ARTAN Daily" W , Thc.Partandall, ,,Iii VOLUME 125, NUMBER 17 Serving San Jose State University Since 1934 NIONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2005
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ARTAN DAILy" w , thc.partandall, ,,Iii VOLUME 125, NUMBER 17 Serving San Jose State University since 1934 NIONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2005 Men's soccer, "Slumber Party," Sports Page Opinion Page 2 Students meet new wingman Aviation department fills new director position BY CHRISTINE BARKER Pat Backer is the depart- ment s hair." Desautel said. "At San Jose State Unisersits 's an (relational level. I is irk in aviation program Is taking iitt is oh collaboi,ition is ith lii Backer and the addition of .1 new position, di- as lath in its it to pros isle stron- rector of aviation. tor the Fall 2005 ger to, its tot ilw is Raton program, semester. to improve external relationships "The Po ivist has asked and seri ices to students. to otter Emeritus Professor and former expanded guidance to students and chair sit Aerospace Engineering Dr. faculty and tsit erease program ef- Dick I iesautel to assist in ,Xv iation fectiveness this semester.- stated the depart- Desautel has years of expert- ment sit aviation and techniilogy 's en, e under his belt, mainly in en- Web site. gineering. but has a familiarity and The Engineering Dean Belle understanding of as tattoo, Wei. Vice Provost Charles 'When formulating the new Whitcomb and Proyost Carmen SISI aerospace engineering pro- DIANA DIROY DAILY STAFF Sigler announced the new posi- gram as its director during 1985 to tion to aviation students in an Aug. 1987, I relied in part on the avia- There's always room for cello ... 24 meeting. said Pam Bohner. an tion curriculum.- Desautel said. "I aviation student. became Maul 1.11 ii MI the as tation of Music, answers Mark Kosower, a cellist and a professor of cello and chamber music at the San Francisco Conservatory 'The 'ay iat in director' is a new laborator \sell. and knew students' questions after performing from 12:30 p.m. to 1:20 p.m. on Thursday in Music room 150. Following the performance position that lust started this Fall most of the Kosower, taught a master class for some students. 2005 semester.- Bohner said. Besides teaching tor 23 years Desautel is only filling in as di- and being in the indusity :is an rector ot the is 1,11 ion program tor aerospace elle Inver lor Iii years. the fall semester. said Seth Bates, Di:saute'', intim' interest in the CAMPUS PROFILE professor of manufacturing and field began lies miss of planes. materials. He said they have hired "Like al I as ialion and aerospace "a new, highly qualified ay iation students, I have always loved faculty" by the name ot Triant and been intrigued by airplanes," Flouris. Desautel said. "I wanted to be Senate represents campus "Dr. Triant Flour]. is ill assume animist them and to understand the duties of director sit as is Its in OW% Me designed and how tion when he begins his tenuied they per list is Aerodynamics is my Administration, faculty, student senators ready to meet today track position titus January 2(N ti's,'' field Bohner said SJSC is currently offering the virtue position... 1 his concept might be difficult BY ILBRA BEITPOLOUS a highly active, highly involved sit ottice or Sonic of Desautel's duties as most dis et se aviation program in L) . academic, which next meets to- The three members are. t(1 understand, hut Nellen skies not director 01 :iv iation his lade pro's the country. Bohner said. day at 2 p.m. in the Engineering Chairwoman Sally Veregge. past represent her college on the senate. ing leadership. improv ing program "San dose State University has Many students don't have a building, room 189. Chairwoman Annette Nellen and "I'm there because the past management and services to the the only four-year degree in the clue what the academic senate ac- The senate is comprised of 55 Associated Students President chair and the senate has a seat for students. Bohner said. She said state." Bohner said. "There has tually does for the university, even people who are then split into Alberto Gutierrez. the past chair," she said. he will also he ads ising students, been talk ot CSI Los Angeles though they represent everybody various groups with different po- However, the senate provides a addressing student concerns and sitions. There are three Ex Officio position for the former chair with on campus. see SENATE, page 3 scheduling Spring 200fi semester see AVIATION, page 3 San Jose State University has Members, which is Latin for, "by the same voting participation rights. This is the final installment of a three-part series detailing the detention of SJSU alumnus CAMPUS PROFILE Cyrus Kar in Iraq. It was originally published in Friday's online edition of the Spartan Daily. Residents get helping hand The cost of Iraqi freedom Rees overseeing maiden voyage of new Campus Village BY CHRISTINE BARKER iesidential ads Ise's. Rees' co-workers believe lie Filmmaker files suit against U.S. government to secure release Daily Staff Vv, "My primary intros!i t ion was has the experience and ability to to student affairs, tieing able to fulfill the duties that have fallen BY VAISHALI KIRPEKAR I lie sounnutee represent:i- Mid 11,,,ked at other people Living on a college campus work with students." Rees said. upon him. and he has earned the n\ es registered him and contacted who were so happy as their routine is one of those experiences that "What attracted me I think most to respect of those he works with. his sister Anna Kan, first cousin went by." Folger said. makes college what it is. To housing is that in housing you re- "He is the kind of person that I .1 torts to release Cyrus Kar, a Shahrzad Folget aunt Ravin rOlger and Moddaress ap- some, that's freedom, easy access ally get a chance to do a lot of dif- I know I can go and talk to." said San Jose State Uniyersity alumnus Moddarcss. pomehed the American Civil to class or not having to commute ferent aspects ot student affairs." Seth Hodge, a residential life co- and Los Angeles - based indepen- His incarceration was a shock to Liberties Union. which filed a writ from faraway. For some residents Castillo agrees that students ordinator. "He's got an open door dent tilnunaker detained in Iraq the family. of habeas corpus requiring that of the new Campus Village, living are Rees' main concern. if I need to throw ideas at him or tor seven weeks. began only is lien "I don't remember the date ex- Kar and Farah be brought before a on campus means all that, plus "Matt is very dedicated, talk about stuff." the International Comnuttee sit the actly but after we found out. days much more. structured and student oriented." Hodge said Rees is alvv ays avail- Red Cross. which aims to ensure and weeks went by and I felt lonely see KAR, page 7 Matthew Rees' full-time job is Castillo said. "He is committed to able to the residential ad's isets, even humanitarian protects iii. y 'sited the associate director for organi- always doing his best to advocate though his job does not require that the detention camp prisoner, zation and planning. for students." he work directly with them. According to the International He said this entails being "a As soon as Rees began working "It's not technically his respon- Committee of Red Cross Web site, human resources liaison for the in residential life, he was trying to sibility to have that direct contact the committee has a permanent departments to the human re- expose the housing community to with the R.A.s." Hodge said. "But mandate under international law sources department on campus. San Jose State University student he really makes himself available take impartial action for prison- I work on special events for the organizations. to that anyway." as, the wounded and the sick and department. training, research and "He is very organized, very Rees' organization and plan- ,iiit sills affected by conflict. assessment, special projects." down to earth and approach- ning experience has helped make With its headquarteis in Geneva. For now. Rees is temporarily able about anything and every- his transition into the associate 1N% itzerland, the committee is tilling the role of associate direc- thing," said Emily Molino. the director for residential life posi- tor for residential life. Panhellenic Council president. tion smooth. "Matt was asked to step in at about working to organize events "I've been dumbfounded in his . CAPTIVE the last minute and just before we between housing and Greek life. ability to do two jobs at once." IN opened the Campus Village," said When he started at SJSU. Rees Hodge said. "He has a clear and Martin Castillo, associate director was a hall director in the brick concise understanding of pattern IRAO of housing. "He quickly brought residence halls. A hall director and structure and can help us his organizational skills to pro- is "one of the individuals who keep things running in an orderly based in 80 countries. In 2004. the vide the structure that the area manages the actual facilities," manner." sommittee visited 570,000 detain- needed in order to have a success- he said. As a former hall director for ees in more than 80 countries. ful opening." As hall director. Rees' respon- the brick residence halls. Rees The Red Cross' visit to Camp PHOTO COURTESY OF CYRUS This position involves man- sibilities included supervising the KAR Cropper %vas a stroke of luck. Kar Cyrus Kar, right, takes a break with Farshid Faraji, his cameraman, aging the residential life depart- residential advisers and managing see REES, page 3 said.