WM Summer 05 Layout

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WM Summer 05 Layout e g WINTER 2007 r o e G n y l ILD ONTANA i WWIILLDD MMOONNTTAANNAA r W M a M Newsletter of the Montana Wilderness Association Keeping it wild since 1958 A Shared Vision for the Scotchman Peaks by Phil Hough WE WHO ARE FORTUNATE ENOUGH to live in leave marks on a map but none on the lips. northern Idaho and western Montana know Sometimes locals agree on a common name so that we inhabit a very special place. The Forest they know where to meet up. But they whisper Service calls it the “Scotchman Peaks Inventoried these names, because we take away a little wild- Roadless Area (IRA).” But that dry, bureaucratic ness the first time we name something—and the term is misleading. Much of the Scotchmans people who live here know it. This area remains hasn’t truly been “inventoried” at all—it hasn’t a wild place, not a series of line items in an been catalogued, defined, and entered as a line inventory. And that is its beauty, its specialness, item on a list. Many of the tallest peaks don’t even and its promise. It’s why the Scotchmans have names. Most of the basins, passes or ponds deserves to be protected, now and for all time. continued on page 4... h g u o H l i h P Non-Profit Org. Montana Wilderness Association U.S. Postage 30 S. Ewing, Helena, MT 59601 PA I D Permit #151 Great Falls, MT P R E S I D E N T ’ S L E T T E R CHANGE I am honored and excited to say Executive Director, and a At the same time, we’re moving Deploying Hello as the new President of restructured staff. Significantly, intently toward the successful fruition Montana Wilderness Association. during those four years the organi- of our Wilderness campaigns. We are Our organization was born in 1958 in zation grew in political savvy and in a very purposively and strategically New Skills, the spirit of such wilderness pioneers sharper focus on the acquisition of aiming at Wilderness legislation in the as Bob Marshall and Aldo Leopold, permanent protection—Wilderness!— near future. The time for lamenting Going Back and we’ve been led along the way by for our remaining roadless lands. the “Wilderness Drought” has passed. such farsighted lovers of wilderness My wife, Lynne, and I came to Now is the time for making the to Basics as Cecil Garland, Doris Milner and Montana in 1980 and organizational changes Tom “Hobnail” Edwards. MWA has have spent our entire These vast, quiet spaces, and creating the new epitomized and will always epitomize adult lives here. Our where we can still go attitudes that will end grassroots activism; we were instru- son, Joseph IV, was the drought. That goal By Joseph Scalia III mental in the passage of the 1964 born and raised in to touch our roots and is realizable, and near. President, Montana Wilderness Act that protected 3.4 Montana. We have learn who we are—these We can almost feel it. Wilderness Association million acres of Montana wildlands always lived close spaces are a priceless gift As we move towards “in perpetuity.” We’ve accomplished to our wildlands, to humanity and are our Wilderness, grassroots a lot and are rightfully proud of our wondrous places that work remains crucial history. Yet there still exist in Montana have defined and responsibility to protect. not only to our identity, today 6.4 million acres of unprotected enriched us. These but to our success. wilderness, lands that face ever- vast, quiet spaces, where we can Member activists across the state growing encroachments on their still go to touch our roots and learn are deeply engaged in wilderness wild character. These pristine but who we are—these spaces are a campaigns, watching over and vulnerable landscapes are our priceless gift to humanity and are guarding lands not yet protected by inspiration, and our challenge. our responsibility to protect. the 1964 Wilderness Act. Our State In December we said a fond good- MWA understands the need for Council is composed of grassroots bye to Gerry Jennings as she closed humans and all other species, for wild folk, local activists who have volun- her four-year term as President at our lands and peopled lands, to exist teered their services to MWA’s Annual Convention. Gerry’s term saw harmoniously on the planet and in governing board. While we have many changes in MWA, including a our state. We’re seeking collaborative changed with changing times, revamped State Council, a new solutions that respect diverse interests our identity and essence not only in ways that are fair and equitable. remain, but march forward! This letter was sent to Montana Wilderness Association members as an email E X E C U T I V E D I R E C T O R ’ S M E S S A G E message on November 30. We repeat it here for those members who didn’t receive it. As MWA’s President from 2002 to 2006, Gerry Jennings has been instrumental in the growth, reorganization, and great changes that MWA has been going through. She talks about the necessity for change, and how hard it And Aspens Change in the Fall… can be—but the ways in which change can bring new hope and dedication, as well…. by Tim Baker CHANGE You can choose to change or be focusing our staff resources where Dear fellow Montana Wilderness Association member: changed. Either way, change is they will make the most difference, inevitable. creating more opportunities for It is with excitement and a measure of sadness that I bring you news of changes at Montana The Montana Wilderness more success. Wilderness Association. Association is choosing to change, We’re primarily focusing on Over the next few months, MWA will be restructuring our staff so that we are better able to to better focus our resources on three areas that currently offer the conserve Montana’s special places through local, grassroots efforts. Sadly, this means that permanently protecting those most promise for new Wilderness— our 48-year-old organization will close three field offices and reduce staff. special places that define Montana. the wild country of Beaverhead- Wilderness! Deerlodge National Forest, the We are so grateful to our staff for their hard work and dedication for so many years. We are The most recent changes in magnificent Rocky Mountain saddened to lose valuable members of our team. As you can imagine, the decision to close staff structure are the culmina- Front, and the awe-inspiring E these offices was difficult, but one that we feel is in the best interest of our organization CHANG tion of a process that began Scotchman Peaks. and Montana’s wild places. over five years ago—when the Our work to help local State Council first embarked on communities protect local land- For more than 48 years, Montana Wilderness Association has engaged thousands of grass- a serious path of introspection scapes will continue. Our chapter roots volunteers to protect Montana’s special places. Together, we’ve helped preserve places and a commitment to become a structure will continue to play like the Scapegoat, the Mission Mountains, the Absaroka-Beartooth and others. stronger force for Wilderness. a vital role, as wellsprings of This look inward raised some volunteer energy, support, and Over the last few years, we have devoted extra resources to engaging members in the hard questions, about our capacity community connection. The clear development of Forest Service plans, such as the Gallatin and Lewis and Clark National Forest and how we do our work to obtain emphasis for our staff resources travel plans. Frankly, we’ve been dipping into our bank account to do this. Now, the council new permanent protections for our will be to permanently protect has decided it’s time to start building up our bank account again, instead of tapping it. favorite places. We realized that our special priority areas through we needed to adapt to changing new Wilderness designation. As these processes wind down, MWA is shifting its resources back to its core mission: times to better accomplish our Our staff is hard working and protecting Montana’s special places. core mission. passionate about their work, and These efforts have required we are grateful for their commit- To that end, our Council voted unanimously to revise the organization’s staff structure. Doing so countless hours from volunteers— ment to wild Montana. These will reduce our annual budget from $1.1 million in 2006 to $950,000 in 2007. Our full-time staff including State Council leaders, changes in structure affect every- will go from 16 to 13 and field offices in Dillon, Billings, and Bozeman will close as of February. chapter representatives, and other one, and we are sad to lose What’s the goal of this? Simple: Permanent protection for Montana’s most treasured places, MWA members. valuable members of our team. But that’s nothing new. For A unanimous Council concluded starting with the Rocky Mountain Front, the wild country of the Beaverhead-Deerlodge nearly 50 years, thousands of that these changes are in the best National Forest, and Scotchman Peaks on the Kootenai. With the changes, we will continue grassroots volunteers have been interests of MWA and Montana’s to serve our members across the state and local chapters in Billings, Bozeman and elsewhere, the powerhouse of MWA—indeed, most special places. because we fully understand that our members give us our strength and our best ideas.
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