Five Nuclear Weapon States Recognise Central Asia As Nuke

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Five Nuclear Weapon States Recognise Central Asia As Nuke +26°C / +18°C WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 2014 No 9 (52) President Touts Benefits of Eurasian Nazarbayev Announces Plans for New Major Integration During Moscow Visit Incentives for Foreign Investors By Meruert Nemerbayeva ADB member countries, President Nazarbayev said the country will ASTANA – Kazakhstan will accelerate progress in the area of make a major move to attract more attracting investments as a key foreign investors this year when component of the country’s efforts it passes a new law to create bet- to ensure sustainable economic ter conditions for them, President growth. “The basis of our economy Nursultan Nazarbayev announced is active work aimed at attraction at the official opening session of of investments, both foreign and the Asian Development Bank’s domestic. 47th annual board of governors We are eager to create favour- meeting here on May 4. able an investment climate as pos- Addressing the more than 2,000 sible,” he noted. delegates to the meeting from 64 Continued on Page A6 ADB, Kazakhstan Sign President Nazarbayev delivered his hallmark speech on the soon-to-be-established Eurasian Economic Union and the long-term vision of Eurasian integration at the Moscow State University on April 28. By Meruert Nemerbayeva Agreement to Support Common Economic Space (CES). unique Treaty on Good-Neighbour- gion and the Arab world. As Naz- ASTANA – President Nursultan In its own turn, the EEU will cre- liness and Alliance, said President arbayev put it, in the conditions of Nazarbayev delivered his hallmark ate a common market of more than Nazarbayev. In addition, at the end all-encompassing globalisation, Industry, Banking, speech devoted to Eurasian inte- 170 million people and common of the last year the two countries regional integration is a key factor gration at Moscow State Univer- economy valued at $2.2 trillion. concluded a bilateral agreement on for economic and civilisational de- sity on April 28. Symbolically, the Integration is expected to in- military cooperation. Kazakhstan velopment and raising global com- Small Business idea of creating a Eurasian Union crease the cumulative gross domes- and Russia cooperate successfully petitiveness of any nation. By Rufiya Ospanova Governors in Astana. According was initially proposed by President tic product of the three countries by in all spheres, including energy, The ambitious Eurasian ini- to the agreement, signed in the Nazarbayev slightly more than 20 nearly $900 billion by 2030. space, defence, culture and trade. tiative has faced considerable and ASTANA – President of presence of Kazakh President years ago in a lecture at the same President Nazarbayev stressed The leaders of Kazakhstan, Rus- often unjustifiable criticism from the Asian Development Bank Nursultan Nazarbayev, the ADB university. that Eurasian integration provide sia and Belarus are confident in pundits, the Kazakh leader said. (ADB) Takehiko Nakao signed will help Kazakhstan effective- In his recent speech, Nazarbayev its participating states a “common the unique capabilities of the inte- Many have accused member states a new framework agreement on ly use $5.5 billion from its Na- noted that the soon-to-be-estab- strategic advantage on the eve of gration to resist and help alleviate of creating regulations and policies co-financing with Prime Minis- tional Fund to support industrial lished Eurasian Economic Union the Third Industrial Revolution.” global risks, including the financial that would benefit one member ter of Kazakhstan Karim Mas- policy, small and medium-sized (EEU) between Belarus, Kazakh- The year 2013 was marked as a crisis that is still not overcome in state while impairing the interests simov on May 4 at the opening enterprises and the banking sec- stan and Russia builds on the work breakthrough in Kazakhstan-Rus- North and South Americas, South- of other members of the union. ceremony of the 47th Annual tor. of the Customs Union (CU) and sia relations: the countries signed a East Asia, in the Persian Gulf re- Continued on Page A3 Meeting of the ADB Board of Continued on Page A4 Five Nuclear Weapon One Company’s IT Solutions Generate Positive States Recognise Change, Prosperity and Access to Progress What is your company’s philoso- tivity, we have gained a solid inter- in education were shortlisted in the By Jan Furst phy and function? What makes national reputation, receiving more final stage of the competition – and SIVECO stand out? than 180 recognitions and prizes. they both came from SIVECO! We Central Asia Ranked as one of the ‘50 most We believe our global IT solu- This year we received the ‘Win- received the Golden Medal for the influential women in Romania’ by tions can and should generate posi- ner’ title in the European IT & Soft- ‘Educational process optimized from Forbes Romania magazine, Irina tive change, prosperity and compet- ware Excellence Awards competi- the perspective of knowledge society Socol is the president and CEO itiveness for all our clients, ensuring tion for the “IT system of Electronic competences,’ implemented by the as Nuke-Free Zone of SIVECO Romania, the leader them access to progress. Prescription” project developed Romanian Ministry of Education. And we also won a medal for the ‘De- of the signing states to enter into of the Romanian IT market. She Nowadays, SIVECO develops for the National Health Insurance By Altair Nurbekov effect. founded the company in 1992 and exports software products and velopment of interactive multimedia House in Romania. We are also very educational content for the educa- According to a May 6 press re- and has led it to become one of high value added consultancy pro- proud of the World Summit Award tional system in Kazakhstan’ project. ASTANA – Representatives of lease from the U.S. Department the major European players in e- jects to 27 countries within the Eu- Winner 2013 title, the highest award the five recognised nuclear weap- of State, the CANWFZ Treaty Learning, e-Health, e-Agriculture, ropean Community, Middle East, ever granted to an IT project, for the You seem focused on e-Learn- on states signed the Protocol to complements the NPT and en- e-Customs, e-Government and e- North Africa and the Common- Romanian project which developed ing, why is that? the Central Asian Nuclear-Weap- hances the international nonpro- Business solutions. wealth of Independent States area. interactive multimedia educational on-Free-Zone (CANWFZ) Treaty Indeed, our company’s flagship is liferation regime by prohibiting, She spoke to The Astana Times We are specialised in developing content for children with special AeL, a complete suite of eLearning in New York on May 6, signify- among other things, the devel- about what her company stands for large and complex IT projects, ad- educational needs. ing a major positive development solutions. We are proud to be in the opment and testing of nuclear and why software development is dressing large companies and public In 2013, within the International world’s Top 10 companies provid- in the global nonproliferation ef- weapons within Central Asia. key for any future success for any agencies. Project Management Association ing educational content. forts. Under the CANWFZ Treaty, the company or country. During more than 22 years of ac- competition, only two IT projects Continued on Page A8 Diplomats from China, France, five Central Asian zone states Russia, the United Kingdom and may not allow the stationing of the United States signed the docu- nuclear weapons within their ment on the margins of the Nuclear territories. The Central Asian Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) states are also required to adopt Preparatory Committee Meeting at the International Atomic Energy Celebrating Victory in the World War II the United Nations. Agency (IAEA) Additional pro- The CANWFZ Treaty was tocol, which provides the IAEA signed on September 8, 2006 in with expanded access and au- Means Celebrating Peace Semipalatinsk by the five Central thorities to ensure that all nu- Asian states – Kazakhstan, Kyr- clear activities are used only for gyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan peaceful purposes. and Uzbekistan. It entered into “The United States is not eligi- force on March 21, 2009. ble to be a party to the CANWFZ Since 2012, as chair of the CAN- Treaty itself, but as an NPT nucle- WFZ Treaty, Kazakhstan has led ar weapons state is eligible to join the negotiations with the nuclear the Treaty’s Protocol,” the U.S. “five” on behalf of its Central Department of State said. “The Asian neighbours. The signing of Protocol provides legally-binding the protocol is seen as a significant assurances not to use or threaten to achievement of multilateral diplo- use nuclear weapons against CAN- macy. WFZ Treaty parties. The United For the nuclear-weapon free States understands the importance zone to be recognised interna- of such negative security assur- tionally, it also has to receive the ances to states that have fores- so-called negative guarantees worn nuclear weapons and abide from the five nuclear weapon by their nuclear non-proliferation states, meaning guarantees not obligations.” to use nuclear weapons against There are four other nuclear- the parties to the treaty and not weapons free zones in the world to use the threat of the use of today, other than the one in Cen- nuclear weapons against them. tral Asia, including in Africa, The protocol signed on May 6 Latin America and the Caribbean, in New York provides just such South-East Asia and the South guarantees. The protocol still has Pacific.
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