e Mission stateMent Elements, the undergraduate research journal of Boston College, showcases the varied research endeavors of fellow undergraduates to the greater academic community. By fostering intellectual curiosity and discussion, the journal strengthens and affirms the community of undergraduate students at Boston College. Elements Spring 2014 thanks eleMents staff We would like to thank Boston College, the Institute for the Liberal Editor-in-chiEf Arts, and the Office of the Dean for the College of Arts and Sciences Emily Simon for the financial support that makes this issue possible. managing Editor Questions & Contributions Brandon BaviEr If you have any questions, please contact the journal at Deputy Editor
[email protected]. The next deadline is Friday, April 25, 2014. All Eric tracz submissions can be sent to
[email protected]. Visit our website at www.bc.edu/elements for updates and further layout Editor information. frank a. dirEnno Cover humanities gracE West, Senior Editor © Claudiad/iStockPhoto patty OwenS, Senior Editor mariE PellissiEr, Editor PeriodiCity lydia orr, Editor Elements is published twice an academic year in the fall and spring mariSSa marandola, Editor semesters. SciEnces frank a. dirEnno, Senior Editor The information provided by our contributors is not independently verified byElements. corlEonE DelavEriS, Senior Editor The materials presented represent the personal opinions of the individual authors and do alExandEr tinglE, Editor not necessarily represent the views of Elements or the Boston College community. Saljooq m. aSif, Editor Elements, Undergraduate Research Journal, Volume 10, Issue 1, Spring 2013 EllEn WhitE, Editor Boston College, 140 Commonwealth Avenue, Service Building 103, alEx gilligan, Editor Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 anna Whitham.