The German Cosmetic, Toiletry, Perfumery and Detergent Association Annual Report 2013. 2014 EDITOR IKW The German Cosmetic, Toiletry, Perfumery and Detergent Association Mainzer Landstrasse 55 60329 Frankfurt am Main Germany
[email protected] PHOTO CREDITS Dr. Rüdiger Mittendorff (page 2) Fotostudio Bernd Georg, Offenbach (page 6) IKW (page 7) TRANSLATION Paul André Arend LAYOUT Redhome Design, Nana Cunz EDITORIAL DEADLINE 31 March 2014 2 SITUation Dear Madam, dear Sir, 2013 was on balance a satisfying The innovativeness and orientation According to the economists, economic year for Germany and the industries towards consumer requests render growth of up to 2 % is to be expected represented by us. Despite the still these product categories particularly in Germany in 2014. A robust labour high financial and monetary policy attractive for the retail trade. market and free-spending consumers risks in the Euro space, Germany are the cornerstones of this positive recorded a slight uptrend in general Our members know how to develop forecast, which also sets the corre- economic terms, with an increase tailor-made concepts for the different sponding trends for our industries. in the price adjusted gross domes- distribution channels on the basis tic product (GDP) of 0.4 % versus of a partnership-driven dialogue, so A significant degree of uncertainty is prior year. A substantial contribution that further increases in value can be generated for our member companies was made by the domestic demand. achieved in the different categories. only by the development of energy German consumers currently have an supplies in Germany. The question optimistic view of the future as they The basis for ongoing growth is, how- concerning the extent of the burden- hadn’t had for some time.