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Rnqslaon,Jqge d6)l(T)cerco ceog (I)lcoom)e .rJOlDCo CUCA!9(I)o fird,s(OiJlomolscoto c,rcB.\o (r)(rld : 2270 09.03.201 8-cn' oAorslAf @161oer(o6 olo1(|)1 O.olCBlo oQdsl @'1. m6qd ona'le' ojl : (&1, oO. 6d. 6lxceld ( - .,rsild,cldg "r$6,ecc(6'n "icmc66) ffi)qBc(o cdsiooJo o'loocuo cDcorlc@1o,oJo orcderooaecrld"coJcuo oFrtt o(81) (ng).ruomroccnooo ("O). cuoouDc(r)o('ro @1o'loero)6 [email protected] @lo'loelaod "Jo1e'l dO@oc5ITr"; p.D oJ@€o1 ffn(rolo)l crr'lerono8 6 erd,gco (gdl(oc6rD: "Jlo'lot "ro"lot do(tlcoA gcg(ro1€6rfinc6rrec ; oJluoBcoqoo (Olo'loercod orolocfi) oJ@10t oc!glo.Hs@Goc; ('ldel'.![d6]fiD(d)- fiuo6r)lmD14 6,cojo ffDddoco'looe "rolo5rD(I)o)1q5rB: (5nn). @loloercod do'l(|)'l gao6@oD(o" (6nn) c6,(B .ruddold. @loloercod oolo)rD cruoerurrut1+f cd'@(r\)6doc(o1oa (rr'lcrno 8 eldsoccot cIldal),ldl jilg6r|3: "r@lut dooffo61qo crodcD1.d6,oa ae'14[l5c5rcc ; ooel(o6 crgaoorloon eiBJoe "J6,6.H&gA 66IGOC ; (aD1). (qloloeiaocnaogg Cll(Boc(Do (rnoqrond6r(m (qD1) uorrlgcuo 6,26.811e ol(oolmcuo @1m' cxoroc(r, oc6{FBBgc5rD- n91o6,qgg artcBocooc6lTr- o,flDdol "glo(o.r9odo o6looco€o@c5rTr- 60(m(o: "Jolofirr',ldn(mo(octoq o9lor0€5''lao'l€ggooto|oo olJaroocd6rcac ; (ad) (Ololoemod fiudslooldog" (T)ola,nD(oncD" (u1) oa,@ aDddoc{d m)ocoJo)@Bglaerd6}gg rnqslaon,jqgE ocoB6rn6dBoa 9GBJCO (TDo()lo5rn(oro'r"lroo, OnBJCTSJCOU ooooiDco€ooc6m" ; eQo)' (r\)o6r)JadC rDo()lo6moto'lcroqgg ocmB5rn'|5sBsa€o" rn<fl61o1!99 gorooqo,qoscqo .Dldog@ c6'(ts crudd6rcd 4ooggon4eg dBqosqQo dJardC eBJocaocac ? 6coo1 ou- ooc@coc5rBoc5lT!- 6rllc(j)6,0. .nroc\rocm fiud66'c/a gcl3J3o5sBl/a d6iEe rruooro6moE,lo' 26.09.2009-op nu.e.("Jl)roo.8 1/2009/d.€s."r.()l.on.or. eotoocuo cDomroc(r)ooror on€Jcr3Jc(u auoc'osmroorl crl 0l .01 .2015 -oer cru.g ("Jl)coo.O1/2015/"ll.nu.on.o. (r)(nrd gororocuocdm' 6Drc(l)6,0c@1igg@: [email protected]@rqos d6der @oao6DoDo crgco'l cddd6roro. OODOIU dd or"n'lm)ri 36 \ I I GOVTiRNMI]NT OIJ KI]MI 'A I Abstract t, nl'tcrtltru ql Ctt-,rvv LAYtiR I l)r,t'rn t ltlltl-- Int'l ^MoNG -l)tivtit.ol'MliN RABU lun.r:r'rt'ur'ttot'l tlt' lLrs't tct. RAJI-NtlR^ Oflrt:R lSAcKwARl) Ct.rsst s- (:oMMlssloN RIK)RT -ORDI:RS ISSUt:D (i (), (P) \o. datcd 2?-5-2000' lleutl : | (i. o (P) No l6l00/scs DD (C) 598/00 of Supremc Court in W P I Judgmcnt datcd 2l-2-2007 frtcd bY NSS' l'l-2001' ' I G O (P) No )5/07/scs'fDl) dated l-G2001 4. (i O (P) No ll/o7/SCS I'DD datcd 25-8-200? 5 (i (). (P) No 46i07/scs'll)D dated 3-l-2008 6 (;' o (P) No M/oE1SCSI DD datcd 7. GO (P)No' i lll08/scsl'l)D datcd l9-l?-2008' ORDI.,R prper above-Govcmment tlad-issued :rd:rs As pcr thc Ci O read.as lst tn th" of Justicc N arcn dran acccDling lhe iecommcndatlons '"pou -Commlsslon ;;:;:;;;;";; ji*:. '.f Til,l,::: Scrvrccl:::,.t;:,*JU,::'t,f sc ff liff as R; 1.00 lakhs Nair 2nd Cortrt' as per judgmcnt rcad as ('oud againsl tlris Order ona trt" iton"t'tt of Justice l" t*ttt*-c^"*,lilll1l^ll naucr abovc has scr osidc ,n" ,ooo" i i h ; ;;' ;'"* J:J"l':: I :,:' go1. Tl"J :il I J ::,:':,T lr.:ir ( ommisslon who"l' should "1T:T:ll suhm it thcir rcPon (;( Pl ,1/3 05 6/201I /l)T P 37 2. ln compliancc ro thc aforcsaid dircction ol.thc l{on'blc SuprcrncCoun. Govcmment as per G O. read as 3rd paper abovc had appoinred a l.hrce Mcn Commission with Jusricc R. Rajendra Uabu (Rctd.) ar Chairman and as pcrC 0 read as 4th paper above, fixed thc tcrms of rcfcrcncc of thc Commissiun l. Justicc Rajendra Babu Commission submirted thcir inrcrim rcpon on 7-8-2007 and on thc basis ofthat repon Covcmmcnr fixcd thc incomc limit for determining the Creamy l-ayer among OtlCs undcr Catcgory Vl as Rs. 1.5 lakhs p€r annum vide G O. read as 5th paper abovc as modificd vidc G Cr rcad as 6th paper above. In thc meantime, Covcrnmcnt of lndia incrcascd thc incomc lirni .l.hc lor detcrmining Creamy l,ayer aniong Ot]Cs to lk. 4.5 iakhs. Ctmmissr{}l (iovcrnmcnt thcre upon adviscd the State fr_rr fixing thc incomc ltmtt lir determining the Creamy l,aycr arnong OBCs as Rs. 4.5 lakhs Dcr rnnunr untjl thr! Commission submit.s its final rcport. (iovernmcnt issucd ordcn lhc.c .l.hc tn accordingly vide G. O. rcad as 7th papcr atrovc. Commrssion harc submited dreir final repon on 30-62009. 4. Govcrnment havc carcfully considercd tha report iu all rcspcct ard hereby accept the full recommendations madc by thc Commission lo idcnlih..lhc Creamy Layer among Other Backward Classes in Kerala as pcr thc rcrrnr oi reference and ordcr as follows: (D Rs. 4.5 lakhs is fixcd as annual incomc for. dclcrn\iornr thc Crcamy Laycr among thc OBCs. (ii) 1'hc guidclincs and thc critcria ro bc adoplcd lbr iLirnritving. the Creamy [.aycr madc by Jus(icc Raicndra ilabu (]onrnrrrsr0n uru acceptcd and shall hc obscrved. (nr) lhe existing system of cxcmpting the hcredrtary occrfdtionj calling ind ahe ,sub castcs of fishcrmcn community us pcr Anobxure B & C in C: O. (P) No. l6/00/SCS-l.t)O datcd :?-..5^2000 from the application of Creamv l.aycr shall bc continucd. -1..'fhe .guidelines to idcntify thc Crcamy l.ayer among thc OBCs mentioncd. in Para 4 (ii) above arc givcn in nnocxure I ro this Ordcr. 6. Thc list of Other llackward Classcs in Kcrala is sho*,n irr nnic\urcA. 7. Thc groups of pcrsqns with hcredirary occupations/calling in Kcrala is givcn in Annexure B. 38 8 fhc sub castcs of lishermen community cxcludcd from thc Creamy Layer mcntioncd in Pata 4 (ii) of this order is given in Annexure C 9. lhe schedule showing the descriplion of categories of people to vhom thc rul!' of excluston will apply is appendcd as Anncxurc D t0. I'hc form of ccnificatc to be issued will bc as shown in Annexure Il ll, Thc form ofapplication for (hc issuc ofthc certificate rvill be as shown in Anncxurc lll. l2 The authoriry to issue the cenificatc to candidates who do not belong ro thc Crcamy Laycr will be any of thc following Ofliccrs: -- (a) Distric( Magistratchdditional District,Magistrate/Colleclor/l Class Stipcndiary Magisoate/Sub Divisional Magistrate/lbluk Magistrate/ Iixccutivc Magistate/Extra Assistant Commissioner (not bclow the rank of I Class Stipendiary Magisrate). (b) Chre f Presrdcncy Magistral€/Additional Chief Presidency Magislrate/ Presidcncy Magislrate. (c) Revcnue Officer not below lhe rank of lahasildar and (d) Sub Divisional Officer of rhc arca whcrc (he candidates and or his ftmily normally resides. ll. (lrcamy Laycr Ce(ificalc applicd for should bc issued or refustd, as lhe casc may bc within tcn days of reccipt of thc application. 14. Ihcsc orders will apply to all Covcrnment Dcpanments/Organizations/ lnstirutions/Public Scctor Undertakings/Covctnmcnt owned Companies/ Co-opcrativc Socictics/Autonomous Bodies. cic. to which (he princiPles of rcsenatrons arc aoolicablc. By ordcr of thc Govcmor, P,rut- ArloNr, Irincipal SeuetaD, to Governftenl. 39 To Thc Sccretary, Keraia public Scrvice Commission. paltom, Thiruvananthapuram. All Secretaries. All District Collecrors. All Heads of t)epanment/All public Scctor [Jndcnakings/All Univfir ict in Kerala. .Ihiruvananthrounm. l'he Dircctor, ln5titure of Management in Covemmcnr, Thc Registrar. Kerala State Commission fgr Backward Classcs, lrsttom. Th iruvananrhapuram. The Principal Accounrant Gencral (Audit), Kerala, .l.hiruvananthapuram. The Accountant Gcneral (A & E), Kerala, l-hiruvananthaplram. The Gencral Administration (SC) Departmcnr. Thc Diiector, Scheduled Castcs D€velopm€nl Deparrnrcnr- 1'hiruvanantbapuram. The Dircctor, Scheduled fribes Dcvclopmcnr I)cpanmcn(, Thiruvananthapuram .l-hiruvananrhapurarn. The Dircstor of lnformation and public Rclations, Thc Finance Depanment. Justice .Gouri,, Sri R. Rajendra Babu (Retd.), llousc No, 34l978 (A), Anjumaoa Road, Fdappally, Kochi-6E2 024. Prof. A. Abdul Vahab, l-. C.9/t962, Kochar Road, Sasthamangalam, l hiruvanantlapuram. Shri R. Chandrasekharan Nair, Chimmilriklanu, Kudavechoor p O. (via) Vaikkom, Konayam. Stock File/Office Copy. Copy to: P. S. to Chief Minister. P. S. to Ministcr (WSC & EIc.) . J. S. to Chief Sccrctary. to Principal Sccrctary SgS]' Dct1 Dcpr. to Secr!6ry, SC/ST Dev. Dcpt. c. A. to Additional Secretary, SSST Dev. Dcpl. 40 ANNEXURE I ,IIIF] GI.]IDEUNES TO IDENTIIY THE CREAMY LAYER AMONG THE OTI'IER BACKWARD CLASSES IN THE STI$E OF KERALA Ir Thcse guidelines are called the guidelines to identify the Creamy Layer among the Other Backward Classes in the State of Kerala. 2: These guidelines shall come into force from a date to be notified by the State Government in the Kerala Ga"f,tte. lt will be published in the Kerala Cazene immediately for the information of the public. 3. Thcse guidelines will not apply to vacancies for which selection has already been made by the,Kerala Public Service Commission. 4. The list of ?8 casies/communities including sub'caste notificd by the Stare Covernment as Other Backward Classes in the State of Kcrala is appended [o th€se guidelines as Anncxure A. 5. The 40 per cent ofthe vacancies of civil posts and seivices under the Oovernment of Kerala and its Institutions and Organisations is to be filled up by dircct recruitment for.thb Other Backward Classes notified in Annexure A.
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