District Census Handbook, Kameng, Part X, Series-24, Arunachal Pradesh

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District Census Handbook, Kameng, Part X, Series-24, Arunachal Pradesh CENSUS OF INDIA- 1971 Series No. 24 ARUNACHAL PRAI)ESH PART X DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK KAMENG DISTRICT Part A: TOWN & VILLAGE--DIREGTORY Part B : ,URBAN BbOCK I VILLAGEWISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT J. K. Barthakur, of tke Indian Frontier Administratwe Service~ Director of Census Operat~ ~unoohal-prau~--- , Shillong-3 ·A'P.(u. ~ Statements made. views expressed or con­ clusions drawn in this report are wholly the responsibil ity of the author alone in his perso­ nal capacity and do not necessarily represent the views of the Government. Arunachai ~ad* is til thinly pbpuitilted hiIiy tract lying touah1v be'" ween the latitudes ~ and 29"3O'N and the longitudes 91.°3O'E and,97°30'E on the north east extremity of India, compi-ising roughly of 83,578 kilometre squares of area. bordering the international boundaries of Bhutan. Tibet, China and Burma. The Pradesh is known to be rich in flora. fauna, power and mine­ ral potentia1. When the 1971 Census was taken in Arunachal Pradesh, the area was known as the North East Frontier Agency (NEFA in short) which was consti­ tutionally a part of ~e State of AsSam. At that time NEFA was directly_ ad­ ministered by the President of India through the Governor of Assam as his agent, who was assisted by an adviser. The office_ of the Adviser to the Gover· nor of AssQUl was situated at Shillong, t~e capital of the Assam. State. On the 21st -JanUary, 1972, NEFA haa been ttlade into a Union Territory under the provision of the North-Eastern Areas (Reorganisation) Act. 1.971, (81 of 1971) and placed under the· charge of a Chief Commissio~er with his head­ quarters at Shillong. now the capital of the State of Meghalaya. CUi-Iv) OONTENT$ PAd Introductory note 1 Alphabetical list of villages itl Part A-Town Direotory 45 Village Dil'eotory 61 Part B-Urban BlockJVnIagewise Primary ceu.us Abslraot .. 83 Appendical' 1405 CY) c( S T R C T N ", !2 z 0 !£ f/) Ii! I- ~ ""0 ::! x C) ::z: en Z LaJ UJ 0 <E ~ a: 0.. « _. ~ <t ::z: I- 0 0 - /~ Z a:- :::) - 0: I- « (/) Q - o ~~--------------------~lc: .. • 1 i ... : 5 ... ~~--~----------------+;l ,. I Ii il ~t I"'~e~",=,.t~~,,~! '" .. i ~--+-----------------------------------r-~:.. ...~ ,. ~ ,Ji - ~~~~~~~~~~~-~~.~~~~~~j (~I) FIGURES AT. A GLANcE: Population . •• Total Persons 86,001 .. Males 47,657 Females 38,344 Rural Persons 82,829 Males 45,380 Females 37,444 Urban Persons 3,172 Males 2,272 Females 900 Dooennial population growth rate 1961-71 23.01 par cent Area in Kmll (provisional) 13,724 Density of population par Kmll •.• / 6 Sex ratio (number of females per 1,000 males) 805 Literaoy rate Persons 9.61 per cent Males 15.08 per cent Females 2 .80 per cent Percentage of urban population to total population 3.69 Percentage-of workers to total population (Main ac­ tivity only) Persons 61.90 Males 69.15 Females 62.89 Break-up of workers :- ~ Percentage to total workers :- (i) Cultivators •• Persons 66.88 Males 56.67 Females 83.46 (ii) Agricultural1abomers •• Persons 4.48 Males 2.64 Females 7.47 (iii) Other workers Persons 28.64 Males 40.69 Females 9.07 Percentage of Scheduled Castes population to total population •• • • • • •• •• Persons 0.02 M~l~s ·0.02 Fema.les 0.02 Percentage of Soheduled Tribes population to total population •• • • Persons 78.93 Males 71.80 Females 87.78 Number or occupied residential houses . -13.043 . Number of~ages •• .. T-6ta1 492 Inhabited 492 _- Uninhabited Nil Number of urban areas 1 (Bomdila ToWn) ( vii-vUn DISTRICT CENSUS IIANDBOOIt PARTS. A AND B KAMENG DISTRICT INTRODUCTORY NO'rE The publication of the District Census Handbook KAMENG DISTRICT: was taken up in the 1951 Census for the. purpose of making census statistics available for smaller terri­ Physical description: torial units. In 1961 Census, attempts were made to In the western part of Arunachal Pradesh, Ka· make the District Census Handbooks more infonna­ meng District covers an area of 13,724 kilometre tive. In addition to census data in respect of each squares roughly between 91°30' to 93°22' E longi­ village, data regarding the level of development and tudes and 26°54' to 28°01' N latitudes. Its northern amenities were collected. In 11971 Census, efforts have boundary passes through the high peaks of, the Hi­ been made to compile both census' and non-census malayas that forms the boundary between India statistics in a unHonn manner with an enlarged scope. and Tibet. In the East lies Subansiri District of The District Census Handbooks are divided into Arunachal Pradesh. The southern boundary adjoins three parts, namely, Part A, Part B and Part C. Darrang District of Assam. The western boundary Part A-Town and Village DirectOT1J: of the district demarcates Bhutan from India. Shri P. V. Rao, Director, Publication Division, The Village Directory will give for each village par­ Geological Survey of India, has given an account ticulars of amenities available in the matter of educa­ of the general Geology of Kameng District as fol­ tional and medical inst~s, power supply, drinking lows: water supply, POst and telegraph facilities, com­ munications, particulars of land use, main crops under "Fr;m the later half of the 19th century to for­ jhum cultivation, . sufficiency of food production or ties of the present century, the geologists of the otherwise, nearest towns and distance therefrom, Geological Survey of India have been taking traver­ and some other information. Similarly, the Town ses in Aka hills, Balipara Frontier Tract, a part of Df!rectoey will-give for each town in a district the which is now known as Kameng District of Aruna­ status of town administration and population. chal Pradesh. Systematic mapping in the district has. however, been commenced :recently and the full ge0- Part B-Urban Block/Villagewise Primaru Census logical pictUre is yet to be evolved. ' . Abstract: P'HYSIOGRAPHY : This part will give for each village and also for' Kameng District is the East-North-Eastward ex­ each block of the town, the primary census data tension of the Bhutan Himalaya. The 10 to 20 km relatin~ to number of occupied residential houses, width of Sub-Himalayan tract is made up of E-W number of households, total 'population and its to . ENE-WSW Tertiary (Siwalik) ranges rising to break-up, by sex, Scheduled Castes-and Scheduled altitudes to about 1;500 metres, but always less than . Tribes population, literate population,' working pD- 2,000, metres.· There are longitudinal but ill .defined , puI8tion by 9 broad categories of cultivators, agricul­ 'Dun' . type of valleys partirularly to the east tlM'aI labourers, those wOIl'king in livestock, fOll'es­ of Kameng (Bharali) river. The lesser Himalayan try, fishing, plantations etc., in mining and quarry­ ranges of Arunachal Pradesh to the North of the ing, in manufacture, in constructions, .jn trade and . Sub-Himalayan belt are broadly ENE-WSW ad­ commerce, in transport, storage and communications jacent to Bhutan, almost EW in the middle part of and in other services and non-working population. the district, swinging to '8"- East Northeasterly direc­ Part C-Administrative Statistic~ and Report: tfon further· eastward. The antecedent Kameng ri­ ver cutting across this terrain ,receives the easterly This part will mainly incorporate the admillistra­ . flowing waters of the Tenga & Bichom rivers and tive statistics pertaining to the district in all fields westward flQw:ip.g Papu and Pasar rivers.~ To the of development The other census tables pertaining North of this litidunial disposition of the Lower to the district regarding I~nguage, religion, migra­ Himalayan Terrain, the cou,ntry is! rugged and tion, etc., will also be reproduced. A write up indi­ through numerous N-S ridges joins the EN'E-WSW cating 'the changes in the socio-economic and 'demo­ Great Himalayan' range- known for peaks like the graphic-characteristics ()f the district in the last Gorichen 6,588m' (21J450 ft.);,~ Kang!to 7,089Jn decade will be incorporated. (23,260 ft.) massifs;. ·On the northwestern corner of This volume :--- the district across the Se· La- Pass 4,2S1m {:K."OOO This particular volume wilL present Part A_an(i ft) is the -'l'awang valley, the drainage of which .. llovTsTn'to BhtIt8Jl.: - ~ / c Part B of the District Census Handbooks'pertaining to Kameng District of Arunachal Praidesh. As this GEOLOGY: ~ ,. / , is the first attempt of presenting, a Census Handbook The. geological formations so far encounterecr in of this district, the district will be introduced briefly -- -rraineng District may be grouped in the folloWing in the following paragraphs. order if seen from N to S. 2 Age Lithio Unit CorreIa tion (>.re·Cl\mb:i~::l with younger gra. l:)o L!\ Gronp-migm[btihes & high grade sohists oto.. Fino I.ow grade oom. = Darjoeling gnoiss, & Other niL{c3 pa.ct sehists overlying. All intruuOll by Tourm~linl) granit/os Pre'Cambrians. r --~-lhrust -~~~ .... --.---.-.~-- ~l I Bomdila group of schists and gneissos = 1 aro sorio" of Bh utn.n ~ -----~- ? -~----.-- -~-'--.. -~-~ ~ I I Early Palo.oe to Pro-Cambrian I Tonga sohists, gneisses and quartzite I = ? Dalings. l~-----~----- Thrust ---...,..------~--~J Carboniforous ? I Bichom grovp of qU:ll'tzitos, P..rc,Permian Carboniferous Drveonian? I oonglomerate; (1 Partly BUXa) Early Palaooozoio I dark slates, I quartzites, I dolomites etc. ~----------- Thrust -_~_~~~ ____ Permillon Gondwalla.-h(\rd sandst':lllOS and grey slaty shales Damuda (plant f05sils plcsont) -~- TbulSt ----~----- Uppor Miooo·nepliostr)oono Tertiary·sanrlEitone and clays = (Siwalik = Tipam, Nams>l.ng & Dil:ing) Se La grqup: It comprises high grade schist (bio­ Tenga schists etc: The Tenga unit consists of tite-garnet-sillimanite, kyanite etc.) with profuse some gneisses, low grade schists, some amphibolites development of migmatites (lit-par-lit- injectiijons and prominently ·phyllites and fine grained sericitic of biotite and hornblende granitic rocks).
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    PLATINUM The Journal of Threatened Taxa (JoTT) is dedicated to building evidence for conservaton globally by publishing peer-reviewed artcles OPEN ACCESS online every month at a reasonably rapid rate at www.threatenedtaxa.org. All artcles published in JoTT are registered under Creatve Commons Atributon 4.0 Internatonal License unless otherwise mentoned. JoTT allows unrestricted use, reproducton, and distributon of artcles in any medium by providing adequate credit to the author(s) and the source of publicaton. Journal of Threatened Taxa Building evidence for conservaton globally www.threatenedtaxa.org ISSN 0974-7907 (Online) | ISSN 0974-7893 (Print) Communication A second report on butterflies (Lepidoptera) from Ladakh Union Territory and Lahaul, Himachal Pradesh, India Sanjay Sondhi, Balakrishnan Valappil & Vidya Venkatesh 26 May 2020 | Vol. 12 | No. 8 | Pages: 15817–15827 DOI: 10.11609/jot.5606.12.8.15817-15827 For Focus, Scope, Aims, Policies, and Guidelines visit htps://threatenedtaxa.org/index.php/JoTT/about/editorialPolicies#custom-0 For Artcle Submission Guidelines, visit htps://threatenedtaxa.org/index.php/JoTT/about/submissions#onlineSubmissions For Policies against Scientfc Misconduct, visit htps://threatenedtaxa.org/index.php/JoTT/about/editorialPolicies#custom-2 For reprints, contact <[email protected]> The opinions expressed by the authors do not refect the views of the Journal of Threatened Taxa, Wildlife Informaton Liaison Development Society, Zoo Outreach Organizaton, or any of the partners. The journal, the publisher,
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