A TRANSPORT AGENDA FOR MELBOURNE Delivering a more productive economy through better transport November 2014 www.ttf.org.au Tourism & T ransport Forum (TTF) i S A national, member- funded CEO forum , advocating ThE publiC poliCy interests OF leading corporations and iNSTitutions iN ThE Australian tourism, transport and Aviation sectors. For further information, please contact: Trent Zimmerman Deputy CEO and Director, Transport Policy Tourism & Transport Forum E:
[email protected] Benoit Bost Transport Policy Analyst Tourism & Transport Forum E:
[email protected] Tourism & Transport Forum (TTF) Level 8 8-10 Loftus Street Sydney NSW 2000 T: +61 2 9240 2000 www.ttf.org.au A transport agenda for Melbourne: Delivering a more productive economy through better transport 3 OvERviEW MESSAGE FROM TTF’S PLAN TO IMPROVE ThE CEO TRANSPORT IN MELBOURNE Investment in Melbourne’s transport infrastructure and Develop and seek bipartisan support for a improved transport services is critical to the productivity Transport Master Plan for Melbourne to guide of the Victorian economy and the liveability of the city. By 1 transport infrastructure investment for the investing now in critical projects, the Victorian government next 20 years can ensure the city’s infrastructure is able to support predicted population growth and accelerate economic Construct a new CBD rail tunnel to boost growth while also reducing traffic congestion. 2 capacity across the rail network This paper outlines the key projects and service delivery Build a railway line to Melbourne Airport reforms we believe are essential for ensuring Melbourne’s 3 transport system aids rather than hinders the growth of Continue the segregation of rail lines the city.