
Otter Class 8.6.20

Hello Otter Class!

I hope you have had a nice week. I can’t believe it is June already! We have a brand new topic..! Here are some ideas to start you off on our new topic!

1) Make a list of everything you know about castles. What were theyfor? Who lived in castles? Do you know the names of any famous castles?

2) Write some questions. What do you want to find out about castles? Remember all your special question words (who/why/when etc) and don’t forget your question mark...

3) Word challenge...what do these words mean? , , , , , curtain wall, tower, arrow slits...

You could look in a book or search on the internet. You could write a definition for each word (what it means) to make a word glossary (a tricky word list) You could even draw a picture to go with each word or print one out. You might discover some other castle words too!

4) Design your own castle and draw a picture. Label it with some of the words from above. What is your castle called? Who lives in it? You could even make a model of your castle. You could use recycled materials or Lego or think of a different way to make your model.

These castles might give you some ideas when you design your own!

1) Reading ideas

Remember to on reading! It could be a story or non fiction book about minibeast or anything you like! You could do some cooking with your grown up and help read the recipe/instructions.


Ask someone to video you reading a book/reading a few pages of a book/reading with someone else and send it to a friend or relative.

Set up a time to video call a family member and share stories. If you both have a copy of the same book, you could take it in turns to read a chapter or read a picture book together.

Make a den with blankets/cushions/your favourite toys and read/look at books all snuggled up!

Put your sun glasses on and read in the garden.

Read to your siblings.


Use chalk outside to spell tricky words

Write some phonemes on the ground in chalk (oa, ai, ee, ea…) ask a grown up to say a word containing one of the phonemes (tree, beach, boat) jump on the correct phoneme.

Use different coloured pens to spell words.

Visit phonics play and play some phonic games.



What are the coins we use? Make a list or draw around some (ask an adult if you can borrow some!). You could even make coin rubbings by putting paper over a coin and then rubbing/shading over it with a crayon or pencil.


How many different ways can you make 10p? 20p? 50p? £1?

Think of a different amount! You could go over £1 if you like. (can you make £2.25 in lots of different ways?

Choose 2 (or more if you like!) from the Otter Class Tuck Shop...(You might choose 2 of the same thing if you like)

Apple 15p Banana 22p Orange Juice 50p

Cereal Bar 35p Crisps 20p Peanuts 48p

What did you choose? Add the prices up...how much have you spent? What coins could you use? How much change would you get from £1? How much would it be to buy one of everything?

Can you think of a money word problem using the shop? Here is a couple of mine...

Stanley buys an apple and an orange juice. How much did he spend altogether?

Daisy spent 42p at the tuck shop. What did she buy?

Lots of other maths games here! https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit- the-button