’ sub-industry group, which is in the DJSI Index.. leading wildlife organizations and In 2019, achieved 10% reduction in transport businesses to tackle illegal o Ranking improved from 35th to 21st in emission intensity (kgCO2e/ModTEU) wildlife trade. the ‘Transportation Infrastructure’ against 2013 baseline. industry group.

DP World Overview ESG Container Industry Overview Throughput and Financials Business Development 12 KEY ENVIRONMENTAL & SUSTAINABILITY INITIATIVES

Green Loan

DP World has satisfied the requirements The DP World Solar Power Programme In 2018, DP World repriced and extended DP World is committed to ensuring that to become a constituent of the phases 1 and 2 include the installation of its $2bn conventional and Murabaha there is no modern slavery or human FTSE4Good Index Series following the 154,000 solar panels on the roofs of DP revolving credit facilities by two years to trafficking in any part of our business and December 2019 index review. World and JAFZA buildings, parking lots, July 2023. The loan pricing is linked to DP to seeking to ensure our supply chains warehouses and at Port Rashid. World’s carbon emission intensity. globally are also free of these issue. Created by FTSE Russell, the FTSE4Good Index Series measures the performance In 2018, the company launched the UAE’s The first green loan in the region with an Issue modern slavery and human of companies demonstrating strong ESG first green storage, passenger terminal Islamic format that links pricing to trafficking statement on an annual basis, practices. and warehouse facilities. environmental performance. pursuant to section 54(1) of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015.

DP World Overview ESG Container Industry Overview Throughput and Financials Business Development 13 GLOBALISATION AND THE GROWTH OF THE CONTAINER

Why does a multiplier exist? Container Ports Characteristics

o Distance between manufacturing and consumption location requires o Resilient volumes, high cash generation, and limited operators. transhipment which leads to containers being handled more than once. o Light regulation – cost of container handling is less than 10% of total transport o Trade imbalance leads to empty repositioning. logistics.

o Low container penetration rates in emerging markets. o High entry barriers – capital expenditure heavy, strategic assets.



More than 90% of cargo 5% is transported on Sea


World container traffic vs.

2002 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

1991 World GDP 2021F -5% 2020F

-10% Source: World GDP data from the IMF World Economic Outlook Update June 2020. Global Container Throughput Growth data reported from Drewry Maritime Research July 2020 Report.

DP World Overview ESG Container Industry Overview Throughput and Financials Business Development 14 CONTAINERISATION PENETRATION RATES REMAIN LOW

Container / Thousand Capita 2019 Port Throughput Estimated Population in 2019 Region / Country in 2019 (mn TEU) (mn People) (TEU /’000 people)

China 17,357 1,368 13

UK 11,196 67 168

North America 68,674 494 139

Europe 139,724 834 167

World 800,756 7,694 104

Latin America 48,328 520 93

Brazil 10,592 211 50

Russia 5,174 146 35

Africa 28,393 1,308 22

India 17,357 1,368 13

Notes: o Port throughput figures include gateway and transhipment volumes. o Significant volumes of unitised traffic also move in ro-ro mode in some countries e.g. UK Source: Drewry Maritime Research

DP World Overview ESG Container Industry Overview Throughput and Financials Business Development MAINTAINING DIFFERENTIATION FROM TERMINAL OPERATING PEERS: 15 TOP 5 GLOBAL OPERATORS 2019 2019 2019 Operator Capacity Market Equity TEU* Key Focus Throughput Share Market Share

o Around 75% of activity generated by emerging markets. o Mainly focused on China although rapid expansion internationally. China Cosco Shipping 109.8 142.1 13.7% 6.1% o Primarily gateway, limited exposure to transhipment. o Consolidation of port and terminal ownership in China. o Large investment in the One Belt and Road initiative. o Significant exposure to transhipment especially in Singapore. o Mix of mature & emerging markets, strong home base in Singapore. PSA International 84.8 117.0 10.6% 7.5% o Global activities but limited presence in Americas and no investments in Africa. o Increasing portfolio expansion plans (greenfield) and development of capacity at existing locations e.g. Singapore.

o Exposed to one shipping line – more than 50% of revenue APM Terminals 84.2 107.6 10.5% 5.8% o Primarily gateway (some transhipment exposure) o High (global presence). Oceania the only world region where not present.

o Mainly emerging markets although significant presence in Europe. o Mostly gateway. Some exposure to transhipment in certain terminals. Hutchinson Port Holdings¹ 82.6 119.6 10.3% 5.7% o High (global presence) although significant proportion of volumes in home base of China. Limited presence in North and South America and Africa.

o Primarily origin and destination cargo (70%) with pricing power o Emerging market focus and strong presence in Europe, and North America DP World 69.4 91.0 8.7% 5.5%² o High global presence, limited in North America o Expansion in emerging and mature markets o Only operator with activities in all 12 world regions and remains the leading player in the Middle East by a large margin.

Source: Drewry Maritime Research 2020 Annual Report. *Equity TEU adjusts figures to match the % ownership of terminals, (1) Hutchison figure include HPH Trust volumes (2) DP World equity league ranking: #4 in 2018

DP World Overview ESG Container Industry Overview Throughput and Financials Business Development 16 COVID-19 IMPACT

Drewry Global Throughput Forecast (World) Drewry Global Throughput Forecast* (World) 2020-2022 2019-2022 (Million TEU) 20.0% 18.2% 870 DP World 800 816 Actual Throughput 12.0% 1Q20: +0.3% 10.0% 742 10.0% 2Q20: -7.9% 8.4% 6.6%

2019 2020 2021 2022 2.1% *Levels represented take into consideration the impact of the coronavirus 0.3% 0.1% 0.0% o Drewry forecast 7.3% volume contraction in 2020 and 10% growth in -2.7% 2021.

o 2Q2020 and 3Q2020 are expected to be the weakest quarters. -7.9% -7.3% -10.0% -10.0% o Volumes to improve as world economy normalises.

o DP World ports remain fully operational globally.

-16.2% o Pro-active safety measures out in place i.e. equipment, social -20.0% 1Q20 1Q20 (DPW) 2Q20 2Q20 (DPW) 3Q20 4Q20 FY20 1Q21 2Q21 3Q21 4Q21 FY21 FY22 distancing, working from home. o DP World focused on managing costs and disciplined capex.

Source: Drewry Maritime Research, July 2020

DP World Overview ESG Container Industry Overview Throughput and Financials Business Development 17 THROUGHPUT OVERVIEW

Gross Volumes 1Q 2019 1Q 2020 1Q 2020 2Q 2019 2Q 2020 2Q 2020 1H 2019 1H 2020 1H 2020 ‘000 TEU (YoY) (YoY) Volume (YoY) (YoY) Volume (YoY) (YoY) Volume

Asia Pacific & India +3.9% -5.8% 7,551 +4.1% -12.2% 7,227 +4.0% -9.0% 14,778

Europe, Middle East and Africa* -4.1% -0.9% 7,332 -1.7% -7.6% 7,153 -2.9% -4.3% 14,485

Americas & Australia -3.7% +10.7% 2,303 +4.4% -0.6% 2,331 +0.4% +4.7% 4,635

Total Group -0.6% -1.7% 17,185 +1.6% -8.8% 16,712 +0.5% -5.3% 33,897

Consolidated Volumes 1Q 2019 1Q 2020 1Q 2020 2Q 2019 2Q 2020 2Q 2020 1H 2019 1H 2020 1H 2020 ‘000 TEU (YoY) (YoY) Volume (YoY) (YoY) Volume (YoY) (YoY) Volume

Asia Pacific & India +3.7% +3.5% 2,384 +8.1% -20.2% 1,900 +5.9% -8.6% 4,284

Europe, Middle East and Africa* -5.7% +0.9% 5,732 -2.4% -8.9% 5,449 -4.1% -4.1% 11,181

Americas & Australia +19.9% +90.3% 2,226 +94.3% +15.2% 2,279 +57.9% +43.1% 4,505

Total Group -0.8% +12.9% 10,342 +10.6% -6.9% 9,628 +4.9% +2.4% 19,970

*Jebel Ali volumes included in Middle East, -8.8% -3.4% 3,373 -6.3% -10.0% 3,300 -7.5% -6.8% 6,673 Africa and Europe region

DP World Overview ESG Container Industry Overview Throughput and Financials Business Development 18 KEY CAPACITY ADDITIONS

2019 2020 Year End Capacity New Developments and major expansions Year End Forecast

o () Consolidated Capacity 54.0m TEU o Sokhna () Approx. o Yarimca () 57.5m TEU o Fraser Surrey Docks () o Posorja (Ecuador)

Gross Capacity 92.0m TEU As above Approx. (Consolidated plus equity- accounted investees) 95.0m TEU

o Many of our existing portfolio of terminals have the ability to increase capacity as utilization rates and customer demand increases.

o 2020 expected new capacity: Sokhna (Egypt) 0.7m TEU; Karachi (Pakistan) 0.4m TEU; Yarimca (Turkey) 0.4mn TEU

DP World Overview ESG Container Industry Overview Throughput and Financials Business Development 19 OVERVIEW OF 2020 INTERIM FINANCIAL RESULTS

% change Results before separately disclosed items(1) unless otherwise As Reported Like-for- like at 1H 2020 1H 2019 stated | USD million % change constant currency(2) Gross throughput(3) (TEU ‘000) 33,897 35,811 (5.3%) (3.9%) Consolidated throughput(4) (TEU ‘000) 19,970 19,495 2.4% (5.4%) Revenue 4,076 3,463 17.7% (11.6%) Revenue (excluding Emaar land sale) 4,076 3,163 28.9% (3.4%) Share of profit from equity-accounted investees 55 86 (36.7%) (14.8%) Adjusted EBITDA(5) 1,534 1,611 (4.8%) 1.1 (6) Adjusted EBITDA margin(7) 37.6% 46.5% - 43.9%(7) Profit for the period 333 753 (55.7%) (46.5%)

1 Before separately disclosed items (BSDI) primarily excludes non-recurring items. DP World reported separately disclosed items of a $2.3 million profit. 2 Like-for-like at constant currency is without the new additions at KRIL (India), Posorja (Ecuador), Topaz (UAE) Fraser Surrey Docks (Canada), Ferries & Ferry Masters (UK), Feedertech (Singapore), Puertos y Logistica (Chile); the discontinuation of () and (China); consolidation of DPWA (Australia) and Caucedo () 3 Gross throughput is throughput from all consolidated terminals plus equity-accounted investees. 4 Consolidated throughput is throughput from all terminals where the Group has control as per IFRS. 5 Adjusted EBITDA is Earnings before Interest, Tax, Depreciation & Amortisation including share of profit from equity-accounted investees before separately disclosed items. 6 Adjusted EBITDA (excluding land sale to Emaar) adjust for the land sale transaction in 1H2019. 7 The adjusted EBITDA margin is calculated by dividing adjusted EBITDA by revenue, including our share of profit from equity-accounted investees.

DP World Overview ESG Container Industry Overview Throughput and Financials Business Development 20 REVENUE BREAKDOWN

$4,500 93

$4,000 277 $3,500 301 $3,000 291 1982 $2,500 292 1153 280 $2,000 278 682 US$ Millions US$ 150 422 $1,500 403 387 342 688 758 696 703 $1,000 565 604 656

$500 1030 1060 752 743 773 897 948 $0 1H 2014 1H 2015 1H 2016 1H 2017 1H 2018 1H 2019 1H 2020

Container 'Stevedoring' Container 'Other' Non-Container (excl. Lease Revenue) Lease Revenue (part of non-container) Sales of plots

o At 1H2020, non-containerized revenue accounted for approximately 55% of total revenue. o Like-for-like revenue decreased by 11.6% due to a decline in non-containerized revenue. o Total Lease revenue was $277 million. Lease revenue is included in total non-container revenue for reporting purposes.

DP World Overview ESG Container Industry Overview Throughput and Financials Business Development 21 DP WORLD KEY FINANCIAL METRICS

$ million 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Gross Throughput (TEU mn) 43.4 49.6 54.7 56.1 55.0 59.9 61.7 63.7 70.1 71.4 71.2 Consolidated Throughput (TEU mn) 25.6 27.8 27.5 27.1 26.1 28.3 29.1 29.2 36.4 36.8 39.9 Revenue 2,821 3,078 2,978 3,121 3,073 3,411 3,968 4,163 4,715 5,646 7,686 Adjusted EBITDA 1,072 1,240 1,307 1,404 1,414 1,588 1,928 2,263 2,469 2,808 3,306 EBITDA margin 38.0% 40.3% 43.9% 45.0% 46.0% 46.6% 48.6% 54.4% 52.4% 49.7% 43.0% Leverage (Net Debt / EBITDA) 4.7 4.2 2.7 2.0 1.7 1.3 3.2 2.8 2.5 2.8 3.9* PAT 332.7 450.1 531.7 624.8 674.2 756.7 969.9 1,259.5 1,362.5 1,332.8 1,341.4 EPS (USD cents) 35.6 45.0 55.3 65.7 72.8 81.4 106.3 135.7 145.6 153.0 160.0 ROCE % 3.8% 4.4% 6.0% 6.8% 6.7% 7.1% 7.9% 9.5% 8.8% 8.4% 7.5% Interest cover x 3.8 4.4 4.5 4.7 5.0 5.6 5.0 6.7 7.5 6.5 4.6 Capex 967 1,129 481 685 1,063 807 1,389 1,298 1,090 908 1,146 Acquisition & Monetisation 142 0 (1,504) (374) (637) 83 4,100 174 300 2,500 3,100 Consolidated Terminal Capacity (TEU mn) 34.4 35.1 33.6 34.7 35.2 37.9 40.1 42.4 49.7 49.7 54.2 Gross Capacity (TEU mn) 59.7 64.1 69.4 69.7 70.7 76.1 79.6 84.6 88.2 90.5 91.8 Gross Capacity Utilisation 72.7% 77.3% 78.8% 80.4% 77.8% 78.7% 77.5% 75.2% 79.5% 78.9% 77.6%

* Post IFRS16

DP World Overview ESG Container Industry Overview Throughput and Financials Business Development 22 HISTORICAL OPERATING PERFORMANCE

9,000 80

8,000 70

7,000 REVENUE 60

6,000 50

5,000 TEU m 40

USD m USD 4,000 EBITDA 30 3,000

20 2,000 PAT

1,000 10

0 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Gross Volumes

DP World Overview ESG Container Industry Overview Throughput and Financials Business Development 23 2019 RETURN ON CAPITAL EMPLOYED

˃ 15% ROCE : 27% 5 - 15% ROCE : 37% ˂ 5% ROCE : 36%

100.0% Capital Employed 80.0%

60.0% ❑ Variable costs increased to 66.2% in 2018 from 63.3% in 2017. 40.0%

❑ Cost breakdown remainsMedium the Term same Target as of 15%2018 with ROCE 20.0% payroll and concessions representing about 60% of total costs. 0.0% DP World Terminals -20.0%


o ROCE was at 7.5% in 2019 from 8.4% in 2018. o Approximately 30% of our capital employed delivers returns in excess of 15%. o Newer operations or investment in pre-operational businesses reduces Group ROCE. o Includes all DP World consolidated operations and our equity-accounted investees.

DP World Overview ESG Container Industry Overview Throughput and Financials Business Development 24 DEBT POSITION

$ Million 30 June 2019 31 Dec 2019 30 June 2020

Interest Bearing Debt 11,095 13,281 12,955

IFRS 16 Lease Liability 2,399 2,513 2,953

Total Debt 13,494 15,794 15,908

Cash Balance 2,050 2,943 2,139

Adjusted Net Debt 11,444 12,851 13,769

Adjusted Net Debt (Excluding lease liabilities) 9,045 10,338 10,816

Net Debt / Adjusted EBITDA pre IFRS 16 3.0x 3.4x 3.7x

Net Debt / Adjusted EBITDA post IFRS 16 3.7x 3.9x 4.3x

Interest Cover pre IFRS 16 6.0x 5.3x 3.9x

Interest Cover post IFRS 16 5.1x 4.6x 3.5x o Well matched debt profile with long-term debt to meet long-term nature of our business. o Cash from operating activities remains strong at $1,124 million in 1H2020 compared to $1,046 million in 1H2019 o Leverage (Net debt to annualised adjusted EBITDA) increased to 3.7 times (Pre-IFRS16) from 3.4 times at FY2019. On a post-IFRS16 basis, net leverage stands at 4.3 times compared to 3.9 times at FY2019.

DP World Overview ESG Container Industry Overview Throughput and Financials Business Development 25 DEBT MATURITY PROFILE – PROFORMA POST PERPETUAL ISSUANCE


3500 3,400

3,000 3000


2000 1,750 *

US $ millions US $ 1,500 1500 1,300 1,200 1,000 1,000 1000 803 842 601 500 431 479 500 500 317 320 254 190 243 232 191 95 87 66 69 65 47 25 16 0 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2037 2039 2048 2049 Sukuk MTN Bank Loans and Others PFZW Loan (Guaranteed by DPW) Perpetual Hybrid Sukuk (First Call Date)

* Proceeds received 1st July 2020

DP World Overview ESG Container Industry Overview Throughput and Financials Business Development 26 DP WORLD DEBT

DP World Overview ESG Container Industry Overview Throughput and Financials Business Development 27 KEY PORT DEVELOPMENTS

TIS Container Terminal (Ukraine) Fraser Surrey Docks (Canada) DP World agrees to acquire a 51% stake in TIS Container Terminal in the Port of Yuzhny, Ukraine. FSD is a multipurpose terminal which handles The port is a deepwater multipurpose terminal containers (400k TEU capacity), steel and agri-bulk. ideally located to serve the strong domestic market, Belarus and Eastern Europe. The acquisition gives DP World the ability to further diversify cargo mix with a focus on non- container cargo.

Berbera () Posorja (Ecuador)

Strategically located to serve east Africa Opened in August 2019 with 0.75m TEU capacity. including . Expanding capacity from 0.15 million TEU to 0.55 million TEU. Only deep-water port in the fast growing container market of Ecuador

DP World Australia (Australia) Puertos y Logistica (Chile) DP World raised its holding in DP Puertos y Logistica S.A. (“Pulogsa”), a leading World Australia (DPWA). port operator in Chile with two terminals; Puerto Central (“PCE”) and Puerto Lirquen (“PLQ”). Australia remains a stable market with an opportunity to grow in logistics

DP World Overview ESG Container Industry Overview Throughput and Financials Business Development 28 KEY LOGISTICS & MARITIME DEVELOPMENTS KRIBHCO Infrastructure Limited (INDIA) KRIL operates three major Inland Container Depots/Private Freight Terminals at Pali, Haryana; Modinagar, Uttar Pradesh and Hazira, P&O Ferries (UK) Gujarat and has container train operations with a pan India outreach. KRIL has a strong presence in the National Capital Region (NCR), P&O Ferries is a pan-European integrated logistics business consisting of a which is India’s largest Import/Export market with a population of market leading roll-on-roll-off (Ro-Ro) ferries operation and a European over 46 million, including a terminal located on a notified double transportation and logistics solutions provider (P&O Ferrymasters). stack route.

P&O Ferries handles over 2.5 million freight units per year which accounts for approx. 75% of group revenues. Feedertech (Singapore)

Unifeeder, acquired a 77% stake in Feedertech Group. Feedertech operates two businesses, Feedertech, an Topaz (Caspian, MENA & Africa) independent feedering service and Perma, a regional short-sea network. Topaz is a leading international provider of critical marine logistics and solutions to the global energy industry. The Company operates a modern and versatile fleet of 117 vessels, predominantly in the Caspian Sea, MENA, Continental Warehousing and West Africa regions. Corporation (India) DP World and NIIF joint venture acquired 90% of Continental Warehousing Corporation (CWC) in India.

CWC is a leading integrated multimodal logistics Unifeeder Group (Denmark) provider of Warehousing, Container Freight Stations (CFS), Inland Container Depots (ICD), Private Freight Unifeeder operates the largest and most densely connected common user Terminals (PFT) and integrated logistics solutions. container feeder and an important and growing shortsea network in Europe.

DP World Overview ESG Container Industry Overview Throughput and Financials Business Development 29 ADDING SCALE TO UNIFEEDER’S LOGISTICS PLATFORM Medium-haul services integrated with unparalleled inland capabilities across East Asia, Wider ISC, and Arabian Gulf


E Xingang

True multimodal network with unparalleled Pusan coverage from East Asia to Gulf and Red Sea

Services spanning full spectrum of medium- Shanghai haul lines, shortsea, and coastal ISC

Jubali Largest regional equipment pool serving the Jebel Ali Karachi Dammam full range of regional cargo flows Hamad Mundra Chittagong Haldia Shekou Khalifa Sohar Jeddah Hazira Paradip 20 terminals connected across region Nhava Sheva Sudan Vizag

Krishnapatnam Leam Chabang Port centric freight forwarding capabilities enabling seemless D2D connectivity in Jebel Ali Kattupalli

Cochin Tuticorin Colombo Port Klang Singapore

Unifeeder and P&O Ports Rail connections

DP World Terminals & Logistic Parks Shortsea connections Part of Unifeeder Group

Regional and domestic carriers NVOCCs Freight forwarding 30 DP WORLD CHILE

Reasons for DP World to invest

DP World Chile owns two multipurpose seaport assets; A. Puerto Central (PCE) concession in San Antonio, V Region, and B. Both PCE & PLQ handle gateway cargo, and would allow DP World to Lirquen port (PLQ) which serves mainly forestry product exports serve cargo owners and shipping lines at five key gateways on the west in the VIII Region. coast of South America in Posorja (Ecuador), and Paita (Peru) and San Antonio and Lirquen (Chile).

Pulogsa concession in the San Antonio bay is for a 20 year period Chile is an investment grade (A1/ Stable) country with strong GDP with the option to extend it until 2041. growth.

o Pulogsa is one of the largest and the most modern container PCE is the most modern terminal in the Santiago region (>50% national ports in Chile. cargo demand) and expected to maintain a favorable supply/demand balance. PLQ is a freehold asset. o PCE’s total capacity of 1.15m TEUs and the port facility counts with direct connectivity to Santiago through modern highways and railway. A

B Puerto Lirquen is located near the main productive center of Southern Chile, serving blue-chip forestry and pulp clients who ensure stable export demand

o PLQ is amongst the largest private public-access ports in Chile, benefiting from the largest storage in the VIII Region

• Acquired in January 2019

DP World Overview ESG Container Industry Overview Throughput and Financials Business Development 31 P&O FERRIES & FERRYMASTERS

Port / Terminal / Hub

Helsinki Hanko Core Asset Areas Oslo St. Petersburg Stockholm Talinn Ferry Routes

Gothenburg Chartering Train Services

Cairnryan Larne / Belfast Riga Shuttle Services Teesport Dublin Malmö Road Shunts Klaipeda Cork Hull Liverpool New Services 2019

Lübeck Rostock Harwich Tilbury Europoort Dover Poznan Zeebrugge M CalaisCalais Duisburg Dourges Lovosice


Budapest Oradea

Trieste Bilbao Segrate Novara Piacenza Ploiesti Toulon Constanta Perpignan

Barcelona Madrid

Pomezia Pendik (Istanbul) European Nola Bari Patras Network Mersin

• Acquired in February 2019

DP World Overview ESG Container Industry Overview Throughput and Financials Business Development 32 TOPAZ ACQUISITION STRENGTHENING DP WORLD’S MARINE SERVICES OFFERING

117 281 Fleet Number of ships (primarily OSVs) (primarily tugs/barges and other small vessels)

US$349m US$230m Revenue Revenue FY18 financials Revenue and EBITDA US$190m US$80m EBITDA EBITDA

Africa S. America 10% 14% MENA FY18 revenue split by 13% Geographic exposure Caspian operational location 45% EMEA 50% Australasia & PNG Solutions 36% 32%

• Acquired in July 2019

DP World Overview ESG Container Industry Overview Throughput and Financials Business Development 33 FEEDERTECH ACQUISITION – TRANSACTION OVERVIEW

o Acquired 77% stake in Feedertech Group.

o Established in 2003 and based in Singapore, Feedertech operates two businesses: Feedertech (an independent feedering service) and Perma (regional short-sea network).

o Feedertech Group will broaden DP World’s Group feedering and short-sea product offering to multiple geographies.

o Further enhance DP World’s logistics capability to offer an end-to-end solution to both the shipping lines and cargo owners. Feedertech Perma

Port-to-port operations through VSAs/consortium with Pier-to-pier operation through customized services which Main-Line Operators (MLO). primarily relies on Feedertech. o No owned vessel. Utilizes 11 services (ISC – Middle East drives c.52% of o The company has 5 service routes in Indian volumes; Far East & Southeast Asia drives 32%; Africa Subcontinent and Far East regions. drives 4%; remaining is reefer or special services).

• Acquired in December 2019

DP World Overview ESG Container Industry Overview Throughput and Financials Business Development 34 DUBAI - SERVES A WIDE REGION #8 Trading Across Borders 2019 (World Bank) - MENA region

Midway between Asia & Europe #16 o Jebel Ali Port is 11th largest port worldwide Trade gateway for GCC, ISC & Africa with o 19.3 million TEU capacity (2018) population access of over 2bn Globally in Ease of Doing Business Report o Sea connectivity: 180+ shipping lines, 80+ Logistics hub for Arabian Gulf 2020 (World Bank) and ranked #1 in Arab weekly services, 140+ direct ports of call Host to the World countries for 7th consecutive year

o World's busiest international airport o 87.9 million passengers in 2019 DUBAI o Handled 2.6m tons air freight in 2019. o DWC: Dubai’s emerging cargo airport o Customs bonded corridor connects sea-air box $373 trn non-oil foreign trade (2019) within 45mins of discharge Largest domestic market in the region non-oil trade worth $99 o Rail network in GCC by 2020 bn (2019) o Etihad Rail (UAE) will span 1,200 kms o 75 Kms of Metro #5 o Tramway of 14 kms Global Connectedness Index 2018 (DHL) o Etihad Rail will have a depot within Jebel Ali facility, connecting UAE to GCC Pro-business government o Connected to the main UAE/GCC road Rapidly growing trade and services sectors network – 2 to 3 days road transit to Cosmopolitan city with high standard of living anywhere in the GCC. Excellent healthcare & educational services Diverse living environment, over 200 nationalities #9 Secure environment 2019 Economic Freedom Index – Global ranking and Rank #1 in the Region

DP World Overview ESG Container Industry Overview Throughput and Financials Business Development 35 JEBEL ALI PORT & FREE ZONE (JAFZ) Integrated One Stop Shop for Business Solution

Facilitates trade Over 7,900 Over 135,000 (2019) worth customers from Jobs sustained 140 countries $99 Bn

One of the largest Main Logistics & Spans 57 sq km Business Trade Hub for Communities the region in the region

Operate in an Multimodal Connectivity Integrated Jebel Ali Port, Al Maktoum Intl. Airport, One-Stop-Shop Etihad Railway, Regional Highways

Access to 3 Bn+ Over 350 logistics companies. 8 out of the people in the 10 largest logistics companies in the world MEASA region have their Regional base in JAFZA

Over 100 Dubai Logistics Corridor Sea – air Fortune 500 customs bonded corridor companies

DP World Overview ESG Container Industry Overview Throughput and Financials Business Development 36 UPDATE ON FREE ZONE

Occupancy Rates %

100% 100% 99% 94% 9595%% 94% 95% 95% 92% 90% 90% 89% 90% 90% 89% 87% 87% 88% 87% 84% 85% 84% 84% 84% 83% 8283%% 80% 80% 80% 77% 77% 78% 73% 70% 71% 66% 67%

60% Dec-12 Dec-13 Dec-14 Dec-15 Dec-16 Dec-17 Dec-18 Dec-19 Jun-20

Land Warehouse Office On-Site Residential

190 new companies registered during 1H 2020 and total number of companies exceeds 8,300.

DP World Overview ESG Container Industry Overview Throughput and Financials Business Development 37 DP WORLD INDIA OVERVIEW

DP World is one of the largest solution providers in Port Terminal ICD/PFT Facility South Asia. CFS Facility Cold Chain Facility FTWZ Facility Under development DP World has created a wide network of logistics assets in India including CFSs, ICD Panipat PFTs, Cold chain facilities, road and rail transportation networks.

India Transportation Growth Forecasts Sahibabad, o India Container Terminal CAGR 8-10% Delhi NCR o Container Freight Station (CFS) and Inland Container Depot (ICD) CAGR 10-12% o Private Freight terminal CAGR 30-35%

Ahmedabad Mundra Surat 6 2 Free Trade Port Terminals Mumbai Warehousing Zones 6 Hyderabad 5 Cold Chain Container Freight Facilities Stations (Winter Logistics) Bangalore 3 4 Chennai Inland Container Depots/ Inland Container Depots Vallarpadam Private Freight Stations (Kribhco Infrastructure Ltd)


DP World Overview ESG Container Industry Overview Throughput and Financials Business Development 38 INVESTOR RELATIONS APP Investor Relations Contact

Redwan Ahmed Email: [email protected]

Amin Fikree THANK YOU Email: [email protected] Investor Relations Email: [email protected]