Monograph on Pāțhā 2070


Ayurveda literally means knowledge of life. Ayurvedic medicines are based on the principle that every individual has a unique constitution that related to his vital energies translated into Ayurvedic nosology as dosha or humors. In ayurveda, medicinal have been used sufficiently for the cure and treatment of disease and maintenance of sound health. The origin of Ayurveda is called to be the origin of universe, some says it as shasvata. From the time of initiation of ayurveda the use of many medicinal plants has been encoded. Some of them have been extinct, but the profound Achāryas in ayurveda has also listed their substitution. Even animals use herbs to cure their ill health.

One of the plants described in Ayurvedic grantha is, Pāțhā ( pareira linn.)

Latin Name: Cissampelos pareira linn.

Sanskrit name: Pāțhā, Ambashtā, Baratiktā, Abiddakarni, Piluphalā.

Hindi name:Pādh, Pādhi Bengal: Ākanādi Marāthi : Pādabel Gujrat:Benibel

Tamil: Appātā Telgu: Pādā, Malayālam:Katuballi

Morphological characters: A climber or prostate herb.

Leaf : Alternate, circular, small, hairy, petiole 1-3’’ long

Flower : Unisexual, yellowish white

Fruit : Like pea after ripe reddish

Seed : Small slightly curved

Almost in all Ayurvedic text, either the properties or the preparation of Pāțhā with other drugs has been described, though only little description is given. In most of the text the has been described as Pāțhā, or in some place as Aambashtā.

Pāțhā has a very long history of medicinal use in many herbal traditions. It is widely employed in modern herbal medicine as an Stanyasodhana drug.

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

Pāțhā in samhita

Charaka Samhita (1000 BC) dw'sdw'k0fL{k[lZgk0o{Dai7sL;dª\ufdf]r/;wftsLnf]w|lk|oª\u's6\kmnfgLlt bz]dflg ;GwfgLoflg ejlGt≤

(C.S.Su. 4/5)

In chapter Shadvirechanasatashritiya, Pāțhā along with other 9 drugs has been listed as union promotive drugs. Kff7fdxf]}Èw;'/bf?d':td"jf{u'8"rLjT;skmnls/fltQmss6'/f]lxl0f;fl/jf Olt bz]dflg :tGozf]wgFlg ejlGt≤ (C.S.Su. 4/18) In the same chapter, Pāțhā along with other drugs has been listed as stanyasodhana drugs.

;fl/jfzs{/fkf7fdl~hi7fb|fÔfkLn'k?ÈsfeofdnslaeLtsfgLlt bz]dflg Hj/x/fl0f ejlGt ≤(C.S.Su. 4/39) Pāțhā along with other drugs has been listed as Antipyretic drugs.

In the chapter, Santarpaniya, Pāțhā along with other 7 drugs in decoction form if used regularly according to date and time diseases caused by oversaturation like prameha etc. are alleviated certainly. (C.S.Su. 23/10, 12)

Again Pāțhā along with other 18 drugs are powdered and added with oil, ghee, and honey each in quantity equal to the powder. All this is mixed with sixteen times of roasted grain flour and a saturating drink (mantha) is prepared and used in different diseases like prameha, disorder of flatus, leprosy, piles, jaundice, spleen enlargement, anaemia, swelling, dysuria, anorexia, heart diseases, phthisis, cough, dyspnoea, choking of throat, helminthiasis, disorder of grahaņi, leucoderma, overobesity are allievated, the digestive power is stimulated and memory and intellect develop. (C.S.Su. 23/19)

In Chapter Jatisutriya i.e. principles of precreation, Decoction of Pāțhā along with other drugs is administered in disorders of breast milk (kshir dosha). (C.S.Sa. 8/56)

सनागयं ऩऩपटकं पऩफे饍वा सदयु ारबभ ्। ककयाततत啍तकं भस्ु तं गडू च ं पवश्वबेषजभ ्

पाठाभशु यं सोदी楍मं ऩफे饍धा जवयशान्तमे 煍वयन्घा दीऩनाश्र्वैषामा दोषऩाचना: |(C.S.Ci.2/188-199)

Pāțhā along with kirātatikta, mustā, gudūcī, shunthī, uśira may be taken in the form of cold infusion or decoction as antipyretic appetiser, digestive for dosha and alleviate thirst, anorexia and distaste of mouth.

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

ऩटोर:सारयवाभस्ु तं पाठा कटु कयोहहण । तनम्फ:ऩटोरत्रिपरा भ饍ृ व का भस्ु तवत्सकौ ।(C.S.Ci. 2/201)

Pāțhā with patōla, sārivā, mustā, katurohinī can alleviate double quotidian, one of the five types of fever, namely – remittent, double quotidian, quotidian, tertian and quartan.

वत्सकाय嵍वधौ पाठा車 षड्ग्रन्थां कटुयोहहण भ ्। भूवाप सततपवषां तनम्फं ऩटोरं धनवमासकभ ्।(C.S.Ci. 2/204)

Pāțhā along with other drugs like vacā mustā, uśīra, madhuka, triphalā, balā etc. – this formulation should be taken in fever in the form of decoction or cold infusion.

शटी ऩष्ु कयभूरं च ...... गडु ू च नागयं पाठा ककयातं कटुयोहहण ।(C.S.Ci. 2/211)

Pāțhā along with other drugs like shati, pushkarmūla etc. is used in sannipātaj jwor as well as Dyspnoea, heart diseases, cough etc.

हह敍गु त्रिकटुकं पाठा車 हऩुषाभबमा...... 饍वौ ऺायौ रवणे 饍वे च वव्मं चैकि चुणपमेत ्।(C.S.Ci. 5/79-80)

Pāțhā, along with other drugs like hiogu, trikatu, harītakī, shatī, ajmodā, vacā, two alkalis (yavakshāra and swarjikshāra), two salts (saindhava and sauvarcala) and chavya – all together are powdered. This helps to relieve the pain in the sides, heart or pelvic region, hardness in bowels, pain in anus or vaginal track, disorders of grahanī, piles, spleen enlargement, anaemia, anorexia, and obstruction in chest, hiccup, cough, asthma and choking of throat

हयीतकीक絍परभस्ु तरोध्रं पाठापवड敍गाजपनु धन्वनाश...... ् हदम्वशाराजपुनदी्मकाश्र्व ।

दावĂ पवड敍गं …………………………………………………… सऩाठा पाठा च भूवाप च तथा श्वेदंष्रा ।

अश्वत्थपाठासनवेतसानां कट敍कटेमपत्ु ऩरभस्ु तकानाभ ्...... कषामा भधुसप्रं म啍ु ता: ।.(C.S.Ci. 6/27-32)

The three decoctions – Pāțhā, vidanga, arjuna and dhanvana (1), Pāțhā, dāruharidrā, agnimantha and triphalā (2) and Pāțhā, mūrvā and goksura (3) - mixed with honey, can be given to patient of prameha.

Pāțhā with triphalā, ativisā, tagara, nakha, patra, marica, plāva, etc. and 19 others drugs– made into formulation named 'Madhvāsava'. If taken in the dose of 80 ml, it alleviates kaphaja and pittaja pramehas quickly. It is also efficacious in anaemia, piles, anorexia, grahanīroga, leucoderma and various types of leprosy. (C.S.Ci. 6/42)

Oil prepared with pāțhā and other drugs like arka, seeds of mūlaka, rohinī, indrayava, seeds of bitter bottle-gourd, cakramarda, etc. is kustha-alleviating. This formulation may also be used as paste, anointing, rubbing and powdering. (C.S.Ci. 7/103-104)

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

कु ष्ठं पाठा भस्ु तं तम्ु फ셁ु भूवपवगचा: सषड्ग्रन्था: । एडगजकु टजशशरत्र्मूषणफ쥍रातकऺवका: ।(C.S.Ci. 7/113)

Pāțhā with other drugs is made paste with mustard or tila oil. A decoction of the paste with root and young leaves of karavīra and four times of cow's urine. This, when prepared should be kept in a vessel made of bitter bottlegourd. By this the physician may tear off the mandala, kustha along with the worms and itching by massage.

स्त楍छदं प्रततपवषां शभऩाकं त啍तयोहहण ं पाठाम ्। भश्ु तभशु यं त्रिपरा ऩटोरपऩचभु दपऩयऩटकभ ्।(C.S.Ci. 7/144)

Pāțhā along with other drugs like Mustā, Uśira,Triphalā, Pațola, Nimbi etc made into Māhātikta ghrita helpful in kusţha,predominant in raktapitta, bleeding piles, Erysipelas, Amlapitta,pāmā etc.

In case of patient suffering from Diarrhoea with slimy stools, tastelessness in mouth, anorexia,due to agni impairment Pāțhā, bilva,yāvāni is taken with butter milk and durālabhā, sunthi, Pāțhā with wine. (C.S.Ci. 8/153)

बागॉ पाठा車 त्रिकटु कं त्रिवतृ ां तनचुरातन च । श्रेमस भाढकीं भूवॉ दन्त ं बूतनम्फचचिकौ ।(C.S.Ci. 10/20)

Pāțhā with other drugs like Bhārgī, Trikatu, Nichula, Gajapippalī, dantī, etc. made into Mahāpapcagavya ghrita and is like ambrosia. It is efficacious in diseases like Gūlma, Pāndu Roga, etc.

ऩाश्वपफस्स्त셁ज चा쥍ऩपऩततास्न्गस्तां सयु ामतु ाभ ् । शबन्नपव絍क: सभसु ताततपवषाऩाठां सवत्सकाभ ् ।(C.S.Ci. 11/16)

Pāțhā along with other drugs like Mustā, Ativisā and Kutaja, can be given to patient suffering from diarrhoea.

Two types of Punarnavā, two types of balā, two types of Pāțhā, Dantī, Gudūchi, - is made into decoction. This decoction, with some other medicinal preparations, can be give to alleviate heart diseases, anaemia, severe swelling, splenomegaly, fever, anorexia, etc.(C.S.Ci. 12/34)

कृ ष्णा सऩाठा गजपऩ्ऩरी ...... सखु तोमऩ तभ ।(C.S.Ci. 12/41)

Pāțhā along with other drugs like Pippalī, Gajapippalī, Chitraka, Pippalimūla, haridrā, etc. in powder form alleviates Tridosha and chronic swelling.

कशर敍गाकास्श्र्विकभूरऩाठे मष्टमाह्वमं ...... भूरकशन्ु ठकानाभ ।.(C.S.Ci. 12/44)

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

Pāțhā along with other drugs like Devadāru, Bilva, Indrayava, Chitraka (roots), Hingu , ash of dried raddish made into pills- each of 5gm and given to patients of splenomegaly, leucoderma, Halīmaka, piles, anaemia, wasting, swelling, choleric disorder, Gūlma, poisoning, calculus, dyspnoea, cough etc.

Pāțhā along with other drugs like Trikatu, Pippalimūla, Hingu, Chitraka, Sauvarcala, etc. can be given to patients suffering from swelling and pain in ano-rectum and poor digestion. Moreover it can be useful in piles, Grahanī, colic pain and hardness of bowels, diarrhoea, etc. (C.S.Ci. 14/62-68)

त्रफ쥍वं ककपटकं ऩाठां पऩष्絍वा ऩेमां पवऩाचमेत ्। पराम्रां मभकै बपष्ृ टां तां द饍दा嵍हुदजाऩहाभ ्।(C.S.Ci. 14/90)

Pāțhā, after medically processing with other drugs like Marīcha, Pippalī, etc. is made into powder form, which is very useful in alleviating diseases like piles.

Pāțhā along with other drugs like Durālabhā, Bilva, etc. alleviates painful piles if taken before meals. Chavya, Trikatu, Pāțhā, Yavakshāra, Dhānyaka, Yavāni, etc. should be powdered together with four time’s good curd for carmination of stool and flatus. This ghee alleviates dysentery, anal prolapse, dysuria, anal discharge, pain in anorectum and groins. (C.S.Ci. 14/113)

हयीतकीपरप्रस्थं प्रस्थभरकस्म च । पवशारामा दचधत्थस्म ऩाठाचचिभरू मो: ।(C.S.Ci. 14/148)

Pāțhā along with other drugs like Viśālā, Kapittha, etc. is useful for the patients suffering from diseases like Cough, Gūlma, indigestion, heart diseases, anaemia, spleen enlargement, jaundice, intermittent fever, retention of faeces, etc.

दयु ारबामा: प्रस्थ: स्मास्楍विकस्म वषृ स्म च । ऩथ्माभरकमोश्र्वैव ऩठामा नागयस्म च ।(C.S.Ci. 14/153)

Pāțhā along with Durālabhā 640gm, Chitraka, Vāsā, Harītakī, Āmalaka, etc. each 80 gm, should be boiled in 10.24 liters water till reduced to 1/4th and cooled and 4 Kg. sugar is added which is given to patient of piles, Grahanīroga, upward movement of Vāyu, anorexia, retention of stool, urine flatus and eructation, sluggishness lf digestion, heart diseases and anaemia.

ऩाठां च पऩ्ऩरीभूरं कभकु ं चव्मचचिकौ । भस्जजष्ठै쥍वारकु ं रोध्रं ऩशरकानऩु क쥍ऩमेत ्।(C.S.Ci. 14/159)

Pāțhā along with other drugs like Pippali, Indrayava, Nāgapushpa, etc. made into fine powder is served to the patients suffering from diseases like heart diseases, Grahanidosha, Gūlma, Cough, and Doshas.

ऩाठा वत्सकफ जं यसाजजनं नागयं मवान्मश्र्व । त्रफ쥍वशभतत चाशपसश्र्ै वर्णपतातनू ऩेमातन शूरेषू ।(C.S.Ci. 14/195)

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

Pāțhā along with other drugs like Indrayava, Bilva, etc. made into powder is good for alleviating painful piles.

ह्रीवेयभत्ु ऩरं रोध्रं सभ敍गाचव्मचन्दभ ्। ऩाठा सततपवषा त्रफ쥍वं धातकी देवदा셁 च । (C.S.Ci. 14/230)

Pāțhā along with other drugs like Devadāru, Dāruharidrā,Mustā, Yavakshāra, etc – cooked with juice of Cāogeri to prepare a Ghrita (called Hrīberādi Ghrita), which alleviates three Doshas and can be used in case of piles, diarrhoea, Grahanīroga, anaemia, fever, anorexia, dysuria, rectal prolapse, blowing up of urinary bladder, tenesmus, slimy discharge and pain in piles .

ऩ饍भोत्ऩरानां ककजज쥍क: सभ敍गा सतनहदस्嵍धका । त्रफ쥍वं भोचयस: ऩाठा बागा: कषपसभस्न्वता: । (C.S.Ci. 14/230)

Pāțhā along with other drugs is boiled to make a decoction, which is further processed with other drugs to make a preparation called "Prastha", which is useful for patients of Prabahikā, Gudābhramsa, lack of appetite, RaktaShrava.

Pāțhā along with other drugs like Harītakī, Pippalīmūla, Vacā, Katurohinī, Indrayava, Chitraka and Śunthi made into powder is taken with warm water in condition of pain in Grahani affected with Pitta and Kapha. (C.S.Ci. 15/103-106)

चन्दनं ऩ饍भोकोश यं ऩाठां भूवं कु टन्नटभ ्। षड्ग्रन्थासारयवासपोतास्तऩणापट셂षकान् ।(C.S.Ci. 15/125)

Pāțhā one of the ingredients of Chandanādhya Ghrita is useful for patients suffering from Grahanī disorder caused by Pitta.

नागयतनपवषे भस्ु तं धातकीं च यसाजजनभ ्। वत्सकत्व啍परं त्रफ쥍वं ऩाठां कटु कयोहहण भ ्।(C.S.Ci. 15/129)

Pāțhā along with other drugs like Śunthī, Mustā, Dhātakī, Rasāpjana, Bilva, etc. Made into Nāgarādhya Chūrna is useful in Paittikta Grahanī disorders, bloody stool, piles, anal discomfort and tenesmus.

चताभततपवषां ऩाठां सत्ऩऩणप यसाजजनभ ्। श्मोनाकोदी楍म啍व敍गवत्सकत्व嵍दयु ारभा: ।

दावॉ ऩऩपटकं ऩाठां मवान ं भधुशशरकु भ ्। ऩटोरऩिं शस饍धाथापन् मूचथकां जाततऩ쥍रवान् ।(C.S.Ci.15/134-135)

Pāțhā along with other drugs like Vacā, Ativisā, Saptaparna, Udīcya, Kutaja, etc. is made into powder, called Bhūnimādya Chūrna, which is helpful in curing diseases like Gūlma, jaundice, fever, paleness, Prameha, anorexia and diarrhoea.

ऩराशं चचिकं चव्मं भातरु 敍ु गं हयीतकीभ ्। पऩ्ऩरीं पऩ्ऩरीभूरं ऩाठां नागयधान्मकभ ्।

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

Pāțhā along with other drugs like, Chitraka, Cavya, etc. Is boiled with water and reduced to one fourth of decoction to be served to patients of Kapha. (C.S.Ci. 15/142)

द्रोणं भधूकऩष्ु ऩाणां पवड敍गानां ततोऽधपत: । चचिकस्म ततोऽधं स्मात्तथा ब쥍रातकाढकभ ्।(C.S.Ci. 15/146)

Pāțhā along with other drugs like Vidanga, Chitraka, Bhallātaka, etc. is boiled in water and reduced to 1/4th and cooled then added to honey and stored in earthen vessel. This preparation is very useful for patients of Prameha, Kapha, Grahani, Sannipāta, Dosha, etc.

सभूरां पऩ्ऩरⴂ ऩाठां चव्मेन्द्रमवनागयभ ्। चचिकाततपवषे हह敍ग ु श्वेदंष्रां दटोयोहहण भ ्।(C.S.Ci. 15/173)

Pāțhā along with other drugs like Pippali, Pippalimūla, Cavya, Indrayava, etc. is boiled in curd, oil and ghee on mild fire to prepare a preparation which is useful for patients of heart diseases, anaemia, Grahanī disorder, Gūlma, Udāvarta and colic.

दयु ारबां दयजजौ 饍वौ स्तऩणं सव्तकभ ्। षड्ग्रन्थां भदनं भूवां ऩाठाभाय嵍वधं तथा ।(C.S.Ci. 15/179)

Pāțhā along with other drugs like Durālabhā, two types of Karapja (Karapja and Pūtīka), Kutaja, etc. is powdered and burnt with cow urine. This alkali is taken to improve the tone of Grahanī.

त्रिपरां कटब ं चव्मं त्रफ쥍वभध्मभमोयज: । योहहण ं कटु कां भस्ु तं कु ष्ठं ऩाठां च हह敍ग ु च ।(C.S.Ci. 15/188)

Pāțhā along with Triphalā, Cavya, pulp of Bilva fruits, iron powder, Katurohini, etc. and five salts are dipped in curd, mixed with ghee and oil. This preparation is burnt in a closed vessel under mild fire. The final preparation, in the dose of 10 gm. should be taken in case of piles caused by Kapha and Vāta, Grahanī disorders and anaemia. This is an excellent promoter of Agni and alleviates splenomegaly.

Pāțhā along with other drugs like Devadāru, Triphalā, Mustā, etc is prepared into a Ghrita used for medicinal purposes. (C.S.Ci. 16/118-122).Similarly,Pāțhā along with other drugs like Mūrvā, Rāsnā, Saralā and Devdāru, having been washed and pounded and kept in concentrated wine, which taken with bit of salt and taken in dose of 80ml. relieves hiccup and dysponea.(C.S.Ci. 16/106)

Pāțhā along with other drugs made into pipalyādya Ghrita formulated by Ātreya .This alleviates dyspnoea, cough, diseases of heart, sides, Grahanī and Gūlma. (C.S.Ci. 17/36)

饍पवऩजचभूरीत्रिपराचपवकाबाचगपचचिकै : । कु रत्थपऩ्ऩरीभूरऩाठाकोरमवजै पर े ।(C.S.Ci 18/158)

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

Pāțhā along with other drugs like Kolā, yava, Kulattha, Chitraka, etc. is made into decoction and cooked with ghee and mixed with powder of two alkalis (Yavakshāra and Svarjikshāra) and five salts should be added and taken in proper dose by patient of cough caused by wasting.

गडु ू च ं पऩ्ऩरीं भूवां हरयद्रां श्रेमस ं वचाभ ्। तनहदस्嵍धकां कासभदं ऩाठां चचिकनागभ ्।(C.S.Ci.18/161)

Pāțhā along with other drugs made into Gudūchyādi Ghrita, alleviates Gūlma, dyspnoea, wasting and cough.

Pāțhā along with other drugs is made into paste and cooked with ghee, milk and grape juice. The preparation alleviates fever, splenomegaly and all types of cough. (C.S.Ci.18/163)

ज वन्त ं भधुकं ऩाठां त्वकऺ यीं त्रिपरां शटीभ ्। भस्ु तरै ᴂ ऩ饍भकं द्राऺⴂ 饍वे फहृ त्मौ पवतन्ु नकभ ्।(C.S.Ci.18/176)

Pāțhā along with other drugs is prepared into Padmakādi Leha. It alleviates the five types of cough.

सारऩणॉ ऩश्ृ नऩणॉ फहृ त ं कण्ठकारयकाभ ्। फरां श्वेदंष्रा त्रफ쥍वातन ऩाठां नागयधान्मकभ ्।(C.S.Ci.19/26)

Pāțhā along with other drugs like Brihatī, Shālaparnī, Priśniparnī, etc. is helpful in case of Grahani disorders, lack of appetite, indigestion, etc.

जम्फूत्व敍गागयं धान्मं ऩाठा भोचयसोफरा । सभ敍गा धातकी त्रफ쥍वभध्मं जम््वाम्रमोस्त्वच: ।(C.S.Ci. 19/110)

Pāțhā along with other drugs like Balā, Mocharasa, Dhānyaka, bark of Jambū, etc. should be made into Kshāra by souring with Chāpgerī, etc. which is helpful for heart disease patients.

Pāțhā along with other drugs like Vacā, Vamsha bark, Tagara, flower-stalk of Tulasī, Balā, Ātibalā, Nākulī, etc. is pounded with bile of Rohitaka fish. This is an excellent anti-poison efficacious in bite of insects like Viśwambhara etc. used as snuff, collyrium and paste. (C.S.Ci.23/212)

ऩाठा敍कोरश्वगन्धाकप भूरमष्絍माह्वऩ饍भकान ्। पवशारां फहृ त ं राऺां कोपवदायं शतावयीभ ्।(C.S.Ci.23/244)

Pāțhā along with other drugs like Trikatu, Chandana, Utpala, Balā, etc. each 10 gm. are used as paste for cooking Ghrita with equal amount of water and goat's and cow's urine. This is an anti- poison. It alleviates epilepsy, wasting, insanity, seizures of evil spirits and Grahani, anaemia, worms, Gūlma, splenomegaly, Ūrustambha, jaundice, stiffness of jaw, shoulder, etc. It is used as potion, massage and snuff. This excellent Ghrita is like nectar in case of all fatal poisoning cases.

Powder of Pāțhā and other drugs like, Vāsā, Gokshura, Harītakī, Trikatu, shatī, Nikumbha (Dantī), etc. is used in case of dysuria caused by Kapha and Vāta. (C.S.Ci. 24/53).Similarly,Pāțhā

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070 along with other drugs like Haridrā, Dāruharidrā, Mūrvā, Pippali, tender leaves of Jātī and Dantī is made into oil and used with snuffing in case of ripened Pīnasa.(C.S.Ci. 24/138)

Pāțhā along with other drugs like Pippali, Aguru, Dāruharidrā bark, yavakshāra, etc. in powder form, is mixed with honey and kept orally in mouth diseases .Similarly, Pāțhā along with drugs like Tejohavā, Harītakī, Elā, etc. is powdered and used as tooth powder. It alleviates bleeding, itching and pain in gums. Yavakshāra, Pāțhā, Trikatu, Triphalā, etc. are powdered and mixed with honey to keep inside mouth to remove throat disorders. This powder is called "Kālaka", and alleviates diseases of teeth, mouth and throat. (C.S.Ci. 24/184,194-198)

Pāțhā along with other drugs like Ativisā, Mustā, Tejovatī, Vacā, Devadāru, Chitraka, etc. in powder form should be taken with honey or dissolved in water added with honey. (C.S.Ci.27/34-37).Similarly, Oil should be cooked with Pīluparnī, Rāsnā, Gokshura, Vacā, Aguru and Pāțhā. It should be taken in dose of 80 or 160 Gms, added with honey by the patients suffering from insomnia and distress due to vitiation of Vāyu. (C.S.Ci.27/42)

Pāțhā, seed-pulp of Jambū and mango, shaileya, etc. are collected in Pusya constellation in equal quantity and made into fine powder, which should be taken with honey followed by rice water. It is useful in piles, diarrhoea and bloody stools. (C.S.Ci.30/90)

परपऩ्ऩरीनाभाय嵍वध-वऺृ क-स्वादकु ण्टक-ऩाठा-ऩाटरा-शा敍गष्े टा-भूवा-प स्तऩणप-न啍तभार-पऩचुभदप-ऩटोर- सषु व -गडु ू च -सोभव쥍क-饍व पऩकानां पऩ्ऩरी-पऩ्ऩरीभूर-हस्स्तपऩ्ऩरी-चचिक-श्र敍ृ गवेयाणा ं चान्मतभकषामेणा शस饍धो रेह इतत सभानं ऩूवेण ।(C.S.ka.1/22)

In the Kalpasthāna in Madankalpādhāya, Linctus is prepred from decoction of Pāțhā with other drugs like, pātalā, murvā, saptaparna etc.

तनम्फऩाठासहचयशम्ऩाककयव यका: । एषां 啍वाथेन पवऩचेत्तैरभेशबश्र्व कस्쥍कतै: ।(C.S.Si.1/19)

In the Siddihisthāna Oil cooked with decoction of Pāțhā along with other drugs is cooked with paste of various medicinal herbs which quickly alleviates disorders of skin, worms, Prameha, piles, disorders, etc. This is used in forms of intake, massage and unctous enema.

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

Sushruta Samhita (1000-1500 B.C.) In Sutrasthana, a plaster composed of Pāțhā with other drugs like elā, sitavisha, kusţha etc is pasted together and soaked in mustard oil saturated with common salt, should be rubbed over mouth of incision.(S.S.Su.14/110)

Kff7f+ /;f~hg+======t]}Nfdl]eZr ;flwtd\ . (S.Su.16/36)

Pāțhā along with other drugs is mentioned as lubricant used in Bhrisam sakandukam type of ear diseases.

Pāțhā one of the ingredients of sodhana varti is inserted into an ulcer or an open swelling brings about the purification of its interior. (S.S.Su. 36/12)

Pāțhā is mentioned in Āragvadhadi group, this group destroys the deranged kapha, effects of cough also helpful in case of meha, kustha, fever etc. (S.S.Su.38/3). Similarly, in the same chapter, Pāțhā is mentioned in pippalyādi group. (S.S.Su.38/11), Again,Pāțhā is mentioned in patolādi group, this group is a febrifuge and anti toxic, useful in destroying the action of deranged kapha and pitta, also helpful in ulcers, itching and erythematous eruptions.(S.S.Su.38/16)

In Sharira sthana of Sushrut samhita, Pāțhā is mentioned for the treatment of deranged Ārtava. (S.S.Sa.2/14)

Kff7fd"jf{u'8"rLgF+======skmh] j|0f] . (S.S.Ci.1/127)

In Chikitsasthana of Sushrut samhita, Leaves of Pāțhā, murva, guduchi and other plants are used for the purpose of patradana. lrqs]Gb|oj] kf7f======Mif8\w/0f M :d[t . (S.Ci.4/3)

Pāțhā one of the main ingredients of Shad-Dharana-yoga contains the properties of subduring an attack of vāta vyādhi.

Pāțhā mentioned in Hingvādi vati cures cough, asthma, internal tumour, ascites, Heart diseases, tympanities, aching pain at the sides, splenomegaly, piles. (S.Ci.5/39, Again, Pāțhā along with other drugs like kāsa, Sara, gundra, pātalā etc is used in the treatment of pittaja asmari. (S.Ci.7/9)

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

Pāțhā mentioned in māhātikta ghrita cures apasmara, gulma, kusţha, chronic fever, haemorrhage, menorrhagia, goiter, scrofula, anaemia, impotency, itches, pāmā, elephantiasis etc. (S.Ci.9/9),Pāțhā and other drugs taken in kalka form with decoction of Gudūci and chitraka Sarpir- meha. (S.Ci.11/8)

Pāțhā mentioned in Āragvadhādi group, pippalyādi group used for rising up the cavity of incidental ulcer and also as food and drinks. (S.S.Ci.12/7)

Pāțhā, Hingu, Katurohini etc is given to parturient women. (S.S.Ci.15/20) EffuL {jrfdltljiff+;'/bf/m kf7f+ d': tflbs+ =dw'/;f+ s6'/f]lxl0f~r . wfqL lkj]t\ t' ko; M kl/zf]wgfy{df/Ujwflbif' j/+ dw'gf siffod\ . (S.S.Ci.17/41)

A decoction of Pāțhā, Bhārgi, Ativishā and etc should be given for Dhatri for the purification of her breast milk.

Pāțhā has been mentioned for the treatment of Kaphaja Granthi. (S.S.Ci.18/14)

Pāțhā has been mentioned for the treatment of Adhi-mamsa. (S.S.Ci.22/23).Similarly, Pāțhā, vacā, ativisā etc has been mentioned to use as gargle (kavala). (S.S.Ci.22/52).Again, Pāțhā has been mentioned with other drugs for curing all types of kaphaja disorders of body. (S.S.Ci.22/74)

Pāțhā along with other drugs is used in Anuvasana vasti.It is highly efficacious in cases of gulma, tympanitis, impaired digestion, Haemorrhoides, diarrhoea, retention of urine etc. (S.S.Ci.32/11)

Pāțhā ,guduchi, arka,devdāru and other drugs useful in Asthāpana vasti helpful in curing attack of kamala, anaemia, Meha, Obesity, impaired digestion, adversion of food, goiter,slow poisoning,elephantitis,udara roga and all kapahaj disorder. (S.S.Ci.38/57)

In Kalpasthana of Sushrut Samhita, Koshatakyādi yavagu prepared with Pāțhā, agnika, amrita etc is beneficial in poisoning cases. (S.S.Ka.2/43), In hair and nail fall of cases, the poisoned surface should be purified by sprinkling it over with Decoction of vidanga, Pāțhā and katabhi. (S.S.Ka.3/13)

Ajitagada made form Pāțhā and other drugs are efficacious in cases of vegetable and animal poisoning. (S.Ka.5/60).Similarly, Rasabhagada made from Pāțhā, and other drugs to be protected fron snakes, venomous snakes etc. (S.S.Ka.5/66)

In Uttara tantra of sushrut samhita, Pāțhā along with other drugs like chitraka roots, pippali, marica, devdārū etc.are pasted together and applied to the eye in all forms of kaphaja eye diseases. (S.S.U.11/6)

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070 d':tf t]hf]jtL kf7f s6\kmNf+======;}Gwjflu|sf} . (S.S.U.24/32)

Gargles prepare with decoction of Pāțhā, pippali, agnika, tuttha etc should be perescribed in treatment of tridoshaja type of catarrah.

Pāțhā along with other drugs has been mentioned in twenty receipes of Amatisara. (S.S.U.40/36), In the same chapter, Pāțhā along with other drugs is mentioned for pittaja Atisara. (S.S.U.40/63)

Kff7fhdf]bf s'6h:o aLh+ ======lNf9\jf˜˜dodfz' xGoft\ . (S.S.U.40/147)

Pāțhā, Ajmodā, kutaja seed, shunthi etc pasted and dissolved in tepid water or milk duly boiled with testicles of a goat and mixed with clarified butter is beneficial for Pravāhikā.

Ashtānga Samgraha of Vagbhata (6th century A.D.)

शाक ऩाठाशटीश्रऩू ासुतनषण्डसत नजभ ्। त्रिदोषध्रं रघु राहह सयाजऺववास्तुकभ ्।(A.S.Su.7/111)

In the Chapter, Annasvarūpa Uijpanīga Adhyāya (Knowledge of Diet Articles) in sutra sthan, Pāţhā, Shatī, Śrūsā, Sunisanda, Satīna, Rajaksavaka, Vāshtūka included in Shāka varga (leafy vegetables)in general mitigate all the three dosās, are easily digestive and binding (stop elimination of feaces and fluids from body).

In the Chapter on jvor chikitsa, of chikitsasthāna, Pāțhā along with other drugs like Usīra and Vataka is used in ripening doshā, reducing fever, removing loss of appetite, thirst, bad taste in mouth and indigestion. (A.S.Ci.1/53).Similarly, decoction of Pāțhā along with other drugs mitigates Āma, diarrhoea and fevers. (A.S.Ci.1/52-55) Pāțhā prepared in decoction form which mitigates five types of fevers. (A.S.Ci.1/60) Similarly, In fevers of Kaphavata origin, decoction of Pāțhā along with other drugs like Vacā, Tiktā, Āragvadha, Vatsaka mixed with Pippalī Chūrna. (A.S.Ci.1/86)

In the chapter on Kāsa Chikitsitam, Pāțhā along with other drugs is used to cure cough, dyspnoea, pain in heart and flanks diseases of duodenum and abdominal tumors. (A.S.Ci.4/5-6), Similarly, Pāțhā and other drugs like shunthi, shati, murvā etc. is macerated in hot water with hingu and saindhava and taken as drink in kapha kasa. (A.S.Ci.4/63-64)

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

In the Chapter, kshata kshāyakāsa chikitsitam (treatment of traumatic and tubercular cough), Decoction of Pāțhā along with other drugs is made into medicated ghee called kashamardādi ghrita to cure fever, diseases of spleen, and all types of cough and bestows auspiciousness. (A.S.Ci.5/113-114) In the Chapter, Śvāsa – Hidhmā Chikitsitam, Pāțhā, Madhurasā, Dāru and Saralā are used in dyspnoea and cough. (A.S.Ci.6/31)

In the Chapter on Chardi – hridayaroga – Trishnā Chikitsitam Tryūsanādighrita, in which Pāțhā along with other drugs is used to cure heart diseases, anaemia, and disease of duodenum, cough, dyspnoea and Halīmaka. (A.S.Ci.8/16-48)

In Chapter on Arśas Chikitsitam, Durālabhārista, in which Pāțhā is also one of the ingredients is used to cure piles, duodenal diseases, anemia, heart diseases, jaundice, tuberculosis, fever, spleen diseases, tumors, enlargement of abdomen, dropsy, leprosy, worms, cancer, indigestion, etc.(A.S.Ci.10/20) Similarly,Pāțhā, one of the ingredients of Āmalakārista, is used to cure piles, premature wrinkles of skin, grey hairs and baldness. (A.S.Ci.10/21)

Pāțhā, one of the ingredients of Pīluśukta, is used to cure piles, abdominal tumor, and flatulence, disease of spleen, artificial poisoning and enlargement of abdomen. (A.S.Ci.10/25)Similarly, Pāțhā is one of the ingredients of Mahākshāra, is used to cure piles and artificial poisoning of all types. (A.S.Ci.10/51)

In the Chapter on Atīsāra Chikitsitam, Pāțhā along with other drugs is used in atīsāra if the doshās are of moderate increase. (A.S.Ci.11/4), If the doshās are mild and if patient is hungry he should be given drinks processed with Pāțhā along with other drugs like Hipgu, Jīraka, Yavānī, etc. (A.S.Ci.11/5)

In the Chapter on, Grahaniroga Chikitsitam, Pāțhā along with other drugs, made into powder form, is used to cure duodenal disorder caused by Pitta, bleeding diarrhoea, haemorroids and pain in rectum associated with tenesmus. (A.S.Ci.12/12)similarly, Pāțhā along with other drugs is used to cure duodenal disorders, piles, Viśuchika Alasaka, cough, dysphoea, nasal catarrah, splenic diseases, anaemia, dropsy, diabetes, anorexia and abdominal tumors more effectively. (A.S.Ci.12/16)

In the Chapter on Mūtrāghāta Chikitsitam, Medicated ghee prepared with decoction of drugs of Vīratarādi Gana including Pāțhā is used in breaking the stones quickly caused by Pitta. (A.S.Ci.13/13)

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

In the chapter on, Prameha Chikitsitam, Decoction of Pāțhā along with other drugs is used to cure Kaphaja Prameha. (A.S.Ci.14/6) Similarly, Pāțhā along with other drugs is made into powdered form to cure alliviating diabetes, disease of spleen, Halīmaka, anaemia, dropsy, piles, abdominal tumors and enlargement of abdomen. (A.S.Ci.14/18) In the Chapter on Gūlma Chikitsitam, Pāțhā along with other drugs is used in pain of tumor localized in region of heart, rectum, waist, liver, spleen, genitals, abdominal tumor, piles, dysuria, flatulence, hiccup, constipation, enlargement of scrotum, anorexia, dyspnoea, cough, etc.(A.S.Ci.16/10) Again,Kshāragada-Pāțhā is one of the ingredients used in Gūlma as well as other diseases like epilepsy, insanity, urinary calculi, disorders of uterus and vagina and semen, snake bite, rat bite, artificial poison, etc. (A.S.Ci.16/14)

In the Chapter on Kshavathu Chikitasthana (Rx of dropsy), Pāțhā along with other drugs like dādima, marica, bilvaphala, etc is used to cure dropsy, piles, abdominal tumors, diabetes, and dyspepsia. (A.S.Ci.19/5)

In the Chapter on Kustha Chikitsitam (Treatment of Leprosy),Pāțhā, one of the ingredients of Tiktaka Ghrita cures leprosy, herpes, smallpox, enlargement of glands, scrofula, dropsy, eruptions, bleeding diseases, haemorrhoids, gout, jaundice, anaemia, insanity, burning sensation, thirst, giddiness, itching, skin diseases, sinus ulcers, abdominal tumors, intoxication, blindness, discoloured patches on face, leucoderma, epilepsy, rectal fistula, enlargement of abdomen, menorrhagia, fever, artificial poison, abscess, duodenal disease and heart diseases. (A.S.Ci.21/3), Pāțhā is one of the ingredients of Yogarāja Avaleha. Patient of leprosy after undergoing purificatory therapies and performing auspicious rites should consume it. (A.S.Ci.21/11), Pāțhā, one of the ingredients of Māhāvajaraka Ghrita acts as a lubricant purgative in persons of hard bowels and cures leprosy, leucoderma, splenic disoreder, enlargement of scrotum, urinary calculi, abdominal tumor, etc. (A.S.Ci.21/68-69)Similarly, Pāțhā, one of the ingredients of Māhāvajraka Taila is used to cure leprosy arising from Vāta Kapha, Mandala, Dadra, Kosthakrimi, Pāmā and Vicarcikā. (A.S.Ci.21/103-108)

In the Chapter on Vātavyādhi Chikitsitam, Pāțhā, along with other drugs are used in powder form and dry formentation is also used in powder form and dry formulation is also done. (A.S.Ci.23/32) Similarly, Pāțhā is one of the ingredients of Fancatikta Guggulu Ghrita and cures severe diseases of Vāta even though lodged in the joints, bones and scrofula diseases appearing above shoulders, abdominal tumors, piles, diabetes, pulmonary tuberculosis, anorexia, nasal catarrah, heart disease, anaemia, intoxication, abscess and gout. (A.S.Ci.23/36-39)

In uttarasthana, in Chapter 2, Bālāmaya Pratisedha, Decoction of Pāțhā along with other drugs like devadāru, Saralā, etc. is used in case of breast milk being vitigated by Vāta. (A.S.U.2/11)

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

In Ksīrālasaka, both mother and child should be given decoction of Mustā, Pāțhā, Ativisa, Kustha and Katukā or of Rāsna, Ajamodā, Priyapgu or Pāțhā, Tejovatī, Punarvavā and Vriscikālī or of Bhūnimba, Amrita, Kutajaphala and Sārivā or of Pāţhādi Mahākasāya or Stanyaśuddhikara Gana.(A.S.U.2/18)Similarly, for Stanadosa nivārana, powder of Pāțhā, Mūrvā, Vyosa, Varā, Kolā, Jambūtvak, Dārū, Sarsapa when licked with honey is best to remove the doshās of breast milk(A.S.U.2/30),In Daptodbhedha Vikara Chikitsā, medicated ghee prepared with Pāțhā, Vacā, Brihatī, Katuka, Ativisā, Ghana and drugs of Madhura Varga is proven remedy for diseases due to eruption of teeth. (A.S.U.2/33-35)

In Bālashosa-marasmus, powder of Pāțhā along with Saipdhava, Syosa, and Giri Kadambaka should be given to cure loss of appetite and emaciating child. (A.S.U.2/65-66), Similarly, In Varnavikrti, decoction of Pāțhā along with other drugs given daily gets relieved of diseases arising from eating mud. (A.S.U.2/146)

In the Chapter on Bālagraha Pratisedha (Treatment of Seizures), Decoction of Pāțhā along with other drugs cures all diseases due to seizure by evil spirits, is carminative and bestows strength and colour. (A.S.U.4/11-12)

In the Chapter on Timira Pratisedha (Partial Blindness), Paste of Pāțhā, along with other drugs is used for Tarpana therapy. (A.S.U.16/62)

In the Chapter on Vrana Pratisedha, Pāțhā along with other drugs used in the form of paste, ghee, oil, thick decoction powder and wick gauze for cleansing of ulcers. (A.S.U.30/37-38)

In the Chapter on, Bhagapdara Pratisedha, Pāțhā, one of the ingredients of Vishyapdana Taila, cleanses the wounds and also heals them. (A.S.U.33/44)Similarly, Medicated oil prepared with Pāțhā along with other drugs cleanses the ulcer and also heals it. (A.S.U.33/46)

In the Chapter on Visa Pratisedha, Pāțhā, along with other drugs like Agnika, Amritā, etc. is used in destroying all the poisoning effects. (A.S.U.40/55-56)Similarly, Pāțhā along with other drugs like Triphalā, Ajamodhā, Hipgu, etc. made into a Agada known as Ajita Agada for both Sthāvara and Japgama Visa. (A.S.U.40/101)

In the Chapter on Sarpavisa Pratisedha, Pāțhā along with other drugs like Karavīra, Arkakusuma, root of Lāpgalikā, Kanā, Marica, known as Sārvakārmika Agada is best for treating the poisoning of Vyaptara (cross breed) snakes. (A.S.U.42/39), Again, Pāțhā along with other drugs like Māmsī, Harena, Triphalā, etc. called Ārsabha Agada destroys the poison of poisonous snake. It reduces the fear as well. (A.S.U.42/90-94)

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

In chapter on Viśopadrava Pratisedha, Pāțhā along with other drugs is used to cure cough arising from poisoning. (A.S.U.47/10).In the Chapter on Rasāyana Vidhi (Rejuvinatory Therapy), Pāțhā along with other drugs is used to restoring youth. (A.S.U.49/388) Ashtānga Hridaya Samhita (7th century A.D.) zfs+ kf7fz7L;"iff;'lgif00f;tLghd\ . lqbf]ifWg Nf3' u|fxL ;/fhÔjjf:t'sd\ .. (A.H.Su.6/72) In Sutra Sthan, Leafy vegetables of Pāțhā, Shathi, Sunishanna, included in Shāka Varga in general, mitigates all the three Doshas are easily digestible and stop elimination of the fluid from the body. gŒfmdfnlå/hgLd':td"jf{6/mifsd\ . kf7fkfdfu{sf:ofof]u'8"rLwGjof;sd\ .. (A.H.Su.10/29)

Pāțhā along with other drugs like naktamāla, two Rajani, Mustā, Murvā, etc .form the group of bitters. The two Niśā, the two Brihati, Hapusha, Roots of Pāțhā and Kembuka should be mixed with honey, ghee and oil in equal proportion and other substances. This mixture is taken for different diseases like jaundice, heart diseases, leucoderma, dyspnoea, cough, obstruction in throat and it improves power of thinking and intelligence. (A.H.Su.14/26)

Pāțhā, one of the ingredients of Patolādi Gana along with Patola, Katurohini, and Chandana etc. subjugate Kapha and Pitta. They also cure leprosy, fevers, poisoning, vomiting, anorexia and jaundice. (A.H.Su.15/15), Āragvadhādi Gana (A.H.Su.15/17), Vatsakādi Gana, along with Vatsaka, Murvā, Bhārngi, Katuka, etc. This group of Drugs cures disorders of Vāta, Kapha and Medas, fever, colic, abdominal tumor, etc. (A.H.Su.15/33),Mustādi Gana, along with Mustā, Vacā, Agni, two Nisā, two Tiktā, Triphalā etc. cures the diseases of vagina, breast milk and cooks the malas.(A.H.Su.15/40)

In Shārirasthana, In case of pellet like menstrual blood, the woman should be administered the decoction of Pāțhā, Vyosa and Vrikshaka. (A.H.Sa.1/15) s6'sfltljiffkf7fzfsTjlUwËt]lhgL . tåRr bf]if:oGbfy{ j]bgf]kzdfo r .. (A.H.Sa.2/42) Pāțhā Katukā, Ativishā, Shāka tvak, Hingu and Tejani may be useful for draining out the Doshas and for relief of pain.

In Chikitsāsthāna,Hot infusion or cold infusion prepared from Mustā and Parpata or Shunţhi and Pāțhā, Ushira and Vālaka or Bhunimbaka, Gudūchi, Mustā and Nāgara can be consumed in ripening of Doshās, fever, loss of taste, thirst, bad taste in mouth and indigestion. (A.H.Ci.1/46)

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

Decoction of Pāțhā with other drugs are mentioned for, Anyedhuska jvara. (A.H.Ci.1/49), in fevers of Kapha-vāta origin (A.H.Ci.1/60)

Medicated ghee is prepared from two Sāna each of Kshāra rāsnā, Vacā, Hingu, Pāțhā, Dhānyaka and other plants. This ghee cures cough, dyspnoea, pain in the region of the heart, abdominal tumors, etc.(A.H.Ci.3/4),if there is Pain in the flanks and region of the bladder, mild pitta and digestive power should consume it along with Surā, if there is diarrhoea, it should be consumed with Mustā, Ativisā, Pāțhā and Vatsaka. (A.H.Ci.3/74), one pala each of Dashamula, Balā, Murvā, two Haridrā, two Pippali, Pāțhā, Ashvagandhā, etc. are the Haritaki Rasāyana. (A.H.Ci.3/133)

Pāțhā is one of the ingredients of medicated ghee called Chavikādi Ghrita, used for the patient suffering from Kshayakāsa (A.H.Ci.3/241), Kāshamardādi Ghrita, best cure for fever, enlargement of spleen and all types of cough. (A.H.Ci.3/162)

Pāțhā, Madhurasā, Dāru and Saralā are soaked in Surāmanda and kept overnight. Next morning it should be consumed in the dose of one Prasrita, adding a little of salt for treatment of dyspnoea and hiccup. (A.H.Ci.4/31) Paste of Gajakanā, Pāțhā, Kāravi, Panchakola, Tumbaru, Ajāji, Dhānikā and marrow of Bilva are used to prepare sour syrup of fruits – prepared by these drugs are Carminatives. (A.H.Ci.8/50) Similarly, Pāțhā consumed along with Dusspars, Bilvā, Yavāni or Nāgara each one separately cures the pain of the piles. (A.H.Ci. 8/64) Similarly, Pāțhā is made into decoction called Durālabhārista. (A.H.Ci.8/70)

Medicated ghee should be prepared with drugs of Panchakola, Abhayā, Kshāra, Yavāni, Bida, Saindhava, Pāțhā, Dhānya, and Maricha are used to cure problems related to groins, dysentery, and prolapse of the rectum, dysuria and slimy discharge from the rectum. (A.H.Ci.8/75)

Vartaka processed with sours should be administered in obstruction of faeces. Tender leaves of Vāstuka, Agni, Trivrit, Dānti, Pāțhā, Amlikā and other greens which mitigate Kapha and Vāta. (A.H.Ci.8/80) Similarly, Powder of Yavāni, Indrayava, Pāțhā, Bilva, Shunţhi, and Rasānjana is useful in pain caused by Vāta and copius bleeding. (A.H.Ci.8/115) Again,Powder of one Pala each of Pāțhā, Mādri, Durālabhā, Amlavidula, Vyosā, Tvak, Elā, Ullaka, Sprikkā kola, Lavanga, Agnika etc. – known as Pīluphala Cukra cures piles, especially as also abdominal tumors. (A.H.Ci.8/149), Pāțhā is one of the ingredients of Dasamulādi guda. (A.H.Ci.8/151)

The patient who has moderate Doshas should obstain from paste of Bida, Pāțhā, Vacā, Pathyā, Krimijit and Nāgara or of Sunthi, Ghana-vachā, Madri, bilva, Vatsaka and Hingu. (A.H.Ci.9/7), Laghu Panchamula or of Panchakola and Pāțhā should be given for Grāhi, Dipana and Pāchana.

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

(A.H.Ci.9/13)In the same chapter, Khala prepared with the paste of Maricha, Dhanikā, Ajāji, Tintidika, Sāthi, Bida, Dādima, Dhātaki, Pāțhā, Triphalā, Panchakola, etc. is carminative, digestive and absorbent. It enhances taste and cures Bimbis. (A.H.Ci.9/26) If diarrhoea persists, rice wash mixed with paste of Pāțhā, Vatsaka bija, Dārvitvak, Granthika and Shunthi should be given to drink or a decoction of Ativisā, Bilvā, Vatsaka, Udichya and Mustā. (A.H.Ci.9/58), Similarly Pāțhā, Mocharasa, Dhātaki, Bilva and nāgara consumed mixed with Guda and Takra destroys diarrhoea through very severe. (A.H.Ci.9/109)

Pippali, Nāgara, Pāțhā, Sārivā, the two Brihati, Chitraka, Kutaja, Kshāra and the five Lavana are used for increasing the strength of the digestive fire. (A.H.Ci.10/12), Similarly, Powder prepared with Nāgara, Ativisā, Mustā, Pāțhā, Bilva, etc. is beneficial for duodenal disease of Pitta origin. (A.H.Ci.10/39) Again, Pāțhā one of the ingredients of Chandanādi ghrita, used for duodenal diseases of Pitta origin. (A.H.Ci.10/41) lxË'ltŒfmfjrfdfb|Lkf7]Gb|ojuf]If'/d\======k6'k~rsd\ . (A.H.Ci.10/53) One Karsa each of Hingu, Tiktā, Vachā, Mādri, Pāțhā, Indrayava and Panchakola – one Pala each of the five salts, two Kudava each of ghee and oil and other medicinal plants make powdered, cures all diseases arising from Vāta and Kapha, poison and artificial poisoning.

Medicated ghee – mentioned in Pittaja Asmarī Chikitsā – is prepared with the decoction of Bhalluka, Pātali, Pāțhā, Pattura, and Kurantaka, the two Punarnava and Shirisa and paste of seeds of Trapusa, etc. (A.H.Ci.11/23)

In increase of Kapha, Decoction of Pāțhā, Vidanga, Arjuna and Dhanvana should be taken. (A.H.Ci.12/7),The two Visala, Chaturjāta, Bhunimba, Pushkarmula, Pāțhā, Granthi, Chavya and Phalatraya and other medicinal plants are made into decoction which is beneficial for diabetes, leucoderma, leprosy, etc.(A.H.Ci.12/26) Again, Pāțhā, Chitraka, Sharngesthā, Sarivā, Kantakārikā, Saptāhvā, root of Kutaja, Somavalkā and Nripadruma should be powdered and linked with honey. It is beneficial for diabetes, leprosy, leucoderma, etc. (A.H.Ci.12/42)

Nice powder is prepared with equal quantities each of Hingu, Vachā, Vijayā, Pashugandhā, Dādima, etc. This cures the pain of the region of the heart, flanks, urinary bladder, upper back, etc.(A.H.Ci.14/31) Similarly, Pāțhā one of the ingredients of Ksharagada – is beneficial for epilepsy, haemorrhoids, enlargement of the abdomen, intestinal worms, etc. (A.H.Ci.14/103)

Medicated ghee prepared with decoction of Pāțhā, and other drugs like, Vidanga, Devadāru, Vrishikāli, Bhārgni etc. added with equal quantity of milk and ghrita. (A.H.Ci.16/36)

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

Yavānaka, Yavakshāra, Yavani, Panchakola, Maricha, Dādima, Pāţhā, Dhānyaka, etc make decoction which cures edema, haemorrhoids, abdominal tumor and diabetes. (A.H.Ci.17/11) Similarly, Pāțhā, bhunimba, Panchakola, etc. made into powder and consumed with warm water cures oedema arising from all the three Doshas, long standing and greatly advanced (A.H.Ci.17/39)

Pāțhā, the two Rajani, two Sārivā, and other medicinal plants are made into decoction as Mahātiktakā Ghrita. (A.H.Ci.19/8), Pāțhā is one of the ingredients of, Mahavajraka ghrita (A.H.Ci.19/19), Bhūnimbādi Chūrna, taken in case of leprosy, diabetes and loss of tactile sensation. (A.H.Ci.19/33) lqj[tf+ lrqs+ kf7fdhfhL+ ;/n+ jrfd\ . :j0f{IfL/L+ r x]dGt] r"0f{d'i0ffDa'gf lkj]t\ . (A.H.Ka.2/26) In kalpasthan,Trivrit, Chitraka, Pāțhā, Ajāji, Saralā, Vacā and Swarnakshiri- all powdered together and consumed with warm water is suitable for Hemanta.

Koshātaki, Āragvadhā, Devdāru, Murvā, Svadamstrā, Kuţaja, Arka and Pāțhā, Kulattha and Brihati are boiled in water and ten Prasruta of decoction prepared. Other medicinal plants are also added, which is used for disease of Kapha origin, poor digestion, etc. (A.H.Ka.4/17) Similarly, Pāțhā, used for siddha basti is beneficial for Kapha origin diseases, anaemia, obstruction to semen and flatus, constipation, etc. (A.H.Ka.4/35)

In uttarasthan, Medicated ghee prepared with Ajakshira (goat's milk), Abhayā, Vyosa, Pāțhā, Ugra, Sigru and Saindhava, known as Sārasvata sarpis confers good speech intelligence, memory and digestive capacity. (A.H.U.1/450) cyjf˜lUgjrfkf7fs6'sfs'i7bLKosd \. ;efuL{bf/m;/nj[lZrsfnLs0ff]0fd\ . (A.H.U.2/10) When the breast milk is vitiated by Vāta, the mother should drink the decoction of Dashamula for 3 days or decoction of Agni, Vachā, Pāțhā, Katukā, Kushţha, Dipyakā, and Bhārgni etc. ljlxtfof+ r ;+;Uof{======dflb|kf7fltQmf3gfdofg\ ..@$.. Kff7fz'07\od[tfltQm======:tGobf]ifx/f M k/d\ .. @% .. The breast milk vitiated by three Doshas, both the mother and child should be treated with Vamana immediately, suitable Samsarjana processed with drugs of either Vachādi Gana, Nisādi Gana or with Mādri, Pāțhā, Tiktā, Ghanā, and Āmayā should be consumed. Pāțhā, Sunthi, Amritā, Tiktā, Devāhvya, Sārivā, Mustā and Indrayava – these drugs are best to remove the vitiations of breast-milk. (A.H.U.2/24-25)

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

Medicated ghee prepared with Vachā, the two Brihati, Pāțhā, Katukā, Atibishā, Ghana and Madhra is efficient for providing good eruption of teeth. (A.H.U.2/37), Powder of Saindhava, Vyosa, Sārngestā, Pāțhā and Girikadambaka, mixed with honey and ghee should be given to the emaciated child having loss of taste, etc. (A.H.U.2/46) Similarly, Medicated ghee prepared with the decoction of Pāțhā, along with other drugs like, Vellā, the two Rajani, Bilva, Chikāli licked in appropriate doses cures the child with diseases produced by eating mud. (A.H.U.2/76)

Medicated ghee is prepared with decoction of Rāsnā, Chitraka, Pāțhā, Vidanga, Madhuka, Sārivā, Chitraka, Pāțhā, vidanga, etc. This ghee is consumed continuously by the child to cure all common diseases. (A.H.U.3/52)

In Osthakopa caused by Kapha, blood should be removed from the lips, and the paste of Pāțhā, Kshāra, Madhu and Vyosā should be rubbed, Bhuma, Nāvana and Gandusa therapies which mitigate Kapha should be administered. (A.H.U.22/8) Similarly, paste of Pāțhā and other drugs is beneficial for gargling. (A.H.U.22/38), In Galasundi Chikitsā, after cutting the site should be rubbed with the paste of Maricha, Ativishā, Pāţhā, Vacā, Kustha, Kutannata, Patu, added with honey, gargling should be done with decoction of Katukā, Ativisā, Pāțhā, Nimba, Rāsnā and Vachā. Tālupupputa Karma should be treated by scraping in the same manner. (A.H.U.22/49- 50), Fine powder of Pāțhā, Dārvi, Tvak, Mustā, Samangā, etc. mixed with honey and rubbed to the gums cures the pain, inching, ulceration and discharges. (A.H.U.22/98), Pāțhā, Vyosa, Kshāra, Agni, Varā and Tejohavā etc. –are powdered nicely mixed with honey and applied to the mouth is ideal in diseases of mouth, teeth and throat. This is known as Kālaka Chūrna. (A.H.U.22/99)

Medicated oil prepared with Jyotismati, Malayu, Lāngali, Selu, Pāțhā, Kumbha, Agni, Sarja, Karavira, Vachā, Sudhā, and Arka and used for anointing the rectal fistula is said to be highly beneficial for it. (A.H.U.28/34), Similarly, Pāțhā, Suryavalli, Amritā, Abhayā, Selu, Shirisa, Kinihi, the two Haridrā, Khsaudrasāhva, and other medicinal plants boiled in water and decoction prepared, cures all poisons. (A.H.U.35/21), Again, Flowers and roots of Karavira, Arka, Lāngali and Kākanikā along with Pāțhā and Maricha are made into a paste with fermented rice wash and consumed. This Sārvakārmika Agada is best for bites of Vyantara snakes. (A.H.U.36/71)

Vacā, Hingu, Vidanga, Saindhava, gajapippali, Pāțhā, Prativishā and Vyosha are turned into nice paste, and rolled into pills. This Dashānga Agada formulated by Kāsyapa cures the poison of all kinds of insects. (A.H.U.37/28) Similarly, Mandara Agada is made by Apāmārga, Dārvi, Gairika, Elā, Maricha, ghee and honey, etc. (A.H.U.37/74)

Uf|lGye"t] lkj]t\ kf7f+ œo"if0f+ j[Ifsfl0f r . (A.H.Sa.2/14)

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

In Sharirsthana, In case of appearance of clots of blood (Granthi) in place of the healthy menstrual fluid decoction or a pulverized compound of Pāțhā, Tryusana and Vrikshaka is indicated.

Kāshyapa Samhita/Vriddha jivaka tantra (12-13th Century)

In Chikitsāsthana on Udāvartachikitsa, Pāțhā is mentioned with Kusţha, Hingū, Bilva, etc. in the preparation of Nārachak Chūrna for the treatment of Ānāha, Sula, Gūlma, fistula in anus and piles. (Ci.8/4)

In Siddhisthāna, Pāțhā is mentioned in Kapha roga along with combination with other drugs like Triphalā, Devdāru, Karanja, etc. (Si.8/21)

In Kalpasthāna Pāțhā along with other drugs like Nāgarmothā, Devdāru, Triphalā, Vacā, etc. called Mustādi Gana; they are Sodhak, Sāmaka, Tridoshanāsak and Agnidipak. (Page no 222) Similarly in same chapter Pāțhā along with other drugs like Triphalā, Katurohini, Neem, Patola, trikatā, Giloya, Vacā, etc. is made into decoction which is used to cure Kaphaj diseases.(page no 222), Again,Pāțhā along with other drugs like Amaltāsa, Vacā, Neem, Parval, Kuţaja, Triphalā, etc. is used in curing Sannipātaj jwor. It also cures stiffness, swelling, Ādhamān, heaviness, chest injury, Manyāsthambha. (Page no 223), in the same chapter, Pāțhā along with other drugs are made into Katusarpi Ghrita, which is used in curing Sannipātaj Jvor. (Page no 223)

In Khilasthāna, In chapter Viseshnirdeshiya adhyāya, Pāțhā along with other drugs like Dashmoola, Rāsna, Pippalī, etc. is included in Samaniya (Pacifying) medicines. (2/57), Pāțhā along with other drugs is listed in Saman-sodhana drugs. (2/61), Pāțhā and Bilva are used in Raktagūlma. (6/75)

शा敍चगष्णं ब셁वां ऩाठां न啍तभारं सवत्सकभ ्तनम्फभाय嵍वोधोशशयभासतु ं भधुना हदफेत ्।(11/132) Pāțhā along with other drugs is made Āsav, which is used to cure pittaj Sutikā Jvor. (11/111), Decoction of Pāțhā with other drugs like Phālasa, Triphalā, Sāriva, etc. is used in curing Sannipātaj jvor.

In Chapter Visarpachikitsā, Pāțhā along with other drugs is made into decoction and then in paste form in Shlesmikvisarpa. (Page no 329), In chapter Charmadalchikitsa, Pāțhā along with other drugs is used as paste to cure Charmadala. (15/17)

In Chapter Sothachikitsā, Pāțhā along with chitraka, Amaltāsa, Mūrvā, Bidanga, Amalā, Haritāki, Pippalī, and Sārivā is made into Kashaya and drunk with Madhu in Kaphajshotha. (17/69)

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

Similarly, Pāțhā with Devdāru, ginger and Pushkarmūla is made decoction in cow's urine that is drunk to cure Shotha (15/70). Again, Pāţhā along with other drugs is used in Shleshmika Shotha. (15/71)

Pāțhā in Chikitsa Granthas

Chakra datta (11th Century)

काशर敍गं क絍परं भुस्तं ऩाठा तत啍तकयोहण । ऩ啍कं सशकपयं ऩ तं ऩाचनं ऩैपत्तके 煍वये ।(Jvara/77)

In Chapter on Pittajvarachikitsa, Decoction of pāțhā along with other drugs is useful in pittaj jvara.

...... भारयचैराजभोदेन्रऩाठायेणुकज यकभ ्।(Jvara/97) In Chapter on Kaphajjvarachikitsa, Pāțhā is included in Pippalyādi Ganā, Kasāya of it is useful in cough, cold, Arochaka, fever, abdominal distention, pain, Āma Dosha. Decoction is mostly useful as Kaphanāshak and Jatharāgnidipak.

ऩटोरं चन्दनं भूवाप तत啍ता ऩाठाभृतागएभ पऩत्तश्रेष्भा셂चच楍छहदपदाहकु ण्डूपवषाऩह: ।(Jvara/119) In Chapter on Pittashleshmajvara chikitsa, Pāțhā along with other drugs is used in Pittashlesmic jvara, indigestion, vomiting, burns, itching and Vishadosha vikara.

....ककयाततत啍तकभं ऩाठा फरा कटुकयोहहण भधकु ं पऩ्ऩरीभूरं भुसता饍दो गण उ楍चते ।(Jvara/173, 175, 184) In Chapter on Sannipatajjvara chikitsa, Decoction of Pāțhā along with other drugs is used in Sannipatajjvor. Also it is used in Manyāstambha, Uroghāt, Urograha, Pārsvograha, and Sirograha.

Decoction of Pāțhā along with other drugs of Shatyadiganakasāya is useful in Sannipataj jvara, cough, heart diseases, asthma and Tandrā. (Page no 19, sloka no 175)

Pāțhā, along with other drugs of Matulungādikasāya, if used with Lavana and cow's urine, is useful in Abhinyas jvara and cures Ānahashula. (Page no 19, sloka 184)

सन्तताहदहया:ऩजचकषामा:……………..ऩटोरं शारयवा भुस्तं ऩाठा कटुकयोहहण ।(Page 21, Sloka 200)

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

In Chapter vishamjvara chikitsa, Decoction of Pāțhā along with other drugs is useful in all types of fever.

ऩाठेन्द्रमवबूतनम्फभुस्तऩऩपवकाभृता: . . . ।(Page 31, Sloka 3) In Chapter jvorātisār, Kasāya of Pāțhā along with other drugs is useful in diarrhoea as well as fever.

Pāțhā included in Guduchyādikasāya if used, is helpful in jvarātisāra, vomiting tendency, lack of appetite, vomiting, thirst and for healing the wounds caused by burn. (Page 32, Sloka 6)

...... ऩाठाबूतनम्फहह्रवेय कु टजत्कपरै:श्रतभ ्।(Page 32, Sloka 10) Panchamulyadikwāth, in which decoction of Pāțhā along with other drugs is useful in diarrhoea, fever, vomiting, shūla, swāsa, kāsa.

श्वद्रंष्टा पऩ्ऩरी धान्मं पव쥍व ऩाठामभातनका ।(Page 32, Sloka 13) Vatsakādishwodanshtradikasāya-Pāțhā along with other drugs is useful in Jvarātisāra and burns.

भुस्तकत्रफ쥍वा तपवषाऩाठाबूस्न्भफवत्सकै : . . . काऺ ।(Page 32, Sloka 16) Decoction of Pāțhā along with other drugs called Mustādikwāth is useful in fever and diarrhoea.

...... चचिकं योहहण ऩाठां दापवपभततपवषां सभाभ ्।(Page 33, Sloka 22) Powder of pāțhā along with other drugs called Vyoshadhyūrnam is useful in digestion and Grāhi, thirst, jvarātisāra, jaundice, Sangrahani and Shotha.

Decoction of pāțhā along with other drugs called Vidangādikasāya is useful in Shotha and diarrhoea. (Page 34, Sloka 27)

In Chapter on Atisārchikitsa Pāțhā along with other drugs made into peya, bilepi, yush – useful in diarrhoea. (Page 35, Sloka 50), in the same chapter Pāțhā mula along with other drugs called Kutajādikasāya is used in painful Āmātisār, Raktātisār and Pichchātisār. (Page 39, Sloka 45), Pāțhā along with other drugs in decoction form called Vidangadikwāth is useful in shotha and Atisār. (Page 41, Sloka 60), Pāțhā mula along with other drugs in powder form called Bilvādichurnam is used in painful diarrhoea. Its dose is 1 – 2 gm (Page 41, Sloka 64)

In Chapter on Grahanichikitsa, Pāțhā along with other drugs in powder form is useful in diarrhoea and painful Grahani. (Page 47, Sloka 12) Similarly, Pāțhā along with other drugs in

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070 powdered form called Nāgarādhyamchurnam is used in Sangrahani, Shūla, and Pravahikā. (Page 47, Sloka 14)

Powdered pāțhā along with other drugs called pāțhādhyamchurnam is useful in vomiting, fever, diarrhoea, Shula, Sangrahani, Arochaka and Agnimandhya. (Page 48, Sloka 28) Pāțhā along with other drugs mentioned in Changerighritam is used in Sangrahani, dysuria, Pravāhikā, Gudabhramsa, Shula and Ānaha. (Page 50, Sloka 44)

In Chapter Arshachikitsa,Pāțhā along with other drugs in powdered form mentioned in Bijayachurnam, useful in Kāsha, Shotha, piles, fistula, Hridayashula, anaemia, vātajgulma, Udararoga, Āmadosha, Udavarta, Āntravridhi, worms, Sangrahani, Māhājvara and diarrhoea. (Page 63, Sloka 68)

चण्मं त्रिकु टुकं ऩाठां ऺायं कु स्तुम्फु셁र्ण च: . . . ।। (Page 65, Sloka 97) Pāțhā along with other drugs mentioned in Chabyadhyam ghritam is used in Malavata, Pravāhikā, Gudabhramsa, Mutrakrichya, Gudāsrava, Gudāshula, etc.

In Chaper Agnimandhya chikitsa, Pāțhā mentioned in ksharaguda is used in indigestion, anaemia, spleen, Shotha, Shlesmajanit diseases, cough, Arochaka, Agnimandhya, Uroghata, leprosy, Prameha, Gūlma. (Page 80, Sloka 61)

. . . भुस्तान्ममोयजं: ऩठां पवड敍ग देवदा셂 च । (Page 93, Sloka 56) In Chapter on Panduroga chikitsa Pāțhā along with other drugs is useful in anaemia.

चचिदेन्द्रवा:ऩाठा कटकाततपवषाबमा: भहाव्माचधप्रशभतो मोग:षड्ग्धयण:स्भृत: ।(Page 149, Sloka 4) In chapter on vātavyādhichikitsa, Chitraka, Indrajau, Pāțhāmula, Kutaki, Atish and Badi Harad – these compositions is called Shaddharan Yoga, used in Māhāvyādi (Meda-Kaphavrita Vatavyādhi).

Pāțhā along with other drugs in powdered form called Hingwadhyachurnam is used in parswoshula, heart pain, Bastisula, Vātakaphapradhan Gūlma, Ānāha, Mutrakrichchhra, Gudāshūla, Yonishula, Sangrahani, spleen, anaemia, anorexia, Urobandha, hiccup, cough, dyspnoea, Galagraha. Its dose is 1 – 2 māsā. (Page 214, Sloka 33)

In chapter Hridog chikitsa, Pāțhā along with other drugs is used in powdered form called Pāţhādichurnam, is used in Gūlma, Shula and heart diseases. Its dose is 1 – 2 māsa with Luke warm water. (Page 222, Sloka 19)

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

Pāţhāmula in decoction called Brihatyādikwath is used in Mutrakrichchhra. (Page 225, Sloka 15)

In Ashmari chikitsa, Pāțhā along with other drugs mentioned in Krishadhyam Ghritam is used in Pittaj Asmari. (Page 231, Sloka 14)

In Chapter on Prameha chikitsa, Pāțhā along with other drugs is used in Jalameha, Ikshumeha, Siktameha, Sanairmeha, Lavanameha, Pistameha and Sādrameha. (Page 235, Sloka 7), in Hastimehachikitsa (Page 235, Sloka 7) Similarly, Bidangadhya Lauham in Hastimehachikitsha used in Paitik Prameha, Vātaj Prameha and Kaphaj Prameha. (Page 237, Sloka 32)

In Chapter Sthaulya chikitsa, Pāțhā along with other drugs are used in all types of Prameha. It is tonic, Kantivardhaka, Ayushkar, Balavardhak and best aphrodisiac. (Page 241, Sloka 6)

ऩुननपवा दावपभृता ऩाठा पव쥍वं श्वदंस्ष्द्रका । ……………………………।(Page 248, Sloka 52) In Chapter Udarachikitsa, Powder of pāțhā with other drugs called Punarnawādi Churnam is used in Shotha, along with eight types of Udara roga and wounds. Its dose is 1 – 2 māsa with cow's urine 1 tolā.

अजास्जऩाठाधनऩजचकोरष्मोघ्र यजन्म: सुखतोमव ता: । …………………………………..।(Page 254, Sloka 9) In Chapter Sotha chikitsa, Pāțhā included in Ajyajyādi Chūrnam cures Tridosha Janit, Atidarun Shotha.

In Chapter on Filariasis Treatment Pāțhā is one of the ingredients of Saureshwor Ghritam, used in mixed types of Kaphavātaj, Manśa, Rakta, Meda and Pittajanit Filariasis. Also cures indigestion, goitre, Āntravriddhi, Arbuda, Sangrahani, Shotha, piles. (Page 270, Sloka 25)

In Chapter on Bhagandarchikitsa, Pāțhā is one of the ingredients of Bisyandantail. Use of this oil is good for Bhagandara. This oil is also useful in vranasodhaka, vranaropak and vrana Bibarnata. (Page 285, Sloka 21)

In Chapter on Leprosy Treatment, Pāțhā is one of the ingredients of Panchanimbachurnam used in leprosy, Kilāsh, Bhagandar, filariasis, Vātarakta, Nādivrana, Siro roga. All types of Prameha, Pradara, Dramtavisajanit vikara and Mulavisajanit vikara. (Page 300, Sloka 77)

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

Pāțhā is one of the ingredients of Mahatiktam Ghritam used in leprosy, Raktapitta, piles, Bisarpa, Amlapitta, Vātarakta, anaemia, Vishphotaka, scabies, Unmāda, jaundice, pyrexia, itching, heart diseases, Gūlma, Pidakā, Raktapradar and Gandamālā. (Page 302, Sloka 103)

In chapter on Bisharpa – Bishphot Treatment Pāțhā is one of the ingredients of Patolādi Decoction which cures Pittashlesmajvara, itching, skin Dosha, Bishphot. (Page 313, Sloka 22)

In Masurikā Chikitsa, Pāțhā is one of the ingredients of Nimbakādi decoction which cures Bisharpajanit tridoshaj Masurikā. (Page 319, Sloka 18), In Danta Roga Chikitsā, Pāțhā is one of the ingredients of Kusthādichurnam which cures bleeding, itching and pain of gums and teeth. (Page 334, Sloka 2)

Pāțhā with other drugs in Vacādikashaya Dhāranam is used as Kawal. (Page 338, Sloka 11)

...... ऩाठाभुस्तकशर敍गका:गोभूि啍वचथता:ऩेमा: कण्ठयोगपवनाशना: ।(Page 341, Chapter 29) In Kantha Roga Chikitsa, Pāțhāmula along with Atisha, Devdāru, etc. drugs if prepared with cow's urine, cures Kantha diseases. (Page 339, Sloka 12)Similarly, Powder of pāțhāmula along with other drugs, called Rasanganādi Churnam, is used to cure Mukhapāka.

In Nāsā Roga Chikitsa, Pāțhāditailam is used to cure Pinās. (Page 350, Sloka 9)

In Asrīgdara Chikitsa, Pāțhā is main ingredient of Pushyānuga Churnam, used to cure Asrigdar, Raktātisār, Raktapradar, Raktasrava, Doshaj and Āgantuk Striroga, Kil, Pita, Krishna and Arun varna Pradara. Its one dose is 1 – 2 māsā. (Page 381, Sloka 13)

ऩाठारा敍गशरशसहं ास्मभमुयकजतै: ऩृथक नाशबवस्स्तबगारेऩात ्सुख ंनायी प्रसूमते । (Page 390, Sloka 12) In Stri Roga Chikitsa, Pāțhā is one of the ingredients of Sukhaprasabkarā Yogā.

धाि स्तन्मपवशु饍हमथे भुद्रमूषयसाशशन बागॉका셂वचाऩाठा:पऩफेत ् साततपवषा: श्रतृ ा:।(Page 393, Sloka 49) Pāțhā along with other drugs like Bhārangi, Devdāru, Vacā and Atish is made into decoction used in Stanyasodhana (caused due to Kapha).

In chapter Balaroga chikitsa, Pāțhā is one of the constituents of Petipāțhādipinda to decrease the flow of vomiting and diarrhoea. (Page 398, Sloka 30)

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

In chapter Viśa Chikitsa Pāțhā along with other drugs (like Vacā, Hingu, etc.) is made into decoction called Dashānga Agada and used for Kitvisa, Jalaukā viśa. (Page 410, Sloka 29In Lohasya Bhanupakbidhi, Kasaya of Pāțhāmula Patolapatra, Triphalā, Mothā, etc. is made and shilajit is purified, which is used in Pitta and Kapha related diseases. (Page 434)

Gada nigraha (12th Century) In first part of this book, in chapter Ghritādhikār, Pāțhā (2 types- laghu and rajpāțhā) mentioned in Harita-Varnita katuka Ghrita is used to cure jirnajvor; also useful to heart, spleen disease, grahani, cough, dyspnoea,piles, etc.(1/26), Pāțhā is mentioned in Chāngeri Ghrita (1/27), Chāngeri Ghrita, described by Agnivesha is used in Gudabhramsha, pravāhikā, piles and dysuria.(1/32), Triphalādhya Ghrita, to cure leprosy.(1/87), Chabhyādhya Ghrita is used in gudabhramsa, gudasula(1/62), kumārkalyānak Ghrita described by Kharanāda is used as brain tonic, ENT disease; it increases complexion. It also acts as rasāyana. (1/104) Bijapurakadhyāya Ghrita is used in shūla, fistula, and hoarseness of voice, prameha, piles and cough (1/112), Māha Bajraka Ghrita is used in kusţha, described by Vagbhata. It is also useful in kusţha, svitra, splenomegaly, gulma.(1/156) Māhā Tikta Ghrita, described by Agnivesa, is used in leprosy, erysipelas, Amlapitta, Raktapitta, Anaemia, Gulma, Visphotaka, scabies, Unmāda, jaundice, worms, itching, heart diseases, fever, hiccup, Gandamāla and Raktapradar.(1/162), II Māhātikta Ghrita, described by Jatukarna (1/170), II Māhātikta Ghrita, described by Jatukarna (1/194) Bindu Ghrita, described by Krishna Tayodasi.(1/222), Guggulu Panchatikta Ghrita, is used in leprosy.(1/262), Panchagavya Ghrita is used in Apasmara, kshaya, svāsa, unmāda(1/320) Māhapanchagavya Ghrita is used in jvor, shotha, Anaemia, splenomegaly, piles, fistula, udararoga, gulmaroga, jaundice.(1/325), Māhātikta Ghrita is used in gout, erysipelas, Raktasrāva, Raktapitta, jaundice, itching.(1/403)

Pāțhā mentioned in Syonāka Taila is used in Vātavyādhi. (2/122), Māhāmāsa Taila is used in Vatavyādhi, Ardita, stiffness, sciatica. (2/150), Chitrakādhya Taila is used in fistula in ano. (2/178), ShirishadhyaTaila is used in shośha (tuberculosis). This Taila is also useful in Apasmara, Unmāda, Apatanak, sciatica, Ardita, Gulma, Visarpa, burn, anaemia. (2/284) Dyupanchamuladhya Taila is used in Urusthamba, gout. (2/494)

Pāțhā mentioned in Hingwadhya Chūrna is used in Gūlma roga. This churna is also effective for Parswosūla, Hridyasūla, Vastisūla, Ānāha, dysuria, Gudapidā, Yonipidā, Grahani, piles, splenomegaly, anaemia, anorexia, cough, hiccup, Galagraha (3/1) Brihat Agnimukh Chūrna is used in Grahani, anaemia, cough, dyspnoea, Rhinitis, abscess, gout, leprosy, piles, and skin

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070 diseases (3/128), Kālaka Churna is used in Galaroga(3/128) Jivantyādhyam Chūrna is used in cough(3/181), Nāgaradhya Chūrna is used in Grahani(3/188), Pushyanuga Chūrna is used in Yoni roga. It can also be used in piles, diarrhoea, Raktātisār if taken with honey (3/193) Pāţhādhya Chūrna is used in Shotha and leprosy (3/214), and Vyosādhya Chūrna is used in jworātisār. This Chūrna is also used in jaundice, Grahani, Gūlma, splenomegaly, Prameha, anaemia, Shotha (3/310), Krishādhya Chūrna is used in Shotha (3/314).

In chapter Gūtikādhikār, Pāțhā mentioned in Kshāragutikā is used in consumption. It is also useful in splenomegaly, Svītra, Halimak, piles, anaemia, Arochak, Shotha, Bishuchikā, and Gūlma. (4/62), Ankola Vatikā (4/82), Brihat Ankola Gūtikā, is used in all types of diarrhoea (4/84), Marichādhya Gūtikā is used in Galaroga (4/150) Brihat Siva Gūtikā is used in chronic tuberculosis. Also using it for 1 year cures gout. It also cures fever, Yonidosha, Sukradosha, splenomegaly piles, anaemia, heart diseases, Grahani, vomiting, Gūlma, hiccup, Swaasa, sinusitis, etc.(4/220), Bilvadhya Guggulu is used in Vātavyādhi (4/325),Pāțhā is mentioned in Pravāvati Vatika.(4/429)

In chapter Lehādhikār Pāțhā mentioned in Chitrakavaleha is used in piles. It also cures splenomegaly, Gūlma, Udararoga. Bhallātakavaleha is used in piles (5/36), Kalyānaka Gudavaleha is used in Grahani. It is also useful in anaemia, Udararoga, Gūlma, fistula (5/41), Agatshya Haritaki Avaleha is used in Kāsaroga (5/62) Similarly, Pāțhā mentioned in Madhupāka vidhi is used in Grahani. It also cures Anorexia, diarrhoea, thirst, Amlapitta, vomiting and heart diseases (5/158), Kutajāstak Avaleha is used in diarrhoea, Grahanidosha, Raktapitta, Raktātisār, Raktapradar. (5/334)

In chapter Āsavādhikār, Pāțhā, one of the ingredients of II Abhayārista is used in Grahani, spleen, heart disease, anaemia, jaundice, and enteric fever, cough, dyspnoea and Udavarta.(6/81), Pilvāsava, is used in piles, Gūlmas.(6/177), Kharjurāsav is useful in cholera, tuberculosis, heart diseases, cough, hiccup, Sotha, Swāsa, Prameha, anaemia, etc.(6/266), ingredients of Lohāsava, along with other drugs like Nimba, Bidanga, guduchi, etc. is one of the best medicines in all types of diseases. (6/372)

द:ु स्ऩशपककन त्रफ쥍वेन मवान्मा नागयेण वा । एकै के नापऩ संम啍ु ता पाठा हन्त्मशपसं셂ज: ।(Page 223, Sloka 93) In the second part of this book, in chapter arshodhikār, Pāțhāyoga is mentioned in which Pāțhā Chūrna, Yavasa, Bel Ajwoin, etc. are used in piles.

चचिके न्द्रमवा: पाठाकटु काततपवषा बमा: । वातव्माचधप्रशभनो मोग: षड्ग्धयण: स्भतृ : ।(Page 498, Sloka 100)

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

In Vātavyadhi Chikitsa Pāțhā along with other drugs like Chitrak, Indrayava, Kutaki, Atish, and Harro, called Shaddharan Yoga (षड्ग्धयण मोग) is used in Vātavyādhi.

In Chapter Hridayarogachikitsa, Pāțhā mentioned in Pāţhādichurnam used in heart diseases, piles, Shūla, Gūlma, etc.In chapter grahaniroga chikitsa, Pāțhā mentioned in Katukādikalka is used in Paitik Grahani, Raktapitta and Dāha. (Sloka 31), Pāțhā mentioned in Pippalyādhyam Chūrnam is used in Vātagrahani. (Sloka 69)

Shāraogadhar Samhita (13th century)

कषІम:सगडु :ऩ तो वात煍वयपवनाशन: । क絍परेन्द्रामवाऩाठातत啍ताभस्ु त:ै श्रृतं जरभ ्।

In the chapter Qwātha Kalpana, Qwātha of Katphala, Indrayava, Pāțhā, Tiktā, Mustā is given as Pāchana (digestive) on tenth day of severe Pittajwora. (2/9-16)

ऩटोरं चन्दनं भूवापतत啍ताऩाठाभृतागण: ...... । Qwātha of Patola, Chandana, Mūrvā, Pāțhā and other drugs relieves Pitta Shlesma, Jwora (fevers), Chradi (vomiting), Dāha (burning), Kandu (itching) and Visa (poisoning).(2/26) ऩाठानागयतत啍ताशब: पऩ्ऩरीचुणपभु啍श्रतृ भ ्पऩफिोदोष煍वयस्जस्त्ऩऩासाकासदाहनुत ्...... । Pāțhā along with other drugs taken with powder of Pippalī relieves fevers, thirst, cough, burning, delirium, dyspnoea, stupor, Vistambha of Purīsa, obstruction of faeces and urine, vomiting, Consumption, anorexia and is a good carminative digestive.(2/32-34)

Qwāthā of Pāțhā along with other drugs is used in Vāta, Sleshma, fever, mitigates Vāta, coldness produced by exessive sweating, delirium, excess sleep, horripilations, anorexia, tetanus, Apatantra, Shūnya, Gātra (unconsciousness) and all kinds of fevers including 13 types of Sannipātaj jworas (toxic fevers)(2/35-40)

Qwāthā of Guduchī, Dhānyaka, Ushīra, shunthī, Vālaka, Parpata, Bilva, Prativisa, Pāțhā, Raktachandana, Vatsaka, Kirātaka and Indrayava taken cold with honey relieves raktapitta (purpura) and jwarātisāra (fever with diarrhoea).(2/59-60)

कु टजाततपवषाऩाठाघाततककरोघ्रभस्ु तकै । Qwāthā of Kutaja, Ativisā, Pāțhā along with other drugs known as Kutajāstaka Qwāthā, taken with honey and mocharasa relieves Atisāra (diarrhoea) and Āmashūla. (2/65-67)

हह्रफेयघातकीरोध्रऩाठार煍जारवु त्सकै : ।। ...... ।

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

Qwāthā of Pāțhā along with other drugs cures chronic Ātisāra, anorexia, Āmashūlā (colic), pain of bloody diarrhoea, fevers and is digestive in nature.(2/67-69)

"पव쥍वभो चयसाभमां च ऩाठेन्द्रमवत्सकै : । आम्रफजं प्रततपवषा र煍जाररु यतत चूणपततभ ्। In chapter Chūrna Kalpana, Chūrna of Pāțhā along with other drugs likeĀmrabīja, Prativisā, etc. if taken with honey and rice-wash quickly, relieves all varieties of dysentery, diarrhoea, sprue – known as Vrddha Gangādhar Chūrna. (6/19-52)

Pāțhā is used in preparation of Pippalyadi Chūrna along with Pippalī, Vyāghri, etc. and is used in sprue.(6/63-64)Similarly, Lavanatritayadhyam Churnam – along with other drugs, is used to relieve enlargement of liver and spleen, diseases of rectum, abdomen and heart diseases, piles, constipation, dyspepsia, abdominal tumor, splenic enlargement, Udara Roga, hiccup, tympanitis, dyspnoea and cough.(6/97-104)

In Chapter Gutikā Kalpanā, Pāțhā included in Yogarāja Guggulu acts as rasāyana, avoidence of sex, effective in all types of Vātavyādi (nervous disorders), Kustha, piles, diabetes, gout, Nābhishūla, Bhagandar (fistula inano), Gūlma, Urograha, Mandagni (dyspepsia), cough, dyspnoea, Aruchi, barren women to become pregnant, Pāndu-Roga, skin diseases, Shotha, Shūla, Mūsaka Visa (rat poison), eye diseases, etc.(7/56-69)

In Chapter Avaleha Kalpanā, Pāțhā is one of the ingredients of Kutajavaleha, used in curing types of piles, diarrhoea, Arochaka, Grahanī (sprue), anaemia, Raktapitta, jaundice, hyperchlorhydria, Sotha, emaciation, dysentery, etc.(8/38-44)

In Chapter Sneha Kalpanā, Pāțhā along with other drugs is made into Ghrita, known as Changerī Ghrita. It is used to relieve Kāpha, Vāta, sprue, piles, and Ānāha, Gudabhramsha and Pravahikā. (9/21-24), Māhātikta Ghrita is useful in Vātarakta, Kustha, Raktapitta, Rakta Arsha, Pāndu, heart diseases, Gūlma, Visarpa, Pradara (menorrhagia), Gandamālā (scrofula), Kshudraroga and fevers. (9/45-50)

Pāțhā, the two Niśhas, Murvā Pippali tender leaves of Jati and Dantī are cooked with oil and Taila, used as nasal drops and relieves Pīnasa (rhinitis).(9/181-182)

In Chapter Sandana Kalpana, Pāțhā, one of the ingredients of Usīrāsava with other drugs like Valaka, Kashmari, Priyangu, etc. are used in curing Raktapitta, anaemia, leprosy, piles, parasites and oedema. (10/13-17), Pippalyāsava which cures Gūlma, Udara, Kārsya, Grahani, anemia and

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070 haemorrhoids (10/28-33), Vidāpgārista is used to cure Urustambha, Ashmarī, Meha, Pratyasthīlā, Bhagandara, Gandamālā and Hanu-stambha.(10/47-52)

In Uttara Khanda, Pāțhā along with other drugs like Kustha, Dārvī, Tikta, Pītika, Tejani, etc. made into powder, applied to mouth stops bleeding, pain, swelling and toothache. (10/18)

Bhaisajya Ratnāvali (18th century)

The preparations of Pāțhā, mentioned in Bhaisajya Ratnavali are as follows:

Yoga Reference of Bhaisajya Main use Ratnāvali Chapter Sloka no. Pāțhādi Qwātha 6 8 Jvarātisāra Kutaja Kasāya 7 31 Atisār Pāțhyādi Qwātha 7 45 Kaphaja diarrhoea Pāțhādi Chūrnam 7 47 Kaphaja diarrhoea Papchamūlībalādi 7 60 fever, vomiting, Qwātha bronchitis, shūla, etc. Śothangyādi Qwātha 7 77 diarrhoea due to colitis Vidangādi Qwātha 7 78 Shothaja diarrhoea Priśni Parnyādi 7 78 diarrhoea caused by Qwātha fear and grief Bilvādi Chūrnam 7 80 All types of Diarrhoea Panchapallava 8 24-25 Grahani Pāțhādhya Chūrna 8 33-34 Cardiac Rasāyana Madhyama 8 46-49 Fever, Diarrhoea, Gangādhara Chūrnam sprue, G.I problems. (with opium type) Madhyama 8 50-55 chronic diarhoea Gangādhara Chūrnam Gangādhara Chūrnam 8 131-135 Grahani, G.I problems.

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

Kalyāna Guda 8 145-146 Sprue, sterility in women, cough etc. Chavyādya Ghrita 9 188-190 Arsha Vol -II Pāțhādi Qwātha 37 40 Prameha Vol-III Vishyandana Taila 51 36-38 Bhagandara Papchanimba 54 84-88 Kusţha Chūrnam Papchatikta Ghrita 54 233-236 Kusţha, rhinitis, gout Guggulu etc. Mahātikta Ghritam 54 243-249 Kusţha Pushyānuga Chūrnam 66 25-31 Leucorrhoea Pradarāntaka Lauham 66 79-83 Leucorrhoea Balakutaja Avaleha 71 102-104 Bālaroga Kshāra Gutikā 71 734 Bālaroga like, Śvitra, Halīmakā, Pāndūroga, Śhotha, artificial poisoning etc.


Amarkosha (5th Century A.D) ऩाठाम्फष्ठा पव饍धकणॉस्थाऩन श्रेमस यस ।। ८४ ।।एकष्ठीरा ऩाऩचेरी प्राच ना वनततस्啍तका ।। Synonyms of Pāțhā are Pāțhā, Ambashthā, Vidhakarni, Sthapani, Shreyashi, Rasā, Ekashthilā, Pāpcheli, Prāchinā, Banatiktikā.Pāțhā is named as Batulpāte.

Saushruta Nighantu (6-7thCentury)

ऩाठाम्फष्ठा वनतत啍ता ऩाचन दीऩन तथा चेशरका स्थावयी चैव मषु ऩणॉ च कीततपता ।। ३९ ।।

Synonyms of Pāțhā are, Banatiktikā, pāchani, Dipani, Chelikā, Sthāvari and Yushparni.

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

Madanpāl Nighantu (14th Century)

Synonyms: Ambashthā, Brihatiktā, Prāchinā, Ambasthaki, Sarā, Tiktā, Pāpcheli, Shreyashi Briddakarnikā.

Properties: Ushna, Katu, Tikshna, Vāta, kapha hara and laghu.It is mostly used in pain, fever, vomiting, leprosy, diarrhoea, heart diseases, dāha, itching, poison, cough, worms, gulma, artificial poison and wounds.(Note: it has bel.It is found all over by pātalā, pādhal etc.)

Rāja Nighantu (15th Century)

Properties of Pāțhā: Tikta Rasa, virya- ushna, Vata, pitta jvornasak, Bhagna sandhana, Dāha, Atisār and Sula nāsak.

Name in different languages: Hindi-pādh, Bengal: Ākanādi, Telegu- Pāthchetdu Udisā- Pākanbidikochbiharitakamukhi, Malayalam- pāhādbhuttha, English: parroroot. Latin: Clypea hernendofolia Parts used: root, leaves, Dose: Root powder: 1-2.5 gm.

Kaiyadeva Nighantu (15th Century)

Synonyms: Synonyms of Pāțhā are Pāțhā, Ambashthā, Vidhakarni, Sthapani, Shreyashi, Rasā, Ekāshthilā, pāpcheli, Prāchinā, Banatiktikā, chaulyā, vriddhā, Āshmasutā, Yuthā, Brikki, Brikkadanti, Mālati. Properties: Katu Rasa, laghu, Tikshna, Ushna, Tridoshanāsak, kusţha, Jvor, Vaman, Dāha, Shūla, diarrhoea, heart diseases, itching, poison, cough, vrana, shūla and krimi nāsak. Kuchelikā-(Badi Pāțhā) Tikta Rasa, Madhur Vipaka, Shital, Laghu, Grāhi, Vatavardhak and Pitta, kapha and Raktavikarnasak.

Kff7fkmn+ lkQx/+ r zLTF+======u'/m u|fxL lgxlGt d]xd\ .. -^*!_

Fruit of Pāțhā-Kasāya, madhur, Guru, Shita virya and Pittanāsak . leaves of Pāțhā- Shitavirya, Rukshya, Grahi and Pramehanasak. (Page 125)

(In Charak Samhita, In Shāka varga Sutrasthana Chapter 27, Pāțhā and Kuchelā are described different.)

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

Bhāvaprakāsh Nighantu (16th century A.D.) Pāțhā: Latin name: Clypea hernendofolia, Cissampelos hexendra, Cissampelos pareira. ऩाठाम्फष्ठाम्फष्ठहद च प्राच ना ऩाऩचेशरका एकाष्ठीरा यसाप्रो啍ता ऩाहठका वयततस्啍तका ।

ऩाठोष्णां कटुकात क्ष्णा वातशभेवभतयी रघु: हस्न्त शूर煍वय楍छहदपकु ष्ठात साय셃टुज: ।। १८३ ।। दाहकण्डु पवषश्वास कृ शभगु쥍भगयव्रणान ्।। १८४ ।।

Names: Sanskrit- Pāțhā, Ambasthā, Ambashţhaki, Prachinā, Pāpchelikā, Ekasthilā, Rasā, Pāţhikā, Baratiktikā, etc. Hindi- Kalipadah, Karerimūla, Bengal: Ākanadi, karetimulā. Telegu- Pathchetdu, English: Parroroot Udisā- Pakanbidikoch Guna-Ushna, Tikshna, laghu, Kapha, Jwora, Shūla, Vamana, Atisara, Hridayaroga, Daha, itching, Visha, Dyspnoea, Krimi Gūlma and Visaila vrana. Description- The vines of Pāțhā is a climber. Sometimes the vines of Pāțhā seem to be erect- and stiff. Though it is not any thicker than an average finger. The base of the flowers of Pāțhā is very short. Their appearance is like the tail of a peacock. Flowering occurs in the rainy season. The fruit has outer part red in color. It is also called 'Jaljamani Buti'. Its juice, mixed in water, solidifies and becomes like curd. Its taste is very bitter. Parts Used- Leaves and root Dosage- Root: 2 – 4 volumes, Leaves Paste: 4 – 8 volumes, Root paste: 5 – 10 Tolā

Nighantu Aadarsha (1928 A.D)

Names –Pāțhā, Ambasthā, Avidhhakarni, Yekaisika, Baratiktā, Brikki, Kuchailā, Prachipa, Pāpachelikā, Piluphalā (Sanskrit), Pāțhā (Hindi), Kalipāţhā, Pāhādbel, Belpādal, Padakkiklangu (Malayalam), Ākanadi (Bangali), Pāda (Telugu), Bāgvali (Ka.), Lagupāțhā, Karamdiyu, Bānga, Karethak, Phangiyu (Gujarati), Cissampelos pareira Linn. (Latin)

Derivation –

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

ऩाठा : ऩठमते इतत ऩाठा । 'ऩठ व्म啍तामां वाचच', धात,ु जुन वाण राई भधुय गछप -It is beneficial to voice.

पव饍धकणॉ :वदौ कणौ मथा पव饍धदणॉ-It is called peltate leaves, stalk present at dorsal part of leaves and arise from middle.

स्थापऩन : 'वस्स्तकयभोऩमो嵍मा' -it is useful in Vasti.

श्रेमस : 'अततशमेन प्रशस्ता'- highly appreciable drug.

ऩाऩचेरी : 'ऩाऩस्啍त इतत ऩाऩच : वाम ु : तभ ् ईयमतत कम्ऩभतत'-It vitigates Vāyu.

प्राचचना : 'प्राचच बव –-It is used to be available from a long time.

अम्फष्ठका : 'अम्फा भाता इव मा ततष्ठातत'-It resists diseases by increasing immunity power.

Distribution – Himalayan region so called Ashmasutā.

Part Used – Roots and leaves

Collection – In market, Pāțhā is available by the name of Jalajamani root

Chemical Composition – Pelosine, cissampelin, berberine; alkaloids are found in its roots, which is similar to Dāruharidra alkaloids.

Description – It’s climbing in nature and found all 12 months of a year. It is mostly found in rainy season. Its vines are very long. Its leaves are heart shaped (3 – 6 in. long, 2 – 4 in. wide), and stalk present at dorsal aspect of the leaf at the middle point. The upper part of the leaf is lighter in color, whereas the backward is little darker. The leaves are covered with very tiny white colored hairs. Male and female flowers are present in different branches of a vine. The flowers are yellowish or white in colour. The fruits are small pea shaped and red in color. Its roots go deep into the soil and contain white coloured, smelly juice. It is mostly found in Gujarat.

1 1 Dosage – /8 to /4 Tolā of powder and 2 – 4 ounces of Qwāthā

Abhinav Nighantu (1937 A.D)

ऩाठांफष्ठांफस्ष्ठचप्राच नाऩऩचेशरका । एकाष्ठीरायसा प्र啍ताऩाहठका वयततस्啍तका ।

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

ऩाठोष्णा कतुकाततक्ष्णावातश्रेष्भहयी रघ: तत啍ता 셂चचदयीचाम्राबरसंधानकारयण । हंततशूर煍वयहहदपकु ष्ठात साय셃दुज: दाहकडु पवषश्वासकृ शभगु쥍भगयव्णान ्।। ७८ ।। Sanskrit Names – Pāțhā, Ambashthā, Ambashthaki, Banatiktā, Baratiktā, Aviddhakarni, Piluphalā Hindi Names –, Pādhi, Pādh, Pāţhi, Harjodi, Bangali Name –Aakanādi Madrasi Names –Pāhadmula, Gujrat-Kardhit, Kalipāt

Morphological Characters: Its vine is available from August to November. Leaves are round in shape. Its small whitish flowers grow from the corners and are similar to Makoye fruit. Properties: Ushna, Katu, Tikshna, Laghu, Tikta and Aruchināshak. Rasa: Bitter, collimation factor Uses: Pain, fever, vomiting, leprosy, diarrhoea, heart diseases, burns, itching, poisoning, cough, worms, abdominal distension, wounds, etc. Dose: One volume

Nepali Nighantu: (2025 B.S) गदु ेगापनू, ऩाठा (Page 70) Sanskrit name: Ambashthā, Ambashthaki, Banatiktā, Baratiktā, Aviddhakarni, Piluphalā,Brihatiktā, trishira, Brikki, Baradevi, Brittaparni, mālbi, tiktā, shreyasi, Ekasthilā, kuchaili, Pāţhikā Newari – ऩह , Hindi name: Pādh, Pādhi, Bengal: Aakanādi, Marathi: Pādabel, kasmiri – ऩाठा latin name – Cissampelos pareira linn.

Its properties are Tikta, Katu, Ushna, laghu. Used in Pain, fever, vomiting, leprosy, diarrhoea, heart diseases, burns, itching, poisoning, cough, worms, abdominal distension, wounds, etc.

Pāțhā in Dravyaguna Text

Gana: Stanyasodhana, jworhara, sandhaniya, Āragwadhadi, pippalyādi, Bhrihatyādi, Patolādi, Ambasthadi, Mustādi.

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

Family: guduchi (Meninspermaceae)

Latin name: Cissampelos pareira linn.

Sanskrit name: Pāțhā, Ambashtā, baratiktā, aviddhakarni, piluphalā.

Hindi name: Pādh, Pādhi, Bengal: Aakanādi, Marathi: Pādabel, Gujrat: Benibel, Tamil: Appātā

Telgu: Pādā, Malayālam: kattuballi

Morphological characters:

A climber or prostate herb.

Leaf: alternate, circular, small, hairy, petiole 1-3’’ long

Flower unisexual, yellowish white

Fruit: Like pea after ripe reddish seed: Small slightly curved

Types: another type called Rajapāthā, Latin name: arnotii miers, Stephenia glabra Miers, Stephania japonica.Types of Stephenia japonica are 2, a) Var. japonica found in south India and b) Var.discolor found at aasam, south Bengal, udisha and south aandra Pradesh.

Distribution: India and srilankaa

Chemical composition: Root contains pelosine or bebeerines, saponine, C.arnotii contains Cyclein (bitter alkaloids), and S.japonica contains different alkaloids.

Guna: laghu, Tikshna Rasa: Tikta Vipaka: Katu Birya: Ushna

Karma: Tridoshasāmaka mostly kaphapittasamaka

Systemic Action: External- Seed oil- vranaropaka, vishaghna and kusţhaghna

Internal Digestive System- Deepan, Pāchan , Grāhi, and Krimighna Circulatory System- Hridya, and Shonita Sthāpana Respiratory System- Kaphaghna

Circulatory system –Raktasodhak and shothahar Reproductive System- stanyasodhana

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

Urinary system- Diuretic Skin- Kusthaghna Temperature- Jvoraghna Satmikarana- Vishaghna and Balya

External uses: Dustavrana, nadivrana, kandu, kusţha, and in sarsapa lepa of its roots and leaves

Internal uses: Digestive system- Agnimandhya, Ajirna, Udarshūla,diarrhoea and Pravāhikā. Circulatory System- Rakta Vikār.heart diseases and shotha Respiratory system- Cough and dyspnoea Reproductive System: for prevention of stanyadosha Urinary System- Mutrakrichya Skin- Kustha

Temperature- Given in Shitajwora and jworatisār

Satmikarana- katupaustik

Parts used- Root and Bhaumik kanda

Dose- Churna 1-3 gram.Decoction-50-100 ml

Specific preparation: Shaddharan yog

Dravyaguna Vijnayan, Gyanendra Pandey (VOL III)

Its description, properties, internal and external uses, dose, parts used, specific prepation are similar to Pāțhā explained in Dravyaguna Text

Views of modern authors

Non Timber forest products of Nepal

Cissampelos pareira Linn.

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

Nepali: Batulpate lahara, English: False pareira, Tharu: Madrachi, Magar: Batulpāte, Tamang : Kwartang gugi, Sanskrit : Ambasthā, Hindi: Akanadi Chepang: Torola, Gurung: Gurubutiti, Danuwar: Gudargano

Family: Meninspermaceae

Habit: Twiner

Flowering and Fruiting period: March –August

Chemical composition:

The root yields an essential component containing thymol, a sterol and d-quercitol. The methiodide and methochloride derivatives of hayatina were reported to potent neuromuscular and blocking agent.

Occurrence: Tropical to sub tropical zones (upto 1880 m)


A very variable , lofty, slender, dioecious, perennial climber commonly distributed throughout tropical and sub tropical Nepal, ascending upto an altitude of 2000 m. Rootstock woody, perennial ;leaves usually peltate or orbicular reniform, ovate- sub-reniform, with a truncate - cordate base, glaborous or hairy above 3-12 cm across; flowers greenish yellow, male in axillary, fascicled, pilose cymes or panicles.Female in 6-15 cm long, pendulous racemes; drupes small ovoid –sub-globose or ovovoid, compressed , scarlet red, hirsute; seeds horse -shoe shaped.

The plant is commonly in orchards, hedges, parks and gardens on moist soils either creeping or twinning around other plants also common on the hilly tracts along water courses.


The stem yield a strong fibre used for ropes. The roots are eaten as potherb and reported to be cooling. Crushed and boiled with rice, the leaf is given as a tonic and in heart complaints; fresh juice is applied in eye diseases.Plant juice with jiggery ang egg is given internally for minor injuries. The poultice of leaves is applied to abscesses, sores, scabies, itches, pimple, boils and burns. The decoction is mixed with lemon and garlic juice and salt is given as stomachic.

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

All parts of the plant are used as medicine. The roots are edible. They are employed in fermenting rice beer.The roots possess astringent , mild tonic, diuretic, stomachic, antilithic, analgesic, anti pyretic and emmenogogue properties. They are frequently prescribed for treaing cough, dyspepsia, diarrhoea, dysentery, piles, dropsy, and urino genital travels such as prolapsus uteri, cystitis, haemorrhage, and calcular nephritis. The juice is given to cattle also for curing diarrhoea. The rot paste is applies to scabies and eruption on the body of babies.

Root is bitter, antipatriotic, diuretic, purgative and stomachic and used in dyspepsia, diarrhea, dropsy, cough, urinary troubles and snake bites. Root juice is given in stomach pain and peptic ulce. In case of gastritis, root juice is used. Root juice is given to clear the stools. Plant juice is used to treat fever.Plant juice is also given after childbirth for refreshment, energy and to stop the bleeding and counteract the loss of blood. The juice is used to induce abortion.

Leaves are externally applied in case of itching roots and leaves are dried, ground and made into a slave, which is used as a disinfectant and remedy for purulent ulcers and boils.

Material Medica Of Hindus (1989 A.D.)

Nat. Order Meninspermaceae

Here, Pāțhā has been described as,

Stephania Hernendofolia (Synonym – Cissampelos hexandra Box)

Pāțhā Vern. Ākanādi, Nemuka,

In the Pharmacopoeia of India it is stated that the Cissampelos hernandifolia Wall. is identical with Pareira Brava, and is common throughout India. Other authorities say that the true Pareira Brava is derived from Chondodendron tomentosum. The plant used by Kavirajas in Bengal under the name of pāțhā is identical with that figured by Roxburgh as Cissampelos hexandra. The root of this plant is regarded as light, bitter, astringent and useful in fever, diarrhoea, urinary diseases, dyspepsia etc.

In fever with diarrhoea, the following compound decoction is recommended by Chakradatta. Take of pāţhā root, Indrayava seeds, Chiretta, tubers of (Mustaka), Hedyotis biflora (Parpati), Gulancha, And ginger, equal parts, in all two tolas, water thirty-two tolas; and boil till reduced to one-fourth. In diarrhoea caused by indigestion and attended with pain and slimy or bilious stools, the following decoction is used. Take of pāțhā root, Indrayava seeds, Chebulic myrobolan and ginger, each half a tola, water thirty-two tolas.

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Boil down to one-fourth. In internal or deep-seated inflammation, Chakradatta recommends the root of this plant to be taken with honey and water in which rice has been macerated.

Ayurvedic Pharmacology and Therapeutic Uses of Medicinal Plants, Dravyaguna Vigyan

PĀȚHĀ (Cissempelos pareira Linn.) (Page No. 421 to 422)

Gana – Stanyashodhana, Jvorahara, Sandhaniya (C.), Āragvadhādi, Pippalyādi, Bruhatyādi, Patolādi, Ambasthādi, Mustādi (S.)

Kula – Gudūchi Kula

Family – (like Gudūchi)

(Moon seed – Shape of the seed is like moon), ('Mene' = moon) = climbing evergreen.

Latin Name – Cissempelos = Ciss (Kissos = Ivy ; Ampeloc = vine ),Resembling Ivy in rambling habit and vine.Pareira = Chandrodendron tomentosum (hairy) – for which this plant was mistaken to be Latin = Cocculus – Hirsutus (Linn).

English Name – Velvet leaf

Sanskrit Names – Pāțhā, Ambasthā, Prāchinā, Shreyasi, Ekāsthilā, Dipani, Varatiktā,

Tiktapusha Devi, Atisāranashani

Botanical Description – Creepter,Leaves – oblong or heart shaped, 2.5 – 10cm long and 2.5 – 3.75cm narrow.Leaf stalk is 5 – 10cm long,Leaves and branches – Smooth, having white hairs,Flowers – Homosexual, pale yellow coloured – blossoms in rainy season,Seeds – Crooked.

Varieties – It has another variety called as Rājapāţhā (Cyclea peltata). The variety has larger leaves.

Habitat – From Sindh and Punjab upto Srilanka

Properties –

Guna – Laghu, Tikta; Rasa – Tikta; Vipak-Katu: Veerya-Ushna

Karma- Tridoshashamak, Specially Kaphavatashamak, hence used in disorders induced by all three doshas and Vata-kapha

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

External Uses –

Being wound healer, antidote and Kushthaghna paste of leaves and root is used in fistula, skin disorders and snake poison. Juice or powdered roots are used as Nasya in Ardhavabhedak.

Internal Uses –

Digestive System: Being an appetizer, digestive, laxative, astringent and anthelmintic, it is useful in anorexia, indigestion, abdominal pain, dairrhoea and dysentery.

Circulatory System: It is a blood purifier and has anti-inflammatory property. So it is used in blood disorders, heart disorders and inflammation.

Respiratory System: Being an expectorant, it is used in cough and dyspnoea.

Reproductive System: Since it purifies breast milk it is used in various disorders of breast milk secretion.

Urinary System: Since it is potent divretic, it is useful in cystitis, dysuria and haematuria.

Skin: Since it is Kusthaghna, it is useful in skin related disorders.

Temperature – Being febrifuge and refrigerant, it is used in Sheeta jwara – fever related diarrhoea and bruning disorders.

Satmikaran – Antidote and tonic – bitter tonic.

Excretion – This drug is excreted through urine.

Parts used – Roots

Dosage – Decoction: 50 to 100ml; Powder: ½ to 1gm.

Formulation – Gangādhara Chūrna, Kutajashtak Kwāth

Dosha – Alleviates Vāta, Kapha and all three doshas.

Dhaatu – Rasa, Rakta, Stanyagāmi

Mala – Purisha (astringent), Mutramārgagāmi (excrection through urine)

Organs – Heart, stomach

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

A compendium of Medicinal Plants in Nepal Cissampelos pareira L. Var. hirsuta (Buch-ham ex. DC). Forman. Nepali: Gujar gāno, Bātul Pāte, Bātule Laharā English: Velvet-leaf, false pareira root Distribution: Pantropical Dist: N – WCE, Tropical-temperate Description: Climbing shrub, leaves petiolate, orbicular or broadly ovate, 1.5 – 10 cm in diameter, peltate, obtuse, entire, glaborous, flowers- axillary, male flowers cymose, female flowers raceme, yellowish. Parts Used – whole plant Application – decoction, paste Use: Roots are bitter, antiperiodic, cardiac-tonic, diuretic, purgative, stomachic, dyspepsia, diarrhoea, dropsy, cough, urinary troubles like cystitis, snake bite Leaves are externally applied for Itching. Plant possesses antihelminthic, antihistaminic and antipyretic properties. Ref. DPR 10, 2001 Bhattachjee 2001)

Indian Medicinal plants ,By C.P. Khare Cissampelos pareira Linn. Page 151 Family: Meninspermaceae Habitat: Tropical and Sub-tropical parts of India English: Velvet-leaf Pareira, Pareira Brava Ayurvedic: Pāțhā, Ambasthā, Varatiktā, Aviddhakarni, Piluphalā, Shreyashi, Bigger var, Rāja Pāțhā, is equated with stephania hernendifolia walp. Unani: Pāţhā Siddha / Tamil: Pādakkizhangu Appatta Action: Root astringent – antispasmodic (used for cramps, painful menstruation), analgesic, antipyretic, diuretic, antilithic and emmenagogue. Prescribed for: Diarrhoea, dysentery, piles, urogenital affections (cystitis, nephrities, and menorrhagia). Root paste is applied topically on scabies and eruption on the body. Also used for preventing miscarriage. The Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia of India attributed blood purifying properties to the root and indicated it in lactal disorders.

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

Hayatine (dl-beberine) is the principal alkaloid of root. Its derivatives, methiodide and metho- chloride are reported to be potent, neuromuscular-blocking agents. Not to be confused with Abuta grandiflora – a South American medicinal plant.

Dose: Root (3 – 6 gm.) powder (API. Volume I)

Banausadhi nirdarsikā (Ayuevedic pharmacopoeia) (Page 219) Its name as well as descriptions is found similar to other text book described above, besides these some features are mentioned as: Quality test: Roots of Pāțhā is 1.25cm or ½" in diameter. Its surface is brown in color. It has several longitudinal furrows. Roots are converged in transverse directions. Sometimes roots are zigzagged, crooked and knotty. This is mostly found in the vines that are spread on the ground. When the vines of Pāțhā is tried to be plucked out, it seems to be fracture fibrous in nature. It is quite thick. Its shape is icterine, with 10 – 15 vines bundled in wedge shape. In the fresh roots of Pāțhā, there is no any smell, but in the dry roots, there is a mild fragrance. Its taste is very bitter. Representation and Mixture: In micro sense, Pāțhā's roots matches with the roots of other plants in its family. So it is hard to recognize it just by watching the roots. Along with Pāțhā, another plant in its family – Stephania species is similar – which is soft and vines look like Pāțhā's vines. Among them Stephania glabra (Roxb.), Miers (synonym: Stephania rotunda – Hook. F and Thoms) are the most important ones. It is has compound pendunculate umbels. The vines of Cyclea species are similar to that of Pāțhā. The root of Cyclea peltata Dielv. Is taken as 'pāțhāmula'. These are mentioned in Charak and other Ayurvedic Samhitas.

1. Pāțhā 2. Rājapāțhā Only the 'pāțhā' should be used for medical purposes. Stephania hernandofolia (wild) Walp. Can be mistaken to be Rāja pāțhā. It is found in the regions of Bihar, Bengal, Aassam, Sikkim and in the Terai regions of the Himalayas – around Dehradun. It is also found in the eastern and western south regions of India – near the sea-shore. The leaves of Rāja pāțhā is larger and has heavy differences with Pāțhā – that's how we can distinguish between Rāja pāțhā and Pāțhā.

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Pāțhā's flower has 1 – 2 female – male flowers, whereas there are 6 – 10 of the same in Rāja pāțhā. There is difference in the number of base leaves as well, which is around 3 – 5 in number, but in Pāțhā it is only one. Collection and Storage: The roots of Pāțhā are collected when it is fruiting. It can be stored in a cool place inside a closed vessel after washing properly with water. Organization: Root – Berberine (0.5%) Sissampeline, sepeerine, etc Alkaloids and some saponine and alkalies Lifespan of seeds: 1 year Nature: Guna – Laghu, Tikshna,Rasa – Tikta Bipak – Katu Virya – Ushna Karma – Tridoshashāmaka mostly Kaphavatashāmaka It is Kusthaghna, Vranropak, Dipan-Pāchan, Grāhi, Anuloman, Katupoustik, Krīmighna, Raktashodhaka, Shothahara, Kaphaghna, Stanyshodhana, Mutral, Jvoraghna, Dāhaprashaman, Vishaghna, etc. Its excretion is done through the urinary tract. It is very advantageous in Jvorātisār, Pravāhikā, Agnimandhya, weakness, cough, etc. Main Ingredient: In Gangādhar Chūrna

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

Different names of Pāțhā in different place and language

Bengal: Ākanādi

English: parroroot. Velvet-leaf Pareira, Pareira Brava, False pareira.

Gujrat: Benibel

Hindi: Pādh, Pādhi, Pāţhi, Harjodi.

Kasmiri – Pāțhā

Latin Name: Cissampelos pareira linn.

Madrasi –Pāhadmula, Gujrat-Kardhit, Kalipāt

Malayālam:katuballi, pahadbhuttha

Marathi : pādabel, Pāțhā

Nepali: Gujar gāno, Bātul Pāte, Bātule Laharā, Tharu: Madrachi, Magar: Batulpāte, Tamang : Kwartang gugi, Sanskrit : Ambasthā, Chepang: Torola, Gurung: Gurubutiti, Danuwar: Gudargāno

Sanskrit name: Pāțhā, Ambashtā, Baratiktā, Abiddakarni, Piluphalā, Sthapani, Shreyashi, Rāsā, Akashthila, pāpcheli, Prachina, Banatiktika, chaulya, vriddha, Āshmasuta, yuthā, brikki, Brikkadanti, Mālati.


Telgu: Pādā, Pathchetdu

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

Udisā- Pakanbidikoch.

Botanical character of the family Meninspermaceae

Menispermaceae Juss.Habit and leaf form. Scandent shrubs, or lianas, or herbs (rarely), or trees (rarely). Climbing (usually), or self supporting; mostly stem twiners; Stephania twining clockwise. Mesophytic. Leaves alternate; spiral (usually with serial axillary buds); petiolate; non- sheathing; simple (usually), or compound (rarely); peltate (sometimes), or not peltate; when compound, ternate. Lamina when simple, entire (usually), or dissected; when simple/dissected, palmatifid; pinnately veined, or palmately veined; cross-venulate. Leaves exstipulate; leaf development not ‘graminaceous’. Domatia occurring in the family (known from 5 genera); manifested as pits, or pockets, or hair tufts (rarely).

General anatomy. Plants with ‘crystal sand’, or without ‘crystal sand’.

Leaf anatomy. Hydathodes present (occasionally), or absent.

The mesophyll with sclerencymatous idioblasts. Minor leaf veins without phloem transfer cells .

Stem anatomy. Cork cambium present; initially deep-seated, or superficial. Nodes tri-lacunar. Internal phloem absent. Secondary thickening usually anomalous; mostly via concentric cambia. ‘Included’ phloem mostly present. Xylem with tracheids; with vessels. Vessel end-walls simple. Wood parenchyma apotracheal (diffuse and in short tangential lines, and ‘conjunctive’ between the successive layers of bundles). Sieve-tube plastids S-type.

Reproductive type, pollination. Fertile flowers functionally male, or functionally female, or functionally male and functionally female. Plants dioecious (mostly), or monoecious. Female flowers with staminodes, or without staminodes.

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

Inflorescence, floral, fruit and seed morphology. Flowers solitary (rarely), or aggregated in ‘inflorescences’ (sometimes cauliflorous); usually in cymes, in panicles, and in fascicles. The ultimate inflorescence units cymose. Inflorescences axillary, or cauliflorous. Flowers small (rarely brightly coloured); regular (usually), or somewhat irregular; more or less 3 merous; cyclic; often approximating to K3+3, C3+3, A3+3, G3 — but with many exceptions. Floral receptacle developing a gynophore (sometimes), or with neither androphore nor gynophore. Free hypanthium absent.

Perianth with distinct calyx and corolla (usually), or sepaline (occasionally without petals); (1– )6(–12), or (4–)12(–24); 2–6 whorled; isomerous, or anisomerous. Calyx (1–)6(–12); often 2 whorled; usually polysepalous; imbricate, or valvate. Corolla when present (i.e. usually), (3–)6(– 12); often 2 whorled; polypetalous (usually), or gamopetalous (rarely).

Androecium (1–)6(–40). Androecial members branched, or unbranched; free of the perianth; free of one another, or coherent (the filaments often connate or in bundles); when joined 1 adelphous, or 2–5 adelphous (?); often 2 whorled. Androecium exclusively of fertile stamens. Stamens (1–)6(–40); reduced in number relative to the adjacent perianth to isomerous with the perianth to polystemonous; alternisepalous (often), or oppositisepalous. Anthers dehiscing via longitudinal slits, or dehiscing transversely; introrse; tetrasporangiate. Endothecium developing fibrous thickenings. Anther epidermis persistent. Microsporogenesis simultaneous. The initial microspore tetrads tetrahedral, or isobilateral. Anther wall initially with more than one middle layer (two); of the ‘dicot’ type. Tapetum glandular. Pollen grains aperturate (usually), or nonaperturate; (2–)3(–4) aperturate; colpate, or colporate, or rugate (rug(or)ate); 2-celled (in Cocculus and Hyperbaena).

Gynoecium (1–)3 carpelled, or 6–30 carpelled (in one or more whorls). The pistil when monomerous, 1 celled. Gynoecium monomerous, or apocarpous; of one carpel, or eu- apocarpous; superior. Carpel apically stigmatic; 2 ovuled (with one abortive). Placentation marginal (ventral). Stigmas dry type; non-papillate; Group II type. Ovules pendulous to horizontal; anatropous to amphitropous, or hemianatropous; unitegmic, or bitegmic; crassinucellate. Outer integument not contributing to the micropyle. Embryo-sac development Polygonum-type. Polar nuclei fusing prior to fertilization. Antipodal cells formed; 3; proliferating (Tinospora), or not proliferating; ephemeral, or persistent. Synergids pear-shaped, or hooked (sometimes with filiform apparatus). Endosperm formation nuclear. Embryogeny onagrad.

Fruit fleshy to non-fleshy; an aggregate (usually, in a head), or not an aggregate (where only one of the carpels develops). The fruiting carpels not coalescing (each usually curved). The fruiting carpel indehiscent; nucular, or drupaceous (usually curved, often horseshoe shaped). Fruit 1

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070 seeded. Seeds endospermic, or non-endospermic. Endosperm when present, ruminate, or not ruminate; oily. Cotyledons 2. Embryo straight to curved.Seedling: Germination phanerocotylar, or cryptocotylar.

Physiology, biochemistry. Cyanogenic, or not cyanogenic. Alkaloids present (nearly always), or absent. Berberine present (in at least three genera). Iridoids not detected. Proanthocyanidins absent. Flavonols present, or absent; kaempferol. Ellagic acid absent (3 species, 3 genera).

Aluminium accumulation not found. C3. C3 physiology recorded directly in Menispermum.

Geography, cytology. Temperate (warm) or sub-tropical to tropical. Pantropical and warm. X = 11–13, 19, 25. . Subclass Dicotyledonae; Crassinucelli. Dahlgren’s Superorder Ranunculiflorae; . Cronquist’s Subclass Magnoliidae; Ranunculales. APG 3 core

Botanical description of Cissampelos pareira

Botanical Classification

Kingdom: Plantae

Division: Magnoliophyta

Class: Magnoliopside

Family: Meninspermaceae

Genus: Cissampelos

Species: Pareira

Habitat – From Sindh and Punjab upto Srilanka


A slender tomentose climber.

Leaves: peltate, 2.5-12 cm long, 2.5-11.5 cm broad, triangularly broad-ovate, or orbicular, obtuse, mucronate, base cordate or truncate, ± tomentose on both sides, ultimately becoming glabrous above and glaucous below; petiole pubescent

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

Flowers: Minute, pedicels filiform. Male flowers in pedunculate branched cymes, clustered in the axil of a small leaf; sepals 4, obovate-oblong, hairy outside; petals 4, united to form a 4- toothed cup, hairy outside; stamens 4, filaments united, column short, anthers connate, encircling the top of the column. Female flowers clustered in the axils of orbicular, hoary imbricate bracts, on 5-10 cm long racemes; sepal 1, ovate-oblong, pubescent outside; petal 1, obtriangular subreniform; carpel 1, densely hairy; style shortly 3-fid. Drupe 4-6 mm long, 3-4 mm broad, subglobose, compressed, hairy-pubescent, red when fresh, black when dry, endocarp transversely ribbed, tuberculate.

Seeds: horseshoe-shaped.

Root: long, soft, mostly branched, half inch in diameter, bitter in taste.

Growth: In Areas that receive 750-2400mm of Annual rain, Can’t grow in shade, found in Secondary and Remnant forest, Brushy pastures.

Soil: Variety of textures and pH, mostly in soil derived from parent materials including limestone, ultramafic rocks, soil of River Bank etc.

Chemical Composition:

Bebeerine, Pelosine, Saponin, Seeprine, Cissampeline. The stem yields a strong fibre. The root yields an essential component containing thymol, a sterol and d-quercitol. The methiodide and methochloride derivatives of hayatina were reported to potent neuromuscular and blocking agent.

Researches under Cissampelos pareira linn.

Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants used by traditional users in Villupuram district of Tamil Nadu, India.

Local name: Ponmusutai

Chemical composition: Cissampeloflavone have been isolated from the aerial parts of the plant (Irama et al., 2003). Pareitropone has been isolated from its roots (Hiroshi 1995). Cissampareine, a bis-benzyl-isoquinoline alkaloid, (Anonymous-1992).

Parts used, mode of preparation, ethnomedicinal uses:

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070

The paste of the root is used as an external application and has the property of wound healing, antidote, fistula, pruritis, skin disorders and snake poison. Internally roots are useful in the case of anorexia, indigestion, abdominal pain, gastric disorders, diarrhoea and dysentery. Traditionally the plant used for blood purification and anti-inflammatory properties.


Pāțhā is an important medicinal plant whose importance is mentioned in all Samhita and Granthas. According to Samhita and Granthas Pāțhā have properties like Tikta Rasa, Ushna Virya, Katu Vipaka and pitta vardhak properties. Its main karma is Stanyasodhana so it is the drug of choice in most of the Gyanecological problems. Pāțhā can be used in different forms like powder, decoction.Its main part to be used is Root and Bhaumik kanda.It is useful in almost all types of Diseases like Fever, Diarrhoea, pandu, Prameha, Grahani, Balaroga, pravāhikā, skin Diseases etc.

Pāțhā is mentioned in the following Ganas, Stanyasodhana, Jvarahara, Sandhaniya, Āragvadhadi, pippalyādi, Bhrihatyādi, patolādi, Ambasthādi, Mustādi etc. Its another type called Rājapāthā,(Latin name: Cyclea arnotii miers, Stephenia glabra Miers, Stephania japonica.Types of stephenia japonica are 2 a) Var. japonica found in south India and b) Var.discolor found at Āsām, south Bengal, udisha and south Āndra Pradesh.)

In Rāja Nighantu, Pāțhā has been mentioned as Clypea hernendofolia. In kaiadev Nighantu, Kuchelikā-(Badi Pāțhā) has been mentioned having Tikta Rasa, Madhur Vipāka, Shital, Laghu, Grahi, Vatavardhak and Pitta, kapha and cures Raktavikar. In Charak Samhita, in Shāka varga sutrasthan 27, Pāțhā and Kuchelā are described different.

There are 2 types of Pāțhā one is Pāțhā and another os RājaPāțhā.The leaves of Rāja pāțhā is larger and has heavy differences with Pāțhā – that's how we can distinguish between Rāja

53 Monograph on Pāțhā 2070 pāțhā and Pāțhā. Pāțhā's flower has 1 – 2 female – male flowers, whereas there are 6 – 10 of the same in Rāja pāțhā. There is difference in the number of base leaves as well, which is around 3 – 5 in number, but in Pāțhā it is only one.

So, we conclude Pāțhā as Cissampelos Pareira (Cissampelos = Ciss (Kissos = Ivy; Ampeloc = vine), Resembling Ivy in rambling habit and vine.Pareira = Chandrodendron tomentosum (hairy) – for which this plant was mistaken to be Latin = Cocculus – Hirsutus (Linn). In Nepal, it is found in different places in different name like, Nepali: Gudar gāno, Bātul Pāte, Bātule Laharā, Tharu: Madrachi, Magar: Batulpāte, Tamang: Kwartang gugi, Sanskrit: Ambasthā, Chepang: Torolā, Gurung: Gurubuti, Danuwar: Gudargāno. Sanskrit name: Pāțhā, ambashtā, baratiktā, Abiddakarni, Piluphalā, Sthapani, Shreyashi, Rāsā, Akashthila, pāpcheli, Prachina, Banatiktika, Chaulya, vriddha, Āshmasuta, Yuthā, Brikki, Brikkadanti, Mālati.


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30), http:// www.academic /JMPR.

31), ustration=161657

32) q-Cissampelos pareira