Inthenameofgod Preparebyrezarezaiekhanghah

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Inthenameofgod Preparebyrezarezaiekhanghah In The Name Of God Prepare by Reza rezaie khanghah Contact: [email protected] First for God then for their reappearance ( Imam Mahdi and Jesus christ) Hello Hope you are doing well I hope these information that I give to you help you at finding a medicine for covid 19 if God wants In this letter, I shared information and ideas about finding a cure for COVID-19. As you will see below, at the beginning of each paragraph or sentences I mentioned a plant or a medicine or a method for medicine, and in the following I have mentioned some websites and manuscript, of course you can see other articles and websites yourself. If you are a scientist, you can use this information and ideas to find medicine for COVID-19 or you can even send it to other people or researchers to use, or if you are a journalist, you can present it as news. This letter attempts to outline ways to treat COVID-19, although there may be other methods. I also searched each medicine and each paragraph and each sentence relation to COVID-19 treatment. Some of the paragraphs or sentences I didn't put website and manuscript in relation of them but it doesn't mean that we don't consider them for COVID-19 treatment. Ans also some of the paragraphs and sentences , I put little documents and websites and manuscript and it does not mean we didn't use them or didn't pay attention to them. Furthermore maybe at this letter you can find the treatment for other diseases too if God wants. I hope the information in this letter is a step towards finding medicine for COVID-19. I will help you if you have any questions or problems with this information, or if you would like me to help or guide you. The information in this letter is extensive. I tried to show you ways to find medicine for Covid 19 through scientific articles and arguments. Please take a good look at the information in this letter and think or even you can test it to see it's correct or not. If you want we can talk about the methods I mentioned in this letter . If you can't read the information of this letter well , I can send the word version of that as an attachment. Ideas in finding the medicine for covid 19: As there are many information about COVID-19 and there are other treatments for COVID-19 so I tell the treatment in regarding of the medicine for covid 19. Also you can search about the each paragraph issue individually at the internet and it's relation to covid 19 and anything else. I put some website in the following of each paragraph but also you can search about them and their features that can help for cure covid 19 and any other diseases. Also you can search about MERS and SARS too in relation of each paragraph and each one of the subjects at the paragraph or sentences and it's relation to treatment for SARS and MERS. Vitamin D3 and-death-rates-from-COVID-19.aspx deficiency-may-raise-risk-of-getting-covid19 prevention-in-covid-19/ deficiency-may-raise-risk-of-getting-covid19 and-death-rates-from-COVID-19.aspx vitamin-d-could-help-in-covid-19-67817/amp hype/a-54089415 finds studies/amp/ also you can search about covid 19 and vitamin d3 at the internet. Or anything else. Sugar or sucrose worsen-covid-19-outcomes%3famp diabetes.html response-in-the-flu-and-possibly-covid-191/ risk survival/amp/ covid-19/amp/ plans-for-the-industrygrowth-factors-product-types-and-application-by-regions-analysis-forecast -by-2025-2020-07-14 risk/2019/12/04/7587047/ solution/ bin/Clinics_Search_Simple.php?lng=EN&LnkId=21217&Typ=Pat&CnsGen=n&fdp=y&from=right Menu 5-oligosaccharides-cyclodextrins/amp/ 1/amp/ Deviate immune system and it's response because one harmful things that is the our immune system detects the cell at lung as a danger and attack to that so if we can deviate it to other part of body some of the White blood cells (WBCs), also called leukocytes or leucocytes, are the cells of the immune system that are involved in protecting the body against both infectious disease and foreign invaders. to fight at other part of body instead of getting near to our lung. Molecule attachment to glycoproteins: one other way to attack the virus is from its glycoprotein that are on the virus so if we create sth that can neutralize them it would be helpful. Cyclodextrins Glucose-derived carbohydrates and-prevention/ Milk illnesses/covid-19-and-breastfeeding.html personnel/ behaviour-during-covid-19 covid-19-pandemics/story%3fid=70268302 claims-about-milk-and-covid-19-11966629
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