Youth and Mental Health in Tuvalu: a Situational Analysis
Youth and Mental Health in Tuvalu: A Situational Analysis Commissioned by the FSPI Regional Health Funded by NZAID Programme Tuvalu Association of Non-Governmental Government Foundation of the Peoples of the Organisations of Tuvalu South Pacific International USP Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data Morris, Teuleala Manuella Youth and mental health in Tuvalu : a situational analysis / Teuleala Manuella Morris . – Suva, Fiji : Foundation of the Peoples of the South Pacific International, 2009. p. ; 30 cm. ISBN 978-982-9091-13-0 1. Youth—Mental health—Tuvalu 2. Youth—Tuvalu—Social conditions 3. Mental health—Tuvalu I. Foundation of the Peoples of the South Pacific International II. Title. RA790.7.T8M677 2009 362.2099682 © 2009 Foundation of the Peoples of the South Pacific International, Suva, Fiji Islands Acknowledgments o the young people of Tuvalu who partici- Manuella, Lopati Samasoni, Reverend Tafue pated in the survey, we extend a special Lusama, Siosi Finiki, Melitagi Lifuka, Salilo Enele, thank you. It is our hope that by illuminating Melei Melei, Tefiti Malau, Tebau Sotaga, Captain Tmental health issues in this report, the future will Usugafono Tofiga, Eti Esela and John Herdsford, be brighter for all of you. from the ALPHA (Seamen Recruiting Agency); the This work is also dedicated to the memory of young people living with mental illness, and their Tiesi Livi Tapumanaia, a 15-year-old girl from the in- families and carers. digenous Funafuti community, who contributed Special thanks to Bateteba Aselu Esela for help- much to the research, but died before the report ing with the data entry and analysis and to Lupe was published.
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