Crown Continentof the and the Greater Yellowstone MAGAZINE Winter/Spring 2018 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 6 Questions, Answers, Solution 13 Montana is Beckoning Me Mia McPherson Photographs 21 Book Review/Recommendation “Yellowstone Migrations” 22 The Swan Range Crown 30 68 Miles of Separation of the Continent 35 The Water Warriors and the 42 The CCC in the Greater Greater Yellowstone Yellowstone 48 Greater Yellowstone’s Coming Plague 58 Field Notes Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this e-Magazine are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the University of Montana. No part of Seth Bodnar, President this e-Magazine may be reproduced in whole or in Scott Whittenburg, Vice-President for Research and Creative Scholarship Crown of the Continent and Greater Yellowstone Initiative part without written permission of the publisher. Jerry Fetz, Initiative Co-Director, Professor and Dean Emeritus, College of Humanities and Sciences c/o Department of Geography University of Montana Rick Graetz, Initiative Co-Director, Geography Department Professor The Crown of the Continent and Greater 32 Campus Drive Susie Graetz, Managing Editor Yellowstone e-Magazine is now being produced and Missoula, MT 59812 distributed in association with the O’Connor Center Neal Wiegert, Designer, UM Printing and Graphics for the Rocky Mountain West. The Center is a cross- Will Klaczynski, Technical Advisor Email:
[email protected] disciplinary regional studies and public education program at the University of Montana in Missoula. Web site: Front cover: The beginnings of winter, the Garden Wall, Glacier National Park.