Corrigé Corrected
Corrigé Corrected CR 2014/24 International Court Cour internationale of Justice de Justice THE HAGUE LA HAYE YEAR 2014 Public sitting held on Friday 28 March 2014, at 3 p.m., at the Peace Palace, President Tomka presiding, in the case concerning Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Croatia v. Serbia) ________________ VERBATIM RECORD ________________ ANNÉE 2014 Audience publique tenue le vendredi 28 mars 2014, à 15 heures, au Palais de la Paix, sous la présidence de M. Tomka, président, en l’affaire relative à l’Application de la convention pour la prévention et la répression du crime de génocide (Croatie c. Serbie) ____________________ COMPTE RENDU ____________________ - 2 - Present: President Tomka Vice-President Sepúlveda-Amor Judges Owada Abraham Keith Bennouna Skotnikov Cançado Trindade Yusuf Greenwood Xue Donoghue Sebutinde Bhandari Judges ad hoc Vukas Kreća Registrar Couvreur - 3 - Présents : M. Tomka, président M. Sepúlveda-Amor, vice-président MM. Owada Abraham Keith Bennouna Skotnikov Cançado Trindade Yusuf Greenwood Mmes Xue Donoghue Mme Sebutinde M. Bhandari, juges MM. Vukas Kreća, juges ad hoc M. Couvreur, greffier - 4 - The Government of the Republic of Croatia is represented by: Ms Vesna Crnić-Grotić, Professor of International Law, University of Rijeka, as Agent; H.E. Ms Andreja Metelko-Zgombić, Ambassador, Director General for EU Law, International Law and Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Zagreb, Ms Jana Špero, Head of Sector, Ministry of Justice, Zagreb, Mr. Davorin Lapaš, Professor of International Law, University of Zagreb, as Co-Agents; Mr. James Crawford, A.C., S.C., F.B.A., Whewell Professor of International Law, University of Cambridge, Member of the Institut de droit international, Barrister, Matrix Chambers, London, Mr.
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