Methotrexate: from its introduction to non-oncologic therapeutics to anti-TNF-α T.G. Benedek Division of Rheumatology, University of ABSTRACT therapeutics. Although MTX has come Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, The history of the rheumatologic use of to be used in the treatment of many of PA, USA. methotrexate until the 1990s will be re- these diseases, this review is limited to Please address correspondence to: viewed, beginning with its pharmacol- rheumatoid arthritis (RA): How did it Prof. Thomas G. Benedek, MD, MS, ogy, with the focus on rheumatoid ar- become favoured over other agents in Division of Rheumatology, thritis (RA). The insufficient availability the treatment of progressive RA, how University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, 1130 Wightman Street, of cortisone in the 1950s as well as the has the risk-benefit ratio of MTX been Pittsburgh, PA, USA. early recognition of its potential toxic- evaluated, and how did the enthusiasm E-mail:
[email protected] ity stimulated searches for alternative for the use of MTX as the principal Received and accepted on September 1, anti-inflammatory drugs. Two related drug in the treatment of progressive RA 2010. derivatives of folic acid, aminopterin wane in favour of its combination with Clin Exp Rheumatol 2010; 28 (Suppl. 61): and amethopterin (MTX,) were found other categories of powerful immuno- S3-S8. to give rapid symptomatic relief in cas- suppressive drugs. © Copyright CLINICAL AND es of psoriasis vulgaris and psoriatic EXPERIMENTAL RHEUMATOLOGY 2010. arthritis. For several years MTX was Pharmacology of methotrexate used primarily to treat psoriasis, and Pteroyl-glutamic acid was isolated in Key words: Methotrexate, psoriasis, the dermatologic treatment protocols 1941 from leafy vegetables and named rheumatoid arthritis, hepatotoxicity.