
Queen Creek High School

Orchestra Formal Wear Contract Agreement

*The that you will take home and use is valued at $60 each. The following are guidelines to follow when wearing and caring for them. Once they have been checked out to you, you will be responsible for the dress the entire duration of this school year in orchestra. A limited number of tux ensembles can also be used-this includes a tux , a , and a .

-If the formal wear is cut, torn, or altered in any way (that is not approved under the Alteration policy), then the student, parent and/or guardian will be responsible for the cost of the .

-If a student decides to drop out of orchestra, or changes to a different school, the student is responsible for returning the dress/tux ensemble washed and in acceptable condition. ALL students that out performance attire from the school will be held accountable through their school account and will not be able to attain grades/diplomas if they do not return the performance attire.

-Ladies will be responsible for providing black dress to accompany the school orchestra dress.

Alteration Policy

Your outfit may or may not fit exactly right, but it is as close as possible. Please follow these guidelines when altering your garment:

*Ladies : Please hem the dress without cutting material. Dresses should be hemmed to cover the of the and not dragging on the ground.

Cleaning- The dresses MUST be cleaned before you turn them back in at the end of the school year. Dresses may be washed in the washer on the gentle cycle and low tumble dry in the dryer. Please remember that you are representing Queen Creek High School when you are at performances, make sure your concert attire is clean and neat!

Take PRIDE in your appearance for yourself and those that will wear it in the future.

Please read and sign below:

Contract Agreement

We the student, parent and/or guardian agree to care for the concert attire including to not cut the dress. We understand that we must wash our dresses before the end of the school year before we turn them back in. We also understand that if the concert attire is cut, torn, altered in any way (other than what is specified on the alteration policy), then we will be responsible for the replacement of the concert attire. We also understand that if we fail to return our concert attire in, final grades and diplomas may be held until the attire is checked in.

Parent Signature Date

Student Signature Date

Student Printed Name


Dress Size: Cummerbund:

Dress Serial Tag Number: Bow Tie: Shirt Size: