Council Agenda Wednesday August 7, 2019 @ 9:00 a.m.

1) CALL TO ORDER 2) OPENING CEREMONIES – O CANADA AND MOMENT OF REFLECTION 3) OPEN FORUM (MAXIMUM FIFTEEN MINUTES) Interested Persons are invited to speak to Council about any matter that appears on this agenda. Please sign the registration form available from the Deputy Clerk or Clerk. Individuals may only speak for a total of three (3) minutes. 4) APPROVE OR AMEND AGENDA Resolution: That Council adopt the Agenda as circulated.

5) DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 6) CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Resolution: That the minutes of the Council Meeting in Committee of the Whole and Council Session held on July 17, 2019 be confirmed as recorded.

7) MATTERS ARISING FROM MINUTES 8) PUBLIC MEETING(S) (Statutory and Non-Statutory) 9) MATTERS ARISING FROM PUBLIC MEETING(S) 10) INTRODUCTION OF BY-LAWS – FIRST AND SECOND READING Resolution: That the following by-laws be introduced and taken as read a first and second time, and that they be given consideration in Committee of the Whole.

By-law 2019-59 Agreement - Connecting Link Winter Maintenance By-law 2019-60 Appoint Treasurer By-law 2019-61 Appoint Deputy Treasurer/Tax Collector

11) COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Resolution: That Council now go into Committee of the Whole.

11.1 Consent Agenda and Determination of Items to be Separated

Council: If you wish additional information pertaining to any of the payables please contact the Treasury Dept. prior to the meeting. If you wish to separate an Item from the Consent Agenda or if you wish to support any of the motions from other municipalities, please contact the Clerk’s Dept. prior to the meeting so a resolution can be prepared. a) Accounts Payable Listing - $290,840.70

b) Reports for Information

c) Committee Minutes i) Planning Committee Minutes – July 3, 2019

d) Correspondence for Council information i) Multi Municipal Wind Turbine Working Group Minutes May 16, 2019 ii) Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority Minutes May 7, 2019 iii) Saugeen Mobility and Regional Transit Minutes May 10, 2019 iv) Physician Recruitment Chesley v) Harold Sutherland Notice - Sale of Harold Sutherland Construction vi) Grey Highlands Notice – Recreational Uses and Minimum Dwelling Size vii) CUPE Appreciation Day viii) AMO Watchfile July 18, 2019

ix) AMO Watchfile July 25, 2019 1 | P a g e

e) Motions from Other Municipalities i) Town of Halton Hills - Reducing Litter and Waste in Our Communities

Resolution: That the Consent Agenda items be hereby received for information.

11.2 Presentations/Delegations (Pre-Registered) a) Alen Bringleson, GM Blueplan – Sullivan Landfill Cell “C” b) Rakesh Sharma, GSS Engineering - Roads Needs Assessment Study c) Kim Caragianakos – Williamsford Playground Revitalization b) Vitold Kreutzer – Climate Change

11.3 Matters arising from Presentations/Delegations

11.4 Staff Reports and Verbal Updates from Staff a) CBO Report 2019-01Building Department Statistics Q2-2019 Recommendation: That CBO Report 2019-01regarding Building Department statistics for Q2-2019be hereby received for information.

b) Public Works Report PW2019-12 Keady and Desboro Arenas Refrigeration Recommendation: That Public Works Report PW2019-12 dated August 07, 2019 regarding the description, condition, equipment age, lifespan, costs to replace and recommendations for the Keady and Desboro Arenas refrigeration equipment be received for information.

c) Public Works Report PW2019-13 Sullivan Landfill Cell C Recommendation: That Public Works Report PW2019-13 dated August 7, 2019 regarding the Sullivan Landfill Cell “C” GM BluePlan Engineering Memorandum dated December 11, 2018 be received; And Further That Council provide staff with what option of A, B or C they would like to proceed with from the December 11, 2018 Memorandum provided by GM BluePlan Engineering for the Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) of Sullivan Landfill Cell “C”.

d) Public Works Report PW2019-14 2019 Road Needs Assessment Study Recommendation: That Public Works Report PW2019-14 dated August 7, 2019 regarding the 2019 Road Needs Assessment Study by GSS Engineering Consultants LTD be hereby received.

e) Department Updates

11.5 Consideration of By-laws a) By-law 2019-59 Agreement - Connecting Link Winter Maintenance b) By-law 2019-60 Appoint Treasurer c) By-law 2019-61 Appoint Deputy Treasurer/Tax Collector

Recommendation: That By-law 2019-59, 2019-60, 2019-61be referred to Council for consideration. 11.6 Items Requiring Direction a) Williamsford Playground Revitalization Request

Recommendation: That Committee of the Whole recommend Council support the Williamsford Playground Revitalization Request by funding a sun shelter gazebo in the amount of $4,000.00, approving and installing an outdoor ice-rink, and waiving the cost of building permits associated with these projects.

11.7 Items Requiring Discussion including Items Removed from Consent Agenda 11.8 Notice of Motion

2 | P a g e

11.9 Rise and Report from Committee of the Whole Resolution: That Committee of the Whole rise as Council to report and confirm the actions taken in Committee of the Whole.

12) ADOPT ACTION OF COUNCIL IN COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (Items requiring discussion and direction will require a separate motion)

Resolution: That the actions taken in Committee of the Whole today be confirmed and adopted by this Council;

And Further that staff be authorized to take the actions necessary to give effect to the recommendations contained within the staff reports;

And Further that by-laws under consideration be presented to Council for third reading.

13) THIRD READING OF BY-LAWS Resolution: THAT the following by-laws be taken as read a third time, signed by the Mayor and Clerk and sealed with the Corporate Seal:

By-law 2019-59 Agreement - Connecting Link Winter Maintenance By-law 2019-60 Appoint Treasurer By-law 2019-61 Appoint Deputy Treasurer/Tax Collector

14) NOTICES OF MOTION 15) NOTICE PROVISION 16) TRACKING SHEET 17) OTHER BUSINESS 18) CLOSED MEETING 19) CONFIRMATORY BY-LAW Resolution: That By-law 2019-62 being a by-law to confirm all actions and proceedings of the August 7, 2019 Council meeting be hereby read a first, second, and third time, signed by the Mayor and Clerk and sealed with the Corporate Seal.


3 | P a g e

Township of Chatsworth Council Minutes Wednesday July 17, 2019 @ 6:30 p.m. Members Present: Mayor - Scott Mackey Councillor - Shawn Greig Councillor - Diana Rae Councillor - Elizabeth Thompson

Regrets - Deputy Mayor - Brian Gamble

Staff Present: CAO Clerk, Patty Sinnamon Deputy Clerk, Carolyn Marx Treasurer, Valerie Manning Operations Manager, Jamie Morgan

1. Call to Order Mayor Mackey called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

2. Opening Ceremonies - O Canada and Moment of Reflection Mayor Mackey invited members of Council to join him in O Canada followed by a moment of reflection before proceeding with the Council Meeting.

3. Open Forum There were no speakers for Open Forum

4. Adoption of Agenda Resolution 2019-21-01 Moved by: Diana Rae Seconded by: Elizabeth Thompson That Township of Chatsworth Council adopt the Agenda as circulated with the addition of an item for Closed Session regarding personal matters about an identifiable individual re: 2016 Flood. Carried

5. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest.

6. Confirmation of Minutes Resolution 2019-21-02 Moved by: Shawn Greig Seconded by: Diana Rae That the minutes of the Council Meeting held on July 3, 2019 be confirmed as recorded. Carried

7. Matters Arising from Minutes There were no matters arising from the Minutes.

8. Public Meetings (Statutory and Non-Statutory) There were no Public Meetings

9. Matters Arising from Public Meetings 10. Introduction of By-laws – First and Second Reading Resolution 2019-21-03 Moved by: Shawn Greig Seconded by: Diana Rae

That the following by-laws be introduced and taken as read a first and second time, and that they be given consideration in Committee of the Whole.

By-law 2019-57 Zoning Amendment – Z03 2019 Keeling Carried

1 | P a g e Township of Chatsworth Council Minutes July 17, 2019

11. Committee of the Whole Resolution 2019-21-04 Moved by: Shawn Greig Seconded by: Elizabeth Thompson

That Council now go into Committee of the Whole. Carried

11.1 Consent Agenda Resolution 2019-21-05 Moved by: Shawn Greig Seconded by: Diana Rae That the Consent Agenda items be hereby received for information with the exception of item 11a Accounts Payable. Carried

11.2 Presentations/Delegations (Pre-Registered) BDO – 2018 Financial Statement Presentation – Traci Smith and Victoria Watson, BDO Traci Smith and Victoria Watson of BDO reviewed with Council the 2018 Financial Statement, their audit findings, and views about significant qualitative aspects of the Townships accounting practices, including accounting policies, accounting estimates and financial statement disclosure.

Bryan Plumstead, Manager of Tourism, County of Grey Bryan Plumstead provided Council with an overview and presentation on tourism including the tourism definition, quick facts on tourism in , tourism in Grey County and the economic impact, challenges, and opportunities of tourism in Chatsworth.

Gerald Golem - Sideroad 8 Surface between Grey Road 3 and Grey Bruce Line Gerald Golem presented a request to Council to consider a hard top road surface on Sideroad 8 between Grey Road 3 and Grey Bruce Line. Mr. Golem identified scenarios and concerns he has, and the potential economic opportunities Council should consider.

11.3 Matters Arising from Presentations/Delegations Resolution 2019-21-06 Moved by: Shawn Greig Seconded by: Diana Rae That Committee of the Whole recommend to Council the approval of the 2018 Financial Statements. Carried

11.4 Staff Reports and Verbal Updates from Staff Fire Chief’s Report 2019-11 Fire Department Activity Report June Resolution 2019-21-07 Moved by: Elizabeth Thompson Seconded by: Shawn Greig THAT Fire Chief’s Report 2019-11 dated July 17, 2019 regarding the June 2019 Activity Report be hereby received for information. Carried

Treasurer’s Report 2019-11 Departmental Comparison to Budget to June 30, 2019 Resolution 2019-21-08 Moved by: Shawn Greig Seconded by: Diana Rae THAT Treasurers Report FIN 2019-11 regarding the Departmental Comparison to Budget Report as at June 30, 2019 be hereby received for information. Carried

CAO Clerk - Discussion on Kennel Zoning and Kennel Licensing Patty reviewed with Council the difference between the zoning and licensing of Kennels. Zoning is the land use which allows for a Kennel on the property. A License, which includes new applications and renewals, is applied for and issued annually provided the property is appropriately zoned to allow for a Kennel and passes an annual inspection conducted by the Townships Animal Control Officer. Letters have gone out to previous owners whom have either appropriate zoning on the property but not previously obtained an annual license or whom have previously obtained an annual license but are not property zoned.

2 | P a g e Township of Chatsworth Council Minutes July 17, 2019

Staff Verbal Updates The CAO Clerk provided a verbal update on the following:  Delivery of Building Department vehicle The Operations Manager provided a verbal update on the following:  Correspondence with MTO re: posting of engine brake signage in hamlet areas  Finalizing road construction tenders and lots of pulverizing being completed  Hired David Van Der Wielen as Recreation Facilities Operator

11.5 Consideration of By-laws By-law 2019-57 Zoning Amendment – Z03 2019 Keeling Resolution 2019-21-09 Moved by: Shawn Greig Seconded by: Diana Rae That By-law 2019-57 be referred to Council for consideration. Carried

11.6 Items Requiring Direction There are no items requiring direction.

11.7 Items Requiring Discussion including Items Removed from Consent Agenda Resolution 2019-21-10 Moved by: Elizabeth Thompson Seconded by: Shawn Greig That item 11a Accounts Payable be introduced for discussion. Carried Resolution 2019-21-11 Moved by: Shawn Greig Seconded by: Elizabeth Thompson That Deputy Mayor Gamble be appointed as alternate to the Joint Waste Disposal Site Committee. Carried

11.8 Notice of Motion – Councillor Shawn Greig Resolution 2019-21-12 Moved by: Shawn Greig Seconded by: Diana Rae THAT Committee of the Whole hereby approve the advancement of monies to the Building Committee up to an amount not exceeding $40,000.00 for items including but not limited to preliminary consultants, engineers, conceptual drawings for the Multi-Use Recreation Facility as requested, and that funds be allocated from Fundraising Capital Recreation Reserve Funds. Carried

11.9 Rise and Report from Committee of the Whole Resolution 2019-21-13 Moved by: Diana Rae Seconded by: Elizabeth Thompson That Committee of the Whole rise as Council to report and confirm the actions taken in Committee of the Whole. Carried

12. Adopt Action of Council in Committee of the Whole: Resolution 2019-21-14 Moved by: Shawn Greig Seconded by: Diana Rae That the actions taken in Committee of the Whole today be confirmed and adopted by this Council; And Further that staff be authorized to take the actions necessary to give effect to the recommendations contained within the staff reports; And Further that by-laws under consideration be presented to Council for third reading. Carried

3 | P a g e Township of Chatsworth Council Minutes July 17, 2019

13. Third Reading of By-Laws Resolution 2019-21-15 Moved by: Shawn Greig Seconded by: Diana Rae THAT the following by-laws be taken as read a third time, signed by the Mayor and Clerk and sealed with the corporate seal; By-law 2019-57 Zoning Amendment – Z03 2019 Keeling. Carried

14. Notices of Motion There were no Notices of Motion

15. Notice Provision There were no Notice Provisions

16. Tracking Sheet There was no Tracking Sheet

17. Other Business There was no Other Business

18. Closed Meeting Resolution 2019-21-16 Moved by: Elizabeth Thompson Seconded by: Shawn Greig That Council now move in Closed Session for the following reasons and that Operations Manager Jamie Morgan remained in attendance: 18.1 Closed Session minutes of July 3, 2019

18.2 Litigation or Potential Litigation including matters before administrative tribunals affecting the Municipality Re: Bumstead OMB Appeal 18.3 Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; and employee negotiations Re: Administration Staffing and Corporate Organizational Structure 18.4 Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; and employee negotiations Re: 2016 Flood.

After resuming in open session, Mayor Mackey indicated that the only items discussed in Closed Session were those items listed on the agenda and the additional item added at the beginning of the meeting. Mayor Mackey further stated that Council gave direction to the CAO Clerk to send a letter to the two Cottagers’ Associations outlining the intent of the Flood Relief Committee to have funds disbursed among the flood victims around Williams Lake and McCullough Lake.

19. Confirmatory By-law Resolution 2019-21-17 Moved by: Diana Rae Seconded by: Shawn Greig That By-law 2019-58 being a by-law to confirm all actions and proceedings of the July 17, 2019 Council meeting be hereby read a first, second, and third time, signed by the Mayor and Clerk and sealed with the Corporate Seal. Carried

20. Adjournment The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 11:00 p.m. ______Scott Mackey, Mayor

______Patty Sinnamon, CAO Clerk



BEING a By-law to authorize the Mayor and Deputy Clerk to execute an Agreement with Integrated Maintenance and Operations Services Inc. (IMOS) operating under the name of Highway Maintenance Limited for winter maintenance services on the Connecting Link for the 2019/20 season

WHEREAS the Corporation of the Township of Chatsworth deems it desirable to enter into an Agreement with Integrated Maintenance and Operations Services Inc. (IMOS) for winter maintenance services on the Connecting Link;

NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Chatsworth hereby enacts as follows:

1. The Mayor and Deputy Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute an Agreement with Integrated Maintenance and Operations Services Inc. (IMOS).

2. That the Agreement referred to in Clause 1 is hereby attached and shall form part of By-law 2019-59.

3. This By-law shall come into full force and effect upon the final passing thereof.

Read a first and second time this 7th day of August, 2019.

Read a third time and finally passed this 7th day of August, 2019.

______Scott Mackey, Mayor

______Carolyn Vlielander-Marx, Deputy Clerk

This Agreement for winter maintenance services made this day ol_,2019


Integrated Maintenance and Operations Services Inc. Operating under the name of "Owen Sound Highway Maintenance Limited" (hereinafter referred to as "IMOS")


The Corporation of the Township of Chatsworth

(hereinafter referred to as the "Municipality")

WHEREAS Highway 6 within the limits of the former Town of Chatsworth is under the jurisdiction of the Municipality and connects to Highway 6;

AND WHEREAS IMOS will travel over Highway 6 within the limits of the former Town of Chatsworth in order to maintain Highway 6.

AND WHEREAS the Municipality has requested that IMOS provide winter maintenance services on Highway 6 within the limits of the former Town of Chatsworth and it is cost- efficient to provide such services.

AND WHEREAS IMOS has agreed to provide such winter maintenance services on Highway 6 within the limits of the former Town of Chatsworth upon the terms and conditions set out herein.

NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the covenants in this Agreement and for other good and valuable consideration (the receipt and sufficient of which are hereby acknowledged), the parties hereto agree as follows: l. Term: IMOS hereby agrees to provide the winter maintenance services on Highway 6 within the limits of the former Town of Chatsworth from l2:01 a.m. October 15,2019 until 1 l:59 p.m. April 30, 2020.

2. Level of Service: IMOS hereby agrees to provide such winter maintenance services and at the level of service specified in attached Schedule "A" to this Agreement.

3. Contacts:

IMOS' contact shall be: Greg Smart, Operations Manager PO Box 309 Chatsworth, ON NOH lGO (sl9) 387-0s63

The Municipality's contact shall be: Jamie Morgan, Operations Manager Township of Chatsworth RR#I Chatsworth, ON NOH IGO 4. Indemnification: The Municipality shall indemnif, and hold harmless IMOS and its contractors, agents, their officers and employees from and against all claims, demands, losses, expenses, costs, damages, actions suits or proceedings by third parties, hereinafter called "Claims", directly or indirectly arising or alleged to arise out of the performance of or the failure to perform the services, provided such Claims are:

a) attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death or to damage to or destruction of tangible property;

b) caused by negligent acts of IMOS or its contractor or anyone for whose acts IMOS or its contractors may be liable; and,

c) made in writing within a period of (2) years from the date that the services are completed.

5. Insurance: The Municipality shall maintain, in full force and effect, adequate liability insurance at all times and throughout the term of this Agreement.

6. Pavment: The Municipality hereby agrees to pay IMOS two lump sum payments of $1,388.10 plus HST for the winter maintenance services provided by IMOS pursuant to this Agreement. Invoices will be issued by IMOS to the Municipality on December 31,2019 and February 28,2020.

7. Authority: The Municipality warrants that it has taken all necessary steps, done all acts, passed all by-laws and obtained all approvals required to give it the authority to enter into this Agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF IMOS and the Municipality, by their duly authorized representatives, have hereunto set their signatures on the dates herein written below.

IMOS The Corporation of the Township of Chatsworth

Mayor Owen Sound Highway Maintenance Ltd.

Clerk Schedule'A'

IMOS agrees to attemptto maintain one lane in each direction of the Municipality's Connecting Link as a Class 2 Highway in accordance with the Minisüy of Transportation's Maintenance Quality Standards 701. The following points also form part of this agreement:

1. IMOS cannot guarantee that the work can be undertaken in subsequent years and will notify the municipalrty as soon as possible if unable to provide future service.

2. The level of service will include patrolling plowing, sanding and salting.

3. Snow removal adjacent to the through lanes will not be included in this agreement. THE CORPORATION OF TOWNSHIP OF CHATSWORTH


Being a by-law to appoint a Treasurer for the Township of Chatsworth

Whereas Section 286 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, states that a municipality shall appoint a Treasurer who is responsible for all of the financial affairs of the municipality on behalf of and in the manner directed by the Council of the municipality;

Now Therefore be it resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Chatsworth enacts as follows:

1. That Patty Sinnamon is hereby named and appointed as Treasurer for the Corporation of the Township of Chatsworth effective August 7, 2019 and shall have all the powers and duties of the Treasurer set forth in the Municipal Act, 2001, and any other Act.

2. That By-law 2016-52 to appoint a Treasurer be rescinded.

Read a first and second time this 7th day of August, 2019

Read a third time and finally passed this 7th day of August, 2019

______Scott Mackey, Mayor

______Carolyn Vlielander-Marx, Deputy Clerk



Being a by-law to appoint a Deputy Treasurer/Tax Collector for the Township of Chatsworth

Whereas Section 286(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001 states that a municipality may appoint Deputy Treasurers who shall have all the powers and duties of the Treasurer under this and any other Act; and

Whereas Council deems it appropriate and expedient to appoint a Deputy Treasurer/Tax Collector for the purposes of the Municipal Corporation;

Now therefore be it resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Chatsworth enacts as follows:

1. That Carolyn Vlielander-Marx be hereby appointed as Deputy Treasurer/Tax Collector for the Corporation of the Township of Chatsworth effective August 7, 2019.

2. That the powers and duties of the Deputy Treasurer/Tax Collector shall be all those powers and duties as set forth in the Municipal Act, 2001 as amended and every other Act that sets out powers and duties for a Treasurer and/or Deputy Treasurer.

3. That By-law 2018-47 to Appoint a Deputy Clerk/Tax Collector be rescinded

Read a first and second time this 7th day of August, 2019

Read a third time and finally passed this 7th day of August, 2019

______Scott Mackey, Mayor

______Carolyn Vlielander-Marx, Deputy Clerk

2019.05.08 8.0 9759 Township of Chatsworth 2019-08-01 9:01AM Accounts Payable August 7, 2019 Vendor 000000 Through 999999 Invoice Entry Date 2019-07-16 to 2019-07-30 Paid Invoices Cheque Date 2019-07-19 to 2019-07-30

Vendor Invoice Number Invoice Entry Account Number Name Item Description Date Date Item Amount

Asset Accounts 01-0000-1621 000160 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC. (BUILD 27896864.07.22.19 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 WF PARK 32.89

Department Total 32.89

Liability Accounts 01-0010-2171 000112 RECEIVER GENERAL 0001 07.15.19 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 Remittance JUL 1-15 12,496.00 01-0010-2171 000212 RECEIVER GENERAL 0003 07.25.19 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 Remittance JULY 1-15 3,599.79 01-0010-2171 000112 RECEIVER GENERAL 0001 07.31.19 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 Remittance-JUL 16-31 12,327.09 01-0010-2171 000212 RECEIVER GENERAL 0003 07.31.19 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 Remittance-JUL 16-31 1,732.58

Account Total 30,155.46

01-0010-2173 000573 OMERS 07.31.19 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 Group Benefits-JULY 20,514.84

01-0010-2174 000006 MINISTER OF FINANCE - EMP HEALT 07.31.19 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 Mnthy Remit for JULY 2,426.36

01-0010-2177 000071 WORKPLACE SAFETY & INSURANCE B 07.31.19 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 REMITTANCE-JULY 3,494.11

Department Total 56,590.77

Council 01-0200-7369 000467 ROGERS WIRELESS INC. 2036887532 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 COUNCILLOR 73.45

Department Total 73.45

Administration 01-0300-7302 000440 COATES & BEST 0000111021 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 OFFICE SUPPLIES 15.70 01-0300-7302 000440 COATES & BEST 0000111026 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 OFFICE SUPPLIES 18.07 01-0300-7302 000440 COATES & BEST 0000111175 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 OFFICE SUPPLIES 61.81 01-0300-7302 000863 ARMSTRONG WATER 34311 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 4 18.9LTR BOTTLED WATER 28.00 01-0300-7302 001532 CORPORATE EXPRESS CANADA INC O/A STAPLES50932259 ADVANTAGE 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 SUPPLIES 114.59 01-0300-7302 001532 CORPORATE EXPRESS CANADA INC O/A STAPLES50937343 ADVANTAGE 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 SUPPLIES 9.02 01-0300-7302 001532 CORPORATE EXPRESS CANADA INC O/A STAPLES50971150 ADVANTAGE 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 OFFICE SUPPLIES 105.32

Page 1 2019.05.08 8.0 9759 Township of Chatsworth 2019-08-01 9:01AM Accounts Payable August 7, 2019 Vendor 000000 Through 999999 Invoice Entry Date 2019-07-16 to 2019-07-30 Paid Invoices Cheque Date 2019-07-19 to 2019-07-30

Vendor Invoice Number Invoice Entry Account Number Name Item Description Date Date Item Amount

Account Total 352.51

01-0300-7305 001338 HUMAN RESPONSE MONITORING CENTRE 1092 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 QUARTERLY ALARM MONITORING 84.75 01-0300-7305 002124 CINTAS 30N211344 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 Floor Mat Service 48.51 01-0300-7305 002124 CINTAS 30N212890 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 Floor Mat Service 48.51 01-0300-7305 000081 HATTEN HARDWARE 754494 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 HOSE, HANGER, NOZZLE 60.42 01-0300-7305 000081 HATTEN HARDWARE 754498 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 HOSE 59.88

Account Total 302.07

01-0300-7307 000160 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC. (BUILD 108244792.07.08.19 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 TWP OFFICE 403.15

01-0300-7310 000479 ENBRIDGE GAS INC 295-4232.07.11.19 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 HEATING FUEL JUN 5-JUL 5 54.64

01-0300-7314 001772 HASTIE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 505 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 CLEANING-JULY 5, 14, 19, 26 447.48

01-0300-7328 001753 TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHGATE 145617 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 MFIPPA EXEMPTIONS WORKSHOP 86.10

01-0300-7330 000677 MUNICIPAL FINANCE OFFICERS' ASSOC. 2019JP-Chatsworth-01 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 JOB POSTING-DT 259.90 01-0300-7330 000677 MUNICIPAL FINANCE OFFICERS' ASSOC. 2019JP-Chatsworth-02 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 JOB POSTING 259.90

Account Total 519.80

01-0300-7337 001907 EXCEL LEASING 238625 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 FIBERNETICS LEASE 572.98

01-0300-7359 002039 THE ALLIANCE LAWYERS 190675 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 LEGAL SERVICES 1,209.99

01-0300-7369 000467 ROGERS WIRELESS INC. 2036887532 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 CAO/CLERK 77.50 01-0300-7369 000136 BELL CANADA 2673.07.19.19 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 OFFICE EMERG LINE 160.42 01-0300-7369 001820 FIBERNETICS CORPORATION 327793 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 PHONE SYSTEM/INTERNET 262.29

Account Total 500.21

Department Total 4,448.93

Chatsworth Fire Expenditures

Page 2 2019.05.08 8.0 9759 Township of Chatsworth 2019-08-01 9:01AM Accounts Payable August 7, 2019 Vendor 000000 Through 999999 Invoice Entry Date 2019-07-16 to 2019-07-30 Paid Invoices Cheque Date 2019-07-19 to 2019-07-30

Vendor Invoice Number Invoice Entry Account Number Name Item Description Date Date Item Amount

01-0411-7302 001532 CORPORATE EXPRESS CANADA INC O/A STAPLES50932259 ADVANTAGE 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 SUPPLIES 49.66

01-0411-7310 000479 ENBRIDGE GAS INC 180-1101.07.11.19 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 HEATING FUEL JUN 5-JUL 5 127.00

01-0411-7315 001723 OWEN SOUND POLICE SERVICE 4059-19 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 3RD QUARTER FEE 2019 4,010.70

01-0411-7321 000390 ANNEX PUB. & PRINTING INC.-BOO BK0001766 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 OFFICER MANUALS 224.17

01-0411-7331 001427 CARRIER TRUCK CENTERS 05S503083 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 REPAIRS 3,459.50

01-0411-7332 001427 CARRIER TRUCK CENTERS 05S503084 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 REPAIRS 455.34

01-0411-7333 001794 NEXT LEVEL AUTOMOTIVE & PERFORMANCE 3782 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 REPLACE BATTERY 545.11

01-0411-7335 000466 RIVERSIDE ACRES (AUTO) 5052 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 REAR BRAKE ISSUE 357.32 01-0411-7335 000118 IMPERIAL OIL-ESSO- FIRE DEPT. 60284677 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 FUEL 69.70

Account Total 427.02

01-0411-7340 001235 EDWARDS DEVIN 07.24.19 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 MED EQUIP 90.33 01-0411-7340 001624 UNI-SELECT CANADA STORES INC 1740-39411 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 ABSORBENT IN TRUCK #54 145.18

Account Total 235.51

01-0411-7341 000390 ANNEX PUB. & PRINTING INC.-BOO DK0001791 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 CO & SMOKE ALARM BOOKS 122.04 01-0411-7341 001129 FIRE MARSHAL'S PUBLIC FIRE SAFETY COUNCIL'SIN154947 DISTRI 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 2019 FIRE PREV KIT 547.70

Account Total 669.74

01-0411-7355 002102 SUNBELT RENTALS OF CANADA INC 71721872-0001 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 GRILL-SILVER GIA MODEL SGC-48 621.50

01-0411-7369 000467 ROGERS WIRELESS INC. 2036902912 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 CELL PHONE/BLACKBERRY FEES 20.00 01-0411-7369 000136 BELL CANADA 2581.07.19.19 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 FIRE EMERG LINE 160.42 01-0411-7369 001820 FIBERNETICS CORPORATION 327791 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 PHONE SYSTEM/INTERNET 130.06

Account Total 310.48

Page 3 2019.05.08 8.0 9759 Township of Chatsworth 2019-08-01 9:01AM Accounts Payable August 7, 2019 Vendor 000000 Through 999999 Invoice Entry Date 2019-07-16 to 2019-07-30 Paid Invoices Cheque Date 2019-07-19 to 2019-07-30

Vendor Invoice Number Invoice Entry Account Number Name Item Description Date Date Item Amount

Department Total 11,135.73

Policing 01-0420-7900 000426 MINISTER OF FINANCE - POLICING 111207191118024 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 POLICING COSTS -JULY 89,375.00

Department Total 89,375.00

Conservation Authorities 01-0440-7420 000188 GREY SAUBLE CONS. AUTHORITY 11610 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 3RD INSTALL 2019 10,779.60

Department Total 10,779.60

By-Law Enforcement 01-0455-7370 001942 WATSON JENNIFER 2019-25 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT-JULY 1,175.20

Department Total 1,175.20

Dogs/Pound/Animal Control 01-0460-7368 000551 KLAGES BRIAN 07.17.19 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 LIVESTOCK VALUER-COOK 17.75 01-0460-7368 000551 KLAGES BRIAN 07.24.19 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 LIVESTOCK VALUER-MCCOMB 14.56

Account Total 32.31

01-0460-7370 000551 KLAGES BRIAN 07.24.19 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 LIVESTOCK VALUER-MCCOMB 45.00 01-0460-7370 001495 ROBERTS CHERYL 2019-Chats 07 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 ANIMAL CONTROL-JULY 1,443.10

Account Total 1,488.10

01-0460-7375 002135 WALKERTON HANOVER VETERINARY CLINIC 27745 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 IMPOUND FEES 498.41

Department Total 2,018.82

Roads - Bridges/Culverts 01-0602-7301 000281 J.A. PORTER HOLDINGS (LUCKNOW) 205332 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 CULVERT 755.30 01-0602-7301 000281 J.A. PORTER HOLDINGS (LUCKNOW) 205645 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 CULVERT 675.17

Account Total 1,430.47

01-0602-7370 000713 MC ALEESE DAVID 07.18.19 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 13 BEAVERS 455.00

Department Total 1,885.47

Roads - Cold Patch/Crack Sealing

Page 4 2019.05.08 8.0 9759 Township of Chatsworth 2019-08-01 9:01AM Accounts Payable August 7, 2019 Vendor 000000 Through 999999 Invoice Entry Date 2019-07-16 to 2019-07-30 Paid Invoices Cheque Date 2019-07-19 to 2019-07-30

Vendor Invoice Number Invoice Entry Account Number Name Item Description Date Date Item Amount

01-0608-7301 000449 E.C. KING CONTRACTING P-020-00086904 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 COLD MIX 282.10

Department Total 282.10

Roads - Resurface Existing Hardsurface - SS 01-0611-7375 002171 CLAUSSEN FARMS CUSTOM FARMING INC 2019 07152 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 CONC 8- SR8-GR25- PULVERIZE 7,362.33

Department Total 7,362.33

Roads - Calcium 01-0614-7370 000262 DA-LEE DUST CONTROL INV0075601 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 CALCIUM 7,562.16 01-0614-7370 000262 DA-LEE DUST CONTROL INV0075638 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 CALCIUM 7,551.09 01-0614-7370 000262 DA-LEE DUST CONTROL INV0075676 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 CALCIUM 7,553.86 01-0614-7370 000262 DA-LEE DUST CONTROL INV0075717 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 CALCIUM 8,825.98

Account Total 31,493.09

Department Total 31,493.09

Roads - Signs 01-0616-7301 001123 CEDAR SIGNS 56557 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 RENTALS 121.24 01-0616-7301 001123 CEDAR SIGNS 56930 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 POST & MOUNTING BRACKETS 373.82 01-0616-7301 000009 COUNTY OF GREY IVC00000000019973 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 CIVIC SIGNS 56.34

Account Total 551.40

Department Total 551.40

Roads - Winter Control 01-0620-7301 002184 SHARPE FARM SUPPLIES LTD 00131619 RO 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 SNOW WHITE FIELD STRIPES 110.56 01-0620-7301 000081 HATTEN HARDWARE 754867 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 NETTING HC B-DIAMOND 31.79

Account Total 142.35

Department Total 142.35

Roads - Overhead 01-0630-7302 000440 COATES & BEST 0000111542 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 OFFICE SUPPLIES-RDS 14.11

01-0630-7305 001338 HUMAN RESPONSE MONITORING CENTRE 1092 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 QUARTERLY ALARM MONITORING 84.75

Page 5 2019.05.08 8.0 9759 Township of Chatsworth 2019-08-01 9:01AM Accounts Payable August 7, 2019 Vendor 000000 Through 999999 Invoice Entry Date 2019-07-16 to 2019-07-30 Paid Invoices Cheque Date 2019-07-19 to 2019-07-30

Vendor Invoice Number Invoice Entry Account Number Name Item Description Date Date Item Amount

01-0630-7305 001338 HUMAN RESPONSE MONITORING CENTRE 1092 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 QUARTERLY ALARM MONITORING 84.75 01-0630-7305 000353 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC (ONTARIO) 9306879879 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 SUPPLIES 1,271.45

Account Total 1,440.95

01-0630-7307 000160 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC. (BUILD 129259541.07.08.19 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 HOLL RDS DEPOT 141.44 01-0630-7307 000160 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC. (BUILD 23520346.07.08.19 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 HOLL SHED 60.34 01-0630-7307 000160 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC. (BUILD 41318634.07.22.19 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 RDS RADIO TOWER 222.70 01-0630-7307 000160 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC. (BUILD 47450852.07.18.19 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 SULL GARAGE @ ARENA 48.14

Account Total 472.62

01-0630-7308 000202 SCOTT'S INDUSTRIAL & FARM SUPP 0000339996 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 DYNAMIC TOOL-IMPACT SOCKET 18.01 01-0630-7308 002286 CANSEL SURVEY EQUIPMENT INC 90678943 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 LOCATOR MAGNETIC IT-2100 960.50

Account Total 978.51

01-0630-7369 000467 ROGERS WIRELESS INC. 2036887532 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 OPS MGR 77.12 01-0630-7369 000467 ROGERS WIRELESS INC. 2036887532 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 LEAD HAND SULL 106.54 01-0630-7369 000467 ROGERS WIRELESS INC. 2036887532 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 LEAD HAND HOLL 62.43 01-0630-7369 000136 BELL CANADA 2313.07.19.19 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 HOLL RDS DEPOT 83.77 01-0630-7369 000136 BELL CANADA 3040.07.19.19 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 SULL RDS DEPOT 80.21

Account Total 410.07

Department Total 3,316.26

Roads - Street Lighting 01-0650-7307 000030 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC. (LIGHT 37785262.07.18.19 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 COFFEY DR STREET LIGHTS 79.37 01-0650-7307 000030 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC. (LIGHT 51515078.07.19.19 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 STREET LIGHTS 71.33 01-0650-7307 000030 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC. (LIGHT 51515280.7.19.19 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 CHATS STREET LIGHTS 1,007.37 01-0650-7307 000030 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC. (LIGHT 59171078.07.18.19 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 STREET LIGHTS 76.01

Account Total 1,234.08

Page 6 2019.05.08 8.0 9759 Township of Chatsworth 2019-08-01 9:01AM Accounts Payable August 7, 2019 Vendor 000000 Through 999999 Invoice Entry Date 2019-07-16 to 2019-07-30 Paid Invoices Cheque Date 2019-07-19 to 2019-07-30

Vendor Invoice Number Invoice Entry Account Number Name Item Description Date Date Item Amount

01-0650-7370 000103 GREY NORTHERN POWERLINE CO. P2218 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 REPAIR STREET LIGHTS 413.83

Department Total 1,647.91

Roads - Equipment Overhead 01-0700-6500 002161 MC DOUGALL ENERGY INC 4087750 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 1298.1L/CL/HOLL 1,388.67 01-0700-6500 002161 MC DOUGALL ENERGY INC 4107424 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 1539.1L/CL/SULL 1,629.09 01-0700-6500 002161 MC DOUGALL ENERGY INC 4107544 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 850.6L/CL/HOLL 900.34 01-0700-6500 002161 MC DOUGALL ENERGY INC 4107669 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 1030.9L/CL/HOLL 1,091.18

Account Total 5,009.28

01-0700-6505 002161 MC DOUGALL ENERGY INC 4084950 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 1846.1L/CY/SULL 1,678.68 01-0700-6505 002161 MC DOUGALL ENERGY INC 4096418 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 1381.6L/DY/HOLL 1,192.29 01-0700-6505 002161 MC DOUGALL ENERGY INC 4107428 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 914.6L/DY/SULL 820.28

Account Total 3,691.25

01-0700-7353 001624 UNI-SELECT CANADA STORES INC 1740-41190 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 LEVER ACTION BARREL-ANTIFREEZE 51.21 01-0700-7353 001357 WAYNE BIRD FUELS 436497 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 PRECISION XL TUBES 138.58

Account Total 189.79

Department Total 8,890.32

Roads - 07-03 Volvo Tandem Truck 01-0703-7353 001624 UNI-SELECT CANADA STORES INC 1740-44067 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 INTERSTATE BATTERIES 193.81

Department Total 193.81

Roads - 13-06 Western Star Tandem 01-0706-7353 002061 ADDISON TRUCK & TRAILER REPAIR INC 14687 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 REPAIRS 706 1,690.39

Department Total 1,690.39

Roads - 10-07 Cat Backhoe(New 2010) 01-0707-7353 000617 TOROMONT INDUSTRIES LTD. WO600797269 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 REPAIRS 1,493.92

Department Total 1,493.92


Page 7 2019.05.08 8.0 9759 Township of Chatsworth 2019-08-01 9:01AM Accounts Payable August 7, 2019 Vendor 000000 Through 999999 Invoice Entry Date 2019-07-16 to 2019-07-30 Paid Invoices Cheque Date 2019-07-19 to 2019-07-30

Vendor Invoice Number Invoice Entry Account Number Name Item Description Date Date Item Amount

01-0709-7353 001624 UNI-SELECT CANADA STORES INC 1740-41354 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 TRAILER FOR MOWERS 19.75 01-0709-7353 000447 DESBORO TIRE SALES INC 59472 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 LAWN MOWER TRAILER 271.20 01-0709-7353 000013 HURON TRACTOR P65339 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 SAWS & TRIMMERS 61.29 01-0709-7353 000013 HURON TRACTOR S40686 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 WATERPUMP 384.59

Account Total 736.83

Department Total 736.83

Roads - 05-13 Ford F550 01-0713-7353 002061 ADDISON TRUCK & TRAILER REPAIR INC 14691 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 ALIGNMENT 282.44 01-0713-7353 000447 DESBORO TIRE SALES INC 59420 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 REPLACED 2 TIRES 613.59 01-0713-7353 001402 J & B AUTO ELECTRIC 7011 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 SAFETY CHECK 1,060.65

Account Total 1,956.68

Department Total 1,956.68

Roads - 07-15 CAT Grader 01-0715-7353 002164 RUSTY MFG 4684 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 REPAIRS 231.98

Department Total 231.98

Roads - 13-21 JD 770 Grader (new 2013) 01-0721-7353 002003 KLAGES MATTHEW 1708 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 REPAIRS 238.20

Department Total 238.20

Roads - 13-24 John Deere Excavator 01-0724-7353 000461 NORTRAX 1253628 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 PARTS 554.14 01-0724-7353 002003 KLAGES MATTHEW 1712 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 REPAIRS 292.67 01-0724-7353 000013 HURON TRACTOR P64863 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 PARTS 57.33

Account Total 904.14

Department Total 904.14

Roads - 07-30 New Holland Backhoe 01-0730-7353 002003 KLAGES MATTHEW 1724 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 REPAIRS 201.92

Department Total 201.92

Page 8 2019.05.08 8.0 9759 Township of Chatsworth 2019-08-01 9:01AM Accounts Payable August 7, 2019 Vendor 000000 Through 999999 Invoice Entry Date 2019-07-16 to 2019-07-30 Paid Invoices Cheque Date 2019-07-19 to 2019-07-30

Vendor Invoice Number Invoice Entry Account Number Name Item Description Date Date Item Amount

Roads - 08-34 Cat Grader 01-0734-7353 000039 J.D. MC ARTHUR TIRE SERVICES INC 04RO0055770 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 TIRES 215.83

Department Total 215.83

Waste Disposal - Sullivan Site 01-0850-7302 001532 CORPORATE EXPRESS CANADA INC O/A STAPLES50932259 ADVANTAGE 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 SUPPLIES 4.81

Department Total 4.81

Environment /Biodigester 01-0898-7902 001756 GB/CHATSWORTH JOINT BOARD BIODIGESTOR002112 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 Biodigester Operating Exp-JUNE 5,000.00

Department Total 5,000.00

Parks/Cenotaphs 01-1610-7301 000278 LOCKSMITH SERVICES 9282 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 BOAT LAUNCH KEYS 429.40

01-1610-7349 000529 WILTON SANITATION INC P21623 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 PORTABLE RESTROOM RENTAL 1,615.90

Department Total 2,045.30

Recreation Facilities 01-1620-7301 002184 SHARPE FARM SUPPLIES LTD 00126201 RO 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 CALCIUM CHLORIDE-BALL DIAMONDS 440.19 01-1620-7301 000007 CANADIAN TIRE 11231530 2019-07-19 2019-07-19 CHATS BALL DIAMOND-RACK 101.68 01-1620-7301 002005 POSTMEDIA NETWORK INC 1568063 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 GEN HELP ADV-RECREATION 154.25

Account Total 696.12

01-1620-7305 000468 RON PRINGLE ELECTRIC 9256 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 LIGHT REPAIRS-BALL DIAMONDS 621.50

01-1620-7369 000467 ROGERS WIRELESS INC. 2036887532 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 REC DPT 79.60

Department Total 1,397.22

Deboro Arena CC Operations 01-1626-7307 000160 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC. (BUILD 82100565.07.15.19 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 DESBORO ARENA 101.10

01-1626-7310 000160 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC. (BUILD 16799586.07.25.19 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 DESBORO ARENA 1,292.36

Page 9 2019.05.08 8.0 9759 Township of Chatsworth 2019-08-01 9:01AM Accounts Payable August 7, 2019 Vendor 000000 Through 999999 Invoice Entry Date 2019-07-16 to 2019-07-30 Paid Invoices Cheque Date 2019-07-19 to 2019-07-30

Vendor Invoice Number Invoice Entry Account Number Name Item Description Date Date Item Amount

01-1626-7369 000136 BELL CANADA 3202.07.19.19 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 DESBORO COMM CENTRE 118.63

Department Total 1,512.09

Chatsworth CC Operations 01-1629-7601 002287 HALLIDAY, CLAIRE 07.30.19 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 CHATS COMM HUB FUNDRAISER 750.00

Department Total 750.00

Desboro Ball Booth Water 01-1632-7336 001007 TRIPLE M MECHANICAL 3306 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 DSB BALL BOOTH DISCONN GRILL 88.98 01-1632-7336 001337 K.I. CONTRACTING 861406 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 NEW WELL LINE TO FD BTH DCC 1,406.85

Account Total 1,495.83

Department Total 1,495.83

Planning/Zoning 01-1810-7359 001790 GM BLUEPLAN ENGINEERING LIMITED 100504 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 PEER REVIEW-GREEN ENVOY 2,172.43

Department Total 2,172.43

Capital Roads Job 15-07 01-5667-7370 001790 GM BLUEPLAN ENGINEERING LIMITED 100522 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 MAT TESTS-VP-TO JUNE 29 2,688.18

01-5667-7371 001969 B.M.ROSS AND ASSOCIATES LTD 16838 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 SURVEY SR 30 17,873.76 01-5667-7371 001969 B.M.ROSS AND ASSOCIATES LTD 16839 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 SITE SURVEY CONC 8 SR8-GR2 15,410.05

Account Total 33,283.81

Department Total 35,971.99

Walters Falls Water System 01-9830-7307 000160 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC. (BUILD 79777922.07.08.19 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 WF PUMP STN 567.40

01-9830-7369 000136 BELL CANADA 4626.07.19.19 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 WFW PUMP STN 99.76

Department Total 667.16

Chatsworth Water System 01-9835-7307 000160 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC. (BUILD 06797041.07.22.19 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 OLD PUMP HOUSE 39.95 01-9835-7307 000160 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC. (BUILD 24765411.07.16.19 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 CW PUMP STN 558.18

Page 10 2019.05.08 8.0 9759 Township of Chatsworth 2019-08-01 9:01AM Accounts Payable August 7, 2019 Vendor 000000 Through 999999 Invoice Entry Date 2019-07-16 to 2019-07-30 Paid Invoices Cheque Date 2019-07-19 to 2019-07-30

Vendor Invoice Number Invoice Entry Account Number Name Item Description Date Date Item Amount

Account Total 598.13

01-9835-7369 000136 BELL CANADA 2289.07.19.19 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 CW PUMP STN 160.42

Account Total 160.42

Department Total 758.55 Total Paid Invoices 16,882.36 Total Unpaid Invoices 273,958.34 Total Invoices 290,840.70

Page 11 2019.05.08 8.0 9759 Township of Chatsworth 2019-08-01 9:01AM Accounts Payable August 7, 2019 Vendor 000000 Through 999999 Invoice Entry Date 2019-07-16 to 2019-07-30 Paid Invoices Cheque Date 2019-07-19 to 2019-07-30

Vendor Invoice Number Invoice Entry Account Number Name Item Description Date Date Item Amount

Department Summary 01-0000 Asset Accounts 32.89 01-0010 Liability Accounts 56,590.77 01-0200 Council 73.45 01-0300 Administration 4,448.93 01-0411 Chatsworth Fire Expenditures 11,135.73 01-0420 Policing 89,375.00 01-0440 Conservation Authorities 10,779.60 01-0455 By-Law Enforcement 1,175.20 01-0460 Dogs/Pound/Animal Control 2,018.82 01-0602 Roads - Bridges/Culverts 1,885.47 01-0608 Roads - Cold Patch/Crack Sealing 282.10 01-0611 Roads - Resurface Existing Hardsurface - SS 7,362.33 01-0614 Roads - Calcium 31,493.09 01-0616 Roads - Signs 551.40 01-0620 Roads - Winter Control 142.35 01-0630 Roads - Overhead 3,316.26 01-0650 Roads - Street Lighting 1,647.91 01-0700 Roads - Equipment Overhead 8,890.32 01-0703 Roads - 07-03 Volvo Tandem Truck 193.81 01-0706 Roads - 13-06 Western Star Tandem 1,690.39 01-0707 Roads - 10-07 Cat Backhoe(New 2010) 1,493.92 01-0709 Roads - SMALL EQUIPMENT 736.83 01-0713 Roads - 05-13 Ford F550 1,956.68 01-0715 Roads - 07-15 CAT Grader 231.98 01-0721 Roads - 13-21 JD 770 Grader (new 2013) 238.20 01-0724 Roads - 13-24 John Deere Excavator 904.14 01-0730 Roads - 07-30 New Holland Backhoe 201.92 01-0734 Roads - 08-34 Cat Grader 215.83 01-0850 Waste Disposal - Sullivan Site 4.81 01-0898 Environment /Biodigester 5,000.00 01-1610 Parks/Cenotaphs 2,045.30 01-1620 Recreation Facilities 1,397.22 01-1626 Deboro Arena CC Operations 1,512.09 01-1629 Chatsworth CC Operations 750.00 01-1632 Desboro Ball Booth Water 1,495.83 01-1810 Planning/Zoning 2,172.43 01-5667 Capital Roads Job 15-07 35,971.99 01-9830 Walters Falls Water System 667.16 01-9835 Chatsworth Water System 758.55 Report Total 290,840.70

Page 12 Township of Chatsworth Planning Committee Minutes Wednesday July 3, 2019 9:00 A.M.

Members Present: Chair Mayor Scott Mackey Member Brian Gamble Member Shawn Greig Member Elizabeth Thompson Member Diana Rae

Members Absent: None

Staff Present: Township Planner: Ron Davidson Secretary-Treasurer: Nicole Martin

1. Call to Order Chair Mackey called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.

2. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof. None.

3. Planning Committee Public Meeting: 3.1 Zoning application Z03/2019 Part Lot 10, Concession 7, Geographic Township of Sullivan, Township of Chatsworth – Keeling

Public in Attendance Doug Keeling – Applicant Maria Wood - Agent

Township Planner Ron Davidson gave an overview of the application and explained that the purpose of the proposed amendment is to reduce the minimum lot area and frontage requirements of the ‘A1’ zone in order to facilitate a lot line adjustment between a farm parcel and a residential lot. Approval of the amendment was listed as condition of the severance that was granted earlier by the Committee of Adjustment. Mr. Davidson also stated that the amendment would place a zoning restriction on the balance of the farmlands that would prohibit the erection of a detached dwelling on these lands.

After a brief discussion, it was: Moved by: Elizabeth Thompson Seconded by: Shawn Greig That Zoning Amendment Application Z2019-03 (Keeling) be referred to Committee of the Whole for discussion. Carried

______Scott Mackey, Chair Nicole Martin, Secretary-Treasurer

Page 1 of 1

Multi-Municipal Wind Turbine Working Group

Thursday, May 16, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. Chesley Fire Hall 211 1st Ave N., Chesley, Ontario

MINUTES A meeting of the Multi Municipal Wind Turbine Working Group was held on Thursday, May 16, 2019 at the Chesley Fire Hall.

Participating Municipalities Present:

Municipality Name of Members in attendance Arran-Elderslie Mark Davis, Doug Bell, Bill Palmer Brockton Steve Adams, Philip Englishman Central Huron Alex Westerhout Chatsworth Scott Mackey, Elizabeth Thompson Georgian Bluffs Carol Barfoot, Cathy Moore Coburn Grey Highlands Dane Neilsen, Paul McQueen Huron-Kinloss Don Murray Kincardine Randy Roppel Northern Bruce Peninsula Debbie Myles, James Mielhausen, Linda Weatherhead

Participating Municipalities Absent:

West Lincoln

The following members of Staff were present: Teresa Gowan Arran-Elderslie Secretary

Others in attendance were:


Moved by: Mark Davis Seconded by: Bill Palmer

That the Agenda for the Multi-Municipal Wind Turbine Working Group meeting of May 16, 2019 be received and adopted, as distributed by the Recording Secretary. Carried


No disclosures of pecuniary interests were made by the Committee.

Page 1 of 5 Multi-Municipal Wind Turbines Working Group Meeting Minutes May 16, 2019 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES

Moved by: Linda Weatherhead Seconded by: Debbie Myles

That the Multi-Municipal Wind Turbine Working Group adopt the minutes of the last Committee Meeting held February 14th 2019, as circulated. Carried


There were no delegations at this meeting.


5.1 Review of proposed working group as suggested by Bill Walker MPP and Lisa Thompson MPP when they had attended previous Committee meetings.

Originally, the members wishes to put their names forward to be a part of a proposed Provincial working group for Industrial Wind Turbines were:

Randy Roppel Stewart Halliday Mark Davis Steven Adams Bill Palmer

Bill Palmer withdrew his name for personal reasons.

The Chair asked whether any Committee member was willing to put their name forth to be placed on the list.

Don Murray, Deputy Mayor of Huron-Kinloss stated that he would be willing to put his name forth to be put on the list for this proposed group in place of Bill Palmer.

As no other Committee members were wanting to put their name forth, the Chair asked for vote by a show of hands if the Committee was in favour that Don Murray be placed on the list for the proposed Provincial working group.

The members voted by a show of hands in favour that Don Murray be added to the list for the proposed Provincial working group.

5.2 The Recording Secretary confirmed that the Clerk from the Municipality of Arran-Elderslie forwarded a cheque from the Committee's funds in the Page 2 of 5 Multi-Municipal Wind Turbines Working Group Meeting Minutes May 16, 2019 amount of $50.00 to the Durham Cemetery Board in memory of Carol Lawrence a long-time member of this Committee. Thank you to Phil Englishman for providing to the Committee the Lawrence family wishes for the donation to be made to the Durham Cemetery Board.

5.3 The Clerk raised the issue of the Recording Secretary's wage for the year 2019 with the Committee members present.

Moved by: Mark Davis Seconded by: Scott Mackey

that the Multi-Municipal Wind Turbine Working Group agree that although the number of meetings and most likely the workload for 2019 is reduced, yet keeping in mind that our Secretary does a good job that the Secretary's wage for 2019 remain unchanged. Carried

5.4 The Recording Secretary distributed USB sticks containing a compilation of by-laws and resolutions passed by various municipalities relating to Industrial Wind Turbines. The Recording Secretary has also uploaded the same data to Google Drive for member access. The link will be provided to the members not in attendance.


6.1 A discussion took place regarding further action to be taken as the Committee has not received any further information from Bill Walker, MPP Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound or from Lisa Thompson, MPP Huron-Bruce on their suggested proposed Provincial working group on Industrial Wind Turbines.

Various members put forth their views on what direction the Committee should take. One suggestion was that the Committee focus on changing the protocol for compliance regarding Industrial Wind Turbines. Some members suggested pressing the Conservative Government for more prompt action on IWTs and other members willing to allow the Provincial Conservative Government more time to deal with IWT issues,

There was a suggestion that this Committee connect with other IWT working groups across the Province. The issue is to how to locate other groups.

The Chair asked the Committee members to respond by a show of hands that the Recording Secretary send a letter to each local MPP stating that this Committee is still interested in engaging with the Government to work with their suggested Provincial working group and provide them with

Page 3 of 5 Multi-Municipal Wind Turbines Working Group Meeting Minutes May 16, 2019 the new list of names and also request that a response is provided prior to our next Committee meeting.

The Committee members, by a show of hands, agreed to have a letter be sent to the local MPPs.

6.2 The agenda item regarding whether the Committee consider becoming a member of Wind Concerns Ontario was dropped as only individuals can become members of Wind Concerns Ontario.

There was a discussion about other options the Committee could take, such as being a part of other groups, such as Mothers Against Wind Turbines to share information.

6.3 An article on CTV London which was circulated to members mentioned that the Mayor of Lambton County is proposing a new formula to increase tax assessments on Industrial Wind Turbines. There was a discussion regarding Lambton County's proposal. The members stated that while this is a good suggestion, it may be challenging to change the assessment rate that MPAC has already set.


7.1 The Chair asked for any updates from various municipalities.

Alex Westerhout mentioned that there has been some discussion in Central Huron Council as to whether they continue being a member of the Committee. They have agreed to remain a member of the Committee for one more year.

Bill Palmer responded to a question from Dane Neilsen about recent wind turbine failures in Ontario. The most recent failure was one of the Sumac Ridge turbines in , where a RePower REturbine lost a blade. This was the ninth failure in Ontario in which significant sized blade pieces hit the ground.


There was a discussion on when to have the next Committee meeting. The 2019 schedule is to be every other month commencing February 14, 2019, however, with the April meeting cancelled as neither the Chair nor the Vice- Chair was available, the April meeting was changed to May 16, 2019.

The Chair asked if the members wanted to have the next meeting to continue with the 2019 schedule which would be June 13, 2019 and the following meeting would be on August 8, 2019. Page 4 of 5 Multi-Municipal Wind Turbines Working Group Meeting Minutes May 16, 2019

The members decided that as there may not be enough agenda items to have a meeting on June 13th as it would be only one month from today's meeting.

It was decided by the members that the June 13th meeting be skipped and the next meeting would be on July 11, 2019 and that the August 8th meeting would also be skipped as the AMO Conference is in August and members would be attending that Conference.

Therefore, the next meeting date is scheduled for Thursday, July 11, 2019, at 7:00 p.m. at the Chesley Fire Hall, 211 1st Ave. N., Chesley ON N0G 1L0.

9. RESOLUTION TO MOVE INTO CLOSED SESSION AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF (includes appointed Councillor(s) and citizen appointee)

Not Required


Not Required




Moved by: James Mielhausen Seconded by: Debbie Myles

That the meeting be adjourned to the call of the Chair. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Carried

Original Signed By Original Signed by

______Randy Roppel, Chair Teresa Gowan, Recording Secretary

Page 5 of 5 Multi-Municipal Wind Turbines Working Group Meeting Minutes May 16, 2019 SAUGEEN VALLEY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY

Conservation through Cooperation MINUTES

MEETING: Authority Meeting DATE: Tuesday, May 7, 2019 TIME: 7:00 p.m. LOCATION: Administration Office, Formosa

CHAIR: Dan Gieruszak

MEMBERS PRESENT: Paul Allen, Mark Davis, Barbara Dobreen, Mark Goetz, Cheryl Grace, Tom Hutchinson, Steve McCabe, Mike Myatt, Sue Paterson, Diana Rae, Christine Robinson, Bill Stewart

ABSENT WITH REGRET: Maureen Couture, Don Murray

OTHERS PRESENT: David Dansereau, Delegate Wayne Brohman, General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer Erik Downing, Manager, Environmental Planning & Regulations Matt Armstrong, Regulations Officer Shaun Anthony, Flood Warning/Water Quality Coordinator Janice Hagan, Administrative Assistant

Chair Dan Gieruszak, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

1. Adoption of Agenda

MOTION #G19-41 Moved by Cheryl Grace Seconded by Tom Hutchinson THAT the agenda be adopted as amended. CARRIED

2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest

No persons declared a pecuniary interest relative to any item on the agenda.

Authority Meeting – May 7, 2019

3. Minutes of the Authority Meeting – March 19, 2019

MOTION #G19-42 Moved by Steve McCabe Seconded by Barbara Dobreen THAT the Minutes of the Authority meeting, held on March 19, 2019 be approved as circulated. CARRIED

4. Presentation a. Administrative Review of Completeness of Permit Application

The GM/S-T introduced David Dansereau, delegate, and explained that the purpose of the presentation is only to determine if the submitted permit application is complete. He reminded the Members that the technicalities of the application were not to be discussed.

Mark Goetz arrived at the meeting at 7:05 p.m. Matt Armstrong summarized the submitted report and explained that Mr. Dansereau is currently in violation of Regulation 169/06 due to two shipping containers and a wood framed construction located in a flood plain. Staff had informed Mr. Dansereau that the application submitted after the fact was incomplete and required a floodplain analysis to determine floodplain depths and velocities. Both Mr. Dansereau and the Members were given an opportunity to ask Matt questions.

At 7:21 p.m. Mr. Dansereau presented his report to the Members. He explained the historical significance of the Scone Mill and described the devastation caused by the flooding of the North Saugeen in August 2010. He told the Members that his residence, bicycle shop and art gallery were all destroyed by the flood. He described actions taken and associated costs for rebuilding a house, including requirements by SVCA for an elevated driveway which would provide safe access. Mr. Dansereau discussed the permit application requirements and noted that he had not been required to submit a floodplain analysis for previous permits on the property. He told the Members that he had subdivided his property in 2013 and sold the portion containing the mill building. At 7:48 p.m. the Members were given an opportunity to ask Mr. Dansereau for further explanations.

After further discussion the following motion was defeated:

MOTION #G19-43 Moved by Diana Rae Seconded by Bill Stewart THAT the Authority considers the permit application by David Dansereau with respect to Storage Containers and Facade 1658 Bruce Road 10 Pt Lot 35, Con 3 Geographic Township of Elderslie Municipality of Arran- Elderslie, to be complete. DEFEATED

Following a show of hands vote, Diana Rae requested a recorded vote for the following motion:

MOTION #G19-44 Moved by Mark Davis Seconded by Cheryl Grace


Authority Meeting – May 7, 2019

THAT the Authority considers the permit application by David Dansereau with respect to Storage Containers and Facade 1658 Bruce Road 10 Pt Lot 35, Con 3 Geographic Township of Elderslie Municipality of Arran- Elderslie, to be incomplete and requires submission of a floodplain analysis acceptable to SVCA staff.

Paul Allen Yea Mark Davis Yea Barbara Dobreen Nay Mark Goetz Nay Cheryl Grace Yea Tom Hutchinson Nay Steve McCabe Nay Mike Myatt Yea Sue Paterson Yea Diana Rae Nay Christine Robinson Yea Bill Stewart Nay Dan Gieruszak Yea


David Dansereau left the meeting at 8:10 p.m.

b. Flood Warning Orientation

Shaun Anthony gave an overview of the functions of the Flood Warning program. He told the Members that he is in the process of upgrading Flood Warning systems to create a more efficient data collection procedure. He explained the process of the WISKI software which is hosted by Upper Thames CA. He described the various public statements used for high water events. Moving forward Shaun is researching the effectiveness of remote cameras. The Members thanked him for his presentation.

Shaun left the meeting at 8:40 p.m.

5. Matters Arising from the Minutes

a. Durham Middle Dam

Wayne noted the response from Brent Stewart, Project Manager, Infrastructure Ontario regarding SVCA’s motion, March 19, 2019 indicating non-interest in acquiring the Durham Middle Dam. There was no discussion.

b. Customer Service Survey

The GM/S-T presented alternative wording to the appeal process question on the SVCA customer service wording:


Authority Meeting – May 7, 2019

“If conditions of approval were assigned to your proposal from SVCA, or if approval was not given from SVCA staff, were you informed of the hearing and/or appeal process?”

The Members agreed that proposed wording is appropriate.

A coffee break was called at 8:42 p.m. and the meeting was reconvened at 8:51 p.m.

6. Consent Agenda MOTION #G19-45 Moved by Christine Robinson Seconded by Sue Paterson THAT the reports, Minutes, and information contained in the Consent Agenda, [items 6a-g], along with their respective recommended motions be accepted as presented. CARRIED

a. Program Report b. Accounts Payable Report THAT the Accounts Payable, totaling $407,632.41 be approved as distributed. THAT the Accounts Payable, totaling $407,632.41 be approved as distributed. c. Finance Report d. Proposed Changes to Conservation Authority Operations e. Section 28 Hearing draft minutes for Klages – February 22, 2019 f. Correspondence for Members’ information g. News Articles for Members’ information

7. New Business a. Provincial Conservation Authority Client Service and Streamlining Initiative

The GM/S-T told the Members that Conservation Ontario [CO] is asking CA’s to review client services in three areas as listed in the report. The following motion was proposed by CO and passed by the Members:

MOTION #G19-46 Moved by Mark Davis Seconded by Diana Rae WHEREAS the provincial government intends to increase the supply of housing and streamline the land use planning and development approval process to achieve this goal; and

WHEREAS the Conservation Authorities play an important role in the planning and development review process with respect to watershed protection and hazard lands; and

WHEREAS Conservation Authorities support and can help deliver the Government’s objective not to jeopardize public health and safety or the environment;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Authority endorse the three key solutions developed by the Conservation Ontario working group: to improve client service and accountability; increase speed of approvals; and, reduce “red tape” and regulatory burden; and further


Authority Meeting – May 7, 2019

THAT staff be directed to work with Conservation Ontario and our clients to identify additional improvements. CARRIED

b. MNRF Grant Reduction

The GM/S-T advised the Members that the Provincial government has reduced grant funding for all Ontario Conservation Authorities and that SVCA will receive $76,273 less than previously budgeted. This is despite the lobbying for increased funding and the meeting with Minister Rod Philips and Lisa Thompson, February 7, 2019. The GM/S-T told the Members that options for dealing with the reduction could include an increase of the special levy, using funds from the working capital reserve, or could be allocated from other reserves. The Members agreed that no budget changes are necessary for 2019 but that the GM/S-T is to provide options for the 2020 budget that reflect the grant reduction. The GM/S-T presented a motion that GSCA had proposed to Bruce County:

“WHEREAS the Ontario Government’s Proposal on the Environmental Registry of Ontario 013-5018 on Modernizing Conservation Authority (CA) Operations proposes to define a limited list of the core mandatory programs and services for CAs, THAT Bruce County recognizes the value provided by the work of the Cas supports the current multi- municipality governance model for the selection of programs, and the current municipal levying approach that includes annual input from Local Municipal Councils, and THAT Bruce County recommends that the province acknowledge their strong and positive provincial role in flood risk reduction programs and reinstate funding to Cas, and THAT Municipal Staff be directed to provide a copy of their resolution the Environmental Registry of Ontario ( prior to the May 20th deadline, to AMO, and to Ministers Bill Walker and Lisa Thompson.“

After discussion the following motion was passed:

MOTION #G19-47 Moved by Barbara Dobreen Seconded by Steve McCabe THAT the SVCA endorse the motion proposed by Grey Sauble CA so that it may be presented to Grey & Bruce Counties. CARRIED

8. Other Business a. Bruce County Memorandum of Understanding for Planning Services update

The GM/S-T reported that staff from SVCA, MVCA and GSCA met with Bruce County staff on April 8 to discuss an updated Memorandum of Agreement which is to include the continuing provision of Natural Heritage planning services by the CAs. A draft Bruce County MOA will be presented to the Authority for approval after which an updated MOA will be presented to other watershed municipalities.


Authority Meeting – May 7, 2019

c. Selection of orientation presentation for July meeting

The Members requested that staff prepare a presentation on the SVCA campgrounds, Horse-camping, and non-revenue parks for the next scheduled Authority meeting [July 16, 2019].

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:47 p.m. on motion of Christine Robinson.

______Dan Gieruszak Janice Hagan Chair Recording Secretary


Dear Cwncil nlpn'tbêr=

As a municipality in our area you may be aware how important healthcare is to Chesley and Surrounding areas. You may also be aware of how important it is for all residents of our communities to have healthcare close to home.

The Chesley Physician Recruitment Team has a mission to draw physicians to our community to show them the things we love about living and working in rural areas in an effort to get them to stay. This is in support of keeping healthcare close to home and of creating and sustaining jobs in our community.

We invite you to join us in our recruitment mission by supporting the Chesley physician Recruitment Fall Royal Gala Dinner and Auction, to be held October 4th,2O!9 at the Chesley Community Centre. Tickets are $t00.00 and can be purchased by contacting Laura Fullerton at the municipality of Arran-Elderslie at (519)363-3039 ext.116. We also wish to ask you to consider a donation in support of this important cause.

lf you have questions, Please feel free to contact Chenelle Monk at chenille(ô

Thank you in advance ofyour support tR IECiE iiVÉ ii

Kim Dudgeon Fall Royal Gala Dinner and Auction Committee 7æSGorìstrrrction l-ücl . CRUSHING ' SUBDIVISION SERVICING BULLDOZING ' ROAD BUILDING . GRAVEL PRODUCTS . READY MIX CONCRETE .ASPHALT PAVING 323545 EAST LINTON ROAD, RR #2 KEMBLE, ONTARIO NOH l SO TELEPHONE (s19) 376-5698 ' FAX (519) 371 -6121 . EMAIL [email protected]

July 11, 2019

Dear: Mayor, Council and Staff

I am writing to let you know that my family has decided to sell Harold Sutherland Construction Ltd. to another family-owned business, Walker lndustries Holdings Ltd,, effective today.

After nearly 60 years since I started the company, we have come to recognize that additional resources are needed to continue our growth. These include human resources and management expertise, and support in navigating the complex regulatory environment for the aggregates and construction industries.

I have known the people at Walker for most of my working life and we share the same values. We're both family-owned Canadian businesses that care about our employees, communities and the environment, I know that Walker will treat our employees, customers, suppliers and government officials very well.

Harold Sutherland Construction Ltd. will become an operating unit under Walker's Aggregates division. All of our employees will be kept on. This includes my daughter Jennifer Prentice, who has served as vice- president of finance and administration, and son Mike Sutherland, our vice-president of operations, I will continue working for the company as a consultant.

You may be aware that Walker is headquartered in Niagara Falls, and owns pits and quarries in nearby Simcoe County, as well as in the Niagara Region and Essex County. lt also has a Niagara-based road construction business. The purchase of Harold Sutherland Construction will allow Walker to expand its construct¡on projects to ¡nclude sewer and watermain work, as well as local government infrastructure contracts.

I have enjoyed our business interactions over these past 59 years and will certainly miss working with our local municipal and provincial governments and agencies, Walker has a reputation as a company that works constructively and cooperat¡vely with government, and I know this will continue with a new executive team at the helm of Harold Sutherland Construction. lf you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jennifer at 519-376-5698, [email protected] or Ryan Wall, vice-president Walker Aggregates Simcoe & Essex at705-445-2300, [email protected].

," I rÊ.1 r-= /z\ i-, ri \, , i tñ1lË(t"iilli ',v¡ /, Harold Sutherland President

Road Management Study

Municipality of Chatsworth

Tuesday, August 7, 2019 Chatsworth Council Chambers 9:00 a.m.

Presented by: Rakesh Sharma 18-039 Jason Mervyn

1 Purpose of Study

• Update existing Road Management Study: 2015.

• Undertake Roads only survey and update roads inventory.

• Prepare five (5) year Capital Projects Plan.

2 Study Guidelines

• Per MTO Inventory Manual (1991), Study considers: • Structural Adequacy • Drainage • Road Surface Conditions • Use Surveyed Information for Preparing Capital Budget • A detailed review of road section at design stage is required • ROAD STUDY IS NOT A SAFETY AUDIT

Note: Roads with <50 vehicles/day and ≤80km/hr are Class 6 Roads and don’t have “Standards for Repair” to follow.

3 Inventory of Road System Table 3.2 – Summary of Road Way Length by Classification

Class Number of Road Sections Total km

Class I 0 0

Class II 0 0

Class III 4 9.71

Class IV 183 307.2

Class V 27 16.6

Class VI 181 159.4

Total 391 492.9

4 Inventory of Road System

Table 3.3 - Inventory by Road Surface

Surface Type Length Length (%)

Gravel Surface 285.95 km 56.56

Low Class Bitumen 125.85 km 24.89

High Class Bitumen 93.8 km 18.55

Total 505.60 km 100

• Chatsworth is continually updating maps.

5 Inventory of Road System

Table 3.4 - Inventory by Road Cross Section

Roadside Environment Length Length (%)

Urban 38.5 km 7.66

Semi-Urban 50.73 km 10.09

Rural 413.47 km 82.25

6 Road Appraisals Road Appraisal: Paved Roads • Visual Inspection & Assessment comprising of: • Alligator cracking • Longitudinal & transverse cracking • Potholes, rutting, separation of road surface • Distortion, ripping/shoving • Bleeding/flushing of asphalt • Above factors are categorized as: • Very slight 0 - 10% Occasional • Slight 10 – 20% Intermittent • Moderate 20 – 50% Frequent • Severe 50 – 80% Extensive • Very severe >80% Throughout • Ride Comfort Rating: • 0 to 10 (Very Poor to Excellent

7 Road Appraisals

Road Appraisal: Gravel Roads • Visual Inspection & Assessment comprising of: • Breakup • Rutting, distortion • Ponding • Washboard or ser4ies of ripples • Flat/ Reverse crown • Overgrowth • PCI Calculated using MDW’s Software • Condition Rating also assigned to each road section

8 Examples of Road Conditions

Picture 1 - Alligator cracking throughout road

9 Picture 2 - Edge alligator cracking

10 Picture 3 - Picture showing alligator and map cracking

11 Picture 4 - Picture showing center line longitudinal and driving lane longitudinal cracking

12 Picture 5 - Picture showing cover aggregate loss through pavement indicating poor base

13 Picture 6 - Picture showing flushing of pavement

14 Picture 7 - Picture showing rutting

15 Condition Rating

• 0 to 10 : 10 being best 5 being needing improvement

Table 7.1 - Theoretical Kilometers of Improvements Per Year Required to Maintain Road System

Surface Type Assumed Life Recommended km/year

Gravel 100 2.9

LCB 8 15.8

HCB 20 4.7

16 PCI Decision Matrix

PCI Decision Matrix TIME OF FREEWAY ARTERIAL COLLECTOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT Adequate >85 >85 >80 >80 6 to 10 years 76 to 85 76 to 85 71 to 80 66 to 80 1 to 5 years 66 to 75 56 to 75 51 to 70 46 to 65 NOW Rehabilitate 60 to 65 50 to 55 45 to 50 40 to 45 NOW Reconstruct <60 <50 <45 <40

17 5 Year Road Improvements Programme

Table 11.2 - Year of Need Road Improvement Summary

Capital Improvements (km) Operational Improvements (km) Year Capital Cost Operational Gravel LCB HCB Gravel LCB HCB Cost

2019-2020 2.40 6.20 3.80 $829,012 31.90 4.0 9.7 $180,107

2020-2021 22.4 29.7 5.1 $2,000,538 27.3 2.9 5.2 $186,789

2021-2022 12.3 26.5 14.6 $1,544,166 5.5 --- 14.3 $66,400

2022 - 2023 1.8 21.10 4.40 $1,485,550 4.5 2.7 1.6 $49,440

2023 - 2024 0.0 4.2 0.0 $61,500 3.6 ------$28,200

Total 38.90 87.70 27.90 $5,920,766 72.80 9.60 30.80 $510,936

Average/Year 7.78 17.54 5.58 $1,184,153 14.56 3.20 7.70 $102,187 Pre-Condition 2.9 15.8 4.7 Rating

18 Thank you

19 To: Township of Chatsworth Council July 17, 2019

Re: Williamsford Playground Revitalization

This letter is to request approval and support from the Township of Chatsworth for the Williamsford Playground Revitalization Initiative.

The Williamsford Playground is a large space that is currently being under utilized in terms of playground equipment and adequate sun protection. The Committee was formed when Moms in the community came forward to express the lack of resources in this great space.

Preliminary discussions and brain storming led us to visualize a space that can be utilized universally by all ages. Our vision includes; updated and additional playground equipment, an ice rink surface for hockey and skating, a sun shelter, e.g. gazebo, a pavilion for picnics, weddings, concerts, etc., a walking track for adults, and we are also looking for other ways to address mobility issues and handicap accessibility.

The village of Williamsford has seen a rapid increase of young families who have moved into the are in the past 5 years. Anecdotal research suggests there are approximately 40 children under the age of 10, and approximately 15- 20 from the ages of 10-16 years old. There no other facilities in or around our area for children to play, exercise or skate. Furthermore, we have a high population of seniors in our area that would greatly benefit from a space that allows light exercise, walking and skating. This too will contribute to bringing community members together in one space.

We are requesting the following from the Township;

- Approval to move forward with this project - An immediate sun shelter gazebo (2019), funded by the Township (quote is $4000.00) - Ice-rink approved and installed (2019) - Waiving the cost of any and all building permits as required - Ongoing guidance and support regarding construction, by-laws, etc. - Additional financial support, if required

The Committee will;

- Investigate and develop granting sources and applications - Fund raise additional funds - Identify appropriate contractors and suppliers - Host community meetings for input and provide up to date information - Maintain communication with all stakeholders and shareholders - Oversee the project from beginning to competition - Welcome any and all input from the Township and other community partners

We intend this to be a community developed project in which we will employ local contractors, seek support from local business and seek out individuals in our community as volunteers. We are open to feedback and suggestions and welcome all opportunities to work with our community.

We thank you for your time and consideration.

______Don Miller Kim Caragianakos 519-794-4629 519-794-2034 [email protected] [email protected] TOWNSHIP OF CHATSWORTH 316837Highway 6, RR 1 Chatsworth, Ontario NOH 1G0 TOWNSHIPOF Phone: 519-794-3232 Fax 519-794-4499 Chalsworth


NAME: V I to lt-l /.< r: r¡zÊr<- ADDRESS: 3t¿.5qt ù,,r\ G RR t Q-lñT6wo(1FJ POSTAL CODE: TELEPHoNE u' q7 No H l& O aAG- * - zo.g* E.MAILADDRESS: N I â The Council Chambers is equipped with a laptop and project. Please check your audio/visual needs:

Laotoo Proiector Soeakers/Microohone PLEASE INDICATE THE DATE OF THE COUNCIL MEETING YOU WISH TO ATTEND AS A DELEGATION V Daytime: 1$ Wednesday of the month at 9:00 a,m. Evening 3'd Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. ''nHE DArE REoUESTED: ftuG.-7 ofl t'otMrl)iv)â( You ¡J4v€ Please identify the desired action of Gouncil that you are seeking on this issue: lo ßeerñ Ar Þ¿,1rr)(,¡,rÉ orv î^Hr. l5S\.(r: ptì ¿u H#Îrar]/.r+NGIi .lt+*f To INCAE/I¡S.E au(hu4)¿ENEçç fÚ+ra¡-.Lt2¡tctçrÞ¿ys H,A\,ÊAFl Ê^tv¿r¿o).{^zrÐvT.+L f })¡vlì¡-{.¿rlrvCJli ou,tr+1.:4L1ll arv /tD-4^r¿l ^112./+cT B.+ets I have never spoken on this issue before. Key points of my presentation are as follows: (please-iX¿¿l-"rrS attach full presentation to be included in agenda package) E Êr^tn¡ü?¡tÊq9 aN tJ1 Qt+<-f ,t F Cr-t¡rrf ñi c)+At'tL¡i o¡v o\.()¿D4l Ly l.tVÊS - DgCtü1GF¡I4,LY Fltfl (A€l?rvr! A9r"¡i¿TS oF tttt ,orz-M,A7rVri DFc{9,Þ¡y-ç ¡cV oVÉrZ,Au Ht:*tSH oF Clc/-U4utltY/

If an individual appears as a delegation before Council, a fuÊher deputation from the same individual concerning the same topic (s) will not be permitted unless there is sign¡f¡ænt new information to be brought forward, subject to approval by the Mayor and Clerk. Specific new information must be identified on this form and/or attached for approval.

I have spoken on this issue before. Specific new information I wish to submit is as follows: (please attach full presentat¡on)

In accordance with the Procedure tsy-law, Requests to Appear as a Delegation before Council must be received by the Clerk by 4:00 p.m. on the Wednesday before the Council meeting in order that the delegations may be listed on the agenda and the subject of the delegat¡on be ident¡fied. All requests must include a copy of the presentation materials. Failure to provide the required information on time will result in a deferral or denial. Delegations are limited to 1O minutes. I have read and understand the information contained on this form, including any attachments, will become public documents and be listed on the Council Meeting Agenda and on the Township's website.

I also understand that presentation materials must be submitted with this deputation form. Electronic presentations must be e-mailed to os¡[email protected] in accordance with the deadlines outlined above. 5¿.lY 3o. Zo t g õate- :!'r"a'. iw TOWNSHIP OF CHATSWORTH cBo REPORT 2019-01 TOWNSHIPOF Chatsworth Neiglrbours Dy \di.urea

TO Mayor Mackey and Members of Council

FROM Karl Schipprack

RE Building Department Statistics

DATE July 17 , 2019


THAT CBO Reporl2019-01 regarding building department statistics for Q2-2019 be hereby received for information.


The purpose of this staff report is to provide the Q2-2019 year to date Building Department statistics on number of permits, project value and permit fees. And provide the Q2-2018 Building Department statistics for comparison. The report should be read in conjunction with the attached permit summaries. W subm Karl Schipprack Chief Building Chatsworth Q2 BUITDING REPORT ACTIVITY

TYPE OF PERMIT # of Permits Project Value Permit Fees 20t8 20t9 2018 YTD 2019 YTD 2018 YTD 2019 YTD YTD YTD

Residential New Homes 13 10 S 3,984,000 s 3,430,000 5 24,700 5 19,625 Add/Reno 19 1.4 s 919,650 5 443,3L6 5 8,722 5 6,300

Septic Permits 7 15 s 111,500 S 188,840 s 3,250 s 7,500

Accessory 19 19 5 694,500 5 622,200 $ 8,398 s 8,598

Agriculture New Buildings 10 2 5 614,000 s 220,000 5 g,otz s 7,330 Add/Reno 2 s s 75,000 5 s 1,150

Commercial New Buildings 1 s S Too,ooo s s 7,OOO Add/Reno '1. 3 s 7,000 S 8z,ooo s 150 s 1,400

lnstitutional New Buildings 2 T S s3z,ooo s 850,000 $ 8,290 S 8,soo Add/Reno 1 S 5oo,ooo 5 S s,ooo s

lndustrial New Buildings 7 S 91,4oo.oo s s 91-4 s Add/Reno s 5 s s

Sewer Connections s s s s

Demolitions 7 7 5 36,000 5 58,000 S 1,050 5 1,050

Ient 5 t s 10,850 5 2,100 s 375 s 75

TOTALS 85 75 s 7,500,900 5 6,67r,456 s 69,861 S 68,s28 TOWNSHIP OF CHATSWORTH


TO: Mayor Mackey and Members of Council

FROM: Jamie Morgan, Operations Manager

RE: Keady and Desboro Arena Refrigeration Systems

DATE: August 07, 2019 ______

RECOMMENDATION: That Public Works Report PW2019-12 dated August 07, 2019 regarding the description, condition, equipment age, lifespan, costs to replace and recommendations for the Keady and Desboro Arenas refrigeration equipment be received for information.

BACKGROUND As part of the Building Assessments performed by WSP, the companies maintaining the refrigeration units were asked to submit a report on all the components used to make and maintain ice in the arenas. The crack sealing for $2278.23 and compressor overhaul for $3457.00 has been completed in the Desboro Arena. Council and staff will discuss the remaining items on the list in preparation for future budgets.

BUDGET IMPACT 1. 2019 Maintenance and Repair Budget for some items in recommendations. 2. 2020 and future repairs or replacements for budgeting.

ATTACHMENTS 1. Black and McDonald report on Keady Arena 2. Kore Mechanical report on Desboro Arena

Respectfully submitted Reviewed by

Jamie Morgan Patty Sinnamon, Dipl.M.M. Operations Manager CAO Clerk



COMPRESSOR: Compressor age is 4 years old and has a expected service life of 30 years. Replacement Value $30,000.00 Plus Hst Compressor Top End Overhaul valves, springs ,lapping, gaskets. $3457.22 Plus hst Needs completed every 11,000 hours Compressor Bottom end Overhaul piston rings, bearing halves, wrist pins, bushings exct. $3,683.22 Plus hst Needs completed every 18,000 hours

CHILLER: Chiller age is 18 years old and has a expected service life of 25 years. Replacement Value $55,000.00 Plus hst We have added brine inhibitors to keep the inside chiller protected by getting brine analysis. The out side of the chiller is showing some signs of rust.

BRINE HEADERS: Brine headers age are 17 years old and has a expected service life of 30 years Replacement Value $35,000 Plus hst After Completing a visual inspection overall the headers are in good shape there are some rust spots. I recommend oiling header this summer!

ARENA FLOOR: Arena floor is approximately 42 years old and floors can have a expcted life of up to 40 years or more! Floor and Boards Replacement value approx. $880,000.00 Plus hst There is a product out now that if you do get a leak in the floor it will stop it and any others which will allow you to get up too or more than five years called Leak Seal Pro. Cost of this product $8,900.00 Plus hst When inspection the floor there are cracks that need to be filled and some surface flacking. Cost to repair bad spots using a high grade epoxy cement is $2278.23 Plus hst

REFRIGERATION PANNEL: Refrigeration panel is 8 years old and has a expected service life of 25-30 years The Panel is in great shape. New electrical service was just put in last year and energy saving VFD drive for condenser fan motor!

EVAPERATIVE CONDENSER: Condenser is 18 years old and has expected service life of 25-30 years. Completed inspection of the ammonia tube and look to be in good shape.


I recommend completing top end overhaul on compressor cost $3457.00 plus hst .I recommend that the arena floor cracks get cement epoxy to fill in bad spots. Cost $2278.73for I feel that the refrigeration equipment with proper maintenance has the ability to run for another 6 years or more!

Kent Stuckey


July 10, 2019

Keady Community Centre 116931 Grey Road 3 Desboro (Keady), ON N0H1K0

Attention: Jamie Morgan

Subject: Keady CC – Refrigeration Report

Black & McDonald Limited is pleased to provide you with a report for all key refrigeration components at the community centre. This report includes typical lifespan of each component and budget pricing to replace.

Compressor & Oil Separator

Description: One (1) – 50hp Creamery Package compressor Typical lifespan: 25 years Cost to replace: $35,000 + HST

Notes: Current compressor looks to be original. This brand is very difficult and costly to get parts for. Recommendation is to look into replacement.


Description: One (1) – Docal shell and tube chiller with surge drum Typical lifespan: 20 years Cost to replace: $70,000 + HST

Notes: Current chiller is from 2006 (12 years old). Good for another 8 years then recommend replacement.

Evaporative Condenser

Description: One (1) – BAC condenser with 10hp fan motor Typical lifespan: 25 years Cost to replace: $65,000 + HST

Notes: Current evaporative condenser is from 1987 (32 years old). Recommendation is to look into replacement. Replacement should be sized with an upsized fan motor and to include glycol cooling loop for future use.

MCC Refrigeration Panel

Description: One (1) – Creamery Package MCC refrigeration panel Typical lifespan: 20 years Cost to replace: $35,000 + HST

328 Green Road • Stoney Creek • Ontario • L8E 2B2 • Telephone (905) 560-3100 • (800) 263-6875

Notes: Current MCC panel looks to be original. Replacement recommended and will greatly improve energy savings. Replacement to include soft starts on compressor and VFD on condenser. Replacement adder options are a new T775 controller and slab sensor. Highly recommend implementing a floating head pressure controller for additional energy savings – budget price to install is $19,000 + HST.

Brine Pump

Description: One (1) – 20hp Armstrong pump Typical lifespan: 20 years Cost to replace: $19,000 + HST

Notes: Current brine pump looks to be in good working condition. Brine pump motor potentially requiring replacement before pump.

Brine Headers

Description: One (1) – Set of 6” brine headers Typical lifespan: 25 years Cost to replace: $26,000 + HST

Notes: Current brine headers look to be in great condition. No recommendation at this time.

Arena Floor

Description: One (1) – Typical sized arena floor Typical lifespan: 30 years Cost to replace: $140,000 + HST

Notes: Budget pricing does not include board replacement. If there is a leak out in the floor we can have the floor x-rayed to pin point origin and fix. After inspection there are some surface cracks on the floor and some areas of the boarding that could use replacement/repair.


Description: Unknown system Typical lifespan: 15 years Cost to replace: $25,000 + HST (price is for 1 dehumidifier)

Notes: Typical mechanical or desiccant dehumidifier system not found on site. As long as current system is working effectively to decrease humidity/sweating in the building there is no recommendation at this time. When it comes time for replacement recommendation is to implement two (2) mechanical dehumidifiers in opposite corners of the arena.

Final Notes

• Recommend planning for an evaporative condenser replacement due to the age of the equipment • Recommend planning for a compressor + oil separator replacement due to age of the equipment (also manufacturer + parts pricing) • Recommend top end for current compressor. $2450 for materials + shipping + labour

328 Green Road • Stoney Creek • Ontario • L8E 2B2 • Telephone (905) 560-3100 • (800) 263-6875

• Recommend installation of new T775 controller and to install slab sensor in order to run off floor temperature

We trust the above mentioned quotation meets your requirements and look forward to your favorable response. Should you require any further assistance or information, please do not hesitate to contact our office.

Yours truly Kyle Ritchie Refrigeration Representative [email protected]

328 Green Road • Stoney Creek • Ontario • L8E 2B2 • Telephone (905) 560-3100 • (800) 263-6875 TOWNSHIP OF CHATSWORTH


TO: Mayor Mackey and Members of Council

FROM: Jamie Morgan, Operations Manager

RE: Sullivan Landfill Cell “C”

DATE: August 07, 2019 ______

RECOMMENDATION: That Public Works Report PW2019-13 dated August 07, 2019 regarding the Sullivan Landfill Cell “C” GM BluePlan Engineering Memorandum dated December 11, 2018 be received; AND FURTHER THAT Council provide staff with what option of A, B or C they would like to proceed with from the December 11, 2018 Memorandum provided by GM BluePlan Engineering for the Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) of Sullivan Landfill Cell “C”.

BACKGROUND The December 11, 2018 Memorandum from GM BluePlan outlined the history of the Sullivan Landfill and gravel pit operations. GM BluePlan has provided operational impact options to Council for their consideration before moving forward with the final approval.

Included in the memo is an Assessment of Cost Implications Table that summarizes gravel pit operations versus landfill capacity. It clearly identifies the value of landfill space and should be carefully reviewed when choosing between Options A, B and C. Mr. Alan Bringleson from GM BluePlan will be attending the August 07, 2019 Council Meeting to review the document with Council and answer any questions at that time.


STRATEGIC PLAN Priority - Fiscal Management, Accountability & Sustainability The following Outcome Statements are supported with the development of Cell “C” – “Chatsworth will position itself to remain financially sustainable” and “Chatsworth will continue to be leaders in asset stewardship and display a sense of pride in what we own”.

ATTACHMENTS GM BluePlan Memorandum Dated December 11, 2018 for the Sullivan Landfill Cell “C”.

Respectfully submitted

Jamie Morgan Operations Manager



TO: Mayor Mackey and Members of Council

FROM: Jamie Morgan, Operations Manager

RE: 2019 Road Needs Assessment Study

DATE: August 07, 2019 ______

RECOMMENDATION: That Public Works Report PW2019-14 dated August 07, 2019 regarding the 2019 Road Needs Assessment Study by GSS Engineering Consultants LTD be hereby received.

BACKGROUND The last Township of Chatsworth Road Study was completed in 2015 by WSP. There have been changes in the road network since the 2015 Report and the 2019 Report reflects these changes. The three main components of the report consist of 1. Update the road inventory list, 2. Conduct a physical road survey and 3. Create a five year capital plan for budget purposes. The report also touches on maintenance standards for each road classification and how road classifications are determined. Within the document costs associate with current construction practises are explained and how this allows for determining budget requirements.

Maps of the Township are included along with the spreadsheets of the individual road segments with the asset ID number. There has been new road segments created, maps updated and benchmark cost breakdowns for capital budgeting purposes.

One thing to keep in mind is the document is always a work in progress and changes will be required from time to time by staff and Council. The Roads Needs Assessment Study contains valuable information for all parties involved in implementing the future of Chatsworth infrastructure.

Unfortunately the document was still being updated at the Council Agenda deadline and Council will receive the full report at the August 07, 2019 meeting. I would encourage Council to review the document and at a future meeting GSS could return to answer any technical questions. Rakesh Sharma will be presenting a summary of the report to Council on behalf of GSS Engineering Consultants LTD.


ATTACHMENTS 2019 Road Needs Assessment Study Presentation by GSS Engineering Consultants LTD.

Respectfully submitted Reviewed by

Jamie Morgan, CRS Patty Sinnamon, Dipl.M.M. Operations Manager CAO Clerk

Road Management Study

Municipality of Chatsworth

Tuesday, August 7, 2019 Chatsworth Council Chambers 9:00 a.m.

Presented by: Rakesh Sharma 18-039 Jason Mervyn

1 Purpose of Study

• Update existing Road Management Study: 2015.

• Undertake Roads only survey and update roads inventory.

• Prepare five (5) year Capital Projects Plan.

2 Study Guidelines

• Per MTO Inventory Manual (1991), Study considers: • Structural Adequacy • Drainage • Road Surface Conditions • Use Surveyed Information for Preparing Capital Budget • A detailed review of road section at design stage is required • ROAD STUDY IS NOT A SAFETY AUDIT

Note: Roads with <50 vehicles/day and ≤80km/hr are Class 6 Roads and don’t have “Standards for Repair” to follow.

3 Inventory of Road System Table 3.2 – Summary of Road Way Length by Classification

Class Number of Road Sections Total km

Class I 0 0

Class II 0 0

Class III 4 9.71

Class IV 183 307.2

Class V 27 16.6

Class VI 181 159.4

Total 391 492.9

4 Inventory of Road System

Table 3.3 - Inventory by Road Surface

Surface Type Length Length (%)

Gravel Surface 285.95 km 56.56

Low Class Bitumen 125.85 km 24.89

High Class Bitumen 93.8 km 18.55

Total 505.60 km 100

• Chatsworth is continually updating maps.

5 Inventory of Road System

Table 3.4 - Inventory by Road Cross Section

Roadside Environment Length Length (%)

Urban 38.5 km 7.66

Semi-Urban 50.73 km 10.09

Rural 413.47 km 82.25

6 Road Appraisals Road Appraisal: Paved Roads • Visual Inspection & Assessment comprising of: • Alligator cracking • Longitudinal & transverse cracking • Potholes, rutting, separation of road surface • Distortion, ripping/shoving • Bleeding/flushing of asphalt • Above factors are categorized as: • Very slight 0 - 10% Occasional • Slight 10 – 20% Intermittent • Moderate 20 – 50% Frequent • Severe 50 – 80% Extensive • Very severe >80% Throughout • Ride Comfort Rating: • 0 to 10 (Very Poor to Excellent

7 Road Appraisals

Road Appraisal: Gravel Roads • Visual Inspection & Assessment comprising of: • Breakup • Rutting, distortion • Ponding • Washboard or ser4ies of ripples • Flat/ Reverse crown • Overgrowth • PCI Calculated using MDW’s Software • Condition Rating also assigned to each road section

8 Examples of Road Conditions

Picture 1 - Alligator cracking throughout road

9 Picture 2 - Edge alligator cracking

10 Picture 3 - Picture showing alligator and map cracking

11 Picture 4 - Picture showing center line longitudinal and driving lane longitudinal cracking

12 Picture 5 - Picture showing cover aggregate loss through pavement indicating poor base

13 Picture 6 - Picture showing flushing of pavement

14 Picture 7 - Picture showing rutting

15 Condition Rating

• 0 to 10 : 10 being best 5 being needing improvement

Table 7.1 - Theoretical Kilometers of Improvements Per Year Required to Maintain Road System

Surface Type Assumed Life Recommended km/year

Gravel 100 2.9

LCB 8 15.8

HCB 20 4.7

16 PCI Decision Matrix

PCI Decision Matrix TIME OF FREEWAY ARTERIAL COLLECTOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT Adequate >85 >85 >80 >80 6 to 10 years 76 to 85 76 to 85 71 to 80 66 to 80 1 to 5 years 66 to 75 56 to 75 51 to 70 46 to 65 NOW Rehabilitate 60 to 65 50 to 55 45 to 50 40 to 45 NOW Reconstruct <60 <50 <45 <40

17 5 Year Road Improvements Programme

Table 11.2 - Year of Need Road Improvement Summary

Capital Improvements (km) Operational Improvements (km) Year Capital Cost Operational Gravel LCB HCB Gravel LCB HCB Cost

2019-2020 2.40 6.20 3.80 $829,012 31.90 4.0 9.7 $180,107

2020-2021 22.4 29.7 5.1 $2,000,538 27.3 2.9 5.2 $186,789

2021-2022 12.3 26.5 14.6 $1,544,166 5.5 --- 14.3 $66,400

2022 - 2023 1.8 21.10 4.40 $1,485,550 4.5 2.7 1.6 $49,440

2023 - 2024 0.0 4.2 0.0 $61,500 3.6 ------$28,200

Total 38.90 87.70 27.90 $5,920,766 72.80 9.60 30.80 $510,936

Average/Year 7.78 17.54 5.58 $1,184,153 14.56 3.20 7.70 $102,187 Pre-Condition 2.9 15.8 4.7 Rating

18 Thank you



BEING a By-law to authorize the Mayor and Deputy Clerk to execute an Agreement with Integrated Maintenance and Operations Services Inc. (IMOS) operating under the name of Owen Sound Highway Maintenance Limited for winter maintenance services on the Connecting Link for the 2019/20 season

WHEREAS the Corporation of the Township of Chatsworth deems it desirable to enter into an Agreement with Integrated Maintenance and Operations Services Inc. (IMOS) for winter maintenance services on the Connecting Link;

NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Chatsworth hereby enacts as follows:

1. The Mayor and Deputy Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute an Agreement with Integrated Maintenance and Operations Services Inc. (IMOS).

2. That the Agreement referred to in Clause 1 is hereby attached and shall form part of By-law 2019-59.

3. This By-law shall come into full force and effect upon the final passing thereof.

Read a first and second time this 7th day of August, 2019.

Read a third time and finally passed this 7th day of August, 2019.

______Scott Mackey, Mayor

______Carolyn Vlielander-Marx, Deputy Clerk

This Agreement for winter maintenance services made this day ol_,2019


Integrated Maintenance and Operations Services Inc. Operating under the name of "Owen Sound Highway Maintenance Limited" (hereinafter referred to as "IMOS")


The Corporation of the Township of Chatsworth

(hereinafter referred to as the "Municipality")

WHEREAS Highway 6 within the limits of the former Town of Chatsworth is under the jurisdiction of the Municipality and connects to Highway 6;

AND WHEREAS IMOS will travel over Highway 6 within the limits of the former Town of Chatsworth in order to maintain Highway 6.

AND WHEREAS the Municipality has requested that IMOS provide winter maintenance services on Highway 6 within the limits of the former Town of Chatsworth and it is cost- efficient to provide such services.

AND WHEREAS IMOS has agreed to provide such winter maintenance services on Highway 6 within the limits of the former Town of Chatsworth upon the terms and conditions set out herein.

NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the covenants in this Agreement and for other good and valuable consideration (the receipt and sufficient of which are hereby acknowledged), the parties hereto agree as follows: l. Term: IMOS hereby agrees to provide the winter maintenance services on Highway 6 within the limits of the former Town of Chatsworth from l2:01 a.m. October 15,2019 until 1 l:59 p.m. April 30, 2020.

2. Level of Service: IMOS hereby agrees to provide such winter maintenance services and at the level of service specified in attached Schedule "A" to this Agreement.

3. Contacts:

IMOS' contact shall be: Greg Smart, Operations Manager PO Box 309 Chatsworth, ON NOH lGO (sl9) 387-0s63

The Municipality's contact shall be: Jamie Morgan, Operations Manager Township of Chatsworth RR#I Chatsworth, ON NOH IGO 4. Indemnification: The Municipality shall indemnif, and hold harmless IMOS and its contractors, agents, their officers and employees from and against all claims, demands, losses, expenses, costs, damages, actions suits or proceedings by third parties, hereinafter called "Claims", directly or indirectly arising or alleged to arise out of the performance of or the failure to perform the services, provided such Claims are:

a) attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death or to damage to or destruction of tangible property;

b) caused by negligent acts of IMOS or its contractor or anyone for whose acts IMOS or its contractors may be liable; and,

c) made in writing within a period of (2) years from the date that the services are completed.

5. Insurance: The Municipality shall maintain, in full force and effect, adequate liability insurance at all times and throughout the term of this Agreement.

6. Pavment: The Municipality hereby agrees to pay IMOS two lump sum payments of $1,388.10 plus HST for the winter maintenance services provided by IMOS pursuant to this Agreement. Invoices will be issued by IMOS to the Municipality on December 31,2019 and February 28,2020.

7. Authority: The Municipality warrants that it has taken all necessary steps, done all acts, passed all by-laws and obtained all approvals required to give it the authority to enter into this Agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF IMOS and the Municipality, by their duly authorized representatives, have hereunto set their signatures on the dates herein written below.

IMOS The Corporation of the Township of Chatsworth

Mayor Owen Sound Highway Maintenance Ltd.

Clerk Schedule'A'

IMOS agrees to attemptto maintain one lane in each direction of the Municipality's Connecting Link as a Class 2 Highway in accordance with the Minisüy of Transportation's Maintenance Quality Standards 701. The following points also form part of this agreement:

1. IMOS cannot guarantee that the work can be undertaken in subsequent years and will notify the municipalrty as soon as possible if unable to provide future service.

2. The level of service will include patrolling plowing, sanding and salting.

3. Snow removal adjacent to the through lanes will not be included in this agreement. THE CORPORATION OF TOWNSHIP OF CHATSWORTH


Being a by-law to appoint a Treasurer for the Township of Chatsworth

Whereas Section 286 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, states that a municipality shall appoint a Treasurer who is responsible for all of the financial affairs of the municipality on behalf of and in the manner directed by the Council of the municipality;

Now Therefore be it resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Chatsworth enacts as follows:

1. That Patty Sinnamon is hereby named and appointed as Treasurer for the Corporation of the Township of Chatsworth effective August 7, 2019 and shall have all the powers and duties of the Treasurer set forth in the Municipal Act, 2001, and any other Act.

2. That By-law 2016-52 to appoint a Treasurer be rescinded.

Read a first and second time this 7th day of August, 2019

Read a third time and finally passed this 7th day of August, 2019

______Scott Mackey, Mayor

______Carolyn Vlielander-Marx, Deputy Clerk



Being a by-law to appoint a Deputy Treasurer/Tax Collector for the Township of Chatsworth

Whereas Section 286(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001 states that a municipality may appoint Deputy Treasurers who shall have all the powers and duties of the Treasurer under this and any other Act; and

Whereas Council deems it appropriate and expedient to appoint a Deputy Treasurer/Tax Collector for the purposes of the Municipal Corporation;

Now therefore be it resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Chatsworth enacts as follows:

1. That Carolyn Vlielander-Marx be hereby appointed as Deputy Treasurer/Tax Collector for the Corporation of the Township of Chatsworth effective August 7, 2019.

2. That the powers and duties of the Deputy Treasurer/Tax Collector shall be all those powers and duties as set forth in the Municipal Act, 2001 as amended and every other Act that sets out powers and duties for a Treasurer and/or Deputy Treasurer.

3. That By-law 2018-47 to Appoint a Deputy Clerk/Tax Collector be rescinded

Read a first and second time this 7th day of August, 2019

Read a third time and finally passed this 7th day of August, 2019

______Scott Mackey, Mayor

______Carolyn Vlielander-Marx, Deputy Clerk

To: Township of Chatsworth Council July 17, 2019

Re: Williamsford Playground Revitalization

This letter is to request approval and support from the Township of Chatsworth for the Williamsford Playground Revitalization Initiative.

The Williamsford Playground is a large space that is currently being under utilized in terms of playground equipment and adequate sun protection. The Committee was formed when Moms in the community came forward to express the lack of resources in this great space.

Preliminary discussions and brain storming led us to visualize a space that can be utilized universally by all ages. Our vision includes; updated and additional playground equipment, an ice rink surface for hockey and skating, a sun shelter, e.g. gazebo, a pavilion for picnics, weddings, concerts, etc., a walking track for adults, and we are also looking for other ways to address mobility issues and handicap accessibility.

The village of Williamsford has seen a rapid increase of young families who have moved into the are in the past 5 years. Anecdotal research suggests there are approximately 40 children under the age of 10, and approximately 15- 20 from the ages of 10-16 years old. There no other facilities in or around our area for children to play, exercise or skate. Furthermore, we have a high population of seniors in our area that would greatly benefit from a space that allows light exercise, walking and skating. This too will contribute to bringing community members together in one space.

We are requesting the following from the Township;

- Approval to move forward with this project - An immediate sun shelter gazebo (2019), funded by the Township (quote is $4000.00) - Ice-rink approved and installed (2019) - Waiving the cost of any and all building permits as required - Ongoing guidance and support regarding construction, by-laws, etc. - Additional financial support, if required

The Committee will;

- Investigate and develop granting sources and applications - Fund raise additional funds - Identify appropriate contractors and suppliers - Host community meetings for input and provide up to date information - Maintain communication with all stakeholders and shareholders - Oversee the project from beginning to competition - Welcome any and all input from the Township and other community partners

We intend this to be a community developed project in which we will employ local contractors, seek support from local business and seek out individuals in our community as volunteers. We are open to feedback and suggestions and welcome all opportunities to work with our community.

We thank you for your time and consideration.

______Don Miller Kim Caragianakos 519-794-4629 519-794-2034 [email protected] [email protected] THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CHATSWORTH


BEING a By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council Meeting of the Corporation of the Township of Chatsworth held on August 7, 2019

Whereas Section 5(1) of the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, Chapter 25 as amended, grants powers of a Municipal Corporation to be exercised by its Council; and

Whereas Section 5(3) of the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, Chapter 25 as amended, provides that powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-law unless specifically authorized to do otherwise; and

Whereas it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Council Meeting held on August 7, 2019 are confirmed and adopted by By-law;

Now Therefore the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Chatsworth enacts as follows:

1. That the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Chatsworth at its Council Meeting held on August 7, 2019 in respect to each motion and resolution passed, reports received and direction given by the Council at the said meeting is hereby adopted and confirmed.

2. The Mayor and the proper Officials of the Corporation are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the said action of the Council.

Read a first and second time this 7th day of August 2019

Read a third time and finally passed this 7th day of August 2019

______Scott Mackey, Mayor

______Carolyn Vlielander-Marx, Deputy Clerk