English 419.01: James Joyce Prof. Christy Burns Classroom: Tucker 213 Office: Tucker 210 Wed. 3:00-5:30 p.m. Office hours Wed 2-3 e-mail:
[email protected] (best way to reach me) & by appointment Phone: 1-3168 Course Goals: To read James Joyce’s Ulysses , Portrait , “The Dead,” and portions of Finnegans Wake in the context of avant-garde experimentalism in the 1920s, Irish history, and the social, political, and artistic implications of these texts in the 21 st century. Special emphasis will be place on gender, sexuality, Irish national debates, and aesthetics. Students will write two formal research papers: one on Portrait and the “Telemachaid” (1 st 3 chapters of Ulysses) and one on an episode of Ulysses . In each paper, students will use at least one scholarly essay. Students should develop library research skill and analytic abilities. Grading and Assignments: Students are expected to * Attend every class, with the reading for that day thoroughly prepared. Participation is crucial in this class; students should miss no more than one class and anyone absent for four risks failing the semester. * Give a short presentation on one of the critical essays listed on the syllabus. This should be five minutes and should give us a succinct synthesis including description of the essay’s main points (three or more), using key quotes, and providing some analytically incisive questions that will jump start class discussion. * Take short exams on Ulysses the day they appear on the syllabus. You may drop one of these, if you wish. However, do not skip any exams until the last one, because there are no make ups, and you might miss a test due to illness later on.