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Present: In the Chair: Town Mayor Cllr D. J. Goodman Cllr M. Bushell Cllr Mrs C. Lock Cllr S. W. Lock Cllr Mrs R. McCool Cllr M. R. J. Smale Cllr M. F. Way Cllr D. Worden Cllr S. K. White

In Attendance: Town Clerk Mr M. G. Gingell Mr A. C. Coates – Deputy Town Clerk/RFO

1/13 NOMINATION AND APPOINTMENT OF MAYOR FOR 2013/2014 MUNICIPAL YEAR It was RESOLVED that Cllr White be the Mayor of South Molton for the 2013/2014 Municipal Year. Cllr White took the chair.

2/13 DECLARATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF OFFICE OF CHAIRMAN/MAYOR Cllr White read out the above and the document was signed and witnessed by the Clerk.

3/13 NOMINATION AND APPOINTMENT OF DEPUTY MAYOR FOR THE 2013/2014 MUNICIPAL YEAR The Clerk reminded members that Cllr Mrs Lock was the Deputy Mayor Elect and a resolution was required to formally approve her appointment. It was RESOLVED that Cllr Mrs Lock be appointed Deputy Mayor of South Molton for the 2013/2014 Municipal Year.

4/13 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Kingdon, Moore and Parkinson.



7/13 APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEES 2013-2014 a) (i) Planning Committee - RESOLVED that membership consist of Cllrs Bushell, C. Lock, S. Lock, McCool, Smale, Worden & Mayor ex– officio (ii) RESOLVED that Cllr Smale be elected as Chairman. (iii) RESOLVED that Cllr S. Lock be elected as Vice Chairman.

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b) (i) Finance Committee - RESOLVED that membership consist of Cllrs Goodman, Kingdon, C. Lock, S. Lock, McCool, Way & Mayor ex- officio (ii) RESOLVED that Cllr Way be elected as Chairman. (iii) RESOLVED that Cllr C. Lock be elected as Vice Chairman. c) (i) Staff Committee - RESOLVED that membership consist of Cllrs Bushell, Goodman, Kingdon, C. Lock, McCool, Way & Mayor ex- officio (ii) RESOLVED that Cllr White be elected as Chairman (iii) RESOLVED that Cllr C. Lock be elected as Vice Chairman d) (i) Pannier Market Sub-Committee RESOLVED that membership consist Cllrs Kingdon, Smale, Way, Worden & Mayor ex officio & two Market Trader Reps e) (i) Town Hall Sub-Committee – RESOLVED that this Sub-Committee be abolished. f) (i) Parish Emergency Plan Working Party RESOLVED that membership consist of Cllrs Goodman, S. Lock, McCool & Worden g) (i) Youth Council Sub-Committee RESOLVED that membership consist of Cllrs Bushell, C. Lock, S. Lock & Worden h) (i) Central Park Working Group RESOLVED that membership consist of Cllrs Bushell, S. Lock, McCool, Parkinson, Smale, White & Worden RFO (in advisory capacity) i) (i) Traffic & Highways Working Group RESOLVED that membership consist of Cllrs Bushell, Goodman, McCool, Way & Worden j) (i) Strategic Planning Working Party RESOLVED that membership consist of Cllrs Bushell, Goodman, White & Worden k) (i) Community Woodland Extension & Recreational Working Party RESOLVED that membership consist of Cllrs Bushell, Goodman, Kingdon & McCool l) (i) Newsletter Sub-Committee RESOLVED that membership consist of Cllrs Bushell, S. Lock, McCool, Way & Mayor ex officio m) (i) Policy Committee RESOLVED that membership consist of Cllrs Bushell, Goodman, McCool & White Continued … Page 3 2013/2014

8/13 TO CONSIDER THE POWERS OF COMMITTEES It was RESOLVED that the Planning, Finance and Staff Committees should have full powers to act and that all other Sub-Committees and Working Parties should make recommendations to the full Town Council. Cllr Bushell wished to have it minuted that he voted against this decision.

9/13 MEMBERS TO WHOM TOWN CLERK CAN REFER IN MATTERS OF URGENCY It was RESOLVED that in matters of urgency the Town Clerk refers to the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and the Chairman of the Finance Committee.

10/13 APPOINTMENT OF REPRESENTATIVES RESOLVED that the following appointments be made: South Molton Tourist Association Cllr Worden South Molton Information Centre Cllr McCool Association of Local Councils – Larger Council Sub-Committee Cllr Goodman South Molton Twinning Association Cllr White South Molton Business Association Cllrs Goodman & White Crime Prevention Panel Cllrs Bushell, S Lock, Moore & Worden International Tree Foundation Mrs J Foster South Molton Municipal Charities (Trustees) Cllr Smale (expires 15/05/2015) Cllr Way (expires 15/05/2015) Cllr S. Lock (expires ) Cllr White (expires 25/09/2015) Pathfields Business Forum Cllr Kingdon Friends of Community Woodland Group Cllr McCool South Molton Community Sports & Physical Activity Network (SMCSPAN) Cllrs Bushell, Goodman & Worden Royal British Legion – South Molton Branch Cllr Moore South Molton and District Museum Management Group Cllrs C Lock & Parkinson South Molton Cottage Homes Trustees Cllr White & Mr C Squire The PIP Centre Cllr Parkinson The South Molton & District Licensees Association Cllr Moore South Molton & District Volunteer Bureau Cllr Parkinson

There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.20pm.

Chairman ………………………………………

Date ……………………………………………. Page 13 2013/2014


Present: In the Chair Town Mayor Cllr S. K. White Cllr M. Bushell Cllr D. J. Goodman Cllr M. J. Kingdon Cllr Mrs C. E. Lock Cllr S. W. Lock Cllr Mrs R. McCool Cllr Mrs C. Parkinson Cllr D. J. Worden

In Attendance: Deputy Town Clerk Mr A. C. Coates

44/13 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Moore, Smale and Way.

45/13 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The following declaration of interest was read out by the Deputy Town Clerk: Cllr Worden – Personal Interest – Item 6 – NDC Member Personal Interest – Item 7 – NDC Member

46/13 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS AND MATTERS OF URGENCY BROUGHT FORWARD AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CHAIRMAN a) Cllr White reported that he had been advised by the District Council that they had taken the necessary action regarding several travellers vehicles which had been parked in Central Car Park. b) Cllr White informed members that he would be arranging an informal meeting with Mr Ken Miles, the Monitoring Officer at NDC, to address members regarding conduct at meetings. c) Cllr White reported that he was arranging a meeting with officers of DCC regarding increasing the number of grass cuts to all areas which are maintained by them. d) Cllr White reminded members that the Olde English Fayre would be taking place this weekend and that the weather forecast was favourable. All members were welcome to attend the lunch in the Town Hall and it was hoped they would all support the event within the town.

47/13 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Annual Town Meeting 28 May 2013 It was RESOLVED that these minutes not be approved as Cllr Bushell was not satisfied with the representation on his comments which had been reported. It was RESOLVED that the RFO would check the recording of the meeting if available and that he and Cllr Bushell meet to re-word these minutes which will be presented for approval at the next Town Council meeting.

48/13 SOUTH WEST WATER TREATMENT WORKS – SOUTH MOLTON The Mayor welcomed Richard Gilpin, Head of Waste Water Services at South West Water who started the discussion by informing members that SWW had

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looked at the sewerage farm and had concluded that refurbishment of the existing plant at a cost of £1.5 million would be the preferred option. A valuation for putting in a new sewerage farm had been estimated at £6 million. Mr Gilpin advised that the upgrade had already taken place, although members had not been aware of this, and he stated that the upgrade would serve a population of up to 7500 which he said was consistent with the new Local Plan and was in his view satisfactory. Regarding the sewer network leading from the proposed new estate he said that the developer (Linden Homes) will be evaluating its contribution to the upgrade of the sewer network with SWW. When asked how long it would be before SWW notifies Linden Homes of the costs involved, Mr Gilpin said he was not sure and that SWW had not yet received their build pattern. It was pointed out by members that it was imperative to sort this out quickly so that the developer could assess the viability of the project. Any delay could jeopardise the building of the new Medical Centre which had time limits imposed on it regarding availability of funds. The Mayor then concluded the discussion by thanking Mr Gilpin for attending the meeting.

49/13 SHEEP PENS – NORTH OF SOUTHLEY ROAD, SOUTH MOLTON Members noted copies of letters in respect of the above and it was RESOLVED that permission be granted to spend up to £500 for our own solicitor to produce a report and conclusion in the matter of ownership of the Sheep Pens.

50/13 PROPOSED HOUSING DEVELOPMENT – NORTH ROAD, SOUTH MOLTON The Mayor reported on two meetings that had recently been held with Linden Homes regarding the Gunswell Lane development and the Section 106 monies. It was RESOLVED that Cllrs Moore and Worden report back to members in due course regarding the District Council and Linden Homes suggestions for prioritising the Section 106 monies and the percentage of affordable homes for further discussion by the Town Council.

51/13 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTS FOR YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2013 Members noted the RFO’s summary in respect of the Annual Return Statement Section 1 Accounting Statements and Section 2 The Annual Governance Statement and it was RESOLVED that these be approved.

52/13 GULLACOMBES HOUSING DEVELOPMENT Members noted a brief report compiled by the RFO which had been previously circulated to members. The RFO reported that progress was being made with this development and it was hoped that works would commence in September 2013.

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There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.29pm.

Chairman …...………………………………………….

Date ………..……………………………………………………

Page 4 2013/2014


Present: In the Chair: Town Mayor Cllr S. K. White Cllr M. Bushell Cllr D. J. Goodman Cllr Mrs C. Lock Cllr S. W. Lock Cllr Mrs R. McCool Cllr M. R. J. Smale Cllr M. F. Way Cllr D. Worden

In Attendance: Town Clerk Mr M. G. Gingell Mr A. C. Coates – Deputy Town Clerk/RFO

11/13 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Kingdon, Moore and Parkinson.

12/13 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The following declarations of interest of read out by the Town Clerk: Cllr C. Lock – Personal Interest – Item 7 – Council Rep Friend of Museum Cllr Way – DPI – Item 10c) – Customer Personal Interest – Item 10e) – Member of Pathfields Business Forum

13/13 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS The Mayor reported on a recent event in the Town Hall, which had suffered from a lack of heating and members in attendance had suffered the consequences. Cllr Goodman the past Mayor had formally apologised to the hirers and hoped that this incident would not detract them from using the rooms for a future event. Cllr White was pleased to report that the Finance Committee had met on Monday 13 May 2013 and it had been resolved that reserves be earmarked for the following improvements: Town Hall & Museum Heating PA/Loop System for Town Hall Refurbishment of Ladies and Gents toilets in the Town Hall Possible weeding and grass cutting maintenance Cllr White was also pleased to report that a Fireworks Display similar to the event in 2012 to celebrate HM The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee was being arranged for 9 November 2013 in recognition of the Queen’s 60th Anniversary of her Accession to the Throne. Cllr White stressed the need to work as a team for the benefit of the town and its future prosperity.

14/13 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Town Council 23 April 2013 It was RESOLVED that these minutes be approved.

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15/13 DOCUMENT FOR EXECUTION It was RESOLVED that the following document be signed by the Mayor and Deputy Mayor and witnessed by the Town Clerk: Exclusive Right of Burial – Plot M1608D – Ms Diane Baker, 37 Hugh Squier Avenue, South Molton, EX36 3DR

16/13 ENVIRONMENT SCHOOL – SATURDAY 22 JUNE 2013 The Clerk reported that he had received full details regarding the above event being arranged by Town Council for any interested member. Both Cllrs Bushell and McCool expressed an interest and the Clerk will forward details to them in due course.

17/13 RENEWAL OF THE AGREEMENT FOR SOUTH MOLTON & DISTRICT MUSEUM The Clerk reported that he had received a letter from NDC’s Legal Department suggesting that the current five year agreement which expires this month be extended for a further twelve months in order to clarify the potential transfer of ownership of the museum collection from NDC to SMTC. The Clerk read out the suggested wording of the Term of Agreement and it was RESOLVED to approve this request. The Clerk will liaise with NDC to finalise this agreement.

18/13 SOUTH MOLTON SEWERAGE TREATMENT WORKS This item had been placed on the agenda at the request of members from a previous meeting. All members had received a further copy of a letter received from Mr R Gilpin, Head of Waste Water Services at SWW dated 23 April 2013. Members debated the content of this letter and it was RESOLVED that the Clerk invites Mr Gilpin to a future Town Council meeting as a matter of urgency.

19/13 CONSULTATION ON THE DRAFT JOINT NORTHERN DEVON ECONOMIC STRATEGY All members had previously received a copy of the above detailed document for their perusal and comment. Reference to South Molton was very minimal and detailed under Objective 6c. It was RESOLVED to support the Objectives and Actions under 6c and also refer to the A361 Link Road which members are very keen to see upgraded to provide easy access to the whole of North Devon with the ultimate aim of it being dual carriageway. The Clerk will forward these comments to Ellen Vernon NDC prior to the closure of the consultation period.

20/13 ESTATE ISSUES All members had previously received a land agent’s briefing report on the following subjects and the Clerk reported on each issue to up date members. a) ROYAL MAIL PLC Members noted that as requested by members Mr Holtom had prepared a

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Terminal Schedule of Dilapidations & Wants of Repair regarding the Old Cornmarket building leased to the above. Royal Mail have indicated that there are major plans for refurbishment and Mr Holtom has checked against the Works specification to ensure all items he noted have been covered. The Clerk reported that the works were due to commence on the 13 May but to date no preparation work had commenced. The Clerk will monitor. b) EXPANSION OF THE COMMUNITY WOODLAND The Clerk reported that Mr Holtom was working on the above and the final plans would soon be available for members to peruse. Various ideas had been put forward including the provision of allotments, which Cllr Bushell suggested should be considered as a matter of urgency in order to reduce the long waiting list. Members noted the information supplied within Mr Holtom’s report including the details of The Forestry Commission Grant and Public Open Space monies from NDC.

At this juncture Cllr Way having earlier declared a DPI in the next item left the meeting.

c) SOUTH MOLTON METALS Members noted details within Mr Holtom’s report and the four issues raised for debate. The Clerk reported further on this subject and it was RESOLVED that the four points suggested by Mr Holtom be approved in order that progress can be made to produce a draft lease for consideration. Cllrs S Lock and Worden abstained during the voting process thereon.

Cllr Way rejoined the meeting.

d) T & T COACHES The Clerk reported that following a previous meeting he had made the necessary enquiries to protect the authority in order for the above company to assign their lease. The solicitor had received a satisfactory reference and was recommending acceptance. It was RESOLVED that T & T Coaches be given the necessary permission to assign their lease to M & B Plant (Devon) Ltd. Cllr Way abstained during the voting process thereon. e) PATHFIEDS BUSINESS PARK Members noted the details contained within Mr Holtom’s report including an update with the proposed Option Agreement for the relocation of the Livestock Market, which is still being prepared by the Legal section of NDC. Members noted that a meeting with Simon Hill Principal Engineer DCC had been arranged for Monday 20 May 2013, which the Mayor and Clerk hoped to attend. Mr Hill is the designated officer dealing with the adoption process.

21/13 It was RESOLVED that under the provision of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the public and press be excluded because publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted.

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22/13 It was RESOLVED that the meeting return to open session.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.09pm.

Chairman ………………………………………

Date …………………………………………….

Page 10 2013/2014


Present: In the Chair Town Mayor Cllr S. K. White Cllr M. Bushell Cllr M. J. Kingdon Cllr Mrs C. E. Lock Cllr S. W. Lock Cllr E. J. Moore Cllr Mrs C. Parkinson Cllr M. R. J. Smale Cllr M F Way Cllr D. J. Worden

In Attendance: Town Clerk Mr M. G. Gingell. DCC Cllr Mr J Yabsley

35/13 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Goodman.

36/13 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The following declaration of interest was read out by the Town Clerk: Cllr Worden – Personal Interest – Item 8 – NDC Member Personal Interest – Item 7 – NDC Member

37/13 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS AND MATTERS OF URGENCY BROUGHT FORWARD AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CHAIRMAN The Mayor reported on various issues as follows: The possible purchase of the George Arcade at a recent property auction at which the Town Council was unsuccessful in its telephone bid. Meeting held on 20 May 2013 at the land agent’s office with Clerk and Simon Hill Principal Engineer DCC regarding the on-going adoption process. Issues are being resolved and progress is being made. A meeting was held on Friday 24 May 2013 with the developers of the North Road/Gunswell Lane Housing Development attended by officers from NDC and several interested members. The main issue discussed was funding from the Section 106 Agreement with particular reference to Affordable Housing. This item will be placed on the agenda of the Town Council meeting on Tuesday 11 June 2013. Progress is still being made with the Gullacombes Housing Development and the RFO Mr A. Coates has attended various meetings to discuss financial issues. All members had received a copy of a letter received from Sarah Casey praising the staff at The Amory Centre following a recent booking. Members were pleased to learn of the comments in the communication. Father Michael Clothier of the Anglican Catholic Church is having a special service with his Archbishop on Saturday 13 July 2013 at the Cemetery Chapel commencing at 12 noon and any member is invited to attend.

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Cllr Kingdon briefly reported on the planned expansion to the Community Woodlands including the area within the Gullacombes Housing Development. He had recently attended a meeting with Mr Holtom the Council’s land agent who is preparing detailed plans to apply for funding from the Forestry Commission. A short question and answer session followed and any interested member can contact Mr Holtom for further information.

38/13 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Annual Meeting of Town Council 14 May 2013 It was RESOLVED that these minutes be approved. Town Council 14 May 2013 It was RESOLVED that these minutes be approved. Town Council (Mayor Choosing) 15 May 2013 It was RESOLVED that these minutes be approved.

39/13 MR P. STANFORD – MARKET & PROPERTY SERVICES SUPERVISOR The Mayor welcomed Mr Stanford to the meeting and members had previously received brief details of the work schedule compiled by himself. Members noted details of the work listed and a question and answer session followed. Cllr Moore proposed a Vote of Thanks to Mr Stanford and his staff for all their hard work and commitment and it was RESOLVED to approve Cllr Moore’s request. Mr Stanford was thanked for attending this meeting and wished continual success in his role as an employee of this authority.

40/13 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Mr Mark Cornelius of Crown Hill, New Road requested to speak under this item. Mr Cornelius raised concerns regarding signage to and from the Central Car Park via the town centre which he considered inadequate. It was reported that the whole subject of signage in the town centre was being reviewed by the Town Team who were awarded the sum of £10000 from the Mary Portas Project. Cllr Yabsley briefly reported on this situation. Mr Cornelius then reported on his continual concern with cars parking in New Road on double yellow lines. The Mayor responded with the Town Council’s position regarding Civil Enforcement Officers employed by NDC. Mr Cornelius reported on his concern regarding the property at 17 Gwythers which has been empty for months and in a bad state of repair. Cllr Moore responded with a brief resume of its history and current situation. Cllr Yabsley gave a brief report on the situation regarding grass cutting in particular roadside verges, which all members are extremely concerned with and ’s complete lack of maintenance and responsibility. In connection with the budget for highway maintenance Cllr Yabsley reported on the financial situation for the total budget for DCC briefly detailing the funds from central government and its impact on local services.

41/13 SOUTH MOLTON BUSINESS ASSOCIATION This item had been placed on the agenda at the request of Cllr Moore who

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reported further on the organisation’s suggestion to allow free car parking in Central Car Park on the seven Summer Saturdays. Members discussed this suggestion and it was RESOLVED to forward a letter to the SMBA detailing the Town Council’s support for these events but in this instance could not support the proposal to request to NDC that the Central Car Park be free on the designated seven Summer Saturdays.

42/13 SHEEP PENS This item had been placed on the agenda in order for both NDC Cllrs Moore and Worden to give an update regarding the above. This matter is still being investigated by the legal section at NDC and no further news was available. Bearing this in mind members RESOLVED that the Clerk is to forward a further letter to Diana Hill NDC requesting that the proposed works to the above area be commenced as a matter of urgency in order to provide the extra car parking that South Molton so desperately needs.

43/13 REPRESENTATIVES TO REPORT ON MEETINGS ATTENDED a) Cllr Worden – Attended a recent meeting of the Sports Network group – not much to report but attended by members of the South Molton Strugglers. Cllr Moore – Royal British Legion – South Molton branch. Cllr Moore wished to remind members of the recent local book launch at a price of £9 99p. b) North Devon Councillors Moore and Worden did not have any issues they wished to report to members. c) No police were in attendance.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.27pm.

Chairman …...………………………………………….

Date ………..……………………………………………………

Page 16 2013/2014


Present: In the Chair Town Mayor Cllr S. K. White Cllr M. Bushell Cllr D. J. Goodman Cllr M. J. Kingdon Cllr Mrs C. E. Lock Cllr S. W. Lock Cllr Mrs R. McCool Cllr E. J. Moore Cllr Mrs C. Parkinson Cllr M. R. J. Smale Cllr M. F. Way Cllr D. J. Worden

In Attendance: Town Clerk Mr M. G. Gingell


54/13 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The following declaration of interest was read out by the Town Clerk: Cllr Goodman – Personal Interest – Item 4 – Son-in-law is a Firefighter Cllr Way – Personal Interest – Item 9 - Supplier

55/13 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS AND MATTERS OF URGENCY BROUGHT FORWARD AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CHAIRMAN The Mayor Cllr White reported that the Royal British Legion Book launch is being held on Monday 1 July 2013 at The Old Coaching Inn at approx 7.40pm. Any interested member is invited to attend The Mayor reported on a recent email received from Mr J. Mensah at the Sister City of Shama in Ghana. This email relates to the delegation that were hoping to travel to the UK for the Olde English Fayre this month. The Clerk reported that all members are invited to attend a performance of Grease being held by Year 6 of the Junior School on Tuesday/Wednesday 9 and 10 of July commencing at 6pm. Please reply by phoning 572656 to confirm which evening they hope to attend. Cllr Moore reported on the recent excellent Olde English Fayre weekend and wished to thank the Mayor and Mayoress for all their hard work and commitment to this event and proposed that a Vote of Thanks be given to Cllr White and his wife.

56/13 It was RESOLVED to suspend standing orders in order to put his proposal to the vote which was carried unanimously. The Clerk will forward the appropriate letter.

57/13 It was RESOLVED to re-instate standing orders.

58/13 DEVON & SOMERSET FIRE & RESCUE SERVICE The Mayor welcomed Mr M. Davis, Station Manager, Group Support Team to

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the meeting. Mr Davis had been invited by the Clerk in order to address members on the economic situation that is affecting the service provided by DSFR. Mr Davis re-assured members that South Molton will continue to provide a service to protect the town’s population and the surrounding area under the leadership of Watch Manager Mr D. Homewood. He explained the role and aims of DSFR with particular reference to the consultation document currently being considered due to cuts in funding from central government. These cuts will probably affect the role of the manned station at but not South Molton, which has just taken delivery of two new appliances. Mr Davis also raised the possibility of securing land at Pathfields Business Park to relocate the station. Members supported this suggestion and the Clerk will refer this request to Mr Holtom the council’s land agent. Members questioned Mr Davis on several related issues and concerns and the Mayor thanked him for attending this meeting and wished him and the retained fireman at South Molton all continued success in the future. Mr Davis then left the meeting.

59/13 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Annual Town Meeting (Revised) 28 May 2013 It was RESOLVED that these minutes be approved. Town Council 28 May 2013 It was RESOLVED that these minutes be approved.

60/13 ADOPTION OF COMMITTEE MINUTES Parish Emergency Plan Working Party 27 October 2011 It was RESOLVED that these minutes be approved and their recommendations be adopted. Central Park Working Group 12 April 2012 It was RESOLVED that these minutes be approved and their recommendations be adopted. Newsletter Sub-Committee 18 October 2012 It was RESOLVED that these minutes be approved and their recommendations be adopted.

61/13 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Cllr Way in his capacity as a member of the public and resident of the town referred members to the reply received from NDC regarding the Central Car Park. Cllr Way was still concerned that the exits from this car park were not clearly shown to motorists and caused problems. The Clerk will refer this matter again to the officer at NDC for further investigation. At this juncture 7.51pm DCC Cllr J. Yabsley joined the meeting and gave his apologies to the Mayor as he was due at a meeting and then left.

62/13 DOCUMENT FOR EXECUTION Exclusive Right of Burial – Plot N24 – Mrs Elizabeth Gail Little, 1 Raleigh Close, South Molton, EX36 4DS.

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The time being 7.55pm Cllr Moore left the meeting.

63/13 HEALTH AND SAFETY Members had previously received two quotes to consider at this meeting regarding the appointment of a consultant for the above. The Clerk had obtained a quote from a local expert together with a quote from a national firm recommended by the Society of Local Council Clerks. Members debated these two quotes and it was RESOLVED to appoint Mr Richard Everitt from North Molton on a two year contract based on the costings provided. Cllr McCool voted against this proposal during the voting process and Cllr Way abstained due to declaring a personal interest but did speak at the request of the Mayor while this subject was being discussed.

64/13 MONTHLY ACTION SHEET Members noted details of the above and the Clerk explained further that several issues had now been resolved. Cllr Goodman expressed his concern regarding the tree survey report from Mr A. van Koutrik and the Clerk will chase again in the hope that it will be received.

65/13 DEVON & CORNWALL POLICE – SPEEDING The Clerk reported that he had received a communication from PC Graham James regarding speed checks, which had been discussed at the last meeting of the Crime Prevention Panel. Devon and Cornwall Police have borrowed a Lotus Evora to highlight and spread road safety messages particularly to younger drivers Cllrs Bushell, S Lock and Worden reported on this initiative and a suggestion had been raised that perhaps an awareness event could be held together with North Molton Parish Council. Members debated this proposal and various suggestions were discussed including the possible installation of flashing speed signs at main roads in to the town centre. It was RESOLVED to instruct the Clerk to discuss the situation with PC James including the possibility of purchasing flashing signs and report back to all members.

66/13 REPRESENTATIVES TO REPORT ON MEETINGS ATTENDED a) Cllr Worden – Crime Prevention Panel – recent meeting where it was reported that the crime figures for the South Molton area were down. Both PC James and PCSO Paul Whitehouse recently attended a major conference in Valencia, Spain on policing issues and there may be an opportunity to visit Bulgaria later in 2013. Cllr McCool – Friends of the Community Woodland – attended a seminar in Exeter on tree disease – 2 areas in North Devon affected – concern over larch. Cyril Cole has been consulted regarding the wildlife pond and Martin Bragg has been suggested for remedial work. Still problem with dog walkers – dogs must be under control but not on a lead. Cllr Bushell reported on an incident in the Recreation Ground.

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Cllr S Lock – attended recent church service regarding St John’s Ambulance which was well supported. Cllr White – Twinning Association – recent successful barbecue held at his home. b) None. c) No police in attendance.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.49pm.

Chairman …...………………………………………….

Date ………..……………………………………………………

Page 20 2013/2014


Present: In the Chair Town Mayor Cllr S. K. White Cllr M. Bushell Cllr D. J. Goodman Cllr M. J. Kingdon Cllr Mrs C. E. Lock Cllr S. W. Lock Cllr Mrs R. McCool Cllr E. J. Moore Cllr Mrs C. Parkinson Cllr M. R. J. Smale Cllr M. F. Way

In Attendance: Town Clerk Mr M. G. Gingell Deputy Town Clerk/RFO Mr A. C. Coates Cllr J Yabsley Devon County Council Land agent Mr J Holtom The Mayor apologised for the late start of this meeting due to the overrun of the Planning Committee meeting called for 6.15pm.

67/13 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Worden.

68/13 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The following declaration of interest was read out by the Town Clerk: Cllr Bushell – Personal Interest – Item 5 – Highways Issues Cllr C. Lock – Personal Interest – Item 8 – Volunteer & Museum Rep Cllr Parkinson – Personal Interest - Item 8 - Volunteer

69/13 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS AND MATTERS OF URGENCY BROUGHT FORWARD AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CHAIRMAN The Mayor reminded members that the Monitoring Officer NDC Mr Ken Miles was attending a meeting to be held in The Amory Centre on Wednesday 31 July 2013 at 6.45pm regarding the Code of Conduct. He stressed the need for members to attend if possible.

70/13 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Town Council 11 June 2013 It was RESOLVED that these minutes be approved. Town Council 25 June 2013 It was RESOLVED that these minutes be approved.

71/13 HIGHWAY ISSUES The Mayor invited Mr Rhys Davies DCC to address members at this meeting in order to report on issues relating to highways and maintenance work and the financial constraints that DCC are experiencing at the current time. Mr Davies explained his role and the meeting he had previously with both Cllr Goodman and Cllr Worden. This meeting was very constructive and raised many issues. A traffic Management Plan was being compiled for South Molton as part of a

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major review in conjunction with South West Highways Ltd. One issue debated was the possibility of creating a residents parking scheme due to the number of people who work in the town but park in streets adjacent to the town centre. Mr Davies explained the benefits and the possible problems that this could create. Cllr Yabsley stressed that no scheme could go ahead without the full support of the Town Council. Other issues raised included the maintenance of roads and the surface dressing that has been carried out recently on roads within the parish and the possible creation of a roundabout at Borners Bridge. Mr Davies was thanked by the Mayor for attending this meeting and then left the council chamber.

72/13 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Mr Mark Cornelius, New Road, South Molton – Mr Cornelius reported on his concern regarding the number of lorries being parked in the lorry park in Southley Road overnight and also the damage they do to road surfaces. Both Cllrs Smale and Way responded.

73/13 DOCUMENT FOR EXECUTION It was RESOLVED that the following document be signed by the Mayor and Deputy Mayor and witnessed by the Town Clerk: Exclusive Right of Burial – Plot N22 – Mr Ernest George Lewis, 26 Churchill Crescent, South Molton, EX36 4EL

74/13 SOUTH MOLTON & DISTRICT MUSEUM This item had been placed on the agenda at the request of Cllr C Lock who reported further on the above. Alison Rix in the museum was requesting the sole use of the Old Assembly Room for the month of August 2014 in order to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of World War 1. She also was requesting permission to place a small display case containing relevant items in the Court Room. Members are aware that if bookings for the OAR are required they must be honoured. It was RESOLVED to grant the necessary permission under the Clerk’s direction.

75/13 MAYOR’S CIVIC PARADE This item had been placed on the agenda at the request of Cllr Bushell who reported on his concern that the above parade should be re-instated and no longer continue in the format of combining both the OEF parade with the Mayor’s parade in June of each year. Members debated this item and it was RESOLVED to continue as previously agreed in October 2011 with three parades per year. Following a request by Cllr Bushell it was RESOLVED to record the vote as follows: Cllr Goodman - For Cllr Bushell - Against Cllr Kingdon - For Cllr S Lock - Against Cllr C Lock - For

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Cllr Moore - Abstained Cllr McCool - For Cllr Parkinson - For Cllr Smale - For Cllr Way - For Cllr White - For Totals – 8 For, 2 Against, 1 Abstained

7613 PROPOSED HEALTH CENTRE This item had been placed on the agenda at the request of Cllr Bushell who reported on the above item. The proposed new health centre will be built within Phase 1 of the new housing development at North Road/Gunswell Lane but Cllr Bushell was concerned that there should be an alternative site in case this development does not proceed. Members debated this item and it was RESOLVED that Cllr Goodman meets with the relevant practice manager to ascertain their position and report back to the Town Council in early September. The Clerk is also instructed to investigate any other options to purchase land that may be suitable including the possibility of compulsory purchase of any land within the parish if deemed necessary.

77/13 MONTHLY ACTION SHEET Members noted details of the above including any updates where necessary. Cllr Moore enquired whether we had any more news regarding the sheep pens in Southley Road and further information from the town council’s solicitors should be available soon.

78/13 REPRESENTATIVES TO REPORT ON MEETINGS ATTENDED a) Cllr Bushell – Attended meeting of DALC in Exeter – will attend Localism Seminar in Bristol – briefed on new Healthwatch Scheme. Cllr McCool – Friends of Community Woodland – recent meeting – new signs to be erected soon and works to improve wildlife pond. b) None. c) No police present.

79/13 It was RESOLVED that under the provision of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the public and press be excluded because publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted.

82/13 It was RESOLVED that the meeting return to open session.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.02pm.

Chairman …...………………………………………….

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Present: In the Chair Town Mayor Cllr S. K. White Cllr M. Bushell Cllr D. J. Goodman Cllr Mrs C. E. Lock Cllr S. W. Lock Cllr Mrs R. McCool Cllr Mrs C. Parkinson Cllr D. J. Worden

In Attendance: Town Clerk Mr M. G. Gingell Land Agent Mr J. Holtom DCC Cllr J. Yabsley (for only part of the meeting)

83/13 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Kingdon, Moore, Smale and Way

84/13 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The following declaration of interest was read out by the Town Clerk: Cllr Worden – Personal Interest – Item 10 – NDC Member

85/13 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS AND MATTERS OF URGENCY BROUGHT FORWARD AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CHAIRMAN The Mayor reported that following a recent Finance Committee meeting it was reported that if any member has any items that they wish to be considered at the Budget meeting then the RFO must have the information by the 30 September 2013. The Mayor also reported on the Code of Conduct training meeting held on the 31 July 2013 with NDC’s Interim Joint Head of Legal and Monitoring Officer Mr K Miles. Many members attended and it was considered a worthwhile exercise.

86/13 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Town Council 23 July 2013 It was RESOLVED that these minutes be approved.

87/13 RURAL SHARE PETITION This item had been placed on the agenda at the request of Cllr Worden who reported further on the subject. Cllr Worden explained the basis behind this petition and that rural areas are suffering due to central government constraints on funding. North Devon has a high percentage of people living in rural areas and this must be recognised by central government and therefore receive its fair share of the required funding. All parishes in the North Devon area are being asked to be involved and it is of paramount importance that as many

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people sign the petition as possible which will be presented to Parliament in October 2013. Cllr Worden handed out the petition details to any interested member.

88/13 NEW HEALTH CENTRE This item had been placed on the agenda at the request of members at the 23 July TC meeting. Cllr Goodman had offered to obtain an update regarding the above and reported to members following a discussion with the Practice Manager with particular reference to the timing and funding. Cllr Worden was pleased to report that Jean Watkins had confirmed that there was no problem with the sewerage situation and only the details of the Section 106 document required completion. Mr Holtom reported that he had requested sight of the viability assessment from Linden Homes and was awaiting receipt. He reported that members had previously identified three alternative sites should the planned housing development not proceed. It was RESOLVED that this item be placed on the TC agenda in two months time for further consideration. Members are keen for a new Heath Centre to be built and will support any scheme proposed. During discussion on this item Cllr Yabsley addressed members.

89/13 CEMETERY EXTENSION Members had previously received an email regarding the above and the Clerk was seeking permission to investigate the costs of enhancing this area with trees, seats and possibly providing hard surface paths. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk is given the necessary permission in consultation with the Mayor and report back to the full council in due course.

90/13 NO 1 EAST STREET The Clerk reported that the current tenant was vacating the above premises at the end of September 2013 and a new tenant wishes to commence as from the 1 October 2013. Both the Clerk and RFO were recommending that a rent of £4500 plus VAT be payable for the first year subject to internal redecoration of the premises and a rent of £6000 plus VAT thereafter. Mr Holtom explained that the agreement will be a Tenancy at Will in order to be exempt from the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk’s and RFO’s recommendation be approved and the new tenant be advised in due course.

91/13 HOLE IN HEDGE – CENTRAL PARK Members noted a brief report compiled by the Deputy Clerk/RFO on the above and the Clerk reported further for members information. The Clerk is in the process of applying for the necessary retrospective planning consent.

92/13 SHEEP PENS – NORTH OF SOUTHLEY ROAD The Clerk reported further following receipt of correspondence from the Council’s solicitor, which had been previously forwarded with this agenda to all members. Members discussed the current situation and it was RESOLVED not to proceed any further with our enquiries regarding history and ownership and

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notify NDC Legal section in due course. The Clerk understands from the Legal section that the proposed Option Agreement can now be completed in draft form and the planned works to this area to enlarge the car park can be commenced as soon as possible. Cllr Bushell voted against this resolution as he considered that it has not been proven neither for or against as far as ownership of this area is concerned which could be detrimental to the residents of the town.

93/13 ESTATE ISSUES All members had previously received a briefing note from Mr Holtom on the following subjects: Pathfields Business Park – Future development Phase 4 Mr Holtom explained further the future development of Phase 4 together with his recommendations. It was RESOLVED to approve the following: SMTC to press NDC for completion of Option Agreement re Livestock Market. SMTC to liaise with potential partners and adjoining Landowners. SMTC to continue to liaise with potential end users, establishing requirements in respect of site size and position, connections with South Molton, jobs secured and created, power requirements etc. SMTC to work with funders, planners and other stakeholders to identify critical path and milestones. SMTC to approach suitable consultants as listed in his report, identify cost and commission reports. Adoption of roads and paths Phase 3 Comments noted. All members are anxious to complete this process. Request to fell trees – M and B Transport Site (assigned from T & T Coaches) It was RESOLVED to approve the tenants request as detailed in Mr Holtom’s report and stress the need for minimal removal to the identified trees on the stipulation that it would constitute a material improvement when considering their next rent review. South Molton Metals Mr Holtom was pleased to report that the new leasing terms had been completed and they are requesting to enlarge their premises and increase their staffing levels with 14 new positions. Mr Holtom is awaiting full details of their proposals. Easement for Mole Valley Farmers Members noted the comments within the report. Maclins Quarry Lease Renewal Mr Holtom updated members with his negotiations regarding the above and is awaiting further details from DCC. He is hoping to present a proposal at the next TC meeting. Community Woodlands Mr Holtom awaiting decision of the Woodland Creation Grant from The Forestry Commission. Members noted his comments within the report regarding tree planting and possibly a community day in co-operation of the Friends Group. Members raised the question of possibly setting up a composting scheme similar

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to the initiative at . This matter will be discussed at a later date following members enquiries.

Members thanked Mr Holtom for his clear and concise report.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.08pm.

Chairman …...………………………………………….

Date ………..……………………………………………………

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Present: In the Chair Town Mayor Cllr S. K. White Cllr M. Bushell Cllr D. J. Goodman Cllr M. J. Kingdon Cllr Mrs C. E. Lock Cllr S. W. Lock Cllr Mrs R. McCool Cllr E. J. Moore Cllr M. R. J. Smale Cllr M. F. Way Cllr D. J. Worden

In Attendance: Town Clerk Mr M. G. Gingell Deputy Town Clerk/RFO Mr A. C. Coates

94/13 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Parkinson who was away on a family event in London.

95/13 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The following declarations of interest was read out by the Town Clerk: Cllr Kingdon – DPI – Item 6 – Myself

96/13 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS AND MATTERS OF URGENCY BROUGHT FORWARD AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CHAIRMAN The Mayor reported on the recent news that due to staff shortages bed numbers will be reduced from 20 to 10 at South Molton Community Hospital for a period of up to 6 to 8 weeks. Many members commented on this situation and their concerns that it may be for a longer period despite being informed it was a temporary measure. Members requested that a suitable letter be forwarded to the NHS Trust with a copy to the League of Friends and also discuss further in approximately one months time. The Mayor reported on a recent meeting at NDC attended by NDC Cllrs Moore and Worden, himself and Mr Coates. This meeting was to discuss the draft version of Chapter 10 (South Molton) of the new Local Plan. All who attended considered it a worthwhile exercise. The Mayor reported on an invitation received from the Royal British Legion for members to attend a brief remembrance service at the War Memorial on Monday 11th November 2013 at 10 45am. The Mayor also reminded members of the Harvest Thanksgiving Parade which is on Sunday 29 September 2013 commencing at 10.55am from the Pannier Market. The Clerk reported that he had received a letter of thanks from The Devon Air Ambulance Trust for being given permission to land in the Sheep Fair Field on Thursday 8 August 2013. The Clerk had sought permission from the Mayor. The Clerk also reported on the Planning/Environment School being held by Barnstaple Town Council on Saturday 12 October and if any member wishes to attend he has full details.

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Cllr S Lock queried if invitations had been forwarded for the Mayor’s Charity Dinner and Dance on Friday 1 November 2013 and the Mayor responded with full details. The Mayor was pleased to report that he had received 2 letters of thanks to the Town Council for their recent works commissioned on the wildlife pond in the Community Woodlands.

97/13 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Town Council 10 September 2013 It was RESOLVED that these minutes be approved.

98/13 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION No members or members of the public present raised any issues for the Town Council’s attention so the Mayor moved to the next item on the agenda.

Cllr Kingdon declared a DPI in the following item and as no discussion took place remained in the room under the Clerk’s direction.

99/13 DOCUMENT FOR EXECUTION It was RESOLVED that the following document be signed by the Mayor and Deputy Mayor and witnessed by the Town Clerk: Exclusive Right of Burial – Plot N25 – Mr Martin Kingdon, Furzebray, Road, South Molton, EX36 4ER

100/13 DALC AGM & CONFERENCE 2013 The Clerk reported on the above event, which is being held at The Westpoint Centre, Exeter on Saturday 12th October 2013 for any interested member. Cllr Bushell indicated his wish to attend as one of the nominated representatives for the North Devon area on DALC.

101/13 FIRST WORLD WAR CENTENARY The Clerk reported on an email he had received from Graham West who was proposing to sow poppy seeds across community areas of land to celebrate the above and was requesting comments from members. The Clerk reminded members that they have already given permission to Alison Rix to have a display in the OAR during the month of August 2014. Much debate followed and various comments were raised either for or against the idea. Cllr Kingdon reported that the soil conditions in this area are not good for growing poppys. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk informs Mr West that members are concerned that the town must not be overwhelmed with this initiative but areas that may be considered are planters within the town centre, cemetery (designated area) and the Community Woodlands. The Clerk will report back in due course.

102/13 MONTHLY ACTION SHEET Members noted the details of the above document and it was agreed that items that have now reached a satisfactory conclusion could be removed. Members

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were pleased to learn of matters being concluded and Cllr Bushell requested an update on Health and Safety, which the Clerk will arrange.

103/13 REPRESENTATIVES TO REPORT ON MEETINGS ATTENDED a) Cllr McCool – Friends of the Community Woodland – report on pond with recommendations, which was circulated to members. Cllr McCool explained further the content of this report and the recent completed works. Dates of future events. Members were pleased that the FOCW take such an active part in the management of this area and must be congratulated on their efforts. Cllr S Lock – attended recent meeting regarding Devon’s Youth Service and gave a brief resume of points discussed. Cllr Bushell – DALC – attended recent regional conference at Bristol where Localism was discussed and other issues including ‘Right to Challenge’. Cllr Kingdon – Community Woodlands Extension – updated members with grant applications progress to date following recent informal meeting. Cllr Worden – attended the Community Council of Devon Annual Conference on 12th September 2013 and gave a brief resume on issues raised. Cllr Worden also attended the LGA Rural Conference at Warwick – spoke on the Fair Share Petition, which will be presented to parliament in October this year. b) Cllr Worden – recent meeting at NDC regarding responses received on Local Plan – constructive meeting with results expected in early 2014. Cllr Moore reported on his disappointment with the low number of responses received. c) No police present.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.55pm.

Chairman …...………………………………………….

Date ………..……………………………………………………

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Present: In the Chair Town Mayor Cllr S. K. White Cllr M. Bushell Cllr D. J. Goodman Cllr M. J. Kingdon Cllr Mrs C. E. Lock Cllr S. W. Lock Cllr Mrs R. McCool Cllr E. J. Moore Cllr M. R. J. Smale Cllr M. F. Way Cllr D. J. Worden

In Attendance: Town Clerk Mr M. G. Gingell DCC Cllr J Yabsley (part of meeting) Mayor’s Chaplain Rev R Andrews

107/13 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Parkinson.

108/13 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The following declaration of interest was read out by the Town Clerk: Cllr Kingdon – C of E Junior School – Item 9 – Personal – Neighbour to land

109/13 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS AND MATTERS OF URGENCY BROUGHT FORWARD AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CHAIRMAN The Mayor reported that Paul Henderson had requested marshals for the Fireworks Display on 9th November 2013, several councillors volunteered. The Mayor reported on the recent Finance Committee meeting where it was resolved to appoint an outside contractor to cut grass/verges from Spring 2014.

The time being 7.05pm Cllr S & Cllr Mrs C Lock joined the meeting.

The Mayor reminded members of the Remembrance Parade which is on Sunday 10 November 2013 commencing at 10 30am.. Also an invitation has been received from the Royal British Legion to join in the service at the War memorial on Monday, 11th November commencing at 10.45. The Mayor also reminded members of the Mayor’s Charity Dinner Dance on Friday, 1st November 2013. An invitation has been received to attend a meeting re Flooding Issues at Village Hall on Friday 1st November. Any interested member can attend.

110/13 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Town Council 24 September 2013 It was RESOLVED that these minutes be approved.

111/13 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Mr Mark Cornelius Crownhill, New Road requested that Cllr Way be thanked for his continual support regarding South Molton Carnival together with the Rotary

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Club of South Molton for arranging such a splendid event on the 28th September. Mr Cornelius also asked why the Town Council had rejected the application for the Solar Farm at Kingsland Barton yet Cllrs Moore and Worden had approved the application when it was determined by Planning Committee. Both councillors responded and explained their decision. Cllr Bushell raised the question of the hedge cutting at Mill-on-the-Mole, saying it was difficult to walk, as grass is growing onto the pavement. DCC will be informed again regarding this situation. Cllr Mrs C Lock reported that a member of the public had approached her asking if a mirror could be sited opposite the entrance to Factory Row to improve visibility. Cllr Yabsley explained that the County Council could not place a mirror on private property. Cllr McCool raised the issue of the state of the road on North Street and Parsonage Lane, saying that because of the terrible state she fears an accident with a motor cycle. Cllr Yabsley responded. Mr Herniman, 7E Queen Street suggested that the Council were burning £3,000 by holding the Firework Display on Saturday 9th November 2013 and felt that this sum of money could be spent more wisely on Town Council owned property. The Mayor together with the chair of the Finance Committee Cllr Way and Cllr Bushell responded. At this juncture Cllr Yabsley left the meeting

112/13 SOUTH MOLTON COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Members had requested that this item be placed on this agenda following receipt of a reply from the Chair of the Northern Devon Healthcare Trust Mr R French which had been forwarded with this agenda. Members noted its content and requested this situation be monitored and be discussed again at our statutory November 2013 meeting.

113/13 COMMUNITY BUILDINGS – SOUTH MOLTON This item had been placed on the agenda at the request of both Cllr Bushell and Cllr Worden. Cllr Bushell had raised the above at a previous meeting and reported further on the ‘Community Right to Bid’ one of the new initiatives introduced in the Localism Act 2011. The Community Right to Bid allows parish and town councils to nominate buildings or land for listing by the local authority as an asset of community value which could include cultural, recreational and sporting interests. Members debated this subject and it was RESOLVED to form a sub-committee to investigate the options available and compile a list of appropriate Community buildings and land made up of Cllrs Bushell, S. Lock, Moore and Worden.

114/13 FIRST WORLD WAR CENTENARY – 2014 The Clerk reported that he had a recent meeting with Mr Graham West regarding the above and the initiative to plant poppy seeds was a national proposal led by The Imperial War Museum. Cllr McCool reported that the Friends of the

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Community Woodland had expressed an interest and been given packets of seeds for that area. Other areas to be considered include the Community Garden in the Sheep Fair Field. Cemetery and planters in the town centre. Cllr Kingdon also suggested that perhaps they could be sown under the South Molton signs when entering the town. It was RESOLVED to request that the Clerk deals with this initiative in conjunction with any member or member of the public that wishes to be involved. The manual staff of the town council will also assist with planting where relevant and agreed.

115/13 COE JUNIOR SCHOOL – SOUTH MOLTON Following a recent meeting at the school attended by the Mayor and other members this item had been placed on the agenda for further debate. The Mayor reported that this meeting was very constructive and the officer from the Diocese office informed those present that monies were now available to secure A suitable site off of Exeter Road with building work commencing September 2014. Both DCC and NDC are involved with this project and progress will be monitored. It was RESOLVED to forward a letter to DCC requesting that they consult with NDC as a matter of urgency in order to move forward as quickly as possible with the purchase of the land already identified as a site for the new school. Members will be informed of progress with this matter.

116/13 DEVON COUNTY COUNCIL – EXTRA HOUSING CARE Members had previously received an email forwarded by the Clerk sent to him by a Mr Owen Chapman regarding the above. Members noted the content and debated this subject. Cllr Bushell reported that he had responded direct to Mr Chapman but had received no reply. It was RESOLVED that both the Clerk and Cllr Bushell are to forward a reply requesting further details.

117/13 CENTRAL PARK WORKING GROUP It was RESOLVED to adopt the minutes of the above working group dated 6th June 2013.

118/13 LINK ROAD SIGNAGE Members had previously received a copy letter from North Molton Parish Council indicating their wish to use the phrase ‘Gateway to Exmoor’ on signage on the A361 instead of South Molton. It was RESOLVED to inform North Molton Parish Council that the town council wish to continue using that phrase now and in the future on all signage on the A361 regarding South Molton.

119/13 ST MARY MAGDALENE PARISH CHURCHYARD Members had previously received a copy letter from Mrs D Hodgson and noted its content Members were pleased to learn of this situation and it was requested that Peter Stanford and the manual staff are made aware of this letter.

120/13 MONTHLY ACTION SHEET At the Clerk’s request it was RESOLVED to remove completed items from the Action Sheet. Members noted the updates where relevant.

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Cllr Bushell requested that a note be made regarding the Town Council carrying out the immediate work required by Health & Safety on the barriers at Central Park adjacent to the Skateboard Park.

121/13 REPRESENTATIVES TO REPORT ON MEETINGS ATTENDED a) Cllr Goodman – DALLC – reported on Quality Status, Toilets, Tap Fund and requested that photos of local events be sent into the Web Site. Cllr Bushell – DALC – attended AGM in Exeter on 12th October where he queried DCC spending on Highways and other related issues. Cllr McCool – Friends of the Community Woodland – reported on recent meeting and the forthcoming Autumn Fest and the need for a temporary licence to sell alcohol. There is still work to do around the pond, but it is now filling up. Cllr Worden – Parish Forum in Barnstaple – cuts were reported by DCC and ND Council – petition on Rural Funding – N Harvey MP addressed parliament. Cllr Worden – Sports network – attended with Cllr Bushell – the Local Plan needs to be finally settled to ascertain an area suitable. Cllr Worden – Crime Prevention Panel –reported on recent meeting and congratulated the local police on the reduction of crime in the area. b) No issues to report. c) PC Graham James was welcomed to the meeting - he reported on crime levels being at an all time low and added that there were no issues on Carnival night and that traffic flow worked well. Additional staff are to come to South Molton as it is now realised that the ‘Hub’ system did not work and they will be going back to the old system of officers in the outlying areas. He also referred members to the local policing web site. PC James briefly reported on officers that attended a conference in Bulgaria. A short question and answer session followed.

The Mayor thanked PC James for attending this meeting.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.40pm.

Chairman …...………………………………………….

Date ………..……………………………………………………

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Present: In the Chair Town Mayor Cllr S. K. White Cllr M. Bushell Cllr D. J. Goodman Cllr M. J. Kingdon Cllr Mrs C. E. Lock Cllr S. W. Lock Cllr Mrs. C. Parkinson Cllr E. J. Moore Cllr M. R. J. Smale Cllr M. F. Way Cllr D. J. Worden

In Attendance: Deputy Town Clerk/RFO Mr A. C. Coates

122/13 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Cllr McCool


124/13 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS AND MATTERS OF URGENCY BROUGHT FORWARD AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CHAIRMAN The Mayor was pleased to report on the recent success of his Charity Dinner Dance held on Friday 1 November 2013 and thanked members who attended this event. The Mayor was also very pleased to report on the success of the Firework Display held on Saturday 9 November and the many positive comments received. Special thanks must go to several members who acted as marshals and Paul Henderson and Mr Coates.for their involvement. Many other people were involved with this event and their help made the evening such a memorable occasion. The Mayor read out many letters of thanks received. The Mayor reported that Cllr Moore had informed him that a meeting was being held on Tuesday evening at the Rugby Club in connection with Drug Awareness. The Mayor briefly reported on his recent twinning visit to Livarot in France. Cllr Worden requested to report on the recent promotion of Peter Brown from the North Devon Journal on his appointment as the reporter for and wished to thank him for his hard work regarding news coverage from South Molton.

125/13 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Town Council 22 October 2013 It was RESOLVED that these minutes be approved.

126/13 PROPOSED NEW HEALTH CENTRE This item had been placed on the agenda at the request of members in order for Cllr Goodman to update members. Cllr Goodman and Cllr Worden reported that the proposal to build the new health centre as part of the North Road/Gunswell Lane Housing Development was still in its infancy but progress was being made.

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Page 32 2013/2014 127/13 COMMITTEE PROCEDURES – POWERS TO ACT This item had been placed on the agenda at the request of Cllr Moore who reported on his concern that membership of all committees should be all members in order that major decisions such as financial can be discussed and approved. Much discussion followed and it was agreed that this matter be discussed at the Annual Meeting of the Town Council in May 2014 and in the meanwhile continue unaltered.

128/13 DCC – TOUGH CHOICES WASTE SERVICE REVIEW CONSULTATION This item had been placed on the agenda at the request of the Mayor Cllr White and the Clerk had forwarded correspondence received from DCC. DCC are considering reducing the days of opening Maclins Quarry as from April 2014 due to financial constraints. It is recommended that instead of operating 4 days per week from Thursday to Sunday inclusive it only opens on a Saturday and Sunday. Members discussed these proposals and it was RESOLVED to forward a letter requesting that members do not wish to see the hours reduced but if there is no alternative then recommend to DCC that it opens 3 days per week on a Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. Members are also concerned that if the community facility’s hours are reduced then fly tipping in the parish will increase. Both the Mayor, Cllr Bushell, Cllr Moore and Cllr Worden had previously had a meeting with Sarah Portsmouth Managing Director of South Molton Recycle to obtain her views and comments.

129/13 LINDEN HOMES – NORTH ROAD HOUSING DEVELOPMENT This item had been placed on the agenda at the request of Cllrs Moore and Worden following a meeting between SMTC and the developers together with the Town Council’s land agent, Mr J Holtom. Cllr Worden briefly outlined the current situation regarding the number of affordable homes to be built on the development and stressed the need for the new health centre to be sited within the housing scheme. Cllr Worden was seeking permission to approach NDC in order to reduce the percentage of affordable homes in order to make the project viable and also request that these properties are built at a later date and not within phase 1 of the development. It is an important scheme for the town and it was RESOLVED for both Cllr Moore and Cllr Worden to refer this situation to both the lead planning officer for South Molton Jean Watkins and the appropriate members of North Devon Executive. Members are also concerned that this development has serious implications for the new planned school, which must be protected for all concerned and debate followed regarding details of the Section 106 agreement. During the voting process 10 members voted for the proposition and Cllr S Lock voted against.

There being no further business the Mayor closed the meeting at 8.15pm

Chairman …………………………………………….

Date ………………………………………………….. Page 33 2013/2014


Present: In the Chair Town Mayor Cllr S. K. White Cllr M. Bushell Cllr D. J. Goodman Cllr M. J. Kingdon Cllr Mrs C. E. Lock Cllr S. W. Lock Cllr Mrs R. McCool Cllr E. J. Moore Cllr Mrs C. Parkinson Cllr M. R. J. Smale Cllr M. F. Way Cllr D. J. Worden

In Attendance: Town Clerk Mr M. G. Gingell DCC Cllr J Yabsley (part of meeting) CPSO Mr Paul Whitehouse



132/13 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS AND MATTERS OF URGENCY BROUGHT FORWARD AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CHAIRMAN The Mayor reported on the installation of the 2013 Christmas lights in East Street and on the front of the Old Cornmarket which he considers look fantastic for the festive period. The staff are currently working on the enhancement to erect the Christmas tree and other lights which will further enhance this years display. Cllr Worden suggested that similar to Barnstaple the Town Council should consider either the Mayor or an invited celebrity to a ceremony to officially switch on the lights in future years. Cllr S Lock was pleased to report on an article regarding South Molton that was in a recent copy of the Western Morning News which covered the forthcoming Christmas events. Cllr Lock wished to thank all the people for their input which makes these events such a success. Cllr Moore reported on a recent TV programme regarding house purchase and South Molton was included.

133/13 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Paul Henderson, Editor of the South Molton and District News reminded members of the 2014 Centenary of the start of World War One and felt as a fitting tribute to this anniversary that the members should give consideration to re-siting the War Memorial in the cemetery to a site on the enhancement. This project must have the full support of the Royal British Legion who would be consulted at every stage. It was agreed that this suggestion be placed on the next appropriate agenda for members to consider. Cllr S Lock responded. Cllr McCool reported on her concern regarding the hedge on the left hand side of Station Road which was growing out over the pavement. This hedge is owned

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by the Long family and the Clerk reported that it has been reported to DCC on several occasions. The Clerk will chase this situation. Cllr Bushell reported on the state of the hedges at the bottom of East Street towards the Mill on the Mole Park Home site. The Clerk will investigate. Cllr Moore reported on a recent press cutting regarding a previous Mayor who only remained in office for two weeks.

134/13 SOUTH MOLTON COMMUNITY HOSPITAL As requested by members Cllr Goodman gave a brief update regarding the above following a recent meeting with the chair of Northern Devon Healthcare Trust Mr Roger French and its Chief Executive Jac Kelly. He was pleased to report that the beds at South Molton Hospital were being restored to its full capacity. Community hospitals are currently being reviewed which may have implications in the future Including more care at home. Cllr Worden responded that he had attended a NDC meeting together with Cllr Moore and Cllr Goodman where this subject was debated

135/13 NALC - AGM All members had previously been forwarded a copy of a report regarding the above from Cllr Bushell who had attended the event in London. Cllr Bushell reported further on the subject and members noted his comments. Cllr Bushell stressed the need for the Clerk to use the services of Lesley Smith at DALC.

136/13 DOCUMENTS FOR EXECUTION The Clerk reported that following recent burials in the new cemetery extension the grave diggers decided by themselves that the plots needed re-numbering. The Clerk was seeking permission to forward corrected documents to the relevant purchasers in a sympathetic and diplomatic manner. The Clerk stressed that this problem that had occurred was not his fault. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk deals with this situation as he had proposed.

137/13 PROPOSED DIVERSION OF PUBLIC FOOTPATH NO 10 SOUTH MOLTON (GREAT HELE BARTON) The Clerk had forwarded details of the above received from DCC to members with their agendas. It was RESOLVED to advise DCC that there were no objections to this proposed diversion and recommend approval.

138/13 PROPOSED REFURBISHMENT OF TOILETS IN TOWN HALL The Clerk handed out copies of two designs prepared by the David Wilson Partnership, one including a disabled portion and baby changing facilities. Members discussed both options, the basic refurbishment or the more complex overhaul to include a disabled access and parental needs. It was RESOLVED to obtain costings for both designs and report back to members in due course in order to approve the favoured option.

139/13 MEMORIAL TREE – RECREATION GROUND/COMMUNITY WOODLANDS This item had been placed on the agenda following a request received by Cllr

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Moore from a parishioner to plant a memorial tree in the above area. The Clerk reminded members that he has delegated powers to agree areas in central park and the cemetery but not in the above stated two areas. Cllr Moore reported that the family now wish to plant the tree in the cemetery. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk contacts the family concerned and arrange their request.

140/13 MONTHLY ACTION SHEET Members noted details regarding the above and the Clerk explained that he had removed items that had now been completed. Recommendations from Cllr Bushell will be added. It was noted that the Newsletter Sub-Committee had not convened a meeting for some time but Cllr Lock reported that it would meet early in the New Year in order to publish an edition covering the Christmas festivities. The Clerk is aware that both the Policy Committee and the Community Buildings Sub- Committee had not met due to staffing levels in the office. This will be rectified as soon as possible.

141/13 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING – DECEMBER 2013 The Clerk was recommending that the Town Council meeting in December be held on Tuesday 10 December 2013 and the Mayor reported that he will provide refreshments following the meeting. The Clerk’s recommendation was accepted.

142/13 COMMUNITY WOODLAND EXTENSION The Mayor invited Cllr Kingdon to update members on the above following an informal meeting held at the office’s of Landsense Professional on Monday 25 November 2013 and attended by himself and other relevant members. Cllr Kingdon reported on the figures submitted with the agenda for this meeting and answered members questions on both costings and the viability of the scheme. Cllr Kingdon detailed the grant monies available from the Forestry Commission and the possible funding required from Town Council funds. Cllr Worden reported that there may be Section 106 monies available from NDC and Cllr Moore suggested investigating any lottery funding that may be available for the project. Concern was expressed by several members on the possible monies required from the Town Council to support the initiative. Following discussion it was RESOLVED to authorise Mr Holtom to sign and accept the grants being offered and investigate other areas of possible funding as detailed previously. It was suggested by the Mayor that an informal meeting be arranged with the land agent to discuss the scheme and then re-agenda this item at the next appropriate meeting for the necessary approval. Cllrs Mrs C Lock, S. Lock and Way voted against during the voting process thereon.

143/13 REPRESENTATIVES TO REPORT ON MEETINGS ATTENDED a) Cllr Moore – South Molton and District Licences Association – recent open meeting on drug awareness – certificates issued for those in attendance. Cllr Parkinson – AGM of PIP Centre – various issues including possible resignation of three trustees and future plans.

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Cllr Worden – meeting at NDC with Jean Watkins regarding planned housing development at North Road/Gunswell Lane and the issue of affordable homes. Cllr Goodman – attended recent seminar at Filleigh regarding flooding and being prepared for winter and adverse weather conditions. b) Cllr Worden – Attended AGM of SPARSE and the Rural Network Group. Petition raised by MP at House of Commons. Cllr Worden is arranging a second Rural Conference at Bishops Nympton in March 2014. c) PCSO Paul Whitehouse in attendance – Crime figures still low – new staff being recruited – existing Sgt covering Braunton – A short question and answer session covered other subjects.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.56pm.

Chairman …...………………………………………….

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Present: In the Chair Town Mayor Cllr S. K. White Cllr M. Bushell Cllr D. J. Goodman Cllr M. J. Kingdon Cllr Mrs C. E. Lock Cllr S. W. Lock Cllr Mrs R. McCool Cllr E. J. Moore Cllr Mrs C. Parkinson Cllr M. R. J. Smale Cllr D. J. Worden

In Attendance: Town Clerk Mr M. G. Gingell

144/13 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Way and DCC Cllr Yabsley.

145/13 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST .The following declaration of interest was read out by the Town Clerk: Cllr McCool – DPI – Item 6 – Treasurer

146/13 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS AND MATTERS OF URGENCY BROUGHT FORWARD AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CHAIRMAN The Mayor reported on the recent Christmas events from Thursday 5 December 2013 to Sunday 8 December 2013 which everybody present considered a great success and a real boost for the town. The Mayor wished to thank everybody who were involved for all their hard work and effort. Cllr Moore had recently attended a business forum meeting and reported that the Town Council be requested to join them at a meeting called for January 10 2014 commencing at 6pm regarding feedback from this year’s Christmas events.

147/13 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Town Council 12 November 2013 It was RESOLVED that these minutes be approved. Town Council 26 November 2013 It was RESOLVED that these minutes be approved.

148/13 CEMETERY WAR MEMORIAL This item had been placed on the agenda at members request following the comments made by Mr P Henderson at the last public participation period on Tuesday 26 November 2013. Mr Henderson had suggested that consideration be given to re-siting the town’s war memorial from the cemetery to the enhancement in the town centre. The Mayor reported that he had spoken with Mr Paddy King-Fretts from the South Molton branch of the Royal British Legion on the subject and he intended to ballot his members for their comments/views. Once received he will report back to the Mayor. Several members present reported that the general opinion of this idea had produced a mixed reaction. It was suggested

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that an item be inserted in the next edition of our Newsletter to be published in January 2014. Cllr S Lock reported that he considered that it could be moved to an area at the top of New Walk Steps for various reasons. Cllr Kingdon reported on his views for the proposal and it was agreed to review the situation early in the New Year following feedback from the general public and members of the Royal British Legion.

Cllr McCool declared a DPI in the following item and left the meeting.

149/13 COMMUNITY WOODLAND EXTENSION Following a recent informal meeting regarding the above members had agreed the following and it was unanimously RESOLVED to approve these two proposals: 1) To fund the above project up to a maximum of £25000 over a two year period. 2) To purchase the necessary trees from Perrie Hale following a recommendation from Mr J Holtom the council’s land agent. Cllr S Lock reported on his concern that the formal management plan be updated as soon as possible.

150/13 2014/2015 FINANCIAL YEAR Members noted that both the Clerk and RFO were recommending that the Budget Meeting for the above be held on Monday 20 January 2014 at the Amory Centre commencing at 6.30pm. Members noted details of this recommendation.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.45pm.

Chairman …...………………………………………….

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Present: In the Chair Town Mayor Cllr S. K. White Cllr M. Bushell Cllr D. J. Goodman Cllr M. J. Kingdon Cllr Mrs C. E. Lock Cllr S. W. Lock Cllr Mrs R. McCool Cllr E. J. Moore Cllr Mrs C. Parkinson Cllr M. R. J. Smale Cllr M. F. Way Cllr D. J. Worden

In Attendance: Town Clerk Mr M. G. Gingell


152/13 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The following declarations of interest was read out by the Town Clerk: Cllr Worden – Personal Interest – Item 8 – NDC Member Personal Interest – Item 9 – NDC Member Personal Interest – Item 10 – NDC Member

153/13 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS AND MATTERS OF URGENCY BROUGHT FORWARD AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CHAIRMAN The Clerk reported that he had been advised that a meeting was taking place on Thursday 16 January 2014 regarding the new proposed school. This meeting will be attended by the planning authority, highways authority and the education authority. DCC. Cllr Yabsley will be in attendance. Following this pre-meeting a further meeting will be arranged with all stakeholders including members of the Town Council and the Clerk will forward details in due course when a date has been arranged. Cllr Smale wished to report that he had received excellent comments regarding the Christmas events held in the town early in December and the festive lighting. All members had received congratulatory comments from the general public and the Clerk will inform and thank all the manual staff for their hard work and commitment to all the events during December 2013.

154/13 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Town Council 10 December 2013 It was RESOLVED that these minutes be approved.

155/13 PROPOSAL TO RELOCATE WAR MEMORIAL The Clerk reported that following a previous meeting where there was a suggestion to re-locate the above he had received numerous emails on the subject from members of the general public clearly stating their dissatisfaction over this

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proposal. All members had previously received a copy letter from the Royal British Legion South Molton branch following an exercise to determine their views. This proposal was also mentioned in the January edition of the South Molton News and there will be an item in the Town Council newsletter to be published in February 2014 requesting public comments. The Clerk will report back to members in due course.

156/13 PROPOSED DIVERSION OF PUBLIC FOOTPATH 10 SOUTH MOLTON The Clerk reported that he had received a further proposed amendment to the above and was requesting approval from members. Copy correspondence had been previously forwarded to all members and it was RESOLVED to approve the Clerk’s request. DCC will be notified in due course.

157/13 TREES IN CHURCHYARD The Clerk reported that a member of staff was recommending that a tree be removed within the above area as it continued to damage the wall and repair work was a constant problem. It was RESOLVED to grant permission to the Clerk in order for the member of staff to carry out the work as requested.

158/13 SMR PHOENIX – REAR OF PANNIER MARKET This item had been placed on the agenda at the request of Cllr Moore. The Clerk had previously forwarded an email received from Diana Hill NDC to all members regarding the above. Cllr Moore had requested that the Clerk investigates when NDC intend to demolish the above buildings and garages. Cllr Moore reported on his concern regarding the removal of the old sheep pens to the rear of The Amory Centre and gave a brief history of the site together with the area stated above. It was RESOLVED that both NDC members Moore and Worden meet with the Leader NDC Cllr B. Greenslade and report back to the full council with their findings.

159/13 NEW DESKTOP COMPUTER EQUIPMENT – THE AMORY CENTRE The Clerk had recently forwarded an email received from Arron Yates NDC to all members explaining that Microsoft were withdrawing their support for Windows XP as from April 2014. In order to meet with Govenment PSN guidelines all the Town Council’s equipment will need to be replaced together with any respective licences. Initial costings for this exercise will be in the region of £3000 and be debited to the council’s capital expenditure. The Clerk explained that for at least 18 years NDC have provided and supported the town council and its computer network with no major problems. A question and answer session followed and it was RESOLVED that officers from the ICT section at NDC be invited to a Town Council meeting to address members on the situation and their recommendations.

160/13 ESTATE ISSUES The Clerk had previously forwarded a copy of the land agent’s briefing document and members noted its content. The Clerk reported on each individual item and requested resolutions where applicable as follows: Livestock Market Option Agreement: Continue to chase up NDC Legal section

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and act accordingly. It was agreed to inform Jeremy Holtom that prospective purchasers ie Mole Valley Farmers be advised to apply for outline planning consent. Outline Planning Phase 4 – Pathfields Business Park. Combined with the above and Mr Holtom will continue to follow up draft heads of terms with potential consortium members. Members noted that the archaeological report had now been received with no adverse comments. Adoption of roads and paths Phase 3 – Pathfields Business Park. Action required to complete adoption works without any further delay and wayleave agreements relating to Mole Valley Farmers and South Molton Metals nearing legal completion. Request to fell trees – M and B Transport (assigned from TT Coaches). Land agent still chasing due to no works commenced. Maclins Quarry lease renewal. Solicitor instructed to draft new leasing terms. Land at Station Road – Registration of Un-registered land. The Clerk is Investigating all areas of land that are not registered at the land registry. South Western Power Distribution – Transformer Station upgrade. Request received to work on new upgrade for windfarm. It was RESOLVED to grant permission for these works and ensure proper leasing terms are agreed and a market rental. Mr Holtom will be notified and members have requested clarificationwhich windfarm application these works are for. Crown Yealm flooding on SMTC access. Drainage pipe from Crown Yealm is discharging on to SMTC property and the adjoining DCC Highway Depot. It was RESOLVED to forward a solicitors letter in conjunction with DCC to stop this practice forthwith. Gunswell Lane/North Road – Linden Homes. Linden Homes report that NDC have agreed to a 15% affordable housing element as well as a education contribution and Health Centre provision on Phase 1 with 25% AH on the second phase. Members wish to know when works will be commenced by the developers. Land between Gunswell Lane and Nadder Lane. Interest in this land has been declared by 4 housing developers. It was RESOLVED to form a landowners consortium to promote equalisation under an option agreement. Gullacombes. Members noted the comments within the report and the Mayor and Deputy Mayor have signed all legal documentation and it is hoped to commence works at the end of January 2014. Community Woodlands Extension. Informal meeting held on Monday 13 January 2014. Cllr Kingdom reported that the meeting was very constructive and covered many issues. All schools to be involved with some tree planting/memorial tree area. A request to apply for planning consent to create new car park and allotments was recommended. It was RESOLVED that a planning application be completed in respect of this request. Cllr Kingdom also reported that Mr Holtom was investigating all options of funding to commission a new up to date Management Plan for the whole Community Woodland area when completed. Cllr Kingdom also reported on obtaining a list of contractors for the major works ie fencing etc. The Clerk reminded members that there was no need to arrange a formal tendering process due to the estimated costs but at least 4 quotes should be obtained from local contractors. It was RESOLVED that Mr Holtom be

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instructed with the assistance of the Clerk and RFO to obtain the necessary quotes for these works and then be presented to members for their consideration.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.02pm.

Chairman …...………………………………………….

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Present: In the Chair Town Mayor Cllr S. K. White Cllr M. Bushell Cllr D. J. Goodman Cllr M. J. Kingdon Cllr Mrs C. E. Lock Cllr S. W. Lock Cllr Mrs R. McCool Cllr M. R. J. Smale Cllr M. F. Way Cllr D. J. Worden

In Attendance: Town Clerk Mr M. G. Gingell Deputy Town Clerk/RFO Mr A. C. Coates

161/13 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Moore and Parkinson.

162/13 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The Clerk reported that all members present at this meeting had signed the necessary notice for dispensation in order to discuss and approve the precept figure required for the financial year commencing 1 April 2014.

163/13 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS AND MATTERS OF URGENCY BROUGHT FORWARD AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CHAIRMAN Cllr Lock queried why this meeting was being held in January instead of November 2013 as usual. Mr Coates responded by explaining the situation to all members.

164/13 BUDGET FOR FINANCIAL YEAR 2014/2015 The Mayor invited Mr Coates to address members regarding the enclosed documentation including his Budget Assumption Report. Mr Coates fully explained his reasons for recommending a precept the same as last year £153,379. Mr Coates explained in detail the items listed under heading 4 from a) to e) on the agenda and members raised several issues of concern which Mr Coates responded and clarified. a) It was RESOLVED to approve the Budgeted Profit and Loss Account for the year ending 31 March 2015. b) It was RESOLVED to approve the Comparative Budgeted Profit and Loss Account for the year ending 31 March 2015. c) It was RESOLVED to approve the Estimated Revenue Reserves for the year ending 31 March 2015. d) Members noted the Budget Assumption Report compiled by Mr Coates and he explained certain points in more detail. e) Members noted the estimated movement on the Capital Reserves for the year ending 31 March 2014 and the capital receipt in this financial year from Elan Homes regarding the Gullacombes Housing Development.

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165/13 Following discussion it was unanimously RESOLVED to formally approve the budgets and accept Mr Coates’s recommendation that the precept for the financial year 2014/2015 be in the sum of £153,379. Members wish to thank Mr Coates and all other office staff for his and their continual excellent work in managing the council’s finances and producing exemplary audit reports.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.23pm.

Chairman …...………………………………………….

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Present: In the Chair Town Mayor Cllr S. K. White Cllr M. Bushell Cllr D. J. Goodman Cllr M. J. Kingdon Cllr Mrs C. E. Lock Cllr S. W. Lock Cllr Mrs R. McCool Cllr E. J. Moore Cllr M. R. J. Smale Cllr M. F. Way Cllr D. J. Worden

In Attendance: Town Clerk Mr M. G. Gingell

166/13 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Parkinson who was unwell.

167/13 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The following declarations of interest were read out by the Town Clerk: Cllr McCool – Personal Interest – Item 6 – Lack of disabled parking. Cllr Worden – Personal Interest – Item 8 – NDC Member


169/13 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Town Council 14 January 2014 It was RESOLVED that these minutes be approved. Town Council 20 January 2014 It was RESOLVED that these minutes be approved.

170/13 ADOPTION OF COMMITTEE MINUTES Newsletter Sub-Committee 12 June 2013 It was RESOLVED that these minutes be approved and their recommendations be adopted.

171/13 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Mr Mark Cornelius, Crown Hill, South Molton wished to raise two issues relating to the town as follows: Disabled parking and the lack of designated areas within the town centre. Confidential item included within the agenda of the NDC Executive meeting to be held on Tuesday 4 February 2014 regarding a possible land swap to facilitate the creation of a foodstore in the Central Development Area. Members discussed the lack of disabled parking and were concerned that following many discussions on this subject previously nothing had improved. Cllr Moore was concerned that this issue was not on the Monthly Action Sheet and reported that the Clerk had tried on several occasions to obtain information from DCC but to no avail. It was agreed that the issue of disabled car parking and other

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related issues be placed on a Town Council agenda as soon as possible. It was RESOLVED to suspend Standing Orders in order to take the following action. Cllr S Lock voted against this proposal. Members were concerned regarding the content of an email received from DCC regarding road and verge maintenance, which is being suspended until the start of April 2014. It was RESOLVED to forward a letter to our MP Nick Harvey raising the member’s concerns over the whole issue of road maintenance and the need to obtain extra funding to carry out urgent repairs. Cllrs Moore and Worden are seeing Mr Harvey on Monday 3 February 2014 at the House of Commons and will hand the letter to him personally. A copy of this letter will be forwarded to the Prime Minister, Rt Hon David Cameron. It was RESOLVED to re-instate Standing Orders. Cllr Worden reported that neither himself or Cllr Moore were aware of the agenda for the Executive meeting of NDC and they will check its content in due course. Mr Paul Henderson, Editor of the South Molton News reported that the Head of Highways at DCC had visited South Molton in order to carry out a survey of local businesses.

172/13 DOCUMENTS FOR EXECUTION It was RESOLVED that the following documents be signed by the Mayor and Deputy Mayor and witnessed by the Town Clerk: Exclusive Right of Burial – Plot P001 – Mr Francis William Shapland, 14 Thornes Terrace, South Molton, EX36 3BT Exclusive Right of Burial – Plot M1607D – Ms Myra Pulman, Woodlands, Howleigh, Blagdon Hill, Taunton, TA3 7SP

173/13 NEW DESKTOP COMPUTER EQUIPMENT – THE AMORY CENTRE The Clerk reported that at members request he had arranged a meeting with two officers from the ICT section at NDC attended by the Mayor, Cllr Goodman and Cllr Kingdon regarding the proposed purchase of the above. Mr Shirley and Mr Yates explained NDC’s proposal to transfer from Windows XP to Windows 7 as from 1 April 2014 and the need to update the Town Council’s software at a cost of approx £2700 plus licences. The Mayor explained further details regarding this situation and clearly pointed out the benefits of purchasing the new equipment from NDC. It was RESOLVED to purchase new desktop computer equipment from NDC as per the quotation provided.

174/13 BUCKINGHAM PALACE GARDEN PARTIES 2014 The Clerk had previously forwarded an email received from DALC regarding the above. This year DALC were requesting the name of the nominated member together with their guest for the Garden Party to be held on Tuesday 10 June 2014 by Monday 3 February 2014. Both Cllrs Goodman and Mrs C. Lock expressed an interest in attending and a paper ballot was carried out and it was RESOLVED that Cllr Goodman and his wife be nominated to attend to represent SMTC and DALC will be advised.

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175/13 MAGNOLIA TREE AT PIP CENTRE The Clerk reported that he had been approached by the PIP Centre in order to obtain permission to plant a magnolia tree in their garden area. The Clerk was recommending approval and it was RESOLVED to approve the Clerk’s request. The trustees of the PIP Centre will be advised to keep the tree trimmed to an acceptable size.

176/13 WESTERN POWER DISTRIBUTION The Clerk reported that he had been approached by the above company for members to consider selling the freehold of the sub-station in Station Road, South Molton. Both the Clerk and land agent needed to make further enquiries before any recommendation could be presented to members therefore the Clerk was recommending that this item be placed on a future agenda when all enquiries have been completed. It was RESOLVED to defer this item to a future TC meeting when the above action has been completed.

177/13 MONTHLY ACTION SHEET Members noted a copy of the above and the Clerk reported on the recent additions to the document. Concern was expressed regarding the new proposed Health Centre to be built as part of the North Road/Gunswell Lane housing development and it was RESOLVED that this item be placed on a future TC agenda in order to investigate an alternative site should Linden Homes not proceed with their planned development.

178/13 PROPOSED HEALTH CENTRE The Mayor invited Cllr Goodman to update members regarding the above. Cllr Goodman explained that the future of the new Health Centre is totally reliant on the North Road/Gunswell Lane Housing Development by Linden Homes. Members are concerned that an alternative site should be investigated if this development does not proceed. It was RESOLVED that both the Mayor and Cllr Goodman meet with Maria Hosegood, Practice Manager to ascertain her views on the subject. The Mayor and Cllr Goodman will report back to the Town Council at the next meeting and if deemed necessary a small Sub-Committee will be formed to deal with this subject.

179/13 REPRESENTATIVES TO REPORT ON MEETINGS ATTENDED a) Cllr Goodman – attended seminar on health/care homes arranged by DCC. He explained that a survey is being carried out to investigate the full costs of care provision in the county. DCC will also review private care homes to compare costs etc. Cllr Goodman also reminded members that there is a meeting on this situation in the Assembly Rooms on the 20 February 2014 in the evening. Cllr Worden – Sports Network – attended a recent meeting with other members. The football club need to produce their plans for the area and submit them to NDC. Cllr Worden – Crime Prevention Panel – recent meeting attended by several members. Concern regarding the attack in Lloyds Bank PLC foyer and scam emails from banks being received by the general public. Various issues of concern

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being examined by members of the committee. Cllr S Lock and Cllr Bushell also reported on the meeting. Cllr Bushell – DALC – attended recent meeting of General Purposes Committee. Cllr White – Twinning Association – meeting to arrange planned visit from Livarot In early May 2014. b) Cllr Worden – reported on delegation from NDC Planning Committee who will travel to London on Monday 3rd February to meet with Nick Harvey MP and other ministers regarding their concerns on related planning issues and the cost of appeals. He also was pleased to report that he is arranging a second Rural Conference in early April 2014 – date to be confirmed. The Mayor also queried the planning policy regarding redundant linhays/barns in the countryside. c) No police present.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.05pm.

Chairman …...………………………………………….

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Present: In the Chair Town Mayor Cllr S. K. White Cllr M. Bushell Cllr D. J. Goodman Cllr M. J. Kingdon Cllr Mrs C. E. Lock Cllr S. W. Lock Cllr Mrs R. McCool Cllr E. J. Moore Cllr Mrs C. Parkinson Cllr M. F. Way

In Attendance: Town Clerk Mr M. G. Gingell Devon County Councillor J Yabsley (from 7.13pm)

180/13 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Smale and Worden. Cllr Worden is attending a conference in Kenya where he is a guest speaker.

181/13 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The following declarations of interest were read out by the Town Clerk: Cllr Kingdon – DPI – Item 10 – Tenant Cllr McCool – Personal Interest – Item 6 – Disabled Cllr Way – Personal Interest – Item 10 - Tenant

182/13 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS AND MATTERS OF URGENCY BROUGHT FORWARD AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CHAIRMAN The Clerk reported that he had received an invitation to all members to attend the The Mayor of Barnstaple’s Masked Charity Ball to be held on Saturday 1 March 2014 at the Barnstaple Hotel. Tickets are priced at £35 per person and the Clerk has full details for any interested member. Cllr Way reported on his concern regarding the future of Beech House as DCC are conducting a 45 day period of consultation from 10 February to 26 March 2014 on proposals for the future of services at all their residential care homes. The Clerk reported that he had that day forwarded an email to all members on this subject and will place it on the agenda for the next TC meeting. Cllr Goodman reported further on this subject. The Mayor reported on the forthcoming “Turning the sod Ceremony” at the Gullacombes Housing Development to be held on Thursday 13 February 2014 at 12 noon. Cllr Moore referred members to the land agents briefing update which the Clerk had forwarded to all members on 10 February and wondered why the items had not been placed on this agenda. The Clerk explained the reasons and will agenda any relevant items for the meeting on the 25 February 2014.

183/13 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Town Council 28 January 2014 It was RESOLVED that these minutes be approved.

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184/13 SOUTH MOLTON FOOD BANK The Mayor invited Jane Guyer, Coordinator from the South Molton Food Bank to address members regarding the above organisation and its aims and objectives. Mrs Guyer gave a very comprehensive speech on this initiative which is part of the Northern Devon Foodbank with other branches in both Barnstaple and . The project is supported by local organisations and churches as a service to the community and they provide a minimum of three days non-perishable emergency food to local people in crisis. A short question and answer session followed and Mrs Guyer was thanked for attending this meeting and explaining the very worthwhile project that she and her volunteers provide to the local community.

185/13 DISABLED CAR PARKING This item was placed on the agenda at members request following the last TC Meeting where it was raised by a member of the public under public participation. The Clerk reported that this and other issues concerning the public highway had been referred to DCC on many occasions but only limited works had taken place due to financial constraints. The Mayor invited Cllr McCool to speak due to her personal circumstances using a mobility vehicle. Much debate followed and it was RESOLVED that the designated disabled car parking spaces in the Pannier Market be increased to 3 from 2 and that the Clerk investigates the necessary signage. During the discussion the Mayor invited Cllr Yabsley to address members.

186/13 SHEEP PENS – SOUTHLEY ROAD Cllr Moore reported that himself and Cllr Worden had a recent meeting with Cllr Brian Greenslade, Leader of NDC and again the subject of ownership was raised. Cllr Moore re-iterated that North Devon Council must clairify ownership and if not could it be transferred to the Town Council if members approved. Cllr Moore also reported that Diana Hill NDC has stated that there was not a public footpath through this area. Members will be kept up to date with developments in this situation.

187/13 POLICY COMMITTEE The Clerk reported that following a request from the Mayor he had emailed the 4 members on the above committee to ascertain their preference for either a meeting during the day or in the evening. Three members replied that they would prefer a day meeting and Cllr Bushell requested an evening meeting. The Clerk then received a further email from Cllr Bushell indicating his wish to resign from the Policy Committee for various reasons. Cllr Moore stressed that he considers that if any member wishes to attend a meeting during the day and they are in full time employment then the authority should consider paying for loss of earnings. Cllr Yabsley reported that DCC does not pay any member for loss of earnings but do pay an allowance that reflects their responsibilities as portfolio holders. Much discussion followed and it was RESOLVED that this item be discussed further at the TC meeting on March 11 2014 and if relevant refer to the Human Rights Act 1998 if appropriate in this instance.

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188/13 PROPOSED NEW HEALTH CENTRE – LINDEN HOMES DEVELOPMENT This item had been placed on the agenda in order for the Mayor and Cllr Goodman to report back following their meeting with Maria Hosegood, Practice Manager. Mrs Hosegood has suggested that their situation should be reviewed at the end of March 2014 where more details may be known. It is understood that the NHS will lease the building back to the practice following its construction. Cllr Goodman stressed that the whole project relies upon Linden Homes obtaining the relevant planning consent and NDC must be chased at every opportunity.

Cllr Kingdon had previously declared a DPI and left the meeting regarding the next item. Cllr Way also left the meeting after declaring just a personal interest in the following item.

189/13 AGRICULTURAL TENANCIES The Clerk reported that the land agent was in negotiations with several tenants of the authority regarding the continuation of their above tenancies which will terminate at the end of March 2014. The Clerk will report further when approval is required for Mr Holtom’s recommendations. All tenants have been served with the required notice.

Cllrs Kingdon and Way re-joined the meeting.

190/13 TREES – HACCHE LANE/DEERHILLS LANE The Clerk reported on the above tree issues and will keep members updated with progress. It may be necessary to commission an arboriculturist in due course to resolve one issue.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.23pm.

Chairman …...………………………………………….

Date ………..……………………………………………………

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Present: In the Chair Town Mayor Cllr S. K. White Cllr M. Bushell Cllr D. J. Goodman Cllr M. J. Kingdon Cllr Mrs C. E. Lock Cllr S. W. Lock Cllr E. J. Moore Cllr Mrs C. Parkinson Cllr M. R. J. Smale Cllr M. F. Way Cllr D. Worden

In Attendance: Town Clerk Mr M. G. Gingell Deputy Town Clerk/RFO Mr A C Coates Devon County Councillor J Yabsley – from 7 14pm)

191/13 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Cllr McCool


193/13 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS AND MATTERS OF URGENCY BROUGHT FORWARD AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CHAIRMAN The Mayor reported on the forthcoming preliminary meeting to be held on Friday 28 February 2014 regarding land west of Parklands following an approach by a development company to the land agent Mr J Holtom. Any interested member is welcome to attend. The Mayor reported on the recent turning the first sod at the Gullacombes Housing Development on Thursday 20 February 2014 and was delighted that the weather was perfect for the event. He stressed that this had been a long time coming but the members past and present had all worked as a team to make this happen. Cllr Worden had recently returned from Kenya and reported that the local townsfolk had sent a message of best wishes to the town of South Molton.

194/13 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Town Council 11 February 2014 It was RESOLVED that these minutes be approved. Cllr Bushell wished to have it recorded that he voted against approval.

195/13 NOMINATION OF MAYOR AND DEPUTY MAYOR FOR 2014/2015 The Mayor requested nominations for the above and following a show of hands it was RESOLVED that Cllr S W Lock be the Mayor of South Molton for the ensuing municipal year 2014/2015 and Cllr D J Goodman be the Deputy Mayor of South Molton for the ensuing municipal year 2014/2015. Cllr Moore voted against these nominations as he considered these appointments should not be decided by the full council but by the electorate.

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196/13 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Mr M Cornelius, Crownhill, Alswear New Road, South Molton. Mr Cornelius wished to raise two issues of concern. His first issue related to Section 106 monies paid to NDC regarding housing developments and queried whether these sums are allocated to South Molton. Cllr Worden explained that these monies are earmarked for South Molton and spent on various projects to improve the town. Cllr Moore reminded members that a sum of £20000 had been received from NDC towards the recent extension to the cemetery and also monies received towards the new play equipment in Central Park. Mr Cornelius then raised the current issue of committee meetings and whether they should be held during the daytime or evening in order not to discriminate attendance by members who work full time during the day. Cllr Worden responded and the Clerk reminded members that this item had been requested to be placed on the agenda for the 11 March TC meeting. Mrs M Shapcott, Cornerways, Winston Park, South Molton. Mrs Shapcott queried why the council’s land agent had submitted a planning application to NDC regarding the proposed works to extend the Community Woodland. The Clerk explained that Mr Holtom had completed the planning application forms on behalf of the town council as Landsense Professional had been the advisors to the council’s working party and had been responsible for completing the necessary grant applications to The Forestry Commission. He explained that Mr Holtom is the town council’s appointed land agent due to the authorities extensive estate portfolio and the application was due to be discussed as item 10 on the agenda of this meeting. Cllr Kingdon explained the situation in more detail to Mrs Shapcott. Cllr Worden reported on his concern regarding the cuts in services planned by DCC with specific reference to the possible closure of day care centres and other issues including the future of youth services in Devon. DCC Cllr Yabsley who had arrived at the meeting during the above discussion spoke on this subject with the consent of the chairman. Cllr Yabsley reminded members that a meeting has been arranged for Friday 28 February 2014 where several issues that will be affected by these cuts will be discussed.

197/13 DALC CONSULTATION EVENT – OPENNESS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT BODIES REGULATIONS 2014 The Clerk had forwarded an email regarding the above to all members and was requesting comments in order to forward to DALC by Wednesday 5 March 2014. A brief discussion followed and members felt that there were no issues to report and welcomed transparency and openness in local government. If any member has any comments please forward them to the Clerk by the above closing date.

198/13 DCC ADULT SOCIAL CARE DAY SERVICES REVIEW – CONSULTATION EVENT The Mayor reported on documentation he had only received the day before this meeting and the Clerk handed it out for members to read regarding the above event.

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Concern was raised by all members with specific reference to the possible closure of Beech House. DCC is reviewing how these services might best be delivered in the future and comments are required by the 19th March 2014. Members noted that there is a stakeholder event on Friday 7th March 2014 at the Cedars Inn, Barnstaple. Cllr Goodman gave a brief synopsis of this review and informed members that many members of the public were concerned regarding the future of Beech House. Much discussion followed and it was RESOLVED that a separate meeting be arranged as soon as possible to discuss not only this situation but other issues including the Youth Resource Centre

The time being 7 46pm Cllr Mrs C Lock gave her apologies and left the meeting.

This meeting will be on Thursday 6 March 2014 commencing at 6 30pm at a venue to be decided. This meeting will be for members only and a further meeting may be arranged to include relevant officers. During discussion on the above item Cllr Yabsley addressed members with the consent of the Mayor.

199/13 DCC HIGHWAYS Members noted a reply received from Mr N Harvey MP regarding the above.

200/13 PLANNING APPLICATION 56920 – CHANGE OF USE OF LAND FROM AGRICULTURE TO CAR PARK & ALLOTMENT GARDENS This item had been placed on the agenda at the request of the members of the Planning Committee following their meeting on the 11 February 2014. Members noted that this is the Town Council’s own application and the Mayor invited Cllr Kingdon to address members as he had been involved with this project since inception. Members were concerned regarding the number of cars using the access road and the number of allotments planned for this area. Much discussion followed and it was RESOLVED that the application be submitted as per detailed in order not to jeopardise the necessary funding from The Forestry Commission. If at a later stage a lockable gated access is required then this will be installed for the public to use for gardening and maintenance only subject to member’s approval.

201/13 MONTHLY ACTION SHEET Members noted the details of the above, which has been updated by the Clerk where necessary. The Clerk was pleased to report that a meeting had been arranged for the Mayor, land agent and himself at the Civic Centre on Monday 10 March 2014 to discuss the draft Option Agreement with Tanya McGovern NDC.

202/13 LAND AGENTS BRIEFING PAPER – 6 FEBRUARY 2014 This item has been placed on this agenda at the request of Cllr Moore who queried the meeting held on Monday 3 February 2014 regarding the land between Gunswell Lane and Nadder Lane. The Mayor clarified the situation regarding Mr Holtom’s fees. Members had previously agreed that Mr Holtom be given permission to form a land owners consortium regarding this land. The Clerk will report to members in due course.

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203/13 REPRESENTATIVES TO REPORT ON MEETINGS ATTENDED a) Cllr White – Twinning Association – attended recent meeting to discuss planed visit to South Molton by delegates from Livarot in May 2014. Cllr S Lock – Bad Bevenson Twinning – possible visit in Summer2014. Cllr Worden – Community Garden AGM. b) Cllr Worden - Visit to London –met with Nick Harvey MP and Nick Boyles Planning Minister regarding concerns over planning process and other related issues. Cllr Worden – Rural Conference on Friday 11 April 2014 at Bishops Nympton. Further details to follow. c) No police present.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.42pm.

Chairman …...………………………………………….

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Present: In the Chair Town Mayor Cllr S. K. White Cllr M. Bushell Cllr D. J. Goodman Cllr M. J. Kingdon Cllr Mrs C. E. Lock Cllr S. W. Lock Cllr Mrs R. McCool Cllr E. J. Moore Cllr Mrs C. Parkinson Cllr M. F. Way Cllr D. Worden

In Attendance: Town Clerk Mr M. G. Gingell Deputy Town Clerk/RFO Mr A C Coates DCC Cllr J Yabsley (part of the meeting)

204/13 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Smale.

205/13 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The following declarations of interest were read out by the Town Clerk: Cllr Kingdon – DPI – Item 5 – Tenant DPI – Item 15 – Tenant Cllr Way – DPI – Item 5 – Friends of Govier family DPI – Item 15 – TC Tenant Cllr White – Personal Interest – Item 6 – I am one of the Town Council Reps on the South Molton Business Association and as such I am a paid up member of the association. I am not an official and I do not have any business and I do not get anything from the SMBA

206/13 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS AND MATTERS OF URGENCY BROUGHT FORWARD AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CHAIRMAN The Mayor briefly reported on the following subjects: Meeting at NDC regarding Draft Option Agreement on Monday 10 March 2014. Item will be on the next TC agenda on 25 March 2014. Discussions with Cllr Yabsley regarding site for new primary school. DCC consultation regarding the review of Social Care Day Centre at Beech House and the proposed cuts to the Youth Service and the future of the Youth Resource Centre. Stakeholder meeting at the Cedars Inn, Barnstaple on 7 March 2014. Informal meeting held on Monday 3 March 2014 regarding the future of the Winter Wonderland. At this juncture the Clerk read out a statement received from Ken Miles, Monitoring Officer at NDC regarding the Mayor’s involvement with this event. Cllr Worden reported on the departure of Rev M Noakes who was leaving South Molton to take up appointment as a naval chaplain. Service will be held on Wednesday 26 March 2014 at 7.30pm at the Methodist Church and all members are welcome to attend

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Cllr Moore reported on a forthcoming meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee NDC on Thursday 13 March 2014 at 2pm where the DCC consultation on the future of Social Care Day Centres will be discussed. Any member from the TC is welcome to attend.

207/13 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Town Council 25 February 2014 It was RESOLVED that these minutes be approved.

Cllrs Kingdon and Way both declared a DPI in the next item and left the meeting.

208/13 EASEMENT – FORD DOWN FARM The Mayor welcomed Mr M Clarke from Greener for Life who addressed members on a proposed easement through land at Ford Down Farm owned by the Town Council and currently let to a member under a tenancy agreement. The bio gas produced will run from the anaerobic digester sited by the Govier family at Great Hele and injected in to the grid at a point at the end of Ford Down Lane. Mr Clarke fully explained the process to lay the pipe line underground at a depth of 1200 mm and all land used will be fully re-instated. A traffic assessment will be commissioned and a sum of £14000 will be paid to the Town Council if members approve the proposed works. A short question and answer session followed and it was RESOLVED to approve Mr Clarke’s request. Mr Clarke was thanked by the Mayor for attending this meeting and then left the council chamber. Cllrs Moore and Worden abstained during the voting process thereon.

Cllrs Kingdon and Way rejoined the meeting.

209/13 SOUTH MOLTON WINTER WONDERLAND/SUNDAY 7 DECEMBER 2014 Following the members recent informal meeting held on Monday 3 March 2014 the Mayor proposed the following resolution for approval by members present: I propose that this year we offer both sides the Pannier Market for the Friday Night 5 December (weekend of Winter Wonderland) on the condition that they work together. If one party is not prepared to work with the other party that party forfeits the right to be involved and the sole use of the Pannier Market for that night will be given to the other party. If they agree to work together, but come to an impasse then that problem must be brought before the Council for a decision to be made. Both parties are to be given two weeks to confirm in writing to the Town Clerk that they are prepared to work together for the good of the town. Failure by one party to confirm in writing within the two weeks will mean that the other party will be given the exclusive right to the Pannier Market for the Friday night 5 December 2014. No debate followed and it was RESOLVED to approve this proposal and all parties involved will be notified of this decision. Cllr Mrs C Lock abstained during the voting process thereon.

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210/13 TOWN TEAM This item had been placed on the agenda at the request of Cllr Goodman who reported further on the proposal from the Town Team to allow businesses within the town to rent a market stall on either Thursday or Saturday for the months of January and February commencing in 2015. It was unanimously RESOLVED to approve the Town Team’s request and also refer this item to the Policy Committee of the Town Council for their input to provide the necessary policy document. Cllr Goodman abstained during the voting process thereon.

211/13 POSSIBLE RELOCATION OF THE CEMETERY WAR MEMORIAL The Clerk reported that following members request regarding the above suggestion he had received many letters and emails objecting to the proposal. The Clerk and RFO were pleased to report that they had approached the War Memorials Trust regarding funding to refurbish the war memorial as part of the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of World War 1. It was RESOLVED that the war memorial remains in its current situation and the sign on the enhancement be repaired due to vandalism. Members noted that the Royal British Legion had been consulted and would accept the final decision made by the Town Council.

The time being 7 36pm Mr Coates left the meeting.

212/13 ATTENDANCE AT MEETINGS HELD DURING THE DAY/LOSS OF EARNINGS Following members request the Clerk had made some initial enquiries from other local councils and principal authorities regarding the above and will produce a report in due course. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk continues with his investigations and produce the relevant report as soon as possible. The Clerk will also refer this matter to NALC, DALC and any other government department he considers could assist. He explained that his initial findings were very interesting as many local councils operated in very many different ways.

213/13 HIRE OF RECREATION GROUND The Clerk reported that he had received a request from two local residents to hire an area within the Recreation Ground for personal training boot camps. These sessions would take place either early morning or late afternoon/early evening and last for about one hour. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk makes further enquiries regarding this request and reports back to members in due course. As this area is a public open space there is no current policy for its private use.

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214/13 DCC RECYCLING CENTRE SERVICE – TOUGH CHOICES WASTE SERVICE REVIEW SOUTH MOLTON – MACLINS QUARRY Members noted a copy letter received from DCC regarding the above and were pleased to learn that this excellent community facility will be open for three days a week commencing in April 2014.

215/13 DEVON COUNTY COUNCIL – ADULT SOCIAL CARE DAY SERVICES Cllr Goodman and several other members had requested that this item be on the agenda. Cllr Goodman reported on the stakeholder event held at the Cedars Inn, Barnstaple on Friday 7 March 2014 and his continued concern regarding the long term future of Beech House under the review commissioned by DCC. Cllr Worden was not only concerned by this review but also other services that faced huge financial cuts including the youth service and the Youth Resource Centre in South Molton. Much debate followed and Cllr Worden suggested sending letters to various members and officers at DCC. It was RESOLVED that Cllr Worden liaises with the Clerk regarding the content of these letters and forward them by the 19 March which is the closing date of the consultation process. The Clerk is also requested to invite Mr Gary Smith from DCC to an informal meeting as soon as possible as he has wide experience of dealing with issues of a similar nature including the Healthy Town Initiative. Copy letters will be forwarded to DALC via Cllr Bushell and the Local Government Association. It is hoped to invite DCC Cllr Yabsley to the meeting with Gary Smith. Cllr Bushell referred to the Ifracombe Virtual Bank and recommended that the Clerk views it online.

216/13 REVIEW OF CODE OF CONDUCT Member noted the content of an email received from Mr Ken Miles, Monitoring Officer at NDC requesting any comments regarding the above. Members had no adverse comments and Mr Miles will be notified in due course.

217/13 GAS LANE – COMMUNITY WOODLAND EXTENSION This item had been placed on the agenda at the request of Cllr McCool who reported on her continual concern regarding the recent planning application to extend the Community Woodland and the access road to the site. Debate followed and Cllr Kingdon reported further on the subject in order to attempt to clarify the situation for all members present. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk contacts the Lead Planning Officer Ms Jean Watkins in order to ascertain what is required in order to receive full planning consent and protect the funding package from the Forestry Commission. The Clerk will refer Ms Watkins reply to members he can contact in an emergency which is the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Chair of the Finance Committee before Thursday 20 March which is the end of the statutory consultation period.

Cllrs Kingdon and Way declared DPI’s in the following item and left the meeting and did not return.

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218/13 AGRICULTURAL TENANCIES The Clerk reported that he had hoped to receive a report from the land agent Mr J Holtom recommending to members the relevant terms for renewal of the above. Unfortunately he had not received the necessary report and therefore will place this item on the agenda for the 25 March 2014 in order for members to approve Mr Holtom’s recommendations. Cllr Moore asked to have it recorded that another land agent had been appointed to review the land rental at Ford Down Farm due to a conflict of interest.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.26pm.

Chairman ……………………………………….

Date ……………………………………………. Page 61 2013/2014


Present: In the Chair Town Mayor Cllr S. K. White Cllr M. Bushell Cllr D. J. Goodman Cllr M. J. Kingdon Cllr Mrs C. E. Lock Cllr S. W. Lock Cllr Mrs R. McCool Cllr E. J. Moore Cllr Mrs C. Parkinson Cllr M. R. J. Smale Cllr M. F. Way Cllr D. Worden

In Attendance: Town Clerk Mr M. G. Gingell


220/13 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The following declarations of interest were read out by the Town Clerk: Cllr Kingdon – DPI – Item 14 – Tenant Cllr C. Lock - Personal Interest – Item 8 – Council Rep & Museum Volunteer Cllr Worden – Personal Interest – Item 7 – NDC Member Personal Interest – Item 8 – NDC Member

221/13 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS AND MATTERS OF URGENCY BROUGHT FORWARD AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CHAIRMAN The Mayor reminded members that on Wednesday 26 March 2014 it will be the last Methodist church service by the Rev M Noakes as he was leaving South Molton to take up a new appointment as a naval chaplain. Any member is most welcome to attend. The Mayor reported on the excellent tree planting event in the Community Woodlands that took place recently attended by other members together with children from both the Junior and Infant Schools. Special mention and thanks must go to Cllr Goodman for his help and arranging this worthwhile event. He also reported that DCC Cllr Will Mumford had resigned from the authority to take up a paid position with NPS. Cllr Mumford was the cabinet holder for Children and Schools and will be replaced by Cllr J McInnes. Pressure must be put on Cllr McInnes regarding the schooling issues in South Molton.

22213 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Town Council 11 March 2014 It was RESOLVED that these minutes be approved subject to an amendment to Minute No 215/13 to read that Cllr Bushell would take a copy of the appropriate letter to DALC on Monday 17 March 2014.

223/13 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Mr M Cornelius, Crown Hill, South Molton suggested to members that they

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should consider purchasing a defribulator to be sited possibly in the Pannier Market or an area close to sports provision. Debate followed and it was agreed to place this item on the next TC agenda on Tuesday 8 April 2014 for further discussion. Members were concerned regarding the safe use of this piece of life saving equipment. The Clerk will investigate this request. Mr Cornelius also reported on his concern regarding the dilapidated BT phone box sited in South Street/Old Alswear Road. Members were aware of this situation and the Clerk reported that this box had been decommissioned by BT several years ago and that the TC had been approached to purchase it for £1 and keep it in a satisfactory condition which members refused. This phone box together with others in the parish will be checked by the staff of the TC and this item will be placed on the next TC agenda on Tuesday 8 April 2014 for further debate. Mr Cornelius also reported on his concern that the minutes of the TC meeting on Tuesday 25 February 2014 showed his name and address under the item ‘Public Participation’. The Mayor explained that this was standard practice and referred Mr Cornelius to Standing Order 1i, which clearly states recording this in the minutes is correct. The Clerk suggested that he places this item on the next TC agenda for members to discuss if they wish to amend Standing Orders. Mr R Herniman, 7E Queen Street enquired if there was any up to date news regarding the planned Winter Wonderland for 2014. The Mayor explained that as agreed by members letters have been forwarded to all parties concerned and the TC were awaiting the relevant replies. Cllr McCool reported on her concern that Mr Cornelius was using his IPad to make notes regarding this meeting and questioned whether this was acceptable. Cllr Worden and Cllr Moore reported that this was standard practice at NDC and the Clerk reported that there was legislation pending regarding several media issues to be resolved through NALC. The press when in attendance make the necessary notes and these can be noted on a tablet.

224/13 PROPOSED HEALTH CENTRE The Mayor reported that he had recently spoken with Maria Hosegood and she wishes to leave the situation as it currently stands. Cllr Worden has also spoken to her and Jean Watkins and it needs NDC to clarify and sign the necessary Section 106 Agreement with Linden Homes and then the details/plans for the new health centre can be submitted without any further delay.

225/13 LIVESTOCK MARKET This item has been placed on the agenda at the request of Cllr Moore who reported on his concern that at least 18 months ago members wished the Council’s land agent Mr Holtom to submit the necessary planning application for the remaining land at Pathfields Business Park under Phase 4. The land designated as the site for the re-location of the above is separate and not included within this area. The Clerk reported on the meeting on Monday 10 March 2014 with Tanya McGovern and Diana Hill NDC together with the Mayor

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and Mr Holtom. This meeting had been arranged following receipt of the first draft of the proposed Option Agreement with NDC. NDC have raised several issues including particular reference to ‘State Aid’ which they consider the TC should seek legal advice to clarify its involvement and what implications it could highlight. Cllr Worden reported that there is a planned joint meeting between NDC and TDC regarding the forthcoming emerging Local Plan, which should assist with this situation. Cllr Kingdon reported that Mr Holtom was dealing with the preparation of the necessary reports ie road design etc that was required prior to any planning application being submitted. In order to clarify the current situation it was RESOLVED to request that Mr Holtom be invited to the next TC meeting on Tuesday 8 April 2014 in order for members to receive a full update on the current situation as a matter of urgency. The Clerk’s request to seek legal advice regarding the draft Option Agreement was refused and will be reviewed following Mr Holtom’s attendance as detailed above.

226/13 SOUTH MOLTON & DISTRICT MUSEUM All members had received a copy of a report compiled by Ms Alison Mills NDC regarding the transfer of the above from NDC to SMTC. The Clerk reported that he was recommending that members approve this request and notify NDC in due course. Ms Mills report is being presented to the NDC Executive on Tuesday 8 April for their approval. It was RESOLVED to accept the Clerk’s request and NDC will be notified accordingly. Any items currently in storage at Barnstaple will be transferred to South Molton for display or put in to storage if an available space can be determined.

227/13 REMEMBRANCE OF THE FIRST WORLD WAR This item was placed on the agenda at the request of Cllr Moore and he requested that the Mayor speak on his behalf. A suggestion has been made that a magnolia tree be planted in the Community Woodlands to mark the 100th Anniversary of the outbreak of World War 1. Cllr McCool also suggested that poppy seeds could also be scattered in the same area. It was also suggested that a seat could be installed in the same area together with the re-siting of Burma Star stone from the car park area. Cllr McCool suggested that a seat from what is called Gas Lane could be installed following the planned expansion of the Community Woodlands. It was RESOLVED that the Community Woodlands Extension Working Party under the direction of Cllr Kingdon investigates all these options and then report back to the full council with their recommendations. Cllr S Lock abstained during the voting process thereon.

228/13 RE-INSTATEMENT OF ESTATES COMMITTEE This item had been placed on the agenda at the request of Cllr Moore who reported further on his suggestion that an Estates committee be re-formed. The Clerk had also forwarded an email to all members on this subject and explained that most estate items are placed on the TC agenda for the second Tuesday of the month as previously agreed. Much discussion followed in order to ascertain

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the best way forward and it was RESOLVED that wherever possible all estate issues be placed on the TC meeting on the second Tuesday of the month and Mr Holtom the council’s land agent be invited to attend this meeting whenever the Clerk considers it necessary.

229/13 FOOTPATH DIVERSION ORDER The Clerk reported that he had received a copy of the above order which members had previously discussed and made no objections. This order relates to Footpath No 1 George Nympton and Footpath No 10 South Molton and any further representations/objections must be forwarded to DCC by the 23 April 2014. Members noted these details and the Clerk has the full information for any interested member.

230/13 PROVISION OF OUTDOOR EXERCISE EQUIPMENT The Clerk reported that he had received a letter from a parishioner regarding the above. An application for funding has been made and a decision is still outstanding and the Clerk will chase in order to determine the up to date situation. If eventually no funds are awarded to support this project then the Finance Committee will discuss ways of supporting the initiative.

231/13 DART PARK ALLOTMENTS The Clerk has received a request from the tenant to site a greenhouse 8 x 6 foot on allotment 12. The Clerk recommended approval and members approved his request. The tenant will be notified accordingly.

Cllr Kingdon had previously declared a DPI in the following item and left the meeting.

232/13 AGRICULTURAL TENANCIES All members had previously received a copy of a detailed report from the council’s land agent Mr J Holtom with his recommendations including the report from the land agent that had been appointed to undertake the review on land adjacent to Ford Down Farm, which is tenanted to a member of the TC. It was RESOLVED to accept all the recommendations contained within Mr Holtom’s report and the recommendation by Mr P Nancekivell in his report.

Cllr Kingdon rejoined the meeting.

233/13 MONTHLY ACTION SHEET Members noted the details within the above for the month of March 2014. Cllr Moore updated members regarding his meeting with Cllr B Greenslade and also attended by Cllr Worden. Both members of NDC are still awaiting a reply from Cllr Greenslade.

234/13 REPRESENTATIVES TO REPORT ON MEETINGS ATTENDED a) Cllr Mrs C Lock – Pleased to report that the museum will re-open on Monday 31 March 2014.

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Cllr Bushell – attended DALC meeting on Monday 17 March 2014. Several issues on the agenda including DCC’s Day Care provision review. Discussion on Community Land Trusts and the future of Libraries in Devon. Cllr White – Twinning Association with Livarot I France. Visit by the French at the beginning of May and an Official Reception will be held on Saturday 3 May 2014. A and B – Cllr Worden – NDC Rural Conference on Friday 11 April 2014. Letter to DCC regarding the future of Beech House – DCC Cllr S Barker Crime Prevention Panel meeting – Thursday 27 March 2014 at the Police Station. Any member welcome to attend. Sports Hub Network – Meeting on Monday 31 March 2014. Community Garden - Big Breakfast on the 17 April 2014.with the Community Woodlands Group – Assembly Rooms. Extra Ordinary Meeting with both ND and TDC regarding the new emerging Local Plan. Tourist Information Centre – losing funding from North Devon Plus – meeting on the 10 April 2014 to discuss. Attended Local Government Association Sparse meeting in London and took letter from SMTC. Interested in DCLG/DEFRA exercise case study which South Molton could be included as a rural market town. Spoken to Gary Smith from DCC regarding cuts to services at DCC. – Mr Smith will be invited to a SMTC meeting asap. c) No police present. It was suggested that if they are in attendance the officers be invited to speak under ‘Chairmans Announcements’ in order that they will not be delayed.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.46pm.

Chairman ……………………………………….

Date …………………………………………….. Page 66 2013/2014


Present: In the Chair Town Mayor Cllr S. K. White Cllr M. Bushell Cllr D. J. Goodman Cllr M. J. Kingdon Cllr Mrs C. E. Lock Cllr S. W. Lock Cllr Mrs R. McCool Cllr E. J. Moore Cllr M. R. J. Smale Cllr M. F. Way Cllr D. Worden

In Attendance: Town Clerk Mr M. G. Gingell Land Agent Mr J Holtom

235/13 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Cllr Parkinson.

236/13 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The following declarations of interest were read out by the Town Clerk: Cllr Goodman – Personal Interest – Item 13 – Past Mayor Cllr C. Lock – Personal Interest – Item 13 – Past & future Mayors wife Cllr S. Lock – Personal Interest – Item 13 – Past Mayor Cllr McCool – DPI – Item 8 – Member of Friends of SMCW Cllr Way – Personal Interest – Item 5 – Member of PBF Personal Interest – Item 13 – Past Mayor Cllr White – Personal Interest – Item 13 – Past & Present Mayor of South Molton

237/13 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS AND MATTERS OF URGENCY BROUGHT FORWARD AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CHAIRMAN Cllr Kingdon reported that he had received an email from Matthew Edworthy DCC regarding the visit by a group of teenage girls to South Molton in May who would like to take part in a one day voluntary project perhaps in the Community Woodland. Members will consider this request and notify the group if a suitable worthwhile area can be determined. Cllr Worden reminded members that the NDC Rural Conference is being held on Friday 11 April 2014 at Bishops Nympton Village Hall commencing at 10 00am. Please book your place if you wish to attend. The Mayor reported on the service at the Methodist Church on Wednesday 26 March as the Rev Mark Noakes was leaving to take up a new position as a chaplain in the Royal Navy.

23813 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Town Council 25 March 2014 It was RESOLVED that these minutes be approved.

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ESTATE ISSUES 239/13 Pathfields Business Park Phase 4 – Planning Application/relocation of Livestock Market The Mayor invited the council’s land agent to address members following their request for him to attend this meeting and explain the process regarding why the necessary planning application for the designated employment land had not been submitted. Mr Holtom referred members to a plan given out at this meeting and also referred to a meeting he attended on Friday 4 April 2014 with officers from both NDC and DCC. Concern was expressed over the reduced allocation of employment land and the need to review the access road through Hacche Lane to the B3226. An alteration to this road which if deemed adequate would save over 1 million pounds but would not jeopardise the land allocated for the livestock market. Cllr Worden explained that as from the 30 April the revised Local Plan would be released for the statutory public consultation. Mr Holtom was requesting that a small committee be formed to monitor progress with this project which would report to the full council. It was RESOLVED that Mr Holtom’s request be approved and Cllrs Kingdom, Way and White be members together with the Mayor Ex-Officio.

240/13 Land Between Gunswell Lane/Nadder Lane Mr Holtom referred members to the plan already distributed quoting reference SMO1b. This land has been identified in the emerging local plan and Linden Homes have planning consent on part of this area. The land is owned by six identified owners including the Town Council and there are five interested housing developers. It is hoped that an equalisation agreement can be compiled following the meeting held on February 3rd 2014 with interested parties. One land owner was not present at this meeting and must be pressed in to a decision as not to delay the process. Mr Holtom reported that three specialist legal advisors had been consulted Ashfords, Michelmores and Foot Anstey in order to quote for the legal transaction to complete an Option Agreement. Mr Holtom recommended Simon Gregory at Foot Anstey as he was well known to the Town Council after dealing with the complicated Option Agreement for Elan Homes at Gullacombes. All other land owners had been consulted and their preferred legal advisor was Foot Anstey. Concern was expressed regarding the remaining sixth owner who must decide if they wish to be involved. It was unanimously RESOLVED that Simon Gregory of Foot Anstey be appointed to act on behalf of the consortium in order to prepare a draft Option Agreement in due course. Simon Gregory will be informed accordingly.

241/13 Western Power Distribution Sub-Station, Station Road Mr Holtom reported that he had been contacted by WPD who wish to purchase the freehold of the site together with owed back rent (wayleave payments). A sum of money has been offered by WPD but Mr Holtom considers this is only a starting point and is open for negotiations. It was RESOLVED that Mr Holtom acts in the best interest of SMTC and reports back when he considers the terms offered by WPD are acceptable. Continued … Page 68 2013/2014

242/13 Community Woodlands Extension Mr Holtom updated members regarding the recently submitted planning application for the above. Members are reminded that the first tranche of trees have been planted and further works are planned following receipt of the grant monies from the Forestry Commission who are anxious that these funds are claimed. Mr Holtom is concerned that the agreed grants could be in jeopardy if progress is not made with this project as soon as possible. The application will be determined at a NDC Planning Committee meeting to be held on the 16 April 2014. Members are still concerned regarding the access road to the planned allotments and Mr Holtom explained that in the first instance there would be car parking for six cars and then following the creation of the new access road from North Road this would then increase to 16 parking spaces. Much discussion followed and it was RESOLVED that Mr Holtom’s explanation above be approved. Cllrs Goodman, McCool, Moore and Worden abstained during the voting process thereon. At this juncture the Mayor thanked Mr Holtom for all his hard work regarding the Gullacombes Housing Development together with the Clerk who has worked for the Town Council since the development was first proposed. Mr Holtom responded and thanked all Mayors whom had contributed over many years and more recently Mr Andrew Coates the council’s RFO and the current Mayor Cllr White. At this juncture Mr Holtom left the meeting.

243/13 DEFIBRILLATOR The Clerk reported that this item had been placed on this agenda following the Town Council meeting on the 25 March where a member of the electorate suggested the Town Council considers purchasing the above equipment. The Clerk has made some initial enquiries and the Mayor had been contacted by email by a Mr Jeff Gregory of Morebath. Mr Gregory who is also a parish clerk is a HSE qualified emergency response trainer and was offering to address members on the subject at a forthcoming meeting. It was RESOLVED that Mr Gregory be invited to a meeting as soon as possible. It was also suggested that advice is sought from a local GP.

244/13 BT PHONE BOX – SOUTH STREET/OLD ALSWEAR ROAD This item had been placed on this agenda following the Town Council meeting held on 25 March 2014 where under Public Participation a member of the public raised their concern over the above. The Clerk gave a brief history of this subject as BT had contacted the office several times requesting that the TC take over redundant phone boxes. The Clerk had viewed the state of this particular box which has been vandalised over many years and his recommendation was to contact BT to recommend its removal. It was RESOLVED to approve the Clerk’s recommendation and BT will be advised.

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245/13 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – STANDING ORDER 1i This item had been placed on this agenda following a comment received from a member of the public that his name and address had been entered in the minutes of the meeting held on 25 March 2014. The Clerk referred members to the clause detailed above and it was RESOLVED that this clause remains unchanged. Cllr Moore voted against this proposal during the voting process thereon and Cllr Worden and Cllr Bushell abstained.

246/13 WINTER WONDERLAND/LATE NIGHT SHOPPING The Mayor reported briefly on the above and members noted his comments.

247/13 GULLACOMBES HOUSING DEVELOPMENT – NAMING OF ROADS This item had been placed on the agenda at the request of Cllr Bushell following receipt of an email forwarded by the Deputy Clerk. Elan Homes had contacted Mr Coates requesting whether members had any suggestions for the roads at the new housing development in Station Road. It had been mentioned that past Mayors of the town could be honoured in this way and much discussion followed. The Clerk reported that in the past he had received requests from NDC to name roads and ideas have been forwarded for consideration. It was RESOLVED that Mr P Henderson be requested to place an article in the May edition of his newspaper inviting suggestions from residents of the town for consideration.

248/13 CAR PARKING Members noted details of the new car parking enforcement arrangements as from 1 April 2014 forwarded by NDC. C llr Bushell reported on his continued concern over car parking issues in the town and referred members to the investigations carried out by the Clerk on this subject. He suggested that the Clerk and himself continue to investigate if any improvements can be implemented in South Molton to improve traffic flow and parking.

249/13 ROAD REPAIRS The Clerk had previously forwarded copy correspondence received from Nick Harvey MP and Robert Goodwill MP Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Transport. This correspondence follows issues raised by members regarding the deterioration of the state of the roads within the parish following the last winter storms. Members noted their comments.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.52pm.

Chairman ……………………………………….

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Present: In the Chair Town Mayor Cllr S. K. White Cllr M. Bushell Cllr D. J. Goodman Cllr Mrs C. E. Lock Cllr S. W. Lock Cllr E. J. Moore Cllr M. R. J. Smale Cllr D. Worden

In Attendance: Town Clerk Mr M. G. Gingell Cllr J Yabsley Devon County Council Inspector R Bartlett Devon & Cornwall Constabulary CPSO P Whitehouse Devon & Cornwall Constabulary

250/13 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs McCool, Parkinson and Way.

251/13 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The following declarations of interest were read out by the Town Clerk: Cllr Moore – Personal Interest – Item 8b) – District Councillor Personal Interest – Item 10 – District Councillor Cllr Worden - Personal Interest – Item 8 – NDC Member Personal Interest – Item 10 – NDC Member

252/13 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS AND MATTERS OF URGENCY BROUGHT FORWARD AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CHAIRMAN The Mayor reported on the forthcoming visit by representatives from the French town of Livarot which is twinned with South Molton. This visit commences on Friday 2 May 2014 and on Saturday 3 May 2014 there is a Mayor’s Reception at 11am in the Town Hall and all members are invited to attend. The Mayor then extended a vote of thanks to all who had assisted him in his role as Mayor/Chairman over the last two years as this was his last formal TC meeting before handing over to Cllr S Lock the new incoming Mayor of South Molton. Cllr Worden raised his concern over certain parts of the town, which had not had any grasscutting to date in 2014. Members were reminded that the TC had appointed its own contractor to cut certain areas of the town and DCC, NDC and North Devon Homes had appointed their own contactor from 1 April 2014. This problem is highlighted every year and the Clerk together with the RFO will investigate the situation and take the necessary action to ensure that all works are carried out to the satisfaction of all members of this authority. The Mayor then invited Inspector Bartlett to address members on his role and policing issues within the North Devon area. Inspector Bartlett gave members a brief overview of the current situation highlighting staffing levels and recent published crime statistics for the area. A short question and answer session

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followed and Mr Bartlett was thanked by the Mayor for attending this meeting together with Mr Whitehouse.

253/13 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT The Mayor invited Mr Gary Smith DCC to the meeting regarding the above. Mr Smith had been invited to the meeting by the Clerk following a request by Cllr Worden. Mr Smith gave a brief introduction on his role and the organisations he can be involved with in South Molton in order to resolve issues of concern. Mr Smith works closely with all principal authorities and town/parish councils with specific reference to the reductions in funding from central government that affects local services and agencies. A short question and answer session followed and Mr Smith was thanked by the Mayor for attending this meeting. It was suggested by Cllr Worden that an informal meeting be arranged with Mr Smith in order to explore all areas of concern for the benefit of all living and working in South Molton.

254/13 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Jill Benton of 16 West End Terrace raised issues with the parking at West End Terrace and the continual problem of cars blocking the entrance and if required no access for emergency vehicles or refuse collections. Inspector Bartlett and Cllr Yabsley responded and they will investigate what options are available to improve the situation. Cllr Bushell raised the issue of mobility scooters being parked in areas which then obstructs the pavement and is a safety hazard for all other users. Marc Cornelius of Crown Hill, South Molton raised the issue of the Merry Christmas sign on the Old Cornmarket building and enquired if it was left up on a permanent basis. The Mayor explained why this was standard practice and Cllr S Lock suggested that perhaps a cover could be installed with the words ‘Welcome to South Molton’ as an alternative. Mr Cornelius then referred members to any planning consent being given in this instance. The Clerk will investigate the history of this situation.

255/13 TOWN HALL TOILETS The Clerk reported that following the Finance Committee meeting on 7 April 2014 members of that committee discussed the quotes for the refurbishment of the above. It was resolved at that meeting that the contract be awarded to Mr W Sanders in the sum of £31500 plus VAT and it was then placed on this agenda for the full council to approve this recommendation. Members present discussed this recommendation and viewed the plans that were available. It was unanimously RESOLVED to accept the recommendation of the Finance Committee together with clarification regarding the third washbasin as detailed on the plans supplied by the approved architect David Wilson Associates. Cllr S Lock reported that the Finance Committee agreed that any major expenditure in excess of £10000 would be brought to the full council for their approval. The Clerk reminded members that in previous years a sub-committee

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was formed to investigate refurbishment of the Town Hall and it had been agreed that the toilets were an urgent case and monies allocated.

256/13 ENHANCEMENT This item had been placed on the agenda at the request of the Mayor Cllr S White who had received a letter from the proprietor of the Flower Shop in Broad Street. Members had previously received a copy of this letter. Members debated the issues raised in her letter and it was RESOLVED that this matter be referred to the Policy Committee for their attention and to review the policy of letting stalls on the enhancement.

257/13 ITEMS ON THE AGENDA AT THE REQUEST OF CLLR MOORE The Mayor invited Cllr Moore to speak on the following: Rural Seminar – Bishops Nympton 11 4 2014 – new Local Plan and Devon Wildlife Trust. Cllr Moore reported on the above and considered the event was a great success and referred members to the new Local Plan which is due to be released for consultation at the end of this month. It was RESOLVED that a letter of thanks be forwarded to NDC and especially to Cllr D Worden for all his support with this initiative. Members trust that NDC will make this an annual event. Cllr Moore also reported on the Devon Wildlife Trust and whether South Molton would have any areas that could be specifically designated. Self Build Homes Cllr Moore briefly reported on the above and suggested that at the bottom end of the Sheep Fair Field (Bawdens Close) a site could be identified within the Local Plan for either self build housing or dwellings supplied for rental from the Town Council. It was RESOLVED that the Town Council considers this request when discussing the new Local Plan and any preferred housing allocations. Cllr Worden suggested that all members be forwarded a copy of the South Molton section of the Plan and the Clerk will arrange this in due course and hopefully arrange an informal meeting for members to discuss its content. Sheep Pens/Central Car Park Cllr Moore reported that he had attended a recent meeting with the solicitor at NDC regarding the future of the above stated areas. Cllr Moore reported that recently NDC had transferred the car park at Instow to the local council on a 99 year lease. He expressed concern over both areas and the lack of investment in them over a number of years. It was RESOLVED that the Sheep Pen area item be deferred for at least one month in the first instance for the following reasons: a. The Clerk is to investigate the cost of the removal of the sheep pens and the refurbishment of the existing car park area. It has been estimated by NDC that this figure is £120,000. b. A meeting has been arranged with Mike Mansell, Diana Hill of NDC together with the Leader of NDC Cllr B Greenslade and Cllrs Moore and Worden. This subject will be discussed at this meeting. c. Five Town Councillors are not at this meeting and members consider that

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this issue must be discussed when more members are in attendance. Cllrs Bushell, Moore.and Mrs C Lock voted against this proposal during the voting process thereon. Cllr Smale left the meeting at 7 46pm during the discussion on the above item.

258/13 REVISED CODE OF CONDUCT The Clerk reported that he had received an email from Ken Miles NDC with a copy of a revised Code of Conduct document that NDC intend to adopt and was recommending its adoption to all town and parish councils. The Clerk was requesting that this item be deferred until the next TC meeting in order for him to clarify certain points of concern. It was RESOLVED to accept the Clerk’s recommendation.

259/13 NDC LEGAL SUPPORT The Clerk reported that he had received an email from Ken Miles NDC suggesting that NDC Legal section could provide legal advice and act for the TC in certain circumstances at a cost of approximately £60 per hour. NDC could only act for the TC providing there was no conflict of interest. It was RESOLVED that if the Clerk recommends using NDC legal section he will present the case to members for their prior approval.

260/13 DOCUMENT FOR EXECUTION It was RESOLVED that the following document be signed by the Mayor and Deputy Mayor and witnessed by the Town Clerk: Exclusive Right of Burial – Plot P006 – Mrs Deborah Glenister, High Winds, Parsonage Lane, South Molton, EX36 3AX

261/13 MONTHLY ACTION SHEET Members noted updated details regarding the above. Cllr Moore enquired the up to date situation regarding the proposal to plant a magnolia tree in the Community Woodlands to mark the 100th Anniversary of the outbreak of World War 1. The Clerk responded and will enter the details accordingly. Cllr Bushell requested that No 1 East Street be entered on the sheet in order for all members to be kept up to date with the possibility of refurbishing the top flat for human occupation.

262/13 REPRESENTATIVES TO REPORT ON MEETINGS ATTENDED a) Cllr Worden – Sports Hub Network – recent meeting – brief update. Cllr Worden – Crime Prevention Panel – brief update on recent meeting but issues covered by Inspector Bartlett earlier in the meeting. Cllr Mrs C Lock – Museum – Question of storage when items transferred from NDC and arrange visit to ascertain amount of objects. b) Cllr Moore – South Molton & District Licencees Association – forthcoming meeting. Cllr Worden – Briefly spoke on the success of the recent Rural Seminar.

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c) The police had already addressed the members under chairman’s announcements.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.54pm.

Chairman …………………………………………

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