Akko 1 and Akko 2, and Scientists from Israel and Abroad, and Has Started a the Rampart Connecting the Tower of Flies to the Shore
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Yona Levin Benno Meyer-Rochow, Stanley Lau, Ehud Spanier The Genetic Structure of the Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) New Discoveries Regarding the Vision of the Population along the Mediterranean Coast of Israel, and Slipper Lobster 0 Interactions between Humans and Marine Turtles in Ancient Civilizations 3 Ehud Spanier, Kari Lavalli, Daniel Weihs Can the Morphology of Slipper Lobsters Explain Possible Limor Gruber Adaptations to Habitat and Swimming? Population Dynamics of Two Larger Symbiont-Bearing Foraminifera as Environmental Indicators of the Carmel Coast 37 Dan Kerem IMMRAC 2007 Reports 3 Paula Waiman Barak Reconstruction of the Surroundings of Tell Abu-Hawam Yaacov Kahanov, Deborah Cvikel in the Late Bronze Age II: The 2001 Excavations 40 Dror Pashut, Amir Yurman Akko Underwater Excavation 2007 6 Shalom Yanklevitz Provenance of Imported Pottery and Pebbles from Dror Planer Tell Abu-Hawam 2001 Excavations: Evidence of Maritime Tantura E – Dor Lagoon, 2007 Trade in the Late Bronze Age IIB 4 Nadav Kashtan Erez Heilweil An Intelligent Mobile Guide for Archaeological and Maritime Evaluation of the Alleged Reduced Narcosis of Nitrox Exhibits – A New Interdisciplinary Research Project 2 Mixtures 43 John Tresman Yaacov Kahanov RAMSES², Round Table, Istanbul 2007 22 J. Richard (‘Dick‘) Steffy 46 Deborah Cvikel Publications 47 The Nautical Archaeology Society’s Annual Conference 23 Deborah Cvikel Overseas Expedition: The Underwater Excavation of the Mercure 23 Editor: Nira Karmon Summaries of Theses Submitted to the Department of Editorial Board: Yossi Mart, Daniella Bar-Yosef Mayer Maritime Civilizations, 2006-7 English editing: Laura Cohen, John Tresman Simona Rodan Graphic design: Noga Yoselevich Maritime Related Cults in the Coastal Cities of Philistia Printing: Printiv – Zamir Bar-Lev Ltd. during the Roman Period: Legacy and Change 24 ISSN-0792-6073 Daphna Feingold © January 2008, by RIMS. All rights reserved Cetacean Conservation in the Northern Red Sea: A Preliminary Ecotourism-Oriented Project 28 Michal Sapir Front Cover: Tantura E, 2007 (Photo: I. Grinberg) Cetaceans in the Mediterranean: Modern and Ancient Back Cover: Reassembling the Ma’agan Mikhael ship Distribution from Dietary and Paleontological Aspects 3 (Photo: P. Peled) Dear Friends, environment, ecology of sponges, treatment of aquacul- ture wastes, and the use of the ecosystem approach in The Recanati Institute has just completed its first year coastal zone management. under the leadership of the younger generation of the Dr. Nadav Kashtan has received a grant within Department and the Institute. We thank Prof. Ehud the framework of the Trento-Haifa collaboration for Spanier for his achievements in this post, and we hope creating a new portable digital assistant (PDA), a hand- to continue the development of the Institute. held guide for visitors to archaeological museums. The start was promising, as last year was inten- Dr. Kashtan also carries on his research on ships and sive and successful, with considerable achievements in navigation from Greek, Jewish and Christian sources. advancing marine projects. Dr. Daniella Bar-Yosef Mayer continued her research Within the framework of the Tsunami Project, Prof. on Late Stone Age (7,000 year-old) shell middens along Yossi Mart supervised two weeks’ drilling by marine the Red Sea coast of Eritrea, and on biological and geologists in Caesarea. cultural aspects of tusk shells used to decorate 12,000 Dr. Dorit Sivan, the Head of the Department of year-old Natufian graves in Israel. Maritime Civilizations, has devoted most of her time Dr. Hassan Khalilieh continued his studies into the to the Department, as well as continuing on-going history of medieval Mediterranean maritime law. research projects, mainly on sea level changes. These Three archaeological underwater expeditions were include several joint international projects. carried out over the past year: In marine biological activities, Prof. Spanier A four-week season at Akko, where three sites conducted several research projects on lobsters with were excavated: shipwrecks Akko 1 and Akko 2, and scientists from Israel and abroad, and has started a the rampart connecting the Tower of Flies to the shore. comparative study of the marine biota in a marine This project was one of the largest ever conducted by protected area and similar fished marine areas. the Institute; at times six underwater dredgers were Lack of funding for marine mammal research, operating simultaneously in three different sites, with headed by Dr. Dan Kerem, caused a shift of emphasis about 40 divers a day, and with 100 divers involved from open-sea surveying to gathering data from altogether. beached animals, broadening the traditional scope of In a four-week season at Dor lagoon, Tantura F was analysis (genetics, contaminants, age distribution and excavated for the fourth season, and Tantura E was stomach contents) to include stable isotope determi- excavated for the second time. nations, comparative morphometry and comparative An additional successful season of the combined skeletonizing techniques. project of the University of Ankara and the Univer- Several basic and applied interdisciplinary joint sity of Haifa at Liman Tepe, Turkey, was conducted by international projects in marine and coastal ecology Prof. Michal Artzy, who also directed the surveying and management are being carried out by Dr. Dror work in the Phoenician harbor at Athlit. Prof. Artzy Angel. These include the use of artificial reefs in collab- continues the research for the Bichrome Ware project, oration with Chile, interactions of aquaculture with the and Cypriote imports to the Carmel Coast. These excavations will provide material for research projects for the coming years. In the past year Prof. Sariel Shalev has resumed his archaeometallurgical research at the Institute, after three years in Cairo as the representative of the Israeli Academy. Another major undertaking was the re- assembly of the Ma’agan Mikhael ship (Fig. 1). Work on this famous vessel, one of the flagship projects of the Institute, took more than 20 years. The ship was previously reassembled in the Ship Wing of the Hecht Museum at the University, but thanks to the generosity of Lord Anthony Jacobs, Sammy Ofer and the Hecht Fig. 1. The Ma’agan Mikhael ship on permanent display in the Ship Wing Foundation, a new support was designed and of the Hecht Museum (Photo: I. Grinberg) built. After more than three years’ work on re- assembling the ship, it has been transformed into the Institute. Yossi Tur Caspa, the Director of the Insti- permanent exhibition display. tute since 1995, has retired, and Dina Zvielli has been A major development has been taking place at the appointed to the position. We wish Yossi all the best and University, involving the Recanati Institute and the good luck, and wish Dina success in her challenging Department of Maritime Civilizations. The new School new post. for Marine Sciences is being established, thanks to a The activities of the Institute could not have been most generous donation by Mr. Leon Charney, who was sustained without the generous and continuous support elected to the Chairmanship of the Board of Governors of the Recanati family, with the close involvement of of the University of Haifa. Meanwhile, the school’s new Ariel and David Recanati, Sir Maurice and Lady Irene researchers have been accepted as Research Fellows in Hatter, and generous donors, some of whom have asked the Recanati Institute. We are all involved in the project to remain anonymous (Figs. 2, 3). and are working for its success. There has been a major change in the staff of the Yaacov Kahanov 2007 RECIPIENTS OF THE SIR MAURICE AND LADY HATTER FEllOWSHIPS IN MARITIME STUDIES Simona Avnaim-Katav Deborah Cvikel Dafna Goldberg Philip Nemoy Dror Pashut Vardit Shotten-Hallel Fig. 2. Prof. M. Artzy (third left) and Dr. D. Sivan (third right) with recipients of the 2007 Sir Maurice and Lady Hatter Fellowships (Photo: A. Horesh) 2007 RECIPIENTS OF THE JACOB RECANATI FEllOWSHIPS IN MARITIME STUDIES Dana Cohen Dana Harari Philip Nemoy Dror Planer Ayala Urman Fig. 3. Mr. David Recanati (center) presenting a Jacob Recanati Fellowship to Dror Planer (Photo: A. Horesh) 2 Archaeomaterials in the Marine Environment Prologue: it is all because of a nail holding the frames to the planking of the Ma’agan Mikhael ship (Fig. 1). These nails, peculiarly round in It was ten years ago when the late Prof. Avner Raban shape and relatively thick, were preliminarily published suggested that I come to the University of Haifa to the as being of iron, but in the dry atmosphere they started to (at that time) Center for Maritime Studies (currently develop a green patina - definitely not typical of rusting the Recanati Institute for Maritime Studies) and teach iron. They were therefore analysed at the Technion and a course in archaeometallurgy which has been my field found to be made of copper (Figs. 2, 3). of research for the last 20 years. And, yes, I came and In order to better understand their original shape found a multidisciplinary group of scientists interested and material and their depositional history under the in maritime history, archaeology, geology and biology. shallow Mediterranean water close to the shore, Yak In my course sat a scholar who was an expert in under- brought a selected group of these nails to the Depart- water archaeology and shipwreck excavation and ment of Materials at Oxford University where I was conservation; Dr.